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Archival description

Contains: Correspondence concerning planning and financing (e.g. creation of an expedition fund) as well as follow-up (e.g. operation of the order award to the patron Hugo von Gahlen, owner of factory and manor); scientific expert's opinion: drawn map of Central Africa; reports on the expedition in the "Tägliche Rundschau" (mainly parts of the travel report "Ins Innerste Afrikas", 1908, written by Adolf Friedrich himself).

Colonial enterprises.

Contains: 1st colony Dona Franziska in Brazil, 1897; 2nd liberation of Carl Neufeld, captured in Sudan, 1898; 3rd offer for sale of files from the time of the foundation of the German Colonial Society by Richard Jakob, 1898-1899; 4th promotion of the German settlement in Palestine (Prince Carl von Urach), 1899; 5th liberation of Carl Neufeld, captured in Sudan, 1898; 4th promotion of the German settlement in Palestine (Prince Carl von Urach), 1899; 5th liberation of Carl Neufeld, captured in Sudan, 1898. South West African Shepherding Society (former Minister of State v. Hofmann), 1901; 6th Railway Construction Project Porto Alegre-Pelotas (Carl Bolle), 1901; 7th Safata Samoa Society, 1903; 8th Evangelical Africa Society, 1903; 9th Fazenda do Baranco Branco in Matto Grosso, Brazil, 1908.

Berichte des Kapitäns R. Rabenhorst als Expeditionsleiter und des Leutnants Schmid aus Lamu an Prof. Eggert in Berlin und seinen Nachfolger als Leiter der Witu-Angelegeheiten E. Arnhold; Differenzen des Leutnants a.D. von Wittich und des Leutnants Schmid mit Kapitän Rabenhorst.

Expedition unter Hauptmann Rabenhorst zur Besitzübernahme im Herbst 1886; Stellung von Waffen durch das preußische Kriegsministerium; Verhandlungen über den Verkauf von Witu an die Britisch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft.

Darin: 1. the limited liability company. A legislative study by Rob. Esser II, Cologne. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, printed as manuscript. Confidential, 1886; 2nd utilization of E. Nagel's contract on land acquisition in Pondoland, South Africa, 1886; 3rd annual report of the South American Colonization Society of Leipzig for 1885, 1886; 4th draft of a law regulating emigration in the German Empire. By A.W. Sellin, o.D.; 5. statutes of the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies; 6. map of Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land and Bismarck-Archipel; 7. circular letter of the Colonial Society.

Auseinandersetzungen mit Denhardt über die Zahlungsmodalitäten; Beurkundung der Landübergabe; Prozeß Denhardts mit seinem Gläubiger P. Recknagel; Vereinigung der Witu-Gesellschaft mit der Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Gesellschaft (Dr. Timotheus Fabri); Prozeß des Denhardt-Gläubigers H.W. Schlurmann, Barmen, gegen die Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft.