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Archival description
RMG 1.602 · File · 1874-1893, (1930)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Mission colonist, catechist, from 1883 missionary in Otjimbingue, Otjozondjupa, Scheppmannsdorf, Walvis Bay, Okombahe, letters from 1866-1872 s. RMG 2.573; Letters and Reports, 1874-1887; Letter from Mrs. Maria Baumann, née Kleinschmidt, 1892-1893; Registered cover by Christian Baumann (son) from Hamburg, 1930;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.083 · File · 1905-1935
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Submissions, Applications, Circulars; Correspondence mainly for the establishment of e. Chair f. Islamic Studies and Missionary Lectureship Bethel; F. v. Bodelschwingh: The Free Theological School of Bethel b. Bielefeld, 8 p., Dr., 1905; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Epilogue, 13 p., Dr., 1905; The Theol. school in Bethel, Prospekt m. Abb, Dr., ca. 1910; F. v. Bodelschwingh: Die tiefere Einwurzelung d. Mission in die Kirche, pamphlet, 4 p.., Dr. 1905; Statutes of the Association for Foundation and Entertainment e. Practical Theological School in Bethel, 4 p., Dr., 1906; RMG: Our Relations with the Theolog. School in Bethel and the East African Mission, 3 p., Dr., 1912

Rhenish Missionary Society

Information about German hospital in Zanzibar and on the mainland; correspondence with Wichern and Baron von Nettelbladt; reports from Nettelbladts to EMDOA about hospitals in Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Bagamojo; correspondence with the Foreign Office and field ministers for caretakers

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence; Statute of the Missionary Literary Publishers Community, 1929; Report on the state of cooperation between government and mission, concerning hygienic matters (in Usambara), Dr. Samuel Müller, 1929; "Church and people in the mission experience of the present, by Dr. W. Freytag, about 1935; "African Christians take responsibility for the young communities of M. Weber, 1941; "Educational work in an African missionary hospital of M. Weber, 1941; Essays by African writers (translations into German), 1942-1943; correspondence on financial and insurance issues, burden sharing, etc.; proposals for a joint photographic work by the German Mission Societies by F. Harre, 1950; statement on "Rheinfeldener Bericht vom W. Freytag, 1946; "Theology, Christ and the Missionary Obligation" by John A. Mackay, 8 pp, Druck, 1951; "The Calling of the Church to Mission and to Unity 5 S., Druck, 1951; "The Challenge of Cummunism by Charles Malik, 4 S., Druck, 1951; "Financing mission work from church funds? 6 S., ms., N. N., about 1957

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 770 · File · 1822-1937
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence on cooperation in the mission fields and in the field Home; message from the foundation of the e. Missions-Verein in Hamburg, 1822; request of the RMG for materials for the clothing of the inhabitants of Wupperthal, South Africa, at the same time report about the beginnings of the activity of the first missionaries, 1830; letters accompanying gifts, request for information about aspirants sent to Barmen, request for writings, 1832-1935; Fr. Mallet u. G. G. Treviranus invite to the annual celebration, 1834; Mrs. Mallet sends monetary donation, 1835; Announcement to work as an independent missionary society in the future, 1835; Printed protocol of the foundation of the Nordt. Miss.., 1836; Correspondence with the seminarian Kempe from Hamburg, 1838; Anzeige von der Aussendung eigener Missionare, 1842; Perthes (Hamburg) offers to mediate the purchase of the Luth. church newspaper in Pittsburg/USA in exchange for the Barmer Missionsblatt, 1843; P. Ludwig Müller, Bremen, recommends Gemeiner (as archivist) u. advised against Menken, 1845; Vistiationsbericht, Protokoll e. Lehrer- u. einer Ältesten-Konferenz bei Amedzowe/Togo, by Insp. Schreiber, 1902; Hausordnung f. d. Missionsheim "Tanne" in Hamburg, Rauhes Haus, 1911; Monatsblatt d. Norddt. Mission with reports about Amedzofe/Togo, 1934 1935; picture postcard with 4 portraits to the centenary, 1936

Rhenish Missionary Society