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Archival description
BArch, N 103 · Fonds · 1881-1954
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck Life data 20.03.1870 born in Saarlouis 09.03.1964 died in Hamburg Career 1881 Cadet 1884 Main Cadet Institute Groß-Lichterfelde 07.02.1888 Portepee-Fähnrich at the 4.Garderegiment on foot 1889 Sekondeleutnant 1895 Premierleutnant 1900/01 Participation in the Boxer Movement China; Promotion to Captain 1904-1906 Deutsch-Südwestafrika; First Adjutant in the staff of the commander of the Schutztruppe "Lothar von Trotha" and as Company Chief at the suppression of the uprising of the Herero 1906 Kommandierung to the Großer Generalstab 1907 Promotion to Major; Adjutant of the Generalkommando des 11. Army Corps 1909 Commander II Sea Battalions in Wilhelmshaven 1913 Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel 18.10.1903 Commander of the Imperial Protection Corps for Cameroon 13.04.1914 Commander Protection Corps D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a 1918 Promotion to Major General Apr. 1919 Command of the Guard Cavalry Shooting Corps under the Marine Division Oct. 1919 Leadership of the Reichswehr Brigade 9 of the "Transitional Army" in Schwerin 1920 Characterisation as Lieutenant General and dismissal from the Reichswehr 1923 Wholesale merchant 1928-1930 Member of Parliament of the conservative German National People's Party in the Reichstag 1930 Change to the People's Conservative Union 1933 State Council in Bremen 27.08.1939 (so called Tannenbergtag) Character of a general of the infantry 1956 Honorary citizen of his birth town Saarlouis Awards 04.11.1916 Pour le Merite 10.10.1917 Eichenlaub zum Pour le Merite 30.01.1920 Ritterkreutz der sächsischen Militär-St.-The estate contains personal papers, documents on military and public honours, private and private correspondence, diary notes and memoirs as well as elaborations on various topics and photographs from the life of General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck (20.3.1870-9.3.1964). The collection documents the personal and military career of Lettow-Vorbecks, including his participation in the Boxer War in China (1901-1904) as an adjutant of the 1st East Asian Infantry Brigade, his deployment in the command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika (1905-1906) and as commander of the Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika (1914-1918). In addition, Lettow-Vorbeck's activities as a war veteran and member of the Reichstag of the DNVP in the Weimar Republic and the reactions to his death in 1964 will be highlighted, as will his work on colonial history and documentations on political topics from the time of the Weimar Republic, in particular the Reichswehr and the Kapp-Lüttwitz Putsch. References to other holdings, in particular RM 5 - Navy Admiral Staff; RW 51 - Imperial Protection Forces and other Overseas Forces; R 1001 - Reichskolonialamt; R 1002 - Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika; digital photos of Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck from the Federal Archives' image holdings can be found in the online encyclopaedia Wikipedia Content Characterization: Because of its great importance and the intensive demand for it from researchers, the estate was processed and recorded in the archives soon after it was handed over to the Federal Archives at the end of the 1960s. In 2008, the indexing of the holdings was fundamentally revised while retaining the older archival order. Pre-archival order: The estate of Paul von Lettow-Vorbecks was transferred to the Federal Archives in August 1964 by the daughter of Countess Heloise von Rantzau-Pronstorf, who died in the same year. It had initially been deposited there as a deposit, on 31 December 1999 the documents became the property of the Federal Archives. The holdings contain self-testimonies and autobiographical records at various stages of their development; the classification features of the archival indexing could not always be clearly assigned due to the specific character of the documents. Citation style: BArch, N 103/...

Vorbeck, Paul Emil von Lettow
BArch, R 3001 · Fonds · 1877-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: After the unification of the court organization and the procedural law of the federal states on January 1, 1877, the legal department of the Reich Chancellery became independent as Reichsju‧stizamt (since 1919 Reich Ministry of Justice); October 22, 1934, unification with the Prussian Ministry of Justice; 1934/35, takeover of the state justice administrations.01): Old registry (alphabetically sorted by keywords) 1877-1934: Civil servants 1872-1937 (250), civil service law 1872-1933 (229), public authorities 1875-1932 (36), Berg‧recht 1882-1934 (7), relations with foreign countries 1872-1933 (23), land law 1875-1934 (80), civil law 1869-1934 (931), Alsace-Lorraine 1875-1920 (42), financial law 1876-1934 (329), business 1873-1936 (185), industrial law 1867-1934 (178), finance law 1876-1934 (329), business 1873-1936 (185), trade law 1867-1934 (178), Berg‧recht - Criminal cases 1869-1934 (914), special law 1876-1920 (10), citizenship 1876-1934 (68), Heads of State 1875-1934 (103), constitutional law 1885-1929 (45), criminal procedure and code of criminal procedure 1871-1934 (481), criminal law and criminal law commission 1867-1935 (598), copyright 1875-1934 (215), Association Law 1878-1934 (23), Constitution 1868-1934 (279), Traffic Law 1875-1934 (188), Administrative Law 1908-1934 (49), International Law 1868-1934 (793), Commercial Law 1884-1934 (178), Civil Procedure and Code of Civil Procedure 1874-1934 (222) New Registry 1934-1945: Loss of German citizenship 1934-1938 (57), staff and Organisationsan‧gelegenheiten 1934-1945 (120), occupation of the district courts and the district attorneys 1900-1943 (1.050), occupation of regional courts and public prosecutor's offices 1903-1945 (134), lawyers and notaries 1940-1945 (78), criminal legislation and youth law 1935-1944 (63), individual criminal cases 1934-1945 (ca. 800.000), criminal justice 1929-1944 (30), penal system 1930-1945 (291), civil law, peasant law and administration of justice 1934-1944 (130), commercial law 1934-1943 (12), public limited companies and stock corporation law 1933-1945 (191), conversion of corporations 1934-1943 (220), Traffic and Genos‧senschaftsrecht 1933-1943 (39), commercial law 1934-1942 (42), banks and savings banks 1934-1942 (72), stock exchange 1934-1943 (6), insurance law 1934-1943 (17), Gewer‧bewesen 1934-1944 (23), air raid 1935-1940 (5), colonial activity of Germany 1936-1943 (2), Absences care 1939-1944 (51), foreign affairs 1934-1942 (29), budget and administration 1934-1943 (220), justice budget 1917-1938 (8), state and economy, four-year plan 1936-1943 (15), Reichsgrundbesitzverzeichnisse der Reichsjustizverwaltung 1935-1939 (41), Buildings in individual Higher Regional Court districts 1879-1941 (85), accommodation of the court prisons 1934-1937 (93), accommodation of the Local Courts 1935-1938 (122), accommodation of the Regional Courts 1936-1937 (10), verschie‧dene Office building of the Reichsjustizverwaltung 1936-1937 (3) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 22) (1877-1933) 1933-1945: Main office.- Circular decrees 1936-1945 (23), Office of the Minister Gürtner: Service diary with personal and material registers 1933-1935 (18), private correspondence 1932-1941 (67), submissions and notes on individual criminal proceedings 1940-1941 (1), Office of the Minister Thierack: Correspondence with the Reichsführer SS and the Reichssicherheitshauptamt 1942-1944 (1), speeches, lectures and essays 1943-1945 (2), office of the State Secretaries Schlegelberger, Freisler, Rothenberger and Klemm: Lectures and essays 1942-1943 (1), legal treatment of Poles and Jews as well as matters of Oberreichsanwalt‧schaft at the People's Court 1941-1942 (1), correspondence with the head of Sicherheits‧polizei and the SD Kaltenbrunner 1944 (1) Constitution and Administration: Circular orders 1936-1945 (1), Constitution in general 1933-1944 (4), Sudetenland 1938-1942 (1), Großhamburggesetz 1937-1944 (1), Staats‧oberhaupt 1936-1944 (2), Austrian affairs 1938-1939 (1), Legislation in general 1934-1945 (8), constitutional treatment of international treaties 1936-1943 (1), Reichstag, Reichsrat, Preußischer Landtag and Staatsrat 1931-1938 (1), Volksab‧stimmung from 10. April 1938, 1938 (1), legal status of the NSDAP, its branches and affiliated associations 1934-1945 (4), NS-Rechtswahrerbund 1942-1945 (2), Deut‧sche Arbeitsfront, Deutsches Frauenwerk und Hitlerjugend 1935-1945 (3), Parteigerichtsbar‧keit of the NSDAP as well as SS and police jurisdiction 1938-1945 (2), Simplification of Ju‧stizverwaltung on the occasion of the Second World War 1939-1945 (2), Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1944 (10), economic disputes between parts of the former Tsche‧choslowakei 1939-1941 (1), Generalgouvernement 1942-1945 (1), Reich citizenship and citizenship 1935-1944 (2), resettlement of Reich and ethnic Germans 1939-1944 (2), name changes and management of titles of nobility, orders and decorations, Berufsbe‧zeichnungen 1934-1944 (8), replacement of aristocratic pensions 1838 (1), blood protection legislation, Treatment of Jews and Minorities 1935-1945 (5), Supreme Reich and Landesbehör‧den, History of the Administration of Justice 1801-1944 (4), Distribution of Responsibilities in Reichsjustizmi‧nisterium 1935-1945 (17), Distribution of Responsibilities of Other Supreme Reich Authorities and the Offices of the NSDAP 1934-1944 (3), Press and Publications, v.a. "German Justice" 1935-1945 (3), other Reich and state authorities, corporations and Stiftun‧gen 1934-1943 (2), statistics and surveying 1935-1944 (2), Repräsentationsver‧pflichtungen 1934-1945 (11), national holidays and ceremonies 1939-1944 (1), Öffentlich‧keitsarbeit and disputes in the press 1934-1945 (20), Reichshauptstadt Ber‧lin, municipalities and associations of municipalities 1935-1944 (6), course of business and internal service 1934-1945 (25), rules of procedure and participation of the NSDAP party chancellery 1933-1945 (16), communications in criminal cases, criminal service cases and personnel matters of other authorities, v.a. Security Police and SD 1934-1944 (7), Statistics of Geschäfts‧entwicklung in the Reich Ministry of Justice 1934-1945 (5), Administration of written records and Aktenein‧sicht by third parties, Rules of Procedure for the Supreme Reich Authorities 1934-1945 (14) Legal and service relationships: Officials in general 1937-1944 (7), German Beamtenge‧setz 1937-1945 (2), training and career for the judicial and administrative service 1936-1945 (19), seniority 1934-1944 (5), application of legislation in Alsace, in Loth‧ringen and Luxembourg 1939-1945 (6), secondment of officials, in particular to the NSDAP and the Wehrmacht as well as to the Generalgouvernement and the occupied territories 1938-1945 (72), civil servant organizations 1934-1944 (5), overviews of the staff in Reichs‧justizministerium 1935-1945 (3), appointment, transfer and promotion of civil servants 1940-1945 (17), waiting and retirement officials 1935-1944 (3), Criminal law 1937-1944 (4), civil servant duties 1934-1945 (10), uniforms 1934-1945 (5), civil servant rights, Per‧sonalakten, job titles and leave of absence 1934-1945 (14), training and Schu‧lung of civil servants 1934-1945 (17), property rights of civil servants 1934-1945 (37), Employment contracts of judges, prosecutors and trainees 1935-1945 (19), law studies, legal examinations and preparatory service 1934-1945 (79), employment contracts of civil servants in the upper and lower middle grades 1934-1945 (33), Employment contracts of lawyers and interpreters 1935-1945 (3), employment contracts of bailiffs and other enforcement officers 1934-1945 (39), legal contracts of employees and workers 1934-1945 (36), honours gefalle‧ner Followers 1941-1944 (1) Civil law and civil law: General administration of justice 1932-1944 (48), judicial reform 1933-1945 (45), court constitution 1933-1944 (32), judicial office and letters 1933-1944 (14), administration of justice and control of the administration of justice 1932-1945 (74), legal profession 1934-1945 (31), court organisation 1931-1945 (24), Reichsgerichtsentscheidungen in Zi‧vil- und Strafsachen 1938-1945 (16), Staatsanwaltschaften und Volksgerichtshof 1934-1945 (9), substantive civil law 1933-1945 (17), Schuldrecht und einzelnen Schuldverhält‧nisse 1933-1945 (104), Sachenrecht 1926-1944 (29), Familienrecht 1934-1944 (5), Marriage Law, v.a. Individual cases 1932-1945 (122), family and guardianship law 1934-1945 (20), inheritance law 1935-1944 (12), commercial law 1875-1945 (98), list of companies exempt from compliance with commercial law regulations 1940-1944 (25), copyright and industrial property law 1934-1944 (25), patent law 1934-1945 (15), Verfahrens‧recht der Streitigen Zivilgerichtsbarkeit 1934-1945 (89), procedural law of the voluntary Ge‧richtsbarkeit, v. v. guardianship law 1934-1945 (20), inheritance law 1935-1944 (12), commercial law 1875-1945 (98), list of companies exempt from compliance with commercial law regulations 1934-1944 (25), procedural law of the voluntary Ge‧richtsbarkeit, v. v.a. Civil status matters, registry matters, notaries and notaries' offices, land register matters and depositing 1934-1945 (111) Criminal law, criminal law and police: substantive criminal law 1933-1945 (11), judgments and decisions of special and local courts in individual criminal cases 1937-1945 (402), criminal law reform 1933-1944 (134), punishment of crimes and misdemeanours in Allgemei‧nen 1934-1945 (18), high treason and treason 1934-1945 (15), "Protection of the People's Power".- An‧griffe on military strength, labour and public health, "racial disgrace", abortion, maintenance and morality offences, "common nuisance", foreign exchange and Kriegswirtschafts‧vergehen 1934-1945 (19), political criminal law, in particular Insidiousness Act, interference with powers of the churches and the NSDAP, oath violations 1934-1944 (10), killing (also "worthless life"), bodily injury and coercion 1933-1945 (5), insult to honour and Be‧leidigung 1934-1945 (4), war adultery, fraud, extortion, embezzlement, falsification of documents 1934-1945 (3), Attacks on property 1930-1945 (18), thwarting the law, Geheimnis‧schutz 1934-1939 (2), police criminal law and secondary criminal areas 1934-1942 (7), criminal procedural law including reform efforts 1934-1944 (65), special areas of criminal justice 1933-1945 (14), Criminal policy and statistics 1934-1945 (17), Jugendstraf‧recht 1932-1945 (29), compensation of innocent convicts and prisoners 1935-1944 (1), costs of criminal justice, criminal records 1933-1945 (15), the law of grace 1933-1945 (20), execution and enforcement of sentences 1934-1945 (290), Work deployment of prisoners 1942-1945 (30), "murder register" 1939-1945 (4/11 microfilm rolls), organization of police 1935-1944 (9), secret state police and SD 1934-1944 (3), protection and preventive detention 1934-1944 (7), building police 1936-1942 (3), health and food police 1934-1944 (15), security police, v.a. Unrest and state of emergency 1934-1945 (12), passport and registration 1933-1943 (4), press and literature 1934-1944 (6), order and Sittenpo‧lizei 1933-1945 (4) finance: Representation of the German Reich in court 1940-1944 (1), budget 1933-1945 (32), cash and accounting 1936-1945 (22), property and construction matters 1934-1945 (79), government procurement 1934-1945 (30), levies, taxes and fees 1934-1944 (12), court costs 1934-1945 (77) culture and welfare: Church and religious communities, Jewish Kultusvereini‧gungen 1934-1944 (11), science, art and popular education, language care and Recht‧schreibung, German shorthand, calendar and time determination 1935-1944 (6), Fürsorge‧wesen, Winterhilfswerk, Jugendwohlfahrt, Physical training, housing and Gesundheitswe‧sen, hereditary health care, registration and treatment of antisocial, hereditary health courts, medical persons and pharmacists 1933-1944 (29), social insurance 1934-1944 (11), Rundver‧fügungen 1936-1944 (1) Economic affairs: Supply of the population during the war 1934-1944 (7), mining 1935-1944 (5), state and economy, four-year plan 1936-1945 (12), economic Schutz‧maßnahmen 1934-1944 (3), organization of the German economy 1936-1943 (2), money and credit system, foreign exchange control 1934-1945 (15), insurance law and Versi‧cherungsunternehmungen 1934-1945 (32), Traffic criminal cases 1936-1944 (3), Reichswas‧serstraßen and railway 1934-1944 (6), post, telephone, telegraph and radio 1934-1945 (7), motor transport 1934-1944 (4), air transport 1933-1944 (5), shipping 1934-1944 (4), trade matters 1935-1942 (10), labour law and Ar‧beitsgerichts-wesen 1934-1944 (26) agriculture and forestry: Economic Situation and Credit Relations 1933-1944 (34), Natur‧schutz and Pest Control 1934-1943 (4), Animal and Plant Breeding 1936-1942 (1), State Forests and Forest Protection 1934-1943 (2), State Culture, Rural and Urban Sied‧lungen, Lease Protection 1934-1944 (36), Land and Habitat Law 1934-1944 (5), Fidei‧kommisse, v.a. Individual cases 1934-1945 (175), Inheritance Court Law, including deviations from legal succession in individual cases 1934-1945 (67), Water Law 1934-1945 (6), Hunting and Fishing 1934-1944 (8) Wehrmacht and Foreign Affairs: Wehrmacht and Wehrverfassung 1936-1944 (1), Kriegsmarine 1939-1944 (1), Luftwaffe 1935-1944 (1), Wehrmacht Administration and Be‧schaffungswesen 1935-1944 (1), Volkssturm 1944-1945 (1), Duties and rights of the Ange‧hörigen of the Wehrmacht 1934-1944 (6), military administration of justice and disciplinary punishment 1934-1945 (12), benefits for the Wehrmacht 1934-1944 (5), air-raid protection 1935-1945 (35), aus‧wärtige Affairs, u.a. Monthly reports of national groups of the Auslandsorgani‧sation of the NSDAP 1934-1945 (9), legalization of documents 1929-1945 (10), violation of German sovereign rights 1930-1938 (1), foreign foreign legions 1935-1942 (1), Si‧cherung of the Reich border 1938-1941 (1), colonialism and German interests in Aus‧land 1934-1944 (14), exchange of experience and material with foreign countries, v.a. for legislation and administration 1925-1945 (309), Reich defence and war deployment, welfare for soldiers, soldier letters, air raids on German cities, treatment "feindli‧chen" and Jewish property, civil service law, private law, criminal law and civil law, court constitution and administration of justice, industrial property protection and copyright, labour law and social law, Simplification of legal examinations, economic Maßnah‧men 1939-1945 (132), Treaty of Versailles and territorial losses and reintegration of the Saar area 1934-1945 (36), Integration of the Sudeten German territories 1938-1944 (18), Introduction of German law in affiliated and occupied territories, Waffenstill‧standsvertrag with France 1938-1945 (28), International law, v.a. intergovernmental agreements with individual countries 1938-1945 (248), legations and consuls 1934-1944 (10), constitutional organisations under international law, above all League of Nations and Inter‧nationaler Court of Justice 1934-1942 (7), War Prevention Law 1934-1944 (5), Martial Law, Prisenrecht and Air War Law 1914-1945 (38), International Communities of Interests in the Field of Public Law, Commercial and Private Law, Economy, Transport, Culture and Welfare 1934-1944 (122) Personnel Management: Lawyers in the service of the administration of justice including lawyers and notaries 1934-1936 (54), general index of seniority of the Reichsjustizverwaltung: höhe‧rer Dienst 1934-1945 (25), personnel files of the Reichsjustizministerium for the entire business area, including the previous files 1933-1945 (31.500), members of Reichsjustiz‧verwaltung in Austria, with previous files 1938-1945 (200), members of the Academy for Deut‧sches Law 1934-1945 (43), occupation files for the individual Higher Regional Court districts of the German Reich: formerly Prussian Higher Regional Court districts, with previous files 1933-1945 (700), formerly non-Prussian Higher Regional Court districts 1935-1945 (300), Personal‧übersichten on members of the Reichsjustizverwaltung including the Reichsgericht and the Volksgerichtshof 1934-1945 (304), "Golden Book".- Promotions 1940-1942 (8), "Braunes Buch", list of members of the higher judicial service who joined the NSDAP before 30 Jan. 1933 (2), birthday congratulations of judges for Wilhelm II. 1938-1942 (1), congratulatory letter on service anniversaries, awards of orders and Kriegsaus‧zeichnungen in the area of the Reichsjustizverwaltung 1939-1945 (63), Personalangelegen‧heiten of the chambers for commercial matters at the regional courts 1934-1945 (28): in Kammer‧gerichtsbezirk (3), Braunschweig Higher Regional Court districts, Bres‧lau, Celle, Darmstadt, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hamm, Innsbruck, Jena, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Kiel, Königsberg, Linz, Marienwerder, Naumburg, Oldenburg, Rostock, Stettin, Stutt‧gart, Vienna and Zweibrücken (23), personnel matters of lawyers and notaries 1939-1945 (131), Reichsrechtsanwalts- und Reichsnotarkammer (3), Patentanwälte (2), Kammer‧gerichtsbezirk (2), Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Bamberg (3), Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Braunschweig (4), Oberlandesgerichtsbezirk Breslau (4), Celle Higher Regional Court District (4), Gdansk Higher Regional Court District (5), Darmstadt Higher Regional Court District (5), Dresden Higher Regional Court District (4), Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court District (9), Frankfurt am Main Higher Regional Court District (4), Hamburg Higher Regional Court District (4), Hamm Higher Regional Court District (4), Jena Higher Regional Court District (4), Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court District (3), Katowice Higher Regional Court District (4), Kassel Higher Regional Court District (4), Kiel Higher Regional Court District (4), Leitmeritz Higher Regional Court District (4), Cologne Higher Regional Court District (10), Königsberg Higher Regional Court District (4), Munich Higher Regional Court District (4), Naumburg Higher Regional Court District (4), Nuremberg Higher Regional Court District (3), Oldenburg Higher Regional Court District (4), Poznan Higher Regional Court District (4), Prague Higher Regional Court District (4), Szczecin Higher Regional Court District (4), Stuttgart Higher Regional Court District (4) Zweibrücken Higher Regional Court District (5), Directories of Names (1); Replacement files in personnel and other administrative matters, for exampleT. with processes about the restoration of the civil service 1939-1945 (623): District of the Higher Regional Court (66), District of the Higher Regional Court Braunschweig (15), District of the Higher Regional Court Breslau (26), District of the Higher Regional Court Celle (30), District of the Higher Regional Court Gdansk (17), District of the Higher Regional Court Darmstadt (17), District of the Higher Regional Court Dresden (33), Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court District (43), Frankfurt Higher Regional Court District (23), Ham‧burg Higher Regional Court District (8), Hamm Higher Regional Court District (14), Jena Higher Regional Court District (19), Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court District (19), Kassel Higher Regional Court District (19), Katowice Higher Regional Court District (20), Kiel Higher Regional Court District (19), Cologne Higher Regional Court District (40), Königsberg Higher Regional Court District (24), Leitmeritz Higher Regional Court District (25), Marienwerder Higher Regional Court District (13), Naumburg Higher Regional Court District (28), Oldenburg Higher Regional Court District (13), Poznan Higher Regional Court District (11), Prague Higher Regional Court District (14), Rostock Higher Regional Court District, Schwerin (11), Stettin Higher Regional Court District (18), Stuttgart Higher Regional Court District (21) Zweibrücken Higher Regional Court District (21); Press and Political Criminal Cases 1939-1945 (2), Criminal and Service Criminal Proceedings against Judicial Servants 1939-1945 (13), Allegations against the Administration of Justice, v.a. Be‧schwerden and applications of the NSDAP 1939-1945 (6), lists of names (60), reference files in personnel matters 1934-1945 (18) Part 3: (formerly: ZPA, St 1) 1918-1939: documents on political criminal proceedings, in particular against members of the Kommunisti‧schen Partei Deutschlands 1918-1939 (123), Lageberichte des Reichskommissars für die Überwachung der öffentlichen Ordnung 1920-1923 (15) Part 4: (formerly: Collection "NS-Archiv des Miniums für Staatssicherheit der DDR"): Individual Case Files on Political Criminal Proceedings from the "RJM" Part 1933-1945 (11. Edition)402), various criminal proceedings files 1933-1945 (11.425) State of development: Part 1 (former: ZStA, 30.01): Findbuch, vol. 2-4 Part 2 (former: BArch, R 22) (1877-1933) 1933-1945: Findbuch, vol. 2-9, index of finds, list of deliveries Part 3: (formerly: ZPA, St 1): index of finds Part 4: (formerly: collection "NS-Archiv des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit der DDR"): database citation method: BArch, R 3001/...

Security Forces: Vol. 3
BArch, RM 17/80 · File · 1940-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Donauflottille; leader of the mine ships; mine ships BRUMMER, COBRA, ELSASS, HANSESTADT DANZIG, KAISER, KÖNIGIN LUISE, LINZ, LONDRES, OSTMARK, PREUSSEN, ROLAND, SCHWERIN, SKAGERRAK, TANNENBERG, TOGO, ULM and VERSAILLES; Barriers; Ships 4, 7, 9, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 31, 35, 37, 40 and 47; Barrier pilots' union East

Stand increases, vol. 2
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 90 A, Nr. 2011 · File · 1895-1927
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Alten, Carl von, lord of the manor, chamberlain, Linden near Hanover. Elevation to the rank of Count Alten-Linsingen on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Alvensleben, Werner von, Kammerherr, Schlosshauptmann von Quedlinburg, Fideikommisbesitzer, Neugattersleben. Elevation to the rank of Count as "Count of Alvensleben-Neugattersleben" on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Arnim-Boitzenburg, Count. Proposal of the Prime Minister Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg for elevation to the rank of prince in a meeting of the State Ministry. Agreement of the State Ministry on the occasion of the 25th government anniversary of Wilhelm II [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Baum, Geheimer Kommerzienrat, Elberfeld. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Baumann, Lieutenant General retired, Loschwitz near Dresden, most recently Major General and inspector of the 2nd Landwehr Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Behring, Dr., Professor of Medicine at the University of Marburg, Privy Councillor. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the uprising of Prussia to the status of kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Bellschwitz (see Brünneck) (p. 19) - Berendt, Major General retired, Charlottenburg, last Colonel and Commander of the Brandenburg Foot Artillery Regiment No. 3 (General Field Artillery Master). Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Bergemann, Lieutenant General, Commander of the Invalidenhaus in Berlin. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Boitzenburg (see Arnim-Boitzenburg) - Bothe, Hermann, owner of manor and landscape councillor, on tooth, district Flatow. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Boyneburgk, Alexander von, retired cavalry master, Grand Duke of Saxony Chamberlain in Stadtfeld. Permission to the guidance of the baron title to the members of the Stadtfelder line, 14.12.1901-18.03.1902 (Bl. 23, 25, 26) - Braunbehren, Ludwig Günther Karl Otto, Undersecretary of State a. D., Really Secret Council. Elevation to the nobility, 25.08.1900 (Bl. 21) - Brünneck, Roland von, Burgrave of Marienburg, chamberlain, on Bellschwitz. Elevation to the rank of Count of Brünneck-Bellschwitz on the occasion of the turn of the century, 04.01.1900 (p. 19) - Budde, Minister of State and Minister for Public Works. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 03.05.1904 (p. 35) - Bumke, Lieutenant General retired, Berlin, last Major General and Inspector of the 3rd Engineering Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Caemmerer, Major General, Commander of the 12th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Camphausen, Minister of State, Berlin. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the return of the Day of the Imperial Proclamation to Versailles, 18./20.01.1896 (p. 4) - Cramer, Constantin, Royal Prussian Lieutenant Colonel. Elevation to the hereditary nobility under the name Cramer von Laue on the basis of a corresponding request for the throne to the emperor and king Wilhelm II from 09.05.1918 on the part of his son, Cramer von Laue, who had been named under 01.04.1918 of the Duke of Anhalt into the nobility raised Oheims - brother of his mother - of the Duke-Anhalt Minister of State Dr. Ernst von Laue (see also Laue), 09.05.-11.10.1918 (pp. 69, 70, 72) - Crüger, Lieutenant General retired, Wiesbaden, last inspector of the 3rd engineer inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger from 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Czarnecki, Count von, manor owner, Siekowko near Priment (Posen). Application for the award of the count title for his son Marcell von Czarnecki, Dr. jur., on Rakwitz, 14./25.03.1899 (p. 17) - Delbrück, Dr., Minister of State, Berlin. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Day of the Emperor's Proclamation of Versailles, 18./20.01.1896 (p. 4) - Derneburg, by (see Münster, Alexander Graf zu) (p. 55) - Detmering, Lieutenant General retired, Schwerin, last Major General and commander of the 16th Cavalry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Dippe, Karl, Kommerzienrat, Quedlinburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Dohna-Schlobitten, Richard Graf zu. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Serene Highness" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Drenkmann, Really Secret Council, President of the Court of Appeal, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Dulitz, Major General, Commander of the 2nd Guard Field Artillery Brigade. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (sheet 19) - Ecken, Peter von, Krefeld. Entry for information about a sex of corners on castle of corners, 06.05.1927 (sheet 93) - Eppstein, by, Princely Lippischer Geheimer Kabinettsrat. Elevation to the nobility. Letter from the Minister of the Interior to the Royal Herald's Office concerning the elevation of Eppstein to the nobility in the Principality of Lippe, irrespective of his Prussian nationality and without prior request from the Lippe Government (copy). Note, 11.01.1916-02.05.1917 (p. 68) - Eulenburg, Philipp Graf zu, Baron von und zu Hertefeld, Imperial German Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to the Imperial and Royal Austro-Hungarian Courts. Elevation to the rank of Prince with the title "Serene Highness" as "Prince of Eulenburg and Hertefeld, Count of Sandels" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Fahland, Major General retd., Wiesbaden, last Colonel in the Staff of the Corps of Engineers and Inspector of the 2nd Pioneer Inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Foerster, by. Rejection of the Herald's Office on the application of Major Eugenie Franke, House Germete near Warburg i. W., born von Foerster, on inheritance her birth name from Foerster to her son-in-law, the vice-consul Dr. Fritz Grouven in Cairo under the name form: Fritz von Foerster-Grouven, 16.12.1910-06.03.1911 (pp. 59, 60) - Franke, Eugenie, born von Förster (see Foerster, from) (pp. 59, 60) - Franke, Major General retired, Weimar, last colonel and commander of the Westphalian fusilier regiment no. 37. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Fritz, Lieutenant Colonel, with the staff of the Königs-Infanterie-Regiment No. 145. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Frowein, Peter Eduard, Oberverwaltungsgerichtsrat, Wirklicher Geheimer Oberregierungsrat. Elevation to the nobility, 20.03.-12.09.1913 (p. 61) - Gescher, President of the Government, Münster. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Godeffroy, Dr. jur., pensioner, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Goeschen, Landrat, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Harburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Max von, K. K. Austrian-Hungarian Consul General, Frankfurt a. M. State Ministry negotiations on the establishment of a Fidei Commission of Max von Goldschmidt-Rothschild in the province of Poznan. Wilhelm II had reserved for himself the elevation to baron status desired by Max von Goldschmidt-Rothschild, who was elevated to the nobility in 1903, by continuation of the baron title for the family of his wife, a née freiherr of Rothschild, until the establishment of the Fidei Commise] 22.06.1906 (pp. 45-49) - Grouven, Fritz, Dr. (see Foerster, by) (pp. 59, 60) - Grunelius, Andreas Adolf, Banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to the hereditary nobility simultaneously with that of Moritz Eduard Grunelius - on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Grunelius, Moritz Eduard, Banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to the hereditary nobility simultaneously with that of Andreas Adolf Grunelius - on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Gusovius, Emil, General Landschaftsrat, Kreisdeputierter, auf Augken, Kreis Wehlau. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Hacht, Werner von. Assessment of the predicate "von" as a local nobility predicate by the Reich Minister of Labor, 09.06.1926 (p. 91) - Hänisch, Lieutenant General, Commander of the 36th Division. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger from 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Hansemann, Gustav, Rentner, Charlottenburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Hatzfeldt zu Trachenberg, Hermann Fürst von, Oberst-Schenk, Oberpräsident der Provinz Schlesien. Award of the ducal dignity under the name of a duke to Trachenberg, princes of Hatzfeldt on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (sheet 19) - Henckel von Donnersmarck, Guido, count, in Neudeck, Real Privy Council, Hereditary Upper Land Mouth Gift in the Duchy of Silesia, Free Lord of State on Upper Beuthen. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Durchlaucht" as "Count Henckel Fürst von Donnersmarck" on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Hertefeld, Philipp Freiherr von und zu (see Eulenburg, Philipp Graf zu) (p. 19) - Hohenleuben, Count von (see Reuß j. L., Prince Henry XXXI.) (p. 71) - Humann, Eduard, Lieutenant Commander Oldenburg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Innhausen and Knyphausen, Edzard Graf zu, Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, on Lützburg. Elevation to the rank of prince with the title "Serene Highness" on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Ising, Lieutenant General, à la suite of the army and commander of the armoury. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Jacobi, General der Artillerie z. D., Berlin, last Lieutenant General and Inspector of Field Artillery. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kamlah, Major General, Commander of the 35th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Kamphövener, Lieutenant General retired in Constantinople, former captain and company commander in infantry regiment no. 79. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Keußler, Friedrich, Staatsrat a. D., Greifswald. Naturalization and name change, 18.06.-04.07.1924 (pp. 89-90) - Kißling, Georg, cavalryman of the L. a. D. and former Fidei commiss owner, Heinzendorf, Wohlau district. Search for delivery of the relevant papers on the bestowal of hereditary nobility, 20/22 April 1921 (p. 88) - Klaeden, bank director, Berlin. Complaints about non-recognition by the Heroldamt, 27.09. and 09.10.1907 (pp. 50, 51), of the nobility allegedly due to him - Knappe, Lieutenant General retired, Charlottenburg, last Major General and Commander of the Railway Brigade. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Knorr, Admiral and Commanding Admiral. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Knyphausen (see Innhausen and Knyphausen, Edzard Graf zu) (page 19) - Koester, Admiral, Inspector General of the Navy and Chief of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Kranold, Viktor Ferdinand, Real Privy Councilor, President of the Railway Directorate in Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 29.07.-08.11.1904 (pp. 36-39) - Kraus, Major General retired, Baden-Baden, last Colonel and Commander of the 6th Baden Infantry Regiment No. 114. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Krause, Dr., lawyer, Privy Justice Council, Chairman of the Board of the Bar Association, Second Vice-President of the House of Representatives. Proposal of the Minister of Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry on elevation to nobility. Consent of the Ministry of State. Planned elevation on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (pp. 62, 66) - Kruska, Major General, commander of the 23rd Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kühn, Max Arthur Richard, Oberförster, Breslau. Submission of an application to the herald's office for the award of the title of nobility, 08.-24.04.1919 (p. 73) - Kuhlmann, Lieutenant General, inspector of the 1st foot artillery inspection. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Detail from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Kuhlmay, Lieutenant General, Inspector of the 2nd Cavalry Inspection. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Lassen, Hermann, retired cavalryman, at Siggen, Oldenburg district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Laue, Ernst, Dr., Herzoglich Anhaltischer Staatsminister, Plenipotentiary to the Federal Council. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the celebration of 25 years of official activity in the Anhalt State Ministry by the Duke of Anhalt, 01.04.1918 (see also Cramer [von Laue]) (p. 69) - Lenhausen, Graf von (see Manderscheid, August von) (p. 27 and 29) - Lenke, Lieutenant General, Commander of the 19th Division. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Leuffen, Benjamin, owner of a manor on Otzenrath, Grevenbroich district, resident of Sinsteden, Neuss district. Negotiation for elevation to the nobility, 28.02.-17.03.1870 (pp. 297-300) - Levetzow, Erdmann Freiherr von, Görz. Application for official certification of entitlement to hold the baron title by the Ministry of the Interior, 26.10.1908 (pp. 53-54) - Leyden, Ernst Viktor, Dr., Priver Medizinalrat, Professor in the Medical Faculty of the Friedrich Wilhelm University, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility at the request of the Minister of State for Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs, Dr. Bosse, 14-23.01.1896 (pp. 6-12) - Liebert, Major General, Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a.. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Mades, Arthur, Lieutenant a. D., Aachen. Findings on the identity of today's Mades family with the Italian "di Madesa" and in France "de Madis", 25.10.1927 (p. 95) - Magdeburg, Eduard Ludwig Carl, Real Privy Councillor, President of the Chamber of Accounts. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 30.12.1903-03.05.1904 (pp. 30-35) - Manderscheid, August von, Lenhausen/Westphalia. Recognition of the title as Count of Lenhausen, 02.06.1902 and 16.05.1903 [pencil note: input of a mentally unsound person] (pp. 27, 29) - Metzler, Albert, Bankier, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's Elevation to the Kingdom, 18th century01.1901 (p. 22) - Metzler, Karl, banker, Frankfurt a. M. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to the status of kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Miquel, Johannes Franz, Dr., Minister of State and Minister of Finance. Elevation to the nobility by awarding the Order of the Black Eagle on the occasion of the birthday of the emperor and king, 27./28.01.1897 (p. 16) - Möller, Theodor Adolf, Minister of State and Minister for Trade and Commerce. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 19.10.1905 (p. 43) - Moßner, Ernst, owner of manor, Ulbersdorf, district. Oils. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Elevation of Prussia to Kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Müller, Major General, General à la suite His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Baden. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Münster, Alexander Graf zu, on Derneburg (province Hannover). Elevation to the rank of prince under the name Fürst Münster von Derneburg with the title Durchlaucht, 23.04.1909 (p. 55) - Nasse, Dr., Wirklicher Geheimer Rat, Oberpräsident in Koblenz. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 23.08.1905 (p. 42) - Negenborn, Gerhard, owner of manor, Klonau, district Osterode/Ostpr. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Oberhoffer, General der Infanterie, Generalquartiermeister und Chef der Landesaufnahme. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Oswald, Priver Kommerzienrat, Koblenz. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Otto, C., Kriminal-Oberinspektor, Berlin. Determination of his family name and the noble origin of his family, 06.-14.06.1926 (p. 92) - Pappritz, director of knighthood, owner of manor, Radach, district West-Sternberg. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Pelzer, Major, charged with the duties of a head of department in the War Ministry. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Persius, Dr., Real Privy Councillor, President of the Higher Administrative Court. Application by the Ministry of State for elevation to nobility on the occasion of his resignation from office. Rejection by the emperor and king, award of the diamonds to the Red Eagle Order I. Class, 02.02.1902 (p. 24) - Pirscher, Major General retired, Charlottenburg, last inspector of the 4th engineering inspection at that time. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Pohl, District Administrator, Privy Councillor, Ratibor. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Pusch, Dr. Lucian, Professor, Breslau. Request for elevation to nobility, 03.05.1903 (p. 28) - Reuß younger line, Heinrich XXXI., Prince. Award of the name "von Hohenleuben" as well as the hereditary dignity of Count on the part of the reigning Prince von Reuß younger line to Prince Heinrich XXXI. Reuß j. L. on the occasion of his forthcoming marriage to a lady of the bourgeois class, 09.-11.10.1918 (p. 71) - Rexrot, landowner and cavalry captain of the reserve, Saarbrücken. Proposal of the Minister of the Interior for elevation to the nobility in a meeting of the State Ministry. Endorsement by the Herald's Office. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th government anniversary of Wilhelm II [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Rothschild (see Goldschmidt-Rothschild) - Ruperti, owner of manor, Grubno, Kulm district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Sasse, Major General retired, Berlin, last commander of the 1st Foot Artillery Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Scheller, Georg Friedrich, retired District President, Stralsund. Elevation to hereditary nobility, 31.03.1908 (p. 52) - Schichau, Erich, owner of manor, Pohren, Heiligenbeil district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Prussia's elevation to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schlobitten (see Dohna-Schlobitten) (p. 19) - Schmidt, Major General, in charge of conducting business as inspector of field artillery. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Schmidt, Dr., Landgerichtpräsident, Halle a. S. Elevation to the hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200-year anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schmysingk-Korff, Klaus Freiherr von, currently Munich. Search of the Bavarian Legation in Berlin for the authorization of Klaus Freiherr von Schmysingk-Korff to lead the Prussian nobility at the time of the coming into force of the Reichsverfassung [14.08.1919], 05.08.1927 (p. 94) - Schnitzler, Consul General, Antwerp. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schnitzler, Kommerzienrat, Cologne. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schnitzler, Landgerichtsrat. According to a statement by the Minister of the Interior at a meeting of the State Ministry, the Chief President of the Rhine Province, together with two other brothers, proposed that the state be elevated to the nobility. Planned survey on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Wilhelm II's government [June 1913], 03.04.1913 (p. 62) - Schönstedt, former Minister of State, survey into hereditary nobility, 27.08.1910 and 27.01.1911 (p. 56-58) - Schroeter, Heinrich, Police President, Stettin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Schütz, Carl von. Application to the Ministry of the Interior to hold the title of nobility, 20./26.09.1895 (p. 2) - Schulz, Wilhelm, Lieutenant General (retired), Berlin, last President of the Engineering Committee. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Excerpt from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (p. 5) - Schulze, Hermann, Prussian Privy Justice Councillor and Kronsyndikus, Baden University Professor. Elevation to the hereditary nobility under the name of Schulze-Gaevernitz by the Grand Duke of Baden. Keine Landesherrliche Anerkennung für die ehelichen Nachkommen in Preußen], 25.07.1888 (p. 78) - Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhard von, Professor Dr., Lieutenant of the Landwehr, Member of the German National Assembly. Permission to use the above mentioned name also in Prussia. This decision was preceded by a long dispute, since the elevation of the Grand Duke of Baden to hereditary nobility in 1888 did not require the sovereign's permission in Prussia. (see also Schulze, Hermann), 16.05.-09.12.1919 (pp. 77-87) - Schwabach, Geheimer Regierungsrat in Berlin, former Regierungsrat at the Königliche Eisenbahndirektion zu Altona. Decision of the Ministry of State to support the project of the secret council Schwabach to establish a family fidei commission in the province of Posen as well as with regard to a later application for nomination, 28.02.1905 (pp. 40 and 41) - Seeger, Major General a. D., Görlitz, last Colonel à la suite of the 2nd Badischer Feldartillerie Regiments Nr. 30 and director of the artillery shooting school. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Spalding, Richard, landowner, Groß-Miltzow, district Grimmen. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Spitz, Lieutenant General retired, Hanover, last inspector of the Landwehrinspektion Berlin. Elevation to the nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Steinmeister, Dr. jur., District Administrator, Nauen. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to a kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Stubenrauch, Ernst, District Administrator of the District of Teltow, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Thielen, Minister of State and Minister for Public Works, Berlin. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (page 19) - Tieschowitz von Tieschowa, District President, Königsberg. Invitation to the President of the Government of Tieschowitz to use the spelling of the name "Tieschowitz von Tieschowa", which was established for the members of the von Tieschowitz family by diploma dated 02.07.1625, and to use the abbreviated form "von Tieschowitz" solely in private life etc., 12.12.1895 (p. 3) - Tiling, Wilhelm von, Gymnasialoberlehrer und Pastor a. D., Goslar. Application for recognition of the nobility for his son Walther, the Seconde lieutenant in the Pionier-Batl. No. 15, 30.06.-30.10.1896 (pp. 13-14) - Trachenberg, Herzog zu (see Hatzfeldt zu Trachenberg) (pp. 19) - Waldstein, Graf von, Beuthen. Application for the dukedom title, 04./10.05.1900 (p. 20) - Wedekind, Sophie, née Danzier, widow of the former Austrian-Hungarian Consul General Paul Wedekind, who died in Berlin. Willingness to donate the missing funds of 400,000 Marks for the acquisition of the Ebernburg under the condition that the hereditary nobility bestow on her and her children. [William II did not declare himself averse]. 09. and 16.01.1914 (p. 67) - Wedel, Clementine von, née von Wedel, Castle St. Marie near Diedenhofen. Presentation of a request of her husband for elevation to hereditary baron status, 18.10.-02.11.1899 (p. 18) - Weinberg, Arthur and Karl, brothers. Inquiry of the Royal Herald's Office about the application for nomination of the Weinberg brothers (note), 09.04.1906 (p. 44) - Werner, Reinhold, Vizeadmiral a. D., Wiesbaden. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the elevation of Prussia to kingdom, 18.01.1901 (p. 22) - Wülfing, Carl Emil, owner of manor, Kriegshoven, Rheinbach district. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19) - Ziegner, Major General, Commander of the 7th Infantry Brigade. Elevation to hereditary nobility. Extract from the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 18.01.1896 (page 5) - Zimmermann, August, Amtsrat, Salzmünde, Mansfelder Seekreis. Elevation to hereditary nobility on the occasion of the turn of the century, 01.01.1900 (p. 19).