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Archival description
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-M.6. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Foundation of the North German Confederation, also election to the first Reichstag, 1866-1871 - Emperor and Imperial House 1868-1902 - Constitution 1866-1885 - Trade and traffic conditions 1867-1875 - Postal conditions, in particular post and telegraph facilities in Bremen, 1867-1910 - Railways 1868-1897 - Customs 1866-1900 - Stock Exchange Act 1891-1904 - Shipping to sea 1867-1901 - Seamen's Association and Seamen's Regulations 1867-1902 - Maritime Marks, Reichskanzler 1867-1901 - Bundesrat, in particular Bremischer Bevmächtigter beim Bundesrat, 1867-1933 - Reichstag, in particular Reichstag elections in Bremen, 1867-1918 - Various matters in the fields of legislation and administration, in particular passwords 1867-1871, civil status and marriage 1868-1891, Insurance 1877-1903, measures and weights 1868-1897, emigration 1891-1903, trade regulations 1867-1908, statistics 1867-1900, labour law 1914-1928 - Franco-German War 1870/71, in particular measures to protect the Weser and claims for compensation for angry ships, 1870-1897 - Colonialism 1885-1907

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-Q.9. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Origin and development of Bremerhaven 1825-1862 - Acquisition and expansion of the port area 1824-1845 - Border regulations, sovereignty issues and expansion of the area 1827-1876 - Battery (Fort Wilhelm) and other military rights of Hanover and Hanover respectively Prussia 1820-1872 - Relations to Lehe, transit traffic and road construction between Bremen and Bremerhaven through Hanoverian territory 1827-1873 - Land acquisition and settlement for the establishment of a port at the Geeste estuary by Hanover 1817-1830 - Organisation, construction and extension of the port facilities: Old Port 1826-1878, New Port 1845-1872, Imperial Port 1871-1900, Imperial Port II and III 1900-1908 - Deputation at Bremerhaven, Deputation for the ports and port facilities, Deputation for the ports and railways, in particular protocols 1827-1891 - Accounting books of the Deputation and the Office of Bremerhaven, Budgets and accounts 1828-1920 - Port inventory lists, lists of ships lying in port 1833-1842 - Port staff, in particular Port Director Jacob Johann van Ronzelen and Carl Friedrich Hanckes, Hafenmeister, Schleusenmeister und -knechte, Hafenlotsen 1827-1902 - Amtmann und Amtsassessor, especially reports of the Amtmänner Johann Heinrich Castendyk, Johann Thulesius, Georg Wilhelm Gröning und Friedrich August Schultz 1827-1904 - Rechnungswesen und Visitationen des Amts 1829-1887 - Amtsschreiber, Police commissioners, police dragons, tax collectors and other officials 1827-1898 - lawyers, notaries, consuls and consular agents, auctioneers 1831-1904 - laws and regulations 1826-1901 - taxes and duties 1834-1874 - port authorities, Port regulations, port dues 1827-1902 - Public land, buildings and facilities, including the office building and port house, ferries and bridges, shipyards and ship berths, emigration centre, fire brigade, water supply, road construction and sewage system, gas station, cemetery 1829-1910 - settlement, Cultivation and trade, in particular allocation of building sites, basic letters, trade supervision, guilds 1827-1925 - administration of justice and police, including criminal investigation of the dynamite attack against the steamship ''Mosel'' (1875) 1827-1902 - municipal constitution and administration, Community Citizenship, Accounting 1837-1902 - General Church Relations 1827-1866, Unierte Gemeinde 1833-1903, Meiergefälle from Walle and Gröpelingen 1758-1852, Lutheran Community (Kreuzkirche) 1862-1902, Catholic community (Marienkirche) 1849-1902 - school system 1827-1897 - poor system 1836-1881 - medical system 1827-1901 - markets 1852-1890 - death and support funds, associations, municipal savings bank 1862-1907 - military conditions, quartering 1869-1884

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-Ss.4. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Foreign duties 1423-1864 - Mitteldeutscher Handelsverein 1828-1834 - Prussian-Hessian, later Deutscher Zollverein until 1850 [individual pieces lost] - Steuerverein (Nordwestdeutscher Zollverein) 1835-1853 - negotiations on the unification of the German states for the protection of trade and shipping interests 1842-1852 - Bremen's position on the German Customs Union and the German Reich in customs matters in general 1851-1896 - connection of parts of Bremen's territory to the Zollverein territory 1869-1885 - inclusion of the entire territory of Bremen in the customs borders 1877-1898

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 5,1/1 · Fonds · 1868 - 1938
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Administration of services, personnel, cash management and accounting - Collection of legal provisions and decrees, including judicial decisions on postal, telegraphic and telephone services - International postal agreements and treaties with individual states - Supervision and regulation of postal services, organisation of subordinate postal and telegraph institutions - German postal institutions abroad, especially in German New Guinea, on the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau Islands and Marshall Islands, on Samoa and in Shanghai - relations of the Oberpostdirektion with shipping companies, railway companies and forwarding agents - postal statistics - postal traffic with overseas countries, also establishment of postal steamship lines - air and rail postal services - radio and radio broadcasting

Explanation: When the North German Confederation was founded, the postal system was organised as a unified state transport authority with the simultaneous disappearance of the territorial postal institutions. Bremen received a federal post office. In 1871, postal sovereignty was transferred to the German Reich. In 1874, the Reichspostverwaltung appointed Bremen as the seat of an Oberpostdirektion, which became the medium Reichspostbehörde. In addition to the territory of Bremen, its area of responsibility included the part of the administrative district of Hanover on the left bank of the Weser, parts of the administrative district of Stade and the administrative district of Thedinghausen in Brunswick. Until the First World War she was also responsible for the postal services in German New Guinea, on the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau and Marshall Islands and Samoa. From 1934-1945 the Oberpostdirektion was called Reichspostdirektion Bremen. In 1943 it also took over the district of the Oldenburg management, which had until then been independent, and which included the Weser-Ems district. The privatization of Deutsche Bundespost was initiated in 1989, and in 1990 it was separated into the postal service and telecommunications divisions at OPD. At the end of 1992, the Postal Directorate was divided into the Postal Service and Telecommunications Directorates. Since 1995 they have been part of Deutsche Post AG and Deutsche Telekom AG. Lit.: Christian Piefke, Die Entstehung der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus der Weser-Ems-Gebiet, Vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, S. 2-3; Werner Guddat, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, Leer 1974; Theodor Windmann, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Hefte Weser-Ems, Vol. 1, 1955, S. 2-3. 4, H. 4, 1973, p. 77-84; Johannes Rust, Die Postgeschichte des Bezirks der Reichspostdirektion Bremen für den Kriegsjahre 1939-1945, Bremen 1949; K. Johanns, Die ersten Schritte. Attempt to reconstruct postal conditions in the Reichspostdirektions district of Bremen after the end of the Second World War until the resumption of limited correspondence on 1 July 1945, in: Philatelie und Postgeschichte, 20, No. 89, 1986, p. 1-19; Alexis Wegener, Die Post in Bremen und Bremerhaven 1945-1964, in: Wachsende Städte an der Unterweser, 1965, p. 88-96; Der OPD-Bezirk Bremen, in: Zeitschrift für das Post- u. Fernmeldewesen, 7 (1955), p. 41-53; Oberpostdirektion Bremen (ed.), Oberpostdirektion Bremen im neuen Haus, Bremen 1985; Herbert Leclerc, Von Apia bis Yap. Former German postal institutions in the South Seas, in: Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte 1982, pp. 7-32; Fritz Thole, Die Leiter der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus dem Weser-Emsgebiet, vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, p. 3, H. 3, 1956, p. 29-38, vol. 2, H. 6, 1961, p. 118-119. Reference: Christian Piefke, Die Entstehung der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus der Weser-Ems-Gebiet, vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, p. 2-3; Werner Guddat, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, Leer 1974; Theodor Windmann, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Hefte Weser-Ems, vol. 4, H. 4, 1973, p. 77-84; Johannes Rust, Die Postgeschichte des Bezirks der Reichspostdirektion Bremen für die Kriegsjahre 1939-1945, Bremen 1949; K. Johanns, Die ersten Schritte. Attempt to reconstruct postal conditions in the Reichspostdirektions district of Bremen after the end of the Second World War until the resumption of limited correspondence on 1 July 1945, in: Philatelie und Postgeschichte, 20, No. 89, 1986, p. 1-19; Alexis Wegener, Die Post in Bremen und Bremerhaven 1945-1964, in: Wachsende Städte an der Unterweser, 1965, p. 88-96; Der OPD-Bezirk Bremen, in: Zeitschrift für das Post- u. Fernmeldewesen, 7 (1955), p. 41-53; Oberpostdirektion Bremen (ed.), Oberpostdirektion Bremen im neuen Haus, Bremen 1985; Herbert Leclerc, Von Apia bis Yap. Former German Post Offices in the South Seas, in: Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte 1982, pp. 7-32; Fritz Thole, Die Leiter der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus dem Weser-Ems-Gebiet, vol. 1, h. 1, 1955, pp. 3, h. 3, 1956, pp. 29-38, vol. 2, h. 6, 1961, pp. 118-119.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 175 Bü 5667 · File · 1853-1924
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Emigration entrepreneurs and agencies and their security services; emigration to overseas countries; individual complaints of non-recognition as emigration agents. Darin: Name description with description of the couplers of Buenos Aires and Montevideo, n.d. ; German Empire. Document on permission to carry emigrants for North German Lloyd in Bremen, Berlin, 28 March 1898, printed; list of emigration entrepreneurs and agents for which securities are deposited with the Rendantur des Reichs-Invalidenfonds or with the Kontor der Reichshauptbank für Wertpapiere in Berlin, 1898 and 1906, as well as supplements to these lists of 1899-1914 and 1921, printed; German Reich. Document of permission to transport emigrants for the American Line in Jersey, Berlin, 28.3.1898 with addendum of 22.7.1898 and 23. 4.1921, print; Report of the Supervisory Board and the Executive Board of the Hamburg-Südamerikanischen Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft for the 48th Ordinary General Assembly on 28. July 1898 and 23. 4.1921, print.3.4.1923, print; Agency directory of shipping companies which, after the end of the war, were reinstated or newly admitted as emigration entrepreneurs in the Jagstkreis, Ellwangen, 6.4.1923; draft of an emigration law as well as general explanations to this law, o.D. German Overseas. Press releases of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, Berlin, 17.2.1920, print.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 703 R975N5 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Execution: Photography Louis Koch, Bremen, photographer Image carrier: Photo paper glued to cardboard Image and sheet size: 27 x 22 cm; 29 x 23.5 cm Beaus estate Marchtaler von (1854-1920), Otto Erhard, colonel general and minister of war, caption: Adoption of the 3rd East Asia. Inf. Rgts by S. M. the Emperor and I. M. the Empress on board the Rhine in Bremen, picture has repelled edges

HZAN La 140a Bü 107 · File · 1875-1876, 1878-1881
Part of State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1st Association for the German North Polar Tour in Bremen. 36th meeting of the Association on 13.03.1875. 2nd meeting of the Association for the German North Polar Flight in Bremen. Research trip to Western Siberia 1876 (III, V-IX). 1876. 3. statutes of the African Society in Germany, n.d. 4th Statutes of the Geographical Society in Bremen, Bremen (1876). 5. list of the members of the Geographical Society in Bremen on 15.02.1878. 6. annual report of the board of the Geographical Society in Bremen, Bremen (1878). 7. C. Lehmann, Verkehrskarte der Provinz Schlesien, Berlin 1878. 8th overview map of the Überseeischen Postdampfschiffslinien im Weltpostverkehr, Berlin 1881. 9th E. v. Weber, Der Unabhängigkeitskampf der Niederdeutschen Bauern in Süd-Afrika, Berlin 1881. 10th fifth annual report of the board of the Georgraphische Gesellschaft in Bremen, Bremen 1882. 11. A. Conze, Pergamon, Berlin 1880. 12. J. Chavanne, Explanations to the Wall Map of Africa, Vienna 1878. 13. A. Mueller, Map of the Countries on the Lower Danube, Weimar 1876. 14. Special Map of the Zulu Country, n. d. 15. Circumference of the Universal Postal Union, Berlin 1879.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Hamburg · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities The legation in Hamburg was one of the most important diplomatic representations of Prussia in Germany. Its importance lay above all in the field of trade and customs policy and shipping. Special emphasis was placed on the economic geographic location of the embassy's area of responsibility as the starting point for German overseas trade and as the end point of the important inland waterways Elbe and Weser. The legation gained an additional significance in the context of colonial politics. The development of the competence of the Hamburg legation is quite complicated, but it should be noted that the three Hanseatic cities of Hamburg, Bremen and Lübeck as well as the two Mecklenburg usually belonged to the legation area. From the Tilsit peace of 1807 until the annexation of the Hanseatic cities and Oldenburgs by France in December 1810, the competence of the mission extended to Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz in addition to the states mentioned. After the dissolution of the Hamburg legation in 1810 due to the French annexation of the German North Sea coast, the diplomatic contacts of Prussia to Mecklenburg, bound to the person of the previous legation in Hamburg, were essentially perceived by the legation in Dresden. After the Paris Peace of 30 May 1814, the legation was newly founded and was given a large area of responsibility, which extended not only to the Hanseatic cities and Mecklenburg but also to Hanover, Brunswick, Oldenburg, Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe-Detmold. In 1832 the representatives near Hanover, Braunschweig, Schaumburg-Lippe and Lippe-Detmold were taken over by the Kassel legation. In 1837 Oldenburg was included in the newly founded mission in Hanover. The area of responsibility thus narrowed to the Hanseatic cities and Mecklenburg remained constant until the dissolution of the Hamburg legation, which took place on 31 March 1920. Heads of Mission 1804 - 1811 Grote, Count August Otto from 1814 - 1830 1830 - 1832 Maltzan, Mortimer from 1832 - 1848 Haenlein, Johann Christian Ferdinand Louis from 1848 - 1859 Kamptz, Carl Ludwig Georg Friedrich Ernst Albert from 1859 - 1867 Richthofen, Baron Emil Carl Heinrich from 1867 - 1869 Kamptz, Carl Ludwig Georg Friedrich Ernst Albert from 1869 - 1872 Magnus, Anton from 1872 - 1875 Rosenberg, Baron Adalbert from 1875 - 1885 Wentzel, Robert Albrecht Friedrich Otto from 1885 - 1890 Kusserow, Heinrich from 1890 - 1894 Thielmann, Baron Max from 1894 - 1895 Kiderlen-Waechter, Alfred from 1895 - 1898 Wallwitz, Count Nikolaus from 1898 - 1902 Metternich, Count Paul from 1902 - 1907 Tschirschky and Boegendorff, Heinrich Leonhard from 1907 - 1908 Heyking, Baron Edmund from 1908 - 1915 Bülow, Gustav Adolf from 1915 - 1920 Quadt von Wyckradt und Isny, Albert inventory description: Inventory history The inventory consisted of five registry or (A-E), which came into the archive between 1834 and 1940. In 1840 a find book was created for Group A, in which the other tax layers were also entered. Accessions No. 8042 to 8168 were combined into groups in January 1870, some of them classified as worthless (cf. VI. HA Nl. Friedländer, G., No. 13, fol. 33). During the Second World War, the Rep. 81 Hamburg stock was transferred to the salt mines in Staßfurt and Schönebeck and brought to the Soviet Union at the end of the war. In 1955 he was returned to the Central State Archives in Merseburg. The stock was divided into the part before 1807 and the part after 1807. The latter part was newly recorded in 1968 by Joachim Nossol and arranged in 1969 under the guidance of Dr. Joachim Lehmann and Roswitha Nagel according to factual aspects. The lowest level of classification is arranged chronologically - while preserving factual contexts. The editorial work was done by the archivist Maria Lehmann, the find book was written by Magdalena Sabor. The history of the institution was written by Dr. Joachim Lehman. In the course of the re-listing of the I. HA Rep. 81 Hanover legation, a file was found which belongs to the Hamburg legation in terms of provenance (old signature Rep. 81 Hanover B 4 a). The Hamburg legation comprises a total of 1,350 files from the period 1804 to 1920, Merseburg, signed in June 1981. Nagel revised Berlin, signed in February 2011 Dr. Puppel last assigned number: ____ to order: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 81 Hamburg legation: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 81 legations and consulates after 1807, Hamburg legation finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

BArch, RM 3/3024 · File · 1908-1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": Philadelphia, New York, Bahia, Ilha Grande, Montevideo, Bahia, Blanca, Madrin S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Benadir coast, Aden, Djibouti, Colombo, Mahé, Bombay (strike) S. M. S. "Loreley": Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea S. M. S. "Charlotte": Bergen, Balholm, Gudwangen, Lerwick, Greenock, Vigo, Cadiz, Reysertsbay, Madeira, Puerto de la Luz, Santiago de Cuba (election, American withdrawal), Havana, Kingston S.M.S. "Victoria Luise': Tenerife, Barcelona, Venice, Rapallo, Naples, Corfu, Cagliari, Alexandria S.M.S. 'Fatherland': Szetchuan S.M.S. 'Panther': Cape Town (political situation), Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay (diamond find), St. Petersburg Helena, Grand Bassa, Freetown, Bissao, Boloma, South West Africa, Duala, Portuguese Guinea (Uprising) S.M.S. "Hertha": Queenstown, Palma, Cartagena, Madeira, Las Palmas, Palermo, Messina (earthquake relief), Naples S. M. S. "Sperber": Cape Town, Congo, Lüderitz Bay (diamond question), Swakopmund, Loanda, Cape Lopez, Bata, Victoria, Togo, Cameroon S. M.S. "Freya": Halifax, Charleston, Habana, Kingston, St. Thomas, Newport Cruise Wing: Dalmy, Port Arthur, Amoy, Kobe S.M.S. "Condor": Ponape, Samoa, Marshall Islands, Fije S.M.S. "Panther": Southwest Africa (Economic Situation Report)

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3025 · File · 1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. 'Panther': Victoria, Libreville, Cape Lopez, Congo, Swakopmund, Walfischbay, Lüderitz Bay (diamond question) S. M. S. 'Hertha': Alexandria, Venice, Messina, Corfu, Cadiz,Ferrol, Algiers, Piraeus S. M. S. 'Freya': Port of Spain, Santiago de Cuba, Bermuda, Ponta Delgada, Pensacola S. M.S. 'Charlotte': Port of Spain, St Thomas, Vigo, Dartmouth S.M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Genoa, Corfu, Cadiz, Palermo, (bridge building for earthquake victims), Lisbon, Algiers S.M.S. "Bremen": Punta Arenas, Rio de Janeiro, Desterro, Santos, Port of Spain, La Guayra (overthrow in Caracas), Bahia, Pernambuco, Buenos Aires, New Orleans, Curacao, Colon (report on Panama Canal), Port Limon, Newport News, Havana, Baltimore, Puerto Barrios S. M.S. "Loreley": Tophane, Alexandria, Eastern Mediterranean S.M.S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, Mozambique, East London, Cape Town, Beira S.M.S. "Sperber": Togo, Cameroon, Lüderitz Bay, (diamond question), Duala, Worri, Forcados, Accra, Loanda S.M.S. "Nicole": Colombo S. M.S. "Buzzard": Inhambane, Lourenzo-Marques, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, Durban Cruise Wing: Hogkong, Canton, Saigon S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea, Caroline Islands, Sydney, Brisbane S. M. S. "Jaguar": Ponape, Caroline Islands S. M. S. "Stettin": Corfu, Malaga, Malta S. M. S. "Lübeck": Beirut (tense situation), Messina S. M. S. "Hamburg": Haifa, Jaffa

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3027 · File · 1910
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Hertha": Curacao, St. Thomas, Port of Spain, Bermuda, Ponta Delgada, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Kingston, Vigo S.M.S. "Bremen": Port of Spain, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, Punta Arenas, Valdivia, Coronel, Chile, Valparaiso, Antofagasta, Tocopilla, Taltal, Coquimbo S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Cape Town, Durban, Dar es Salaam S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, San Juan de Portorico, Kingston, Havana, Haiti, Guantanamo, Ferrol, Horta, Bermuda S. M. S. "Hansa": Corfu, Palermo, Ferrol, Algiers S. M. S. "Corfu, Palermo, Ferrol, Algiers S. M. S.": S. Thomas, San Juan de Portorico, Havana, Haiti, Guantanamo, S. M. S. "Arcona": San Fancisco, Honolulu, Seattle, San Pedro, San Diego, Yokohama, Miyashima, Port Said, Cadiz, Colombo, Aden S. M. S. "Cormoran": Matupi, Herbertshöhe, Simpson Harbour, Empress Augusta River, Blanche Bay, Samoa, Suva S. M. S. "Buzzard": Mahé, Aden, Port Said, Malaga, Southampton S. M. S. "Freya": Port Said, Alexandria, Haifa, Beirut, Messina, Adana (consequences of the Armenian massacre), Naples, Algiers, Vigo S. M. S. "Panther": Duala, Cap Lopez, Loanda, Porto Alexandre, Southwest Africa S. M. S. "Condor": Samoa, Fiji Islands, Marshall Islands, Herbertshöhe, Caroline Islands, Japan, Palau, Admiralty Islands Squadrons of cruisers: Tientsin, Beijing, Hankau, Yangtze River, Situation in China, Hong Kong, Canton, Bangkok, Singapore S. M. S. "Sperber": Lome, Old Calabar, Sekondi, Axim, Greater Friedrichsburg, Liberia (uprising), Libreville, Belgian Congo, Angola, Southwest Africa S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Barcelona (political situation) S. M. S. "Iltis": Hong Kong

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3028 · File · 1910
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Freya": Caligari, Genoa, Bermuda, Horta, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Sperber": South West Africa, British South Africa, Madagascar S. M. S. "Bremen": Coronel, Puerto Montt, Chile, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Taltal, Callao S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea, Bongainville, Australia, Tasmania, S.M.S. Planet: Brisbane, Sydney, Nouméa, Port Villa, Singapore S.M.S. "Cormoran": Apia, Hong Kong, Nouméa, Matupi, Jap S.M.S. "Hertha": Gothenburg, Norway, Plymouth, San Sebastian, Tangier, Barcelona, Palma, Biserta S.M.S. "Hertha": Gothenburg, Norway, Plymouth, San Sebastian, Tangier, Palma, Biserta S.M.S. "Boars": Oporto, Madeira, Las Palmas, Bissao, Dakar, Freetown, Liberia (riots), Lome, Forcados, Warri, Duala, Libreville, Congo, Southwest Africa S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Colombo, Singapore, Yangtze River, Hankau, Pulo, Lant S. M. S. "Emden": Montevideo, Chile, Tahiti, Apia Cruiser Squadron: Japan, Hunan (riots), Yangtze River (riots), Padang, Batavia, Labuan, Manila, South Sea trip, East Asia S.M.S. "Sea Eagle": Zanzibar, Lorenco, Marques, Nossibé, Durban, Mozambique S.M.S. "Tiger": Hupeh, Hunan (riots), Shanghai, Yangtze River (flooding) S.M.S. "Polecat": Nanking, Yangtze River S. "Tiger": Hupeh, Hunan (riots), Shanghai, Yangtze River (flooding) S.M.S. "Polecat": Nanking, Yangtze River S. M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Norway, Madeira, Cartagena, Tunis, Malta S.M.S. 'Hansa': Norway, Lerwick, Edinburgh, Queenstown, Madeira, Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Las Palmas S.M.S. 'Panther': Cape Town, South West Africa, Lobito Bay, Cape Lopez, Cameroon, Togo, Monrovia S.M.S. 'Loreley': Therapia. Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, Athos, Thessaloniki S. M. S. "Lynx": Tsingtau S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Nanking S. M. S. "Leipzig": Yangtze River, Nanking, Korea (taken over by Japan), Port Arthur

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3029 · File · 1910-1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm/Weissenburg": Dardanellen, Algiers, Constantinople (transfer of ships to Turkey) S. M. S. "Panther": Monrovia, Cameroon, Accra, Lagos, Duala, Banana, Swakopmund S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Hansa Bay, Hatzfeldhafen (punitive expedition S. M. S. "Hertha": Marmarice, Haifa, Port Said, Cattaro, Alexandria, Pola, Venice, Corfu, Vigo, Genoa, Livorno S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Corfu, Cattaro, Venice, Marmarice, Beirut, Alexandria, Syracus, Cadiz, Naples, Vigo S. "Hertha": Marmarice, Haifa, Port Said, Cattaro, Alexandria, Pola, Venice, Corfu, Vigo, Livorno S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Corfu, Cattaro, Venice, Marmarice, Beirut, Alexandria, Syracus, Cadiz, Naples, Vigo S. M. S. "Tiger": Nagasaki, Kobe, Shanghai S. M. S. "Loreley": Gulf of Corinth, Constantinople, Trieste Cruise Wing: New Guinea, South Seas, Samoa, East Asia S. M. S. "Condor": Samoa, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land S. M. S. "Condor": Samoa, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land S. M. S. "Cormoran": Samoa, Marshall Islands, East Caroline Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, Hong Kong, Apia, Helen Reef, Palau Islands, West Caroline Islands, Saipan, Ponape (Riots) S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Diego-Suarez, Durban, Cape Town S. M. S. "Bremen': Valparaiso, Callao, Guayaquille, Panama, Amapalla, Corintu, San José de Guatemala, Callao S.M.S. 'Planet': Singapore, Makassar, Amboina, Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen (punitive expedition) S.M.S. 'Freya': Charleston, Havana, Kingston, Curacao, Puerto Cabello, Trinidad S.M.S. 'Gneisenau': Colombo S. M.S. "Hansa": Barbados, Trinidad, Kingston, Pensacola, Las Palmas, Vigo. Plymouth S. M. S. "Eber": Cape Town, German Southwest Africa, Cameroon, Old Calabar, Lome, Liberia S. M. S. "Bremen": La Libertad, Puntarenas

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3030 · File · 1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Freya": Tenerife, Southampton S. M. S. "Bremen": Valparaiso,Coronel, Punta Arenas, Panama, Bahia, Blanca, Pernambuco, St. Lucia, St. Lucia, St. Lucia Thomas, Montreal, Halifax, Charlottetown, Rio de Janeiro, Baltimore, Newport News S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Colombo, Bombay, Aden, Durban, Port Victoria S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Bombay, Cochin, Colombo, Diamond Harbour S. M. S. "Jaguar": Hankau (riots) S. M. S. "Loreley": Trieste, Constantinople, Eastern Mediterranean S. M. S. "Condor": Auckland, Brisbane, Samoa Cruise Wing: China, Japan S. M. S. "Von der Tann": St. M. S. "Loreley": Trieste, Constantinople, Eastern Mediterranean S. M. S. "Condor": Auckland, Brisbane, Samoa Cruise Wing: China, Japan S. M. S. "Von der Tann": St. M. S. "Von der Tann": St. M. S. "St. Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia Blanca, Itajahy, Blumenau, Buenos Aires S. M. S. "Panther": Southwest Africa, Cape Town, Monrovia S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Truk S. M. S. "Sperber": Dar es Salaam, Alexandria, Palermo, Cadiz, Torquay S. M. S. "Emden": Ponape S. M. S. "Eber": Freetown, Bathurst, Las Palmas, Santa Cruz, Cadiz, Casablanca, Dakar, Conakry S. M. S. "Iltis": Canton (riots), Shanghai S. M. S. "Geier": Cadiz, Palermo, Port Said, Aden, Port Victoria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Matupi, Brisbane, Sydney S. M. S. "Planet": Brisbane, Samarai S. M. S. "Seagull": Ferrol, Cadiz S. M. S. "Hansa": Edinburh, Norway S. M. S. "Hertha": Stockholm, Norway S. M. S. "Vineta": Norway S.M.S. "Lynx": Hong Kong S.M.S. "Scharnhost": Hong Kong, Saigon, Singapore, Batavia Brochures about school in Hampton

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3031 · File · 1911
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Panther": Monrovia, Freetown, Dakar, Santa Cruz, Agadir, Cadiz, Vigo S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Brisbane, Matupi, Rabaul (Riots), Solomon Islands, East Caroline, Bismarck Archipelago, Admiralty Islands, Emperor Wilhelmsland, Moeve Port, Witu Islands S.M.S. "Bremen': Montreal, Haiti (unrest), Newport News, Kingston, Newport, Philadelphia S.M.S. 'Planet': Sydney, Brisbane S.M.S. 'Loreley': Black Sea, Therapia Italian-Turkish War), Thessaloniki S.M.S. 'Victoria Luise': Norway, Iceland, Newport, Halifax, Pensacola S. M. S. "Seagull": Santa Cruz, Dakar, Freetown, Lome, Lagos, Accra, Duala, Banana, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay S. M. S. "Hertha": Greenock, Rotterdam, Falmouth, Bilbao, (strike), Cadiz, Gibraltar, Las Palmas, Tenerife S. M. S. "Zieten": Iceland S. M. S. "Hansa": Cowes, Vigo, Queenstown, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Tiger": Bangkok, Batavia, Soerabaya, Pulo Lant, Macassar, Menado, Manila, Yangtze River (Flooding) S. M. S. "Vineta": Palma, Tangier, Dartmouth, Tenerife, Las Palmas, St. Vincent Cruiser Wing. China, Japan S. M. S. "Eber": Liberia, Gold Coast, Lome, Cotona, Lagos, Duala, Fernando Poo, Cameroon S. M. S. "Vaterland": Hankau (unrest) S. M. S. "Geier": Aden, Port Suice (Italian-Turkish war) S.M.S. "Otter": Szechuan (unrest)

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3032 · File · 1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Kreuzergeschwader: Ostasien, Japan, Sibirien, Korea, China S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Havanna, Las Palmas, Kingston, Trinidad, Grenada, St. Thomas, Cadiz, Villagarcia, Vigo S. M. S. "Seeadler": Portugisich Ostafrika, Mozambique, Zansibar, Madagaskar, East London, Kapstadt, Port Elisabeth, Durban S. M. S. "Berlin": Las Palmas, Agadir (Unruhen), Casablanca, Tanger S. M. S. "Vineta": Trinidad, Barbados, Kingston, Port-au-Prince, Havanna, St. Thomas, Las Palmas, Vigo S. M. S. "Eber": Casablanca, Tanger, Las Palmas, Honakry, Freetown, Monrovia, Lome, Forcados, Kamerun, Kongo, Monamedes, Lüderitzbucht S. M. S. "Cormoran": Rabaul, Suva, Levuka, Samoa, Nauru, Jahut, Kusaie, Eniwetok, Gilang, Ponape, Mortlock, Guam, Saipan, Jap S. M. S. "Condor": Tsingtau, Kobe, Bonin-Inseln, Saipan, Guam, Ponape, Jahut, Samoa, Bismarck-Archipel S. M. S. "Jaguar": Futschau, Amoy S. M. S. "Geier": Piraeus, Alexandrien (Unruhe imd Sudan) S. M. S. "Hansa": Baltimore, Pensacola, Las Palmas, Madeira, Bermuda S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas (Kartenskizze), Havanna, Newport News, Tampa, Kingston, Aux Xayes, Santo Domingo, Sam Pedro de Macores, San Juan de Portorico, New Orleans, Puerti Mexico, Salina Cruz, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Hertha": Barbados, Dominicque, Martinique, Kingston, Santiago de Cuba, Charleston, Bermuda, Las Palmas, Vigo S. M. S. "Panther": Southampton, Lissabon, Las Palmas, Dakar, Freetown, Monrovia, Lome, Lagos S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinopel, Piraeus, Alexandrien, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Beirut (Türkisch-italienisches Gefecht), Messina, Smyrna S. M. S. "Planet": Jap

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3033 · File · 1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas, Bermuda, Newport, St. John, Bahia, Cape Henry, Hampton Roads, New York, Washington S. M. S. "Panther": Cameroon, Lagos, Forcados, Freetown, Las Palmas, Oro-Mündung, Tenerife, Madeira, Monravia, Lome S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (Turkish-Italian conflict), Galatia, Odessa, Nikolayev, Sevastopol, Novorossisk, Gagri, Batum, Sinope, Therapia, Thessaloniki, Athos, Thasos S. M. S. "Condor": Sydney, Suva, Brisbane (strike), Melbourne, Samoa S. M. S. "Scharnhorst": Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama S. M. S. "Eber": Cape Town, Lüderitz Bay, Swakopmund, Lobito, Loanda, Duala, Lome, Axin S. M. S. "Seeadler": Lourenco-Marques, Mozambique S. M. S. "G 175": Malta, Tunis, Southampton S. M. S. "Moltke/Stettin": Ponta Delgada, Cape Henry, Hamton Roads, New York, Washington S. M. S. "Hansa": Karlskrona, St. Petersburg S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Santong S. M. S. "Gdansk": Uddevalla S. M.S. "Vineta": Stockholm, Libau, Falmouth, Madeira S.M.S. "Polecat": Futschau, Swatau, Falmouth, Madeira S.M.S. "Lynx": Futschau S.M.S. "Hertha": Helsingfors (strike) S. M. S. "Vultures": Piraeus, Corfu, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Trieste Cruise Wing: Report on the situation in China, Japan, Korea, North China S. M. S. "Planet": Kelung, Luzon, Cebu, Ternate

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3016 · File · 1904
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Stone": Vigo, Havana, Charleston, Dartmouth, Plymouth, Las Palmas, Balearic Islands, Madeira, Gibraltar, Cartagena S. M. S. "Loreley": Piraeus, Syria, Egypt, Black Sea, Constantinople Cruising Division: Canada, Mexico, Haiti, West Indies, Newport News, Norfolk S. M. S. "Wolf": Loanda, Southwest Africa, Cape Town S. M. S. "Condor": Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea, Samoa, Jahuit, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Admiralty Islands (Riots), Tonga, Pago-Pago S.M.S. "Falcon": Jamoel, Aux, Cayes, Carriacon, Bequia, Montserat, Nevis, Barbuda, Tortola, Guadeloupe, Sam Luis de Maranhao, Maceia, Rio de Janeiro S.M.S. "Goshawk": South West Africa, Cape Town, Mossamedes, Loanda, Duala S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Shanghai S. M. S. "Lynx": Hong Kong S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Canton S. M. S. "Moltke": Karlskrona, Portmouth, Madeira S. M. S. "Panther": Port-au-Prince/tense situation S. M. S. "Stosch": Stockholm, Bergen, Dartmouth, Centa, Almeria, Malta, Corfu S. M. S. "Vineta": Neuport News S. M. S. "Bremen": Rio de Janeiro, Ilha Grande, Barbados S. M. S. "Fatherland": Lake Poyang

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3036 · File · 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Mediterranean Division: Report on the situation in Thessaloniki, Constantinople (War with Greece S.M.S. "Vineta": Syracuse, Naples, Algiers, Vigo S.M.S. "Vultures": Port Said, Haifa, Constantinople (War) Mersina, Alexandrette S.M.S. "Panther": Liberia (Uprising, River Cass incident) S.M.S. "Wroclaw": Alexandrette, Beirut, Smyrna, report on blockade of Albanian and Montenegrin coast and case of Skutari S. M. S.: "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, Tenerife S. M. S. "Otter": Szechuan (tense situation) S. M. S. "Seagull": Lüderitz Bay, British South Africa, Portuguese East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": Monrovia (River Cess incident), Pernambuco, Freetown, Cap Verde, Bermuda S. M. S. "Condor": New Guinea (punitive expedition), Bismarck Archipelago, Empress Augusta River (expedition), Rabaul, Ponape, Truk, Jap, Palau Islands, Guam, Saipan S.M.S. "Hansa": Las Palmas, Vigo S.M.S. "Cormoran": Pago-Pago, New Zealand, Sydney S.M.S. "Lynx": Manila S. M. S. "Tsingtau": Canton (tense situation) S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": South Africa, Mozambique S. M. S. "Loreley": Corfu, Trieste, Ragusa, Piraeus, Costantinopel S. M. S. "Emden": Tsingtau S. M. S. "Boars": Monrovia, Freetown, Porto Praya, Porto Grande S. M. S. "Nuremberg": Siamese Cruise Wing: Labuan, Batavia, Makassar, Dutch India, Singapore, Hong Kong S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Telok-Betong, Samarang, Batavia S. M. S. "Dresden": Gibraltar, Malta

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3038 · File · 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Cruiser squadron: (S.M.S. "Tsingtau", "Fatherland", "Tiger"): Reports about riots in China, among others about: Canton, Nanking, Shanghai, Yangtze River; various maps S.M.S. "Leipzig": Events in China S.M.S. "Otter": Events in China S.M.S. "Iltis": Events in China (Hong Kong, Canton) S.M.S. "Emden": Yaß - Rabaul, Events in China S.M.S. "Nuremberg": Events in China S.M.S. "Condor": Japan (test of a telephone), Marianen S.M.S. "Bremen": Port of Spain, Para, Cameroon, Togo, St. Helena, Rio de Janeiro S.M.S. "Dresden": Rodosto (situation in Turkey) S.M.S. "Boars": Madeira, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Monrovia, Freetown, Lome Mediterranean Division: Piraeus, Phaleron Bay, Constantinople, visit to the Chataldja Line, Syracus S.M.S. "Vultures": Bojana Estuary, Castelnuovo S.M.S. "Gneisenau": New Pomerania, Kuta S.M.S. "Wroclaw": Bojana, Constantinople, Therapia S.M.S. "Seagull": German East Africa (Riots) S.M.S. "Panther": Cape Town, Southwest Africa S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Ferrol, Valencia, Palma S.M.S. "Vineta": Ferrol, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Santos S.M.S. "Loreley": Batum, Sinope, Sebastopol, Yalta, Gagri, Thessaloniki, Therapia, Constantinople (sale of antiquities) S.M.S. "Hertha": Dartmouth, Villagarcia, Horta S.M.S. "Hansa": Bilbao, Palma S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney, Norfolk, Iceland, Suva, Samoa Islands S.M.S. "Sea Eagle: Seychelles, Zanzibar, Dar es Salaam Cruise Wing: South Seas (partial unrest) I. Half Flotilla: Stockholm, Wisby S.M.S. "Strasbourg": Mersina, Alexandrette, Alexandria

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3040 · File · 1914
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Nuremberg": West Coast Mexico (political unrest), report on the individual states of Mexico S.M.S. "Condor": Batavia, Singapore, Colambo, Aden, Port Said, Palermo, Tangier, Gribaltar, Vigo Detached Division: Cameroon, Swakopmund, Lüderitzbucht, St.. Petersburg, Germany Helena, Rio de Janeiro, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Montevideo S.M.S. "Strasbourg": Loanda, Cape Town (strike) S.M.S. "Vineta": Port-au-Prince (political unrest), St Thomas, Ponta Delgada, Vigo S.M.S. "Dresden": Vera Cruz, Tampico (political unrest) S.M.S. "Hertha": Madeira, Las Palmas Cruise Wing: Bangkok, Sumatra, Borneo, Manila Report on the Revolution in Haiti S.M.S. "Bremen": Haiti S.M.S. "Geier": Port Said, Aden S.M.S. "Hansa": Vig S.M.S. "Panther": Duala, Victoria, Lome, Freetown, Porto Grande, Cap Verdsche Islands, Las Palmas, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Madeira Mediterranean Division: Trieste, Suez Canal, Naples, Taranto, Pola, Malaga, Skutari (political unrest) S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Vigo S.M.S. "Gneisenau": Singapore, Labuan, Brunei S.M.S. "Emperor": Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Montevideo

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3017 · File · 1905
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Falcon: Santos, Paranagua, San Francisco do Sul, Florianopolis, Rosario, Bahia Blanca, Puerto Begrano, Argentina, Coronel, Talcahuano, Punta Arenas, Valpareiso, Coquimbo, Taltal, Antofagasta, Tocopilla, Iquique, Arica, Panama, Puerzo Montt, Corral S. M.S. 'Hertha': German East Africa, Calcutta S.M.S. 'Bremen': Port of Spain, San Domingo, Port-au-Prince, Kingston, Pensacola, Tampa, Havana, Savannah S. M. S. "Hawk": Libreville, Cap Lopez, San Thomé, Cameroon, Sandwich Harbour, Loanda, Southwest Africa, Cape Town S. M. S. "Panther": San Domingo, Haiti S. M. S. "Stosch": Venice, Paraeus, Constantinople, Smyrna, Thessaloniki, Alexandria, Naples, Syracus, Messina, Ferrol Cruiser Squadron: China (Unrest), Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, Philippines S. M.S. 'Wolf': Cape Town, South West Africa, Mossamedes, Loanda, Cap Lopez S.M.S. 'Whey': Dominica, St, Thomas, Kingston, Key West, Santaigo de Cuba, Habana, Las Palmas, Port of Spain, Vigo, Dartmouth, Horta, Charleston, Bermuda S. M.S. 'Stein': Livorno, Gaeta, Messina, Beirut, Valencia, Barcelona, Algiers, Tangier, Palermo, Nieuwediep Cruiser Division: St. Petersburg, Spain Helena, Cape Town, Simonstown, Congo, St. Thome, Libreville, Kribi, Fernando Poo, Southwest Africa, Angola, Cameroon, Guinea Coast, Monrovia, Freetown S. M. S. "Condor": Marshall Islands, East Caroline S. M. S. "Loreley": Athens, Alexandria, Port Said, Jaffa, Haifa, Smyrna, Thessaloniki, Constantinople

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3018 · File · 1905-1906
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. " Falcon": Peru, San Jose de Guatemala, San Salvator, Chile, San Diego, Mexico, San Francisco, Esquimalt, Vancouver, Alaska, Puget Sound, Portland, Astoria S. M. S. "Buzzard": Zansibar, Durban, Port Elisabeth, Cape Town, East London, Lourenzo-Marques, Mozambique Cruising Squadron: Effects of the Russian-Japanese War, China S.M.S. "Wolf": Cameroon, Fernando Poo, San Thomé, Freetown, Lisbon S.M.S. "Condor": New Guinea (riots), Japan, Sydney, Samoa (riots), Honolulu S. M. S. "Bremen": San Domingo, Haiti, St. Thomas, Dominica, St. Pierre, Puerto Rico, Kingston, La Guayra, Galveston S. M. S. "Loreley": Athos, Therapia, Piraeus, Constantinople (assassination attempt on the Sultan) S. M.S. 'Hawk': Gabon, Fernando Poo, Cameroon, Sanra Cruz, Loanda, Monrovia, Cape Town, Duala, South West Africa, Benguela, Lobito-Bai S.M.S. 'Panther': Guyana, Para, St Luiz de Maranham S. M.S. 'Stosch': Copenhagen, Tangier, Madeira, Las Palmas S.M.S. 'Charlotte': Färör, La Luz, Mogador, Vogo, Lisbon, Madeira, Kartagena, Barcelona, Corfu, Alexandria S.M.S. "Stone": Iceland, Vigo, Kartagena, Syracus, Taranto, Corfu, Venice, Fiume, Patras, San Nicolo, Volo, Alexandria (Riots) S.M.S. "Sparrowhawk": Tsingtau, Durban, Duala, Cape Town, Kribi, Sao Tomé, Congo, Loanda, Fernando Poo, Victoria, Bata (Riots) S.M.S. "Seagull": Mariana Islands, West Caroline Islands

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3019 · File · 1906
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Charlotte": Livorno, Naples, Syracus, Palermo, Cadiz, Arosa Bay, Rotterdam S. M. S. "Falcon": California, Guymas, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Panama, Report on the construction of the Panama Canal, Ecuador S. M. S. "Stone": Piraeus, Messina, Genoa, Barcelona S. M. "Stone": Piraeus, Messina, Genoa, Barcelona S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (refugees of the Russian Revolution, confiscation of a German ship), Piraeus, Santorini, Alexandria, Galatz S. M. S. "Sperber": Lome, Duala, Cape Town, Loanda, Swakopmund S. M. S. "Stosch": Kartagena, Caligari, Palma, Cadiz S. M. S. "Planet": Lisbon, St. Vincent, St. Helena, Freetown, Cape Town S. M. S. "Bremen": New Orleans, St. Thomas, Newport News S. M. S. "Condor": Suva, Marshall Caroline Islands, Bismarck Archipelago (punitive expedition) S. M. S. "Panther": Santos, Buenos Aires (strikes), Parana and Paraguay Rivers, Pernambuco, Para, Port of Spain, St. M. S. "Bremen": New Orleans, St. Thomas, Newport News S. M. S. "Condor": Suva, Bismarck Archipelago (punitive expedition) S. M. S. "Panthers": Santos, Buenos Aires (strikes), Parana and Paraguay Rivers, Pernambuco, Para, Port of Spain, St. Thomas, San Juan, Mayaguez, Port-au-Prince Cruiser Squadron: China, Consequences of the 1905 War in East Asia, Dutch India, Hong Kong, Japan S. M. S. "Hansa": Kobe S. M. S. "Buzzard": Lourenzo-Marques, Durban (Kaffer Uprising)

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3020 · File · 1906-1907
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Loreley": Rhodes, Lindos, Budrum, Kos, Smyrna, Therapia, Varna, Jaffa, Haifa, Beirut, Athos, Thessaloniki, Galatia, Bender, Erekli S.M.S. "Planet:" Tamatave, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg Marie de Madagascar, Mauritius, Rodriguez, Padang, Batavia, Makassar (uprising) S. M. S. "Niobe": Bombay S. M. S. "Falcon": Callao, Valparaeiso (earthquake aftermath), Santiago, Peru, Chile S. M. S. "Stone": Copenhagen, Christiana, Rotterdam, Madaeira, Falmouth, Tangier, Port of Spain, Tenerife, St. Lucia, Martinique, Basseterre S. M. S. "Stosch": Arendal, Stockholm, Horta, Helder, Madeira, Las Palmas, Port Mahon, Syracus, Mogador (riots against Jews), Venice, Corfu, Alexandria S. M. S. "Panther": Bermudas, Kingston, Havana, Canada, Curacao, Cartagena, Antigua, Dominica, St. Pierre, Martinique, Grenada S. M. S. "Sparrow Hawk": Cape Town (riots in Natal), Southwest Africa, Cap Cross, Mossamedes, Loanda, Principe, Great Fischbai, Port Alexander, Elefantbai, Benguella, Lobito-Bai S. M. S. "Charlotte: Bergen, Soguefjord, Vigo, Malaga, Algiers, Corfu, Spezia, Palermo, Syracus, Castelnouvo (visit to Montenegro), Piraeus S.M.S. "Condor": Sydney, Samoa, Auckland, Suva, Bismarck Archipelago S.M.S. "Bremen": Bahia, Montevideo, Rio des Janeiro (Pan-American Congress), Ilha Grande, Port of Spain, La Guayra, Argentina, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince S. M. S. "Bussard": Kilindini, Mombasa, Zansibar (Military Unrest) S. M.S. 'Sea Eagle': Réunion, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles S.M.S. 'Hansa': Singapore, Rangoon Cruise Wing: China, Japan S.M.S. 'Leipzig': Cadiz, Port Said, Djibouti

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3021 · File · 1907
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. 'Panther': Key West, Port Limon, Bluefields, Nassau, Inagua, Santiago de Cuba, Kingston; Havana, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince, Vera Cruz, Coatzacoaleos, Colon (map of Panama Canal) Puerto Colombia S. M. S. 'Stosch': La Valetta, Barcelona, Naples, Palermo, Cadiz, Ferrol S. M.S. 'Loreley': Constantinople, Piraeus, Syria, Egypt, Rhodes, Smyrna, Therapia, Thessos, Thessos, Thessaloniki, Athos S.M.S. 'Stein': New Orleans, San Juan de Puertorico, Kingston, Havana, Bermuda, Horta, Nieuwendiep, Stockholm S.M.S. "Charlotte": Volo, Smyrna, Alexandria, Kartagena, Arosa Bay, Beirut, Messina, Naples, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Gothenburg S. M. S. "Bremen": Puerto Cortez, Livingston, Galveston, Savannah, Pensacola, Tampa, Jacksonville, Kingston, Newport News, Hampton, Boston, Newport, St. Thomas S.M.S. "Planet": Amboina, New Guinea, Admiralty Islands, Simpson Port, Nusan Jap, Palau Islands S.M.S. "Condor": Palaus, West Caroline, Mariana Islands, Apia, Samoa, Ellice, Gilbert and Marshall Islands, Ponape, Nouméa, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland S. M. S. "Falcon": Chile, Brazil, Las Palmas, Lisbon, Montevideo, Dakar S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Lome. Monrovia, Freetown, Dakar, Bissao, Boloma, Sekondi, Cameroon, Port Bouét, Togo, Duala, Cape Town, Lobito Bay, South West Africa, Lüderitz Bay Squadron of Cruisers: Korea, South Journey (Yangtze Unrest) S. M. S. "Planet": Manila, Hong Kong S. M. S. Buzzard: Port Elisabeth, East London S. M. S. Borussia: Port Said S. M. S. Roon: Hampton

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3022 · File · 1907-1908
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Planet": Palau Islands, Ululssi Islands S. M. S. "Stone": Mountains, Balholmen, Queenstown, Madeira, Corfu, Genoa, Valencia, Barcelona, Alexandria, Funchal, Corfu Cruise Wing: Dutch India, Manila, Zamboanga, Japan, Yangtze (Riots), Riots in Southern China S. M.S. "Charlotte": Edinburgh, Cadiz, Madeira, Wartmouth, Tangier S. M.S. 'Sperber': Cape Town, Angola, Congo, Cap Lopez, Libreville, St Thomé, Principé, French Congo (civil unrest) S.M.S. 'Moltke': Lisbon, Madeira, Las Palmas, Falmouth, Porto Grande, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, San Juan de Puertorico, Martinique, Port of Spain S. M.S. "Condor": Apia, Tahiti S.M.S. "Arcona": Cadiz S.M.S. "Panther": St. Kitts, Barbados, Demerara, Paramaribo, Porto Grande, Las Palmas, Victoria, Bata, Calabar S. "Panther": Las Palmas, Victoria, Bata. M.S. "Freya": Christiana, Bergen, Reykjavik, Queenstown, Madeira, Las Palmas, Genoa, Venice, Corfu, Smyrna, Alexandria, Beirut S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Pierre, St. Johns, Labrador Coast, Halifax, Montreal, Quebec, St. Thomas, Bahia S. M. S. "Loreley": Therapia, Black Sea S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Durban, Reira, Port Amelia, Ibo, Dar es Salaam

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3023 · File · 1908
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Bremen": Martinique, St. Lucia, Curacao, Rio de Janeiro, Port of Spain, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, St. Thomas, Port-au-Prince (transfer of refugees) Newport-News, Kingston S. M. S. "Sparrow Hawk: Fernando Poo, Lagos, Lome, Kontonou, Cameroon, Conakry, Axim, St. Paulo, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Mossamedes, Duala, Forcados, Southwest Africa, Loanda, Lobito Bay, Benquella, Elelefant-Bay S.M.S. "Panther: Dakar, Sierra Leone, Monrovia, Port Bouét, Aura, Angola, Lobito-Bai, Mossamedes S. M. S. Freya: Messina, Malta, Algiers, Barcelona, Mahon, Ferrol, Arendal, Falmouth, Madeira, Corfu, Norway S. M. S. "Stone": Spezia, Guerta, Naples, Palermo, Algiers, Malaga, Vigo S.M.S. "Loreley": Athens, Tophane (information on the Russian-Japanese war), Constantinople, Therapia, Thasos, Saloniki 2 S.M.S. "Moltke": Havana, St. Thomas, Kingston, Ponta Delgada, Dartmouth S. M. S. "Charlotte": Vera Cruz, Kingston, Tenerife, Port of Spain, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Horta, Antwerp, Habana, Charleston, Bermuda S. M. S. "Planet": Bismarck Archipelago Cruise Wing: China, Manila S. M.S. "Condor": Honolulu, Japan, Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau, New Guinea, Brisbane, Sydney S.M.S. "Sea Eagle":Cape Town, Southwest Africa, Durban, Mozambique S.M.S. "Buzzard": Durban, Dozaoudzi, Port Natal S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Madeira, Tenerife

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3026 · File · 1909-1910
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Lübeck: Alexandrette, Beirut, Messina (troubled situation), Jaffa S. M. S. "Hansa: Norway, Bilbao, Vigo, Naples, Venice, Port Said, Latovia, Alexandrette, Alexandria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Messina, Syria, Aden, Colombo, Batavia, Amboina, New Guinea Cruise Squadron: South Seas, Northbound S. M. S. "Scharnhorst": Port Arthur, Seoul (Uprising) S. M. S. "Bremen": New York, St. Thomas, Mayaguez, Havana, Kingston, Newport, Port of Spain S. M. S. "Planet": Sydney, Nouméa S. "Planet": Sydney, Nouméa S. M.S. 'Panther': South West Africa, Cape Town (merging of provinces), Mossamedes, Loanda, Congo, Bata, Lagos, Lome, Forcados, Old Calabar, Victoria, Sao Tomé, Duala S. M.S. "Sea Eagle": Dar es Salaam, Mozambique, Durban, Cape Town S.M.S. "Loreley": Therapia (military uprising in Constantinople), Black Sea, Constantinople S.M.S. "Hertha": Norway, Ferrol, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Domenica, Prince, Rupertbay, Newport, New York S.M.S. "Hertha": Norway, Ferrol, Madeira, Ponta Delgada, Domenica, Prince, Rupertbay, Newport, New York S.M.S. "Freya": Norway, Dartmouth, Madeira, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Sebastian, Tangier, Cagliari, Genoa, Tunis, Corfu S. M. S. "Sparrowhawk": Cape Town, South West Africa, St. Helena, Freetown, Liberia, Cameroon S. M. S. "Condor": Sydney, Suva, Samoa, Auckland, Brisbane (search for S. M. S. "Seestern"), Apia S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Norway, New York, Newport S. M. S. "Dresden": Horta, Queenstown, Newport, New York S. M. S. "Buzzard": Dzaoudzi, Nossibé, Majunga, Durban, East London, Cape Town, Lourenzo Marques

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3034 · File · 1912
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, German East Africa S. M. S. "Bremen": St. Thomas, Christainsted, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, San Francisco do Sul S. M. S. "Jaguar": Hankau S. M. S. "Polecat": Hankau S. M. S. "Hansa": Queenstown, Bilbao, Horta, Philadelphia S. M. S. "Seagull": Cape Town S.M.S. "Vineta": Tangier, Malta, Gravoso, Corfu, Constantinople S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Otter": Nanking, Shanghai S.M.S. "Cormoran": Tsingtau, Kobe, Saipan, Palau, Eitape, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen, Peterhafen, Matupi S.M.S. "Tiger": Hankau, Futschau (riots), Canton S.M.S. "Panther": Duala, Loanda, Swakopmund, Lüderitz Bay, Cape Town, Port Alexander, Benguella, Sao Tomé, Kribi, Fernando Poo Squadron of Cruisers: Wladiwostock, East Asia, Japan S. M. S. "Hertha": Plymouth, Pembroke, Dock, Milford, Haven, Madeira, Valencia, Barcelona, Mersina, Adana S. M. S. "Condor": Nauru, Jaluit, Panape, Bismarck Archipelago, Kaiser Wilhelm Land (unrest) S. M. S. "Vultures": Trieste S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": Azores, Halifax, Newport, Vera Cruz S. M. S. "Loreley": Constantinople (mobilization/war against Bulgaria) Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war) S. M. S. "Wroclaw": Malta, Alexandrette S. M. S. 'Eber': Cameroon, Fernando Poo, Old Calabar, Principé, St. Thomé, Anno Bon, Loanda, Congo, Calinda, Kribi, Boma, Kobe, Yokohama, Nagasaki, Yokohama

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3035 · File · 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S. M. S. "Seagull": Walvis Bay S. M. S. "Hansa": Charleston, Havana (Riots), St. Thomas, Kingston S. M. S. "Bremen": Montevideo, Punta Arenas, Cape Horn, Buenos Aires, Liberia (Uprising) S. M. S. "Otter": Ichang S. M. S. "Condor": Matupi, Ponape, Truk, Jap, Palau Islands, Angaur S. M. S. "Sea Eagle": Zansibar, Portuguese East Africa Squadron of Cruisers: Beijing, Tsingtau, Pukou, Yangtze River S. M. S. "Gneisenau": Nagasaki (sketch of Japan) S. M. S. "Goeben": Constantinople S. M. S. "Hertha": Mersina, Beirut, Jaffa, Alexandria, Port Said S. M. S. "Geier": Haifa, Alexandria Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war against Greece, coup d'état) S. M. S. "Geier": Haifa, Alexandria Mediterranean Division: Constantinople (war against Greece, coup d'état) "Fatherland": Wong Shi Kong S. M. S. "Panther": Liberia (Uprising) S. M. S. "Eber": Liberia (Uprising), Cameroon S. M. S. "Vineta": Alexandria S. M. S. "Cormoran": Australia S. M. S. "Victoria Luise": St. Thomas, Curacao, Barbados, Dominica S. M. S. "Breslau": Alexandrette

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, RM 3/3037 · File · 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: S.M.S. "Cormoran": Sydney (strikes) S.M.S. "Condor": Nagasaki S.M.S. "Loreley": Constantinople, (murder of the Grand Vizier), Constanta, Therapia, Galatia, Bucharest (war preparations), Odessa, Nikolayev S.M.S. "Goeben": Smyrna, Covella, Piraeus, Naples S.M.S. "Breslau": Teodo, Pola S.M.S. 'Dresden': Constantinople (French-Romanian incident), Mersina, Alexandrette, Haifa, Rodosto S.M.S. 'Fatherland': Pojang Lake Cruise Wing: Yangtze River, Japan Mediterranean Division: Adana, Alöexandrette, Syria, Venice, Pola, Skutari, Port Said, Piraeus, Alexandria S.M.S. "Bremen": Philadelphia, Havana, St. Thomas, Trinidad, Vera Cruz S.M.S. "Panther": Cape Palmas, Lome, Lagos, Cameroon, Boma, Loanda, Lüderitz Bay, Swakopmund S.M.S "Tsingtau": North river (with map) S.M.S. "Vultures": Alexandrette, Port Said. S.M.S. "Srasburg": Constantinople. Naples S.M.S. "Hertha": Wiaby, Stockholm, Bergen S.M.S. "Vineta": Gotenburg S.M.S. "Eber": Dartmouth, Lisbon S.M.S. "Nürnberg": Shanghai S.M.S. "Hansa": Karlskrona, Uddewalla S.M.S. "Victoria Luise": Uddewalla S.M.S. "Planet": Australia VI Half Flotilla: Wisby, Kalmar

German Imperial Naval Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 703 R975N6 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Execution: Photography Persons and institutions involved in the creation: Louis Koch, Bremen, photographer Image carrier: Photo paper glued to cardboard Image and sheet size: 27 x 22 cm; 29 x 23.5 cm Remarks: from Marchtaler's estate, Otto Erhard, Generalobst. and Kriegsm., backs. V.: The steamer Rhine with the 3rd East Asia. Inf.-Rgt. after the departure by Emperor Wilhelm II. on 6. 8.1900 before the start of the journey to China, picture with creased corner

Propaganda Reports: Vol. 6
BArch, RM 8/1531 · File · 15. Mai - 16. Juni 1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "English Flyers Get a Rejection", 15 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Flowers from Arcachon", n. d.; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie War Reporter Dr. Horst-Gotthard Ost, "Night work of our clearance boats in the canal", 8 Apr. 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter von Reuber-Paschwitz, "Wunschkonzert auf hoher See", 20 March 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Siegwalt Benatzky, "Der täglichen Dienst", o. Dat.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Männer der See - Kameraden, Soldaten", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Vorpostenboote auf Position", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Der Zeit Dienst", o. Dat. Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Heinz Beckmann, "The Four Hours of the Sailor", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Setting up a Mine Search Flotilla", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Dr. Fritz List, "Hilfskreuzer gibt 170 Gefangene von Bord", 10 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Volksstimme gegen Müßiggänger! 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Heribert Augst, "German soldiers save English sailors at night at their own peril", 24 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941. Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Kompanie Südost: War Reporter Dr. Egon Figlhuber, "Unternehmen Petz" (Blue Boys Save Wounded Mountain Fighters' Lives) , 24. Apr. 1941; 10. Semi-Companie Südost: War Reporter Artillery-Maat Hans Järisch, "Liebe Kameraden", 4. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Silent Ports", 4 May 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "The Kriegsmarine will know how to prevent this too" (English aviators bombard French fishermen), 26 Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Fliegergriffen auf kleine Kriegsschiffe", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: War correspondent Hans Arenz, "Schatten geistern durch die Nacht", May 8, 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War correspondent Hellmuth Baumann, "Minensucher stehen am Feind", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Lock Breaker on Enemy Drive", o. Date.Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter W. I. Rempel, "Three Tommy's plunged into the sea", May 7, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Dorsche", n.d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Submarine in the 'Laundry Room'" (Untiring Exercises for the Fight against England), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Seamen travel as passengers", n. d.; Naval War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A. (S)) Bernhard Müllmann, "Bei der italienischen Marine Artillerie", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: Kriegsberichter Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.; naval propaganda department West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: war correspondent Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "The L I.", May 8, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 7th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Marine Artillerist WB. August Heinrich Esser, "Rees-Stunde im Nebel" (From the History of a Mine Search Boat), May 9, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Auf Vorposten in der Nordsee", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Die Geschichte vom harten Brot", 6. May 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichter-Trupp Süd (Italy): War correspondent Fritz Böltz, "An Bord eines italienischen Kreuzers, im Mai 1941", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: War correspondent Jochen Brennecke, "Ein Englischer Admiral fährt in den Tod", 25. Apr. 1941; Marine Propaganda Company South East 10th Marine War Reporter Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Auf Fahrt in der Ägäis", 24th Apr. 1941; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War correspondent Paul Engels, "The narrowest point in the canal", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d.; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Carl von Bremen, "Birthday Party on Board", May 15, 1941; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter P. P. Möbius, "Minenräumen in der Nordsee", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Abbey North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Takeover of the Sick on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Sick Acceptance on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "Der Rudergänger", 17 Apr. 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Hugo Bürger, "Expelled by Navy Artillery", 17 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Steamship in Convoy", 17 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Once a sailor on duty with the Führer - today submariners against England", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century; 3rd Century War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Century War Reporter Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century. May 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt von Steinitz, "Italian Naval Reconnaissance Soldiers on the Mediterranean", n. d.; 5th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "This Is Him Commander", 22. May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord, Wilhelmshaven: Kriegsberichter (Gefreiter) Langemann, "Auf allen deutschen Werften Hochdruckarbeit!", n. d.; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Monsieur Pierre geht in den Hafen" (Marine-Küstenpolizei überwacht Hafenanlagen und Fischfang), 17. May 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Geleitfahrt", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941. May 1941; Air Force War Reporter Company (mot) 7: War Reporter Wilhelm Reinartz, "Mit einem Minensucher ins Mittelmeer", 15 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department Southeast: 10. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Munitionsdampfer in Fliegeralarm", May 22, 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Germany's Fight under the Midnight Sun", May 15, 1941 Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Aarhus: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Vacation and Return on Board", May 13, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter W. Brink, "Mine Search Boat on the Home March", May 12, 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division West: 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "Devil's Eggs around Greece", 5 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", o. D.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent J. Hans Eichen, "Hauruck! Throw that thing outboard", May 15, 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Bernhard Müllmann, "As War Reporter on an Italian Torpedo Boat," n. d.; 5. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "Transformation of a Fishing Steamer", May 10, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Commanders", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "A Ship's Crew Celebrates Farewell", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "An Invention of the Devil" (The Development of the Sea Mine and Its Impact on England), 24. Apr. 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Dr. Harald Busch, "Lauter neue Kumpels" (First Evening on a U-boat), n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Curt Eugen Schreiber, "Waving flag sunk in battle with enemy superiority", o. Date; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Kurt von Steinitz, "Eight Minutes of Attack and Five Hours of Nerve Test", May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Drift Mines Before the Bow! Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Arnold Prokop, "Walking at Sea", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "New heaviest batteries are being installed", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Underwater ...", n. d. Date; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Northern Lights", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Nolte, "Das sind Italiens Torpedomänner", n. d.; 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Cherbourg: Kriegsberichter Dr. C. Coler, "Zerstörer und Torpedoboot", May 12, 1941; 5. Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter Dr. C. Voler, "Battery Brommy Shoots Block", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "You Must Be Back", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, 5. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Our Comrade - The Red Cross Sister", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division West, 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Die 'Alten' wieder in vorderster Front", without date; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Reconstruction in the Service of the Navy", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Feldpostbrief an mein Töchterchen", no date.Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Torpedoboote auf großer Fahrt", 21 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 6th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Rivierakurs", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "From D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Kiel", n. d.; War Reporter Dr. Fritz Olbert, "8.000 ton tanker burned in the night", 26 May 1941; 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941; 6th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941. May 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "... and don't forget your toothbrush", May 26, 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company Kernevel: War Reporter Dr. Wolfgang Frank, "Günter Prien zum Gedächtnis", May 25, 1941; N. N. "Abschied von der Bügelfalte" (from the "bathing guest" of a long-distance submarine trip), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department North: 2nd World War, 1941. Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 1st Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Half Company: Navy War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Maat Hans Järisch, "On the Day of Crete on Tatoi", 23 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter Heinz von Rebeuer-Paschwitz, "Nocturnal Return from Convoy", May 30, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "Gefallen vor Kreta", n. d.; 12th War Reporter Figlhuber, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Kühn, "Musterung" ("in memoriam"), n.d.; 10th Naval War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company, "Naval Artillerist" (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century. May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Letzte Vorbereitung zum Einsatz auf Bord eines Schlachtschiffes", May 14, 1941; 9. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "We're Drifting the Cliffs", n.d.; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Special Leader (LieutenantM. A.) Hugo Bürger, "From the Lazarett Bound on Board", n.d.; N. N. Kriegsberichter (Uffz.) Wolf, "Immer im Einsatz", May 12, 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Im harten Dienst", May 29, 1941; 7th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "At the Lone Pier Post", May 24, 1941; N. N. War Reporter Herbert Nolte: "Speedboats Attacked Cruisers", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; n. Date; 4th Marine War Reporter Parade in Bergen: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Gerhard Ludwig Milau, "Eight Hundred Norwegians Return Home", 7 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Wie wir Deutschland wiedersehen", 28 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Bratkartoffeln zwischen Dover und Calais", o. Dat.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent Otto Bohm, "Fourteen Three Shot Down", 30 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Axel, the 'Eye of the Fleet'", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "The Eye of the Fleet", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Sem-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", n. d. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Jetzt war ma amol auf See!", May 24, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Halbkompany Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941. May 1941; War correspondent Heribert Augst, "Gefangene gehen von Bord" (English prisoners leave ship), o. Dat.; 1st Marine War correspondent Half Company Kiel: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "Skagerrak - Tradition und Verpflichtung", 31 May 1941; 3rd Marine War correspondent Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Die entzauberte englische Mine", 31 May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company Volos: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "... Weg ist minenfrei", o. Dat.; 10th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Südost: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Boulogne: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Biallas, "Five English Torpedoes Went Away", 30 May 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen/Den Haag: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Mit Englischer Mine durch Schwpf und Morast", 29 May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Das hat sitzt" (Alarm on a harbour protection boat of the Kriegsmarine./Hit in the belly of a British bomber), 20 Apr. 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter J. Hans Eichen, "Mine Search Boats of a Convoy Destroy Two English Bombers", 31 May 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Arenz, "Our Flotilla Doctor", 26 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: Kriegsberichter J. Hans Eichen, "A mighty blow hits our ship ...", May 31, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Walter Hoffmann, "One against eight" (Italian torpedo boat sinking an English cruiser out of a strong enemy unit), 24. May 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "4 men from the Navy and 132 Tommies" (The armoured motor schooner 'Trinity' is applied to the island of Milos), 17th century. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Pirae", n. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Kriegsmarine macht einen Tanker flott", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Department West: 5. Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Once upset by the French and now back under German flag", n. d.; 6th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hanns H. Reinhardt, "The Brown Sails of La Rochelle", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company Navy War Reporter Half Company Athens: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Flakferien zwischen Sonne und Kakteen", n. d.; 12th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Heinz Werseck, "Lamor Plage ... in Sunshine and Rain", n. d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "Italian Torpedo Boat Sunk from Sixfold Superiority English Destroyer", n. d.; 12th Marine War Reporter Half Company Trupp La Baule: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.)) Hans Kreis, "Five torpedoes - four tankers flew into the air", May 23, 1941; 7th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Boulogne: War Reporter Werner Denckler, "18 bombs fell into the water" (clearance boats in battle with English bombers), June 5, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant) (S) Karl Judmaier, "In bocca al lupo! (Italian destroyers at the enemy - English submarine sunk) o. Dat.

BArch, RM 2/1758 · File · 1911-1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Mutiny on the German steamer "Lotte Menzell" (report SMS "Hertha", transcript), Oct. 1912 Scientific expedition on the Empress Augusta River in German New Guinea (report SMS "Condor" with 11 photos, transcript), Jan. 1913 Unrest in Liberia - Protection of the German population by SMS "Bremen", "Eber" and "Panther". (Report SMS "Bremen", transcript), Jan. 1913

BArch, NS 38/3045 · File · Juni 1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Aachen State School of Construction, Aachen Textile School, Augsburg School of Construction and Engineering, Bad Frankenhausen Engineering School, Bad Köstritz School of Horticulture, University of Berlin, Berlin Faculty of Agriculture, Berlin College of Music, Berlin Building School, Berlin Neukölln State School of Construction, Berlin-Charlottenburg College of Music Education, Reichswerbeschule Berlin, engineering school "Beuth" Berlin, Staatsbauschule Beuthen, college for teacher training Beuthen, craftsman school Bielefeld, engineering school Bingen, University of Bonn, college for teacher training Braunschweig, master school of the German craft Braunschweig, TH Braunschweig, Bremen Art Academy, Bremerhaven Ship Engineering School, Wroclaw State Building School, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw Technical College, Wroclaw Engineering School, Wroclaw Master School of German Crafts, Chemnitz Academy of Technology, Clausthal Mining Academy, Cottbus Textile College, Berlin-Dahlem Experimental and Research Institute for Horticulture, Engineering School Darmstadt, TH Darmstadt, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Dortmund, Ingenieurschule für Luftfahrttechnik Hessen-Nassau, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Darmstadt, Staatsbauschule Deutsch Krone, Staatsbauschule für Hoch- und Tiefbau Dresden, TH Dresden, Akademie der bildenden Künste Dresden, Akademie für Kunstgewerbe Dresden, University for Teacher Training Dortmund, Engineering School Dortmund, Engineering School Duisburg, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Wuppertal, Technical College for Textile Industry Wuppertal-Barmen, Staatsbauschule Eckernförde, University for Teacher Training Elbing, Seefahrtschule Elsfleth, Staatsbauschule Erfurt, University Erlangen, Engineering School Essen, Folkwang School for Music, Dance and Speech Essen, Folkwang Meisterschule Essen, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Eßlingen, Ingenieurschule Eßlingen, HTL for Structural and Civil Engineering Frankfurt am Main, Hochschule für Musik Frankfurt am Main, Ingenieurschule Frankfurt am Main, Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, State building school Frankfurt am Main, Freiberg Mining Academy, Geisenheim Experimental and Research Institute for Wine, Fruit and Horticulture, Giessen University, Glauchau Building School for Building and Civil Engineering, Gleiwitz Engineering School, Görlitz State Building School, Görlitz Engineering School, Gotha State Building School, Greifswald University, University of Göttingen, Engineering School Gumbinnen, University Halle-Wittenberg, College for Teacher Training Hamburg, University Hamburg, Engineering School and Master School of the German Crafts Hanover, College for Teacher Training Hanover, TH Hanover, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Faculty of Forestry Hann. Münden, University of Heidelberg, Hildburghausen Engineering School, Hirschberg Teacher Training College, Holzminden State Building School, Höxter State Building School, Idstein State Building School, Ilmenau Engineering School, Jena University, Jena University of Applied Sciences for Opticians, Kaiserslautern Engineering School, Karlsruhe University of Teacher Training, Karlsruhe University of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe University of Music, Karlsruhe Technical University, Kassel State Building School, Cologne Engineering School, Cologne State Building School, Cologne University of the Arts, Kiel Engineering School, Köthen University of Applied Technology, Ingenieurschule Konstanz, Textilfachschule Krefeld, Ingenieurschule Lage/ Lippe, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Leipzig, Konservatorium Leipzig, Staatsbauschule Leipzig, Universität Leipzig, Montanistische Hochschule Leoben, Seefahrtsschule Lübeck, Staatsbauschule für Hochbau Lübeck, Ingenieurschule und Staatsbauschule Magdeburg, Adolf-Hitler-Staatsbauschule Mainz, Ingenieurschule Mannheim, Ingenieurschule Mittweida, Ingenieurschule München, Meisterschule für Deutschlands Buchdrucker Munich, Staatsbauschule München, Fachschule für Textilindustrie M. Gladbach, Staatsbauschule Münster, Staatsbauschule Nienburg, Hochschule Nürnberg, Ohm-Polytechnikum Nürnberg, Staatsbauschule Plauen, Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt für Gartenbau Pillnitz, Kreisbauschule Regensburg, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Reichenbach, Technikum für Textilindustrie Reutlingen, Holztechnikum Rosenheim, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Rostock, Universität Rostock, Ingenieurschule Saarbrücken, Textile Technical School Sorau, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Siegen, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Suderburg, Building School for Water Management and Cultural Engineering Schleusingen, University of Applied Sciences Schneidemühl, Seefahrtsschule Stettin, Engineering School Stettin, State Building School Stettin, Master School of German Crafts Stettin, Arts and Crafts School Stuttgart, Building School Stuttgart, University of Music Stuttgart, TH Stuttgart, Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, Agricultural University Tetschen-Liebwerd, Forestry University Tharandt, State Building School Trier, Meisterschule des deutschen Handwerks Trier, University of Tübingen, Horticultural School Weihenstephan, University of Teacher Education Weilburg, Engineering School Weimar, University of Architecture and Fine Arts Weimar, University of Music Weimar, Seefahrtschule Wesermünde, Hochschule für Welthandel Vienna, Ingenieur-Akademie Wismar, Kolonialschule Witzenhausen, Ingenieurschule Würzburg, Hochschule für Lehrerbildung Würzburg, Ingenieurschule Wuppertal-Elberfeld, Fachschule für Maschinenbau Wuppertal, Fachschule für Textilindustrie Wuppertal- Barmen, Seefahrtsschule Wustrow, Landesbauschule HTL Zerbst, Staatsbauschule Zittau, Ingenieur- und Zieglerschule Zwickau