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AStA.01 - General Student Committee

Foreword: 1) History of the Registraturbildners The General Student Committee (AStA) of the Berlin University was established on the basis of the Ordinance on the Formation of Student Bodies at Universities and Technical Colleges of 18 Sept. 1920 as well as the implementing regulations of 1 Oct. 1920 issued by the Prussian Minister of Education Konrad Haenisch (No. 11). According to the constitution of the student body of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in 1922, the AStA was elected by the student representation, consisted of seven members and represented the student body externally (No. 2). By this decree the student bodies, which gave themselves corresponding statutes, were nationally recognized by the Prussian Ministry of Culture. Every student enrolled at the university had to become a member of the student body. The tasks of the General Student Body were to represent all students, to administer self-government in social matters, to administer student affairs, including disciplinary law, and to foster the intellectual and cultural life of the student body. The student representation consisted of 100 members nominated by each faction and elected by all the students. Under the guidance and control of the AStA, whose members were elected from among the student representatives, there were a number of offices and committees which had the task of carrying out the ongoing administrative work. Thus the following offices were available: - Office for State Political Education - Social Affairs Office - International Office - Office for Physical Education - Technical Emergency Aid. According to the faculties, the following student councils existed for student counselling and further education: - law and political science student council - mathematical-physical working group - chemistry student council - geography student council - zoology student council - pharmacy student council - medicine student council (clinic) - dentistry student council - philology student council - theology student council. The so-called Fachschaft Committee existed to guide the student representatives. In September 1927, the Prussian Ministry of State repealed the September 1920 decree in response to the disputes over the membership of foreign German students, especially the differing views on the treatment of foreign German students of the Jewish faith. At the same time, the Prussian State Ministry issued a new ordinance on the formation of student bodies which eliminated the "race viewpoint" previously represented by the student body. The subsequent ballot of Nov. 1927 at all Prussian universities resulted in the rejection of this new ordinance by the student bodies, which thereby lost state recognition. So-called general student bodies were then formed at the universities, including the Berlin University, which tried unsuccessfully to gain recognition as a corporation from the university administration. The mathematical-physical working group, formerly called Fachschaft, presented a new statute, which was also recognized by other working groups. Due to the new legal situation, the geographical, chemical and zoological working groups were established alongside the aforementioned working group. The new working groups formed the committee of the working groups, which was extended in the years 1931 / 1932 by the medical profession, theologians and pharmacists. This committee received the designation Ring der anerkannten Arbeitsgemeinschaften und Fachschaften an der Universität Berlin (R.d.A.) from the university management. The main tasks of the R.d.A. in the fields they represented were the provision of information, study counselling, the organisation of circles, lectures, holiday courses, excursions, support for students and liaison with lecturers, etc. With the rise to power of the National Socialists, these remnants of the so-called student self-administration were also subordinated to the "Führerprinzip". 2) Registrar relationships There were no identifiers at all to be found on the individual file units which indicated that they belonged to a registry. Nor were there any indications which could provide any information on the keeping of the file. 3) Access The inventory was indexed in January and February 1967 by the then head of the archive, Dr. Kossack. The collection was already in the archives' custody in 1960 and had already been used in earlier years. It was established that a former employee of the Institute for German History had removed individual documents and had not returned them. A completeness of the overdelivery cannot therefore be guaranteed. 4) Archival processing Since no principles of order were recognizable at the existence, a reorganization had to be made. Main groups and subgroups were formed according to the tasks of the AStA and the individual file units were assigned accordingly. The stock wr 1960 was recorded by students of history in internship. However, it was necessary to carry out both a further thorough examination of the files and of the card index, based on the principles of order and registration principles of the State Archives of the GDR. Period to: 1928 Period from: 1919 Citation method: HU UA, General Student Committee.01, No. XXX. HU UA, AStA.01, No. XXX.