Showing 101 results

Archival description
RMG 3.311 · File · 1888, 1927-1931, 1966
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, Sociale Verhältnisse d. Ovaherero, Dr., 1888; Heinrich Vedder, Maharero and his time in the light of the documents of his estate, Dr., 1929-1931; Missionary August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, Götter- u. Geistergfaube d. Herero, Dr., 1927; Report about the "Maharero-Dag" in Okahandja (hectograph.), 1966; 1 Otjiherero grammar, ms..;

Rhenish Missionary Society

Correspondence between inspectors Ronicke u. Kittelvitz u. Sister Magdalena Hagena, mostly thank-you letters for donations, often expressed in the form of poems, 1922-1944; membership card of the Sarepta-Afrikabund, 1933; obituary for sister Magdalene Hagena, 1944; estate of sister Magdalena Hagena circulars to the members of the Afrikabund, partly printed with photos of the first baptized Tutsi, 1925-1941; letters of African Christians, u.a. by Hermann Kanafunzi, Jakobo Ngombe, Samuel Stepke, Sospater Boko, Johana Kikkule, Heilgehilfe Paulo, Elisabeth Nyaboro and many more with a photo by Sospater Boko, 1929-1938; letters from missionary sisters and missionaries from Africa, 1925-1937; letters from the Missionaries Gleiß, von der Heyden, Hosbach and Johanssen, 1924-1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Curriculum Vitae and copies of testimonies, 1939; Vow of Deputation and Tropical Certificate, 1939; Curriculum Vitae and Tropical Certificate for Anna Epple (his bride), 1939; Correspondence with Albert Heinzelmann, 1938-1941; Message of Heinzelmann's death in Russia, 1941; Correspondence with Hanna Heinzelmann, née Epple, 1941-1954; Marriage Notice Hanna Heinzelmann with Heinrich Lampmann, 1952

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.642 a-b · File · 1892, 1898-1906, 1912-1961:; 1964-1976
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1906 in Berseba, Rietmond, Ghochas, Gibeon, Haruchas bei Ghochas, from 1905 Farmer, cf. RMG 1.341 for estate; curriculum vitae and application documents, 1892; letters and reports, 1898-1905; copy of e. letter from Hendrik Witbooi to the captains of Berseba and Bethanien, 1904; Report on the rescue of his wife and children, who had been abducted to Gramus, 8 p..., hs., Oct. 1904; Report by Mrs. Ida Berger, née Bergmann, related Albath about her experiences during the outbreak of the Hottentot uprising in Gochas and on the trip to Gramus, 32 p., hs., 1904; Proclamation of the Lieutenants General von Trotha an d. Hottentotten, in German, Dutch and Nama, Apr. 1905; Memorandum: "Entwicklung d. Unruhen im Gochaser Gebiet", 1904; Detailed report on Carl Berger's experiences during the 1904 uprising in the Gochaser Gebiet, 15 p., hs, June 1905; Nachtragsbericht über d. Folgen d. Aufstandes, Aug. 1905; Ehrenerklärung d. Oberleutnants Stuhlmann für Carl Berger, Nov. 1905; declaration of resignation and justification for this by Carl Berger, June 1906; correspondence with Carl Berger, 1912-1961; correspondence with Mrs. Margarete Berger, née Ruymann, widow Carl Bergers

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.702 · File · 1913-1921, 1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missions-Farmer, 1914-1919 in Omaruru; Application and Testimonies, 1913; Instruction, 1913; Missionary Adolf Blecher and Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres about Adolf Ludwig Schick, 1913; Correspondence, 1913-1921; Correspondence about the heroic death of his son Gottfried, 1950;

Rhenish Missionary Society
M 66 · File · 1893; 1897-1898
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

A letter from Winkelmann from Zanzibar, 1893; Minutes of the General Assembly and Board meetings, 1897-1898; Minutes of the Mission Conferences in Dar-es-Salaam, 1897-1898; Chronicles of Hohenfriedeberg and Bethel, 1897-1898; Copies of letters from missionaries in East Africa

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Curriculum vitae, transcripts of testimonies, contract of service, 1896; letter of the local Christian Ibrahim Kerefu, 1900; confidential correspondence about Roehl's marriage affairs, 1903-1911; description of the rapes of the Evangelical Mission Societies for German East Africa by our enemies, list of damages for the years 1914-1916, died in addition. by Karl Roehl, 1920; "Eine Deutsche Evangelische Tat für Ostafrika, Werbedruck-schrift für das Suaheli-Neue Testament Roehls, 1930; Vertrag der Leipziger-, Berliner-, u. Bethel-Mission mit Karl Roehl wegen literarischem Sonderauftrag in Tansania, 1930; Johannes Raum "Um das Roehl´sche New Testament, Referat, 1931; Report on discussion with Mr. Tyndale-Biscoe, Director of Education in Dar-es-Salaam, 1932; Protocol of the Fourth General Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, June 1933; Memorandum concerning the "Reichskirche u. Mission by Karl Roehl, November 1933; Report to the Church Foreign Office "On my work in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Memorandum on the printing of Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1935; Introduction to Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1937; Four issues of "Mapenzi ya Mungu, April to June 1937; Illustrations for the Swahili Bible, 1937; "Unser Prophet ist heilig u. a saint, translated by Karl Roehl from "Mapenzi ya Mungu, 1938; "The Story of Businsa from "Ufalme wa Mungu (In English: God's Kingdom) No.4, 1939; "Report on my 70th birthday of Karl Roehl, July 1940; obituary of Emmy Roehl, 1948; obituary of Karl Roehl, 1951

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Eduard Kriele (1858-1937)
RMG 444 · File · 1897-1958
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1882-1884,1889-1903 Teacher at the Missionary Seminary, 1903-1923 2nd Inspector, 1923-1926 Director; Letters to Schreiber, 1897-1900; Letters to Haussleiter, 1906; Letters to Spiecker, 1908-1912; Messages to the Friends of the Fallen Son Walter, 1915; Vocation Certificate to the Director, 1924; Application for Retirement, 1926; Proposals for the Redesign of d. Dezernate, 1927; Vedder/Okahandja to Kriele, 1927; Pönnighaus/Windhuk to Kriele, 1927; Linden/Tungkun to Kriele, 1927; To J. Warneck, 1930; Correspondence of the Directorate with him, 1927-1937; Obituary, 1937; Correspondence with the Family, 1937-1958; Mitteilungen d. Rhein. Association for Medical Mission, 1959: enth. Appreciation E. Krieles and Dr. J. Winklers

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.159 · File · 1897-1953
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1 Curriculum vitae (3 versions) and certificates, 1898-1901; letters to Inspector Spiecker concerning application and admission to the mission seminar, 1897-1901; health certificate, also for Bride Emma Klingelhöller, 1907 and 1913; letters and reports from New Guinea, 1907-1926; conference sermon on John 8:12, 1911; model of a school contract for registered missionaries, 1897-1901; letter of recommendation to Inspector Spiecker. Pupil, Dr., 1914; "Kali ra!" (For All!), No. 1, 1 sheet, Dr., 1914; Referat "Neuregelung in Bezug auf Wiederbesetzung der Astrolabe-Bai", 1922; Correspondence with Georg Eiffert in der Heimat, 1926-1929; Letters and Reports, as well as Circulars from New Guinea, 1929-1934; Correspondence with Emma Eiffert, 1930-1931; "Faita-Chronik", 1930-1934; Vol. 2; Correspondence with Georg Eiffert in Heimatarbeit, 1935-1953; Versorgungsangelegenheiten, 1935-1953; Obituary for daughter Maria Eiffert, 1946; Obituary and death certificate for Georg Eiffert, 1953

Rhenish Missionary Society
Erich Leistner (1893-1975)

Curriculum vitae, health certificates, vows of secondment, 1936; farewell sermon by Erich Leistner in Leipzig, 1936; letters from teacher Hirsch in Mlalo, 1936; work reports, letters of friendship, correspondence, 1936-1939; contract between the Bethel-Mission u. of the Protestant Church in Tanga, 1936; "Volksmission im Lande des Night-Porter, by Erich Leistner, 1938; "Soldaten enliven eine Gemeinde von Erich Leistner, 1938; Agreement between the Bethel-Mission u. Kontraktor Kirschinger, 1938; Conference of Shepherds and Elders of Shambalei and Digolandes, 1938; Overview of school work in Usambara-Bergland, 1938; correspondence because of Leistner's leave of absence with the LKA Dresden, old-age pensions, etc. Kindergeld, 1936-1946; Correspondence with the Leistner family during internment, 1940-1947; Correspondence concerning entry into the Berlin Mission Society, 1947; Correspondence with the Leistner couple during their work in Cape Town: Protokolle, Berichte, Aufsätze, 1947-1975; Geburtsurkunden von Ehepaar Leistner, 1950; "Zu den Füßen des Tafelbergs von Erich Leistner, 1950; "Aus dem Leben der braunen Gemeinden in u. around Cape Town by Erich Leistner, 1953; conference report of the Protestant Academy at the Cape, 1955; curriculum vitae and speech at the funeral of Erich Leistner, 1975

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Memories of Missionary Johanssen von Walther Trittelvitz in the news of the Bethel Mission, 1934; "In Service as Court Preacher by Ernst Johanssen, 1935; Life Picture of Ernst Johanssen by Gerhard Jasper in "Licht u. Leben, 1937; "Der Beitrag der Bethel-Mission zur missionarischen Verkünigung (Doctor Ernst Johanssen) by Gerhard Jasper, 1936; "Die missionarische Art von Missionar Pastor Doktor Ernst Johanssen von Gerhard Jasper im Missions-Jahrbuch 1936; "Missionar Doktor Johanssen, der Witge - Ein Vortrag von Gerhard Jasper, Konzept u. Quellentexte, o.J.

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Letters from Sister Lina Dieckmann, 1895-1896; letters from deacon G. Liebusch. 1896-1900; Letters from deacon Wilhelm Bokermann and his wife Marie, née Lohoff, 1896-1900; Letters from deacon Friedrich Gerdes, 1897-1899; Letters from missionaries Cleve, Gleiß and Langheinrich, 1896-1898

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 1.102 · File · 1890-1929
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Protocols and correspondence on issues such as:; customs privileges; education; arbitrariness of colonial officials; whereabouts of mission property after World War I; internment and exchange of prisoners of war; overview of activities, assets and members of the mission in Southwest Africa and New Guinea, 1904; official stenographer. Report on speeches on the dissolution of the Reichstag and colonial politics, 47 p., Dr., 1907; Die deutsche Flagge im Stille Ozean, 25 p. m. Map, Dr., 1915

Rhenish Missionary Society
Fenchel, Tobias (1849-1910)
RMG 1.617 a-f · File · 1876-1911
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1877-1910 in Keetmanshoop, s.a. RMG 1.420 for a life picture; letters, station reports, conference and travel reports, 1876-1910; life sketch d. Chief Fredrik Willem, Tseib/Keetmanshoop; The beginnings of the mission in Greater Namaqualand and the first martyrs in it, 12 p., hs, 1885; Versuch e. Hausordnung d. Evangelistenschule zu Keetmanshoop, 1888; draft e. Programme for admission to the Evangelist School, 1888; Festvereinicht über d. Kirchweihe zu Keetmanshoop, with 2 drawings, views of the New Church and the Mission House, 1895; Briefe d. Evangelists Paulus Platje: Request for Tobias Fenchel to return, 1896/1897; Letters of the Evangelists Paulus Platje: In the Name of the Suffering People of Velschoendrager, 1899; Letters of the Evangelist Paulus Platje: Report about the work in Khoes, 1899; Report about the e. school examination in Keetmanshoop, 1898; Letter of Captain Hans Henrick with the urgent request for e. missionary for the Velschoendrager in Khoes, 1899; Meta Holzapfel, née Brill to Mrs. Anna Fenchel, née. Bröder: Description of the murder of Ludwig Holzapfel, 1904; letter of appreciation from the governor for school in Keetmanshoop, 1905; Proclamation from General von Trotha to the rebellious Namas tribes, 1905; My thoughts concerning the establishment of industrial schools under the Hottentots after the war, 12 p..., hs., 1906; Major Maerker and Lieutenant Colonel von Estorff to Tobias Fenchel, 1907; obituaries for Tobias Fenchel, 1910/1911;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Franz Gleiss (1868-1939)
M 218 Bd. 8 · File · 1937-1944
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Yose Schemahonge as shepherd in Bungu, 1937; Über biblische Grundbegriffe in der Schambala-Sprache, 1937; On the publication of the new hymnal in the Shambala language, 1937; Die Sprache der Schambala u. Suaheli ethymologisch gesehen, 1938; Correspondence with Magdalene Gleiss (wife), 1939-1944; Allgemeine Korrespondenz, Berichte u. Geschichten, 1935-1944

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.631 a-b · File · 1928-1956
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of conferences in Windhoek, 1928, 1935 1938; Minutes of conferences in Okahandja, 1937 1955; Minutes of conferences in Swakopmund, 1930 1947-1956; Minutes of board meetings of Rhenish missionaries, 1931-1932; Answers to questionnaire d. Mission Conference in Madras, 1938; visitation report by Inspector Gustav Menzel, 1950; reply by the deputation or mission leader; presentations, circulars, memoranda, resolutions etc.; Is ecclesiastical independence in South West Africa possible? Lecture, Siegfried Groth, 1956

Rhenish Missionary Society
M 535 · File · ca. 1910-1914
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Model service contracts, age and survivors' regulations and conditions of admission for missionary service; Station Regulations, 1912; Library Regulations, 1914; Business Instruction(s) for Praeses and District Officers; Provisions on travel, travel expenses, furniture, equipment and correspondence; Draft "Regulations on the External Position of Mission Workers, 1911; Founding of the Mission Trading Society and Thoughts on its Management, 1910

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.500 a · File · 1897-1944
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Remote stations: Rietmond, Kub, Hoachanas since 1922, Farm Gibeon s. RMG 2.546, repair of the church in Gibeon s. RMG 3.299, station Hoachanas s. a. RMG 2.504, RMG 3.300 and RMG 2,526 a, Farm Hoachanas s. RMG 2,549, Station Ghochas s. a. RMG 2,502, Station Rietmond s. a. RMG 2,534; Station and quarterly reports, letters to d. Deputation, by Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1903-1944; visitation reports, drawing and photo by Gibeon, 1903, 1906 1913; report by Missionary Osswald, Norddeutsche Mission, on the fate of the. Witboois in Lome, 1905; population statistics in the district of Maltahöhe, 1911; accounts of construction costs for mission house and church; Siebold, Bielefeld, about the behaviour of the Englishman in Gibeon, 1915; request by the white resident to dismiss Missionary Friedrich W. Schröder, 1897;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Gorth, Matthew (1823-1853)
RMG 1.586 · File · 1848-1853, 1918
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1852-1853 in Bethanien, Otjikango; letters and diaries from missionary holidays, 1848-1850; letters and diaries from Africa, also from Emmy Haupt (1854 married to Georg Zimmer), Gorth's bride, d. did not find him alive anymore, 1851-1853; transcript from "Hessische Biographien": "Gorth, Matthäus, Missionar, 1823-1853", edited by Hermann Haupt, Darmstadt, 1918; photocopy of the obituary for Matthäus Gorth in the reports of the RMG;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Grootfontein (with Otavi)
RMG 2.503 a · File · 1910-1946
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Outstation: Guichab-Asis; Outstation of Bethanien s. RMG 2.498 a-c; Farm Grootfontein s. RMG 2.548; RMG to South-West-Africa-Company, London, because of permission to build e. Missionsstation u. e. Brunnens, 1910; annual and conference reports, by missionary Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Pardey and Karl Schmitz, 1910-1945; map sketches of trips to the surrounding farms, by Heinrich Wilhelm Friedrich Pardey, 1911; visitation report, 1912; annual reports on sisters' work, by Christa Hilmer and Luise (Liesel) Hohl, 1925-1946

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.601 a-c · File · 1865-1913, (1962)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1865-1907 in de Tuin, Rehoboth; letters and reports also by Mrs. Ida Heidmann, née Eick, from de Tuin and Rehoboth, 1865-1904; station, annual and cash reports from Rehoboth, 1870-1904; copies of letters of captains Hermannus van Wyk, Kamaharero and Hendrik Witbooi, 1880-1893; copy e. friendship contract between d. German Reich and the Bastards of Rehoboth, 1885; copies of debt contracts between German trading companies and Rehobothers, assignment of farmland, 1899; obituary e. community e. community elders of Rehoboth for Johann Christian Friedrich Heidmann, 1913; correspondence with Heidmann's e. nephew in Hanover, 1962

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 482 · File · 1915-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Inspector 1928-1934; Curriculum Vitae, 1915; Correspondence about admission to missionary seminary, 1917-1920; Vocation Certificate, 1928; Medical Certificate, 1932; Zur Besitzfrage der Rheinischen Mission in Afrika, 1932; Correspondence, 1928-1931; Erlebnisse unserer Missionare in Südafrika im Weltkrieg 1914-1918, 10 p.., ms, 1942; Correspondence, 1937-1957; Copy of will, 1959; Correspondence with wife Cornelia wg. foundation e. larger sum for construction e. recreation home in Swakopmund, 1962-1967

Rhenish Missionary Society
Herbert Moebius (1906-1974)

Correspondence, 1933-1965; Instruction and personnel questionnaire, 1936; Medical report for Käte Hamann, teacher in Lwandai, 1937; Report on "Medical Missionary Council in Dar-es-Salaam, July 1938; Annual reports of the Mission Hospital in Bumbuli, 1938-1939; "Die Aussätzigen in der Bethel-Mission, 1939; Letters from the internment camps Andalusia and Salisbury, 1940-1947

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Hermann Personn (1889-1960)
M 237 Bd. 3 · File · 1936-1938
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

"Light in Darkness", How the Gospel came to the Kwafi, 16 p. Druck, 1937; Stoffplan für den Baufunterricht, 1937; Correspondence, circulars to local shepherds and teachers, reports of meetings with local pastors, 1936-1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.697 e · File · 1906
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker's confidential meeting with Governor von Linde-quist, Windhoek, May 1906; travel plan, pp. 377, 1906; overview of distances and travel times with the ox wagon from Okaputa to Gaub and back. Outjo to Olukonda (Finnish Mission), pp. 323, 1906; Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker's reply letters to him from missionaries, pastors and friends, 1906; conference reports, 1906

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 354 · File · 1901-1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Teacher 1898-1901, 1901-1904 Priest in Dhünn, 1905-1934 Superintendent in Essen, 1934-1946 Africa-Dezernent; testimony about teaching in the missionary seminar, 1901; private correspondence, 1917-1948; letter by J. Olpp from Swakopmund, 1935; correspondence with Dr. Albert Schweitzer, 1928-1933; What the church owes and owes to the Outer Mission, o.J.; death announcement "29.10.1950; Akten der Waldthausen-Stiftung, Essen, 1927-1930; Akten der Druckerei Gemeinwohl, Essen, 1935; Construction drawings of the houses Uhlandstr. 4 and Dreilindenstr. 71, Essen, 1908;[Questions of the local mission organization, lecture, 1929 see RMG 625].

Rhenish Missionary Society