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BArch, R 4601 · Fonds · (1922) 1933-1945 (1952,1973)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Introduction Prehistory up to 1933 The rapid increase in car traffic after the First World War meant that road construction in Germany had to face up to these new requirements. The aim was to rapidly improve the existing road conditions and adapt them to the new requirements of increasing motorisation by extending the existing country roads and building motorways. Contemporary statistics show that in 1924 every 321st inhabitant in Germany owned a "car", while at the same time in France every 90th, in Great Britain every 71st and in the USA already every 7th inhabitant owned a car. The private German vehicle fleet in the country doubled in the years from 1923 to 1926 from 100,340 cars to 206,456. In 1933, only seven years later, almost 800,000 motor vehicles were registered in Germany. The construction of the Berlin AVUS (Automobil-Verkehrs- und Übungs-Straße) in 1921 as well as the activities of the Studiengesellschaft für Automobilstraßenbau (STUFA) played a special role, the latter in particular with regard to the extension of the existing country roads. However, the war and its consequences prevented a resumption of this discussion until the mid-twenties. With the founding of the association HAFRABA and its transition to GEZUVOR, plans for the new motorways in particular took shape, which, after the National Socialists took power, were quickly declared to be the "Führer's Roads". In the course of its work, HAFRABA drew up about 70 plans for a motorway network in Germany. The later central and territorial road construction administrations were able to profit from many results of their complex research, test series, but also from studies for the job creation of larger quantities of labour. The existing conditions with regard to the road administration in the respective sovereign jurisdiction on the one hand and the (Reich) legislator on the other, as well as the increasing blockage of road construction plans from Reich railway and financial circles, but also from the Länder and provinces, forced the necessity of a reorganisation of the road system in Germany to a certain extent, which did not take long after the seizure of power by the Hitler dictatorship. Adolf Hitler was not yet Chancellor of the Reich for two weeks when he put the construction of intersection-free motorways up for discussion in the cabinet. As early as 11 February 1933 he announced the "initiation and implementation of a generous road construction plan", with which both a modern transport system was to be created and unemployment effectively combated, but also reaped the opposition of Reichsbahn General Director Dorpmüller and Reich Finance Minister Count Schwerin von Krosigk. Nevertheless, he was determined to discuss the necessity of motorways with transport experts and leading representatives of the economy. In a conversation with HAFRABA managing director Willy Hof on 6 April 1933, he was informed in detail about the association's plans. As early as 27 June 1933, the Reich government announced, against the will of the Reichsbahn representatives, the formation of the company "Reichsautobahnen", which initially acted as a branch of the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. One day later, Hitler appointed Dr. Fritz Todt, a highly intelligent civil engineer who was loyal to the line, as "Inspector General for German Roads". With the later "Decree on the General Inspector for the German Road System" of 30.11.1933, Todt was also transferred the business area of the company "Reichsautobahnen". The decree states: "For the execution of the construction of the Reichsautobahnen ... a supreme Reich authority shall be established with its seat in Berlin, the head of which shall be given the official title of 'General Inspector for the German Road System'. He is appointed by the Reich President at the suggestion of the Reich Chancellor and reports to the Reich Chancellor. Hitler was convinced of Todt's suitability after he had read his so-called "Brauner Bericht" (Brown Report), a memorandum on "Road Construction and Road Administration", in which Todt deals with the previous conditions of road construction in Germany and formulates objectives for the time of National Socialism. The new authority had the task to organize the construction of the "Reichsautobahnen" and the maintenance of the country roads, as far as they had belonged so far to the responsibility of the Reich Minister of Transport. Legal foundations The "Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmens Reichsautobahnen" of 27 June 1933, the first ordinance of 7 August 1933 and the "Gesetz zur Änderung Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmens Reichsautobahnen" of 18 December 1933 provided the Inspector General with a foundation of powers and authority which enabled him to implement the goals set by the Reich leadership as quickly as possible. This included the right to route and design the Reich's motorways as well as the right to levy charges, the right of expropriation and the assumption of state sovereign rights over the motorways. With the "Act on the Temporary New Regulation of the Road System and the Road Administration" of 26 March 1934, the division of roads into 1st motorways, later "Reichsautobahnen", 2nd Reich roads, 3rd country roads of the 1st order, 4th country roads of the 2nd order, was also introduced. The law of the land was amended in accordance with the provisions of the first order, and further regulations were made regarding the distribution of the road construction load, the administration of the Reich roads and the country roads of the first order, the road supervisory authority, etc. A general power of attorney to the greatest extent possible was granted to the Inspector General with the formulation written down in § 1 "The Inspector General for the German Road System determines which roads are subject to the provisions of this Act and which roads have the characteristics of Imperial roads and of Land Roads I. and II. I'll give you the order." The prerequisites created by the aforementioned legal bases were very soon reflected in the structure and organisation of the office of the Inspector General for German Roads. Organization and Structure In 1934, the Inspector General's Division comprised the two major areas of responsibility, Land Roads and Reich Motorways, as well as the resulting connections to the 30 Supreme Road Authorities with 176 State Construction, Road and River Offices of the Länder and Provinces on the one hand and the 15 Supreme Construction Supervisors with 65 Construction Departments for the motorways on the other. As a result, the internal service structure was as follows: Four departments were assigned to the Inspector General for German Roads. 1. department Landstraßen (L), 2. department Administration/Administration (V), 3. department Research/Exhibition/Congress (F) 4. department Reichsautobahnen (A) Furthermore, a landscape consultant was assigned to the Inspector General. In addition to a joint press and socio-political speaker, departments L and A were each assigned 5 speakers (L1 to L5 and A1 to A5), whose fields of work extended to cooperation with the road construction authorities in the Länder and provinces and with the supreme construction managers of the motorways. After that the following (territorial) competences arose: L1: Hanover, Oldenburg, Brunswick, Westphalia, Rhine Province, Hesse-Kassel, Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe-Detmold L2: Bavaria, Baden, Württemberg, Hohenzollern, State of Hesse, Hesse-Wiesbaden L3: Thuringia, State of Saxony, Upper Silesia, Lower Silesia, East Prussia L4: Brandenburg, Grenzmark, Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Province of Saxony, Anhalt L5: General affairs of the rural road sector, special tasks Job creation Department A - Reichsautobahnen A1: Site management Stettin, Hannover, Altona, Königsberg A2: Site management Breslau, Dresden, Halle, Kassel A3: Site management Essen, Cologne, Frankfurt/Main A4: Site management Munich, Stuttgart, Nuremberg A5: Special tasks: In the summer of 1934 Todt presented his first report on the activities of his authority. An overview of the road construction authorities from 1935 under the authority of the Inspector General illustrates the striving for a strongly centralised connection of road construction tasks in Germany. After Hitler's declaration on January 30, 1937, that the German Reich had regained unrestricted sovereignty over the Deutsche Reichsbahn and that the Deutsche Reichsbahn had been converted into a pure Reich administration by the law of February 10, 1937, the Reichsautobahnen were to be given a position similar to that of the Deutsche Reichsbahn. This was done in the "Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Verhältnisse der Autobahn" of 1 July 1938 and by the "3. Verordnung zur Durchführung des Gesetz über die Errichtung eines Unternehmen 'Reichsautobahnen'" of 1 June 1938. Fritz Todt was appointed chairman of the board of the Reichsautobahnen. The offices of the company became direct Reich authorities. Thus the company Reichsautobahnen lost its character as a society. The "Führerprinzip" (leader principle) practiced in all authorities of the "Third Reich" dominated the organization of the Reich's motorways at the latest since the enactment of this law. With the rapid progress of the political and economic processes in Germany, with rearmament, with the creation of ever new political and organizational structures in the Reich territory, with the invasion of Austria and the Sudetenland, with the erection of the Westwall after the occupation of the demilitarized Rhineland and finally with the beginning and course of the war, ever new and different organizational units and focal points of work developed within the office. The supreme construction management of the Reichsautobahnen was extended by similar authorities in the occupied areas. In the construction of the Westwall from the middle of 1938 onwards, the 22 superstructure superstructure lines at the German western border were firmly integrated, after Hitler, under heavy accusations against the General Staff of the Army, had given this task to Todt without further ado - it was the hour of birth of the "Organisation Todt". It had its first seat as Abteilung West in Wiesbaden. In the files of the Inspector General for the German Road System, an interweaving of tasks with other ministries (e.g. Reich Ministry of Transport, Reich Ministry of Finance), the NSDAP as well as the cooperation with many other organisations is reflected in many ways, e.g. the National Socialist Association of German Technology (NSBDT), the German Labor Front (DAF), the National Socialist Motor Corps (NSKK) and the German Automobile Club (DDAC), and many others. The business distribution plan of the Inspector General of October 28, 1938 clearly expresses that the company was already at the level of political development. Directly subordinate to the Inspector General were now not only the 4 departments but also three other business areas: Research, NSDAP compounds, imperial defence and defence (cf. Fig. page XII). Fritz Todt held a number of political offices. From 1933 he was not only Inspector General for German Roads, but also Head of the Main Office for Technology of the NSDAP, 1938 he became General Plenipotentiary for the Regulation of the Construction Industry, 1940 Reich Minister for Armament and Ammunition as well as Inspector General for the Special Tasks in the Four-Year Plan, 1941 Inspector General for Water and Energy. At the height of his political career Todt died in a plane crash on 8 February 1942 near the "Führerhauptquartier" near Rastenburg/ East Prussia. Albert Speer took office on 9 February 1942. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory summarised in inventory R 4601, General Inspector for the German Road System, consists of several parts from the former GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany. This includes around 2,300 files and almost 1,800 card index sheets from the former Central State Archives of the GDR, which were formerly kept there as holdings 46.01 and were recorded in a finding aid file, some of them with very general and inaccurate title records. The files of the holdings R 65 I to R 65 IV described below were added from the Federal Archives. Here, finding aids with precise title entries and notes on contents were available. In addition to Todt's "Brounen Denkschrift" (Brown Memorandum), the R 65 I holdings included 34 other files from US returns from 1934 to 1945, as well as files from the Building Department Wittlich 1941 (1), the Wiesbaden Department 1938-1943 (2), the Böttger 1938-1945 (11), Bonacker 1937, 1942-1944 (2), Dittrich 1926-1952 (67), Schönleben 1939-1944 (6), and supplements 1939 (1). The collection R 65 II contained 141 files of the Reichsautobahndirektion Berlin and was handed over to the Federal Archives by the Federal Minister of Transport in 1962 (official files of the Federal Archives, file no.: 3115/4, note dated 31 Jan. 1962). The inventory R 65 III was a collection of decrees of the Inspector General. The inventory R 65 IV contained personal files, of which 112 files have been catalogued and a further 12 running metres have not been catalogued. Archival evaluation and processing The inventory was indexed using the above-mentioned finding aids by entering it into the BASYS-S database of the Federal Archives for the purpose of making the finding aid data available online. A physical reception of the files did not take place due to time reasons with some exceptions. The archive signatures of the Potsdam holdings were largely retained during the indexing process, but each volume was given its own archive signature for found files with volume numbers. The signatures begin: at no. 1 for the former stock 46.01, at no. 3001 for the former stock R 65 I, at no. 4001 for the former stock R 65 II, at no. 5001 for the former stock R 65 III, at no. 10001 for the former stock R 65 IV. The 112 personal files already opened up have been newly recorded, but are not part of this finding aid book. The existing classification was largely renewed and is based both on the organizational structure of the inventory generator and on its functional responsibilities. The internal order of the files has been maintained. The inventory has already been moved from standing folders to folders. Characterisation of content: management and organisation of the road sector: legislation, decrees (57). Organization, administration and human resources: General (74), personnel matters (78), land and planning matters (15), public procurement (59), construction machinery, equipment and vehicles (29), motor vehicles (47), construction materials and fuels (47), traffic regulation and safety (27), winter services (90), tourism (25), statistics( 19), Mobilisation, war deployment, occupied territories (27), map system (37), hand-files of leadership (40), hand-files of the department L-Landstraßen (19), hand-files of the department A-Autobahnen (27), hand-files of the department V-Verwaltung (11), hand-files of administrators for special questions of the departments L and A (3). Department West, Wiesbaden (5). Potsdam Alte Zauche alternative (5). Country roads: Imperial roads: General administrative affairs of the Reichsstraßen (32), financing of the Reichsstraßen (90), technical execution of the road construction and execution of construction measures (136), construction project (48), index sheets Reichsstraßen (14), road books Reichsstraßen (133). Roads I. and II. Order: General administrative matters of the country roads I. and II. Order (28), Financing of rural roads - Öffa (20), Building projects (60), Roads map sheets (2). Bypasses, town crossings, feeder roads (105) Individual projects (45). Imperial highways: Legislation and general administrative matters of the Reichsautobahnen (83), financing of the Reichsautobahnen, budget and treasury matters (36), property and spatial planning matters (8), project planning and routing (46), landscape and urban architecture, animal protection, nature conservation, monuments (38), cooperation with other Reich services (27). Material-technical infrastructure and operational services: planning approval and reallocations (13), fuel and petrol stations (15), motorway and road connections with foreign countries (10), operational services (24), building materials, road surfacing (40), technical execution of road construction and execution of construction measures (9). Personnel infrastructure: deployment and accommodation of labour (61), wages, tariffs, special arrangements (29), personnel matters (27). Files of the Reichsautobahndirektion Berlin: Direktionsakten (18), Gebiete der Obersten Bauleitungen (124). Top construction management: Berlin (25), Wroclaw (15), Dresden (12), Essen (18), Frankfurt/Main (25), Halle (6), Hamburg (12), Hanover (3), Kassel (7), Cologne (12), Königsberg (3), Linz (7), Munich (13), Nuremberg (9), Stettin (4), Stuttgart (6), Vienna (5), Wittlich Construction Department of the Reichsautobahnen (1), Dresden (12), Essen (18), Frankfurt am Main (25). Public relations, press matters, lectures (21), accidents (20). Level crossings (45), bridges and structures (63), cycle paths and hiking trails (32), research, development, standardisation (182), congresses, conferences, exhibitions, work of professional associations (50). Personnel files A-Z 1938-1973 (112), 12 running meters untapped. Citation style: BArch, R 4601/...

Stand increases, vol. 2
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 90 A, Nr. 2011 · File · 1895-1927
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Alten, Carl von, lord of the manor, chamberlain, Linden near Hanover. Elevation to the rank of Count Alten-Linsingen on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Alvensleben, Werner von, Kammerherr, Schlosshauptmann von Quedlinburg, Fideikommisbesitzer, Neugattersleben. Elevation to the rank of Count as "Count of Alvensleben-Neugattersleben" on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Arnim-Boitzenburg, Count. Proposal of the Prime Minister Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg for elevation to the rank of prince in a meeting of the State Ministry. Agreement of the State Ministry on the occasion of the 25th government anniversary of Wilhelm II [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Baum, Geheimer Kommerzienrat, Elberfeld. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Baumann, Lieutenant General retired, Loschwitz near Dresden, most recently Major General and inspector of the 2nd Landwehr Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Behring, Dr., Professor of Medicine at the University of Marburg, Privy Councillor. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the uprising of Prussia to the status of kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Bellschwitz (see Brünneck) (p. 19) - Berendt, Major General retired, Charlottenburg, last Colonel and Commander of the Brandenburg Foot Artillery Regiment No. 3 (General Field Artillery Master). Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Bergemann, Lieutenant General, Commander of the Invalidenhaus in Berlin. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Boitzenburg (see Arnim-Boitzenburg) - Bothe, Hermann, owner of manor and landscape councillor, on tooth, district Flatow. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Boyneburgk, Alexander von, retired cavalry master, Grand Duke of Saxony Chamberlain in Stadtfeld. Permission to the guidance of the baron title to the members of the Stadtfelder line, 14.12.1901-18.03.1902 (Bl. 23, 25, 26) - Braunbehren, Ludwig Günther Karl Otto, Undersecretary of State a. D., Really Secret Council. Elevation to the nobility, 25.08.1900 (Bl. 21) - Brünneck, Roland von, Burgrave of Marienburg, chamberlain, on Bellschwitz. Elevation to the rank of Count of Brünneck-Bellschwitz on the occasion of the turn of the century, 04.01.1900 (p. 19) - Budde, Minister of State and Minister for Public Works. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 03.05.1904 (p. 35) - Bumke, Lieutenant General retired, Berlin, last Major General and Inspector of the 3rd Engineering Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Caemmerer, Major General, Commander of the 12th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Camphausen, Minister of State, Berlin. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the return of the Day of the Imperial Proclamation to Versailles, 18./20.01.1896 (p. 4) - Cramer, Constantin, Royal Prussian Lieutenant Colonel. Elevation to the hereditary nobility under the name Cramer von Laue on the basis of a corresponding request for the throne to the emperor and king Wilhelm II from 09.05.1918 on the part of his son, Cramer von Laue, who had been named under 01.04.1918 of the Duke of Anhalt into the nobility raised Oheims - brother of his mother - of the Duke-Anhalt Minister of State Dr. Ernst von Laue (see also Laue), 09.05.-11.10.1918 (pp. 69, 70, 72) - Crüger, Lieutenant General retired, Wiesbaden, last inspector of the 3rd engineer inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger from 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Czarnecki, Count von, manor owner, Siekowko near Priment (Posen). Application for the award of the count title for his son Marcell von Czarnecki, Dr. jur., on Rakwitz, 14./25.03.1899 (p. 17) - Delbrück, Dr., Minister of State, Berlin. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Day of the Emperor's Proclamation of Versailles, 18./20.01.1896 (p. 4) - Derneburg, by (see Münster, Alexander Graf zu) (p. 55) - Detmering, Lieutenant General retired, Schwerin, last Major General and commander of the 16th Cavalry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Dippe, Karl, Kommerzienrat, Quedlinburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Dohna-Schlobitten, Richard Graf zu. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Serene Highness" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Drenkmann, Really Secret Council, President of the Court of Appeal, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Dulitz, Major General, Commander of the 2nd Guard Field Artillery Brigade. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (sheet 19) - Ecken, Peter von, Krefeld. Entry for information about a sex of corners on castle of corners, 06.05.1927 (sheet 93) - Eppstein, by, Princely Lippischer Geheimer Kabinettsrat. Elevation to the nobility. Letter from the Minister of the Interior to the Royal Herald's Office concerning the elevation of Eppstein to the nobility in the Principality of Lippe, irrespective of his Prussian nationality and without prior request from the Lippe Government (copy). Note, 11.01.1916-02.05.1917 (p. 68) - Eulenburg, Philipp Graf zu, Baron von und zu Hertefeld, Imperial German Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Courts. Elevation to the rank of Prince with the title "Serene Highness" as "Prince of Eulenburg and Hertefeld, Count of Sandels" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Fahland, Major General retd., Wiesbaden, last Colonel in the Staff of the Corps of Engineers and Inspector of the 2nd Pioneer Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Foerster, by. Rejection of the Herald's Office on the application of Major Eugenie Franke, House Germete near Warburg i. W., born von Foerster, on inheritance her birth name from Foerster to her son-in-law, the vice-consul Dr. Fritz Grouven in Cairo under the name form: Fritz von Foerster-Grouven, 16.12.1910-06.03.1911 (pp. 59, 60) - Franke, Eugenie, born von Förster (see Foerster, from) (pp. 59, 60) - Franke, Major General retired, Weimar, last colonel and commander of the Westphalian fusilier regiment no. 37. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Fritz, Lieutenant Colonel, with the staff of the Königs-Infanterie-Regiment No. 145. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Frowein, Peter Eduard, Oberverwaltungsgerichtsrat, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat. Elevation to the nobility, 20.03.-12.09.1913 (p. 61) - Gescher, President of the Government, Münster. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Godeffroy, Dr. jur., pensioner, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Goeschen, Landrat, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Harburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Max von, K. K. Austrian-Hungarian Consul General, Frankfurt a. M. State Ministry negotiations on the establishment of a Fidei Commission of Max von Goldschmidt-Rothschild in the province of Poznan. Wilhelm II had reserved for himself the elevation to baron status desired by Max von Goldschmidt-Rothschild, who was elevated to the nobility in 1903, by continuation of the baron title for the family of his wife, a née freiherr of Rothschild, until the establishment of the Fidei Commise] 22.06.1906 (pp. 45-49) - Grouven, Fritz, Dr. (see Foerster, by) (pp. 59, 60) - Grunelius, Andreas Adolf, Banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to the hereditary nobility simultaneously with that of Moritz Eduard Grunelius - on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Grunelius, Moritz Eduard, Banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to the hereditary nobility simultaneously with that of Andreas Adolf Grunelius - on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Gusovius, Emil, General Landschaftsrat, Kreisdeputierter, auf Augken, Kreis Wehlau. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Hacht, Werner von. Assessment of the predicate "von" as a local nobility predicate by the Reich Minister of Labor, 09.06.1926 (p. 91) - Hänisch, Lieutenant General, Commander of the 36th Division. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger from 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Hansemann, Gustav, Rentner, Charlottenburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Hatzfeldt zu Trachenberg, Hermann Fürst von, Oberst-Schenk, Oberpräsident der Provinz Schlesien. Award of the ducal dignity under the name of a duke to Trachenberg, princes of Hatzfeldt on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (sheet 19) - Henckel von Donnersmarck, Guido, count, in Neudeck, Real Privy Council, Hereditary Upper Land Mouth Gift in the Duchy of Silesia, Free Lord of State on Upper Beuthen. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Durchlaucht" as "Count Henckel Fürst von Donnersmarck" on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Hertefeld, Philipp Freiherr von und zu (see Eulenburg, Philipp Graf zu) (p. 19) - Hohenleuben, Count von (see Reuß j. L., Prince Henry XXXI.) (p. 71) - Humann, Eduard, Lieutenant Commander Oldenburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Innhausen and Knyphausen, Edzard Graf zu, Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, on Lützburg. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Serene Highness" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Ising, Lieutenant General, à la suite of the army and commander of the armoury. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Jacobi, General der Artillerie z. D., Berlin, last Lieutenant General and Inspector of Field Artillery. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kamlah, Major General, Commander of the 35th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Kamphövener, Lieutenant General retired in Constantinople, former captain and company commander in infantry regiment no. 79. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Keußler, Friedrich, Staatsrat a. D., Greifswald. Naturalization and name change, 18.06.-04.07.1924 (pp. 89-90) - Kißling, Georg, cavalryman of the L. a. D. and former Fidei commiss owner, Heinzendorf, Wohlau district. Search for delivery of the relevant papers on the bestowal of hereditary nobility, 20/22 April 1921 (p. 88) - Klaeden, bank director, Berlin. Complaints about non-recognition by the Heroldamt, 27.09. and 09.10.1907 (pp. 50, 51), of the nobility allegedly due to him - Knappe, Lieutenant General retired, Charlottenburg, last Major General and Commander of the Railway Brigade. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Knorr, Admiral and Commanding Admiral. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Knyphausen (see Innhausen and Knyphausen, Edzard Graf zu) (page 19) - Koester, Admiral, Inspector General of the Navy and Chief of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Kranold, Viktor Ferdinand, Real Privy Councilor, President of the Railway Directorate in Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 29.07.-08.11.1904 (pp. 36-39) - Kraus, Major General retired, Baden-Baden, last Colonel and Commander of the 6th Baden Infantry Regiment No. 114. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Krause, Dr., lawyer, Privy Justice Council, Chairman of the Board of the Bar Association, Second Vice-President of the House of Representatives. Proposal of the Minister of Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry on elevation to nobility. Consent of the Ministry of State. Planned elevation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (pp. 62, 66) - Kruska, Major General, commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kühn, Max Arthur Richard, Oberförster, Breslau. Submission of an application to the herald's office for the award of the title of nobility, 08.-24.04.1919 (p. 73) - Kuhlmann, Lieutenant General, inspector of the 1st foot artillery inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kuhlmay, Lieutenant General, Inspector of the 2nd Cavalry Inspection. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Lassen, Hermann, retired cavalryman, at Siggen, Oldenburg district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Laue, Ernst, Dr., Herzoglich Anhaltischer Staatsminister, Plenipotentiary to the Federal Council. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the celebration of 25 years of official activity in the Anhalt State Ministry by the Duke of Anhalt, 01.04.1918 (see also Cramer [von Laue]) (p. 69) - Lenhausen, Graf von (see Manderscheid, August von) (p. 27 and 29) - Lenke, Lieutenant General, Commander of the 19th Division. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Leuffen, Benjamin, owner of a manor on Otzenrath, Grevenbroich district, resident of Sinsteden, Neuss district. Negotiation for elevation to the nobility, 28.02.-17.03.1870 (pp. 297-300) - Levetzow, Erdmann Freiherr von, Görz. Application for official certification of entitlement to hold the baron title by the Ministry of the Interior, 26.10.1908 (pp. 53-54) - Leyden, Ernst Viktor, Dr., Priver Medizinalrat, Professor in the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich Wilhelm University, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility at the request of the Minister of State for Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs, Dr. Bosse, 14-23.01.1896 (pp. 6-12) - Liebert, Major General, Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a.. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Mades, Arthur, Lieutenant a. D., Aachen. Findings on the identity of today's Mades family with the Italian "di Madesa" and in France "de Madis", 25.10.1927 (p. 95) - Magdeburg, Eduard Ludwig Carl, Real Privy Councillor, President of the Chamber of Accounts. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 30.12.1903-03.05.1904 (pp. 30-35) - Manderscheid, August von, Lenhausen/Westphalia. Recognition of the title as Count of Lenhausen, 02.06.1902 and 16.05.1903 [pencil note: input of a mentally unsound person] (pp. 27, 29) - Metzler, Albert, Bankier, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's Elevation to the Kingdom, 18th century01.1901 (p. 22) - Metzler, Karl, banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to the status of kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Miquel, Johannes Franz, Dr., Minister of State and Minister of Finance. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the birthday of the emperor and king, 27./28.01.1897 (p. 16) - Möller, Theodor Adolf, Minister of State and Minister for Trade and Commerce. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 19.10.1905 (p. 43) - Moßner, Ernst, owner of manor, Ulbersdorf, district. Oils. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Müller, Major General, General à la suite His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Münster, Alexander Graf zu, on Derneburg (province Hannover). Elevation to the rank of prince under the name Fürst Münster von Derneburg with the title Durchlaucht, 23.04.1909 (p. 55) - Nasse, Dr., Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, Oberpräsident in Koblenz. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 23.08.1905 (p. 42) - Negenborn, Gerhard, owner of manor, Klonau, district Osterode/Ostpr. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Oberhoffer, General der Infanterie, Generalquartiermeister und Chef der Landesaufnahme. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Oswald, Priver Kommerzienrat, Koblenz. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Otto, C., Kriminal-Oberinspektor, Berlin. Determination of his family name and the noble origin of his family, 06.-14.06.1926 (p. 92) - Pappritz, director of knighthood, owner of manor, Radach, district West-Sternberg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Pelzer, Major, charged with the duties of a head of department in the War Ministry. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Persius, Dr., Real Privy Councillor, President of the Higher Administrative Court. Application by the Ministry of State for elevation to nobility on the occasion of his resignation from office. Rejection by the emperor and king, award of the diamonds to the Red Eagle Order I. Class, 02.02.1902 (p. 24) - Pirscher, Major General retired, Charlottenburg, last inspector of the 4th engineering inspection at that time. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Pohl, District Administrator, Privy Councillor, Ratibor. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Pusch, Dr. Lucian, Professor, Breslau. Request for elevation to nobility, 03.05.1903 (p. 28) - Reuß younger line, Heinrich XXXI., Prince. Award of the name "von Hohenleuben" as well as the hereditary dignity of Count on the part of the reigning Prince von Reuß younger line to Prince Heinrich XXXI. Reuß j. L. on the occasion of his forthcoming marriage to a lady of the bourgeois class, 09.-11.10.1918 (p. 71) - Rexrot, landowner and cavalry captain of the reserve, Saarbrücken. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th government anniversary of Wilhelm II [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Rothschild (see Goldschmidt-Rothschild) - Ruperti, owner of manor, Grubno, Kulm district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Sasse, Major General retired, Berlin, last commander of the 1st Foot Artillery Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Scheller, Georg Friedrich, retired District President, Stralsund. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 31.03.1908 (p. 52) - Schichau, Erich, owner of manor, Pohren, Heiligenbeil district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schlobitten (see Dohna-Schlobitten) (p. 19) - Schmidt, Major General, in charge of conducting business as inspector of field artillery. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Schmidt, Dr., Landgerichtpräsident, Halle a. S. Elevation to the hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schmysingk-Korff, Klaus Freiherr von, currently Munich. Search of the Bavarian Legation in Berlin for the authorization of Klaus Freiherr von Schmysingk-Korff to lead the Prussian nobility at the time of the coming into force of the Reichsverfassung [14.08.1919], 05.08.1927 (p. 94) - Schnitzler, Consul General, Antwerp. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schnitzler, Kommerzienrat, Cologne. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schnitzler, Landgerichtsrat. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schönstedt, former Minister of State, survey into hereditary nobility, 27.08.1910 and 27.01.1911 (p. 56-58) - Schroeter, Heinrich, Police President, Stettin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schütz, Carl von. Application to the Ministry of the Interior to hold the title of nobility, 20./26.09.1895 (p. 2) - Schulz, Wilhelm, Lieutenant General (retired), Berlin, last President of the Engineering Committee. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Schulze, Hermann, Prussian Privy Justice Councillor and Kronsyndikus, Baden University Professor. Elevation to the hereditary nobility under the name of Schulze-Gaevernitz by the Grand Duke of Baden. Keine Landesherrliche Anerkennung für die ehelichen Nachkommen in Preußen], 25.07.1888 (p. 78) - Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhard von, Professor Dr., Lieutenant of the Landwehr, Member of the German National Assembly. Permission to use the above mentioned name also in Prussia. This decision was preceded by a long dispute, since the elevation of the Grand Duke of Baden to hereditary nobility in 1888 did not require the sovereign's permission in Prussia. (see also Schulze, Hermann), 16.05.-09.12.1919 (pp. 77-87) - Schwabach, Geheimer Regierungsrat in Berlin, former Regierungsrat at the Königliche Eisenbahndirektion zu Altona. Decision of the Ministry of State to support the project of the secret council Schwabach to establish a family fidei commission in the province of Posen as well as with regard to a later application for nomination, 28.02.1905 (pp. 40 and 41) - Seeger, Major General a. D., Görlitz, last Colonel à la suite of the 2nd Badischer Feldartillerie Regiments Nr. 30 and director of the artillery shooting school. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Spalding, Richard, landowner, Groß-Miltzow, district Grimmen. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Spitz, Lieutenant General retired, Hanover, last inspector of the Landwehrinspektion Berlin. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Steinmeister, Dr. jur., District Administrator, Nauen. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Stubenrauch, Ernst, District Administrator of the District of Teltow, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Thielen, Minister of State and Minister for Public Works, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Tieschowitz von Tieschowa, District President, Königsberg. Invitation to the President of the Government of Tieschowitz to use the spelling of the name "Tieschowitz von Tieschowa", which was established for the members of the von Tieschowitz family by diploma dated 02.07.1625, and to use the abbreviated form "von Tieschowitz" solely in private life etc., 12.12.1895 (p. 3) - Tiling, Wilhelm von, Gymnasialoberlehrer und Pastor a. D., Goslar. Application for recognition of the nobility for his son Walther, the Seconde lieutenant in the Pionier-Batl. No. 15, 30.06.-30.10.1896 (pp. 13-14) - Trachenberg, Herzog zu (see Hatzfeldt zu Trachenberg) (pp. 19) - Waldstein, Graf von, Beuthen. Application for the dukedom title, 04./10.05.1900 (p. 20) - Wedekind, Sophie, née Danzier, widow of the former Austrian-Hungarian Consul General Paul Wedekind, who died in Berlin. Willingness to donate the missing funds of 400,000 Marks for the acquisition of the Ebernburg under the condition that the hereditary nobility bestow on her and her children. [William II did not declare himself averse]. 09. and 16.01.1914 (p. 67) - Wedel, Clementine von, née von Wedel, Castle St. Marie near Diedenhofen. Presentation of a request of her husband for elevation to hereditary baron status, 18.10.-02.11.1899 (p. 18) - Weinberg, Arthur and Karl, brothers. Inquiry of the Royal Herald's Office about the application for nomination of the Weinberg brothers (note), 09.04.1906 (p. 44) - Werner, Reinhold, Vizeadmiral a. D., Wiesbaden. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Wülfing, Carl Emil, owner of manor, Kriegshoven, Rheinbach district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Ziegner, Major General, Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Zimmermann, August, Amtsrat, Salzmünde, Mansfelder Seekreis. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19).