Deeds. 1.2 Country and house Strelitzer Archive.filesS. 4.3-2/1 House Archives of the Mecklenburg-Strelitz Princely House/ActsLetter CollectionS. 4.3-2/2 House Archives of the Mecklenburg-Strelitz Princely House / Letter CollectionDiaries EndS. 4.3-2/3 House archive of the Mecklenburg-Strelitzschen Princely House / DiariesMiscellaneousS. 4.3-2/4 House archive of the Mecklenburg-Strelitzschen Princely House / Photo collectionS. 4.3-2/5 House Archives of the Mecklenburg-Strelitz Princely House/Other Collection Items
In 1849, after the introduction of the ministerial organisation, special departments were created for the tasks of the administration of worship and medicine performed by the government or its Special Department of Education (see 2.21-1). These departments were temporarily attached to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then to the Ministry of Justice as departments for educational, medical and spiritual affairs. It was not until 1919 that a special ministry was established under the above-mentioned authority name, the members of which were also individually referred to as "Ministry of Education", "Ministry of Art", "Ministry of Spiritual Affairs" and "Ministry of Medicine". The competence extended to the entire area of education administration (including the University of Rostock), the administration of art institutions, the supervision of religious communities (including the supervision of foundations and institutions for pious and mild purposes) as well as all matters of medical and health care (including veterinary matters). After the transformation of the State Ministry in 1934 (Rbl. 1935, p. 3), the Ministry was renamed "State Ministry, Department of Education, Arts, Spiritual and Medical Affairs". With the ordinance of 6 Oct. 1941 (Rbl. 1941, p. 199), the previous departments were given the designation "Science, Education and Training". At the same time the affairs of the Staatstheater, the Mecklenburgische Landesbühne and the Landestheater Neustrelitz (to the State Ministry) as well as the health service (to the State Ministry, Department of the Interior) were spun off. These changes are no longer reflected in the inventory situation. The tradition for the period 1918-1945 is partly incomplete. GENERAL REGISTRATURE A. Registry of the Ministry of Justice, Department of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs: Business and service operations; personnel files. B. Registries of the Ministry of Education, the Arts, Spiritual and Medical Affairs (Includes, inter alia: (e.g. business and official operations, relations with other institutions, constitution and legislation, treasury, budgetary and accounting matters, employment of civil servants and employees). MINISTERIUM FOR INSTRUCTION A. University of Rostock I. General university affairs: Relationship with other German and foreign universities, scientific societies, academies, etc.; university associations; students; academic profession; exchange service; university reform - II. position and administration of the university: business operations; university conferences; relationship with state authority; government representative (vice chancellery); rector and senate; university archive; civil servants and employees (except faculty); university suppliers (includes, etc.: university book printing and bookstores); III. finance and budget system of the university - IV. Buildings and equipment - V. Discipline - VI. Convict and scholarships - VII. Donations and foundations - VIII. University operation: Statutes (also of other universities); Statistics (Includes: General university statistics, women's studies, working students); Lecture and personnel directories; Doctoral studies (Includes: Honorary doctorates, recognition and withdrawal of academic degrees); University publications; Summer courses, excursions; Academic celebrations and honours - IX. Faculties: General (Includes: Statutes, Deaneries); Faculty of Philosophy; Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Law and Economics; Faculty of Medicine (Includes: Teaching Operations, Doctorates, Professors and Chairs); Faculty of Agriculture (Includes: Agricultural Experimental Station).- X. University Library - XI. Institutes and Seminars: General - Humanities Institutes and Seminars (Contains: Philosophical Seminary, Linguistic and Literary Seminars, Historical and Art History Institute, Theological Seminars, Legal Seminars, Economic Seminar with Thünen Archive); Mathematical and Natural Science Institutes (Includes: Air Observatory, Natural History Museum); Medical Institutes; Other Institutes - XII. University hospitals: General; University Hospital; Medical Clinic; Surgical Clinic; Women's Clinic (with midwife school); Children's Clinic; Polyclinic for Oral and Dental Diseases; Ear Clinic; Eye Clinic; Dermatology Clinic; Psychiatric Clinic Gehlsheim (Includes, among others, the following) XIII: General service and employment conditions of professors; private lecturers (contains: personnel files A-Z according to faculties); lecturers (also personnel files); assistants; dance and fencing masters.- XIV. students: Admission and matriculation; liaison; foreign students; social services. B. Primary, middle and secondary schools I. Schools (Older General Acts 19th century to 1918 ff.): General (Contains: School regulations and school laws, school systems in other countries, pupil and education statistics, compulsory education, school associations, school years; school revisions and improvements, teaching matters, teachers); municipal schools; Romanial schools; knightly schools (also landscape rural schools); II. elementary and secondary schools (Recent General Acts 1918-1945): Elementary schools (Contains, among other things, the following: - school regulations and school laws, school systems in other countries, school statistics, compulsory education, school associations, school years; school revisions and improvements, teaching matters, teachers): School laws, school supervision, school and church, curricula, education and teaching, war preparation and war deployment, teachers, pupils); middle and secondary schools; private schools; budget and treasury bills of district treasuries - III. elementary and secondary schools (special files 18th/19th century to 1945): Stadtschulen A-Z; Landschulen A-Z; Stellen- und Diensteinkommensakten.- IV. Secondary schools: General files (contains among other things: organisation and administration, statistics, school-leaving exams); special files A-Z.-V. teacher seminars, teacher training institutions: Teacher Seminar Neukloster (also Ludwigslust); Teacher Seminar Lübtheen; University for Teacher Education Rostock/Pädagogium - VI. Special Schools: Neukloster Institution for the Blind; Ludwigslust Deaf and Mute Institution. C. Vocational and technical schools I. Vocational schools (see also 5.12-3/1): General information; Vocational schools, Generalia and Spezialia (Includes: Staatliche Gewerbeschule Schwerin, Örtliche Gewerbeschulen A-Z); Vocational schools for business administration; Rural vocational schools II. Technical schools: General information; technical colleges (Includes among others: Baugewerkschule Neustadt-Glewe, Technikum Strelitz, Baugewerkschule Sternberg, Ingenieurschule Wismar, Eisenbahnfachschulen); Seefahrtsschulen (Contains among others: Seefahrtsschule Wustrow, Navigationsvorbereitungsschulen); Handelsschulen; Hauswirtschaftsschulen; Kinderpflegerinnenschulen; Landwirtschaftliche Fachschulen (Contains among others: Individual agricultural schools, rural household schools, rural women's school Malchow). D. Adult Education Centres General; Adult Education Committees A-Z. E. Archives and libraries I. Secret and main archives/state archives Schwerin: general administration; household; buildings and inventory; archive staff; acquisitions, collections, use; historical association, commissions - II. Mecklenburgische Landesbibliothek Schwerin (see also 5.12-3/1) - III. Landesarchiv und -bibliothek Rostock - IV. Main Archive and State Library Neustrelitz - V. Public Libraries. MINISTERIUM FOR ART A. General (Includes, but is not limited to Associations, interest groups, art foundations, art collections, fine arts, concessions to acting companies, film and radio, participation in artistic undertakings, awards, scholarships). B. Theatre I. Stage associations - II. Versorgungsanstalt deutscher Bühnen - III. Hof- bzw. Staatstheater Schwerin (Contains among other things: Intendanz, household, building and inventory, performances, personnel, engagements, interim theatre, Fritz-Reuter-Bühne, open-air theatre).IV. Landestheater Neustrelitz - V. Mecklenburgische Landesbühne - VI. Sonstige Bühnen - VII. Lichtspieltheater. C. Museums I. Mecklenburgisches Landesmuseum Schwerin (Contains among others..: General Administration, Budget, Buildings and Inventory, Acquisitions, Awards, Sales, Grand Ducal Art Collections, Picture Gallery, Museum of Prints and Drawings, Coin Cabinet, Department of Prehistory, Gewerbemuseum, Military Department / Hall of Fame).- II. Wossidlo Collection (Mecklenburg Farmers' Museum) - III. local museums of local history A-Z. D. Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (before 1929 Commission for the Preservation of Monuments) E. Administration of the Strelitz Castles (Includes, among other things: Castles in Neustrelitz, Hohenzieritz, Mirow, Stargard Castle, Schweizerhaus Serrahn, State Gardens, National Museum). F. Music schools G. Private music teacher. MINISTRY FOR INTELLECTUAL AFFAIRS A. General Administration Legal and Administrative Standards - Business - State and Church. B. Evangelical Lutheran Church I. Constitution, Organisation, Internal Relations - II. High Council of the Church - III. Consistory - IV. Finance and Economy - V. Church Offices (Contains: VI. theological examination commission and preaching seminar - VII. moral police - VIII. cult and pastoral care - IX. Missionary work and care of the poor - X. Military Churches - XI. Church publications - XII. Monuments, buildings and paths - XIII. parishes A-Z (contains among other things: parish and coastal places, parish buildings, churchyards) - XIV. church associations - XV. castle church - XVI. burial creature - XVII. bell ringing - XVIII. marital status. C. Other religious communities I. General (Contains among other things: Public practice of religion, spiritual budget, mixed marriages) - II. Roman Catholic Church: General (Contains among other things: Freedom of religion, monitoring of the movement of the Catholic population, relationship with the Protestant regional church, Catholic clergy, Catholic pastoral care); parishes A-Z.- III. Reformed Church (Contains above all: Reformed Church of Bützow).- IV. Israelite communities (Includes among others: V. Baptists, Irvingians, Mormons, etc. D. Foundations General - Family Foundations A-Z - Charitable Foundations and Institutes (Includes among others: Monasteries to the Holy Cross, Monastery Elevations Dobbertin). MINISTRY FOR MEDICAL ANGELECITIES A. General (Includes, but is not limited to, health conditions and medical rules). B. Medical authorities General medical administration - Medical commission - Health offices (Contains: Reichsgesundheitsamt, Landesgesundheitsamt Schwerin, Gesundheitsämter A-Z).- Landesimpfinstitut.- Landeslebensmitteluntersuchungsanstalt.- Obergutachterausschuß. C. Medical personnel Doctors (Contains, among others, Dentists and dental technicians - Pharmacists - Nursing staff - Medical trainees - Technical assistants - Food chemists. D. Hospitals and medical institutions General hospital system - Hospital statistics - State hospitals (Contains, among other things, the following Irrenpflegeanstalt Dömitz, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Schwerin-Sachsenberg, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Rostock-Gehlsheim, Kinderheim Schwerin-Lewenberg, Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Domjüch) - Municipal and private hospitals (Contains among others: Caroline monastery Neustrelitz, hospitals A-Z, auxiliary hospitals) - Lung sanatoriums (contains among other things: sanatorium Amsee/Buchen, convalescent home Waldeck) - Sea baths, sea hospices, healing springs (contains among other things..: Bad Doberan, Ostseebad Neuhaus, Heiligendamm, Friedrich-Franz-Hospiz in Waren/Müritz) - children's homes and sanatoriums (Contains among others..: Bethesda Bad Sülze Children's Hospital, Anna-Hospital Schwerin, children's homes A-Z) - Elisabethheim Cripple Hospital Rostock - Other sanatoriums. E. Pharmacies General Pharmacy - Pharmaceuticals - Druggists - Pharmacies A-Z. F. Midwives (Includes: employment, midwife districts, childbed fever, etc.). G. Health care (Includes, but is not limited to District Nursing Offices, Red Cross, Infant Care, Cripple Care, Youth Welfare). H. Hygiene General sanitary conditions (Includes, but is not limited to, the following) public education, water and soil hygiene, industrial, food and housing hygiene, hygiene in seaside resorts, NS racial hygiene, funeral services) - sanitary conditions in towns and villages A-Z.- sanitary conditions in offices (districts) A-Z. I. Medical police (Includes, inter alia: Judicial autopsies and sections, abortions and interruptions of pregnancy, hypnotic notions). K. Epidemics and diseases General - Vaccination, disinfection - Individual epidemics and diseases: Cholera to typhus. L. Veterinary Veterinary Administration - Medical persons (Contains: veterinarians, district doctors, veterinary examinations) - Veterinary Conferences - State Animal Diseases Office Rostock - Slaughter cattle and meat inspection - Food and industrial hygiene - Livestock diseases (Contains, among other things, the following: - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veterinary diseases - Veter: livestock diseases law, livestock disease statistics, individual livestock diseases).- livestock breeding.- shoeing.- frog eggs.
The Ministry of the Interior, created by the Decree of 10 October 1849, was the supreme head of the internal administration of the Land, insofar as it did not fall within the remit of other ministries or the State Ministry. The Ministry was in charge of the supervision of all local authorities and was entrusted with the management of the sovereign police force and the supervision of all police authorities and institutions. His tasks also included the handling of economic and general agricultural matters, including the regulation of property, farm and day labour relations, transport, association and press matters, the administration of roads and hydraulic engineering as well as social services. In addition, the Ministry's portfolio included citizenship matters, border and electoral matters, as well as civilian administration matters related to the military. Essentially, the business circle of the Ministry remained unchanged until 1945. It was extended in 1875 to include the civil status system. In 1905, the Ministry of Justice, Department of Education, transferred the affairs of the technical and commercial technical and further education school system from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of the Interior. During the First World War, the Ministry was responsible for controlling the food supply and the war economy, and after the war it was responsible for civilian demobilization. In 1919 the newly founded Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (see 5.12-4/2) took over the handling of agricultural matters, including rural labour and ownership, and in 1937 also agricultural water matters. There are gaps in the file tradition. Major losses were caused by the fire in the government building in 1865. At the beginning of 1945, files from 1933 to 1945 were deliberately destroyed in the Ministry. Most of the files of the Department of Social Policy from the period after 1918 were also lost. A. GENERAL DEPARTMENT Registrar's aids and file directories - ministries: Rules of procedure and operation; Circulars and circulars; Imperial legislation and Imperial authorities; State legislation; Administrative jurisdiction; Secret and main archives; Museums, monuments and associations; Government library and public libraries; Service buildings; Law gazettes; Newspapers and calendars; State handbook. B. STAFF DISTRIBUTION Service and pay relationships of ministries in general - Ministry of the Interior and subordinate departments: General personnel matters; individual personnel files. C. MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT I. Cities: General municipal policy; relations with the state government and the countryside; city constitution, city and municipal regulations; citizenship; city ordinances; city councils; councils of municipalities (magistrates); municipal institutes; taxation; finance; plots of land; field, pasture and forest management; road and ambulance police; marksmen's guilds in general and in individual cities or administrative districts: Dominatrix and knighthood offices; official regulations (Includes, among other things, the following District division, territorial consolidation in accordance with the Greater Hamburg Act); official assembly and official committees; district administration and rural communities: Rural community regulations; community organisation in knightly, monastic and treasurer villages; community boundaries and place names; community representations and schools; community administration; community encumbrances, taxation; poor coffers and auxiliary shop funds; community estates; rural ownership relationships (contains: small ownership and farm workers); expropriations; medical police; fire extinguishing special purpose associations of offices or districts, towns and communities. II. special files city districts: Rostock with Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Güstrow; Neustrelitz. offices and/or districts. Inventory content: General administration; cities belonging to districts; individual rural communities. D. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERINSCHER LANDESVERWALTUNGSRATTUNG I. General affairs organisation and business operations; minutes of meetings - decisions and resolutions: in accordance with city, official and rural community regulations; in midwifery, school, evacuation and fire-fighting associations; in hunting, water and lake-building matters; in outfitting and incorporation - approval of bonds - confirmation of statutes. II. individual cities Inventory content: city council; civil service; finance and taxation; poor affairs; police; urban property and urban district. III. individual offices or districts Inventory content: Constitution and administration; finance and taxation; poor affairs; fire-fighting; road maintenance; community affairs; individual rural communities. E. LANDESGRENZSACHEN General - Land border against Lübeck - Land border against the Principality of Ratzeburg - Land border against Lauenburg - Land border against Hanover - Southern Land border against Prussia - Land border against Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Land Stargard) - Former Mecklenburg-Strelitzsche Land border against Prussia - Eastern Land border against Prussia (Pomerania). F. Elections to the Reichstag: Election to the Reichstag of the North German Federation; Reich Electoral Law of 31 May 1869, electoral associations and agitation; elections to the German Reichstag 1871-1912; election to the German National Assembly; elections to the German Reichstag 1920-1938 - Reich presidential elections - other votes, petitions for a referendum and referendums - Landtag elections: Electoral law and regulations; elections to the constituent and to the 1st to 7th state parliaments; other votes G. PERSONNESSTANDSWESEN General and legislation - certification and determination of the civil status - legitimation - name changes - adoption of children - registry offices: organization and business; registry office matters and districts. H. STATE ASSENTIALITY: General: Laws and Regulations; Relations with German Federal States; Relations with Non-German States - Marriages of Non-Mecklenburgers or Foreigners in Mecklenburg: General; Register - Register of Applications for the Issue of Certificates of Residence - Naturalisation: Register; Admission Certificates - Re-Lending of Citizenship - Options - German Citizenship East: Register - Special Files - Naturalisations: General; Register; Special files - Emigration: General; Emigration agencies, reports on their activities and lists of emigrants; Marriage of emigrants; Consensus on emigration (Contains: Register, Special files, Various entries and inquiries) - Expatriations after 1933 - Matters of foreign inheritance. I. PASSWESEN General - General files of the Trade Commission in passport matters - Passport register - Individual passport applications. K. ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT I. Banks and credit institutions in general - Individual banks and credit institutions: Ritterschaftlicher Kreditverein; Rostocker Bank; Mecklenburgische Lebensversicherungs- und Sparbank zu Schwerin; various banks and credit institutions - advance institutions - savings banks. II. insurance supervision Insurance supervision: general; life insurance; fire and fire insurance; livestock insurance; miscellaneous non-life insurance; knighthood insurance associations - social insurance: general and legislative; public authorities (Contains: (e.g. the State Insurance Office, the State Insurance Offices, the State Insurance Institution); accident insurance; disability and old-age insurance; health insurance; war-affected persons insurance; catering, sickness and death funds for journeymen and manual workers; pension, death and widow's funds. III. Geological Survey IV. Trade General - Trade powers in Mecklenburg - Markets - Customs and trade with foreign countries - Trade associations and chambers of commerce - Commercial courts. V. Trade Legislation - State and public institutions: Trade Inspector, Trade Commission, Trade Inspectorate; Decisions of the Trade Commission; Chamber of Crafts and Labor; Trade Courts; Trade Associations - Industrial Employment Relationships - Master Craftsmen's, Journeymen's and Apprentices' Guilds: General; guilds on a national scale; individual guilds A-Z. - Travelling trades and peddlers - Travelling actors and musicians - Privileged trades: Musicians; Frohnereien (Contains: General and legislation, individual Frohnereien); chimney sweeps; livestock cutters - cooperatives - Price testing - Dimensions and weights, weights and measures - Technical commission (supervision of steam boilers and mills). VI. trade and technical education trade schools: General information; individual vocational schools - technical colleges: Building trade schools (Contains: Neustadt-Glewe, Schwerin, Sternberg, Teterow); Engineering school Wismar - Various technical schools - Business schools and commercial colleges - Agricultural schools: Dargun; Zarrentin - Commercial and commercial educational institutions outside Mecklenburg. VII. Industry in general - Individual branches of industry - Enterprises and industries in individual cities - Grand Ducal Industrial Fund. VIII Exhibitions and congresses IX. Mining Mecklenburg Mining Authority - Mining facilities and operations (Contains: Conow, Jessenitz, Lübtheen, Malliß, Sülze) - Conditions of miners - Storage of mineral resources. X. Electricity supply XI Agriculture and forestry Agricultural Council and Chamber of Agriculture - Agricultural reports and exhibitions - Promotion of agricultural and forestry activities - Fisheries: general and legislative; coastal and deep-sea fishing; inland fishing - Rural conditions: General; Individual goods and places - Conditions of day-labourers (regulations) - Grand Ducal Settlement Commission and Settlements. XII Statistics Population and poor statistics - Labour, trade and commerce statistics - Agriculture and forestry statistics - Shipping statistics - Finance statistics - Local directories. XIII Surveying XIV Regional Planning and Settlement Office XV Sale of Jewish Property L. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT I. Railways Relationship with the Reich: General administration (contains, among other things: annual reports of the Mecklenburg railways); railway police; equipment; construction; transport; use of the railways for military purposes and during wars; employment; cash and accounting; statistics - Mecklenburgische Eisenbahnen: Nationalisation; Commission files on nationalisation; Bonds and state bonds; Individual routes or companies before nationalisation; Großherzoglich-Mecklenburgische Friedrich-Franz-Eisenbahn; Railway matters after nationalisation. II Shipping General: Legal provisions; registration and registers of merchant ships; annual reports of shipping companies; prevention of ship accidents; customs and smuggling; receipt and dissemination of information; scientific institutions; associations - ship surveying - ship telegraphy - Maritime Office, examination system - maritime schools: General information; Wustrow Nautical School; Dierhagen Navigation Preparatory School; Other Nautical Schools - Seemannsordnung, Seamen's Employment Relationships - Seaports - Reichshilfe für die Seeschiffahrt, War Compensation (Second World War). III. circulation of bicycles, motor vehicles and aircraft M. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SOCIAL POLICY I. Homeland and poor affairs General legislation on homeland, poor affairs and settlement - Commission for Homeland affairs - Local affiliations - Settlement in the Domanium - Poor affairs - Appeals and complaints regarding support for the poor. II. social welfare and social policy general welfare and welfare institutions - Landeswohlfahrts- und Landesjugendamt, Landespflegeausschuss, Wohlfahrtspflegerinnen - welfare: youth welfare; tuberculosis and other health care; maternal and child welfare; care for the unemployed; war welfare; pension welfare; groups of people in need of assistance; food price reduction for the underprivileged; donations and collections - labour matters: Housing assistance: Landeswohnungsamt; General housing assistance and housing guidance; Tenant protection; Housing construction and small settlements - War relief fund and war credit committees - Refugee assistance: General; Regional committee for refugee assistance; Mecklenburgische Ostpreußenhilfe foundation; Accommodation of refugees in the Second World War Foundations and Collections - Landarbeitshaus Güstrow: Rules of procedure and operation, administrative reports; establishment and occupancy; service and salary relationships, personnel matters; budgeting, cash management and accounting; general economic matters and construction; goods Federow and Schwarzenhof (secondary institutions); children's home and children's hospital Güstrow. N. MILITARY AREAS Military legislation and general military affairs - Military administration - Relations with the German federal states and abroad - Individual military branches - Recruitment and replacement - Services of the population for the military: quartering and service; benefits in kind; marches through, troop and shooting exercises; benefits in case of war - mobilization and wars of 1870/71 and 1914/18: preparation of mobilization in peace; mobilization, war benefits and measures of 1870/71; mobilization 1914 and World War I (Includes: General measures, measures taken by civilian authorities, propaganda, use of civil servants and civil servants for military service, measures taken by military authorities, monitoring of printed matter and correspondence, monitoring of foreigners, prisoners of war, collections and confiscations, patriotic assistance and young men).support for military servants and their for invalids and veterans. O. VOLKSERNÜHRUNG (First World War and post-war period) conferences and publications on popular nutrition - business and personnel affairs of the Department of Popular Nutrition - reporting and statistics - Reichsbehörden für Volksernährung - State authorities in the field of public nutrition: State and district authorities for public nutrition, municipal associations, state feed agency, state fat agency; price inspection agencies, usury office, usury courts; state price office; state grain office and district grain offices; workers' and farmers' councils. P. WAR AND AFTERWAR ECONOMY (FIRST WORLD WAR) General - Banking, Securities Trading - Bankruptcy Proceedings - Trade - Employment Relationships, Foreign Workers - Industry: General; Individual Industries - Agriculture - Fuel Supply - Foreign Assets: General; Forced Administration or Liquidation (Includes: Rostock Shipowners, Banks, Land and Companies). Q. War damage in the Second World War General - Individual war damage: Rostock and Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Other cities and municipalities; Forestry, official reserves, frohneries; Electrical network. R. POLICE DEPARTMENT I. Political and Security Police From 1830 to 1918: Gendarmerie (Contains: General, gendarmerie stations, personnel and salary matters, budget, cash and accounting); criminal police law; rights of the manor, patrimonial jurisdiction; knightly police associations and offices; popular movements before and after 1848; security police; surveillance and combating of the social democratic movement, of anarchists and communists; press police (surveillance of bookstores, book printing houses and lending libraries); surveillance and prohibition of political associations and assemblies. From 1918/19 to 1945: Political Police (Contains: November Revolution and post-war crisis, surveillance and prohibition of political parties, associations and organizations, fight against the KPD); news collection point; local defence services; state commissioner for disarmament (contains, among other things, weapons delivery in individual cities, offices and communities); security police 1919-1921; order police 1921-1934 (contains: Police administration, organisational strength, official regulations, individual commands and stations, agendas and orders, activity, training, exercises, training areas and weapons, cash and accounting, equipment and catering, accommodation and official housing, general personnel matters, personnel files); Landesgendarmerie und ihre Tätigkeit; Landeskriminalamt, Krimi-nalpolizeistelle Schwerin; Organisation der Polizei von 1934-1945. II. Gerichtspolizei III. Sittenpolizei IV. Medical Police V. Building and Fire Police S. STRASSEN- UND WASSERBAUVERWALTUNG I. General administration Organisation and business operation - Budget, cash and accounting - Service and remuneration - General personnel matters: Road and hydraulic engineering administration as a whole; roadside inspections and roadside fee collectors; road and hydraulic engineering offices; road attendants and road workers, beach and dune supervisors; lock masters and lock attendants - service properties - equipment and vehicles - surveying - files of the Karl Witte construction council. II. roads and roads General road and road construction matters: Forwarding, pricing, wage rates of the construction industry; technical construction; maintenance obligation; cycle paths; rights of third parties, ancillary facilities; road traffic regulations, signage, meteorological service - Chausseegehöfte der Straßenbauämter Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren.- Chausseen: Roadside Police Regulations and Roadside Money Tariff; Creation and maintenance of roads in general; main roads in the area of the road construction offices Güstrow, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren; Nebenchausseen in the offices Grevesmühlen, Güstrow, Hagenow, Ludwigslust, Malchin, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren, Wismar; Chausseen in the district Stargard and in the former principality Ratzeburg; Chausseeinventare (Contains: General, Individual inventories of the road construction administrations Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Schwerin, Waren).- Reichsstraßen.- Landstraßen I. Ordnung.- Landstraßen II. Order. - Bridges: General; Single Bridges (Contains: Elbe, state road Berlin-Hamburg, catchment areas of Sude, Boize, Elde, Havel, Stepenitz, Warnow, Recknitz and Peene, Wallensteingraben): General information; Imperial roads; country roads I. order; country roads II. order; country roads II. order Road construction planning - Execution and status of construction works - Emergency works - Road directories. III. Roads Right of Way and Road Order.- Road Police.- Legal Decisions and Complaints.- General Road Matters.- Road Construction.Load.- Main.Routes.: Directories.; Surveys.on.Main.Routes.- Communication.Routes.- Establishment.of.New.Routes.- Routing.- Public.Routes.- Public.Routes.Closed.- Footpaths.- Church.and.School.Routes.- Bridges. IV. Baltic Sea and waterways Baltic Sea: General information; storm surges; coastal protection, beach regulations - waterways: General; Accessibility; Sea waterways (Contains: Laws and Ordinances, Maritime Emergency Notification, Weather and Icebreaking Services, Water Levels and Pollution, Maritime Marks and Signals, Pilotage, Seaports, Ferries, Land and Construction); Inland Waterways (Contains: General information, statistics on ship and raft traffic, water levels, individual inland waterways, canal and navigable objects, port facilities and loading stations, locks and culverts, lock masters, lock keepers and river supervisors, hydroelectric power stations and waterworks, high-voltage and telegraph facilities, industrial facilities, mills, water police permits, compensation, fishing and hunting). V. Water management Water law - Soil improvement cooperatives, expansion and clearing of watercourses - Schwerin lakes - Waste water.