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Archival description
colonial police
BArch, R 1001/9764 · File · Jan. - Apr. 1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains only: Why does the colonial police belong to the colonial administration? - Memorandum Course for an officer delegation of the order police at the colonial police school Tivoli near Rome. - Letter from SS-Gruppenführer Wolff to the Auswärtige Amt dated 8 Apr. 1941

Stadtarchiv Solingen, Na · Fonds · 1889-1978
Part of City Archive Solingen (Archivtektonik)

Carl Richard Müller was born on 2 June 1889 in Knauthain near Leipzig. After finishing school, he learned the profession of gardener from 1903-1906 and then worked in several German and Swiss towns. From the beginning of 1908 until October 1909 he had a job as a gardener at the cemetery on Casinostraße in Solingen. In 1910 and 1911 he did his military service as a naval artillerist in the German colony of Tsingtau in China. At the end of his service he concluded a contract of several years with the company Hernsheim, which traded and planted in the German colonial area of New Guinea/Bismarck Archipelago on the equator north of Australia. In 1912 he worked on the Bismarck Archipelago and the Solomon Islands Bougainville. After an eventful year in which he was able to realize his childhood dream as a planter in the South Seas for the first time, but also lost some illusions about life in the colonies, the employment contract was terminated prematurely (apparently after differences with the company) and Müller returned to Germany via Australia. Severe malaria attacks tortured him on his way home and in Germany, but his homeland could not keep him in the long run. From summer 1913 to spring 1914 he sought his fortune in Argentina, but found no satisfactory job and decided to apply for immigration to Australia. At the end of June 1914 he had the necessary entry papers and boarded the German steamer Roon in Antwerp with the destination Freemantle. When the world war broke out in August 1914 and Great Britain took the side of the German opponents, the ship had to break off the voyage to Australia and seek refuge in Dutch India. From 1914 to 1940 he worked at four different stations, from 1927 on Tandjongdjati in southern Sumatra, where he cultivated coffee and rubber, and in 1939 the Belgian owners appointed him manager. The climax of his career was followed by a sudden end. The invasion of the Netherlands by the Wehrmacht on 10 May 1940 turned German citizens into enemies in the Dutch colonial empire. For Müller and many others the period of internment began - until the end of 1941 in the Dutch camp Alasvallei in northern Sumatra, then under British control in the camp Premnagar near Dehra Dun in northern India at the foot of Hima-laya. Only in autumn 1946 the prisoner Carl Richard Müller number 56134 was released and arrived in Solingen in December 1946. Here he found work in the nursery Diederich in Wald, to which he also remained faithful as a pensioner with casual work. In 1966 he had to give up his independent life because of bad health and moved to the Eugen-Maurer-Heim in Gräfrath. There he died on 21 March 1973. The estate has preserved some of Müller's adventurous life. Müller and other prisoners used the enforced inactivity during the long internment years for writing and for lectures in their own circle. Of these works, pieces have been preserved which are of particular interest for research into German colonial rule and European planting in the South Seas. Müller's autobiographical manuscripts about the years 1912-1940, which he thought he could summarize as the "ro-man of a fortune-seeker" (documents 11 and 12 with the addition of the photographs in documents 6 and 7 and cards in documents 17 and 26), are to be mentioned first and foremost. In addition there are numerous essays by Müller on plant cultures, economic and technical problems on the plantations and abstracts on the nature and fauna of Indonesia, mainly Sumatra (documents 13 to 16). Work done by fellow prisoners on their experiences in Indonesia and Australia can be found in file 23, including a report on detention in Sumatra with a shorter annex on time in India. Relatively little is known about camp life in Dehra Dun; Müller, however, kept a booklet titled "Männerworte" (Aktenstück 5), in which 22 fellow prisoners registered themselves with words of remembrance. The photographs of Müller's life in Solingen after 1946 are primarily preserved, of which the works for Diederich may be of local historical interest (file 8). Furthermore, the collection contains a file of the Social Welfare Office of the City of Solingen. The stock was handed over to the City Archive by the Social Welfare Office in a suitcase, which was separated from the above documents at the time of recording. The stock was recorded for the first time in September 1998 by Anika Schulze, developed by Hartmut Roehr in 2007.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 743/2 · Collection · 1916-1944
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The present collection of material on biographies was received by the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in December 1975 as a gift from Freiherr Meinrad von Ow, Munich. It formed part of the written estate of General Franz Freiherr von Soden (1856 - 1945) and was collected by him in the years 1919 - 1945. The original reason for this may have been Sodens' plan to "compile a book of honour for the higher leaders". In 1921 or 1924, he succeeded in enriching his collection with material that had grown up in the years 1916/17 to about 20 officers killed in World War II under Lieutenant Colonel Osterberg (cf. No. 379 of the holdings), then Chief of the War Archive, von Soden's collection united documents on the biographies of military personnel, in particular of Württemberg officers, but also of men and women of general importance, as well as of persons who for various reasons found Soden interesting. This writing is of very different nature and quality. It mainly includes obituaries and newspaper articles, often written by Soden, concepts and manuscripts of Sodens on congratulations, eulogies and obituaries, as well as correspondences of Sodens with individual persons represented in the collection and the like. The note "very important" on one of the folders in which the collection was previously kept shows that it was of high value to von Soden. Today it is a welcome addition to the official files, which have not been fully preserved, especially for personnel matters. The collection, which comprised 6 folders when it was transferred to the archive, was created by superimposing the individual documents, newspaper clippings and the like from Soden and giving them a number. The documents received at different times for one and the same person were therefore usually not available. Since the collection lacked an internal order and since von Soden did not create an index either, it was neither usable in practice nor needed consideration of its previous state of order in the current reorganization, in which the material available for each person was combined and the inventory was based on an alphabetical classification. As a rule, the information in the title recordings was taken from the holdings themselves. Only the life data, partly also the first names and with officers the contingent affiliation were often supplemented with other aids (above all the archival holdings M 430/1 - M 430/5 general reference books and biographical encyclopaedias). However, it would only have been possible to achieve completeness in these additions, which are marked as such by square brackets only in justified exceptional cases, with a workload that would be out of proportion to the source value of the holdings. Unless otherwise stated, the officers are always members of the Württemberg army. The note "died" means both "died" and "fallen" or "died as a result of injury". The stock comprises 602 numbers (0, 85 linear metres). It was recorded at the beginning of 1977 by the archivist Herrmann under the supervision of Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Fischer, who was also responsible for the revision of the title recordings and the elaboration of the repertory. Stuttgart, August 1977(Fischer)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/20 · Fonds · 1897/1978
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Löffler, Eugen (24.03.1883 - 05.05.1979), 1907-1918 teacher at grammar schools in Ulm and Schwäbisch Hall, 1918-1951 (from 1924 as ministerial councillor) activity in the Württemberg and Württemberg-Badish ministries of education and cultural affairs; member of the expert committee for German education abroad (1922-1945), the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the German Länder, the German UNESCO Commission and other cultural institutions: Biographical material; files from activities in cultural institutions and organisations (e.g. UNESCO with German UNESCO Commission, Goethe Institutes, Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations, Conference of the Länder Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, Committee for Schools Abroad): above all Reports, minutes of meetings, circulars, correspondence; documents on membership in associations, federations and foundations; correspondence with publishers and individuals; publication and lecture activities: collaboration on textbooks, editing of the series "Der Mathematikunterricht"; manuscripts of publications mainly on school issues, German schools abroad; material collections on German education, education and German schools abroad, youth issues.

Contains above all: Inquiries and mailings from associations and institutions Darin: sent publications (15 Months Austro-Hungarian War Aid in Württemberg, 1916; Modern Therapy and War Wounded, 1916; Zur Tuberkulose-Bekämpf 1914, 1914; W. Liese, Die katholischen Orden Deutschlands und der Völkerkrieg 1914/15, 1915; Report of the German Association for Medical Dogs, 1915; Adolf Bachrach, Aus dem Rechtsleben im Kriege, 1914; Kriegskonterbande und Überseeische Rohstoffe, 1914; Edward L., 1914. Blackshear, An American Proposal for an Inter-state Federation of the States of Europe into the United States of Europe (...), 1914; Annual Report of the Blind Asylum of Schwäbisch Gmünd, 1914); sent manuscript on the establishment of a trading company in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a..

Carpenter, Karl (inventory)
BArch, N 521 · Fonds · 1808-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Generalmajor Description of the Inventory: Mainly diary entries and letters mainly from his service as commander of the Imperial Protection Forces for Cameroon before and during World War I; records of the Cameroon campaign (1914-1916); lecture manuscripts citation method: BArch, N 521/...

BArch, N 2225/29 · File · Dez. 1885 - Feb. 1891
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence with the board of directors also with Carl Peters (chairman of the board of directors of the Society), with Hörnecke (member of this Society), Arendt (Imperial General Consul, Zanzibar).- Accounts.- Statutes.- "Brief description of the development and the situation of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Society".- Newspaper cuttings.- Handwritten manuscript Pfeils: "Proposals for practical colonisation, in particular for the power position of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Society in its territories in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a""".- Balance sheets as at 31 Dec. 18883.

Pfeil, Joachim von
Travel Diary: Vol. 2
BArch, N 2225/148 · File · Apr. 1899 - Aug. 1910
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reports mostly in English by J. Graf von Pfeil about his travels after: Morocco 1899-1901 and 1907, America 1904, East Africa 1905 and 1910

Pfeil, Joachim von
Knight, Gerhard (inventory)
BArch, N 1166 · Fonds · 1907-1967
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Andreas Dorpalen, Gerhard Ritter. In: Deutsche Historiker I, Göttingen 1971, p. 86-99 Historiker, Hochschullehrer Description of the holdings: Manuscripts of his lectures at the University of Freiburg/Breisgau, of his workers (with material collections), essays, lectures, expert opinions; extensive academic and private correspondence; documents, including on academic institutions, the Association of German Historians, historian meetings, school and university questions and the Protestant Church. Family correspondence in the State Archives Marburg/Lahn. (Status: 1977) - Special terms of use - Citation method: BArch, N 1166/...

Pfeiffer, Harald (inventory)
BArch, N 85 · Fonds · 1899-1906
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 27.06.1875 - 09.07.1903, Lieutenant of the Imperial Protection Force Inventory description: Correspondence from his service with the Protection Force in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a; manuscript of a biography. Citation style: BArch, N 85/...

Praun, Albert (inventory)
BArch, N 591 · Fonds · 1914 - 1970
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: born 11.12.1894 in Staffelstein; admission to Fahnenjunker 1.10.1913; Lt. baye bayer. 1. telegr.Btl. 19.9.1914 (P. 7.1.1913); Reichsheer; Kdr. Nachr.Abt. 38 1.10.1935; Lieutenant Colonel 1.3.1937; Colonel 1.8.1939; Major General 1.8.1942; Lieutenant General 1.2.1943; General of the Intelligence Force 1.10.1944; 2. World War: N.R. 696 1.9.1939; Nafü 7. army 1.2.1940; Nafü Pz.Gr. Hoth 19.5.1940; Nafü Pz.Gr. Guderian 1.6.1940; Nafü Mil.Bez. C. France 15.7.1940; Nafü Pz.Gr. 2 11.12.1940; Nafü 2. army 6.10.1941; Führ. I.R. 482, 486, 4. Pz.Gr.Brig. and 18. Pz.Div. 25.4.1942; 129. I.D. 24.8.1942; Nafü Hgr. Mitte 1.10.1943 - 1.4.1944; 277. I.D. 12.4.1944; Chef H.Nachr.W. in OKH and Chef d. Wehrm.NVW 11.8.1944; German cross in gold; Knight's cross Processing reference: preliminary index Inventory description: Preparations, letters from the time of the war captivity 1945; news connections during the Second World War. Essays, material collections; Telephone and telex connections, 1935 - 1945; History of the Artillery Regiment 129, 1940 - 1945; Investigation into the radio service of the Russian, British and American armies in the Second World War; News connections between the command authorities during the war of agitation in 1914; Notebooks, 1926 - 1942; Manuscript on the use of television for strategic warfare in the future, 1954; Manuscript "Erich Fellgiebel, der Meister operativer Nachrichtenverbindungen" with material collection on Fellgiebel's work; Manuscript "Erich Fellgiebel, der Meister operativer Nachrichtenverbindungen" with material collection on Fellgiebel's work. July 1944; notes from the time as commander of the news department 38; IX. corps in the Eastern campaign 1941; correspondence from the activity for the Historical Division, 1946 - 1954; letters to the wife Hella, 1939 - 1945; pictures citation: BArch, N 591/...

BArch, R 58/5693d · File · 1936-1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • 1936-1941, Bundesarchiv, BArch, R 58 Reichssicherheitshauptamt description: Contains and others: - Report of the SD-Leitabschnitt Stuttgart, 20 Febr. 1941 - Conference of the Ostthüringer Missionskonferenz on 26 June 1940 in Stadtroda - Report of the SD-Abschnitt Weimar and V-Mann-Berichte, 6 July 1940 - Collection for the German Evangelical Seamen's Mission. Report of the SD Section Braunschweig and letter of the Church External Office of the German Evangelical Church to the Finance Department at the Regional Church Office Wolfenbüttel, 19 Jan 1940 - "Mitteilungen der Mission für Südost Europa", published by Missionsinspektor Martin Urban on behalf of the Missionshaus Bukowine (Kreis Glatz) 33 (1936), No. 131 - Prevention of the departure of missionary sisters of the Hotschuan Mission in Bad Salzuflen. Letter of the deputy of the leader and decree of the SD main office, 30 Oct. 1940 - 62, 63 and 64 annual festival of the Schleswig-Holstein Evangelical Lutheran Mission Society in Breklum - reports of the SD upper section northwest and property overview, 1938-1940 - Berliner Frauen-Missionsbund. Report of the SD-Oberabschnitts Ost und Mitgliederverzeichnis, 26 Oct. 1937 - Main mission celebration of the Ostfriesische evangelische Missionsgesellschaft on 26 June 1938 in Emden - Report of the SD-Oberabschnitt Nordwest, 9 July 1938 - Appointment of Father Ernst Friedrich Buddenberg as deputy of the clergy of the Liebenzeller Mission by Bishop Wurm. Report of the SD upper section Southwest, 21 July 1938 Includes among others:<br />Lecture by the Head of the German East Asia Mission, Gerhard Rosenkranz, Heidelberg.- Report of the SD-Leitabschnitt Stuttgart, 20. Febr. 1941<br />Conference of the Ostthüringer Missionskonferenz on 26. June 1940 in Stadtroda - Report of the SD-Abschnitt Weimar and V-Mann-Berichte, 6. July 1940<br />Collect for the German Evangelical Seamen's Mission.- Report of the SD-section Braunschweig and letter of the Church External Office of the German Evangelical Church to the Finance Department at the Regional Church Office Wolfenbüttel, 19. Jan. 1940<br />"Mitteilungen der Mission für Südost Europa", published by Missionsinspektor Martin Urban on behalf of the Missionshaus Bukowine (Kreis Glatz) 33 (1936), No. 131<br />Prevention of the departure of mission sisters of the Hotschuan-Mission in Bad Salzuflen.- Letter from the deputy leader and decree of the SD-Hauptamt, 30 Oct. 1940<br />62, 63rd and 64th Anniversary of the Schleswig-Holsteinische evangelisch-lutherischen Missionsgesellschaft in Breklum - Reports of the SD-Oberabschnitts Nordwest und Vermögensübersicht, 1938-1940<br />Berliner Frauen-Missionsbund.- Report of the SD-Oberabschnitts Ost und Mitgliederverzeichnis, 26. Oct. 1937<br />Main mission celebration of the Ostfriesische evangelische Missionsgesellschaft on 26. June 1938 in Emden - Report of the SD-Oberabschnitts Nordwest, 9. July 1938<br />Call of Pastor Ernst Friedrich Buddenberg to the position of deputy minister of the Liebenzeller Mission by Landesbischof Wurm - Report of the SD-Oberabschnitt Südwest, 21. July 1938
Bundesarchiv, BArch R 58/7680 · File · 1920-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • 1920-1943, Federal Archives, BArch R 58 Reich Security Main Office Contains mainly:<br />Confiscation of documents and publications in France<br />Catholic, pacifist and trade union organisations in France<br />Association Catholique Georgienne en France<br />Georgien<br />Université Catholique de Paris de l´Academie Francaise<br />Chalva Beridze<br />Georgier in Frankreich<br />Confederation Generale du Travail, Paris<br />Economy in France<br />"Projet de creation d´une grande association ouvriere de tourisme"<br />"Projet Marchandeau"<br />Institut National d´Histoire Sociale<br />Juden in France.- Contribution by Georges Blumberg, Dec. 1936<br />German police stations in France (fragments)<br />Secret field police.- Search for individuals<br />"Enrayer la denatalite est parfaitement possible" (essay)<br />"Les Feuillets du Militant" (information leaflets)<br />"L´Origine de la question raciale en Italie" (essay)<br />Rassenpolitik<br />"Le Probleme de l´enseignement en Allemagne nationalee-socialiste" (essay)<br />"L´Enseignement aux Colonies" (essay)<br />French Colonies<br />Laicist Propaganda<br />Socialist Congress in Nantes 29. May 1939<br />Population policy in France, including abortion<br />Calls for resistance to German expansionary policies<br />German colonies, including Cameroon, Togo<br />World Student Association for Peace, Freedom and Culture.- Aufruf<br />"Kraft und Licht" - Journal of the Association for Berlin City Mission<br />Pacifistische Volksverdediging, Netherlands - International Peace Policy<br />The British Council<br />Academie de Droit International de La Haye.- Activity in 1937 - Report of the Board of Trustees<br />L´Action Populaire<br />"Sans Dieu" in France, especially Organization and Methods<br />"Spectator", No. 6044, 28 Apr. 1944<br />"International Gleanings from Japan", 15 Sept. 1939<br />International Association of Japan<br />"The Publishers´ Circular and Booksellers´ Record", 10 Sept. 1939<br />International Association of Japan<br />"The Publishers´ Circular and Booksellers´ Record", 10 Sept. 1939 June 1939<br />"Luthersk Ageblad", Blair (Nebraska), No. 48, Nov. 29, 1939, and No. 52, Dec. 27, 1939, and No. 42, Oct. 18, 1939<br />"Great Britain and the East", Nov. 14, 1935<br />Ethiopia, Greece, Palestine, Albania, Egypt, Iraq, India, Burma, Romania, Arabia description: Contains above all..: Catholic, pacifist and trade union organisations in France Association Catholique Georgienne en France Georgien Université Catholique de Paris de l´Academie Francaise Chalva Beridze Georgier in France Confederation Generale du Travail, Paris Wirtschaft in Frankreich "Projet de creation d´une grande association ouvriere de tourisme" "Projet Marchandeau" Institut National d´Histoire Sociale Juden in Frankreich.- Contribution by Georges Blumberg, Dec. 1936 German police stations in France (fragments) Geheime Feldpolizei.- (Secret field police) Search for individuals "Enrayer la denatalite est parfaitement possible" (essay) "Les Feuillets du Militant" (information sheets) "L´Origine de la question raciale en Italie" (essay) Racial policy "Le Probleme de l´enseignement en Allemagne nationale-socialiste" (essay) "L´Enseignement aux Colonies" (essay) French Colonies Laicist Propaganda Socialist Congress in Nantes on 29. May 1939 Population policy in France, e.g. abortion Calls for resistance against the German expansive policy German colonies, e.g. Cameroon, Togo World Student Association for Peace, Freedom and Culture. The British Council Academie de Droit International de La Haye - International Peace Politics The British Council Academie de Droit de La Haye - The "Kraft und Licht" (Strength and Light) appeal - Magazine of the Association for Berlin City Mission Pacifistische Volksverdediging, The Netherlands Activity in 1937 - Report of the Board of Trustees L´Action Populaire "Sans Dieu" in France, above all Organization and Methods "Spectator", No. 6044, 28 Apr. 1944 "International Gleanings from Japan", 15 Sept. 1939 International Association of Japan "The Publishers´ Circular and Booksellers´ Record", 10 Apr. 1934, 28 Apr. 1944. June 1939 "Luthersk Ageblad", Blair (Nebraska), No. 48, 29 Nov. 1939, and No. 52, 27 Dec. 1939, and No. 42, 18 Oct. 1939 "Great Britain and the East", 14 Nov. 1935 Ethiopia, Greece, Palestine, Albania, Egypt, Iraq, India, Burma, Romania, Arabia