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Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, 5.12-7/1 · Fonds · 1849 - 1945
Part of Schwerin State Archives (archive tectonics)

In 1849, after the introduction of the ministerial organisation, special departments were created for the tasks of the administration of worship and medicine performed by the government or its Special Department of Education (see 2.21-1). These departments were temporarily attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then to the Ministry of Justice as departments for educational, medical and spiritual affairs. It was not until 1919 that a special ministry was established under the above-mentioned authority name, the members of which were also individually referred to as "Ministry of Education", "Ministry of Art", "Ministry of Spiritual Affairs" and "Ministry of Medicine". The competence extended to the entire area of education administration (including the University of Rostock), the administration of art institutions, the supervision of religious communities (including the supervision of foundations and institutions for pious and mild purposes) as well as all matters of medical and health care (including veterinary matters). After the transformation of the State Ministry in 1934 (Rbl. 1935, p. 3), the Ministry was renamed "State Ministry, Department of Education, Arts, Spiritual and Medical Affairs". With the ordinance of 6 Oct. 1941 (Rbl. 1941, p. 199), the previous departments were given the designation "Science, Education and Training". At the same time the affairs of the Staatstheater, the Mecklenburgische Landesbühne and the Landestheater Neustrelitz (to the State Ministry) as well as the health service (to the State Ministry, Department of the Interior) were spun off. These changes are no longer reflected in the inventory situation. The tradition for the period 1918-1945 is partly incomplete. GENERAL REGISTRATURE A. Registry of the Ministry of Justice, Department of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs: Business and service operations; personnel files. B. Registries of the Ministry of Education, the Arts, Spiritual and Medical Affairs (Includes, inter alia: (e.g. business and official operations, relations with other institutions, constitution and legislation, treasury, budgetary and accounting matters, employment of civil servants and employees). MINISTERIUM FOR INSTRUCTION A. University of Rostock I. General university affairs: Relationship with other German and foreign universities, scientific societies, academies, etc.; university associations; students; academic profession; exchange service; university reform - II. position and administration of the university: business operations; university conferences; relationship with state authority; government representative (vice chancellery); rector and senate; university archive; civil servants and employees (except faculty); university suppliers (includes, etc.: university book printing and bookstores); III. finance and budget system of the university - IV. Buildings and equipment - V. Discipline - VI. Convict and scholarships - VII. Donations and foundations - VIII. University operation: Statutes (also of other universities); Statistics (Includes: General university statistics, women's studies, working students); Lecture and personnel directories; Doctoral studies (Includes: Honorary doctorates, recognition and withdrawal of academic degrees); University publications; Summer courses, excursions; Academic celebrations and honours - IX. Faculties: General (Includes: Statutes, Deaneries); Faculty of Philosophy; Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Law and Economics; Faculty of Medicine (Includes: Teaching Operations, Doctorates, Professors and Chairs); Faculty of Agriculture (Includes: Agricultural Experimental Station).- X. University Library - XI. Institutes and Seminars: General - Humanities Institutes and Seminars (Contains: Philosophical Seminary, Linguistic and Literary Seminars, Historical and Art History Institute, Theological Seminars, Legal Seminars, Economic Seminar with Thünen Archive); Mathematical and Natural Science Institutes (Includes: Air Observatory, Natural History Museum); Medical Institutes; Other Institutes - XII. University hospitals: General; University Hospital; Medical Clinic; Surgical Clinic; Women's Clinic (with midwife school); Children's Clinic; Polyclinic for Oral and Dental Diseases; Ear Clinic; Eye Clinic; Dermatology Clinic; Psychiatric Clinic Gehlsheim (Includes, among others, the following) XIII: General service and employment conditions of professors; private lecturers (contains: personnel files A-Z according to faculties); lecturers (also personnel files); assistants; dance and fencing masters.- XIV. students: Admission and matriculation; liaison; foreign students; social services. B. Primary, middle and secondary schools I. Schools (Older General Acts 19th century to 1918 ff.): General (Contains: School regulations and school laws, school systems in other countries, pupil and education statistics, compulsory education, school associations, school years; school revisions and improvements, teaching matters, teachers); municipal schools; Romanial schools; knightly schools (also landscape rural schools); II. elementary and secondary schools (Recent General Acts 1918-1945): Elementary schools (Contains, among other things, the following: - school regulations and school laws, school systems in other countries, school statistics, compulsory education, school associations, school years; school revisions and improvements, teaching matters, teachers): School laws, school supervision, school and church, curricula, education and teaching, war preparation and war deployment, teachers, pupils); middle and secondary schools; private schools; budget and treasury bills of district treasuries - III. elementary and secondary schools (special files 18th/19th century to 1945): Stadtschulen A-Z; Landschulen A-Z; Stellen- und Diensteinkommensakten.- IV. Secondary schools: General files (contains among other things: organisation and administration, statistics, school-leaving exams); special files A-Z.-V. teacher seminars, teacher training institutions: Teacher Seminar Neukloster (also Ludwigslust); Teacher Seminar Lübtheen; University for Teacher Education Rostock/Pädagogium - VI. Special Schools: Neukloster Institution for the Blind; Ludwigslust Deaf and Mute Institution. C. Vocational and technical schools I. Vocational schools (see also 5.12-3/1): General information; Vocational schools, Generalia and Spezialia (Includes: Staatliche Gewerbeschule Schwerin, Örtliche Gewerbeschulen A-Z); Vocational schools for business administration; Rural vocational schools II. Technical schools: General information; technical colleges (Includes among others: Baugewerkschule Neustadt-Glewe, Technikum Strelitz, Baugewerkschule Sternberg, Ingenieurschule Wismar, Eisenbahnfachschulen); Seefahrtsschulen (Contains among others: Seefahrtsschule Wustrow, Navigationsvorbereitungsschulen); Handelsschulen; Hauswirtschaftsschulen; Kinderpflegerinnenschulen; Landwirtschaftliche Fachschulen (Contains among others: Individual agricultural schools, rural household schools, rural women's school Malchow). D. Adult Education Centres General; Adult Education Committees A-Z. E. Archives and libraries I. Secret and main archives/state archives Schwerin: general administration; household; buildings and inventory; archive staff; acquisitions, collections, use; historical association, commissions - II. Mecklenburgische Landesbibliothek Schwerin (see also 5.12-3/1) - III. Landesarchiv und -bibliothek Rostock - IV. Main Archive and State Library Neustrelitz - V. Public Libraries. MINISTERIUM FOR ART A. General (Includes, but is not limited to Associations, interest groups, art foundations, art collections, fine arts, concessions to acting companies, film and radio, participation in artistic undertakings, awards, scholarships). B. Theatre I. Stage associations - II. Versorgungsanstalt deutscher Bühnen - III. Hof- bzw. Staatstheater Schwerin (Contains among other things: Intendanz, household, building and inventory, performances, personnel, engagements, interim theatre, Fritz-Reuter-Bühne, open-air theatre).IV. Landestheater Neustrelitz - V. Mecklenburgische Landesbühne - VI. Sonstige Bühnen - VII. Lichtspieltheater. C. Museums I. Mecklenburgisches Landesmuseum Schwerin (Contains among others..: General Administration, Budget, Buildings and Inventory, Acquisitions, Awards, Sales, Grand Ducal Art Collections, Picture Gallery, Museum of Prints and Drawings, Coin Cabinet, Department of Prehistory, Gewerbemuseum, Military Department / Hall of Fame).- II. Wossidlo Collection (Mecklenburg Farmers' Museum) - III. local museums of local history A-Z. D. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (before 1929 Commission for the Preservation of Monuments) E. Administration of the Strelitz Castles (Includes, among other things: Castles in Neustrelitz, Hohenzieritz, Mirow, Stargard Castle, Schweizerhaus Serrahn, State Gardens, National Museum). F. Music schools G. Private music teacher. MINISTRY FOR INTELLECTUAL AFFAIRS A. General Administration Legal and Administrative Standards - Business - State and Church. B. Evangelical Lutheran Church I. Constitution, Organisation, Internal Relations - II. High Council of the Church - III. Consistory - IV. Finance and Economy - V. Church Offices (Contains: VI. theological examination commission and preaching seminar - VII. moral police - VIII. cult and pastoral care - IX. Missionary work and care of the poor - X. Military Churches - XI. Church publications - XII. Monuments, buildings and paths - XIII. parishes A-Z (contains among other things: parish and coastal places, parish buildings, churchyards) - XIV. church associations - XV. castle church - XVI. burial creature - XVII. bell ringing - XVIII. marital status. C. Other religious communities I. General (Contains among other things: Public practice of religion, spiritual budget, mixed marriages) - II. Roman Catholic Church: General (Contains among other things: Freedom of religion, monitoring of the movement of the Catholic population, relationship with the Protestant regional church, Catholic clergy, Catholic pastoral care); parishes A-Z.- III. Reformed Church (Contains above all: Reformed Church of Bützow).- IV. Israelite communities (Includes among others: V. Baptists, Irvingians, Mormons, etc. D. Foundations General - Family Foundations A-Z - Charitable Foundations and Institutes (Includes among others: Monasteries to the Holy Cross, Monastery Elevations Dobbertin). MINISTRY FOR MEDICAL ANGELECITIES A. General (Includes, but is not limited to, health conditions and medical rules). B. Medical authorities General medical administration - Medical commission - Health offices (Contains: Reichsgesundheitsamt, Landesgesundheitsamt Schwerin, Gesundheitsämter A-Z).- Landesimpfinstitut.- Landeslebensmitteluntersuchungsanstalt.- Obergutachterausschuß. C. Medical personnel Doctors (Contains, among others, Dentists and dental technicians - Pharmacists - Nursing staff - Medical trainees - Technical assistants - Food chemists. D. Hospitals and medical institutions General hospital system - Hospital statistics - State hospitals (Contains, among other things, the following Irrenpflegeanstalt Dömitz, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Schwerin-Sachsenberg, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Rostock-Gehlsheim, Kinderheim Schwerin-Lewenberg, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Domjüch) - Municipal and private hospitals (Contains among others: Caroline monastery Neustrelitz, hospitals A-Z, auxiliary hospitals) - Lung sanatoriums (contains among other things: sanatorium Amsee/Buchen, convalescent home Waldeck) - Sea baths, sea hospices, healing springs (contains among other things..: Bad Doberan, Ostseebad Neuhaus, Heiligendamm, Friedrich-Franz-Hospiz in Waren/Müritz) - children's homes and sanatoriums (Contains among others..: Bethesda Bad Sülze Children's Hospital, Anna-Hospital Schwerin, children's homes A-Z) - Elisabethheim Cripple Hospital Rostock - Other sanatoriums. E. Pharmacies General Pharmacy - Pharmaceuticals - Druggists - Pharmacies A-Z. F. Midwives (Includes: employment, midwife districts, childbed fever, etc.). G. Health care (Includes, but is not limited to District Nursing Offices, Red Cross, Infant Care, Cripple Care, Youth Welfare). H. Hygiene General sanitary conditions (Includes, but is not limited to, the following) public education, water and soil hygiene, industrial, food and housing hygiene, hygiene in seaside resorts, NS racial hygiene, funeral services) - sanitary conditions in towns and villages A-Z.- sanitary conditions in offices (districts) A-Z. I. Medical police (Includes, inter alia: Judicial autopsies and sections, abortions and interruptions of pregnancy, hypnotic notions). K. Epidemics and diseases General - Vaccination, disinfection - Individual epidemics and diseases: Cholera to typhus. L. Veterinary Veterinary Administration - Medical persons (Contains: veterinarians, district doctors, veterinary examinations) - Veterinary Conferences - State Animal Diseases Office Rostock - Slaughter cattle and meat inspection - Food and industrial hygiene - Livestock diseases (Contains, among other things, the following: - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veter: livestock diseases law, livestock disease statistics, individual livestock diseases).- livestock breeding.- shoeing.- frog eggs.

BArch, NS 38/2019 · File · 1933-1934
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Student bodies of the universities TH Aachen, Handelshochschule Berlin, Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule Berlin, Deutsche Hochschule für Leibesübungen Berlin, Hochschule für wirhrhafte Erziehung Berlin, TH Berlin, Tierärztliche Hochschule Berlin, Universität Berlin, Universität Bonn, TH Braunschweig, Universität Breslau, TH Breslau, Bergakademie Clausthal, TH Darmstadt, TH Dresden, Forstliche Hochschule Eberswalde, University Erlangen, University Frankfurt am Main, University Freiburg, University Gießen, University Göttingen, University Greifswald, University Halle-Wittenberg, University Hamburg, TH Hannover, Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Forstliche Hochschule Hann. Münden, University of Heidelberg, Agricultural College Hohenheim, University of Jena, TH Karlsruhe, University of Kiel, University of Cologne, University of Königsberg, Commercial College Königsberg, Trade College Köthen, College for Teacher Training Lauenburg i. Pom., Leipzig University, Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Mannheim Graduate School of Management, Marburg University, Munich Technical University, Munich University, Münster University, Nuremberg University of Economics and Social Sciences, Passau Philosophical-Theological University, Regensburg Philosophical-Theological University, Rostock University, Stuttgart Technical University, Tharandt Forestry University, Tübingen University, Vienna Veterinary University, Witzenhausen German Colonial School, Würzburg University, 1933

BArch, NS 38/3045 · File · Juni 1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Aachen State School of Construction, Aachen Textile School, Augsburg School of Construction and Engineering, Bad Frankenhausen Engineering School, Bad Köstritz School of Horticulture, University of Berlin, Berlin Faculty of Agriculture, Berlin College of Music, Berlin Building School, Berlin Neukölln State School of Construction, Berlin-Charlottenburg College of Music Education, Reichswerbeschule Berlin, engineering school "Beuth" Berlin, Staatsbauschule Beuthen, college for teacher training Beuthen, craftsman school Bielefeld, engineering school Bingen, University of Bonn, college for teacher training Braunschweig, master school of the German craft Braunschweig, TH Braunschweig, Bremen Art Academy, Bremerhaven Ship Engineering School, Wroclaw State Building School, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw Technical College, Wroclaw Engineering School, Wroclaw Master School of German Crafts, Chemnitz Academy of Technology, Clausthal Mining Academy, Cottbus Textile College, Berlin-Dahlem Experimental and Research Institute for Horticulture, Engineering School Darmstadt, TH Darmstadt, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Dortmund, Ingenieurschule für Luftfahrttechnik Hessen-Nassau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Darmstadt, Staatsbauschule Deutsch Krone, Staatsbauschule für Hoch- und Tiefbau Dresden, TH Dresden, Akademie der bildenden Künste Dresden, Akademie für Kunstgewerbe Dresden, University for Teacher Training Dortmund, Engineering School Dortmund, Engineering School Duisburg, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Wuppertal, Technical College for Textile Industry Wuppertal-Barmen, Staatsbauschule Eckernförde, University for Teacher Training Elbing, Seefahrtschule Elsfleth, Staatsbauschule Erfurt, University Erlangen, Engineering School Essen, Folkwang School for Music, Dance and Speech Essen, Folkwang Meisterschule Essen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Eßlingen, Ingenieurschule Eßlingen, HTL for Structural and Civil Engineering Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Musik Frankfurt am Main, Ingenieurschule Frankfurt am Main, Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, State building school Frankfurt am Main, Freiberg Mining Academy, Geisenheim Experimental and Research Institute for Wine, Fruit and Horticulture, Giessen University, Glauchau Building School for Building and Civil Engineering, Gleiwitz Engineering School, Görlitz State Building School, Görlitz Engineering School, Gotha State Building School, Greifswald University, University of Göttingen, Engineering School Gumbinnen, University Halle-Wittenberg, College for Teacher Training Hamburg, University Hamburg, Engineering School and Master School of the German Crafts Hanover, College for Teacher Training Hanover, TH Hanover, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Faculty of Forestry Hann. Münden, University of Heidelberg, Hildburghausen Engineering School, Hirschberg Teacher Training College, Holzminden State Building School, Höxter State Building School, Idstein State Building School, Ilmenau Engineering School, Jena University, Jena University of Applied Sciences for Opticians, Kaiserslautern Engineering School, Karlsruhe University of Teacher Training, Karlsruhe University of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe University of Music, Karlsruhe Technical University, Kassel State Building School, Cologne Engineering School, Cologne State Building School, Cologne University of the Arts, Kiel Engineering School, Köthen University of Applied Technology, Ingenieurschule Konstanz, Textilfachschule Krefeld, Ingenieurschule Lage/ Lippe, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Leipzig, Konservatorium Leipzig, Staatsbauschule Leipzig, Universität Leipzig, Montanistische Hochschule Leoben, Seefahrtsschule Lübeck, Staatsbauschule für Hochbau Lübeck, Ingenieurschule und Staatsbauschule Magdeburg, Adolf-Hitler-Staatsbauschule Mainz, Ingenieurschule Mannheim, Ingenieurschule Mittweida, Ingenieurschule München, Meisterschule für Deutschlands Buchdrucker Munich, Staatsbauschule München, Fachschule für Textilindustrie M. Gladbach, Staatsbauschule Münster, Staatsbauschule Nienburg, Hochschule Nürnberg, Ohm-Polytechnikum Nürnberg, Staatsbauschule Plauen, Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Pillnitz, Kreisbauschule Regensburg, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Reichenbach, Technikum für Textilindustrie Reutlingen, Holztechnikum Rosenheim, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Rostock, Universität Rostock, Ingenieurschule Saarbrücken, Textile Technical School Sorau, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Siegen, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Suderburg, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Schleusingen, University of Applied Sciences Schneidemühl, Seefahrtsschule Stettin, Engineering School Stettin, State Building School Stettin, Master School of German Crafts Stettin, Arts and Crafts School Stuttgart, Building School Stuttgart, University of Music Stuttgart, TH Stuttgart, Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Agricultural University Tetschen-Liebwerd, Forestry University Tharandt, State Building School Trier, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Trier, University of Tübingen, Horticultural School Weihenstephan, University of Teacher Education Weilburg, Engineering School Weimar, University of Architecture and Fine Arts Weimar, University of Music Weimar, Seefahrtschule Wesermünde, Hochschule für Welthandel Vienna, Ingenieur-Akademie Wismar, Kolonialschule Witzenhausen, Ingenieurschule Würzburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Würzburg, Ingenieurschule Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Fachschule für Maschinenbau Wuppertal, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Wuppertal- Barmen, Seefahrtsschule Wustrow, Landesbauschule HTL Zerbst, Staatsbauschule Zittau, Ingenieur- und Zieglerschule Zwickau