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Archival description
BArch, NS 5-VI/17707 · File · 1921-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Ratajski, Cyryl, Polish politician, 1925 Ratgeb, Swabian painter, 1940 Rath, Ernst vom, Counsellor, German diplomat, 1939 Rath, Klaus Wilhelm, Macht u. ökonomisches Gesetz (German writings on science), Frankfurt, Klostermann, 31 pp. L 50, 1933 Rath, Emmerich, won 1905 the first Berlin Army Baggage Marck, 1937 Raht, Hermann, Bergassessor, 1936 Rath, Dr.-Ing.e.h. Walther vom, deputy chairman of the supervisory board of IG-Farbenindustrie, 1940 Rathgen, Prof. Gründer and long-time director of the laboratory of the National Museums in Berlin, city councillor, 1942 Rathgen, Karl, director of the Seminar für Nationalökonomie u. Kolonialpolitik, 1921 Ratjen, Christioph, the S. Fischer publishing house was acquired by a limited partnership in which Peter Suhrkamp, Berlin, Philipp F., and Peter Suhrkamp, Berlin, were the deputy chairman of the supervisory board of IG-Farbenindustrie, 1940 Rathgen, Prof. Gründer and long-time director of the laboratory of the National Museums in Berlin, 1921 Ratjen, Christioph, the S. Fischer publishing house was acquired by a limited partnership. Reemtsma, Hamburg, Clemens ABS, Bonn, Chrioph Ratjen, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 1937 Rathke, Maximilian, deserved pioneer of the potash industry, General Director in Kassel, 1933 Ratzel, Friedrich, journalist and scholar, 1941 Ratzenhofer, Gustav, soldier and philosopher, 1942 Rau, Dr.h.c. Edmund, Württemberg civil servant, 1930 Rau, Hans, foreign correspondent, interpreter, foreign correspondent in the editorial office of the "Deutscher", 1934 Rau, Karl, Breslauer Musiker (plays 33 instruments), 1936 Rau, Walter, owner of Walter Rau Neutzer Ölwerke AG, owner Walter Rau Teutoburger Margarinewerke in Hilker, 1934 Rau, Karl Heinrich, Nestor Deutsche Nationalökonomie, 1942 Rauch, Prof.Dr. Ehrr.., Professor of Art History at the University of Giessen, 1937 Rauch, Christian Daniel Friedrich, German sculptor, 1927 Rauch, von, General der Kavallerie, 1935 Rauch, Dipl.-Ing. Hans, Oberstadtbaurat in Munich, 1923 Rauch, Karl, editor of the "Literarische Welt, Neue Folge 1933", 1933 Rauch, Caspar Walter, draughtsman, 1940 Rauchberg, Dr. Heinrich, sudetendt. Völkerrechtler, 1931 Raucheisen, Michael, artist (musician), pianist and professor, 1937 Rauecker, Prof.Dr. B., author: "Die neue deutsche Sozialpolitik erschienen: Academy of Science. Research and for the Care of the Germans", "Vom Wesen des Staates", 1935 Rault, Victor, President of the Saarland, 1929 Raumer, Dr. Hans von, German civil servant, Reich Minister, 1940 Raupenstrauch, Dr. Gustav Adolf, inventor of lysol, Siebenbürger Sachse, 1939 Rausch, Bernhard, head of Stahlhelm-Selbsthilfe, 1931 Rauscher, Arno, former mayor of Potsdam, 1934 Rauscher, E., Chief Engineer, "Die Umstellung von der Friedens- auf die Kriegsfertigung" (Writings on War Economic Research and Training), 1938 Rauscher, Ulrich, German envoy in Warsaw, 1930 Rauschning, Hermann, leading president of the Gdansk Senate, 1939 Rausenberger, Prof.Dr. Fritz, engineer, invention of the 42-centimeter mortar and the long-range gun with a range of up to 120 kilometers, 1938 Rautenkranz, Hermann von Pionier der deutschen Bundeswehr, 1938 Rausenberger, Hermann von Schaeffler, German pioneer of the war, 1938 Rausenberger, Prof.Dr. Fritz, engineer, invention of the 42-centimeter mortar and the long-range gun. Erdölindustrie, 1943 Rave, Paul Ortwin, Deputy Director of the Berlin National Gallery, 1944 Ravené, Louis, German. Industrialist, 1944 Rawengel, Anna therese, member of the municipal council, member of the Reichstag, supporter of the German nationalists, 1932 Rawitzki, Arthur, director of the WDB, 1932 Raymundus, Pater, o. Dat. Razus, Martin, deputy of the Slav national party, ev. priest and Slovak poet, 1937

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Bü 215 · File · 2. Januar - 29. Dezember 1891
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German Colonial Policy; German-Austrian Trade Treaty; Italian-Russian Relations; Munich Art Exhibition; Old Catholicism Darin: Münchener Neueste Nachrichten Nr. 117 vom 12. März, Nr. 214 vom 13. Mai 1891

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Bü 214 · File · 3. Januar - 30. Dezember 1890
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: German colonial policy; relationship between state and church in Bavaria; Old Catholicism; Reichstag elections in Bavaria; Bismarck's resignation; strikes in Munich; May Day celebrations; Bavarian homeland legislation Darin: J. Stempff: Der rasende See der bayerischen Centrumsfraktion; Munich 1890; Münchener Neueste Nachrichten Nr. 214 vom 10. May 1890, Nr. 496 vom 29,10.1890, Nr. 547 vom 28. November 1890

Reports Vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 24 · File · 1921 - 1938
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: contains and others: - Prince Max von Baden (1921); - Groener's comments on Schnee's book "Weltpolitik" (1923); - Schnee on Stresemann (1924); - Snow in English on the German colonies and the League of Nations (1924); - Interparliamentary Conference in Washington (1925); - Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg (1925); - Meeting with Coudenhove-Kalergi in New York (1925); - Founding of the German National Socialist Party (Dt. Academy, Munich (1925); economic reconstruction in East Africa (1925); - Speech to the Washington Interparliamentary Conference (1925); - General Wahle on military operations in Deutch East Africa (1925); - Vice-Admiral Max Loof on the relationship between Schnee and Lettow-Vorbeck (1926); - Presidency of the Federation of Foreign Germans (1926); - Hungary and the Question of War Guilt (1926); - Carl Peters (1927); - Colonial Trade Statistics (/1927); - Mau Revolt in Samoa (1928); - Visit to Slatin Pasha in Meran (1929); - Chancellor Luther (1929); - Meeting with the Soviet ambassador couple Krestinski (1930); - Colonial Policy and Foreign Peoples (1930); - W. H. Dawson, The Future of Tanganyika. Memorandum of the English historian to the members of the lower house of parliament (1931); - Meetings with Hindenburg (1931); - Resignation from the DVP 1932); - Member of the Manchuria Commission (1932); - Meetings with General Groener (1932-1938); - Resignation of Dr. Solfs as Reich Foreign Minister (1932). As a member of the Reichstag of the German People's Party. 4 p. (31) Trip to the USA for the Interparliamentary Conference in Washington. 2 p. (32) Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg. 4 p. (33) Meeting in New York with Coudenhove-Kalergi. 3 p. (34) Some things from the Federal Foreign Office. Individual recordings. 28 S. (35) Foundation of the German Academy in Munich. - The Social Democrats and the war guilt lie. 4 p. (36) General Böhm on the Crown Prince. 1 p. (37) On economic reconstruction in East Africa. 11 S. (38) Return of Germans to the former German territory in East Africa. 7 pp. (39) Snow speech in Washington at the Interparliamentary Conference. 3 and 5 S. (40) The German Economic Situation and Foreign Trade. 8 S. (41) Report by General Wahle on military operations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a. 9 p. (42) Vice-Admiral Max Loof's statement on the relationship between Schnee/Lettow-Vorbeck. 4 p. (43) The former Vice President of the Reichsbank on the creation of Rentenbank. 2 p. (imperfect) (44) As President of the Federation of Foreign Germans. 8 S. (45) Hungary and the question of war guilt 9 pp. (46) Creation by the Carnegie Institute of the foundations for a conference of historians. (author Schnee or Lutz) 3 p. (47) Characteristic Dr. Carl Peters. Pinned Procedure Ausw. Amt. 19 S. (48) Notes on Carl Peters. 15 S. (48) Conversation with General Hoffmann, e.g. on the danger of Bolshevism. 5 p. (50) Colonial trade statistics. 8 p. (51) Wilhelm II and Dernburg. 2 p. (52) Meeting with Count von der Goltz, Prince August Wilhelm, General von Hutier, Admiral Scheer, and Hitler - "a still young, sympathetic-looking man"- 2 p. (53)

Schnee, Heinrich