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MFQ 1/410/5 · Objekt · 1908
Teil von The National Archives

West Africa: Togoland (now in Togo and Ghana). Karte des Schutzebietes Togo Im Wirkunsbereich der geplanten Bahn Lome - Atakpame - Banjeli wirrschaftlich beleuchtet: map, also showing boundaries, principal mission stations and other communications. Reference table. Compiled by P[aul] Sprigade; lithographed and printed by Dietrich Riemer (E Vohsen), Berlin. Originally produced to illustrate a memorandum on the need for a railway between Lomé and Banjeli; this copy formerly part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MFQ 1/410/2 · Objekt · 1908
Teil von The National Archives

German East Africa (now Tanzania). Übersichstkarte der Eisenbahn Daressalam - Tabora: map showing the railway between Dar es Salaam and Tabora. Reference note. Printed and published by Dietrich Eimeer (Ernst Vohsen) Berlin. Inset: section of the route; vertical scale: 1:10,000; dimensions of section 24.5 cm x 71.5 cm. On sheet 67 cm x 76 cm. Originally part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MFQ 1/410/8 · Objekt · 1890-1908
Teil von The National Archives

Africa - West coast. Approach to Old Calabar [now in Nigeria] surveyed by...: map. Key to abbreviations. Compass roses. Topography partly based on a map by H H Johnson, 1887, and a German government survey, 1890; the Akwayafe River suveyed by Lieutenant Commader F StG Rich, HMS Peacock, 1890; engraved by Davies And Co; published by the Admiralty 8 August 1891; corrected 1895, 1899; [further] surveyed by Commander F C Learmouth, His Majestys Surveying Ship Goldfinch, assisted by Lieutenants B O M Davey, A J Mackenzie-Grieve, C D Richardson and F A Reyne, Royal Navy, 1903; corrected 1903, 1907-1908. MS additions, coloured, showing a 3-mile limit and the proposed boundary between Southern Nigeria and Cameroon; reference table to additions. Originally enclosed in a Colonial Office letter, 25 July 1908.

MFQ 1/410/3 · Objekt · 1908
Teil von The National Archives

German East Africa (now Tanzania). Outline map, marking areas within 150 km of railways or connecting boat services, as existing and as extended by means of projected Morogoro - Tabora railway and other lines. Reference table to railways, shipping lines and population density. Printed by Bogdan Gisevius, Berlin. Originally part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MPHH 1/674/2 · Objekt · 1910-1918
Teil von The National Archives

North East Africa (now in Sudan, Chad and Central African Republic). Originalkarte von Wadai und Dar-For und den Ländern im Süden davon von Dr. G Nachtigal: original map from Dr Nachtigal, of Wadai (now Ouaddai, Chad), Dar Fur (now Darfur, Sudan) and Kordofan. Reference table to routes and explorations. Photographically reproduced at the Survey Department, Cairo, April 1910. Copied from plate 15 of Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen , published by Justus Perthes, Gotha, 1875.

MPK 1/270/1 · Objekt · 1888
Teil von The National Archives

Map accompanying Recommendations of Commissioners respecting Delimitation of British & German Protectorate on the Gold Coast: shows the coast between 4°W and 4°E (now mainly in Benin, Ghana and Togo). Scale: 1 inch to about 60 miles. Lithographed by Dangerfield, Covent Garden. Originally enclosed in a Colonial Office letter, 15 February 1888.

MPK 1/98 · Objekt · 1895
Teil von The National Archives

3 items (attachments to Commissioner Johnstons report on British Central Africa for 1895-1896) extracted from FO 2/106. (1) Map of the Shire Highlands showing the Division of Estates 1895: the words Division of have been deleted and the words devoted to Coffe [ sic ] Planting 1895 added after Estates. Also shows place names, rivers, routes, police posts. Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles. Compass indicator. Signed by Otto L. Beringer, AMICE. (2) Tracing of part of (1) showing the estates of Messrs Buchanan Bros. (3) Tracing of part of (1) showing the estates of Mr Sharrer.

MPK 1/123/1 · Objekt · 1894-1900
Teil von The National Archives

Map of Part of British and German East Africa including the British Protectorate of Uganda. Compiled in the Intelligence Division, War Office, under the direction of L t. Col. J.K. Trotter, R.A., D.A.A.G. 1894. The area west of 32°E is partly based on Dr Oscar Baumanns map. Compiled and lithographed by E Manning. Lithographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, January 1894. Published on behalf of the War Office by Edward Stanford, Charing Cross, London. Title added in MS: Kenya divided into provinces and districts, with part of Somalia. Coloured MS additions show this division: the provinces are Ukamba, Seyyidieh, Tanaland and Jubaland. Originally enclosed in Sir A Hardinges despatch no 123 of 17 April 1900.

MPK 1/183 · Objekt · 1901
Teil von The National Archives

1 item extracted from FO 2/519. Map of the Uganda and East African Protectorates (now Uganda and Kenya), with parts of German East Africa (now Tanzania) and Italian East Africa (now Somalia), showing lakes, rivers, mountains, railways, towns and villages. MS additions commenting on boundaries. Scale: 1 inch to about 25 miles. Endorsed: With Sir C Hills memo July 27 1901.

MPK 1/308/2 · Objekt · [1919]-[?1936]
Teil von The National Archives

West Africa: part of a map. Scale: 1 inch to about 250 miles. MS additions, coloured, show French and British mandates, the areas ceded to Germany in 1911 and restored to France under the Treaty of Versailles [1919], and the area south-east of Lake Chad ceded to France in 1911 The areas shown are now in Cameroon and parts of Chad and Nigeria.

MPK 1/272/3-4 · Objekt · 1909-1919
Teil von The National Archives

Togoland: 2 copies of a map showing physical features, towns, boundaries and communications; (the area shown is now in Ghana and Togo. Reference table. Drawn at the War Office; reproduced at the Ordnance Survey Office, Southampton, 1909. Overprinting, coloured, 1918, shows additional features, including the provisional boundary between British and French spheres of influence. MS additions to item 4, 1919, show the provisional boundary between British and French territories; minimum British territorial requirements; a proposed railway extension; and the boundary line proposed by France and its territorial effects; MS reference table. Item 4 originally accompanied memorandum dated 23 May 1919.