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Archival description
Money collections in schools
1-21-21872-1945/1-2/201- 8778 · File · 1899 - 1937
Part of Erfurt City Archive

Includes:Flyer "Bread for Stones!"of the Missionsverein der Siongemeinde 1899, Mitteilungen aus der evangelischen Mission in Deutsch-Ostafrika 1899, Sammelbuch des Pfennigs-Vereins 1899, information booklet "Die evangelische Gemeinde Grünthal" 1899, Sammelbuch für das Samariterhaus für Kinder in Cralau bei Magdeburg 1899, Report of the German Association of Cities on collections on the occasion of the German Children's Relief Day June 24, colour print of welfare stamps 1924, information sheet of the Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland, local group Erfurt 1934, guidelines for the implementation of the school collection of 16. until 31.03.1936

Contains also: Basic papers for the foundation of a mission in East Africa - List of the different fields of work with year numberSeperat impression Nürnberger Missionsblatt 1886, 2 3 about an evang.-luth. mission in East Africa Essay Ittameier on East Africa as a mission field 1885Darin:Copies and transcripts of the history of Seifert and others on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Hersbruck mission 1886

A.11-426 · File · 1911 - 1915
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains: - 25th Annual Report of the Association for Protestant Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo for 1911 (Pages for the Friends of Protestant Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo)- Fr. Karl Hoffmann, The German Language in the Cameroon Missionary Schools, in: Katholische Missionskorrespondenz, Berlin 1. Sept. 1913- A missionary anniversary in difficult times, in: Germania, Zeitung für das deutsche Volks, 26 Oct. 1915 - Article about the German elementary school and the African teachers in Cameroon, especially about Heinrich Tsala, unlabelled proof

Picture archive
ALMW_II._BA · Fonds
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

The picture archive of the Evangelisch-Lutherischer Missionswerk Leipzig e.V. contains materials from the Leipzig Mission (from 1840 - photos from 1860 - to 1989), from its former branch offices as well as from the current LMW, the publishing house of the Evangelisch-Lutherischer Mission zu Leipzig (until 1945) and from estates (from approx. 1830 until now):
-- more than 10,000 historical photos and postcards (partly from 1840 - photos from 1860 - to 1989):
-- more than 10,000 historical photos and postcards (partly from 1860 - to 1989). also their glass negatives and plan films); in albums according to regions, missionaries or as working material (e.g. portrait album (digitalized) and cliché album by Senior Handmann)), photos as single bundles without proofs, albums as gifts from bequests of strangers, missionaries or mission employees - mainly without indication of the picture authors, the places and the date of recording - sample sheets (with approx. 340 prints) and printing blocks (not yet recorded) from the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century
-- historical maps, graphics, prints, hand drawings and watercolours (not yet recorded), 20 Micas (digitally recorded)
-- historical glass slides after old photos, partly coloured - early 20th century The archive contains approx. 60,000 slides (mostly after 1945, not yet updated, i.e. duplicates not sorted out) and not digitized
-- approx. 175 old tapes and approx. 20 film rolls (mostly after 1945). Approximately 3,400 historical photos from the East African mission area (approx. 1895 until 1940). This work has been and will be continued under the direction of Professor Dr. Adam Jones from the Institute of African Studies at the University of Leipzig within the framework of projects published as ULPA volumes (No. 6, 7, 16, 19 and 27) and is part of the database IMPA (Internet Mission Photography Archive), accessible at

Leipziger Missionswerk
Outer Mission
Archiv der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland, 1OB 002 (Konsistorium der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland), 806 · File · 1915-1942
Part of Archive of the Protestant Church in the Rhineland (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Invitation to the 16th Conference of the Lower Rhine Mission Conference in Düsseldorf on 26.04.1926; Armenian Aid Committee, overview of the activities of the Armenian Aid Committee and the relationship to the Armenian People's Church 20.10.1930 (9 pages)Darin: :Posgl. Presseverband, Die deutsche Mission in Gefahr! (print 7 pages); status and work of the Goßner Mission Society in 1918/19 and 1819/20; Rev. W. Landgrebe (Aachen), East Asia Mission, report on the year 1925; Mission Director D. Dr. Witte, Ostasien-Jahrbuch Nr. 6 (1927); Freude und Not der Goßnerschen Mission; Herrnhuter Missionwoche 1927, negotiation report from 10. -14.10.1927 with statutes; Rheinischer Verband der Ostasienmission, Missionsfeier und Hauptversammlung am 12. und 13.10.1928 in Bad Kreuznach; Issue 25 (1930) Das neue Armenien: To the death of the Patriarch Turian 24 pages; Dr. Lepsius, Deutsche Orient-Mission, Wie lange noch ? A question of German credulity (64 pages)Remark: Vol. I (1894-1914) War lossB II a 42 Vol. II

BArch, NS 38/2575 · File · 1934
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Questionnaires for the Heads of the Borderland Office TH Aachen, University of Bonn, Agricultural University Bonn-Poppelsdorf, University of Teacher Education Bonn, Theological School Bethel, TH Braunschweig, University of Berlin, Commercial College Berlin, Veterinary College Berlin, TH Breslau, University of Breslau, University of Teacher Education Beuthen, State Academy Braunsberg, Chemnitz Academy of Technology, Clausthal Mining Academy, Dillingen University of Applied Sciences, Düsseldorf Medical Academy, TH Dresden, TH Danzig, Eichstätt University of Applied Sciences, Erlangen University, Frankfurt University, Giessen University, Göttingen University, Greifswald University, Heidelberg University, Hannover University of Veterinary Medicine, Halle-Wittenberg University, TH Hannover, Forstliche Hochschule Hannover, Universität Hamburg, Kirchliche Hochschule für Auslandsgeistliche Ilsenburg, Universität Jena, TH Karlsruhe, Universität Köln, Hochschule für angewandte Technik Köthen, Handelshochschule Königsberg, Universität Kiel, Universität Leipzig, TH München, Universität München, Universität Münster, Universität Marburg, University of Economics and Social Sciences Nuremberg, Philosophical-Theological University Passau, University Rostock, University of Teacher Education Rostock, TH Stuttgart, University Tübingen, Forstliche Hochschule Tharandt, University Würzburg, University of Teacher Education Weilburg, Engineering Academy Wismar, German Colonial School Witzenhausen