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NL Seckel - Seckel, Emil

Preface: Biographical information about the descendant Emil Seckel was published on 10.1.1864 in Neuenheim-Heidelberg as son of the pharmacist Dr. phil. Georg Seckel was born. The Seckel family owned the Löwenapotheke in Stuttgart. There Emil Seckel attended the Eberhard-Ludwigs-Gymnasium. From 1882 to 1886 Seckel devoted himself to the study of law in Leipzig (among others with Hellwig) and Tübingen. After completing his studies in 1887, he began working as a trainee lawyer at the Stuttgart-Stadt district court. In 1889 he went to Tübingen as a private scholar and in the following years travelled through the libraries and archives of Germany, France and above all Italy. On 21.2.1895 he received a doctorate in law in Tübingen for his work "Zu den Akten der Triburer Synode 895" without having passed a doctoral examination in the true sense. Shortly afterwards, on 17.7.1895, he habilitated as a private lecturer in Berlin, which became his second home. At the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin he was appointed extraordinary professor for Roman law on 13.6.1898 and ordinary professor for Roman law on 24.11.1901. From 1905 to 1906 he was Dean of the Faculty of Law. Seckel's work at Berlin University was crowned by his activity as rector in 1920/21. In 1912 Seckel became a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences at Heinrich Brunner's suggestion. In addition, in 1915 he became head of the Leges of the Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Since 1916 he was also co-editor of the journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History. Seckel's scientific development was strongly influenced by the Tübingen law faculty, especially by G. Hartmann, H. Degenkolb and G. Mandry. His unprinted beginner's work "The foundation's foundation, especially among the living, according to Roman-Justinian law, as well as according to the teaching of glossators and postglossators up to the 16th century" led him to the field of science that was decisive for him, legal-historical research. Here he made a considerable contribution to the restoration of classical Roman law and to research into the further development of post-Justinian vulgar law in the Middle Ages. He also contributed significantly to the study of the history of the origin of canon law from Roman and Germanic roots. Seckel's great knowledge of the legal manuscripts of the Middle Ages deserves special mention. Thus, the edition of unknown or previously incorrectly edited legal-historical sources occupied a large space in his work. However, Seckel always saw his studies on the history of law from the point of view of improving the understanding of current law. On the occasion of the centenary of Berlin University, Seckel was awarded the title of Red Eagle Order IV in 1910. Class awarded. On the occasion of his 60th birthday, he also received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Philosophy at Königsberg University. From his marriage with Paula Hinschius, daughter of the church law teacher Paul Hinschius, which was closed on 10.5.1898 in Berlin, three children emerged: Irmgard, Helmut and Dietrich. Emil Seckel died after a long illness on 26.4.1924 in the sanatorium Wehrawald near Todtmoos in the Black Forest. Publications The establishment of the foundation, in particular also among the living, according to Roman-Justinian law, as well as according to the teaching of glossators and postglossators, Preisschrift, Tübingen 1886 (handwritten) Contributions to the history of both rights in the Middle Ages. Vol.1 On the History of Popular Literature under Roman-Canonical Law, Tübingen 1898 Gai institutionum commenrii quattuor, separatum ex Juresprudentiae Anteiustinianae reliquis a Ph. Eduardo Huschke composites ediderunt E. Seckel et B. Kuebler, Leipzig 1903, 1906, 1908 History of Roman legal sources (supplement to lectures), 1904 Heimann's Handlexikon zu den Quellen des römischen Rechts (9th edition, newly edited), Jena 1907 Juresprudentiae Anteiustinianae reliquias in usum maxime academicum compusitus a Ph. Eduardo Huschke editione sexta aucta et emendata ediderunt E. Seckel et B. Kuebler, Leipzig vol.1 1908, vol.2 1911 Commemorative speech on Konrad Hellwig, 1913 Roman law and its science in the course of the centuries (speech at the beginning as rector), Berlin 1921 Paläographie der juristischen Handschriften des 12. bis 15. und der juristischen Drucke des 15. und 16. Die Summa Vindocinensis, Berlin 1939 (aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Erich Genzmer) Essays On the Files of the Tribur Synod 895, 1st treatise, in: Neues Archiv der Gesellschaft für ältere deutsche Geschichtskunde, 18.Bd. 1893 2 Abhandlungen in: New Archive, Vol. 20, 1895 Dr. Gustav Hartmann (obituary) in: Schwäbischer Merkur, Stuttgart 1894, No.273 Glosses for the Lex Dei from Cod. Just, Collectio Dacheriana, Benedictus Levita and Pseudo Isidor, in: Journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History, Rome. Dept., 20 Vol. 1899 Paul Hinschius, in: Deutsche Juristenzeitung, Vol. 4, 1899 Studies on Benedictus Levita, in: Neues Archiv I 26.Bd. 1901 II-V 29.Bd. 1904 VI 31.Bd. 1906 VII, Part I 34.Bd. 1909 VII, Part II 35.Bd. 1910 VII, Final Part III 35.Bd. 1910 VIII, Part I 39.Bd. 1914 VIII, part II 40.vol. 1916 VIII, part III 41.vol. 1917 The reorganization of the legal training course in Prussia, in: Deutsche Juristenzeitung, 7.Jg. 1902 The oldest canones of Rouen, gift for Karl Zeumer on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of his death.Birthday, 1910 Source finds on Lombard feudal law, in particular on the Extraroganten collections, in: Festgabe der Berliner Juristischen Fakultät für von Gierke, 1.Bd. 1910 Distinctiones Glossatorum, in: Festschrift der Berliner Juristischen Fakultät für Ferdinand von Martitz, 1911 inaugural speech at the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences, in: Sitzungsberichte 1912, II Über den Gnomen des Idios Nogos, in: Sitzungsberichte, 1913, II Benedictus Levita decurtatus et excerptus, in: Festschrift für H. Brunner on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his doctorate on 8.4.1914 On three lost emperor laws from the Staufer period, in: Sitzungsberichte 1915, I Heinrich Brunner (obituary), in: Neues Archiv, 40.vol. 1916 The Files of the Worms Synod 868, in: Meeting Reports 1920 About the Carthaginian Inscription CIL 25045 - A Monument to Montanism under Canon Law, in: Meeting Reports 1921, I The Aachen Synod of January 819, in: Neues Archiv, 44.Vol. 1922 The 1st time of Pseudoisidor, the Hadriana review "In nomine domine incipit praefatio libri huius" and the history of invocations in legal sources, in: Sitzungsberichte 1922 Various articles in Hauck's Realenzyklopädie Editor Texts on the history of Roman and canonical law in the Middle Ages Evidence of further publications Seckels in: Abraham, Paul: Emil Seckel, an organic bibliography, 1924 Information about the person of Emil Seckel 1st Archival sources: Archive of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Stock University Curator, Personalia vor 1945, S 41 Stock Faculty of Law, Dean's Office vor 1945, current no. 16 (pp.199R), 16/1 (pp.6R, 17, 66), 64, 145, 494 (pp.105, 130-131, 136, 142-143, 252-256, 258), 495 (pp.10-11, 55-57, 66, 172-174), 497 (pp.64-74) 2nd library sources: Words at the grave of K. Holl, G. Roethe, V. Bruns, E. Heymann, 1924 Bruns, Victor: Emil Seckel in memory, in: Berliner Hochschul-Nachrichten 1924, 11th semester, 1.issue Feder, Ernst: Emil Seckel , in: Berliner Tageblatt, 53.Jg. Nr.207 Genzmer, Erich: Zum Todde Emil Seckels, in: Königsberger Allgemeine Zeitung, 1924 Nr.212 Heymann, Ernst: Emil Seckel , in: Deutsche Juristenzeitung, 29th year, 1924, Issue 11-12 Heymann, Ernst: Gedächtnisrede auf Emil Seckel, in: Sitzungsberichte 1924 Kipp, Theodor: Emil Seckel , in: Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Rome. Abt., 44.Bd., 1924 Krammer, Mario: Emil Seckel, in: Vossische Zeitung, 1922 No.528 Krammer, Mario: Emil Seckel , in: Das Recht, Rundschau für den deutschen Juristenstand, 28.Jg. 1924, No.9 Menasse, Rudolf: Emil Seckel, ein Nachruf, in: Frankfurter Zeitung, 68.Jg., 1924 No.374 Menasse, Rudolf: Der Geist der Wissenschaft, in memoriam Emil Seckel, in: Zentralblatt für juristische Praxis, Vienna, 1924 42nd ed. Roces, W.: Emilio Seckel Revista de derecho privato, 11th volume No.130/131 Roethe, Gustav: Rede bei Übergabe des Rektorats der Universität Berlin, Berlin 1924 Emil Seckel, Professor of Law, died 26.4.1924 (A Collection of Obituaries and Memorial Speeches on the occasion of his Death), Berlin 1926 (with picture) The Faculty of Law of the University of Berlin from its Founding to the Present, ed. by O. Liebmann, Berlin 1910 (with picture) Abraham, Paul: Emil Seckel, eine Bio-Bibliographie, Berlin 1924 Genzmer, Erich: Gedächtnisschrift für Emil Seckel, Berlin 1927 Inventory history The estate of Emil Seckel was among the files of the collection Faculty of Law, Dean's Office before 1945, and was segregated. A registry order of the estate was not recognizable. The estate was processed according to the principles of order and registration of the archives of the GDR and the order was carried out according to factual aspects. A revision took place in 2009. Ilona Kalb Structure 1st Correspondence (A-Z) 2nd Proposals for the Reorganisation of Legal Education in Prussia 3rd Legal Provisions for Law Studies 4th Publications Books and Brochures Newspapers and Magazines Newspaper Articles