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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 74 · Fonds · 1871-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

28th Cavalry Brigade: The 28th Cavalry Brigade was formed on 01.07.1871 from the former Baden Cavalry Brigade. First the Dragoner regiments 20 and 22 were subordinated to the brigade. From 1890 the brigade was assigned the Dragoner Regiment 21 to replace the retiring Dragoner Regiment 22. At the time of the mobilization the unit with the regiments assigned to it was subordinated to the 6th Cavalry Division. From February to 10 April 1917 the staff was known as the "Brigade Graf Spee". On 21 May 1918 the unit was renamed Kavallerie-Schützen-Kommando 28. The formation was deployed until 03.11.1914 on the western theater of war and afterwards until March 1918 on the eastern theater of war. From April 1918 it was used again in the West. The commanding generals were:1871 to 1875major General of Willisen1875 to 1882major General Count of Lynar1882 to 1883major General of Hänisch1883 to 1885major General of Strantz1885 to 1888major General Edler of Planitz1888 to 1892major General Baron of Schleinitz1892 to 1893major General of Nickischisch1888 to 1892major General of Schleinitz1892 to 1893major General of Nickischisch1882 to 1883major General of Hänisch1883 to 1885major General of Strantz1885 to 1888major General of Planitz1888 to 1892major General Baron of Schleinitz1892 to 1893major General of NickischischRosenegk1893 to 1897 Major General from Rabe1897 to 1900 Major General Count von Klinckowström1900 to 1903 Major General from Hausmann1903 to 1908 Major General from Keller1908 to 1912 Major General Maximilian Alexander Prince from Baden1912 to 1913 Major General from Arnim1913 to 20.09.1916 Major General Udo von Selchow20.09.1916 to 27.02.1918 Colonel Heribert Count of Spee27.02.1918 to 27.09.1918 Colonel Karl Count of Kageneck03.10.1918 to 08.02.1919Lieutenant Colonel Konrad von Stotzingen. The brigade was subordinate to the following units during the war:01.08.1914 to 14.10.19166. Cavalry Division15.10.1916 to 19.11.1916 Reinforced 45th Cavalry Brigade20.11.1916 to 02.02.1917Cavalry Division A03.02.1917 to 10.02.19174th Cavalry Division11.02.1917 to 07.04.19172. Bavarian Landwehr division08.04.1917 to 08.04.19184. Cavalry division09.04.1918 to 18.04.1918301. Infantry division19.04.1918 to 20.05.19184. Cavalry division21.05.1918 to 11.11.19187. cavalry division (starting from June 7. cavalry shooter division). 13. January 1919 in the Free State Baden the new formation of the Baden people's army began with the acceptance of volunteers. As a reaction to the so-called "Spartacus Uprising" in February 1919, the Reich and Badische Volksregierung had further voluntary associations set up at all units in addition to the existing voluntary formations. 29th Cavalry Brigade: The 29th Cavalry Brigade was set up on 01.07.1871 with its official seat in Freiburg. First the Dragoner regiments 14 and 21 were subordinated to the brigade. From 1890 she was assigned the Dragoner Regiment 22 for Dragoner Regiment 21, which was retiring from the federation. In 1899 the office moved from Freiburg to Mulhouse in Alsace. The Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 5 was assigned to the Brigade for the Dragoner Regiment 14 after its establishment in 1908. The Brigade Staff was disbanded during the mobilization in 1914 and was only re-established in January 1919. For this reason there are no files available for the period from August 1914 to December 1918.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1873General major of Reckow1873 to 1881General major August Count of Solms-Wildenfels1881 to 1886General major of Meyerinck1886 to 1890General major of Knesebeck1890 to 1892General major of Diepenbroick-Grüter1892 to 1895 Major General of Lieres and Wilkau1895 to 1898 Major General of Kuhlmay1898 to 1900 Colonel Seederer1900 to 1902 Major General Knight of Longchamps-Berier1902 to 1904 Major-General of Rothkirch and Panthen1904 to 1905 Colonel of Rauch1905 to 1908 Major-General of Koppe1908 to 1910 Major-General of Bernuth1919 to 1913 Major-General of Dumrath1913 to 1914 Colonel of Graevenitz Inspection of the Replacement Escadrillas of the XIV century Army Corps: The replacement escadrilles left behind during the mobilization of the cavalry regiments leaving for the field to ensure the replacement were subject to the inspection of the replacement escadrilles of the XIV Army Corps, which was established analogously to the mobilization plan. The inspection was also responsible for the reserve replacement escadron newly set up during the mobilization, which was, however, dissolved again with the reduction of the cavalry formations in 1917. One of the main tasks of the inspection was to supervise the training and the horse material. In December 1918 the formation was dissolved during the demobilisation. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files of the staff of the 28th Cavalry Brigade and the inspection of the replacement escadrilles of the XIV Army Corps remained at the settlement office of the Dragoner Regiment 20 as well as the files of the staff of the 29th Cavalry Brigade at the Dragoner Regiment 22. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the settlement offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 64 fascicles with a volume of 1.50 bibliographical references are included in the holdings: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 62 · Fonds · 1871-1915, 1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

28th and 29th Infantry Division: The XIV Army Corps formed on 01.07.1871 was divided into the 28th and 29th Infantry Division, which was also founded at the same time. The 28th Infantry Division included the 55th and 56th Infantry Brigades as well as the 28th Cavalry Brigade. In 1899 the 28th field artillery brigade was added. The division was located in Karlsruhe.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1875Lieutenant General von Pritzelwitz1875 to 1883Lieutenant General von Willisen1883 to 1887Lieutenant General von Meerscheidt-Hüllessem1887 to 1890General Lieutenant von Keßler1890 to 1892General Lieutenant Weinberger1892 to 1896General Lieutenant von Rößing1896 to 1899General Lieutenant von Grone1899 to 1900General Lieutenant von Oertzen1900 to 1903General Lieutenant von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg1903 to 1906Lieutenant General von Pfuel1906 to 1910Lieutenant General von Fabeck1910 to 1912Lieutenant General von Krosigk1912 to 1914Lieutenant General von der Goltzab 1914Lieutenant General von Kehler.The 29th Infantry Division was divided into the 57th and 58th Infantry Brigades and the 29th Cavalry Brigade. The 29th Field Artillery Brigade was added in 1899. In the years 1897 and 1898 and starting from 1913 the 84th Infantry Brigade belonged likewise to the range of the division. The division was located in Freiburg.The commanding generals were:1871 to 1873Lieutenant General von Glümer1873 to 1876Lieutenant General von Woyna1876 to 1882Lieutenant General von Scheffler1882 to 1886Lieutenant General von Berken1886 to 1889Lieutenant General von Petersdorff1889 to 1892Lieutenant General von Mantey1892 to 1894Lieutenant General von Schleinitz1894 to 1894 1897General lieutenant Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig von Baden1897 to 1898General lieutenant von Bülow1898 to 1901General lieutenant von Bissing1901 to 1907General lieutenant von Fallois1907 to 1910General lieutenant von Schickfus and Neudorf1910 to 1913General lieutenant von Deimlingab 1914General lieutenant Isbert. 55th, 57th and 58th Infantry Brigade: The 55th Infantry Brigade emerged from the former 1st Baden Infantry Brigade on 01.07.1871. The infantry regiments 109 and 110 were subject to it. The official seat was in Karlsruhe.The commanders were: 1871 to 1874Major General von Neumann1874 to 1878Major General von Bonin1878 to 1881Major General von der Esch1881 to 1884Major General von Grolmann1884 to 1889Major General Roeder von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1891Major General von Grolmann1891Major General von Diersburg1881 to 1889Major General von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1893Major General von Diersburg1889 to 1891Major General von Rantzau1891 to 1893Major General von Plessen1893 to 1897General Major from Janson1897 to 1900General Major from Hugo1900 to 1902General Major Lölhöffel from Löwensprung1902 to 1906General Major from Hoffmeister1906 to 1910General Major from Schack1910 to 1912General Major from Omptedaab 1912General Major Knight and Noble von Oetinger.The 57th Infantry Brigade emerged on 01.07.1871 from the former 3rd Baden Infantry Brigade. The infantry regiments 113 and 114 were subject to it. The official seat was in Freiburg.The commanders were:1871Generalmajor Keller1871 to 1873Generalmajor von Weller1873 to 1880Generalmajor von Falkenhausen1880 to 1885Generalmajor von Ditfurth1885 to 1889Generalmajor von Gerhardt1889 to 1890Generalmajor Ziegler1890 to 1893Generalmajor von Fischer-Treuenfeld1893 to 1897 Major-General from Mülbe1897 to 1899 Major-General from Braunschweig1899 to 1901 Major-General from Fallois1901 to 1905 Major-General from Kutzen1905 to 1907 Major General of Tresckow1907 to 1910 Major General Marshal of Sulicki1910 to 1911 Major General of Winckler1911 to 1914 Major General of Kehlerab 1914 Major General of Trotta.The 58th Infantry Brigade was built on 01.07.1871. The infantry regiments 112 and 142 were subject to it. The official seat was in Mulhouse in Alsace. The commanders were:1871 to 1878major General from Sell1878 to 1881major General from Boehn1881 to 1887major General from Reibnitz1887 to 1888major General from Prittwitz and Gaffron1888 to 1890major General from Westernhagen1890 to 1892major General Girschner1892 to 1896major General Berger1896 to 1898major Bock General from Wülfingen1898 to 1899major General Köpke1899 to 1902General Major from Voigt1902 to 1904General Major Nethe1904 to 1906General Major Birnbaum1906 to 1908General Major from Eberstein1908 to 1910General Major from Deimling1910 to 1911General Major from Ompteda1911 to 1912General Major from Schmundt1912 to 1913General Major from Bodungenab 1913General Major Stenger. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained at the processing offices of various infantry regiments. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the settlement agencies were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which after the end of the Second World War took over the administration of the holdings of the Stuttgart Army Archives, handed over the records of the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives in Karlsruhe between 1947 and 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). These documents have been handed down in the inventory 456 F 120 fascicles 24 to 29. The inventory comprises 16 fascicles with a circumference of 0.40 running meters. References: Deutsche Militärgeschichte in sechs Volände 1648-1939, ed. by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983 Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368 Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, p. 135-138 Ranking list of the Royal Prussian Army and the XIII Royal Württemberg Army Corps 1871 to 1914. Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (publication of the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 11 · Fonds · 1914-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Division history: The 28th Infantry Division was set up on 01.07.1871 in the XIV Army Corps. At the beginning of the war, the division belonged to the General Command of the XIV Army Corps, analogous to the peace organization. It was responsible for the 55th and 56th Infantry Brigades, the 28th Field Artillery Brigade, the Hunter Regiment on Horse No. 5 and the 2nd and 3rd Company of Pioneer Battalion No. 14. From May 1919 the 28th Infantry Division formed the Resolution Staff 53.The infantry divisions were the lowest command authorities, which had a general staff. The commanding generals were: Lieutenant General Kurt von Kehler since the beginning of the war to 10.01.1915 Major General Franz von Trotta called Treyden11.01.1915 to 07.07.1916 Major General Hermann Heidborn08.07.1916 to 19.08.1916 Lieutenant General Felix Langer19.08.1916 to 18.02.1918 Major General Hans von Wolff19.02.1918 (Illness)Major General Kurt Prinz von Buchau20.02.1918 to 29.05.1918 Major General Gustav Böhm 31.05.1918 to 12.06.1918 Major General Emil Hell13.06.1918 to 06.09.1918 Major General Rudolf from the East07.09.1918 until the demobilisation.In the Free State of Baden the new formation of the Baden People's Army began on 13 January 1919 with the acceptance of volunteers. As a reaction to the so-called "Spartacus Uprising" in February 1919, the Reich and Badische Volksregierung had further voluntary associations set up at all units in addition to the existing voluntary formations. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained at the processing office of the Leib-Grenadier-Regiment 109. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps began, in which the archives of the processing offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archive Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 381 fascicles with a circumference of 11.50 linear metres are included in the holdings. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 25 · Fonds · 1914-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Brigade Staff: At the beginning of the war, the 84th Brigade belonged to the 29th Infantry Division. The infantry regiments 169 and 170 were subject to it. From March 1915 the staff was separated from the above-mentioned association and used for the formation of the staff of the 104th Infantry Brigade. After the end of the war the mobile staffs took over the tasks of the dissolving deputy units, the deputy command was again given the designation 84th Infantry Brigade. In May 1919, the Brigade Staff was used to form Resolution Staff 55. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the settlement office of the Infantry Regiment 169. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps began, in which the archives of the settlement offices were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 26 fascicles with a circumference of 0.60 linear metres are included in the holdings. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 30/1 · Fonds · 1917-1918, Vorakten ab 1914
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: At the beginning of the First World War, the German field army was divided into nine armies according to the mobilization plans, seven of which marched on the German western border, the eighth in East Prussia. The Supreme Army Command (OHL) already had to learn in the first months of the war that the original concept of the leadership - direct instructions to the army high commandos under its command - led to considerable frictional losses due to the increase in the mass of troops. Early on, army groups were set up as distinct intermediate instances of the higher leadership in order to subject the military administrative tasks to central completion in addition to the uniform conduct of operations. On 25 February 1917, the Württemberg War Ministry was given the order to set up a new army group under the supreme command of Duke Albrecht of Württemberg, the previous commander-in-chief of the 4th Army. Like the other three army groups in the West, "Crown Prince of Bavaria", "German Crown Prince" and "Gallwitz", it was intended to facilitate the organisational preparation and implementation of the major planned Western offensives. With the establishment of the Herzog Albrecht Army Group, the Army Divisions A and B operating in the southern part of the Western Front were merged with the fortresses of Metz and Strasbourg, which had previously been under the control of the German Crown Prince Army Group, and placed under the control of the new Army Group. It thus encompassed an area from the Swiss border in the south via the almost unchanged frontal course in the Sundgau and the Vosges Ridge, which had remained virtually unchanged since August 1914, along the Franco-German border to the area of Pont-à-Mousson. The command area is almost identical with the Alsace-Lorraine Reichslanden, which had been incorporated into the German Reich since 1871. Strasbourg became the seat of the High Command of the Army Group, and the head of the General Staff of the Royal Bavarian Army. Lieutenant General Krafft v. Dellmendingen, previously Commanding General of the German Alpine Corps, was appointed. From September 9, 1917, the Colonel i. G. Heye took office as his successor. The subordination of the individual units was regulated by the regulation "Subordination of the Army Forces of the West", 1917, issued by the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army (cf. After the conclusion of the armistice agreements and the associated demobilization, the High Command of the now Army Group D moved its headquarters to Freudenstadt with a subcommand in Durlach/Karlsruhe. In the spring of 1919, both the Army Group and its descendants were finally dissolved, and the files were transferred from the Heilbronn branch of the Reich Archive to the Stuttgart branch of the Reich Archive. In September 1921, even before even a cursory list was drawn up by the military officers working there, parts of the holdings - above all the documents on the "Vaterländischen Unterricht" (fatherland instruction), on the reconnaissance of the troops and on the defence against "American propaganda" - were sent to the Reichsarchiv Potsdam, where they apparently became a pillage of flames together with the rest of the archive during the last days of World War II. In 1923 and 1924, the holdings were recorded for the first time in a list at the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart.1931 large parts of the holdings were temporarily transferred to the Heeresarchiv Potsdam; however, they were not completely returned to the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, as the Reichsarchiv branch had been called since 1936. For the holdings of the Herzog Albrecht Army Group, only the listing of the archival records from 1923/24 was available as an archival finding aid. It by no means met the requirements placed on modern archive finding aids, especially as it had become unclear and hardly usable due to numerous entries. In the months of May 1988 - March 1989, therefore, a comprehensive new indexing and first structuring of the existing archive holdings took place. Its new formation was based on the business distribution plan of the Supreme Command of the Army Group of 15 October 1917 (cf. Bü 346). Within the individual departments, a factual order was carried out by the processor. A few foreign provenances were separated and included in the corresponding holdings of the Stuttgart Military Archives. A concordance between the new order number and the old tuft number in the previous file index allows the retrieval of already cited archival documents. The present finding aid book was completed with the help of the MIDOSA program package of the State Archive Administration Baden-Württemberg in Karlsruhe in the months of August 1990 to March 1991. The stock now comprises 377 order numbers in 15.1 linear metres. The index refers to the order numbers, i.e. the sequence of title entries in the present Findbuch.Karlsruhe, April 1991Kurt Hochstuhl

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 82 · Fonds · 1913-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Formation history: The Baden artillery brigade set up on 01.07.1871 was renamed to 14th field artillery brigade on 18.07.1872. It received on 01.10.1899 the new designation 28. field artillery brigade. The field artillery regiments 14 and 50 were assigned to it, and in February 1917 the higher artillery command was reorganized. The previous staffs of the field artillery brigades were dissolved and an artillery commander was formed for each division as commander of the entire artillery belonging to and assigned to it. As a result of this reorganization, on 28.02.1917 the association received the designation Artillery Commander 28. The commanders of the formation were: Mobilisation until 24.12.1914 Major General Siegfried Fabarius24.12.1914 until 27.10.1917 Major General Karl von Herff28.10.1917 until 23.05.1918 Lieutenant Colonel Richard von Laer23.05.1918 until 16.02.1919 Lieutenant Colonel Ludwig Bissinger.The unit was subject to the following higher staffs during the war: mobilisation until 04.10.191628. Infantry Division04.10.1916 until 04.11.191611. Reserve Division04.11.1916 until 03.07.191828. Infantry Division03.07.1918 until 04.07.191887. Infantry Division05.07.1918 until the end of the war28. The formation participated in the following battles:09.08.1914 to 10.08.1914Fights near Sennheim and Mulhouse20.08.1914 to 22.08.1914Battle in Lorraine23.08.1914 to 14.09.1914Battle near Nancy ¿ Epinal15.09.1914 to 30.09.1914Fights near Flirey13.10.1914 to 08.05.1915Position fights in French Flanders and in Artois14.10.1914 to 24.12.1914Battle in French Flanders14.01.1915 to 21.01.1915Battle at the Loretto height03.03.1915 to 08.03.1915Battle at the Loretto height15.03.1915 to 24.03.1915Battle at Ablain15.04.1915Battle at Ablain09.05.1915 to 13.06.1915Battle at La Bassée ¿ Arras15.06.1915 to 16.07.1916Position fights in the Champagne23.07.1916 to 04.11.1916Battle at the Somme06.11.1916 to 24.01.1917Position fights in the Champagne25.01.1917 to 11.08.1917Position fights before Verdun12.08.1917 to 17.09.1917Defensive Battle at Verdun29.09.1917 to 23.10.1917Positional Battles in Upper Alsace29.10.1917 to 02.11.1917Fighting at the Ailette03.11.1917 to 24.11.1917Positional Battles at the Ailette25.11.1917 to 29.11.1917Battle at Cambrai30.11.1917 to 05.12.1917Assault Battle at Cambrai20.01.1918 to 19.02.1918Position fights in the Champagne20.02.1918 to 20.03.1918rest period behind the 18th army21.02.1918 to 06.04.1918Great battle in France07.04.1918 to 22.04.1918Fights at the Avre near Montdidier and Noyon27.05.1918 to 13.06.1918Battle at Soissons ¿ Reims27.05.1918Storming of the heights of the Chemin des Dames28.05.1918 to 01.06.1918Chase fights between Oise and Aisne and over the Vesle to Marne14.06.1918 to 04.07.1918Position fights between Oise, Aisne and Marne05.07.1918 to 07.07.1918Position fights between Aisne and Marne08.07.1918 to 17.07.1918Position fights west of Soissons18.07.1918 to 25.07.1918Defensive battle between Soissons and Reims26.07.1918 to 30.07.1918rest period behind the 7th army31.07.1918 to 30.08.1918Position fights in the Champagne01.09.1918 to 14.09.1918Position fights at Reims15.09.1918 to 26.09.1918Position fights in the Woëvre plain and west of the Mosel27.09.1918 to 04.10.1918Defensive battle in the Champagne and at the Maas05.10.1918 to 06.11.1918Defensive battle between Argonne and Maas07.11.1918 to 11.11.1918Deployment of the occupied territory and march to the homeland. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the Field Artillery Regiment 14. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the processing centres were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 161 fascicles with a circumference of 4.50 linear metres are included. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32124 · File · 1909-1910
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

without foliation, Contains among other things: - Letter of thanks from Colonel General Colmar von der Goltz dated 25 December 1910 for his appointment as representative of the sick Chief of the Army General Staff for leading the emperor's manoeuvre in 1910 - celebration of the nailing and consecration on 1 January 1911 in the armoury of the hunter regiment on horse no. 6 standards to be awarded, 1910 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the inauguration of the chapel of the Kadettenhaus in Potsdam, 1910 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the centenary of the Kriegsakademie, 1910 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the inauguration of the service building of the Reich Military Court, 1910 - Conduction of the festivities on the occasion of the 14th anniversary of the inauguration of the Kadettenhaus in Potsdam August 1910 in Kassel, 1910 - Granting of a subsidy of 500 Marks from the Allerhöchsten Dispsitionsfonds at the Reichshauptkasse to [Adda] Freifrau von Liliencron, née Freiin von Wrangel in Posen for the establishment of libraries for the southwest African Schutztruppe, 1910 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the 26. The awarding of orders and decorations on the occasion of the inauguration of the new building of the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy for Military Medical Education, 1910 - Programme of the inauguration ceremony of the new building for the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy for Military Medical Education in Berlin, Invalidenstraße 48/49, on Friday, 10 June 1910. June 1910 - Programme for the centenary of the War Academy on Saturday, October 15, 1910 in Berlin - Award of Orders and Decorations on the occasion of the centenary of the Guard Pioneer Battalion, 1910 - Programme (A. In good weather! B. In bad weather!) for the centenary of the Guard Pioneer Battalion on Saturday, October 12, 1910 - Programme (A. In good weather! B. In bad weather!) for the centenary of the Guard Pioneer Battalion on Saturday, October 12, 1910 - Programme for the centenary of the Guard Pioneer Battalion on Saturday, October 15, 1910 - Programme (A. In good weather! B. In bad weather!) for the centenary of the Guard Pioneer Battal on Saturday, October 12, 1910 - Programme (A. In good weather!) February 1910 in Berlin - Program for the 100-year commemoration of the eleven Schill officers shot in Wesel on September 16, 1809 on Friday, September 24, 1909, in Wesel - admission of the son of Carl von Vegesack in Obsendorf for the examination to ensign, 1909 - award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the centenary of the Ulanen regiment "Emperor Alexander II. von Rußland" (1. Brandenburgisches) No. 3, 1909 - Admission of the son of Andrea Caminneci in Bonn for the examination to the ensign, 1909 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the centenary of the artillery examination commission, 1909 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4. Erich Rieck-Eggebert in Poganitz on the occasion of the centenary of the Braunschweig Hussar Regiment No. 17, 1909 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the centenary of the 1st Nassau Infantry Regiment No. 87, 1909.

BArch, NS 22/1046 · File · 1927-1932
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disputes within the Gau area, party exclusions, suspensions from office, complaints against the Gau administration, 1928-1932 leave of absence of the Gau director Emil Holtz in connection with press attacks directed against him, 1930 complaint of the Gau director Dr. Schlange against the SPD town councillor Dr. Müller, Potsdam, 1930 Organization of the Gauleitung, directory of the district leaders, standards of the SA Brandenburg - Circular I/1929 of the Gauleitung - 1929 Conflicts of competence between the Gauleitung and SA offices, 1929 Criticism of the Reichstag delegate Dr. Everling on "disturbances" in the "national front" 1931 Cooperation with the German National People's Party and the steel helmet for tactical reasons, endorsement by Gregor Strasser, head of the Reichsorganisations, 1931 application of the local group leader of Neubabelsberg for the foundation of a "Reichsbund Nationalsozialistischer Kolonialfreunde", 1932 The National Socialist young girlhood as competitor of the Bund Deutscher Mädel, 1932 Gauleiter Dr. Schlange an Röhm because of separation of the SA-Brandenburg from the SA-Berlin, 1932 Gauleiter Dr. Schlange an Röhm because of separation of the SA-Brandenburg from the SA-Berlin, 1931

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2389 · File · 1885-1922
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Living with the Curtius family in Strasbourg and Heidelberg; [Johann Jakob] Jaus, missionary of the Basel Mission in Kalkultta (5.6.1916); painting for war-damaged (23.10.1916 et al.); Swiss attitude towards Germany (9.8.1919)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2522 · File · 21. September 1906-1912
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: English colonial politics (25.3.1907 and others); criticism of the imperial administration in Alsace-Lorraine (17.6.1907); Hedwig von Gemmingen, née Scipio [wife of the district president Karl von Gemmingen-Hornberg] (26.6.1907); public attacks on Friedrich Curtius, his role in Alsace (5.7.1907) Darin: Kondolenz des Generalsekretärs des Badischen Frauenvereins, [Ernst] Müller, zum Tod der Gräfin (1912)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 G 1 · Fonds · 1918-1923
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Transit camps: The stock contains the release certificates of the German prisoners of war returning home via the transit camps in alphabetical order. Inventory history: From January 1920 onwards, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the settlement agencies were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 18,784 fascicles with a circumference of 9.50 linear metres are included in the holdings.

Wolfgang Zielke, Consul 1967-1969 and Head of the Consulate General of the German Democratic Republic in Tanzania 1977-1979, bequeathed his collection of books on Africa's contemporary history to the ZMO in 2012. From 1952 to 1955, Wolfgang Zielke had studied foreign policy at the Academy of Political and Legal Sciences in Potsdam-Babelsberg. He then worked in the GDR Foreign Ministry as an attaché at the embassy in North Korea, as embassy secretary in the People's Republic of China, Uganda, Ghana, as a legation counsellor and head of the trade mission in Gambia. After the fall of communism, he finally worked as an education officer for African affairs in the social sector until 2003. Wolfgang Zielke is a member of the Association for International Law and Politics (Author: Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Bibliothek, Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V.).

Falkenhayn, Erich of
BArch, N 2069 · Fonds · 1914-1922
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Born on 11 September 1861 in Burg Belchau (district of Graudenz / West Prussia); died on 8 April 1922 in Schloss Lindstedt near Potsdam. Citation style: BArch, N 2069/...

Falkenhayn, Erich von

Foreword: History of the registry sculptor The teaching of forestry in Prussia was already given before the founding of the university in Berlin. This took place first in the context of the mountain academy. After the foundation of the Berlin University in 1810 G.L. Hartig continued the teaching. It was not until 1821 that the "Forst-Akademie Berlin" was founded. This institution, which was headed by the former Professor F.W.L. Pfeil, did not belong to the university, but was a "special institute" associated with the university. Since, however, the practical training in Berlin came too short, after negotiations with Wilhelm v. Humboldt, it was achieved that the Ministry for Spiritual, Teaching, and Medical Affairs (Kultus-Ministerium) ordered the relocation of the institution to Eberswalde. On May 1, 1830, teaching began in Eberswalde, initially as the "Höhere Forst-Lehr-Anstalt". The aim of the training was to qualify as a forestry administration service. The institution was headed by a director. In 1868, under Danckelmann's leadership, who was primarily committed to the development of the natural sciences, the former forestry academy was renamed the "Forst-Akademie". The subordination of the Forst-Akademie changed several times. When the Lehr-Anstalt was founded, the administration of domains and forests was subordinated to the Prussian Ministry of Finance. In 1835 this administration came into the business area of the "Ministry of the Royal House". Since 1848 the Ministry of Finance was again responsible. From the year 1878 on the Prussia was now. Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests. This subordination lasted until 1933, when the Prussian State Forestry Administration was spun off from the Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests and directly subordinated to the Prussian Prime Minister. In March 1935, the State Forestry Office was merged with the Reich Forestry Office founded in 1934 and now bore the designation "Reich Forestry Office and Prussian State Forestry Office". Supervision of the Eberswalde Forestry University fell within the remit of the State Forestry Office. In 1921, the former Forestry Academy was granted the status of a university with a rectorate constitution. At the same time, she was granted the right of doctorate and postdoctoral lecturing qualification. In June 1939, the Reich Minister for Science, Education and National Education took over the supervision of teaching, while the Reich Forestry Office remained responsible for research matters. The first statutes date back to 1884. After that it was the task of the Forestry Academy to train candidates for service in the state administration scientifically and practically. The Minister for Agriculture, Domains and Forestry appointed a course gate, usually the respective Oberlandforstmeister, later State Secretary in the Reich Forestry Office, who was in charge of the direct supervision of the Forestry Academy. The Director was responsible for the management of the Academy. The appointments of the professors were made by the Minister. These "provisions" were reworded in 1908 as "Statutes". After the previous Forest Academy was converted into the "Forstliche Hochschule" in 1921, the new version of the statutes had become necessary. The Prussian. The State Ministry issued the "Statutes of the Eberswalde and Hann. Münden Forestry University" on 17 Oct. 1922. These statutes remained in force until 1945, apart from a few amendments. The educational goal of the university remained the training of cadres for the Prussian state forest administration. The institution of the curator also remained. The management bodies were active: The Rector The College of Professors; The Faculty. The Rector was elected for 1 year by the College of Professors. He was in charge of the university and was also responsible for the administration. The teaching areas, which served the education of the students, were led by professors, but were administratively under the control of the government forestry offices (with the government presidents). While the existing experimental departments were integrated into the new university, the "Forstl. Department" as Prussia. Forstl. Versuchsanstalt" from 1.4.1923 into the area of the Ministry. In 1930, when the 100th anniversary of Forstl. college, the following institutes were available: Silviculture (Prof. Dengler) Meteorologist (Prof. J. Bartels) Wood research (Prof. Schwalbe) Soil science (Prof. Albert) Botany (Prof. Noack) Zoology (Prof. Eckstein, Wolff) Seed testing centre (Prof. Schmidt). In 1934 the wood research institute was spun off from the university. As the "Reichs-Anstalt für Holzforschung" it was directly subordinated to the Reich Forestry Office. In 1945 the Forstl. University the following institutes: Meteorological-physical. Institute (Prof. Geiger) Chemical Institute (Prof. Trénel) Institute of Soil Science (Prof. Wittlich) Botanical Institute (Prof. Liese) Zoological Institute (Prof. Schwerdtfeger) Fisheries Institute (Prof. Schäperclaus) Institute of Forest Science (Prof. Hesmer) Institute of Silviculture Technology (Prof. Hesmer) Krahl-Urban) Institute for Forest Seed Science and Reproduction Breeding (Prof. Schmidt) Institute for Forest Establishment (Prof. Kohl) Institute for Forest Use and Labor (Prof. Hilf) Institute for Forest Policy and Business Administration (Prof. Lemmel). In addition to the aforementioned training areas, there were also training facilities: the Harz Office of the Reich Forester, the kiln and a sawmill. Due to the total collapse of the fascist state, the teaching activities in Eberwalde were also stopped for the time being. By Order No. 107 of the SMAD of 8 Apr. 1946, Forstl. Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences as a forestry faculty of the University of Berlin. Registratur,- u. Bestands-Geschichte I. Registratur-Verhältnisse: There is no information available about the structure and development of the registry of the Eberswalde Forestry Academy. There is only one regulation on the course of business, which mainly determined the course of documents from receipt to completion of processing. This "regulatory" also prescribed the layout of expiring documents and their treatment by the registry. There can be no doubt that at least until the introduction of the new registry at Forstl. Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences. The order of the registries was based on signatures, whereby the main groups were identified by Roman numerals and the individual file units by Arabic numerals. This results in the following registry scheme: I, No. 1-53: Organisation of the Forest Service (Forstl. University, teaching and research, celebrations and festivities, doctorates and habilitations. II, No. 2-15: Land, building and construction matters. III, No. 1-10: Budget, - and accounting. IV, No. 1-4: Collection and library matters. Exhibitions. V., No. 1: Admission of students. VI: Examination matters. X: Personnel matters. The registry scheme introduced in 1939 was reconstructed as follows on the basis of the existing file units: 0: Basic 1: Budget and accounting (basic); 2: Library matters; 3: Personnel matters: 4: Teaching and teaching; 5: Examination matters; 6: Celebrations and festivities; 7: Property, construction, budget matters; 8: Research and institute matters; 9: Employment of forestry officials. These main groups were extended to a two-digit and three-digit system. This order could essentially be maintained, since it was set up according to an order scheme which was applied during the time of the existence of the Forstl. University remained unchanged. (§ 61 O.V.G.). The new registry order introduced in 1939 could also be retained, as it documents a clear inventory structure. A reorganisation was therefore not necessary. TWO. Access: On Dec. 14, 1961, on the occasion of an inspection by the former Faculty of Forestry in Eberswalde, it was determined that there were approx. 6-7 running metres of forest on the floor of the administration building. files from the years before 1945. They were Forstl files. Eberswalde University of Applied Sciences from the years 1830-1945. According to the overview obtained at that time, the existing stock was already very incomplete. An immediate backup of the still existing files was maintained as necessary and the rectorate was suggested to transfer them to the archive as soon as possible. The faculty management initially objected to the levy. At the beginning of Jan. 1962, the rectorate decided that the files should be sent to the Humboldt University archives, unless special reasons were put forward for their stay in Eberswalde. In July 1962, the Dean of the Faculty was asked by the Rectorate to arrange for the files to be transferred to the archives. In the meantime, the decision had been made to dissolve the faculty in Eberswalde. This delayed the handover again. A discussion held in Eberswalde showed that the forestry institute of the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which took over the continuation of the research affairs in Eberswalde, wanted to take over the existing file material. In April 1963, the State Secretariat for Higher Education decided, on the basis of a report by the university management, that the files in question should be sent to the Humboldt University archives. The final takeover then took place in September 1963. III. Archival processing: The transfer of the file units had been carried out with a list of files. Since on almost all files registry signatures were present, after the storage possibility was created, the existence was initially pre-ordered by the Koll. Rambeau and at the same time worthless written material (.v.a. voucher material) was separated out. For preliminary orientation, a registry scheme was drawn up from which it was possible to determine without difficulty the structure of the then registry according to main groups. At the recording, which was carried out in the months October to December 1965 by the head of the archive, colleague Kossack, two registration layers could be determined. The older registry order, marked with the Roman numbers I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and X, was kept until about Nov. 1939, as was evident from the file management. From November 1939 a 3-digit file plan with the main groups 0-9 was introduced. This document, which was taken from the document containers and bundled in disorder, had to be sorted according to the existing signatures and new files had to be created. Since some fileplan items contain only one activity, in some cases several subjects have been grouped together in one document container. The "extended indexing" (§ 87 OVG.) was applied to the indexing of the holdings in order to ensure the most intensive possible indexing of the file units. This was regarded as all the more necessary as the total stock was very incomplete. The group listing (§ 91 OVG.) took place in the cases "Bibliotheks-Angelegenheiten" and "Aufnahme der Zöglinge". Both registry layers were regarded as the basis for the creation of partial inventories, with reference notes being made for the corresponding file units. (§ 62 OVG). The existing personnel files were listed individually at the end of the inventory. A name, - u. Sach-Register is supposed to facilitate the finding of the archives for the user. Sources, - and literature reference I. Unprinted sources: University Archive of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Forstl. Hochschule Eberswalde: Hand File Archive No.299. II. Printed Sources: Handbook on the Prussian State for the Year 1935, 139th Edition, Partial Edition II, Berlin 1935 Overview of the holdings of the Geheimen Staats-Archiv zu Berlin-Dahlem, issue 24 of the Mitteilungen der Preußischen Archivverwaltung by Dr. E. Müller and Dr. E. Posener, Berlin 1934. III. Literature: Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, supplement to the anniversary course 1959/60. Note: OVG = Ordnungs,- u. Verzeichnungs-Grundsätze für die staatlichen Archive der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, published by the Staatl. Archivverwaltung, Potsdam 1964. Citation method: HU UA, Eberswalde Forestry College.01, No. XXX. HU UA, FHE.01, No. XXX.

BArch, R 8030/156 · File · Nov. 1912-Mai 1914
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Activity report of Flugmaschine Wright Gesellschaft mbH from June 1911 to June 1912; questionnaire of the Potsdam Chamber of Commerce, Berlin, for the purpose of preparing the annual report for 1913; implementing provisions for the contract with the flight students; Walter Fröbus: Flug Berlin-Petersburg im Wright-Apparat. In: German Aeronautical Magazine, Official Gazette of the German Aeronautical Association. Special print. born 1912, no. 18-20. Berlin 1912; correspondence of the Luftfahrzeug-Gesellschaft mbH about aircraft for and flight expedition in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a; contract with the R e i c h s k o l o n i a m t for experiments in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s a f r i k a; endurance flight world record Bruno Langer

Received reply from Count Clemens Droste on Vischering, who is relying heavily on the continued cooperation of Arenberg and Bachem. Arenberg will not continue to do this, "because he can do a bit of work very well. Thank you for the bishop's address. He also received a telegram from Dr Karl Hespers. In the evening Arenberg is ordered to dinner with Cardinal Georg Kopp, "who is ordered to Potsdam for breakfast today. On Saturday he is in Berlin for the board meeting of the Kolonialgesellschaft, where a petition damaging the Catholics has to be averted. Persons and corporations involved: Arenberg, Franz Prinz von (1849-1907), diplomat, member of the Prussian House of Representatives and the Reichstag, Zentrumspartei.Droste zu Vischering, Clemens Heidenreich (1832-1923), Prussian landowner, Reichstag deputy, Zentrumspartei.Hespers, Franz Karl (1846-1915), cathedral capitular in Cologne, long-time chairman of the Afrika-Verein deutscher Katholiken.Kopp, Georg (1837-1914), bishop of Fulda 1881-1887, prince-bishop of Breslau 1887-1914, member of the Prussian manor.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 7 · Fonds · 1913-1920
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Corps History: The Corps was established according to the mobilization plan in August 1914 and disbanded during the demobilization in 1918. At the beginning of the war, the corps was subordinated to the 7th Army and divided into two reserve divisions (26th and 28th reserve divisions). During the war it was used only on the western theater of war. The structure of the corps staffs was the same everywhere at the beginning of the war. The Commanding General was assisted by a Chief of the General Staff as co-responsible advisor and superior of all organs of the Staff. The staffs were divided into the General Staff Division I (I a leadership, I b rear services, I c enemy position), Adjutantur II (II a officer's personnel, II b personal service at the General, II c team substitute and horse affairs), Feldjustiz III, Intendantur- und Kassenwesen IV a, Sanitätswesen IV b, Veterinärwesen IV c, Militärseelsorge IV d, Feldpost, Kommandant des Hauptquartiers und Feldgendarmerie. The commanding generals of the XIV Reserve Corps during the war were: General of Artillery Richard von Schubert02.08.1914 to 13.09.1914, Lieutenant General Hermann von Stein14.09.1914 to 28.10.1916, Lieutenant General Georg Fuchs 28.10.1916 to 11.03.1917,Lieutenant General Otto von Moser11.03.1917 to 07.02.1918,Lieutenant General Arthur von Lindequist08.02.1918 to 14.06.1918,Lieutenant General Richard Wellmann15.06.1918 to 23.08.1918,General der Infanterie Kurt von Morgen24.08.1918 bis zur Demobilmachung..In the Free State of Baden the new formation of the Baden People's Army began on 13 January 1919 with the acceptance of volunteers. As a reaction to the so-called "Spartacus Uprising" in February 1919, the Reich and Badische Volksregierung had further voluntary associations set up at all units in addition to the existing voluntary formations. Inventory history: After the end of the war, the files remained with the General Command of the XIV Army Corps. From January 1920, the establishment of an archive of the XIV Army Corps was begun, in which the archives of the settlement agencies were brought together. In autumn 1920 the corps archive moved to the infantry barracks in Heilbronn. From January 1921, the Corps Archives entered the portfolio of the Reich Ministry of the Interior under the name Aktenverwaltung XIV, before being incorporated into the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam as the Heilbronn archive branch on April 1, 1921. As a result of the merger of the Heilbronn and Stuttgart branches of the Reich Archives, the holdings were transferred to Stuttgart in 1924. The Württembergische Archivdirektion, which took over the administration of the holdings of the Army Archives Stuttgart after the end of the Second World War, handed over the XIV Army Corps to the General State Archives Karlsruhe in the years 1947 to 1949. A very detailed history of the holdings is contained in the foreword of the Deputy General Command of the XIV Army Corps (holdings 456 F 8). 848 fascicles with a circumference of 21.25 linear metres are included in the holdings. References: Die Badener im Weltkrieg 1914/18, edited by Wilhelm Müller-Loebnitz, Karlsruhe 1935.German Military History in six volumes 1648-1939, edited by the Militärgeschichtlichen Forschungsamt Freiburg, Munich 1983.Fenske, Hans: Die Verwaltung im Ersten Weltkrieg, in: Deutsche Verwaltungsgeschichte, vol. 3, Stuttgart 1984, p. 866-908.Fischer, Joachim: Zehn Jahre Militärarchiv des Hauptstaatsarchivs Stuttgart, in: Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte 37 (1978), p. 362-368.Jäger, Harald: Das militärische Archivgut in der Bundesrepublik für die Zeit von 1871 bis 1919, in: Militärgeschichtliche Mitteilungen 1968/2, S. 135-138.Overview of the holdings of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, edited by Joachim Fischer (published by the Staatliche Archivverwaltung Baden-Württemberg, vol. 31), Stuttgart 1983.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Solger, F., Nr. 32 · File · 1908 - 1960
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: - Yearbook of the Royal Prussia. Geologische Landesanstalt (special print): Löss und Schwarzerde in der Gegend von Köthen (Anhalt) v. O.v. Linstow, 1908 - - Handbuch der regionalen Geologie (Beginning of publication) Mitteilungen der Herausgeber an die Mitarbeiter, 1910 - - Mittelafrika in Karten (Zeitungsartikel) von Prof. Hans Meyer, 1917 - - An important discovery in South Palestine; presentation in a newspaper of the lecturer Dr. J. Bayer, 1918 - - Library of Geographical Handbooks (special print): The Geographical Seminar at the Vienna Teachers' Academy by Anton Becker (dedicated to Albrecht Penck), 1918 - - The Ice Giant World in the Tennengebirge (Salzburg). Short description of the management of the Association for Caveology in Salzburg, 1924 - - Elbinger Jahrbuch, about the earliest settlement of north-eastern Germany by Dr. W. La Baume (special print), 1924 - - - Etna and Vesuvius (newspaper article) by Prof. H. Reck, 1928 - - - Three publications of the Reich Office for Educational Film for University Film - a) River tapping by lecturer Dr. habil. F. Trusheim (31) - b) Geological experiments on earth crust movements and mountain formations (36) - c) Mud volcanoes and hot springs on Iceland (39), 1931-1939 - - - Three newspaper articles on: German earth history of the island Potsdam by Dr. Fr. Bestehorn, 1935 - - International Geological Congress Eighteenth Session - Great Britain First Cirkular (in preparation for the congress planned for 1940), 1938 - - - Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Welteislehre e. V., open letter to Prof. Dr. K. Hummel, Gießen, by I. G. Arnoldt (special edition), 1939 - - Arbeitsgemeinschaft nordwestdeutscher Geologen, Zusammenkunft in Soltau (v. 30.5. bis 2.6.), 1939 - - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (special edition): Das Fremdwort im geologischen Schrifttum by Prof. K. Hummel, Gießen, 1939 - - Special print from "Zur Wirtschaftsgeographie des deutschen Westens": Über das Grundprinzip der Geologie by Walter Geisler, Volk und Reich Verlag Berlin, 1939 - - - "Umschau" Die Roterde des Mittelmeergebietes by lecturer Dr. Mensching (unvollvoll), 1957 - - On the importance of the 7th Annual Conference of the Geological Society in the GDR (from 31.5. to 7.6.) On behalf of the Executive Board: R. Daber; J. Lamprecht; U. Ulbrich - - Das Geologen-Archiv von E. Haarmann (Berlin) These are detailed proposals for the creation of such an archive, no date - - Supplement: 1.) Bavarian Forest and Dachstein Mountains manuscripts to 1) v. H. Schulz and to 2) author unknown. - Alphabetical list of names: - Bayer, Jos., Lecturer Dr. - Becker, Anton Dr. (see also under A. Penck) - Bernauer, F. Prof. Dr. - Bestehorn, Friedrich, Dr. - Cloos, H. Prof. Dr. - Daber, R. (GDR) - Geisler, Walter - Haarmann, Erich - Hummel, K. Prof. Dr. - King, W. B. R., (Geological Congress) - La Baume, Wolfgang, Dr. - Lamprecht, I., (GDR) - v. Linstow, O. - Mc Lintock, W. F. B. (Geological Congress) - Mensching, H., Lecturer Dr. - Meyer, Hans, Prof. Dr. - Penck, Albrecht, Prof. Dr. (see also under Becker) - Reck, H., Prof. Dr. - Steinmann, G., Dr. Lecturer - Trusheim, F. Dr. habil. - Ulbrich, H. (GDR) - Wilckens. O., Dr. - Supplement: Hans Schulz and an Unknown Author (at the end) 1908 - 1960, Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl Solger, F. Solger, Friedrich Contains, among others: <br />- Yearbook of the Royal Prussia. Geologische Landesanstalt (special print): Löss und Schwarzerde in der Gegend von Köthen (Anhalt) v. O.v. Linstow, 1908 <br />- Handbuch der regionalen Geologie (Beginning of publication) Notices of the editors to the staff, 1910 <br />- Mittelafrika in Karten (Zeitungsartikel) von Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. H. H. H. H. Hans Meyer, 1917 <br />- An important discovery in South Palestine; presentation in a newspaper of the lecturer Dr. J. Bayer, 1918 <br />- Library of Geographical Handbooks (special print): The Geographical Seminar at the Vienna Teacher Academy by Anton Becker (dedicated to Albrecht Penck), 1918 <br />- The Ice Giant World in the Tennen Mountains (Salzburg). Short description of the management of the Verein für Höhlenkunde in Salzburg, 1924 <br />- Elbinger Jahrbuch, zur Kenntnis der frühesten Besiedelung Nordostdeutschland von Dr. W. La Baume (special print), 1924 <br />- Etna and Vesuvius (newspaper article) by Prof. H. Reck, 1928 <br />- Three publications of the Reichsstelle für den Unterrichtsfilm für den Hochschulfilm <br />a) Flusstapfung von Dozent Dr. habil. F. Trusheim (31) <br />b) Geological experiments on earth crust movements and mountain formations (36) <br />c) Mud volcanoes and hot springs on Iceland (39), 1931-1939 <br />- Three newspaper articles on: German Earth History of the Island of Potsdam by Dr. Bestehorn, 1935 <br />- International Geological Congress Eighteenth Session - Great Britain First Cirkular (in preparation for the congress scheduled for 1940), 1938 <br />- Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Welteislehre e. V., open letter to Prof. Dr. K. Hummel, Gießen, by I. G. Arnoldt (special print), 1939 <br />- Arbeitsgemeinschaft nordwestdeutscher Geologen, Zusammenkunft in Soltau (v. 30.5. bis 2.6.), 1939 <br />- Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (special print): Das Fremdwort im geologischen Schrifttum by Prof. K. Hummel, Gießen, 1939 <br />- Special print from "Zur Wirtschaftsgeographie des deutschen Westens": Über das Grundprinzip der Geologie by Walter Geisler, Volk und Reich Verlag Berlin, 1939 <br />- "Umschau" Die Roterde des Mittelmeergebietes by lecturer Dr. Mensching (unvollvoll), 1957 <br />- On the importance of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society in the GDR (from May 31 to June 7) On behalf of the Executive Committee: R. Daber; J. Lamprecht; U. Ulbrich <br />- The Geological Archive of E. Haarmann (Berlin) These are detailed proposals for the creation of such an archive, no date <br />- Supplement: 1.) Bavarian Forest and Dachstein Mountains manuscripts to 1) v. H. Schulz and to 2) author unknown. <br />Alphabetical directory of names: <br />Bayer, Jos., Lecturer Dr. <br />Becker, Anton Dr. (see also under A. Penck) <br />Bernauer, F. Prof. Dr. <br />Bestehorn, Friedrich, Dr. <br />Cloos, H. Prof. Dr. <br />Daber, R. (GDR) <br />Geisler, Walter <br />Haarmann, Erich <br />Hummel, K. Prof. Dr. <br />King, W. B. R., (Geological Congress) <br />La Baume, Wolfgang, Dr. <br />Lamprecht, I., (GDR) <br />v. Linstow, O. <br />Mc Lintock, W. F. B. (Geological Congress) <br />Mensching, H., Lecturer Dr. <br />Meyer, Hans, Prof. Dr. <br />Penck, Albrecht, Prof. Dr. (see also under Becker) <br />Reck, H., Prof. Dr. <br />Steinmann, G., Dr. Lecturer <br />Trusheim, F. Dr. habil. <br />Ulbrich, H. (DDR) <br />Wilckens. O., Dr. <br />Supplement: Hans Schulz and an unknown author (at the end).
Government of Cameroon
BArch R 175-I · Fonds · 1884-1916
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description Inventory history The entire file inventory was essentially the old file registry of the Buea governorate, which had been left there when it was evacuated in 1914. The holdings were later divided between the English administration in Buea and the French administration in Yaounde and merged in 1974 in the National Archives in Yaounde. After the evacuation of Yaounde on 1 January 1916, after the destruction of the unneeded parts, the files went to Spanish-Muni, from there via Fernando Poo to the seat of the Madrid embassy governorate. In 1919 the files were transferred to the Reichsarchiv, where a large part was destroyed as not worthy of preservation. The rest fell victim to a bombing raid on Potsdam on 20 April 1945. Thus the files kept in the National Archives in Yaounde - apart from the preserved files of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t - constitute the only official written record of the period of German colonial rule in Cameroon. Archival evaluation and processing The Federal Archives' efforts to secure and film the files stored in Cameroon from the time of the German colonial administration date back to 1970. Through the mediation of the Federal Foreign Office and the German Embassy, the Federal Archives were able to offer the Director of the National Archives in Yaounde Cameroon the opportunity to send a German archivist to Cameroon for a limited period of time in order to arrange and record the German holdings together with local staff. The project was approved on 6 August 1971. After solving various organizational, financial and personnel problems, the project was realized in 1974/75. In a subsequent phase of the project, beginning in 1983, the files were to be filmed by means of microfilm exchange, whereby the technical equipment was to be left to the National Archives, after local staff had received appropriate training during the filming campaign. The films exposed in Cameroon were developed, controlled and duplicated in the Federal Archives. The National Archives in Yaounde received a duplicate film.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Heinemann-Grüder, C. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  • Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, VI. HA, Nl Heinemann-Grüder, C.* description: - Dr. med. Curt Heinemann-Grüder (born September 5, 1880 in Erfurt, died July 10, 1958 in Berlin, married since July 28, 1917 with Ise Ina-Marie Grüder) studied medicine in Berlin after passing the Abitur examination in Erfurt. From 1903 he was a medical officer with various regiments in Thorn, Pasewalk (cuirassier regiment "Queen" 1910 - 1911) and Berlin, after a time at the surgical clinic of the University of Giessen again in Berlin, as a staff doctor at the surgical clinic of the Charité. - He participated in the First World War as a surgeon in a medical company, where he was first deployed (1914 - 1915) in a field hospital on the western front (Bapaume, Arondissement Arras, Department Pas-de-Calais) and thus in the region in which the front line between the German and Allied troops ran. - In the years 1916 to 1918 he headed the institution in Turkey, which was established on 4 July 1916 as the German local hospital Smyrna and renamed the German stage hospital Smyrna in January 1917. It was under the command of the Vth Ottoman Army. - Probably from his time in Pasewalk came his personal and partly very cordial contact to members of the imperial house. In the second half of the 1920s he repeatedly stayed at Haus Doorn and provided medical services. - At the end of the 1920s and beginning of the 1930s, he was chief physician of the Potsdam Hospital for Health Care in the rank of a senior medical council, and in the years 1931 to 1934, at the same time, managing chairman of the Association of Reich Medical Officers. After a short membership of the Luftwaffe for about one year, from which he was dismissed in 1935 due to his membership in a lodge, he worked from 1938 until May 1945 as a colonel in the III Army Corps at Hohenzollerndamm, Berlin. After that he lived as a practicing doctor in Potsdam. - During the Second World War in particular, Heinemann-Grüder was able to intervene repeatedly in the humanitarian field and help persons threatened or harassed by state organs in various ways (copies of corresponding letters of thanks to the wife and son of Heinemann-Grüder are part of the inventory file). - On 10 April 1922 Heinemann-Grüder had been admitted to the Johannis Lodge "Friedrich Wilhelm zur Morgenröte" in Berlin. The admission form with a short curriculum vitae (3 February 1922) as well as several letters of approval from lodge members regarding the application for admission can be found in the files of the Johannisloge: GStA PK, FM 5.2, B 34 Johannisloge Friedrich Wilhelm zur Morgenröte, Berlin No. 42. - During his war missions in France and Turkey, but also during his stays in Haus Doorn, Curt Heinemann-Grüder kept very detailed diary records, which were certainly seen in the context of the historiography of the First World War or the imperial family and were therefore expressly intended for posterity. This is indicated not only by the careful management, numbering and foliation (probably by subsequent stamping), but also by the corresponding indications which Curt Heinemann-Grüder had given on the intention sheets of his diaries to keep these records (and photographs) (e.g. GStA PK, VI. HA Familienarchive und Nachlässe, Nl Heinemann-Grüder Nr. 16, Nr. 37) and even individual diary entries themselves, such as "Sonntag, 13. Dezember 1914. It becomes more and more difficult to find something in the daily monotony from which one can scratch together material for a few lines. If it really comes to pass, as is now assumed here, that we will still be here in March next year, I will probably give up writing all the time" (GStA PK, VI. HA Family archives and estates, Nl Heinemann brothers no. 3, fol. 4). - After Heinemann-Grüder's death in 1958, the diaries remained in family hands for the time being. In April 2007, together with photographs and, in part, very personal letters from members of the imperial family to Curt Heinemann-Grüder, they were handed over by his son, Rev. em. Curt-Jürgen Heinemann-Grüder, Pforzheim, to the Privy State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage as a gift (exc. 14 / 07), supplemented by letters and other written material on Heinemann's activities in the Reichsmedizinalbeamtenbund (exc. 16 / 08). - Several letters from the GFM Paul von Hindenburg to Colonel (ret.) Hermann Brehme (1863-1932), a brother of Heinemann-Grüder's mother, were attached to the estate of Heinemann-Grüders. The letters, telegrams and photographs date back to 1915 and were kept in his sister's family after Breheme's death and were combined with the estate of his nephew. - The files must be ordered: - VI HA, Nl Heinemann-Grüder, C., No. ? - The files must be quoted: - GStA PK, VI. HA Family archives and estates, Nl Curt Heinemann-Grüder, No. ? - Berlin, May 24, 2007 Dr. Schnelling-Reinicke - Description of the stock - Life data: 1880 - 1958 - Search tools: Database; Find book, 1 vol.