Contains: - Moshi 1939. Certificate of Registration. Tanganyika Territory. Mrs. Mergner - Moshi 1937. Tanganyika Territory Driving Licence. Mr. Mergner - Erlangen 1947. Erlanger Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Mission Confirmation" for Mr. Mergner) - Erlangen 1948. Erlanger Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Official Certificate" for Mr. Mergner) - Munich 1948. Ev.-Landeskirchenrat ("Dauer-Dienstreisebescheinigung" for Mr. Mergner) - Erlangen 1948. Erlangen Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Arbeits-Ausweis" for Mr. Mergner) - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938.luth. mission and Mr. Mergner - Würzburg 1929: "Certificate of the examination board in Würzburg about the dental preliminary examination of the student of dentistry" for Zill - Lippstadt 1931. Ev. hospital (certificate for Mr. Mergner; 2-fold) - Ludwigslust 1931. Diakonissenkrankenhaus Stift Bethlehem (certificate for Mr. Mergner) - Leipzig 1932. Ev.luth. mission (service certificate for Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1938. Ev.-luth. mission (service certificate for Mrs and Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ev.-luth. mission (certificate for Mr Mergner; 4fold) - Hamburg 1948. social security authority. Flüchtlingsfürsorge (Bescheinigung für Herrn Mergner) - Würzburg o.J. Lebenslauf Mr Mergner (3fach) - Braunschweig 1947. Mr Mergner to the Spruchkammer der Ärzte des Staates Braunschweig - Braunschweig 1948. Denazification Committee for Doctors to the Erlanger Zentralstelle der Leipziger Mission - Würzburg 1948. The public plaintiff of Spruchkammer IV to Mr Mergner - Würzburg 1948. The public plaintiff of Spruchkammer IV ("Order"; 2-fold) - Würzburg 1948. Spruchkammer IV (Administrative fee) - Braunschweig 1948. Mr Mergner ("Affidavit" for Günther) - Darmstadt 1947. ? "('Affidavit' for Mr Mergner) - o.O. 1947. Ground staff to the Denazification Commission of the Government (concerning 'request for denazification' by Mr Mergner; with accompanying letter to Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ihmels (certificate for Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ihmels (certificate for Mr Mergner; 4 copies) - Fischbeck 1947. Kremz (certificate for Mr Mergner; 2 copies; transcripts) - Göttingen 1947 Weber (certificate for Mr Mergner; 2 copies; transcripts) - Löhne 1948 Winkelmann (declaration for Mr Mergner; 3 copies; transcripts) - Handschriftliche Zeugnisse für Mergner (transcripts?) - Baviaanspoort 1943 Mergner / Hoffmann (certificate for medical instruction for course "B") - o.O., o.J. "Supplement to the Application for Immediate Aid from Dr. Friedrich Mergner" (handwritten and typewritten) - Nürnberg-Katzwang 1979. Mergner: "Wie es zur Minderversicherung meines Alters kam" (How the Underinsurance of my Age came about) (typewritten; 6 p.)
Bacmeister, WalterForeword Forest Office Bischbrunn: Administrative history: The Forest Office Bischbrunn has its roots already in the 17th/18th century. For the area of the Spessart, a Oberförster was responsible at that time, to whom individual precinct-försters were subordinated. Bischbrunn belonged to these districts. However, after these areas came to the Kingdom of Bavaria at the beginning of the 19th century, a fundamental reorganization of the entire forestry service took place on 22.12.1821. Among other things, the Bischbrunn Forestry Office was created, but its seat was in city tents. To it belonged the districts Altenbuch, Krausenbach, Rohrbrunn, Torhaus Aurora and the municipal districts Collenberg and Michelrieth. The changes in the ruling conditions after the revolution of 1848 necessitated a new forest organisation, which came into force on 1.7.1853. The Bischbrunn Forestry Office now became the Stadtprozelten Forestry Office. With renewed reorganisation of the forestry in Bavaria, own forestry offices were created from the former hunting grounds with the execution order of 23.6.1885. The Bischbrunn forestry office was established with its external staff in the Aurora and Zwieselmühle gatehouse. After the first dissolution of the forestry office Marktheidenfeld (see Reperotrium 5.1.-58) its places Kreuzwertheim, Röttbach, Ober- und Unterwittbach, Wiebelsbach, Rettersheim, Trennfeld, Altfeld Michelrieth, Kredenbach, Esselbach, Glasofen, Marienbrunn, Hafenlohr and Windheim were placed under the administration of the forestry office Bischbrunn. This forestry office existed until the forest reform of 1973. 1974 it was finally dissolved and its area of responsibility was subordinated to the forestry office of Marktheidenfeld, whereby the forestry office of Marktheidenfeld, re-established in 1973, for a short time (until 1.3.1975) even bore the name "Forstamt Bischbrunn mit dem Sitz in Marktheidenfeld" (see chronicle of the forestry office of Marktheidenfeld 1885 - 1985). Only with the final renaming in forestry office Marktheidenfeld there was no more forestry office Bischbrunn. A large part of the Spessart Game Park also belonged to his territory, which was created as early as the 18th century for the hunting care of the authorities and was only finally abolished around 1945. Its care and administration, which were not unproblematic, were the responsibility of the forestry office. Inventory formation: Some of the existing older files were already begun in the administration of the Bischbrunn district before the establishment of the forestry office and then continued at the forestry office. However, they all end in 1974. Hardly any files were kept at the forestry office in Marktheidenfeld. A file repertory has been preserved for the older files. All files available here, which were completed before the introduction of the standard file plan of the forest administration (1953), were assigned to this old file plan. The more recent transactions have been adapted to the unit file plan. to the State Archives: The files were largely taken over by the State Archives from the Marktheidenfeld Forestry Office in 2005. Of course, earlier smaller file duties were incorporated. Instructions for use: The files were divided into two groups, those which could be assigned to the older file plan and those which could be assigned to the unit file plan. In the case of research, the finding aids of the forestry office (ä.O.) Stadtprozelten with its associated districts and those of the forestry office Marktheidenfeld should be consulted in any case. In the registers, only the locations were taken into account to a large extent. Many keywords result from the headings of the file plans, which are in each case prebound. Würzburg, December 2008 Barbara Hellmann
Contains: - Leipzig 1963. Ihmels (letter of thanks) - Andalusia Camp 1940. Hentschel to Ihmels (copy) - Leeuwkop Camp 1940. Tscheuschner to Lörtscher (2 copies) - o.O. 1943. Lawton, Brandt, Schmidt to friends (newsletter) - Hamburg, Dresden 1941. Freytag, Lehmann to the mission workers in the homeland (newsletter) - Munich 1953. Ev.-luth. Landeskirchenrat an Erlanger Zentralstelle der Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (impression) - Moshi o.J. Riedel an ? (telegram) - Baviaanspoort 1944. Carstens to Memmen - Marangu 1956. Njau to Gutmann (transcript) - Berlin 1937. Reich and Prussian Ministers of the Interior to Chief Presidents of the Province of Westphalia (concerning "Collection Law of 5 November 1934 ... Circular of 9 June 1937 ... unlawful church collections") - Würzburg 1942. "Wolfgang" to "father" (private) - Schwabach 1955. Private letter to parents or grandparents - o.O., o.J. ? to ? (Part of a letter?) - "Our medical mission" annual report presented at the general meeting of the Missionsärztlichen Verein zu Leipzig ... 1941 by Küchler (typewritten, 4 p.) - 122nd Annual Report of the Leipzig Mission. 16 S. (ed.) - Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (ed.): Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. n.d. 8 p. (dr.) - From the service of the Leipzig Mission. 124th Annual Report 1942/43 and 125th Annual Report 1943/44 (8 pages each, printed) - Annual Report 1940/41 of the Hotschuan-Mission e.V. 16 pages. The plough of God. Annual report 1944/45 of the Hotschuan-Mission e. V. 16 p. (dr.) - "Mission people we want to think about" 2 p. (dr.) - Freytag, W. "Look over the borders. On the state of world mission." Hamburg 1946. (printed 32 p.; copy of machine 15 p.) - Machame 1959. Schmiedel to College of the Leipzig Mission (annual report 1958; typed; 15 p.; copy) - Moshi, St.: Welcome address to the leaders of the Church in Africa and Europe who were guests in Tanganyika. 1960. 4 p. - Roever, H.: Letter from Rev. H. Roever. Perambalur, Tiruchy Dt. (S. India) o.J. 4 S. (printed) - 2 newspaper clippings (Nürnberger Stadtspiegel 1955 "Pfarrer Jaeschke nahm Abschied von Nürnberg"; "Landesmissionsfest: Aufruf zur Nächstenliebe" ohne Quellenangabe, o.J.) - "Mitteilungsblatt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Sonderaufgaben 2. Jg., No. 5/6, Munich 1947, p. 20/21 (machine copy) - Kaul, R.: Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergerschen Stenographie für Kaufleute. Dresden 1923. 74 p. (printed) - "Vorträge von Dr. Mergner aus Würzburg" 1948 - "Reiseplan" o.J. - Castell 1948 1948 - "Reiseplan für die Ärztliche Mission 1948" - "Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Ärzte in Übersee" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Abrechnung" - Sausenhofen 1948 - Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (13 pupils in grades 5-8 write about a lecture by Mergner)
Bacmeister, WalterForeword Forest Office Marktheidenfeld: Administrative history: After the Napoleonic wars, Franconia and some parts of the Kurmainz territory were assigned to the Kingdom of Bavaria. In order to create a uniform administrative basis, a comprehensive forestry organisation was carried out. The boundaries of the forestry offices were redesigned and the older forestry offices with their districts were created. The noble territories dissolved by the revolution of 1848 were subordinated to the State Forestry Administration. New state precincts emerge. The large community forest Marktheidenfeld remains with the community district Neubrunn and was not assigned to its home district, but to the forestry office Würzburg. As time went by, forest districts acquired more rights of their own. This finally prepared the foundation of the new forestry office Marktheidenfeld. After the war of 1866, the assignment of the district offices Orb and Gersfeld, these forestry offices with their districts were dissolved. As far as the latter remained with Bavaria, they came to the Lohr forestry office, which in turn ceded the Michelrieth municipal district to the Stadtprozelten forestry office. By order of 12.9.1866, the Michelrieth district was renamed and its seat moved to Marktheidenfeld. In 1868 the formation of the territory was improved: Schollbrunn was ceded and Karbach and Marktheidenfeld were taken over. By executive order of 23. 6. 1885 58 forestry offices were founded in Lower Franconia including the forestry office Marktheidenfeld. Although some minor border changes and displacements still occurred during the years, the forestry office, to which extensive community forest belonged, remained in existence until 30.4.1962 (for forestry settlement see administrative history of the forestry office Marktheidenfeld II; Rep. 5.1.-58.2). Inventory formation: The present find book mainly comprises files from the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. While few begin before 1850, others reach into the 1950s. They are arranged according to the file plan of the 19th century, which precedes the find book. Especially on older files, file numbers of earlier file plans are noted, which however can no longer be assigned exactly. Hand it over to the State Archives: The files were taken over in the course of the 2005 forest reform. Previously submitted files have been incorporated as well as municipal business plans. Instructions for use: Since the recorded files are preceded by the Forstamtsaktenplan, a subject index was dispensed with. A factual search must therefore be carried out using the file plan. A closed block of general files was recorded, the contents of which can be easily overlooked by means of the "Containment notes". In any case, the file Marktheidenfeld II should be used for research purposes. Würzburg, June 2009 Barbara Hellmann
Contains: - Würzburg 1941. Ms Mergner to "Missionary" - Würzburg 1941. Ms Mergner to "Director" - Baviaanspoort 1942. Ms Mergner to Consul for Spain (concerning "repatriation to Germany"; English) - Norton 1946. Mergner an Krems - Baviaanspoort 1940/41. Mergner an Stebut (2 letters) - Katzwang 1953. Mergner an Schieder - Baviaanspoort 1940. Mergner, Gromelski an "Director of Internment Camps" (English; copy) - o.O. (probably Baviaanspoort) 1943. Mergner to Commandant (English) - o.O., o.J. Mergner to "Chief Control Officer" (English) - Würzburg 1937. Mergner to Mühlens - Katzwang 1949. Mr Mergner to Schieder
Bacmeister, WalterContains: Financing of the Missionsärztliches Institut in Würzburg and the Tropengenesungsheim in Tübingen
Enthält u.a.: Errichtung einer Siamesischen Staatsbahn, Beteiligung an der ostasiatischen Expedition um 1900 (Boxeraufstand), Landvermessung in afrikanischen und Südseeschutzgebieten
Preface Provenance Analysis: No preface available: Collection for the analysis and recording of archival records with provenances mainly from the time of the Old Reich or non-Bavarian state administrations.
The Military Upper Commission of the Grand Duchy of Würzburg: No Foreword Available
Baden-Württemberg State Archives, Stuttgart Main State Archives Department, E 297 Military personnel records
Contains: - o.K, o.J. Letter from an African to Mr Mergner in German translation without sender - Memmingerberg 1948. Albrecht to Mr Mergner - Kumkanas 1946. v. Alvensleben to Mr Mergner - Berlin 1941, 1943/44, 1946. Working group for mission / student federation for mission (Brennecke) to Mrs Mergner or circular letter without recipient (7 letters) - Rummelsberg 1946. Bavarian association for medical mission (Olpp) to Mrs Mergner - Braunschweig, Würzburg, Rummelsberg n.d., 1948 Bavarian Association for Medical Mission (Olpp) to Mr Mergner (3 letters) - Leipzig 1942 Bock to Mr Mergner - Magdeburg, Wernigerode 1946/47 Ground Staff to Mrs Mergner (4 letters) - Braunschweig 1948/49, 1951 Ground Staff (Wollermann)
Bacmeister, Walter