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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/8 Bü 214 · File · 1908-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The evidence for the 1870/71 campaign comes exclusively from the military hospitals of the Württemberg army in France. The lists of casualties of all naval personnel from 1849-1911 who died in German war operations refer to the following events: Battle with Danish brig 1849, battle with natives on the Moroccan coast 1856, battle with Danish ships 1864, battle with French ship at Havana (Cuba) 1870, defeat of a natives uprising in Cameroon 1884, battle with natives on Apia (Westsamoa) 1888, Blockade of the East African coast 1888-1890, Boxer uprising in China 1900-1901, campaign in South West Africa 1904-1905, defeat of a native uprising in East Africa 1905-1906, defeat of a native uprising in Ponape and Dschogadsch (Caroline Islands, Melanesia) Darin: Issues Report of the Board of Directors of the Württembergischer Landesverein der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Stiftung für deutsche Invaliden, Stuttgart 1908 - 1918, Buchdruckerei der Paulinenpflege;

"Personnel Affairs." vol. 2
BArch, RM 5/5309 · File · 1903-1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Immediate report of the command of the cruiser squadron concerning, among other things, continued insulting of the governor of Samoa Solf by Germans resident there, 16.5.1909 Mistaken bombardment of the district manager of Ponape by the landing command of the small cruiser "Emden" in Jan. 1911, 1911-1912

BArch, RM 8/75 · File · 1849-1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Battle of the Prussian paddle steamer 'Adler' with the Danish brig 'St.Croix' at Brüderort in 1849 (1 casualty); Battle of S.M.S. 'Danzig' with natives on the Moroccan coast near Tres Forcas 1856 (7 prisoners); battle S.M.S. 'Arcona' and 'Nymphe' with Danish ships near Jasmund 1864 (5 ships); battle S.M.S. 'Meteor' with the French Aviso 'Bouvet' near Havana in 1870 (2 battles); battle S.M.S. 'Olga' with natives near Cameroon 1884 (1 battle); battle S.M.S. 'Olga' and 'Eber' with natives on Apia in 1888 (16 prisoners); battles during the blockade of the East African coast in 1888/90 (4 prisoners); expedition to China in 1900/01 (165 prisoners). ); campaign in South West Africa 1904/05 (92 prisoners); suppression of the native uprising in East Africa 1905/06 (7 prisoners); suppression of the native uprising in Ponape and Dschokatsch 1911 (3 prisoners)

BArch, RM 5/618 · File · 1899-1901
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Lieutenant at Sea Küsel: About railways and telegraph lines in western Africa, 1899 Lieutenant at Sea Wilhelm Taegert: Economic and military value of the Canary Islands for Germany. Which forces are necessary for the seizure? 1900 Captain Lieutenant Bechtel: The economic and military value of the colonies of Portugal, 1900 Captain Lieutenant Albinus: Development of the dark continent, state of the railway constructions in Africa, the river steamer lines and their meaning for their owners, 1901 First Lieutenant at Sea Runge: What value does the possession of the Caroline Islands have for our position in East Asia? 1901 Kapitänleutnant Bechtel: Über Kriegs- u. Friedenswert telegraphischer Verbindungen mit dem Ausland unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Kolonien, o. Dat.

BArch, R 901/80752 · File · Okt. 1913 - Juni 1914 (1914)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Trials of the Telefunkengesellschaft against the company Huth because of patent infringements, 1913 range attempts of the Telefunken-Gesellschaft from Nauen to Togo and Sayville (near New York), Nov. 1913 equipment of ships with radio stations, Dec. 1913 radio station of the Deutsche-Südseegesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie in Jap (Karolinen) and Nauru (Marshall Islands) in operation, Dec. 1913 radiotelegraphic length determinations between the stations Eiffelturm and Arlington, Dec. 1913. 1913 Wireless telegraphy in and with the German colonies (newspaper clipping of the "Hamburger Nachrichten"), 1914 patent situation in the field of wireless telegraphy, Jan. 1914 Safety of passenger transport by sea (memorandum of the German government), 1912 - 1914 Opening of the Danish radio station Blaavandshuk, 1914 International treaty for the protection of human life at sea, 1914 Range tests of Nauen with the "Cap Trafalgar" in the Atlantic Ocean, with maps, March - Apr. 1914 Minutes of the meeting of the committee for joint work in the field of radiotelegraphy, 14th Feb. 1914