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Archival description
Chefsachen Ia: Vol. 2
BArch, RW 34/10 · File · 1941-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Preparations for the "Axis" case (Italy's waste), Aug. 1943 Measures against French officers (proposals by Commander-in-Chief West), June 1943 Dt. Wünsche to France with special consideration of warfare in North Africa (talks between Gen. Vogl and Admiral Darlan on 23 Oct. 1942 in Rabat and between Göring and Gen. Juin - Befehlsh. frz. Truppen/Nordafrika am 22. Dez. 1941) Germany as occupying power in France (letter of Hitler to Marschall Pétain of 10. Nov. 1941 - photocopy of copy), 1941 wishes to France with special consideration of military policy. Situation of the French colonial possessions (excerpt from the list) Records of the conversation between Göring and Marshal Pétain in Florentin-Vergigny on Dec. 1 1941) Preparation of operations against "Rest of France" and the Iberian Peninsula (companies "Attila", "Isabella", "Anton" and "Ilona"), 1942 supply for the German-Italian armed forces in North Africa, 1941-1942 distribution of the Italian army in Italy, on the Balkans and in North Africa (maps 1:3,000,000), as of 13 May, 3 Aug. 1941 Thoughts on Franco-German cooperation in the naval area (memorandum of the Sub-Commission Navy), July 1941 Structure, equipment and instructions for the "Sonderstab F", Sept. 1941 Use of Dakar as submarine base, June 1941 German-French military-political agreements on Syria - Iraq and North Africa (draft protocol of the negotiations in the German embassy in Paris on 21 May 1941), 1941 "The current situation of France" (translation of the French protocol of the meeting between the French president of the French delegation at the armistice), Gen. Doyen, and Chairman of the German Armistice, Gen. v. Stülpnagel on 6 Jan. 1941 German-Italian Cooperation, especially in Military Affairs (Report of the German Liaison Delegation to the Italian Armistice for the Week from 16 Jan. to 23 Jan. 1941), 1941 Economic Exploitation of France (Chief OKW, Field Marshal General Keitel, to the Chief of the Wehrwirtschafts- und Rüstungsamt, General Thomas), Jan. 1941

Coins, medals, tokens
StadtarchivHof, XM · Fonds
Part of Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)
  • Signature of the inventory: XM - Description of the stock: Coins, medals, tokens - Size of the holdings: more than 1,900 numbers - Find aids: Findbuch - Description of the holdings (essential contents with indication of the term): 1. coins 1.1. Germany (c. 1180 - 1950) 1. coins 1. coins 1.1. Germany (c. 1180 - 1950) 1.2. other issuers (around 20 BC - 1948) 2. medals 2.1. court (1817 - 1998) 2.2. other (1530 - 1983) 3. stamps 3.1. court (around 1870 - around 1995) 3.2. other (around 1800 - 2003) title recording: 1. coins: Nominal (value declaration) and issuer - medals: Type of medal - Marks: Issuer 2nd obverse: illustration, inscription 3rd reverse: illustration, inscription 4th edge: inscription 5th origin (gift, loan, artist, mint, place of discovery, part of a coin treasure) 6th comments: Material, shape (if not round), diameter, condition Definition of terms: In the sense of this finding aid are: - Coins: valuable expressions of money, i.e. small objects which are typically redeemable in an area at various locations and for any purpose and which can be stored for an unforeseeable period without losing their value without being lost; in distinction to banknotes and other forms of money, coins are small, often round and made of metals (exceptions: angular coins; coins made of porcelain or paper); in spite of its limited monetary functions (temporal and local limitation of validity), emergency money from the years 1917-1923 is counted here as coins. - Medals: formally coin-like pieces that are primarily honorary or propagandistic in character and have no monetary functions (accumulation, measurement of value, interchangeability). Medals of remembrance: issued for later commemoration of an event taking place at the time of issue (special forms: medals for baptism, Christmas, congratulations, participation), commemorative medals: issued for commemoration of an earlier event or a deceased person, medals of honour (also: Medals of merit): issued to document the honouring of a living person by a public body (similar to an order), mocking medals, joke medals: issued to ridicule an event, a person or an idea, advertising medals: issued by companies or businesses to attract customers. - Brands: fee stamps (also: discount stamps), i.e. valuable, coin-like pieces that can only be redeemed at a single institution or body for a specific purpose; here also: play money etc. The following numbers have not yet been assigned: 2151-2194, from 2199 - Information on the history of the holdings (with references to literature): Collections of the Stadtarchiv and the Museum Bayerisches Vogtland, some received as gifts or loans from private collectors, some taken over by the municipal administration. The city of Hof or its museum (in contrast to some other municipalities, such as in the time of the emergency money 1914-1923) did not carry out a systematic collecting activity. Purchases of coins or medals are not provable with the exception of a coin find from the bird stove in 1966. Some pieces came into the collection in connection with the foundation of the museum, others in return for Hofer emergency money, which the city of Hof sent to other municipalities. The Hof medals of the 1980s and 1990s are evidence because the City Archives provided the artwork and texts for their design, or takeovers from the administration (e.g. in the case of the 1994 State Garden Show, when the City of Hof liquidated the remaining assets). In many cases, the provenance context can no longer be reconstructed. Information on coin finds: The stock contains coins from several coin finds: A coin was found in 1952 in the hospital church in Hof (XM 1803). A coin was found in 1966 on the Drosselsteig 10 property in the Vogelherd district of Hof. The 115 coins were purchased for the municipal museum. However, only parts of it are available in the inventory. The whereabouts of the remaining coins are unknown. Cf. the list attached to the introduction (only in the printed search book). The third find of coins are the coins that were found during the excavations of the former monastery of the Poor Clares in Hof in 1987. The Landesamt für Denkmalpflege in Schloss Seehof (Memmelsdorf near Bamberg) lent them to the museum. It concerns the order numbers 554 and 1807-1809. Further coins are in the act of the city archives yard A 113/181: 3 strongly weathered coins with the writing of the mint C. Balmberger, Nuremberg, of 14.11.1919, 1 strongly weathered coin with the writing of the mint C. Balmberger, Nuremberg, from 6.9.1920, 7 coins on a cardboard strip while writing to the mint L. Chr. Lauer, Nuremberg, from 6.9.1920: 5 Pfennig, district Dieburg, 1918, 10 Pfennig, city Rudolstadt, 1918, 5 Pfennig, district Heppenheim, o. Dat, 10 Pfennig, town Überlingen, 1917, 10 Pfennig, district Heppenheim, 1918, 25 Pfennig, Rupertiwinkel, 1918, 50 Pfennig, district Lauterbach, n. d. Lit.: Allgemeine Geld- und Münzgeschichte/Lexika A. Luschin von Ebengreuth, Allgemeine Münzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit, 2nd ed, Munich/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 50) Ferdinand Friedensburg, Mint Studies and Money History of the Individual States of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, Munich/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 320) Friedrich Freiherr von Schrötter, Dictionary of Mint Studies, Berlin/Leipzig 1930 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 51) Arthur Suhle, German Mint and Money History from the Beginnings to the 15th Century, Berlin/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 51) Helmut Seling, Keysers Kunst- und Antiquitätenbuch, Heidelberg/Munich 1959 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 322/2) Tyll Kroha, Münzen sammeln, Braunschweig 1964 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 330) Helmut Kahnt/Bernd Knorr, Alte Maße, Münzen und Gewichte, Mannheim u.a. 1987 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 949) Dieter Fassbender, Lexikon für Münzsammler, Augsburg 1991 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 1133) Arnd Kluge, Geld und Banken in Hof, in: Hof im Spiegel der Zeit, 2. edition, in German only, Bad Soden-Salmünster 1996, pp. 17-25 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 1311) Gerhard Schön coins, German coin catalogue 18th century, 3rd edition, Munich 2002 (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Paul Arnold and others, Large German coin catalogue from 1800 to today, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Christian Charlet, Monnaies des Rois de France de Louis XIII a Louis XVI 1640-1793, Paris 1996 Jean-Marc Leconte, Le bréviaire de la numismatique francaise moderne 1791-1995, Paris 1995 Günter Schön and others, world coin catalogue. 19th century, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Günter Schön and others, World coin catalogue. 20th century, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Friedrich Freiherr von Schrötter, Brandenburg-Fränkisches Münzwesen, Part II: the coinage of the Hohenzollern Burgraves of Nuremberg and the Margraves of Brandenburg in Franconia 1515-1603, Halle 1929 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 4° A without signature) Kurt Jaeger, Die neueren Münzprägungen der deutschen Staaten vor Einführung der Reichswährung, 5th century, the newer mintings of the German states before the introduction of the imperial currency. Issue: Kingdom of Bavaria 1806-1871 with Grand Duchy of Berg and Würzburg, Basel 1957 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 139) Hans Meyer, Das deutsche Notgeld. Private emergency coins 1915-1923, issue 8, Berlin 1971 (to XM 216) Peter Menzel, Deutsche Notmünzen und sonstige Geldersatzmarken 1840-1990, 2 volumes, Gütersloh 1993 Gerhard Greim, Wipper und Kipper in Hof, in: Kulturwarte, 1969, p. 158f (Münzstätte Hof 1620-22) Hans Seiffert, Münzelend - Inflation - Notgeld, in: Kulturwarte, 1968, p. 178-184 (Tipper and luffing period 1620-23, emergency money 1914-24 in the Hof region) Heinz Henschel, When Münchberg spent city emergency money, in: Kulturwarte, 1968, S. 187-192 (Münchberger Notgeld 1917-1924) Maximilian Ritz, series on emergency money 1917-1924 in Hof and surroundings, in: Kulturwarte: Offizielle Notmünzen der Stadt Hof, 1971, p. 251-253 Das Hofer Papiernotgeld, 1972, p. 32-34 Das Hofer Notgeld - Die Großgelddscheine, 1972, p. 141-143 Papiernotgeld 1922: Hof ist besser als seiner Ruf, 1972, p. 204-205 Hofer Inflationsscheine (1. Teil): "Jeder ist nun Millionär", 1974, p. 145-146 Hofer Inflationsscheine mit Überdruck (2. Teil): Ein Dollar für ein Billion Papiermark, 1975, p. 16-17 Hans Hofner, Die Münzenfunde im Stadt- und Landkreis Hof, in: Kulturwarte, 1959/60, p. 83-87 Stadtarchiv Hof, A 113/134, 113/181, 113/221 (Hofer Notgeld 1916-1923) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 4390 (Coin finds in Hof 1952-1978) Medals Dieter Fischer/Hermann Maué, The Medals of the Hohenzollern in Franconia (Scientific supplements to the Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 15), Nuremberg 2000 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 4° A, without no.) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 202 (Award of the Medal of Merit of the Bavarian Federation of Industrialists 1906-1935 to 25 year and 40 year service anniversaries in Bavarian industrial enterprises; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 25, 189, 191 (Award of the Wilhelm I.-Commemorative medal to holder of the war commemorative coin of 1870/71, 1898-1919; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 147 (Celebrating the 100th birthday of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.., 1896-1897; to XM 1923-1925) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 200 (Award of the Red Cross Medal, 1898-1920; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 134 (Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the birth of the Red Cross) Birthday of the prince regent Luitpold, 1900-1901; to XM 787)Stadtarchiv Hof, A 202/26 (precious metal traffic, 1914-1922; to XM 782, 790, 814) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 176 (offers of medals, guide busts etc.), 1927-1944; to XM 792) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 4391 (Hof commemorative medals 1981-1992) - legal circumstances (loan contract, blocking periods): property of the Stadtarchiv Hof. - Author of the collection (with details of the period of processing): Dr. Arnd Kluge, December 1998 - February 2001, January - September 2003 (first entry)
BArch, R 2/11576 · File · 1937-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Salaries of Employees of the German Cultural Institute in Paris in Comparison with Salaries of Employees of the Wehrmacht - Letter of 28 Apr. 1942 from the Reich Minister of Finance to the Foreign Office