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FO 383/28 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: German prisoners interned and detained by British: enquiries regarding whereabouts and possible release, including: Mrs Schwechten, said to be detained in Mombasa or sent to India. Franz Prösch, said to be interned at Malta. Dr Simon Streicher: detained at Gibraltar; subsequently removed to England on SS Wiltshire. Anton Kettel, Austrian subject detained at Dorchester and released and returned to Austria; also case of Albert Ehrle. Dr Fernand Weber, German subject of Alsace-Lorraine, detained at Pondicherry, India: application for release to join French Army. Fritz Schulz, prisoner of war: War Office approval for release. Mr von Frankenburg, late German resident at Shuchmannsburg, held as prisoner of war at Durban. Dr Otto Gaupp, said to be held in England. Internment of German missionaries in India and South Africa. Hans Marx and Walter Eilers: possible release. Alfred Borst, German subject resident of Manchester, held as a prisoner of war at Lancaster. Karl Friedrich Wolff, German subject of Port Elizabeth, interned in Durban. Rudolf Schrimpff: approval for release and return to Germany. Agreement for mutual release of British and German missionaries. Wilhelm Timann and Baron E von Rechenberg: request for release as members of the German Corps Consulaire in America. Dr Hans Esser, detained in England. Detention at Newbury of four ships' captains and steward. Walter Steffens, detained on the Isle of Wight. Application for release of certain Germans said to be detained in violation of agreement. Hermann Siegfried Strohmeyer: application from his cousin, J H Strohmeyer of Brooklyn, for his release and return to New York. Paul Brugelman, Carl A Banck, and Friedrich Mantels, taken from the SS Potsdam : question of release and return to the US if classified as non-combatants. Miss Elizabeth Koppenburg, German governess of Captain Taylor, HM Consul at St Vincent: agreement for her to return to Germany. Treatment of German honorary consuls in Nigeria: Dr Fritsch, honorary consul at Warri, and Dr Gloye, honorary consul at Lagos. Mr Lerchen, formerly German consul at East London: departure from South Africa. Detention in Germany of seamen over 55 years and under 17 years: question of Germans carrying-out their obligations; includes lists of individual merchant seamen and fishermen, with names, ages and ships (in docket no.15148). Otto Baarsch, prisoner of war at Malta. Fritz Levi, detained at Dorchester. Hans Lenz, detained at Ibadan, South Nigeria; subsequent transfer to England. Alfred Buschoff, detained in Canada. Release of four Germans: Otto Beneking; Otto Juttner; Martin Dittmar; C C N Schonfeldt. Heinz Klinge, interned in Ceylon. C Bochringer, German prisoner in Ceylon. Henry Lepique, of Chibin-el-Kanatar near Cairo, deported and interned in Malta: application from A W Moesle of Zurich, Switzerland, for his release. Louis A Horst, interned in England. Repatriation of women, children and invalids from German African colonies. Kurd von Weller, detained in England. Paul Schulze, detained at Halifax. August C H Piepenbrink, alleged German reservist detained following seizure from neutral US vessel. Enquiry from Paul Windmuller of London regarding a friend, F Behrens, sent to HMS Royal Edward at Southend-on-Sea. Dr Erich Hupka and wife, university tutor of Berlin-Charlottenburg, interned in Ceylon. Detention of Germans in England in violation of agreement: Dr Hermann Reuchlin; Richard Heckman; Fritz Finckh; Herbert Hacke. E Koehler and W Uhlmann: request for permission to proceed to US. Bavarian scientific professors interned in Australia: proposed release. Dr Hans Ströhmer, prisoner of war originally detained at Gibraltar and then transferred to Southend. Joseph Ferdinand Garbrecht, clerk from Bremen, interned at Ragana camp. Ceylon. Departure of two German doctors from Delagoa Bay: Dr Schwartz and Dr Gurick. Alfred Kempf, of Alsacian origin, a colonist in German New Guinea: enquiry from his brother-in-law, Emile Orio of Groslée, France. F Loewenthal, of Hale, Cheshire, interned as a German prisoner of war at Handforth; subsequent repatriation to Germany. German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war removed from Belgian Congo for internment in South Africa. Rev Georg Wilhelm Wagener, detained at Pietermaritzburg: allegations of ill-treatment. Walter H Tormann and Heinrich Fraenkel, detained in UK. Dr E Eisenlohr, detained at Gibraltar. Curt Beyer, interned at Ahmednagar, India. Dr Werdin, German Army doctor detained at Holyport near Maidenhead. Detention of Germans in India. Robert Luttwig, interned at Singapore. Moriz Ritter von Bruckner, prisoner of war interned on HMT Canada at Ryde, Isle of Wight. Ernest Fritz Andreas Boettcher (or Böttcher), detained in England: request for release on grounds of his intention of becoming a US citizen. Hermann Borchardt, detained at Malta. Safe conduct back to Germany for German missionaries: Dr Wegner from Sumatra, and Mr Bernsmann from Santa Cruz. Rev Gottfried Wessel and family, interned in India. Georg Gurich and Karl Schwarze, members of scientific expeditions, interned at Pietermaritzburg. Code 1218 File 122 (to paper 21136).

FO 383/30 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: German prisoners interned and detained by British: enquiries regarding whereabouts and possible release, including: Rev Gottfried Wessel and family, detained at Ahmednagar, India; subsequent departure for Italy. Kurd von Weller, detained at Knockaloe camp. Dr Müller and Dr Werner, German physicians detained in Singapore. Dr Theodor Fressel, detained in North Borneo. Detention of four German clergymen in Australia: Pastor Treuz; Pastor Schafhirt, Pastor Frank, and Pastor Gutekunst. Detention of German missionaries in South Africa: case of Pastor Paul Coerper. Leo Lopinot, detained at Colombo, Ceylon. Hans Erich Benedix, detained in the UK: War Office refusal of application for release. Alleged detention of German doctor in Bermuda. Father Hentrich, detained in South Africa. Treatment of German subjects in the Cameroons: complaints made by Lieutenant Otto Wieneke. Karl Schwarze, Dr Georg (George) Gurich, and Mr Steinman: members of scientific expeditions, interned in South Africa. C Koettgen, formerly director of Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works Ltd of Berlin, now interned in Bromley, Kent. Dr Schultz, German ex-Governor of Samoa, interned as prisoner of war in New Zealand. Detention of German missionaries in South Africa. Fritz Meyer: request for release as member of the Red Cross. Samuel Schwarz, detained in London. Paul Schneider, detained at Pietermaritzburg. Alien enemy missionaries in India. Mr Scheihauer, prisoner of war in Bermuda. Internment of Germans in UK. Enemy subjects in British Solomon Islands and Tonga. Andreas Holst and Erich Helmich, detained in India: protests against capture and detention. Georg Mondorf, interned on HMT Canada. Detention of Germans in Malta: Otto Grosse and Dr Walter Kain. Otto Adams, detained at Hitchin: enquiry from his father, N Adams of Saargemünd. Germans detained in England and the colonies: includes list of names and details (in German). Mr Horst, detained in England: enquiry regarding US citizenship, from James Beck of Shearman