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Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, D 6 B Böddeken · Fonds · 1804-1974
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: Until the beginning of the 18th century there were no special forestry offices in Paderborn, neither in the court chamber nor in the individual offices. The forest administration was also carried out by the office pension masters. In 1705 a chief forester was appointed as "wood inspector" for the sovereign forests and it was only in the middle of the 18th century that the local forestry gained a certain independence. The forest administration was now transferred to the official authorities and their subordinates, the forest rangers and forest keepers. In the later Oberförsterei Böddeken existed the service farms Telegraf, Neuböddeken, Gellinghausen and Sprengelborn. As part of the reorganization of the forestry administration in 1817, the Prussian administration set up forest inspections staffed by forest masters as subordinate authorities to the government. Subordinated to these were the chief forest rangers, to whom several protective districts administered by sub forest rangers were subordinated. Until 1803 the areas of the present Böddeken Forestry Office were owned by the Böddeken Monastery and the Paderborn Cathedral Chapter. Area changes were caused by separations and separations, in particular by the Wewelsburg separation. After the first survey and division of the forest district had taken place in 1833/34, the first estimate and the first plant were completed in 1856 after various attempts. The Oberförsterei Böddeken was at that time subject to the Paderborn Forest Inspectorate. Already in 1833 the Sprengelborn forestery, formerly belonging to the Oberförsterei, had been sold. Since 1861, however, it has served as a sub-forestry farm for Eggeringhausen. In 1882 the area of Böddeken consisted of the following protectorates: Telegraf, Altböddeken, Wewelsburg, Neuböddeken, Atteln, Eggeringhausen and Gellinghausen. Around 1900 Atteln was ceded to the new Oberförsterei Dalheim. Parts of Neuböddeken were used to form the Henglarn protectorate, while the remainder continued to exist as the Neuböddeken hunting ground or lower forestery. According to an assessment work of the Oberförsterei (D 6 B Böddeken No. 61), which was established in 1900, the forest district at that time consisted of the forest locations Telegraph, Blindeborn, Kluss, Teufelskammer, Kölnische Mark, Okenthal and Kiefernkamp. In 1947, the Böddeken Forestry Office comprised a forestry master post in Böddeken, a head forester post in Gellinghausen, the Telegraf, Altböddeken, Wewelsburg, Henglarn, Neuböddeken, Eggeringhausen and i. G. district forester posts as well as two employee posts (see D 6 B Minden No. 305). In 1934 the Öberförsterei Böddeken became the state forestry office of the same name. In 1949, the new state of North Rhine-Westphalia incorporated the forestry administration into the district governments, as bureaucratic forestry departments subordinate to the district president. This meant for Böddeken that it was subordinate to the Minden forest department of the Detmold government president. On April 1, 1952, the forester's office, built in 1908 and moved from Wewelsburg to Gellinghausen in 1928, was dissolved. In 1956, the forest departments became departments. From 1 January 1970, the tasks of the higher forestry authorities were transferred from the presidents of the provinces to the directors of the Chamber of Agriculture as state representatives. On 31.12.1971 the forestry office Böddeken was dissolved. The State Forestry Office in Paderborn became the successor authority. Inventory history and indexing: The inventory D 6 B Böddeken initially comprised an access originally handed over to the former State Archives Münster with a duration of 1819 to 1860, which later reached here in connection with the division of responsibilities between the former State Archives Münster and Detmold, the access 42/1967, which has a duration of 1920 to 1955 and was handed over directly from the Forestry Office Böddeken to the State Archives Detmold, as well as some documents from the access 50/1969. The signature scheme of the older files is very complicated (Fach ..., Nr. ..., Kap. ..., Tit. ..., Sect. ..., Lit. ..., lit. ...). In the case of the more recent files, this registration plan was replaced by a considerably simplified one (Dept. ... / Roman number / No. ... / Arab number /). From the middle of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century it is possible to determine an order by title (Tit.), number (No.) and volume (Vol.) for some files. For example, the following titles stood for the following file plan items:Title III: Area and border matters Title X: Forestry and police matters Title XIII: Accounting and registration matters Title XIV: Various items The new order was initially based on a 1871 registration plan for the forestry offices, although the individual subject groups were changed in order to separate the actual forestry and hunting matters from the administration. A subdivision into intermediate and sub-groups was not necessary for the time being due to the small size of the file. For this reason, some of the subject groups remained unoccupied for the time being. The classification of the find book was revised after the more recent file additions 125/2004 (now: D 6 B Böddeken no. 49 to 88), 11/1989 (now: D 6 B Böddeken no. 89-90), 50/1969 (now: D 6 B Böddeken no. 91 to 93 as well as 157 and 158) and 89/2009 (now: D 6 B B Böddeken no. 94 to 156) were listed. There was no cassation of documents - in particular the wood receipts manuals and forest culture plans - as most of the operations of the forestry office obviously remained within the authority. The file D 6 B Böddeken No. 76 contains a so-called "Chronicle of the Oberförsterei", which was kept in the years 1924 to 1974 and goes back to the year 1855 in terms of content. The file D 6 B Altenbeken No. 464 also contains a short history of the former Böddeken forestry office for the years 1820 to 1971. A group picture from 1913, probably taken in the Böddeker forest, a portrait of the head forester R., taken at Whitsun 1900 on the balcony of the Oberförsterei in Neuböddeken. of Eschwege and two portraits of the forestry officers Detmar Hüffer and Wegener from 1890 and May 1927 respectively were added to the collection D 75 (picture collection) under the signature D 75 No. 9096. Further documents of the Oberförsterei Böddeken can be found in the files D 6 C Büren. It is to be quoted after order no.: D 6 B Böddeken Detmold in 1972, 2012 and 2013 signed. Simon and Schumacher

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, D 7 Halle · Fonds · 1831-1951
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Until 1872, clergymen appointed by the government were in charge of state school supervision on the district level. Only after the school supervision law of 1872 were increasingly full-time district school inspectors appointed. A full-time district school inspector was first appointed for the Halle district school inspection in 1909 (cf. file M 1 II B no. 157). Since 1924, school inspectors have been using the official term "Schulrat". As a direct organ of the government, it was responsible not only for public primary and secondary education but also for all other education, including private education, in its own district, insofar as it fell within the jurisdiction of the government. Occasionally, in 1932, the school supervision district Halle with the district Bielefeld-Land was reorganized to the school supervision district Bielefeld II-Halle i. W. (cf. file M 1 II B No. 118). Since the state supervision of schools at district level remained with the school councils even after 1947, their records in the Detmold State Archives are uniformly recorded in the D 7 holdings. This find book lists the files of the former Halle District School Inspectorate which were handed over from the Münster State Archives to here. The individual files date back to the 1890s and usually close in 1932. Judging by the gaps in the individual successive original locatures or old signatures (on file flags), however, this should not be the entire registry. At least - according to an old list of files (now: file D 29 no. 413) - there is a closed registry group. It must be quoted after the order number: D 7 Hall no. ... Detmold, 31 March 1983 signed. Dr. Strecke

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.16 Nr. 25 · File · 1893-1926
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: mainly: flour; cereals; fertilizers; potato trade; seeds (tariff regulations); import of feed and seeds; cotton imports Contains also: various brochures of the German Agricultural Council, concerning seed trade, potato trade, chemical industry, etc. Düngemittel, 1911,Deutscher Eisenbahn-Gütertarif, Teil I, Abt. B, 1911,Denkschrift über die Begründung der Gesellschaft zur Förderung des Baues und der wirtschaftlich zweckmäßigen Verwendung der Kartoffeln, [1914],Ergebnisse der in Jahre 1911, 1912 und 1913 in Bauerlichen Betriebe Württembergs durchgeführtenüngungsversuche, Stuttgart 1914,Deutsch-koloniale Baumwoll-Unternehmungen, Bericht X, 1908,

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.16 Nr. 651 · File · 1896-1931
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: also:Eleventh Deutscher Handlungsgehilfentag, 1909;Handlungsgehilfen-Forderungen zur Verbesserung des Handelsgesetzbuches (Schriften des Deutschnationalen Handlungsgehilfen-Verbands, Bd. 42), Hamburg 1909;Handels- und Gewerbekammer Plauen, Die besondere Revision bei der Gründung von Aktiengesellschaften in der Praxis, Teil I, Dresden 1899;Excerpts from the Commercial Register of the Imperial Court of Kiautschou 1899ff.

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.19 · Fonds · 1829-1954
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remarks History of the authorities: 1855 June Establishment of an independent "Princely Forest Directorate" 1897 June Integration into the Rentkammer as "Forest Department" 1921 April Directorate of Domains and Forests, Forest Department 1924 August Lippische Regierung, Forest Department 1934 October Lippische Regierung Abt. II, Staatsforstverwaltung 1936 June The Reich Governor in Lippe and Schaumburg-L., Landesregierung Lippe, ... 1945 April Lippische Landesregierung, Abteilung II, Landesforstverwaltung 1948 Nov. 1948 Transfer of the forestry department to the Landesverband Lippe (company about the unification of the state of Lippe with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and company about the Landesverband Lippe, both from 05.11.1948) The tasks of the state forestry administration were 1. in the exercise of the sovereign rights of the state with regard to forestry, hunting and fishing 2. in the management of state-owned forestry Even at the end of World War I, forestry sovereign activity was based on the "Ordinance on the Management of Private and Community Timber" of 1819 (Landesverordnungen Bd. 6, p. 459 ff.); there was no forestry law. With the establishment of the Forest Directorate in 1855, a service instruction for foresters and forest marksmen was issued (see L 94 No. 42) and the division into 13 senior forest rangers (later amended several times) as well as official and service designations were determined. At the beginning of the year 1919 the old Domanial forest administration still existed with the 8 upper foresteries Hiddesen (2132 ha), Berlebeck (3093 ha), (Kohlstädt-)Horn resp. Oesterholz (2940 ha), Schieder (2935 ha), Falkenhagen (2713 ha), Sternberg (1913 ha), Langenholzhausen (1806 ha) and Detmold (672 ha), altogether 35 foresteries with an area of approx. 18,200 ha. - Hiddesen was the former Oberförsterei Lopshorn with seat in the Heidental (renaming 15.11.1918), Langenholzhausen the previous Obf. Varenholz with headquarters in Langenholzhausen, Detmold was called Diestelbruch until 30.05.1912. The seat of the Obf. Oesterholz was renamed to Obf. Horn moved from Oesterholz hunting lodge to the city on 01.08.1927 (Official Gazette No. 62), in 1929 the seat of the Obf. Sternberg into the castle Brake; in addition the merger of Sternberg and Detmold to the Obf took place to 01.01.1929. Brake. By the Domanialvertrag of 31.10.1919 the princely house received the Oberförsterei Berlebeck with the four foresteries Hirschberg, Hirschsprung, Hartröhren and Kreuzkrug. The main task of the State Forestry Administration in the 1920s was the step from administration to "operation", which was caused by modern economic development. The corresponding documentation therefore also takes up a great deal of space. In October 1934, the names of the authorities, offices and services were redefined on the basis of the new regulations introduced in Prussia (see current No. 592). Oberförsterei became Forstamt, Försterei became Revierförsterei. The chief forester became a land forester, a state chief forester a forester, a forester a district forester. Former auxiliary foresters were now called foresters, forest assistants auxiliary foresters, foresters and forest apprentices forest candidates (for administrative service / operational service). Until 1921 the forestry administration was housed in the building of the Fürstliche Forstdirektion, Hornsche Str. 66, built in 1866. After its sale to the company Gebr. Klingenberg, the offices were moved on 1 October to the converted building of the former Fürstliches Marstall am Schlossplatz / Rosenthal (see L 94 No. 10). In June 1924, the company moved again to the government building at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz and in August it was incorporated as the Lippische Regierung, Forstabteilung (see current no. 597). Julius Feye was the first "forester" of Lippe until his death in October 1896. From May 1897 until his death on 18.04.1925, Oberlandforstmeiser Alois Baldenecker, formerly Prussian Oberförster from Neukirchen, Kassel district, headed the Lippe forestry administration. He was followed by Alfred Reier from Syke near Bremen as a land forester from March 1926 onwards, after provisional management by forester Karl Schmidt from Hiddesen, but he was already retired at the end of July 1933 before reaching the age of 65 (he was born on 18.06.1879) "in order to simplify the state government". The aforementioned forester Schmidt was now to head the state forestry administration in addition to his head forester Hiddesen. However, since it soon turned out that it was impossible to exercise both offices, Dr. Köster, a trainee forestry officer, was hired by the Hiddesen forestry office from November 1935. Schmidt (*15.11.1871) held his office as land forester until shortly before he reached the age of 67 (October 1938), but resumed his duties when his successor Fritz Murmann from Bielefeld was drafted for military service and finally - after an interim U.K. position - fell in December 1942. It was not until 1 March 1946 that Schmidt finally retired, after Alfred Hirsekorn, the Lord Forester from Rinkerode, had been appointed the provisional head of the State Forestry Administration in January of the same year. However, he made his office available in May and was replaced by Otto Wahl from Celle. About 9/10 of the holdings (No. 1-878) originate from the addition 47/1976, which was arranged according to the file plan introduced in 1927 ("conversion of the forest department's registry according to the state budget", see current No. 590) and was valid until the files were handed over to the Landesverband Lippe in 1949. Nos. 879-892 came into the house as entrance 37/1962, No. 893-971 were already signed as L 80 II c No. 1-9, but not listed. At the beginning of 2003, 27 business diaries (journals) were discovered on the access floor (Nos. 972-998). The files essentially cover the period from the creation of the new department registries in 1924 (see current No. 597 and L 75 IV / 1 No. 20) until the transition to the forest department of the regional association; many file covers bear the note "angelegt 1927". Previous files are in stock L 94 (Forstdirektion); continued files or files created only in 1950 and later were assigned to stock D 110. The transfer of file management to the LVL proved to be extremely blurred. The forest department of the government existed until 1949. Very many files contain still some few documents from the years 1950-1951, rarely also 1952. These files were left, if the contents had developed far predominantly in the years until 1949, with the existence L 80.19, since otherwise only one torso would have remained. Obviously, the LVL created new files from 1951/52 and transferred the old registry to the State Archives in 1976. The above-mentioned file plan formed the basis for the order of the inventory, which, however, required numerous changes. General files on the establishment and organisation of the forest administration, for example, ranked 7th among the title groups. Different groups of files had to be grouped or subdivided. Nos 879 et seq. could easily be attributed to the positions of the file plan used. Although the main task of the forest administration was the management of the state forest, the collection also offers a wealth of contemporary historical sources, e.g. for the use of prisoners of war, environmental pollution (fisheries control), tourism, state economic policy (Dörentruper Sand- und Thonwerke, Holzverkohlung Schieder), buildings such as the "Krumme Haus" and the silver mill; - during the Nazi era there were numerous points of contact with the party and various Nazi organizations. Sources: - D 72 Brakemeier no. 2 and 3 (estate of Wilhelm Brakemeier, chief forester in Brake) - L 80.19 no. 590-593, 597 - L 75 IV. 1 no. 20 - L 76 no. 206 (personnel matters, etc.) leitende Forstbeamte) - Die Lippische Landesverwaltung in der Nachkriegszeit, ed. v. Heinrich Drake, Detmold 1932 (Dienstbibliothek C 303) - Lippisches Staatshandbuch (im Lippischen Kalender, Dienstbibliothek A 255) Detmold, Mai 2003 gez. Arno Schwinger P.S.: In July 2005, the addition 35/2004 - Nos. 999-1087 - was added (mainly real estate, land register and cadastral matters as well as redemptions); in June 2009, Nos. 1088 (from L 93 !!) and 1089-1112 (from L 94) were allocated to the L 80.19 portfolio on account of their term and recorded here. signed Arno Schwinger It is to quote: L 80.19 Order number

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, M 1 II A · Fonds · 1805-1958
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

In 1887, the church and school supplies that had previously been administered by Department I were separated as separate Department II, while the former Department II (direct taxes, domains and forests) was given the designation Department III. The church matters formed Division II Q. In 1921 the foundations and legacies, insofar as they were intended for church purposes, and in 1935 the church matters of the Jews were transferred from Department I L (sovereignty of the Land and judicial matters; see also there!) to the church department, while the other foundations and legacies in 1935 were transferred from Department I L to Department I S (see I S No. 207 et seq.). From 1926 to 1935, the church department also included the church collection system and the support of the Bethel Institutions (until 1926 for Department I P, since 1935 for Department I S). Since 1956, the churches and school supplies have been the responsibility of Division IV of the Government; the holdings M 1 II A are therefore continued in the holdings D 1 Abt. IV. The basic order of the files listed below goes back to St.A.Dir. Dr. Leesch, who in 1958 took up the files handed over to the State Archives Münster in the additions 41/38, 3/39, 20/48. With the incorporation of the delivery 7/61 of the government Detmold to the state archives Detmold, by which the former registry II Q could be almost completely restored, the rewriting of the find book became necessary; this opportunity was used to produce at the same time a new continuous number sequence. The concordance at the end of the volume makes it possible to find the files that were used earlier and quoted after the old designation. For use: Transactions concerning branch churches and chapels, even if special files are available, must always also be searched for in the files relating to the parish responsible. To be quoted is: M 1 II A No. ... Detmold, signed in July 1971. Wehlt The typewritten finding aid from 1971 was written off in 2002 with the program MIDOSA 95. The Midosa file was converted to VERA format by Startext in July 2007. Gahde, 26.7.2007