Enthält: u. a.: Aufsatz von Erwin Finlay-Freundlich „Über die Notwendigkeit der Errichtung eines auswärtigen astronomischen Forschungsinstituts“.- Druckschrift von Paul Range „Neue Temperaturbeobachtungen aus dem Süden Deutsch-Südwest-Afrikas“.- Denkschrift über die Errichtung einer deutschen Reichssternwarte in Windhuk von Paul Guthnick.- Schulberichte einer deutschen Schule in Swakopmund.- „Gesichtspunkte für die Auswahl eines Platzes für die deutsche astronomische Station“ von Friedrich Becker.- Karte von Pretoria und Umgebung (1908).- Übersichtsplan der Stadt Windhuk (1916).
Acts, sessional papers, government gazettes, confidential print and other papers from the dominions relating to a range of legislative business carried out by the local governments in these countries. Sessional papers may include records of legislative assemblies, legislative councils and reports from departments or commissions. Records of legislative assemblies include transcriptions of proclamations, lists of committee members, and notes of papers and reports presented and on the passing of bills through the houses. Volumes usually contain contents lists and indexes to the proceedings. Records of legislative councils are bound volumes of agenda and minutes of procedure. They give dates of council meetings, a list of those present and statements of resolutions taken. Where the legislative council was an elected body, there are records of assembly and prorogation, reports on divisions, abstracts of petitions, transcriptions of proclamations, notices of papers presented and of questions, and notes of motions and orders of the day. Also included are registers of bills, lists of members, and statistics showing the attendance of members. Volumes usually contains a contents list and indexes to the minutes of proceedings. Reports and papers were presented to both houses by departments and commissions. They provide descriptions and statistics recording all aspects of government activity in such areas as: public revenue; the judiciary; communications; population; crime; public works; public health; police; agriculture, ecology, and meteorological observations. Many maps, plans, graphs and illustrations are included. Volumes usually contain a contents list and index. Government gazettes were the official newspapers produced by most colonies and dominions. They provide information on a variety of subjects including the economy, population, government, sanitation, communications, meteorology and crime. They include minutes and proclamations by the governor; notices of appointments; texts of ordinances and acts, and various notices, for example of sales of lands and development plans (with sketch maps). Private advertisements are included, which record grants of probate and insolvencies. The gazettes also include calls for tenders and tables of government accounts. Other statistical reports may be included which have information on births and deaths, incidence of disease, and weather observations. The gazettes may also include supplements, for example recording the appointment of local officials.may include supplements recording such matters as elections and the appointment of officials. Issues usually have their own contents list and most volumes are indexed by subject and name. Comprises records for the following countries: Africa, South, High Commission, DO 91 Africa, South, Union of, DO 11-DO 13, DO 77, DO 116 Africa, South West, DO 78, DO 110 Alberta, DO 14, DO 95 Australia, Commonwealth of, DO 15-DO 18, DO 79, DO 115 Australia, Northern, DO 108 Australia, South, DO 19-DO 21, DO 80 Australia, Western, DO 22-DO 24, DO 98 Basutoland, DO 25, DO 92, DO 145, DO 150 Bechuanaland Protectorate, DO 26, DO 102, DO 145, DO 150 British Indian Ocean Territory, DO 151 Canada, DO 27-DO 30 Cape of Good Hope, DO 31, DO 32 Ceylon, DO 104, DO 109, DO 111 Columbia, British, DO 33, DO 34 Dominions, DO 114 Federation of the West Indies, DO 136, DO 139 Ghana, DO 132, DO 138 India, DO 105, DO 112, DO 148 Irish Free State, DO 37, DO 99, DO 100 Manitoba, DO 38, DO 96 Natal, DO 39, DO 40 Nauru, DO 83 New Brunswick, DO 43, DO 137 Newfoundland, DO 41, DO 42, DO 84 New Guinea, DO 85 New South Wales, DO 44-DO 47 New Zealand, DO 48-DO 51 Norfolk Island, DO 135 Nova Scotia, DO 52, DO 124 Ontario, DO 53, DO 54 Orange Free State, DO 55, DO 56 Order of St. Michael and St. George, DO 89 Pakistan, DO 106, DO 149 Papua, DO 86, DO 97 Prince Edward Island, DO 58, DO 87 Quebec, DO 59, DO 94 Queensland, DO 60-DO 62, DO 103 Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Federation of, DO 123, DO 125, DO 129 Rhodesia, Southern, DO 7, DO 8, DO 63-DO 65, DO 88, DO 122 Samoa, Western, DO 107, DO 113 Saskatchewan, DO 66, DO 90 Swaziland, DO 67, DO 93, DO 145, DO 150 Tanzania, DO 146, DO 147 Tasmania, DO 68-DO 71 Transkeian Territories, DO 101 Transvaal, DO 72, DO 73 Victoria, DO 74-DO 76.
- ; Die Stationen im südwestlichen Kapland / Die Missionsstationen in Kafferland und Natal / Gebiete der Berliner Mission in der englischen Kolonie Natal / ... in dem Oranje Freistaat und auf dem Diamant Feld / ... in Südtransvaal / ... in Nordtransvaal / ... im Njassalande (Konde- und Hehe-Synoden) / ... in Usaramo / in der Kap-Kolonie / Evangelische Kontinantal-europäische Missionen in Süd-Afrika / Karte von und Missionen in Swasiland * Autor/Fotograf: F. Pönnighaus
- ; Lutherische Kirch von Usambaro-Digo / Karte von Englisch-Südafrika / Die Berliner Mission im Njassalande (Konde. und Hehe-Synoden) / Die Arbeitsfelder der Berliner Mission in Deutsch-Ostafrika / Die farbigen Volksstämme in Süd-Afrika * Autor/Fotograf: Ed Kittlaus-Buchholz; Merensky
1874-1919 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, Omburo, Omaruru; Briefe, Reise- u. Kriegsberichte, 1871-1920; Feldpostbriefe aus d. Zeit d. Frankreichfeldzuges, 1871; Berichte von d. Seereise nach Capstadt u. Walfishbay, 1873; Ein Besuch in d. Grootkloof, Beitrag für „Kleinen Missionsfreund“, 1874; Kopie e. Briefwechsels mit Kapitän Abraham Zwartbooi, 1880; J. P. Reinhard (ehemaliger Schmied in Otjimbingue) an Peter Friedrich Bernsmann wegen Pflegetochter Johanne Bernsmann (geb. 1880), 1888; Karte d. „Hererolandes“, M. 1: 1.250000 mit eingezeichneten Fahrwegen u. Fahrzeiten für Ochsengespanne, ca. 1888; Stationsberichte von Otjimbingue, 1886-1888; Stationsberichte von Otjikango, 1888-1890; Stationsberichte von Omburo, 1890-1895; Bericht von e. Reise nach Ondjiva in Oukuanjama (Amboland), 1891; Stationsbericht über Omburo von Traugott Kauapirura, 1891-1892; Bericht d. Asser Mutjinde im Namen d. Häuptlings Manasse Tjiseseta über dessen Bekehrung, 1893; Manasse Tjiseseta an Dr. August Schreiber, enthält Proklamation über Kornhandel, 1895; Zwei Briefbündel von Missionar Eduard Dannert u. Familie aus Omaruru, Otjimbingue u. Stellenbosch, 1895-1899; Privatbriefe Peter Friedrich Bernsmanns an Inspektoren d. RMG, 1890-1900; Lehrer Gustav Kamatoto an RMG, 1899; Referat Peter Friedrich Bernsmann: "Wie ist d. Tatsache zu erklären, daß unsere Evangelisten u. Schullehrer bis jetzt wenig d. gehegten Erwartungen entsprochen haben?", 4 S. ms. hektographiert, 1902; Privatklageschrift d. Kaufmanns E. Langenberg, Ombuiro gegen Peter Friedrich Bernsmann wegen Beleidigung, 1904; Bericht über d. schwarzen Minenarbeiter in d. Goldminen Pretorias u. bei Johannesburg, 1905; Beschreibung von Herero-Tänzen mit Notenbeispielen, 1907; Beitrag Peter Friedrich Bernsmann für e. Schullesebuch: Die Eingeborenen Deutsch-Südwestafrikas u. d. Anfänge ihrer Geschichte, mit d. Kapiteln:; Die Bastards; Die Herero; Die Naman; Die Bergdamara; Die Ambo, 23 S. ms., 1914; in 1.613 c auch: Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, (1849-1924), vgl. RMG 1.615;
Rheinische MissionsgesellschaftEnthält u.a.: Territory of South West Africa. Report on the census of the European population. Taken on the 4th May, 1926. Pretoria, 1927. Deutsche, Buren und Engländer in Südwestafrika. Sonderdruck aus "Koloniale Rundschau" Heft 9/10, 1931.
Enthält: Einladung zur Teilnahme an der Verwertung des Landerwerbs E. Nagels in Pondoland (südlich von Natal).- Ausführungen über die Verwertung des E. Nagel’schen Landerwerbs.- Gesellschaftsvertrag der Deutschen Pondoland-Gesellschaft.- Sonderabdrucke von Zeitungsartikeln über Landschaft und wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten in Pondoland.- Skizzen zur Waldverwertung.- Vertrauliche Mitteilung über Aussendung einer Expedition zur Begründung einer wirtschaftlichen Station in Pondoland mit Gutachten Pfeils über wirtschaftliche Möglichkeiten in Pondoland
Pfeil, Joachim Graf von- Ausführlicher Titel: Südwestafrikanisches Schutzgebiet Enthält: Grenzen und Sprachen, Ethnogr. u. Siedlungskarten 18 Nebenkarten: Spencer Bai, Otjimbingue, Erzfunde, Walfischbucht, Lüderitzbucht, Wege v. Lüderitzbucht nach Aos und Gubub, Elisabeth Bai, Sandfischhafen, Ethnogr. Karte, Itschabo, Brit. Kaffernland, Natal, Windhoek, Hodscha Nas, Kapsche Fläche, Burentrecks, Damra & Gross Namaland, Bremen 1896, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, N 110 Neuere gedruckte Karten I description: Ausführlicher Titel: Südwestafrikanisches Schutzgebiet Enthält: Grenzen und Sprachen, Ethnogr. u. Siedlungskarten - 18 Nebenkarten: Spencer Bai, Otjimbingue, Erzfunde, Walfischbucht, Lüderitzbucht, Wege v. Lüderitzbucht nach Aos und Gubub, Elisabeth Bai, Sandfischhafen, Ethnogr. Karte, Itschabo, Brit. Kaffernland, Natal, Windhoek, Hodscha Nas, Kapsche Fläche, Burentrecks, Damra & Gross Namaland, Bremen
Das Kleine in Sr. Mavs Arm wurde mit seiner Mutter (die vor 4 Jahren bei uns 50% verbrannt lag) als Lepra-Kranke erkannt u. nach Pretoria verlegt.- Die Kleine in Dr. Cs Arm hatte 15 0/00 Albumin im Urin. Sie verlor bei uns 1/4 des Körpergewichts. Ödeme!!! 2.II.62 (Elim-Hospital N.TVL. S.Africa, Irmgard Bodenstab). Fotograf: Irmgard Bodenstab?. Fototyp: Foto. Beschreibung: Gruppenbild: Arzt, 5 Schwestern, 6 Kinder.
Leipziger MissionswerkEnthält: 1)A:Fandrich, Karl/B:30.01.1894, Jaschenowka (Gouv. Wolhynien)/C:Knecht/D:ev./E:Schermeisel, Langenpfuhl (Krs. Oststernberg)/F:Russland, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 2-3, 11, 19, 25, 27; 2)A:Albrecht, Friedrich/B:15.10.1894, Stefanow (Bez. Cholm)/C:Krankenpfleger (früher Landwirt)/D:luth./E:z.Z. Hannover (Henriettenstift)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 4-5, 15, 23, 25, 29; 3)A:Bing, Andre/B:02.01.1892, Paris (Frankreich)/C:Student/D:mos./E:Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe/F:Frankreich (früher Hamburg), Deutscher/G:S. 6, 13, 21, 25, 28; 4)A:Leeuwe, Max Kurt van/B:/C:Handlungslehrling/D:/E:Mühlheim (Ruhr)/F:/G:S. 7; 5)A:Joannini, Georg Leo Maria/B:/C:Stadtbaumeister/D:/E:Hanau/F:/G:S. 8-9, 126-127; 6)A:Wihtol, Alexander Georg/B:25.12.1866(06.01.1867), Jacobstadt (Kurland)/C:Rentner (früher Chemiker)/D:ev.-luth./E:Hanau/F:Staatenlos (früher Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 14, 22, 25, 28; 7)A:Lewin, Alexander/B:18.08.1879, Wien (Österreich)/C:Fabrikdirektor/D:kath./E:Guben/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 12, 20, 25; 8)A:Eiswirth, Wilhelm/B:26.01.1887, Klosterdorf (Gouv. Cherson)/C:Arbeiter in Gasanstalt/D:kath./E:Marienburg/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 10, 18, 25, 26; 9)A:Eiswirth, Wilhelm (sen.)/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Klosterdorf (Gouv. Cherson)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 18; 10)A:Eiswirth, Elisabeth geb. Mengel/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Klosterdorf (Gouv. Cherson)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 18; 11)A:Fandrich, Gottfried/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 19; 12)A:Fandrich, Pauline geb. Friedrich/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 19; 13)A:Lewin, Siegfried/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Wien/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 20; 14)A:Lewin, Anna geb. Tomann/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Wien/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 20; 15)A:Bing, August/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Frankreich (füher Hamburg), Deutscher/G:S. 21; 16)A:Bing, Elisabeth geb. Michael/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Frankreich (füher Hamburg), Deutsche/G:S. 21; 17)A:Wihtol, Johann/B:gest./C:/D:ev.-luth./E:Mitau/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 22; 18)A:Wihtol, Anna geb. Neumann/B:gest./C:/D:ev.-luth./E:Mitau/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 22; 19)A:Albrecht, Ferdinand/B:/C:/D:luth./E:Kroczyn (Krs. Chlom, Russland)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 23; 20)A:Albrecht, Helene geb. Reichwald/B:/C:/D:luth./E:Kroczyn (Krs. Chlom, Russland)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 23; 21)A:Ziesmann, August/B:18.10.1893, Krelinsk (Krs. Shitomir, Gouv. Wolhynien)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter/D:ev./E:Graudenz/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 24, 25, 30-31; 22)A:Ziesmann, August (sen.)/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Rawikowska (Gouv. Minsk)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 24; 23)A:Ziesmann, Wilhelmine geb. Hansel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Rawikowska (Gouv. Minsk)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 24; 24)A:Rye, Stellan/B:04.07.1880, Randers/C:Oberregisseur/D:protestantisch/E:Odense/F:Dänemark, Däne/G:S. 34-36; 25)A:Rye, William/B:/C:Oberst/D:protestantisch/E:Svendborg/F:Dänemark, Däne/G:S. 34; 26)A:Rye, Hansina geb. Vissing/B:/C:/D:protestantisch/E:Svendborg/F:Dänemark, Dänin/G:S. 34; 27)A:Kozower, Philipp Isidor/B:29.01.1894, Berlin/C:Student der Rechte/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Pole/G:S. 37-38, 40, 52, 63-64; 28)A:Kozower, Abraham/B:24.03.1865, Tarnopol (Galizien)/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Pole/G:S. 52; 29)A:Kozower, Genia geb. Reismann/B:02.12.1869, Toporow (Galizien)/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Polin/G:S. 52; 30)A:Schaftan, August Ernst Paul/B:16.12.1895, Berlin/C:Mechaniker/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 53, 63-64; 31)A:Schaftan, Wilhelm/B:/C:/D:ev./E:BerlinF:Russland, Russe/G:S. 53; 32)A:Schaftan, Elise geb. Bartram/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 53; 33)A:Thiele, Viktor/B:26.03.1876, Moskau/C:Kaufmann, russischer Korrespondent, Impresario/D:griech.-kath./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 54, 64; 34)A:Thiele, Richard/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 54; 35)A:Margulies, Wilhelm/B:25.11.1894, Berlin/C:Reisender/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Rumänien, Rumäne/G:S. 55, 64; 36)A:Margulies, Isaac Meyer/B:15.11.1851, Jassy/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Rumänien, Rumäne/G:S. 55; 37)A:Margulies, Ester geb. Davidowitz/B:16.02.1860, Roman/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Rumänien, Rumänin/G:S. 55; 38)A:Eichler, Ernst Friedrich/B:26.05.1888, München (Bayern)/C:Bankbeamter, Kaufmann/D:ev./E:Berlin-Wilmersdorf/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 56, 64; 39)A:Sarting, Amalie geb. Eichler/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Hamburg/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 56; 40)A:Velde, Adrian van der/B:07.07.1886, Valburg (Prov. Gelderland)/C:Fabrikarbeiter/D:kath./E:Hamm/F:Niederlande, Holländer/G:S. 57, 65; 41)A:Velde, Adriana Margarethe van der/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Niederlande, Holländerin/G:S. 57; 42)A:Renner, Richard Arnold/B:05.05.1893, New York (USA)/C:Student/D:ev./E:Frankfurt am Main, Freiburg, München/F:USA, Deutscher/G:S. 58, 66; 43)A:Renner, Friedrich Georg/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:USA, Deutscher/G:S. 58; 44)A:Renner, Ilse Agnes Marta geb. Prüfer/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 58; 45)A:Falkenberg, Martin/B:11.11.1890, Sulschinowka (Krs. Shitomir, Gouv. Wolhynien)/C:Eisenbahnarbeiter/D:ev./E:Hammer (Krs. Bromberg)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 59, 67; 46)A:Falkenberg, Eduard/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Sulschinowka/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 59; 47)A:Falkenberg, Pauline geb. Schmeichel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Sulschinowka/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 59; 48)A:Schramm, Ludwig/B:06.02.1893, Kolonie Kolowert II (Krs. Rowno, Gouv. Wolhynien)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter/D:ev./E:Krs. Witkowo/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 60, 67; 49)A:Schramm, Blandine/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 60; 50)A:Erstling, Martin/B:21.09.1891, Moliaki (Gouv. Petrikau)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter/D:ev./E:Neupaulsdorf (Krs. Gnesen)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 61, 67; 51)A:Erstling, Wilhelm/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Belchatow (Gouv. Petrikau)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 61; 52)A:Erstling, Justine geb. Schudlich/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Belchatow (Gouv. Petrikau)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 61; 53)A:Malmberg, Karl Luis Hermann/B:13.04.1885, Buenos-Aires (Argentinien)/C:Elektromonteur (früher Schlosser)/D:ev./E:Neumünster/F:Argentinien, Deutscher/G:S. 62, 68; 54)A:Malmberg, Emil/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Kiel/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 62; 55)A:Malmberg, Ingeborg/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 62; 56)A:Bahlsen, Theodor/B:/C:Kaufmann/D:/E:Hannover-Linden/F:Engländer/G:S. 69; 57)A:Jörissen, Lambert/B:/C:Maschinist/D:/E:Aachen, Düsseldorf/F:Belgier/G:S. 69; 58)A:Apfel, Samuel/B:01.08.1885, Düren/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Köln/F:USA (früher Preußen), Deutscher/G:S. 72-73, 86, 96, 96; 59)A:Herschtritt, Leo/B:11.01.1897, Berlin/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 76-77, 90, 95, 99; 60)A:Herschtritt, Franz/B:12.11.1895, Berlin/C:Handlungsgehilfe/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Deutscher (Galizier)/G:S. 78-79, 91, 95, 99; 61)A:Leeuwen, Max Kurt van/B:10.04.1897, Mühlheim-Ruhr/C:Handlungslehrling/D:mos./E:Mühlheim an der Ruhr/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 80-82, 92, 95, 100; 62)A:Apfel, Simon/B:/C:Dr./D:mos./E:Köln/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 86; 63)A:Apfel, Rachel geb. Bürger/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 86; 64)A:Bileczky, Eugen Julius Ernst/B:22.03.1895, Berlin/C:Handlungslehrling/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:staatenlos (früher Ungarn), Ungar/G:S. 87, 95, 97; 65)A:Bileczky, Gustav/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Ungarn, Ungar/G:S. 87; 66)A:Bileczky, Marie geb. Oehles/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 87; 66)A:Wecsler, Rubin/B:19.03.1876, Jassy (Rumänien)/C:Aviatiker (Flieger)/D:mos./E:Johannisthal/F:Rumänien, Rumäne/G:S. 88, 95, 98; 67)A:Vecslern, Bercu/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Jassy (Rumänien)/F:Rumänien, Rumäne/G:S. 88; 68)A:Vecslern, Eva/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Rumänien, Rumänin/G:S. 88; 69)A:Herschtritt, Osias/B:25.09.1869, Radziechow (Galizien)/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 90-91; 70)A:Herschtritt, Bertha geb. Spiegel/B:01.04.1873, Stanislau (Galizien)/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 90-91; 71)A:Leeuwen, Joseph van/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Mühlheim-Ruhr/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 92; 72)A:Leeuwen, Helena van geb. Merländer/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Mühlheim-Ruhr/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 92; 73)A:Foster, Gordon Ernst/B:21.02.1890, Hannover/C:Schreinergeselle/D:kath./E:Hamburg/F:USA, Deutscher/G:S. 93, 95, 101; 74)A:Foster, George Stearus/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Lüttich (Belgien)/F:USA, unbekannt/G:S. 93; 75)A:Foster, Foster, Anna Sybilla geb. Weber/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:USA, Deutsche/G:S. 93; 76)A:Potz, David/B:07.11.1893, Salisotsch (Gouv. Lublin)/C:Ziegeleiarbeiter/D:ev./E:Stahnsdorf und Klein Machnow (Krs. Teltow)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 94-95, 102; 77)A:Potz, David (sen.)/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 94; 78)A:Potz, Charlotte geb. Flemke/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Stahnsdorf und Klein Machnow (Krs. Teltow)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 94; 79)A:Bardeleben, Friedrich/B:16.04.1889, Berlinchen (Krs. Soldin)/C:Soldat (früher Chemiker)/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 106-107, 118, 121; 80)A:Westmann, Stephan Kurt/B:23.07.1893, Berlin/C:Student der Medizin/D:mos./E:Berlin und Freiburg/F:Russland, Deutsch-Russe/G:S. 108-109, 117, 121, 124; 81)A:Jolles, Johannes Andreas/B:07.08.1874, Helder (Niederlande)/C:Dr. phil., Privatdozent/D:ev./E:Wannsee/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 111, 117, 120, 121, 125a; 82)A:Saritz, Salomon Bernhard/B:27.07.1887, Friedeberg an der Queis/C:Kaufmann (Buchdrucker-Geschäftsführer)/D:mos./E:Friedeberg an der Queis/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 113, 121-122; 83)A:Saritz, Moritz/B:/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Friedeberg an der Oueis/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 113-114; 84)A:Saritz, Fanny geb. Lewitan/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Friedeberg an der Oueis/F:Russland, Russin/G:S. 113-114; 85)A:Saritz, Eugen/B:15.07.1893, Friedeberg an der Oueis/C:Gymnasiast/D:mos./E:Posen/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 114, 121-122; 86)A:Brink, Gerhard/B:02.12.1890, Ochtrup/C:Monteur/D:kath./E:Osnabrück/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 115, 121-122; 87)A:Brink, Johannes/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Ochtrup/F:Niederlande/G:S. 115; 88)A:Brink, Maria Elisabeth geb. Kies/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 115; 89)A:Westmann, Leiser/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutsch-Russe/G:S. 117; 90)A:Westmann, Dora geb. Katz/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutsch-Russin/G:S. 117; 91)A:Bardeleben, Kurt von/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 118; 92)A:Bardeleben, Charlotte geb. Michel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 118; 93)A:Nathanblut, Julian/B:07.03.1877, St. Petersburg/C:Dr., Arzt/D:mos./E:Berlin, Lansberg an der Warthe/F:Russland/G:S. 119, 121, 125; 94)A:Nathanblut, Jsidor/B:04.07.1847, Warschau/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Pole/G:S. 119; 95)A:Nathanblut, Anna geb.Kinderfreund/B:22.12.1853/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Polin/G:S. 119; 96)A:Jolles, Hendrik Jolle/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 120; 97)A:Jolles, Jakoba Cornelia geb. Singels/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 120; 98)A:Corbey, Jacob/B:22.03.1875, Thorn (Prov. Limburg)/C:Kaufmann/D:kath./E:Friemersheim (Krs. Moers)/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 131, 136, 137; 99)A:Corbey, Karl Hendrik Michael/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Thorn (Holland)/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 131; 100)A:Corbey, Maria Helene/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Thorn (Holland)/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 131; 101)A:Peppelenbosch, Anton/B:05.06.1889, Zutphen (Prov. Gelderland)/C:Fabrikarbeiter/D:ev./E:Cleve/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 132, 136, 137; 102)A:Peppelenbosch, Hendrik/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 132; 103)A:Peppelenbosch, Kath.[arina] geb. van der Velde/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 132; 104)A:Mertz von Mertzenfeld, Friedrich/B:18.04.1892, Mineral de Monte (Mexiko)/C:Student/D:ev./E:Halle (Saale)/F:Mexiko, Deutscher/G:S. 135, 136, 138; 105)A:Mertz von Mertzenfeld, Anatolio/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 135; 106)A:Mertz von Mertzenfeld, Minna geb. Lassig/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Halle (Saale)/F:Mexiko, Deutsche/G:S. 135; 107)A:Segnitz, Arthur von/B:/C:Dr. med., Frauenarzt/D:/E:Dortmund/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 139; 108)A:Vajcner, Josef/B:25.02.1885, Strassnitz (Mähren, Österreich)/C:Kraftomnibusführer/D:kath./E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 146, 164, 181; 109)A:Kwiatkowski, Adam/B:21.09.1893, Sängerau (Krs. Thorn)/C:Tischler/D:kath./E:Lingen/F:Russland, Pole/G:S. 153-155, 173, 185; 110)A:Kwitsdorf, August/B:28.10.1888, Wladimirowka (Gouv. Wolhynien)/C:Arbeiter/D:ev./E:Lichtenthal und Schmentau (Krs. Marienwerder)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 159, 177-178; 111)A:Kwitsdorf, Daniel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 159; 112)A:Kwitsdorf, Eva geb. Fuchs/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Wladimirowka (Russland)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 159; 113)A:Fikus, Karl/B:27.03.1887, Unterwalden (Galizien)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter/D:ev./E:Regierungsbezirk Marienwerder/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 160, 178; 114)A:Fikus, Johann/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Österreich,, Deutscher/G:S. 160; 115)A:Fikus, Louise geb. Handkommer/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 160; 116)A:Peukert, Ferdinand/B:24.10.1863, Jilowei (Bezirkshauptmannschaft Turnau, Böhmen)/C:Arbeiter/D:ev. (früher kath.)/E:Breege (Krs. Rügen)/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 161, 179; 117)A:Peukert, Ferdinand (sen.)/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 161; 118)A:Peukert, Barbara geb. Richter/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 161; 119)A:Zarn, Gottfried/B:27.11.1893, Kolonie Janowka (Krs. Lutzk)/C:Grubenarbeiter/D:ev./E:Dobristroh (Krs. Calau)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 144, 162, 180; 120)A:Zarn, Ludwig/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 162; 121)A:Zarn, Johanna geb. Wagner/B:/C:/D:/E:Lupczisna (Russland)/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 162; 122)A:Hoff, Willy Karl/B:09.12.1892, Sofia (Bulgarien)/C:Drogerie-Gehilfe/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin-Charlottenburg/F:Staatenlos/G:S. 163; 123)A:Hoff, Siegfried/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:USA/G:S. 163; 124)A:Hoff, Anna geb. Tabbert/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin-Charlottenburg/F:Staatenlos/G:S. 163; 125)A:Vajcner, Josef (sen.)/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 164; 126)A:Vajcner, Anna geb. Dula/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Tschechin/G:S. 164; 127)A:Jetter, Emil/B:02.12.1895, Zyrardow (Gemeinde Wiskitki)/C:Fabrikarbeiter/D:ev.-luth./E:Brackwede (Krs. Bielefeld)/F:Russland, Deutsch-Russe/G:S. 165, 182; 128)A:Jetter, Josef/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:Brackwede (Krs. Bielefeld)/F:Russland, Deutsch-Russe/G:S. 165; 129)A:Jetter, Christine geb. Edberg/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:Brackwede (Krs. Bielefeld)/F:Russland, Deutsch-Russin/G:S. 165; 130)A:Jansen, Gerrit Franziskus Benediktus/B:21.03.1897, Stad Doetinchem (Niederlande)/C:Ackergehilfe/D:kath./E:Bocholt, Lowick/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 166, 183; 131)A:Jansen, Gerrit/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 166; 132)A:Jansen, Johanna Theodora geb. Weg/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Bocholt/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 166; 133)A:Tangelder, Anton Johann/B:07.10.1893, Suderwick (Krs. Borken)/C:Maschinenschlosser/D:kath./E:Suderwick/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 167, 183; 134)A:Tangelder, Anton/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Dinxperlo/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 167; 135)A:Tangelder, Maria geb. Koppers/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Dinxperlo/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 167; 136)A:Jamnik, Franz/B:24.04.1894, Kamnik (Bez. Laibach)/C:Kutscher/D:kath./E:Kamnik (Gladbeck)/F:Österreich, Slowene/G:S. 168, 183; 137)A:Jamnik, Johann/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Gladbeck/F:Österreich, Slowene/G:S. 168; 138)A:Jamnik, Maria geb. Pirman/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Gladbeck/F:Österreich, Slowenin/G:S. 168; 139)A:Themet, Franz/B:09.08.1893, Buer-Erle/C:Bergmann/D:kath./E:Buer (Gladbeck)/F:Österreich, Slowene/G:S. 169, 183; 140)A:Themet, Aloys/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Gladbeck/F:Österreich, Slowene/G:S. 169; 141)A:Themet, Juliane geb. Eber/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Gladbeck/F:Österreich, Slowenin/G:S. 169; 142)A:Jansen, Karel Gysbert/B:23.10.1894, Vlagtwedde (Prov. Groningen)/C:Ackerknecht/D:ev./E:Essel/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 170, 183; 143)A:Jansen, Roelof/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Münster/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 170; 144)A:Jansen, Gertje geb. Bolwyn/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Münster/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 170; 145)A:Dohemann, Karl Wilhelm Heinrich/B:02.01.1881, Brebber (Krs. Hoya)/C:Kaufmann/D:luth./E:Bruchhausen (Krs. Hoya)/F:USA (früher Preußen), Deutscher/G:S. 171, 184; 146)A:Dohemann, Johann Heinrich Friedrich/B:/C:/D:luth./E:/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 171; 147)A:Dohemann, Sofie Wilhelmine geb. Holthus/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 171; 148)A:Fischer, Friedrich Robert/B:06.03.1895, Harburg/C:Schlosser/D:luth./E:Linden/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 172, 184; 149)A:Fischer, Robert/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Linden/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 172; 150)A:Fischer, Sophie geb. Bertram/B:/C:/D:luth./E:Linden/F:Österreich (früher Preußen), Deutsche/G:S. 172; 151)A:Kwiatkowski, Valentin/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Ostraszewo (Krs. Thorn)/F:Russland, Polen/G:S. 173; 152)A:Kwiatkowski, Veronika geb. Rosmarinowska/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Ostraszewo (Krs. Thorn)/F:Russland, Polin/G:S. 173; 153)A:Horst, Johann Gerhard ter/B:09.11.1886, Bardel (Krs. Bentheim)/C:Pächter/D:ref./E:Bardel (Krs. Bentheim)/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 174, 185; 154)A:Horst, Jan ter/B:/C:/D:ref./E:Bardel/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 174; 155)A:Horst, Stinne ter/B:/C:/D:ref./E:Bardel/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 174; 156)A:Spindler, Wilhelm Johann Karl/B:09.10.1891, Britstown (Kapkolonie)/C:kaufmännischer Angestellter/D:ev./E:Kassel/F:Großbritannien (früher Staatenlos), Deutscher/G:S. 175, 186; 157)A:Spindler, Johann/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Kassel/F:Großbritannien, Deutscher (Auswanderung 1904 nach Südafrika)/G:S. 175; 158)A:Spindler, Emma Anna geb. Bättenhausen/B:gest. in Afrika/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Staatenlos (früher Preußen), Deutsche/G:S. 175; 159)A:Hacken, Joseph Leonhard/B:15.10.1895, Aachen/C:Eisendreher/D:kath./E:Aachen/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 176, 187; 160)A:Hacken, Nikolaus Joseph/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Aachen/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 176; 161)A:Hacken, Anna Hubertina geb. Claassen/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Aachen/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 176; 162)A:Blissenbach, Walter/B:18.03.1896, Montzen (Belgien)/C:/D:/E:Pr. Moresnet/F:/G:S. 188; 163)A:Nahrath, G. F. C./B:/C:Dr. jur., Konkursverwalter/D:/E:Berlin-Grunewald/F:/G:S. 189; 164)A:Sopher, Bernhard/B:/C:Kunstbildhauer/D:/E:Düsseldorf/F:Türkei/G:S. 190; 165)A:Andreewitsch, Michel/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:Griechenland/G:S. 192; 166)A:Zschunke, Robert/B:/C:/D:/E:Breslau/F:/G:S. 193; 167)A:Waghalter, Ignatz (Isidor)/B:/C:Kapellmeister/D:/E:z.Z. Berlin-Wilmersdorf/F:Russland/G:S. 194-196; 168)A:Marks, Meinert/B:13.10.1892, Melbourne (Australien)/C:Abiturient/D:mos./E:Berlin-Charlottenburg/F:Großbritannien, Deutscher/G:S. 203-204, 225, 230; 169)A:Jörgensen, Lorenz Peter/B:14.12.1894, Skovby (Krs. Hadersleben)/C:Schmiedegeselle/D:ev.-luth./E:Skovby/F:Staatenlos, Däne/G:S. 205, 226, 231; 170)A:Soliman, Emil/B:13.12.1883, Wiesbaden/C:Kaufmann (Handlungsgehilfe)/D:mos./E:Wiesbaden und Berlin/F:Türkei/G:S. 207-208, 215, 228, 232; 171)A:Bock, Karl/B:21.07.1893, Frankfurt am Main/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Großbritannien/G:S. 209-210, 233; 172)A:Fokschander, Moritz/B:09.02.1891, Breslau/C:Handlungsgehilfe/D:mos./E:Breslau/F:Rumänien, Deutscher/G:S. 212-213, 217, 234; 173)A:Soliman, David/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Wiesbaden/F:Türkei/G:S. 215; 174)A:Soliman, Florentine geb. Reis/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Wiesbaden/F:Türkei/G:S. 215; 175)A:Bock, Nathan/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Großbritannien/G:S. 216; 176)A:Bock, Frida geb. Kohn/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Großbritannien/G:S. 216; 177)A:Fokschander, Jonas/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Breslau/F:Rumänien, Deutscher/G:S. 217; 178)A:Fokschander, Gisela geb. Lilien/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Breslau/F:Rumänien, Deutsche/G:S. 217; 179)A:Müller, Rudolph Richard/B:19.05.1856, Elberfeld/C:Rentner (früher Lehrer)/D:luth./E:Elberfeld/F:Großbritannien (früher Preußen), Deutscher/G:S. 197, 219, 228; 180)A:Müller, Carl/B:/C:/D:luth./E:/F:Preußen/G:S. 219; 181)A:Müller, Wilhelmine geb. Fassbeck/B:/C:/D:luth./E:Preußen/F:/G:S. 219; 182)A:Bree, Johann Hubert van/B:10.06.1854, Roermond (Prov. Limburg)/C:Schreiner/D:kath./E:M. Gladbach/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 198, 220; 183)A:Vranken, Andreas/B:27.08.1888, Rheydt/C:Ackerknecht/D:kath./E:Süchteln, Dülken (Krs. Kempen)/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 199, 221; 184)A:Vranken, Johannes/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 221; 185)A:Vranken, Helene Hubertine geb. Golsteyn/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 221; 186)A:Mattivi, Carl/B:26.02.1887, Radevormwald (Krs. Lennep)/C:Lackiermeister (früher Lackierer)/D:ev./E:Radevormwalde (Krs. Lennep)/F:Österreich, Tiroler/G:S. 200, 222; 187)A:Mattivi, Valentin/B:gest. in Lennep/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Tiroler/G:S. 222; 188)A:Mattivi, Mathilde geb. Ley/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Bergisch-Born (Krs. Lennep)/F:Österreich (früher Preußen)/G:S. 222; 189)A:Verhey, Wilhelm/B:06.10.1896, Hüthum (Krs. Rees)/C:Lagerarbeiter/D:kath./E:Hüthum (Krs. Rees)/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 201, 223; 190)A:Verhey, Theodor/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Niederlande, Niederländer/G:S. 223; 191)A:Moerker, Theodora geb. Henveling, verw. Verhey/B:/C:/D:/E:Hüthum/F:Niederlande, Niederländerin/G:S. 223; 192)A:Carbin, Paul Joseph/B:14.01.1857, Eupen/C:Gemüsehändler/D:kath./E:Eupen/F:Belgien, Wallone/G:S. 202, 224, 229; 193)A:Carbin, Nikolaus/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Eupen/F:Belgien, Wallone/G:S. 224; 194)A:Carbin, Josephine geb. Driessen/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Eupen/F:Belgier, Deutsche/G:S. 224; 195)A:Marks, Henschel/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Melbourne (Australien)/F:Großbritannien, Deutscher/G:S. 225; 196)A:Marks, Natalie geb. Isaaksohn/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Großbritannien, Deutsche/G:S. 225; 197)A:Jörgensen, Iver/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Dänemark, Däne/G:S. 226; 198)A:Jörgensen, Anna Christine geb. Hansen/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Dänemark, Dänin/G:S. 226; 199)A:Spelde, Johannes van/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 228; 200)A:Strupp, Herbert/B:09.02.1893, Libau (Russland)/C:Student/D:ev./E:Königsberg/F:Russland, Deutscher oder Russe/G:S. 236-241; 201)A:Strupp, Konstantin/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 239; 202)A:Strupp, Luise geb. Radaike/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland/G:S. 239; 203)A:Buchner, Bruno/B:26.10.1895, Berlin/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher oder Russe/G:S. 242-243, 266, 267; 204)A:Keiles, Isaak/B:17.10.1866, Minsk (Russland)/C:Zigarettenfabrikant/D:mos./E:Wiesbaden/F:Russland/G:S. 244-245, 260-261, 264, 265; 205)A:Keiles, Martha geb. Lederer/B:12.05.1870, Breslau/C:/D:/E:Wiesbaden/F:früher Preußen/G:S. 245, 264, 265; 206)A:Keiles, Max/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 245-247, 260-261; 207)A:Keiles, Hans/B:24.01.1894, Wiesbaden/C:Bankbeamter/D:mos./E:Wiesbaden/F:Russland/G:S. 246-247, 260-261, 264, 266, 267; 208)A:Keiles, Alfons/B:20.04.1895, Wiesbaden/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Wiesbaden/F:Russland/G:S. 246-247, 260-261, 265, 266, 267; 209)A:Eckstein, Leopold/B:04.12.1893 Gr. Lichterfelde/C:Soldat (früher Volontär)/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Ungarn?, Deutscher/G:S. 248-249, 257, 266, 268; 210)A:Stock, Johann Constantin/B:02.03.1870, Libau/C:Werkmeister bei Siemens-Schuckert/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Russe oder Deutscher/G:S. 250, 258, 266, 269; 211)A:Chladek, Anton Stefan/B:04.05.1883, Brünn (Bez. Mähren)/C:Bildhauer/D:kath./E:Berlin-Charlottenburg/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 251, 259, 269; 212)A:Meier, Reinhold Robert/B:06.03.1893, Solowin (Krs. Lutzk, Gouv. Wolhynien)/C:Pferdeknecht/D:ev.-luth./E:Buhrkow (Krs. Rügen)/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 252, 262, 266, 270; 213)A:Hanszel, Hubert Franz Josef/B:11.12.1876, Schönberg (Mähren)/C:Dr. Ing., Privat-Dozent an der Kgl. Technischen Hochschule/D:röm.-kath./E:Charlottenburg/F:Österreich, Mähre/G:S. 253-254, 256, 266, 271; 214)A:Buchner, Jakob/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher oder Russe/G:S. 256; 215)A:Buchner, Minna geb. Braus/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutsche oder Russin/G:S. 256; 216)A:Eckstein, Julius/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Ungarn, Ungar/G:S. 257; 217)A:Eckstein, Paula geb. Silberknopf/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Ungarn (Österreich), Deutsche/G:S. 257; 218)A:Stock, Wilhelm/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Russe oder Deutscher/G:S. 258; 219)A:Stock, Elisabeth geb. Reinhold/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland/G:S. 258; 220)A:Stock, Alfred/B:08.04.1894, Berlin/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 258; 221)A:Chladek, Anton/B:gest. 1888 in Brünn/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 259; 222)A:Chladek, Karoline geb. Stiasny/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 259; 223)A:Meier, Rosalie/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 262; 224)A:Hanszel, Josef/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Wien/F:Österreich, Mähre/G:S. 263; 225)A:Hanszel, Anna geb. Klein/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Wien/F:Österreich, Mährin/G:S. 263; 226)A:Kewenter, Hermann von/B:/C:/D:/E:New-Orleans (Staat Louisiana)/F:USA/G:S. 271; 227)A:Nagel, Hermann/B:/C:/D:/E:Haren an der Ems/F:/G:S. 273. ; Findbuch [1912-1945]: Retrokonversion 2012 (mit Erfassung der Einzelnamen); 168/1932;
Enthält: 1)A:Teschauer, Elisabeth Marie Wilhelmine geb. Schilff/B:11.01.1884, Tschen (Böhmen)/C:Werksassistentin (fr. Buchhalterin)/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Österreich (fr. Sachsen), Deutsche/G:S. 1-3, 8; 2)A:Schenkel, Friedrich Thomas/B:14.06.1901, Zwittau (Mähren)/C:Soldat (fr. Kellner)/D:kath./E:Potsdam, Neustadt (Oberschlesien)/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 1-2, 4, 9-15; 3)A:Jesse, Wilhelm/B:10.05.(21.05.)1889, Bukonski (Polen)/C:Walzwerkarbeiter/D:ev./E:Hombruch/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 1-2, 5, 16; 4)A:Nagel, Moritz/B:22.01.1878, Stanislau/C:Fabrikant (Inhaber einer Weberei und Wirkwarenfabrik)/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Ukraine (fr. Österreich), Ukrainer/G:S. 1-2, 6, 17-21; 5)A:Rempel, Jakob jun./B:29.09.1886, Rosenthal (deutsche Kolonie in Russland)/C:Ingenieur/D:Mennonit/E:Berlin/F:Ukraine (fr. Russland), Ukrainer/G:S. 1-2, 7, 22; 6)A:Schilff, Moritz/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 3; 7)A:Schilff, Bertha geb. Hempel/B:/C:/D:/E:Steyr (Oberösterreich)/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 3; 8)A:Schenkel, Stefan/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 4; 9)A:Schenkel, Aurelie geb. Lux/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutsche/G:S. 4; 10)A:Jesse, Samuel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Polen, Deutscher/G:S. 5; 11)A:Jesse, Karoline geb. Röske/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Polen, Deutsche/G:S. 5; 12)A:Nagel, Leib/B:/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Ukraine (fr. Österreich), Ukrainer/G:S. 6; 13)A:Nagel, Sara geb. Merzant/B:/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Ukraine (fr. Österreich), Ukrainerin/G:S. 6; 14)A:Rempel, Jakob sen./B:/C:/D:Mennonit/E:/F:Ukraine, Deutscher/G:S. 7; 15)A:Rempel, Katharina geb. Sawatzki/B:/C:/D:Mennonitin/E:Grünfeld/F:Ukraine, Deutsche/G:S. 7; 16)A:Nagel, Margarete Ella Anny geb. Rüdiger/B:01.03.1883, Berlin/C:/D:ev./E:/F:/G:S. 18; 17)A:Nagel, Lothar Leo/B:15.08.1906, Berlin/C:/D:ev./E:/F:/G:S. 18; 18)A:Nagel, Eva Sabine/B:15.11.1910, Berlin/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 18; 19)A:Nagel, Thomas Peter/B:29.01.1916, Berlin-Lichterfelde/C:/D:ev./E:/F:/G:S. 18; 20)A:Fast, Alexander Johannes/B:29.05.1888, Schöntal (Russland)/C:Vertreter der Mennoniten im SO Russlands/D:mennonitisch/E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 23, 32-35; 21)A:Schwartz, Edgar Heinrich/B:01.06.1885, Petersburg (Russland)/C:Oberingenieur/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:staatenlos (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 23, 25, 27; 22)A:Krischke, Hugo Anton/B:16.10.1859, Bargen (Posen)/C:Kaufmann/D:kath./E:Breslau/F:Australien (fr. Preußen), Deutscher/G:S. 23-24, 26, 28-31; 23)A:Schwartz, Heinrich/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin-Lankwitz/F:Lettland, Deutscher/G:S. 25; 24)A:Schwartz, Clara geb. Meyer/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin-Lankwitz/F:Lettland, Deutsche/G:S. 26; 25)A:Krischke, Anton/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Fraustadt/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 26; 26)A:Krischke, Mathilde geb. Vogt/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Fraustadt/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 26; 27)A:Fast, Johann/B:/C:/D:mennonitisch/E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 33; 28)A:Fast, Christine geb. Kloepfer/B:/C:/D:mennonitisch/E:Olgino/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 33; 29)A:Fast, Johanna geb. Arndt/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 35; 30)A:Fast, Selinde geb. Lange/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 35; 31)A:Maser, Ernst Heinrich/B:06.03.(18.03.)1884, Katharinenfeld (Georgien)/C:Kaufmann/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Georgien (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 36-39; 32)A:Klink, Alfred/B:27.08.1893, Radogoszcz bei Lodz/C:Konditor/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 36, 40-42; 33)A:Maser, (Pfillipp) Philipp/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 38; 34)A:Maser, Katharina geb. Weidlich/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Katharinenfeld/F:Georgien, Deutsche/G:S. 38; 35)A:Klink, Adolf/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Lodz/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 41; 36)A:Klink, Natalie geb. Trelenberg/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutsche/G:S. 41; 37)A:Stolle, Albert Julius/B:29.07.1890, Lodz (Polen)/C:Fabrikant und Generalvertreter mehrerer Firmen/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:staatenlos (fr. Russland, Sachsen), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 43-45, 49; 38)A:Gellert, Hugo/B:27.12.1891, Lodz/C:Schlosser/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 43, 46, 50; 39)A:Dehn, Albinus Johann/B:07.01.1883, Riga/C:Oberingenieur bei den Siemens-Schuckertwerken/D:ev./E:Hamburg/F:Lettland (fr. Russland), Deutscher oder Russe?/G:S. 43, 47, 51; 40)A:Schmidt, Joseph/B:20.09.1874, Köpprich (Krs. Neurode, Schlesien)/C:Kaufmann/D:kath./E:Stettin/F:Großbritannien (fr. Preußen) Deutscher/G:S. 43, 48, 52; 41)A:Stolle, Eduard/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Sachsen, Deutscher/G:S. 45; 42)A:Stolle, Amalie geb. Michel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Sachsen, Deutsche/G:S. 45; 43)A:Gellert, Adolf/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Lodz/F:Polen, Deutscher/G:S. 46; 44)A:Gellert, Alwine geb. Grünwald/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Lodz/F:Polen, Deutsche/G:S. 46; 45)A:Dehn, Oskar/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Riga/F:Lettland, Deutscher/G:S. 47; 46)A:Dehn, Emilie geb. Kasper/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Greifswald/F:Lettland, Deutsche/G:S. 47; 47)A:Schmidt, Wilhelm/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 48; 48)A:Schmidt, Anna geb. Schreiber/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Neurode (Schlesien)/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 48; 49)A:Ruf, Michael Julius/B:28.03.1883, St. Petersburg/C:Buchhalter/D:kath./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 53, 59, 62; 50)A:Gries, Oskar (Schije)/B:15.12.1888, Lisia-Gora bei Tarnow (Galizien)/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Hirschberg (Schlesien)/F:Polen (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 53, 58, 60, 63-65; 51)A:Bujes, Jakob (Isidor Jeaque)/B:30.09.1884, Jaroslau (Galizien)/C:Dr. Ing. /D:mos./E:Neurahlstedt (Krs. Storman)/F:staatenlos (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 53, 67-68; 52)A:Mädche, Daniel/B:27.06.1897, Leipzig (Krs. Akkerman, Bessarabien)/C:Landarbeiter/D:ev./E:Marchewken (Krs. Lyck)/F:Russland, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 53-57; 53)A:Mädche, Jakob/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 55; 54)A:Mädche, Julianne geb. Neubauer/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Marchewken (Krs. Johannisburg)/F:Russland, Deutsche (Rückwanderin)/G:S. 55; 55)A:Ruf, Michael/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 59; 56)A:Ruf, Marie geb. Schönfelder/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 59; 57)A:Gries, Berl/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 60; 58)A:Gries, Chana geb. Dekel/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 60; 59)A:Bujes, Karl/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Polen (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 67; 60)A:Bujes, Marie geb. Blumenfeld/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Polen (fr. Österreich), Deutsche/G:S. 67; 61)A:Köll, Paul/B:10.03.1880, Hamburg/C:Handlungsgehilfe/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Argentinien (fr. Hamburg), Deutscher/G:S. 69, 89-91; 62)A:Roos, Herbert Nikolai Alfred/B:17.01.1898, Riga/C:Student der Medizin/D:ev.-luth./E:Rod am Berg (Krs. Usingen)/F:staatenlos (fr. Russland), Deutsch-Balte/G:S. 69-71, 72-79; 63)A:Gruber, Ferdinand Josef Karl/B:16.02.1881, Prag (Tschechoslowakei)/C:Generalsekretär des deutschen Tennisbundes/D:ohne (fr. kath.)/E:Berlin/F:Österreich, Deutschböhme/G:S. 69, 72, 80; 64)A:Wellner, Salo/B:18.01.1878, Laurahütte (Krs. Kattowitz)/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich)/G:S. 69, 81-82, 84-86; 65)A:Schultz, Wolfgang Wilhelm/B:28.06.1881, Gersthof (Bez. Währing, jetzt Wien)/C:Dr./D:kath./E:Görlitz/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 69, 83, 87-88; 66)A:Roos, Karl/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 71; 67)A:Roos, Auguste geb. Busch/B:/C:/D:/E:Riga/F:Lettland (fr. Russland)/G:S. 71; 68)A:Gruber, Karl/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Karlsbad/F:Tschechoslowakei, Deutscher/G:S. 72; 69)A:Gruber, Maria geb. Rattay/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Karlsbad/F:Tschechoslowakei, Deutsche/G:S. 72; 70)A:Wellner, David/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Oderfurt/F:Tschechoslowakei, Tscheche/G:S. 82; 71)A:Wellner, Charlotte geb. Czwiklitzer/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Oderfurt/F:Tschechoslowakei, Tschechin/G:S. 82; 72)A:Schultz, Adolf Franz Leonhart/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 83; 73)A:Schultz, Marianna Adelheid Aloisa geb. Krautwurst/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Wien/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 83; 74)A:Wellner, Regina geb. Silberstein/B:21.09.1878, Berlin/C:/D:mos./E:/F:/G:S. 85; 75)A:Wellner, Karl-Heinz/B:25.02.1909, Berlin-Steglitz/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 85; 76)A:Wellner, Fritz/B:23.12.1910, Berlin-Steglitz/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 85; 77)A:Köll, Ferdinand/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Hamburg, Deutscher/G:S. 90; 78)A:Köll, Mathilde geb. Möller/B:/C:/D:/E:Berlin/F:Hamburg, Deutsche/G:S. 90; 79)A:Marcinski, Eduard Emil/B:14.08.1888, Nowawies (Neudorf, Gouv. Petrikau)/C:Maler/D:ev.-augsb./E:Sagan/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer))/G:S. 92-95; 80)A:Unikiel, Gotja/B:19.08.1890, Berditschew (Berdischew, Russland)/C:Geschäftsführer (fr. Zeitungskorrespondent)/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 92, 96-117; 81)A:Neumann, August/B:05.10.(18.10.)1885, Pernau (Russland)/C:Kaufmann/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:staatenlos (fr. Russland)/G:S. 92, 118-119, 121; 82)A:Heyl, Adolf/B:12.03.1886, Braunschweig/C:Hilfskanzleidiener/D:kath./E:Berlin/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Tscheche/G:S. 92, 120, 122-131; 83)A:Marcinski, Johann/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 94; 84)A:Marcinski, Emilie geb. Netzel/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 94; 85)A:Unikiel, Moses (Moisseji)/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berditschew (Berdischew)/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 97, 109-110; 86)A:Unikiel, Lia geb. Leczinska/B:/C:/D:mos./E:Berditschew (Berdischew)/F:Russland, Russin/G:S. 97; 87)A:Neumann, Karl/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Estland (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 119; 88)A:Neumann, Martha geb. Gottschalk/B:/C:/D:/E:Dorpat (Estland)/F:Estland (fr. Russland), Deutsche/G:S. 119; 89)A:Heyl, Johann/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Österreich, Tscheche/G:S. 120; 90)A:Heyl, Anna/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Waffersdorf/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Tschechin/G:S. 120; 91)A:Rickweil, Wally Elisabeth/B:06.05.1882, Fehteln (Livland)/C:Krankenschwester/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin/F:staatenlos (fr. Russland), Deutsche/G:S. 132-135; 92)A:Faschiniak, Jakob/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 132; 93)A:Reiner, Paul/B:02.02.1897, Murakiralyi/C:Prokurist (Verkehrs- und Handels-AG in Berlin)/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Österreich (fr. Ungarn), Deutscher/G:S. 132, 136-139; 94)A:Rickweil, Johann/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:Riga/F:Lettland, Deutscher/G:S. 134; 95)A:Rickweil, Marie geb. Jerum/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 134; 96)A:Reiner, Wilhelm/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Sopron/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 137; 97)A:Reiner, Käthe geb. Würzburger/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Sopron/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 137; 98)A:Posniak, Mowscha Orlikow (Max)/B:05.04.1872, Odessa/C:Tabakmeister/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 140-143, 146-149; 99)A:Behr, Josef/B:07.08.1875, Prakowitz (Böhmen)/C:Elektrotechniker/D:röm.-kath./E:Forst (Lausitz)/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 140-141, 144, 150; 100)A:Stahl, Adolf Karl Ludwig/B:21.10.1884, Bicken (Dillkreis)/C:Pfarrer/D:ev./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Österreich (fr. Preußen), Deutscher/G:S. 140-141, 145, 151-154; 101)A:Posniak, Wolf/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Russland, Russe/G:S. 141; 102)A:Posniak, Schaje geb. Gurwitz/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:Russland, Russin/G:S. 142; 103)A:Behr, Anna/B:/C:/D:röm.-kath./E:/F:Österreich, Deutsche/G:S. 144; 104)A:Stahl, Albert/B:/C:Pfarrer/D:ev./E:Bad Soden/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 145, 152; 105)A:Stahl, Sophie geb. Beyerhaus/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Bad Soden/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 145; 106)A:Posniak, Malka Elewa geb. Litwintschuk/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 148; 107)A:Frömpter, Karl Adolf/B:18.04.1864, Lodz (Polen)/C:Weber/D:ev.-luth./E:Cottbus/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 155-157, 163; 108)A:Braun, Moritz/B:04.09.1889, Berlin/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Polen (fr. Österreich), Pole/G:S. 155-156, 158, 164-176; 109)A:Braun, Simon/B:19.06.1880, Krakau/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Polen (fr. Österreich), Pole/G:S. 155-156, 159, 164-176; 110)A:Schmidt, Johann/B:16.12.1898, Konstantinow (Krs. Lodz)/C:Erdarbeiter/D:ev./E:Bochum/F:Polen, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 155-156, 160, 177-186; 111)A:Coulon, Jean Alfons/B:16.11.1887, Lüttich (Belgien)/C:Kaufmann, Berufssoldat/D:kath./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Belgien, Belgier/G:S. 155-156, 161, 187-189; 112)A:Barth, Wilhelm Friedrich/B:22.07.1870, Tiflis/C:Lagerverwalter (fr. Apotheker)/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin/F:Georgien (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 155-156, 162, 190; 113)A:Frömpter, Karl/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 157; 114)A:Frömpter, Amalie geb. Eichler/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 157; 115)A:Braun, Guttmann/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich, Pole/G:S. 158-159; 116)A:Braun, Sarah geb. Knopf/B:/C:/D:/E:Berlin-Schöneberg/F:staatenlos (fr. Österreich), Polin/G:S. 158-159; 117)A:Schmidt, Anton/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Konstantinow (Krs. Lodz)/F:Polen, Deutscher/G:S. 160; 118)A:Schmidt, Juliane geb. Lobusch/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Polen, Deutsche/G:S. 160; 119)A:Coulon, Francois Alfons/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 161; 120)A:Coulon, Jeanette geb. Defosse/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Herstal bei Lüttich/F:Belgien, Belgierin/G:S. 161; 121)A:Barth, Johannes/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 162; 122)A:Barth, Christine geb. Mader/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 162; 123)A:Lilling, Hermann/B:07.08.1858, Kaltenstein (Ungarn)/C:Techn. Obersekretär Reichsministerium für Wiederaufbau)/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Ungarn, Ungar/G:S. 191-193, 196; 124)A:Csoma, Ludwig/B:02.09.1897, München/C:Städtischer Straßenwärter/D:/E:/F:Ungarn (fr. Österreich-Ungarn), Deutscher/G:S. 191, 194, 197; 125)A:Jeske, Otto/B:27.05.(08.06.)1898, Dobron bei Padowice (Gouv. Petrikau)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter/D:ev./E:Baben-Gut (Krs. Liegnitz)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 191, 195, 198; 126)A:Dauge, Emil Arthur/B:29.10.1863, Sauken/C:Kaufmann/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin/F:Lettland (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 191, 199-200, 202-203; 127)A:Löbsack, Georg Samuel/B:28.06.1893, Kinast (Dongebiet, Russland)/C:Redakteur/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 191, 201, 204-207; 128)A:Lilling, Ignatz/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich-Ungarn, Ungar/G:S. 193; 129)A:Lilling, Barbara geb. Stein/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich-Ungarn, Ungarin/G:S. 193; 130)A:Göbel, Marie/B:/C:/D:kath./E:Frankfurt am Main/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 194; 131)A:Jeske, Ignaz/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 195; 132)A:Jeske, Emma geb. Albrecht/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 195; 133)A:Dauge, Georg/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 200; 134)A:Dauge, Elvira geb. Bischof/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 200; 135)A:Löbsack, Heinrich Johannes/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Moskau/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 201; 136)A:Löbsack, Marie Katharina/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Moskau/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 201; 137)A:Glässner (Glaessner), Paul/B:15.12.1876, Lobositz/C:Prof., Dr. med./D:mos./E:Berlin-Charlottenburg/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Österreicher/G:S. 208, 234-244; 138)A:Kettenburg, Kuno Johann Friedrich Hermann Joseph Hubert Romanus von der/B:09.08.1869, Rittergut Kettenburg (Krs. Fallingbostel)/C:Rittergutsbesitzer und österr. Oberstleuntnant d.R./D:röm.-kath./E:Gut Kettburg (Krs. Fallingbostel)/F:Österreich, Deutscher/G:S. 208, 226-227; 139)A:Müller, Adolf Wilhelm Carl/B:16.05.1863, Petersburg (Russland)/C:kaufmännischer Angestellter/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 208, 228, 230; 140)A:Rebensaft, Markus/B:31.01.1884, Lemberg (Galizien)/C:Kaufmann/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Galizier/G:S. 208, 231-233; 141)A:Benzenhöfer, Johanna Emilie/B:01.08.1858, Iwanowka bei Moskau/C:Erzieherin/D:ev.-luth./E:Berlin/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 209, 214, 218, 225; 142)A:Bouße (Bousse), Emil Eduard Charles/B:26.04.1901, Köln am Rhein/C:Ingenieur/D:ev./E:Berlin/F:Belgien, Deutscher/G:S. 209, 215, 219-225; 143)A:Schmitke (Schmidke), Gottlieb Friedrich/B:11.02.1867, Belane (Krs. Luckow, Kongreßpolen)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter (fr. Landwirt)/D:ev./E:Woltersdorf (Krs. Königsberg, Neumark)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher/G:S. 210, 218, 225; 144)A:Schmitke, Friedrich/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 210; 145)A:Schmitke, Julianna geb. Ziesack/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 210; 146)A:Rataj (Rattei), Gottfried/B:05.09.1869, Sochaczew (Krs. Warschau)/C:Zimmermann (fr. Landwirt)/D:ev./E:Guhden (Krs. Königsberg, Neumark)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 211, 217, 225; 147)A:Rataj, Christian/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 211; 148)A:Rataj, Christine geb. Hirschmann/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 211; 149)A:Rataj (Rattei), Eduard/B:10.12.(22.12.)1893, Otwock (Krs. Warschau)/C:landwirtschaftlicher Arbeiter (fr. Buchhalter, Lehrer)/D:ev./E:Guhden (Krs. Königsberg, Neumark)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 212, 217, 225; 150)A:Rataj, Gottfried/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Guhden (Krs. Königsberg, Neumark)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 212-213; 151)A:Rataj, Karoline geb. Herrmann/B:/C:/D:ev./E:(Krs. Königsberg, Neumark)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutscher (Rückwanderin)/G:S. 212-213; 152)A:Rataj (Rattei), Wanda/B:23.11.(05.12.)1898, Otwock (Krs. Warschau)/C:Hausmädchen/D:ev./E:Guhden (Krs. Königsberg, Neumark)/F:Polen (fr. Russland), Deutsche (Rückwanderin)/G:S. 213, 217, 225; 153)A:Benzenhöfer, Johann Jakob/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 214; 154)A:Benzenhöfer, Johanna Emilie geb. Mai/B:/C:/D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 214 ; 155)A:Bouße (Bousse), Emil/B:Benrath bei Düsseldorf/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Belgien, Deutscher/G:S. 215; 156)A:Bouße (Bousse), Martha geb. Jahns/B:/C:/D:ev./E:Berlin-Schmargendorf/F:Preußen, Deutsche/G:S. 215, 220-225; 157)A:Bouße (Bousse), Hildegard/B:23.02.1900, Nürnberg/C:/D:/E:/F:Berlin-Schmargendorf/G:S. 220-225; 158)A:Kettenburg, Max von der/B:/C:/D:röm.-kath./E:/F:Preußen, Deutscher/G:S. 227; 159)A:Kettenburg, Marie von der, geb. Freiin von Boeselager/B:/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 227; 160)A:Müller, Ludwig/B:/C:Dr./D:ev.-luth./E:/F:Sachsen, Deutscher/G:S. 228; 161)A:Müller, Elisabeth geb. Ivanova/B:/C:/D:kath./E:/F:Sachsen, Russin/G:S. 228; 162)A:Rebensaft, Mirl/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich, Galizierin/G:S. 229; 163)A:Rebensaft, Fanny geb. Eber/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:/G:S. 232; 164)A:Rebensaft, Heinz Joachim/B:21.03.1914, Berlin/C:/D:mos./E:/F:/G:S. 232; 165)A:Rebensaft, Fred Wolfgang/B:29.06.1922, Berlin/C:/D:mos./E:/F:/G:S. 232; 166)A:Glaessner, Kobi/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Österreich, Deutsch-Österreicher/G:S. 235; 167)A:Glaessner, Wilhelmine geb. Kellner/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Tschechoslowakei, Deutsch-Österreicherin/G:S. 235; 168)A:Glässner (Glaessner), Anna Friederike Hermine geb. Frank/B:Bamberg/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 240; 169)A:Glässner (Glaessner), Eva-Maria/B:23.05.1914, Charlottenburg/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 240; 170)A:Glässner (Glaessner), Peter/B:28.01.1921, Charlottenburg/C:/D:/E:/F:/G:S. 240; 171)A:Nordus, Peter Kasimir/B:25.10.1883, Riga (Russland)/C:Angestellter beim Hauptzollamt (fr. Oberförster)/D:ev./E:Tilsit/F:Russland, Deutscher (Rückwanderer)/G:S. 245, 249-276; 172)A:Nordus, Peter/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutscher/G:S. 246; 173)A:Nordus, Margarete geb. Dombrowski/B:/C:/D:ev./E:/F:Russland, Deutsche/G:S. 246; 174)A:Borodowitsch, Heinrich Boris/B:02.03.1886, Berlin/C:Vertreter (Geschäftsführer)/D:mos./E:Berlin/F:Großbritannien (fr. Russland), Russe/G:S. 247, 277-296, 299; 175)A:Borodowitsch, Israel/B:/C:/D:mos./E:München/F:Russland/G:S. 247; 176)A:Borodowitsch, Louise eb. Uhren/B:/C:/D:mos./E:/F:Russland/G:S. 247; 177)A:Nase, Emil Richard/B:30.09.1895, Lichtenberg (Amthauptmannschaft Kamenz, Sachsen)/C:Buchdrucker/D:Dissident/E:Dillenburg/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 248, 297-298; 178)A:Nase, Daniel/B:/C:/D:Diss./E:Großröhrsdorf (Sachsen)/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutscher/G:S. 248, 298; 179)A:Nase, Anna Ernestine geb. Förster/B:/C:/D:/E:Großröhrsdorf (Sachsen)/F:Tschechoslowakei (fr. Österreich), Deutsche/G:S. 248, 298. ; Verzeichnung 2000-2010 (mit Erfassung der Einzelnamen)
- Enthält u.a.: "Condor", "Cormoran", "Schwalbe", "Seeadler": Dar es Salam, Sansibar, Natal, Tanga, Delagoa Bai Militärpolitische Berichte des Ältesten Offiziers der Ostafrikanischen Station, u. a.: die Beschießung des Sultanspalastes in Sansibar durch englische Schiffe 1896 1893-1898, Bundesarchiv, BArch, RM 3 Reichsmarineamt description: Enthält u.a.: - "Condor", "Cormoran", "Schwalbe", "Seeadler": Dar es Salam, Sansibar, Natal, Tanga, Delagoa Bai - Militärpolitische Berichte des Ältesten Offiziers der Ostafrikanischen Station, u. a.: die Beschießung des Sultanspalastes in Sansibar durch englische Schiffe 1896
Enthält u.a.: Militärpolitische Berichte über - Unruhen mit Zwartbooi-Hottentotten - Meuterei der in Buea stationierten Polizei - Eisenbahn Pretoria - Fishbay - Verhältnisse im Schutzgebiet Kamerun - Republik Liberia - Portugisische Küste - Congo-Francais
ReichsmarineamtFolio 1: Title sheet. Folio 2: Explanatory note about the contents of volume HS 13 (ADM 137/13). Folios 3-8: blank. Folio 12: telegram from Commander-in-Chief to Admiralty, 2 October 1914: HMS Chatham grounded off Leven Reef Mombasa 12 15am. Folio 16: telegram from Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor of St Helena, 2 October 1914. Decided to replace Royal Garrison Artillery by force of Royal Marines. Folio 20: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Simonstown, Cape to Admiralty, 3 October 1914. In view of decision of Union Government not to use Walfisch Bay and convenience of Luderitz Bay I can deal with situation and request reconsideration of reduction of command. Folio 23: telegram from the Governor General of the Union of South Africa to Secretary of State for the Colonies, 3 October 1914. Force C, 4th and 7th infantry arrived Luderitz Bay 2nd October 1914 am [armed merchant cruiser] SS Armadale Castle probably left same afternoon. Folio 26: telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Simonstown to Admiralty, 4 October 1914. HMS Astraea and convoy sailed from Luderitz Bay 3 October 1914 at 5.30pm. Folio 27: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Simonstown, 4 October 1914. Decision in Admiralty telegram 198 must be adhered to. Folio 28: Staff Note, 4 October 1914. There are no recent reports of German cruisers in Atlantic which allow conclusion as to present likely positions. Folio 31: telegram from Intelligence Officer, Capetown to Admiralty, 5 October 1914. [Armed merchant cruiser] SS Armadale Castle arrived Simons Bay. Folio 33: telegram from the Governor-General of the Union of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 5 October 1914. Plan of campaign is being radically altered. Now propose to send bulk of [Brigadier General] Lukins force to Luderitz Bay. Folio 38: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape, 6 October 1914. Army Council cannot spare territorial battalions to replace Union troops. Folio 43: telegram from the Governor-General of the Union of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 7 October 1914. Force C Mackenzies force disembarking but will take a fortnight to complete. Folio 47: telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Simonstown to Admiralty, 7 October 1914. Official telegram from Lourenzo Marques states [German cruiser] Konigsberg anchored off Angoche. Have told HMS Dartmouth he should proceed there at once History Section 8. Folio 48: [British armed merchant cruiser] Kinfauns Castle embarked white population and left for Table Bay, 7 October 1914, 3.10pm M 04432/14. Folios 50-53: telegram from the Governor-General of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 8 October 1914. Details of new plan of operations. Folio 54: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 8 October 1914 Union Government propose large expansion of Exepedition entailing landing 3,000 men etc at Walfisch to build railway Walfisch to Swakopmund. Only possible if HMS Hyacinth and HMS Astraea used solely for convoy and covering duties. Folio 57: telegram from St Helena to Admiralty, 8 October 1914. HMS Astraea and convoy arrived at St Helena. Measles on board SS Dover Castle. Ordered to proceed with convoy to Sierra Leone for further orders. Folio 67: telegram from St Helena to Admiralty, 9 October 1914 HMS Astraea and convoy sailed 11. 00pm. Folio 69: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Simonstown to Admiralty, 9 October 1914. HMS Hyacinth arrived Simons Bay. Folio 70: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 9 October 1914. Governor General and Ministers wish to consult me. Proceeding to Pretoria leaving Flag Captain D M Anderson as Senior Naval Officer. HMS Hyacinth not ready until 14 October. Folio 73: telegram to Rear Admiral HMS Carnarvon from Admiralty, 9 October 1914. Take over convoy from HMS Astraea before St Vincent Cape Verde if possible as HMS Astraea is wanted back at Cape. Folio 76: telegram from Capetown to Admiralty 10 October 1914. [Portuguese cruiser] Dom Carlos I (Almirante Reis) arrived Capetown with transport Durham Castle with troops (Portuguese) for Mozambique. Folio 77: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 10 October 1914. HMS Dartmouth reports no trace of [German cruiser] Konigsberg at Angoche and Primeira. Captured German tug Adjutant in Casuarina roads. Folio 83: telegram from the Governor General of the Union of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 10 October 1914. Everything points to Colonel Maritz being in communication with enemy. Folios 86-89: Admiral Sir Henry Jackson 10 October 1914:- Notes and minute on revised plan of operations in German South West Africa. Expansion of Expedition implies constant stream of sea traffic between Cape, Walfisch and Luderitz. HMS Hyacinth, HMS Astraea and [armed merchant cruiser] SS Armadale Castle suffice against light craft but further protection must be provided against [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. Suggest Falklands as best mutual disposition of force to meet them in South Atlantic. Folio 95: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 11 October 1914. Situation very grave. [Colonel] Maritz deserted to Germans with 1,000 burghers and threatens to invade Union. Am due to return Simonstown 13 October 1914. Folios 98-104: telegram from the Governor General of the Union of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 12 October 1914. Martial law proclaimed. Walfisch Bay Expedition may be delayed owing to [Colonel] Maritz trouble. Folio 105: telegram from Capetown to Admiralty, 12 October 1914 [Portuguese cruiser]. Dom Carlos I with convoy left here today for Lourenzo Marques. Folio 107: telegram from Admiralty to Intelligence Officer, St Vincent, Cape Verde, 12 October 1914. HMS Albion to proceed to Ascension; then probably to Cape. Folio 108:telegram from British Consul General, Lorenco Marques to Admiralty, 12 October 1914. [German cruiser] Konigsberg reported sheltering behind Hurd and Caldeira islands. Folio 114: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown, 12 October 1914. HMS Albion placed under your orders to safeguard Union Expeditions (against attacks by [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau cancelled by L B [First Sea Lord, Prince Louis of Battenburg]. Folio 122: telegram from HMS Carnarvon to Admiralty, 13 October 1914. propose delaying HMS Albion for arrival of supply ship Baron Ardrossan. Folio 123: telegram from Cape Town to Admiralty, 13 October 1914. [Armed merchant cruiser] Armadale Castle sailed for Simonstown. Folio 126: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape to Admiralty, 13 October 1914. Union Government are not moving troops to German South West Africa until situation clears but have asked for [armed merchant cruiser] Armadale Castle to be ready at short notice. HMS Hyacinth also ready. HMS Albion ordered to Walfisch to relieve [armed merchant cruiser] Kinfauns Castle. Folio 128: telegram from Admiralty to HMS Carnarvon, 13 October 1914. HMS Albion to go on. Supply ship to follow her. Folio 133: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 14 October 1914. [Armed merchant crusier] Armadale Castle arrived. Listing continued in ADM 137/13/2.
Folios 435-436: telegram from French Naval Attache to Marine Bordeaux, 9 November 1914 various squadrons are concentrating to oppose German Squadron West coast of Africa is only weak point remaining. Folio 441: telegram from Durban to Admiralty, 9 November 1914 [armed merchant cruiser] Kinfauns Castle arrived and sailed. Folio 442: telegram from Governor General of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 9 November 1914 fighting has begun in Orange Free State [General] Botha starts tonight in command of a large force. Folio 445: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 10 November 1914 HMS Hyacinth arrived. Folio 453: telegram from Admiralty to Ascension Island, 11 November 1914 asking if island can supply transport and accommodation for staff to erect wireless station. Folio 455: telegram from Governor General of South Africa to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, 11 November 1914 ministers worried in case German squadron from Chile relieve Ludertitz Bay Naval force here is insufficient to cope with them Admiral says he must withdraw ship from Walfisch Bay This will enable Windhuk to be revictualled History Section M 03549/14. Folio 468: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Simonstown to Admiralty, 12 November 1914 asks for details of battle of Coronel Is German squadron intact? Two months ago Germans at Ludertitz said that Germans would come in two months and turn out British Looks as if German Squadron is coming to German South West Africa. Folio 473: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief East Indies, 12 November 1914 HMS Weymouth to proceed to Simons Bay. Folio 477: telegram from Senior Naval Officer Simonstown to Admiralty, 13 November 1914 have told Governor General of South Africa that I am withdrawing ships from Walfisch Bay and that Expedition must be suspended until Germans are accounted for In view of internal situation this cannot advance for some time. Folio 482: telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor General of South Africa, 13 November 1914 Cape Squadron is being reinforced by HMS Minotaur and HMS Dartmouth and Commander-in-Chief has been informed of importance of protecting army base. Folio 487: telegram from Admiralty to Senior Naval Officer, Simonstown, 13 November 1914 when HMS Minotaur joins you it will be possible for you to move to Walfisch with HMS Albion keeping all your forces concentrated HMS Dartmouth and HMS Weymouth joining you. Folio 488: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Australia, 13 November 1914 ten German ships off Valparaiso early 13th November Folio 490: telegram from Senior Naval Officer Mombasa to Admiralty 14th November 1914 HMS Weymouth sailed for Simonstown 7am. Folio 491: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 14 November 1914 HMS Albion left Walfisch Bay will be here 16th History Section M 04432/14. Folio 493: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 14 November 1914 am sending [armed merchant cruiser] Armadale Castle to Walfisch Bay to relieve HMS Albion. Folio 499: telegram from Durban to Admiralty, 15 November 1914 HMS Dartmouth arrived. Folio 507: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty 16th November 1914 request Admiralty notify owners of Station Collier Newbridge used by HMS Chatham to block in [German cruiser] Konigsberg as to disposal of vessel and arrange terms of purchase. Folio 511: telegram from Intelligence Officer, Cape Town to Admiralty, 16 November 1914 following from British Consul General Loanda owing to action of German troops in attacking ports in Portuguese territory, Portuguese expect orders to seize or expel German ships in harbour [Note Admiral Sir Henry Jackson] suggest [French cruiser] Pothuau go from Cameroons to wait off Loanda. Folio 517: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown 16th November 1914 your 365 cartridges for QF[quick firer] 12 pdr 12 cwt guns 2000 sent by mail steamer Norman 14th November No shrapnel can be spared Use common shell from stock. Folio 518: memo from ETC, 16 November 1914 Luderitz Bay is now in cable communication with Cape Town. Folio 524: telegram from Admiralty to Intelligence Officer, 17 November 1914 if German ships are ordered to leave Loanda French authorities will be asked to send [French cruiser] Portuau to deal with them Folio 528: telegram from HMS Minotaur, Mauritius to Admiralty 18th November 1914 arrived and will leave 20th Arrive Simons Bay 26th. Folio 535: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 19 November 1914 HMS Dartmouth arrived and docked, will undock 21st November Folio 543: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape 19th November 1914 when naval operations in East Africa are completed HMS Goliath will refit at Simonstown. Folio 546: telegram from Navy Office, Melbourne to Admiralty, 20 November 1914 German spy says [German cruisers] Scharnhorst and Gneisenau are proceeding to Cape to attack Australian convoy supposed to be using that route. Folio 564a: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape, 22 November 1914 HMS Defence will leave Abrolhos 25th to join you Until then keep HMS Minotaur and HMS Albion together and other ships either with them or under guns of Simons Bay. Folio 573: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 25 November 1914 Union Government propose to send Expedition to Walfisch Bay 12th December I think it should not start until German squadron is dealt with Request instructions. Folio 575: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 23 November 1914 have recalled [armed merchant cruiser] Armadale Castle to Simons Bay. Folio 584: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 24 November 1914 date of sailing of expedition now advanced to 2nd December. Folio 585: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape, 24 November 1914 will reply when [German cruiser] Scharnhorsts movements are known. Folio 607: telegram from Admiralty to Commander-in-Chief Cape, 26 November 1914 when HMS Defence joins squadron expedition can be sent to Walfisch Bay escorted by HMS Minotaur, HMS Defence, HMS Dartmouth and your squadron Route will not be safe without escort of a force which can beat the enemy. Folio 610: telegram from Point Natal to Admiralty, 27 November 1914 [armed merchant cruiser] Kinfauns Castle arrived. Folio 612: telegram from Commander-in-Chief, Simonstown to Admiralty, 27 November 1914 HMS Minotaur arrived. Folios 621-622: telegram from Commander-in-Chief Cape, Simonstown to Admiralty, 27 November 1914 have expressed to Governor General of South Africa following objections to Walfisch Bay Expedition Escort must remain to protect base as no 92 guns ashore Impossible to protect two bases simultaneously If sea work limited to Luderitz Bay risks reduced by half to three quarters My earliest date from Cape Town to Walfisch Bay 14th December Propose to leave in HMS Minotaur with HMS Albion, HMS Dartmouth, HMS Weymouth, HMS Hyacinth and HMS Astraea 1st December for Luderitz Bay thence to meet HMS Defence and return to Simons Bay If Walfisch Expedition postponed shall remain at Luderitz Bay. Folio 623: telegram from Point Natal to Admiralty, 28 November 1914 [armed merchant cruiser] Kinfauns Castle sailed. Listing continued in ADM 137/13/5.
Folios 445-454. Africa, Miscellaneous (General): code 450, file 3801, paper 16052. Sent by the Colonial Office on 10/05/1906. Transmits correspondence, with enclosures, from Henry McCallum, Governor of Natal regarding the complaint of George A Tounta; Tounta was a refreshment room proprietor who, having sold out to his partner, left Durban for Dar es Salaam from where he wrote some very foolish letters to his friends; he appeared to be suffering from insanity when he left Durban. Received on 11/05/1906. 10 folios.
Folios 461-469. Africa, Germany: code 418, file 1604, paper 22383. Sent by the Colonial Office on 30/06/1906. Transmits despatch from Sir Henry McCallum, Governor of Natal respecting correspondence between Governors of Cape Colony and Natal and consular authorities in German South West Africa and asks what instructions should be given. Received on 02/07/1906. 9 folios.
Diverses photos, surtout de ses collègues militaires (1910-1948) ; Carnet d’ordre (poste de Muhavura, 1909-1910) ; Documents relatifs à l’incident de frontière à Ufumbiro (1909) et procès-verbal de la remise et de la reprise des territoires Ruzizi-Kivu (septembre 1910) ; Documents (comptes-rendus, ordres) sur la campagne offensive de la Brigade Sud en Afrique orientale allemande et sur la prise de Tabora (1916) ; Notices biographiques, rédigées par A. Lederer et coupures de presse ; Nominations et décorations (1918-1958) ; Copies de télégrammes relatifs à la défense des frontières (1918) ; Cartes : Cartes de Lusambo, BumbaBasoko, Coquihatville, Léopoldville, Kikwit ainsi qu’une carte générale des marches et combats de la Brigade Sud (campagne offensive, avril-octobre 1916) et une carte routière allemande (mission Kasaka, 08 juillet 1916) ; Instruction générale du colonel Ermens à l’état-major de la Force publique (1925) ; Documents sur la Commission de Protection des Indigènes (1930-1931) ; Invitations à des réunions d’associations diverses et témoignages de satisfaction et de remerciements à son égard (1915-1920) ; Papiers divers concernant sa naturalisation (1920) ; Copies manuscrite et dactylographiée de son article sur « Les avatars et les desiderata de la navigation sur le Haut-Fleuve ». Dossier biographique d’Olsen : Informations sur le général Olsen transmis à A. Lederer par le major Steenbech (Lettre d’Olsen à sa famille en 1901, photo de sa maison natale au Danemark, notice biographique)
Enthält: Gesuche von/für Wiederherstellung der Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim, Deutschen Wohltätigkeitsverein in Konstantinopel, Internationales Hospital zu Neapel, Deutsche Lutherstiftung in Berlin, Vereinigung für Ferienkolonien und Sommerpflege, Komitee zur Verbreitung der päpstlichen Enzyklika über die Arbeiterfrage, Pastor Harms um Gewährung einer Beisteuer zum Bau einer Kirche in Bant bei Wilhelmshafen, Völkerschlachtdenkmal bei Leipzig, Stift Nobilitas in Potsdam, Schützengesellschaft Tell bei Kulmbach, Deutsche evangelische Gemeinde in Pretoria, Pädagogisches Museum in Philadelphia, Denkmal des Prinzen Friedrich Karl von Preußen in Metz, Katholische Kirchengemeinde zu Wörth, Soldatenheim in Jüterbog, Rheinischen Evangelischen Afrika-Verein für Kirche in Windhuk, Kirchenbau der Deutschen Evangelischen Gemeinde in Shanghai, Verein Deutsches Volkstheater in London, Gebäude für evangelische Unbemittelte in Karlsbad, Errichtung von Seemannshäusern in Wilhelmshafen und Kiautschau, Bismarckdenkmal auf dem Knivsberg, Blücherstein in Treptow, Schriftstellerheim in Jena, Ostasiatische Expedition des Deutschen Flottenvereins, Verein zur Fürsorge für die schulentlassene Jugend in Berlin, Verband der Veteranen der deutschen Armee in Pensylvanien, Nationales Marinedenkmal für die untergegangenen Besatzungen preußischer und deutscher Kriegsschiffe, Kirchenbau der evangelischen deutschen Gemeinde in Mexiko, Evangelischer Verein für Innere Mission zu Metz, Deutsche katholische Frauenmission, Kaiser-Friedrich-Denkmal in Metz, Deutscher evangelischer Schulverein in Brünn, Deutsch-katholische Frauenmission in Paris, Hellmann-Denkmal in Neiße, Deutschem Schulverein in East-London, Stiftung von Ehrenpreisen für das 22. Deutsche Verbandsschwimmfest in München, Kaiserjubiläums- und VI. Österreichisches Bundesschießen in Wien, Seemannsheim in Antwerpen, Fritz-Reuter-Denkmal in Stavenhagen, Pensionsverband der Inneren Mission in Berlin, Deutschem Verein Christlicher junger Männer in London, Frauenhilfe fürs Ausland in Berlin, Barmherzige Schwester in Wiener Neustadt, Deutsches Museum in München, Baukomitee der Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Soldaten-Jubiläums-Sodatenkapelle in Riedern, Gedächtnishalle zur Erinnerung an den Schmalkaldischen Bund in Schmalkalden, Nationalflugspende, Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung der Arbeitslosigkeit, Verein für Bad Mergentheim, Verlag für vaterländische Kunst in Stuttgart, Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft
Enthält: Jubiläumsgartenbauausstellung Leipzig, Renten- und Pensionsanstalt der deutschen bildenden Künstler in Weimar, Evangelische Gemeinde Bant bei Wilhelmshaven, Völkerschlachtdenkmal bei Leipzig, Komitee zur Verbreitung der päpstlichen Encyklika über die Arbeiterfrage, Stift Nobilitas in Potsdam, Schützengesellschaft "Tell" in Kulmbach, Deutsche evangelische Gemeinde in Pretoria, Männerverein vom Roten Kreuz in Straßburg, Seemannshäuser der kaiserlichen Marine in Wilhelmshaven und Kiautschou, Standbild für Prinz Friedrich Karl von Preußen in Metz, katholische Kirche in Wörth an der Sauer, Soldatenheim in Jüterborg, Augusta-Verein für Töchter verstorbener Offiziere, Schulhausbau in Windhuk, Kirchenbau der deutschen evangelischen Gemeinde in Shanghai, Deutsches Volkstheater in London, Gebäude für evangelische Unbemittelte in Karlsbad, Bismarck-Denkmal auf dem Knivsberg, Erzbischöfliche Knabenschule in Bukarest, Hermannsbüste für die Ruhmeshalle in Görlitz, Verein für ärztliche Mission, Blücherstein in Treptow, Deutscher Flottenverein, Schriftstellerheim in Jena, Volkstümlicher Hochschulkreis, Centralverein zur Fürsorge für die schulentlassene Jugend, Centralverband deutscher Veteranen in Philadelphia, Evangelische deutsche Kirche in Mexiko, Evangelischer Verein für Innere Mission in Metz, Deutsch-evangelischer Schulverein in Brünn, Kaiser-Friedrich-Denkmal in Metz, Deutsche katholische Frauenmission in Paris, Hellmannstein-Komitee in Neisse, Deutscher Schulverein in London, Verein für deutsche Seeleute in Antwerpen, Frauenhilfe fürs Ausland in Berlin, u.a.
Germany: Prisoners, containing: Agreement between the United States and Germany concerning the treatment accorded prisoners of war as signed at Berne, Switzerland on 11 November 1918. Whereabouts of the British Indian prisoners left by the Germans in Romania. Request of a complete list of British Indian prisoners of war in German captivity. Despatch of a list of British Indian prisoners of war transported from Germany to Romania. German request for a list of German prisoners of war captured in the Autumn of 1918 in Turkey (Palestine and Syria). German troops captured on the Palestine front being sent to Ahmednagar and Egypt, not to India. Work of British medical student Rene Dubois for prisoners of war. Whereabouts of Private E Oppy (number 7514) from the Australian Imperial Force. Handcuffing of German civilian prisoner Friederich Quade. Payment of allowances to German prisoners in Egypt. Allegations of ill-treatment of German women and children in German East Africa. Establishment of Danish Red Cross in London. Several requests from the Danish Red Cross to visit German prisoners, send them books and conduct educational work in prisoners of war companies. Exchange of Austrian and German currency at pre-war rate. Rate of exchange for the mark given to French prisoners of war returning from Germany. Sergeant J L Wilkie prisoner in Hameln camp, suspected of theft. Possible repatriation of German monks and nuns from the Natal Mission in Africa. Despatch from South Africa stating that it is not intended to expel any of the German monks and nuns from Natal. Protest from the prisoners of war interned at Camp Park Hall Oswestry against their prolonged internment. Repatriation of prisoners from Alsace and Lorraine interned in British Dominions and in British working camps and hospitals in France. Influenza epidemic in an internment camp at Aus in German South West Africa. Arrival in Rotterdam of members of the German Colonial Troops who were interned at Aus. List of German prisoners of war who died of Spanish Influenza at Aus. Code 1218 Files 2144-2983.
Germany: Prisoners, including: Allegations of ill-treatment and reprisals on British officers in Germany for treatment of German submarine crews, including: Thirty nine officers under arrest in Germany: Lieut Ian Hamilton, Gordon Highlanders, in Burg; enquiries from his father, Mr Vereker M Hamilton, of London. Imprisoned British officers in Germany: conditions and treatment. Parliamentary questions regarding treatment and situation. German submarine prisoners at Chatham and Devonport: includes lists of individuals (in docket no. 66626). Captain G A Elliot, Royal Irish Regiment, at Magdeburg: enquiries from his wife, Alison Elliot of Epsom, Surrey, and David H Loch, of Guildford. Submarine reprisals: suggestion from Mr M Robertson of Cheltenham that only means of obtaining better treatment for British officers would be by sending German crews to ordinary camps. British officers imprisoned in Germany: report that four separately held officers were to be transferred to Magdeburg. Treatment of imprisoned British officers: question of officers being kept together at Magdeburg. British officers under barrack arrest. Lieut Cecil Graves, and other British officers at Magdeburg: report from Charles Russell Jr, Attaché to US Embassy, Berlin. Treatment of German submarine crews in UK. German submarine crews, prisoners at Chatham: increase in prisoners weights; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 76302). Crew of captured German submarine U.14. German submarine officers in UK: includes list of individuals at Donington Hall, Holyport and Dyffren Aled (in docket no. 80478). German prisoners from submarine U.8. Transfer of German submarine prisoners from Devonport. Imprisoned British officers in Germany: lists of names of officers and detention camps to which returned (in docket no. 89383). Mrs E Schumacher, German subject, of St Moritz: enquiries regarding recovery of money taken from her in the Cameroons by Cameroon Expeditionary Force. Transfer of British prisoners to neutral territory: enquiry from Mr W Hebard Hudson, of Rome. Adolf Felix Loewengrad, naturalised British subject of German origin, suspected of being a German spy. Mr L H Robbins, New York Evening News correspondent in UK: request for pass to visit camps and submarine prisoners. Mr F M Zunckel, of Natal: request for refund of money held by UK authorities, advanced for relief of his daughter, Mrs Pfretschner, British subject married to a German officer, Max Pfretschner, both interned in Tenerife. Sum entrusted to Jaluit Company at Nauru by the late German Commissioner of Nauru: question of disposal. Baron Frederick Von Bulow, previously Krupps agent in UK, living on parole in Putney: desirability of his continued residence in UK, or his possible repatriation; correspondence from Mr E F Hickman of Hove, Sussex, owner of house in Putney being leased by Von Bulow. Proposed exchange of Oliver de Reuter for Captain von Oppeln-Bronikowski; also possible exchange of Colonel Stratton for Baron von Oppeln. Mrs E Albin, British-born wife of German subject, of South Bank, Yorkshire: request for relief to support her and her family due to internment of her German husband. Bank officials, including: Release of bank officials: British officials of Anglo-South American Bank and Standard Bank of South Africa; release from Ruhleben; case of Mr F W Steege, manager of Standard Banks Hamburg branch; includes lists of individuals (in docket nos. 64772 and 69240). German bank officials in UK: question of internment; includes list of German and Austrian officials (in docket no. 87854). Re-internment of bank officials in Germany. British and German bank officials: question of reciprocal internments; enquiry from Walter R Hearn, British Consulate General, Paris. C Phillips, bank official in Germany: possible exchange. Parliamentary questions regarding situation. Internment of enemy bank officials in UK. Sons of Prince Ali Fazil of Egypt: request from H Douglas Williams of Wadham House, Hove, Sussex, for support for the two sons, grand-nephews of the Sultan of Egypt, left in his charge following re-marriage to a German of their mother Princess Marthe Fazil; question of eldest sons joining HM Forces (enlisted under name E E Dale). Pay for prisoners, including: Pay of non-commissioned officers and men in camps in Germany. Parliamentary questions regarding situation. Transmission of pay to British soldiers in Germany. Amount of money prisoners allowed to possess. Power of Attorney: validity in Germany; enquiry from H H Gastrill, of London, late HM Consul at Stuttgart. Theo Flucher, German travelling to Europe from Chicago: report that he was returning to Germany to submit invention regarding submarine mines to German Government. Code 1218 File 48319 (papers 64626-end)-53225.
Germany: Prisoners, including: Captain Alfred Hoffman, German Commercial Attaché at Athens, including: Arrest of Captain Hoffman on charges of espionage, and internment at Verdala Camp, Malta. Internment at Ruhleben Camp of John Platt and Harry Faulkner as a reprisal. German memorandum requesting the release of Captain Hoffman in exchange for Mr Platt and Mr Faulkner. Punishment of interned prisoners for attempted escape, including: German memorandum requesting that lighter sentences should be imposed, and threatening reprisals. British response to the German memorandum. Ensign Ernst von Schweinichen: information regarding his trial and imprisonment for attempting to escape from Dorchester Camp. Julius Zorn, confined at Rouen for attempting to escape: claim by the German authorities that he was not allowed to receive mail. British response that Mr Zorn had been released from confinement, and that no restrictions had been placed on his correspondence. Emil Schmidt: enquiry by the German authorities about his arrest and sentence, following his escape from internment at Alexandra Palace. Leutnant zur See Emil Lehmann and Georg von Streng: request by the German authorities for information on their attempted escape and subsequent punishment. Lieutenant G Greene, imprisoned at Crefeld Camp: letters regarding his sentence for attempted escape. Recommendation by the War Office for a review of sentences passed on certain German prisoners in Australia for attempting to escape (names in docket no.104451); subsequent remission of sentences. Second Lieutenant A C Collier: letter from his mother Mrs A H Collier about his sentence of imprisonment for allegedly attempting to escape from Hannover-Münden Camp. Lieutenant G S M Insall VC, imprisoned at Crefeld Camp: letter from his father, Mr Gilbert Insall, about his sons sentence of solitary confinement; information that Lieutenant Insall had been transferred to Ströhen. Lieutenant S E Buckley: opinions on British policy regarding the punishment of German prisoners for attempted escape. Mr Joynson-Hicks MP: parliamentary questions about the solitary confinement of certain British officers in Germany. Government of India: policy on the sentences imposed on prisoners for attempting to escape, and on their rights to send and receive correspondence. Captain G B Somerville, formerly interned at Crefeld Camp: enquiries about his whereabouts and welfare; information from his mother that he was interned at Ströhen Camp. Leutnant Otto Thelen and Leutnant Lehmann: enquiry regarding the sentences passed on them for attempting to escape from Chelmsford Barracks; confirmation that no proceedings had been taken against them. Army Council Instruction No 1209 of 1917: Prisoners of War - Instructions to Military Courts Assembled for the Trial of Prisoners of War. Despatch from the Australian Government on the sentencing of escaped German prisoners, with a list of names (in docket no.166294). German memorandum proposing the extension of paragraph 16 of the draft Hague Agreement on the punishment of escaped prisoners to include civilians; views of various government departments and of the Dominion governments. M J Murphy RN interned at Brandenburg, and Captain R May interned at Clausthal: discrepancies in the sentences which they received for attempting to escape. Rifleman Charles Reynolds, interned at Friedrichsfeld: enquiry into a report that he had been prevented from sending letters. Enquiry by the German authorities about the sentences passed on certain German officers who attempted to escape from Kegworth Camp. Michael Murphy and Joseph Appleby, naval prisoners interned at Brandenburg: enquiries regarding the reported death of Murphy and the trial of Appleby. Provision of money to German prisoners held in France, including: Request by the Red Cross Society in Frankfurt for an increase in the sums allocated to prisoners. Response by the War Office that the restrictions were related to the private means of individual prisoners. Dr Seitz, former Governor General of South West Africa, including: Proposal for his exchange with Brigadier General Clarence Bruce. Rejection by the German Government of the proposal: suggestion for Captain Tomlinson or Lieutenant Colonel McMicking to be exchanged in his place. Rejection by the British Government of these proposals. Frau Klara Muche and her daughter Frau Elizabeth Gothein, including: Protest by the German authorities about the internment in separate camps of Frau Muche and Frau Gothein in Nyasaland. Information from the Government of Nyasaland that Frau Muche had been transferred from Blantyre, Nyasaland, to South Africa pending repatriation. Internment of prisoners in German East Africa, including: Mr Theodor Meyer: complaint about the deportation of German ministers and missionaries from Nyasaland, and the conditions of their internment at Mombasa, Kenya. Information on the location of concentration camps holding German prisoners in German East Africa. Lists of British prisoners interned in German East Africa, together with the names of some British Indian troops (in docket no.50409). German memoranda requesting a list of camps where German prisoners were interned, the names of the prisoners and details of arrangements for the repatriation of civilian prisoners. Request by the German authorities for information on conditions at the camp at Ahmednagar, India, and for the evacuation of German prisoners from the camp. British policy on the repatriation of women and children from German East Africa. German memorandum requesting information on proposals to transfer German women and children from German East Africa to Pretoria, South Africa. Arrangements for the transfer of money by the German Government for the relief of German women and children detained in German East Africa. British memorandum on the problems of repatriating civilian prisoners due to German submarine activity. Request for the repatriation of the wife of Lieutenant von Gynz-Rekowsky, Fraulein von Steinaecker and the three children of the late Lieutenant Vogel from Nairobi, Kenya. Staff Surgeon Philipps: request for medical supplies to be sent to Wilhelmstal District. British memorandum denying the establishment of a new internment camp near Bombay, India. Question of the status of German currency in German East Africa. List of German civilian residents, organised by district (in docket no.145082). Request by the German authorities for the repatriation of German civilians transferred from German East Africa to Ahmednagar, India. Code 1218 Files 7192-7520 (to paper 145512).
Germany: Prisoners, including: Detention of Dr E Strauss, medical officer, late of the German hospital ship Ophelia , detained at Holyport, near Maidenhead. Surgeon Ernest C Holtom, Royal Navy prisoner believed to be in custody of German forces in German East Africa. Medical attention for German prisoner Wilhelm Penz, ship machinist interned on board the Royal Edward , lying off Southend-on-Sea: complaint from his wife, Frau A Penz, née Klatt, of Rostock. Konrad Zorn, Lieutenant of Reserve in German Marines and form District Officer for Gobahir, German South West Africa: inquiry from Swedish Prime Minister. Mrs Liebig of Natal: desire to join her husband in internment camp at Roberts Heights. Colonel Stratton and Mr Shiell, detained in Germany: enquiries regarding possible release on health grounds. Organisation for obtaining news of missing officers and men: system organised under the Pope; the Oeuvre Internationale pour les Prisonniers de Guerre represented by Father Joseph Stamm. System for tracing missing officers and men. Posting of lists of missing Germans in camps in UK. Preparation of enquiry forms for British prisoners in Germany. Mr von Marillat, former citizen of the late Orange Free State, born in Germany: application for British passport. Standard for determining the incapacity of an officer in questions of repatriation. Herbert H Harman, British subject, resident in Germany at outbreak of war, interned at Ruhleben: enquiries regarding his welfare. George Stanley Smith, British subject formerly interned at Ruhleben, now in Stadtvogtei Prison, Berlin: enquiries into reasons for transfer; report that he was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment for submitting a false birth certificate. John Harold Platford, interned at Ruhleben: transfer of power of attorney for transmission to his bankers. Mr Steffensen, German sailor spy, reported on ship at Methil. Hans Iskov, German-Dane from Schleswig: reported as captured by British authorities when deserted from German Army and trying to join Danish relatives in America; authorisation for his release. Deaconesses Victoria Hospital in Cairo, Egypt: transmission of papers for Deaconesses Establishment in Kaiserwerth, Germany. J A Rickley, American with German sympathies, employed by the Galle branch of Volkart Brothers: expulsion from Ceylon. Lieut Hans Schluter, at King Georges Hospital, Waterloo, London: request for exchange as an incapacitated prisoner. James Lang MacGregor, of Charlery, prisoner of war at Ruhleben: request from his wife, Mrs Marie MacGregor of Sussex, for steps to be taken to persuade her husband to send her a deposit book with written authority to withdraw money. Captain Hattersley, RAMC [Royal Army Medical Corps], interned at Döberitz: request for interview with member of US Embassy. Arthur H J Keane, British subject interned at Ruhleben: transmission of his will, order for attorneys and letter to his wife, Mrs Rosalie B C Keane of South Hampstead; payment of rent on his premises leased in Chemnitz and storage fees of furniture. Arthur Claude Cobham, language teacher interned at Ruhleben: report of his death in Germany at the provincial asylum at Neu-Ruppin; arrangements for forwarding of his death certificate and personal effects. Proposed release or exchange of musicians: includes classified list of professional musicians interned in Ruhleben (in docket nos. 105324 and 109913). Baron Walter von Radeck, in Germany: wish to remit sum of money to UK from Germany for payment of debts. Flogging of German subjects at Rabaul, New Guinea, including: Punishment by flogging of German residents at Rabaul: note verbale from German Government (in German) protesting against sentence and manner in which it was carried out (in docket no. 162766). Treatment of German subjects in New Guinea: Australian Government white paper Rabaul: Alleged Misuse of Red Cross Gifts, and Looting by Military Officers and Privates - Report on, by Hon W M Hughes, Attorney-General (in docket no. 178836). Flogging of German subjects at Rabaul: Australian Governments decision. Flogging of German subjects at Rabaul: further note from German Government. Code 1218 File 100091-105459.
Germany: Prisoners, including: German civilians interned in German East Africa, including: Petition from various German prisoners interned at Ahmednagar, India, concerning the welfare of their wives and children in German East Africa. German memorandum protesting about the treatment of members of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission. Karl Koerfer: enquiry about his son, Franz Karl Koerfer, formerly with the Catholic Mission at Nagalama, Uganda; information that Franz Koerfer was in the Care Mission in Wilhemstal. Request by the German authorities for the repatriation of certain German civilians (names in docket no.151944). List of German prisoners interned at Tanga (names in docket no.153627). Arrival of German women and children from East Africa at Pretoria, South Africa, and recommendation for the transfer to South Africa of the remaining German civilians on health grounds. Otto Weber: request for the repatriation of his wife, Hete Weber, and their child, Marie Weber; later request for details of their address and permission to send money and clothing. Alleged sale by the British authorities of property belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran Mission. Question of the repatriation of elderly German subjects. Provision of funds for medicine and supplies for destitute German subjects; confirmation that money for this purpose had been transferred to the Swiss Legation at Cape Town, South Africa. Information on the numbers of German civilians resident in German East Africa and Nyasaland. Proposal by the German authorities for the use of a neutral ship for the repatriation of German subjects from neutral tropical countries; opposition to this proposal by the British Government. Herr Köstlin and Herr Jedding: request for funds from banks in Germany. German memorandum on currency issues in occupied countries in Europe; request for information on British policy regarding legal tender in German East Africa. Dr Nave: request for the repatriation of his wife from Dar es Salaam. Proposal for the repatriation of German civilians from New Zealand. Frau Schnee: letter requesting the release of Red Cross funds for the benefit of women and children in the colony. Question of the use of SS Gelria for the repatriation of German prisoners. Request for the repatriation of sick and elderly German prisoners from Australia; information that no ship could be provided for this purpose. Mrs Martha Tuaillon, interned at Dar es Salaam: request to be transferred to South Africa or Europe on health grounds. Mrs Cornelie Orth, interned at Dar es Salaam: request for the women and children in the region to be transferred to a healthier climate. Report of the arrival of a number of German women and children at Liverpool, having been repatriated from former German colonies. Hete Weber: permission for her to receive money from her husband, Otto Weber. Dr Helmuth Listemann, interned at Ahmednagar, India: enquiry about his welfare. Dr Richard Kuenzer, former German Consul at Drama, Greece, including: Report of the detention of Dr Kuenzer in Egypt and Malta, with a covering letter from Sir Reginald Wingate. Suggestion that Dr Kuenzer could represent the interests of other German prisoners interned in Malta; opinion of the War Office that the Swiss Government should appoint a representative. Request by Dr Kuenzer for compensation for personal possessions allegedly removed from his trunk. Proposal by the German Government for Dr Kuenzer to be exchanged for a British subject; decision by the British Government not to accept the proposal. Letter from Dr Kuenzer concerning Otto Klein and Otto Stolze. Fritz Wronka: payment to him at St Clemens Camp, Malta. Opinion of the Army Council that Dr Kuenzer was performing genuine consular duties, and was therefore eligible for repatriation; proposal for his exchange for Mr J H Irvin. Agreement by the German Government for a British subject acting in the consular service of a neutral country to represent the interests of German prisoners in Malta; proposal for the appointment of Mr Gollcher, the Danish Consul in Malta. Proposal by the Danish Red Cross to send three English-speaking lecturers to visit internment camps in Germany containing British prisoners. Captain H Hopper of SS Brantingham : enquiry by his wife, Mrs J Hopper, about her husbands welfare and whereabouts. German memorandum stating that SS Brantingham had been sunk by a German submarine, following the removal of the crews from the ship. List of German ministers of religion interned in Australia (in docket no.85337), with additional information on some of the named individuals. Mr Oscar Plate of Messrs Lohmann and Company, Agents of the North German Lloyd Company: transmission of a message to Berlin requesting funds for employees of the company interned in Australia. Code 1218 Files 7520 (papers 148087-end)-8554.
Germany: Prisoners, including: Lieutenant A W M Robertson, interned in Germany: possible subject of reprisals for the Baralong case. Dr Walter Kain, formerly naval surgeon on steamship Derfflinger : whereabouts of his luggage. Transfer of money from Deutsche Afrikabank Lüderitzbucht to Norddeutsche Bank Hamburg. Transmission of sums by wireless telegraphy from South West Africa to Germany. Exchange of household effects of British and German consular officials. Documents sent by solicitors in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, for execution by Mrs Ziegler in Germany. John Christian Carl Hohenberg: enquiries concerning him. Ophthalmic treatment for prisoners. Miss Veronica M Noble: enquiries from her sister concerning her welfare and finances. August Schmidt, wounded at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Franz Rintelen, interned at Donington Hall, Leicestershire; includes press cutting from New York Times of 10 January 1916. Carl Hanssen, manager of the Deutschen Handels und Plantagen Gesselschaft, Apia, Samoa: his trial and sentence. Lists of missing officers and men. Arthur Morbey, AB, RNVR [Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve], interned at Doberitz: enquiry from his father, G F Morbey, of Hornsey, London, whether because the prisoners mother is dying of cancer he could be exchanged and allowed to see her; report that Foreign Office must regretfully refuse individual exchanges. Mrs Helene Highfield, German-born wife of British subject: her request for a passport. Miss Charlotte Lewine in Stettin: her parentage. Personal property of British forces given into the custody of the Mayor of Beauvois. Code 1218 Files 11497-13830.
Germany: Prisoners, including: Prince Blücher and family: decision that they should leave Herm island and reside in UK. Adolf Kauffmann, naturalised British subject in New Zealand: endorsement of naturalisation certificate. Hans Paulsen, German subject employed by Manihot Rubber Plantations Ltd, now interned at Pietermaritzburg in South Africa: question of payment of outstanding salary. German officials from the Cameroons interned at Queensferry prisoners camp, Chester: question of despatch of money to them, and possible improvements to camp; includes lists of prisoners (in docket nos. 5890 and 28600). Crew of ss Torfrey interned at Ruhleben: request for despatch of money to them. Countess Marie Bismarck, German subject of English mother (née Williams-Wynn), staying in England: desire to return to her home in Switzerland; question of travel through France. Detention camps in England: visit by member of German Embassy. Lt Hans Wolf, German reserve officer interned at Dorchester: question of payment of salary as an officer of the German Army. German officer prisoners at Durban: treatment. German prisoners in Canada: request for inspection by US representatives. German prisoners at Gibraltar: treatment; later file includes inspection report (in docket no. 47192). Mrs Edith Hering (née Henkel), German subject, widow of Lt Kurt Hering: arrest and imprisonment in Edinburgh; includes authenticated copy of affidavit, in German (in docket no.10593). Lt Paul Albert Julius Bruegelmann, 60th German Infantry Regiment, prisoner of war at Dorchester: request for officer privileges. Internment of Germans in Hong Kong: protests made by German residents against their internment in prisoner of war camp; includes lists of individuals (in docket no. 12422); report of camp inspection by George E Anderson, US Consul-General (in docket no. 17001). Allowance for a prisoner of war in Trinidad for personal requirements: question of whether an officer or soldier. German prisoners on island of Rottnest, Western Australia: conditions of internment. German prisoners at Trinidad: alleged ill-treatment. Pay and parole privileges of enemy officers interned at Durban. Payment of enemy officers, prisoners of war, in UK. Officers and crews removed from enemy merchant vessels, brought to England as prisoners of war: ss Diana and tug Apapa ; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 26673). Treatment accorded to interned non-commissioned officers: basis of agreement, subject to reciprocity. Visit to German internment camps in UK: request for permission for Major Mossberg, Military Attaché to Swedish Legation, London, to visit Donington Hall and other camps. Scales of pay for officer prisoners of war. Otto Johannsen, German Vice-Consul at Newcastle, Australia: internment on suspicion of trading with the enemy. Missionary prisoners in German New Guinea: wish of Lutheran bodies to send relief. Treatment of German prisoners in colonial possessions. Treatment of German officers from prisoner submarines. German subjects sentenced in Samoa: claims of excessive sentences inflicted, and disparity of sentences given against Germans with English sounding names. Isle of Man camps: reports of unsatisfactory food and accommodation. Pay and treatment of prisoners promoted after capture. Reprisals on British officer prisoners for treatment of submarine crews. Treatment of German prisoners at Halifax, Nova Scotia. German prisoners interned in Natal. Personal effects of German soldiers interned in South Africa; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 47787). Treatment of German prisoners in West Africa. German missionaries: transportation to Lagos. Code 1218 File 127-263 (to paper 51533).
Germany: Prisoners, including: Proposal by the Vatican that prisoners who had been held for more than 18 months and who were fathers of four children should be interned in Switzerland, and thus returned to their native countries. Opening of sealed tins of meat or other food sent to British prisoners. Ten German youths detained in Britain (named in docket no.144692). German subjects released from Australia who proceed via China to the USA, where they are given false passports before returning to Germany: investigations into practice. Remittance of allowances by the Norddeutscher Lloyd Company of Bremen to support their ships officers who are interned in Australia. Carl Denker, German ships officer interned at Wakefield, Yorkshire: medically unfit for work at sea; approval for his repatriation, and special exchange for an officer of the British Mercantile Marine interned in Germany. Heinrich Sippel and Jacob Schorr: their petition on behalf of the interned crew of the German steamship Prinz Adalbert ; Foreign Office will not allow their release; German crews not to be shown the same consideration as Austrian ones. Bureau International de la Paix, Berne, Switzerland. Baroness Marthe von Carnap: her enquiry about the welfare of her two sons by a previous marriage, the Egyptian princes Ibrahim Fazil and Said Fazil. Supply of alcoholic liquor to officer prisoners. Damage to German property in the Cameroons. Funds for assistance of British prisoners in Germany. James George Bachmann, an infant: his mother, Mrs McGonigal, desires his return from Germany to Britain. Lance Corporal C G G Dibble, 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment: enquiry as to his fate. Capture of the British steamship Eskimo by German authorities: enquiries for female passengers and crew. Captain Arnold H Bleckly, 2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment, sentenced by court martial to imprisonment for attempting to escape from Crefeld. Hans Krützfeld, Secretary of the late German Consulate at Lourenço Marques, Mozambique: his internment in Natal, Union of South Africa. Pastor Hasenkamp, of the German Evangelical Parish of Swakopmund, former German South West Africa: permission granted to proceed to Capetown, Union of South Africa, for medical treatment. Gifts sent to prisoners by godparents in neutral countries. Code 1218 Files 144077-151469.