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Archival description
Stadtarchiv Worms, 005 · Fonds
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Abt. 5 - Stadtverwaltung Worms 1815-1945 Scope: 1160 archive cartons (= approx. 181 linear metres), in addition approx. 120 linear metres of bound documents for the account of the town, the municipal authorities and the city of Worms. Works, companies and institutions (approx. 1880-1935, large, undz.) Scope after completion of the delay and conversion (July 2004, updated or converted, current version added, last 18.10.2012 = merger of the two files in Augias): 7742 VE (with UnterVE: 7793) Duration: 1815 - 1945 I. Content and scope II. Tax layers III. Losses and cassation IV. Condition and storage V. Find books and other finding aids VI. Supplementary archive holdings VII. On the history of the city administration VIII. Literature I. Contents and scope The collection contains files, official books and documents of the Municipality of Worms for the period 1815 - 1945, with a focus on the period from the end of the 19th century to the 1920s, plus a few pieces with longer durations, minus the areas whose documents are stored in the archives in the 11th registration file 12th registry office 13th registry office 12th registry office 12th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office 13th registry office Police Directorate 14. Commercial Court 15. Food Office 16. Food, Economic and Agricultural Office 17. Housing Office 18. Building Code Office 20. Cultural institutes, which, due to the quantity of material received and the fact that they are separated from the main stock, have been left as independent departments and some of them are already listed. In addition, plans for municipal and former municipal buildings of the period from around 1900 onwards are stored in the planning chamber of Amt 60.2 Bauamt-Hochbau. Further material still in stock at the offices is not known at present. The file envelopes usually carried (and carry, unless renewal was necessary due to poor condition) imprints or writings which they assigned to the (Lord) Mayor or the Mayor's Office, in the 1920s - 1940s also to the city administration. Only rarely do special municipal offices appear, namely - Stadtbauamt (approx. 70 files, sometimes factually and temporally parallel to those of the Lord Mayor, (especially in the case of files concerning Worms monuments), with departmental and section information that points to a different registration plan, - Versicherungs-/Fürsorge-/Wohlfahrts- und Jugendamt, Hessischer Bezirksfürsorgeverband Stadt Worms (changing names and combinations, approx. The files available here are thus likely to be the only remains of the registries of the offices mentioned, whereby the losses must have been enormous especially at the first two offices and presumably occurred only after 1945 due to the destruction of files without consulting the City Archives. Also files of the police office / police administration were found in approx. 25 cases in the stock and left in this connection, furthermore quite sporadically also further offices, whose delivery is good in the city archives (range of the Abt. 11 - 20, see above). The district office of Worms appears several times (especially in the files concerning economic concessions) as a preliminary provenance. TWO. The holdings were taken over by the City Archives around 1900 with a focus on the 1920s, but there are no individual records of this. On the file skirts, in which it was stored standing up to distortion, the delivery layers A, B, C, D and occasionally E were verifiable. In addition there was a larger delivery of the public utilities in 2002 (concerning the tram) as well as some files, which were delivered afterwards by municipal offices. In the course of the listing, the dissolved departments 64 (Scholarship Foundation Cornelius Heyl), 65 (White Scholarship Fund) as well as individual pieces from department 6, among them the documents of the 20th century previously kept as department 6 U, were integrated into department 5. Departments 3 (minutes of the 19th and 20th centuries) and 4 (invoices of the 19th and 20th centuries) had already been dissolved and assigned to Dept. 5 according to their period of affiliation, thus achieving the same status as Departments 1 and 2. For layer A there is a typewritten overview produced in the archives (now abbot 206 Old finding aids no. 4), which shows that abbot 5 A also contained files of the time of municipality (1792 - 1813), which are now integrated into abbot 2. The files lasted until about the middle of the 19th century and were arranged according to the registration plan for the Grand Ducal Mayors of Hesse of 1837 (original plan in Dept. 13 No. 1019). For stratum B, which comprised files from 1792 to 1906, mainly from the second half of the 19th century, there is a similar overview in Dept. 206 No. 4, also according to the order of the 1837 registry plan. There is also a handwritten register, which was apparently drawn up in one go and probably soon after 1906 (Dept. 206 No. 11). This list differs from the typewritten list mainly in that it contains a considerable number of files which are missing from the more recent list, only partially reappeared in the new list and must therefore have been cashed in or lost in the meantime. It also contains handwritten supplements of the archive employees Mrs. Sauerwein (in service until 1986) concerning files, which, for unknown reasons, had not been mentioned in the old register, had meanwhile appeared and been incorporated into the inventory, as well as a loose note of archive director Reuter with notes to the layers A, B and C. Also to layer C, which was formed from files of the time mostly after approx. 1906 - 1931, an old handwritten directory is available (Dept. 206 No. 12). It corresponds to the registration plan for the Großherzoglich Hessischen Bürgermeistereien of 1908, although it does not show sections below the departments marked with Roman numerals, but only consecutive numbering. This type of signing can also be found in part on the subsequent files up to 1945; a draft file plan with decimal classification (Dept. 5 No. 6631) submitted in 1932 has left no traces. There was no revision or machine transcription here, but there are more recent handwritten supplements by various hands. There are no directories for layers D and E, smaller deliveries. III. losses and cassation Due to the bombing raid of 21.02.1945 "primarily the loss of the stocks bricked up in several storeys in the Cornelianum was to be deplored, whereby above all considerable parts of the younger files of the city administration were lost. The exact extent of the loss of archival records, which may have been about 30 to 50 percent in the case of the more recent files, can hardly be determined with certainty" (Bönnen, Stadtarchiv, p. 22). In view of this and the losses - probably to be separated from it - noted above at layer B, any further cassation by the city archives was refrained from. The period of the densest file tradition extends from the end of the 19th to the 1920s. IV. Condition and storage The files stored in bundles and standing at the beginning of the indexing process, as well as the books, were, as far as possible, transferred to archive cartons in the usual manner. In the case of the tram files taken over from the Stadtwerke in 2002, the unusual condition that the original files, loosely laid out in file covers, were all put in standing files had to be reversed. Otherwise, stand-up files, folders or even thread-stitching appeared only sporadically. The 19th and 20th century invoices, the last part of the inventory, are only partially recorded at present (May 2004) and will continue to be stored in two rooms in the attic of the office building in Adenauerring due to their size and rare use. An archive box with the inscription "Schimmelbefall" contains the few affected pieces of the generally well-preserved stock (box no. 1140). V. Finding aids and other finding aids The inventory was recorded predominantly on index cards on the basis of the order by departments and with occasional deviations in the sections in accordance with the 1908 registry plan, and since 1992 has been stored in the PC (F