Contains: Residential building of the Reich Minister Seyß-Inquart, Am großen Wannsee 32-34, 1939-1940 Reichsstelle für Milcherzeugnisse, Öle und Fette, 1940 film premiere theatre at the splendid boulevard Deutsche Reichslotterie, 1940-1942 Marstallgebäude (accommodation of the colonial ministry), 1940-1943 Inspector General for the German road system, 1941 Betriebskrankenkasse des Reiches, Zweigstelle Brandenburg, 1941-1942
Managing Director 1927-1948; Instruction, 1921; contract of employment as Managing Director, 1928; request for leave of absence due to membership of the NSDAP and the German Christians, 1936; correspondence with Praeses Brandenburger, Director Berner and Vice Praeses Schneider on personal and social matters. Geschäftsliche Schwierigkeiten, 1940-1951; Aktennotizen zum "Fall Kobusch" by Präses Brandenburger, 1945; Pensionsangelegenheiten, 1950; Todesanzeige, 1955; Correspondence with wife Adele, 1963-1968; Todesanzeige f. Adele Kobusch, 1969
Rheinische MissionsgesellschaftCorrespondence with church collections and church ministry of missionaries
Rheinische MissionsgesellschaftContains among other things: Offers for equipping the barracks building in Tsingtau with furnaces Contract between the construction administration of the Imperial Government of Kiautschou and the contractor I. Beermann for the construction of an official residence in the Klarabucht Bay Also includes: Construction plans for the new Tsingtau Government Hospital: single-storey Pavilion No. II, Sheet 1, no. D. (sketch and blueprint Fol. 11-12); single-storey pavilion no. II, ground floor, scale 1 : 100, sheet 2, without date. (sketch and blueprint fol. 13-14); single-storey pavilion no. II, scale 1 : 100,sheet 3, no. date. (sketch and blueprint fol. 15-16); single-storey pavilion no. II, section through a hospital room, section through the central building, scale 1 : 100,sheet 4, no. Dat. (sketch and blueprint fol. 17-18); team room door, door position no. 6, leaf no. 8a, scale 1 : 10, 17 Nov. [18]99 (fol. 19.); team room door, door position no. 7, sheet no. 8b, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20); crew room door, door position no. 9, sheet no. 18c, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20); crew room door, door position no. 9, sheet no. 18c, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20); crew room door, door position no. 9, sheet no. 18c, scale 1 : 10, Nov 21, [18]99 (fol. 20]99). 21); crew room door, door position no. 9, leaf no. 18d, scale 1 : 10, Nov. 19 [18]99 (fol. 22); door lining, leaf 18e, Nov. 29 [18]99 (fol. 23); casernement Tsingtau: canteen building, scale 1 : 200, Jan. 17, 1900 (fol. 35) casernement for the Imperial III Sea Battalion: project for the shower bath, basement, scale 1:100, no date.., (fol. 76) Latrine building for non-commissioned officers and crews, front view, side view, profile ground floor, basement, scale 1:100, 22 March 1900 (fol. 81); Arrest building, ground floor, upper floor, scale 1:10, 28 Apr. 1900 (fol. 116); Cast iron ribbed cell oven by Foerster and Runge, scale 1:10, o. D. (fol. 127); Types of cast-iron Brandenburger Casernen stoves (fol. 128); design for a residential building in the Klarabucht, section, view, upper floor, basement, scale 1:100, 15 Dec. 1899 Development plan for the new town on the Tsingtaubucht, scale 1:6250, no. Dat. (Fol. 161)
ReichsmarineamtContains among other things: Annual Report 1901/02 - Brandenburg, Silesia, Hessen-Nassau, Rhineland, East Prussia, Saxony, fortress Neubreisach and Metz Annual Report 1902/03 - Saxony, Brandenburg, Silesia, Upper Silesia, East Prussia, Berlin Annual Report 1903/04.- Saxony, Hesse-Nassau, Brunswick, East Prussia, Poznan, fortress area Cologne and Metz annual report 1904/05 - Saxony, Hesse-Nassau, East Prussia, Prussia, Brandenburg, fortress area Mainz annual report 1905/06.- Oldenburg, Rhine Province, Hesse-Nassau, Saxony, Brunswick, Hanover, East Prussia, fortress Mainz, Metz and Diedenhofen Annual Report 1906/07 - East Prussia, Silesia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg, Westphalia, Rhine Province, Hesse-Nassau, Hesse, Principality Waldeck, Alsace-Lorraine, fortress Wesel, Mainz and Metz, manoeuvring areas Annual Report 1907/08.- Saxony, Hanover, Hesse-Nassau, Hesse, Brunswick, Thuringia, Silesia, Westphalia, Württemberg, Manoeuvring Areas Annual Report 1908/09 - Brunswick, Saxony, Hanover, West Prussia, Prussia, Poznan, Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, Manoeuvring Areas, German Southwest Africa, Central Africa, Spitsbergen, Greece, Asia Minor Annual Report 1909/10.- West Prussia, East Prussia, Russian border, Poznan, Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein, Rhine province, Alsace-Lorraine, Württemberg, military training areas, area of the emperor maneuver annual report 1910/11.- Principality of Lippe, East Prussia, West Prussia, Russian border, Hesse, Rhine province, Poznan, Silesia, Brandenburg, Alsace-Lorraine, Berlin, area of the emperor manoeuvre, manoeuvre area, fortress war exercise Thorn and Cologne, German Southwest Africa
102 sheets, Contains: - Villages of the office Marienwerder: Freigut Groß Bandtcken, 3VS/RS - Freigut Klein Bandtcken, 3RS - 4VS - Sulaffken, 4RS - adliges Vorwerk Bogusch, 5VS - kölmisches Gut Garnseedorf, 5VS - adliges Vorwerk Kroecksen, 5RS - Mühlenbach oder Ruhden, 6VS - Freigut Niederczehren, 6RS - village and village Groß Ottau, 6RS - 7VS Klein Ottau, 7RS - Rosainen, 7RS - Rospitz, 8VS - noble village and village Seubersdorf, 8VS/RS - Olschoffken, 9VS - noble village Sedlienen, 9RS - noble village Ziegahnen, 10VS - the Cologne school office Baldram, 10RS - the Cologne estate Brackau, 11VS - the school office Camiontken, 11RS - the Cologne estate Gurken or Baltzersdorf, 12VS - the Cologne school office Groß Krebs, 12RS - the Cologne school office Klein Krebs, 13VS - noble Vorwerk Keilhoff, 13RS - noble Vorwerk Neuhöffen, 14VS - noble Gut Oschen or Mundmansdorf, 14RS - noble Gut Rundwiese, 15VS/RS - noble Gut and Vorwerk Schadau, 15VS - villages of the Amts Riesenburg: aristocratic manor and outlying estate Babken, 20VS - aristocratic village buildings, 20RS - aristocratic manor and outlying estate Buschdorf, 21VS/RS - aristocratic manor Brandau, 22VS - royal village Conradswalde, 22RS - cologne Conradswalde, 23VS - cologne Daakau, 23RS - 24VS - royal village Daackau, 24VS - aristocratic manor and outlying estate Gallnau, 24RS - aristocratic manor Germen, 25VS - aristocratic village and outlying estate Gilve, 25RS - 26VS - aristocratic manor and outlying estate Gottschalksdorf, 26RS - 27VS - aristocratic manor Graasenitz, 27RS - royal school Guhren, 28VS - cologne Guntken, Schulzenamt Guntken and Krug Guntken, 28RS - 29VS - the school office of Jacobsdorf, 29RS - the estate of Kaltenhoff, 30VS - the noble village of Klösterchen, 30RS - 31VS - Neusaas Waldburg, 31RS - the estate of Klötzen, 32VS - the noble village of Kobelckau, 32RS - the estate of Leisnau, 33VS - the noble village of Leistenau, 33RS - Neusaas near Leistenau, 34VS/RS - the Leschkowitz School Estate from Cologne, 35VS - the Limmse Estate from Cologne, 35RS - Lissnewsken, 36VS - the Littschen Estate from Cologne, 36RS - the 37VS - the Mahren Village from Cologne, 37VS - the Neudörfchen Estate from Cologne, 37RS - the Oberczehren Village from Cologne, 38VS/RS - the Neusaas near Oberczehren, 38RS - the Ollotschen Village from Cologne, 39VS - noble manor and Orkusch Village, 39RS - noble manor and Pachutken Village, 40VS - Schulzengut Partenschin Village, 40RS - noble Patschkau Village, 41VS - noble village and Paulsdorf Village, 41RS - 42VS - Peterwitz Village, 42RS - 43VS - noble Plautts Village, 43RS - 44RS - noble Prenzlau Village, 45VS - the Cologne Schulzen estate Riesenkirch, 45RS - the noble estate and village Riesenwalde, 46VS/RS - the noble estate and village Groß und Klein Rohdau, 47VS/RS - Scheipnitz, 47RS - the noble estate and village Schrammen, 48VS - the noble estate Sobiewolla, 48VS - the noble village Sollaynen, 48RS - noble manor Groß Sonnenberg, 48RS - noble manor Klein Sonnenberg, 49VS - noble manor Stanwalde, 49VS - Thiergarth, 49RS - noble manor and Thimau outer works, 50VS - noble manor Groß Tromnau, 50RS - noble manor Klein Tromnau, 50RS - 51VS - Neusaas Pilchowen, 51VS - aristocratic Wachsmuth and the Schulzengut Wachsmuth, 51RS - aristocratic Waldau, 52VS - aristocratic Dorf Wandau, 52VS - aristocratic Gut Wartzeln, 52RS - aristocratic Dorf Wilckau, 53VS - aristocratic Vorwerk and Dorf Ludwigsdorf, 53RS - Amt Schönberg (table), 57VS - 76VS - Amt Deutsch Eylau (table), 79VS - 101VS;
251 sheets (count below, right), Contains: - noble Cuggen Vorwerk, 3VS - 6VS - Freigut Legden, 6RS - 9RS - Krug zu Legden, 10VS - 12RS - kölmisches Gut Poggenpfuhl, 12RS - 15VS - Brasdorff, 15VS - 17VS - Conradswalde, 17RS - 20RS - noble estate Brasenicken, 21VS - 23RS - noble estate Gamsau, 24VS - 26VS - noble estate Spitzing, 26RS - 28RS - noble estate Fünf Linden, 28VS - 31VS - Schönwalde, 31VS - 33RS - Promitten, 34VS - 37VS - Freidorf Mantau, 37VS - 41RS - kölmischer Krug Siebeneichen, 42VS - 44VS - noble estate Lincken and Littauschdorf, 44VS - 46RS - Legitten, 46RS - 49RS - Heiligenwalde, 50VS - 52RS - Pogauden, 52VS - 54RS - aristocratic estate Fuchshöffen, 55VS - 57RS - Country Egg to Spoh (?), 58VS - 59VS - cologne Stangau, 59VS - 61RS - Norgehnen, 61RS - 64VS - noble Rambstau, 64RS - 65RS - noble jug to Gelbbluhm, 66VS - 67VS - adkuges village Friedrichswalde, 67RS - 68RS - noble Koggen, 68RS - 71VS - aristocratic Kurg Warginen, 71VS - 72VS - milk shack, 72RS - 73VS - free goods Kalkeim, 74VS - 77VS - Eller jug and Sreeken jug, 77VS - 77RS - Dutchman to Heiligenwalde, 78VS - 78RS - Cologne jug to Waldau, 79VS - 80VS - aristocratic estate Prensch (?) Arnau and Krug to Arnau, 80RS - 82RS - Polish estate Weder, 82RS - 84VS - Nesselbeck estate, 84RS - 86RS - noble Vorwerk Abziesskeim, 86RS - 88VS - Barauscher Krug and Schmeeker Krug, 88RS - 89RS - Freigut Prauthnen, 89RS - 91VS - Knöppelsdorff estate and jug, 91VS - 93RS - Holländerei zu Alsitt, 94VS - 96VS - Hospitaldorf Jungstendorf, 96RS - 97RS - Hospitaldorf Wolfsdorff, 97RS - 98RS - Hohenrade estate in Cologne, 98RS - 100RS - Poduhren estate in nobility, 101VS - 102RS - Mantau estate in nobility, 103VS - 104RS - kölmisches und Freigut Pradau, 104RS - 106RS - noble estate Liepe, 107VS - 109RS - Lautscher Krug, 109RS - 110VS - Ortsverzeichnis, 114VS - 114RS - kölmisches Gut Fürstenwalde, 116VS - 120RS - kölmisches Gut Condehnen, 121VS - 124VS - Sontkeim Farm, 124RS - 129VS - Rodemannshöffchen Farm, 129RS - 133RS - Wangnicken Farm, 133RS - 137VS - Wangnicken Farm, 137VS - 141VS Lantt Farm, 141VS - 145VS Doulitten Farm, 145VS - 149RS - Doritten estate, 150VS - 152RS - Almonds estate, 153VS - 157VS - Bladau estate, 157RS - 161VS - Tropitten estate, 161VS - 165VS - Dedritten estate, 165RS - 171RS - Beydritten village, 172VS - 174VS - noble Samitten estate, 174RS - 179VS - noble Guednau estate, 179VS - 186VS - noble Mahranenhoff estate, 186RS - 190VS - Zieglau estate, 190RS - 193VS - Truttenau estate, 193RS - 198RS - noble Sudau estate, 199VS - 203RS - aristocratic estate Wangen, 203RS - 208RS - aristocratic estate Dunckershöffen, 209VS - 213VS - aristocratic estate Ragsitten, 213RS - 217VS - aristocratic jug Matzkahlen, 217RS - 219RS - aristocratic estate Kleinhöde, 220VS - 225RS - aristocratic estate Schmidehnen, 226VS - 229VS - cologne jug Willkeyhmen, 229RS - 232VS - cologne jug Correhnen, 233VS - 237VS - cologne jug Stambeck, 237VS - 240RS - cologne estate Neuhausen, 241VS - 246VS - cologne estate Schmidehnen, 246RS - 250VS; Staple/Binding
- description: Search tool: Collecting Index, 1 vol.* Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, XX. HA, Rep. 5
- description: finding aids: partly database; find book, 2 volumes; indices, 1 volume * Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, XX HA, PT
Contains among other things: - No. 109 Theuernitz - No. 124 Witulten; 169/1936
Envelope only
in it: Indian and African trade 1650-1707; Persian commerce (1669, 1682) 1690-1712;
copy; German; 8 sheets; 3 printed lacquer seals of the authorized minister von Haxthausen, P. von Fuchs, E. von Danckelmann; paper; Cölln an der Spree; 3 signatures of the authorized minister von Haxthausen, P. von Fuchs, E. von Danckelmann
finding aids: finding aid book, 1 vol.
Contains among other things: - Armament of the British fleet, 1755 - clashes between England and France in colonial policy, 1755 - deployment of French troops at the border to the general states, 1755 - preparation of a subsidy treaty of the Kingdom of Prussia with Great Britain, 1755 - preparation of a subsidy treaty of Great Britain with Russia, 1755.
Abraham Johann Cuffeler to Königsberg to investigate trade there - Abolition of the oath taken by merchants when hemp, flax and other prohibited goods were shipped - Lithuanian complaint about the measure and weight used in Königsberg when exporting grain - Designation of Königsberg merchants to advise on the improvement of trade in the Kingdom of Prussia;
Contains among other things: Correspondence Gerhard Jacobi, Martin Albertz, Martin Niemöller; Synods of Confessions, Circulars, Speed Letters, Circular Orders, Rules of Procedure, Resolutions and Member Lists of the Brother Council; Newsletter, Sermon Meditations, Epd-News, Press Releases; Financial Issues, Attitude of the CC towards Church Committees, Theological Exams, Collection Plans, Collection Law
Berliner MissionswerkGermany: Prisoners, including: British merchant seamen and officers interned in Germany, including Definition of ranks or ratings in the Merchant Navy which would qualify as having 'officer' status. Captain Buyers and Chief Engineer William Baser of SS Yarrowdale , interned in Germany: recommendation for their repatriation on grounds of health and age. Mr Thomas Burns, interned at Brandenburg Camp: request by his wife, Mrs A Burns, for his transfer to an officers' camp. Arrangements for payments to interned officers of the Mercantile Marine Service by the Netherlands Legation in Berlin. Advice from the Admiralty on allowances to be paid to British Mercantile Marine Officers, and confirmation of their non-combatant status. Mr D Y Muir and Mr W A J Welsh, interned at Karlsruhe Camp: payments to them from the British India Steam Navigation Company. The Imperial Merchant Service Guild: letter enquiring about the welfare of interned merchant seamen and officers. Captain Allenson of SS Goldmond , interned at Schloss Celle: claim by the British Government that his ship was not an armed liner. Cadet Akerman of SS Mount Temple , interned in Germany: decision not to agree to his release in exchange for six ships' boys interned in the UK. Mr R Cooper: request for the transfer of his son, a cadet from SS Otaki , to a camp containing other officers and cadets. Internment of the crew of the schooner Jean at Güstrow, Mecklenburg, with a list of names (in docket no.169205). Forced employment of British merchant seamen at Lubeck and Stettin: recommendation for a formal complaint to be made. Captain Robert Glasper and Chief Officer Alfred Hirst: arrangements for payments to them while interned at Brandenburg. Captain G A Mackenzie, interned at Karlsuhe, and Captain J Clarke, interned at Augustabad: request for subsistence payments. Captain William Oliver of SS Clan Mactavish , interned at Hameln Camp: enquiry about the possibility of his release, with a manuscript copy of his marriage certificate (in docket no.192511). Confirmation that payments would be made by the British Government to British Mercantile Marine Officers interned in Germany. Mr Whiting of SS Eskimo , interned at Altdamm Camp: enquiry from his wife about the possibility of his release. Enquiries about the transfer of Mercantile Marine Officers from SS Voltaire and SS Lestris , currently interned at Brandenburg Camp, to an officers' camp. Mr B A Shute, former Purser of SS Esmeraldas , interned at Brandenburg Camp: request for officer status to be granted to various ranks of prisoners from the Merchant Navy interned in the camp. Notification of the transfer of a number of Mercantile Marine Officers from Brandenburg Camp to officers' camps. Captain J Mathie, Captain William Oliver, Mr Robert Knox and Mr A G Macpherson: enquiries regarding their repatriation. Agreement by the German Government to proposals regarding rates of pay for certain ranks of the British Mercantile Marine Service. List (in docket no.213131) of merchant seamen and officers interned at Wahmbeck Camp. Enquiry about the status of British fishermen captured from unarmed fishing vessels. Captain Edgar Burke of the schooner Jean , interned at Brandenburg Camp: letter requesting his transfer to a neutral country. Captain J C Murray interned at Karlsruhe Camp: information that his allowance had been stopped. Conditions of internment of cadets and apprentices, and attempts to arrange the exchange of Cadet Akerman, interned in Germany. Enquiries regarding Cadet L Morrish, Cadet J Holman and Cadet H Brown, interned at Brandenburg Camp, with a printed circular produced by the General Post Office in March 1917, titled Communication with Prisoners of War Interned Abroad. Captain Moynihan and Captain J M Pearson, interned at Wahmbeck Camp: enquiries regarding payments and repatriation. Captain J E Williams: request for transfer to Switzerland on medical grounds. Correspondence regarding a proposal for the reciprocal exchange of all British and German merchant seamen. Agreement for reciprocal payments to be made to officers of the British and German Mercantile Marine Services. Captain J O Evans, interned at Brandenburg Camp: request for his transfer to an officers' camp. List (in docket no.238768) of officers of the Mercantile Marine Service eligible for transfer to officers' camps, giving details of name, rank, ship and place of internment. Captain A D Burroughs, interned at Stroken Camp: request for his transfer to a neutral country. Dr Fritz Schyzer: appointment to a post in the Swiss Legation in London. Support for Sir Roger Casement by certain British prisoners, including: Information that thirty British prisoners who had supported his cause had been transferred to Dantzig (Danzig), Germany. Gunner Carr: allegations that he received preferential treatment from the German authorities. Private P J Forde: allegations of his support for Sir Roger Casement. Mr Watt MP: parliamentary question about an agreement between France and Germany on the transfer to Switzerland of prisoners who were fathers of families; related enquiry from the Australian Government on behalf of Oberleutnant Lothar Marcks, an interned German prisoner. Mr Emil von der Osten, a Canadian subject interned at Crefeld Camp, including: Question of his possible transfer to a civilian camp. Mrs Lillian von der Osten: application for an emergency British passport (the form with a photograph is in docket no.165356). Mr Edward Page Gaston, including: Letters from Mr Gaston offering his services to the British Government, with an article from The Literary Digest outlining his work on behalf of British prisoners in Germany. Correspondence concerning a proposed libel action by Mr Gaston against Mr Gerard, the American Ambassador in Berlin. Information that Mr Gerard had not withdrawn charges made against Mr Gaston; discussion with Sir George Lewis on arrangements for payment of the costs of the libel action. Deportation of Swiss missionaries from German East Africa to India, including: Enquiry (French language) on their behalf from the Swiss Legation in London, giving their names and other information (in docket no.43000). Report that the missionaries were interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India; subsequent information that three of the missionaries were still in Africa, having been moved from Killindini-Mombasa Camp, Kenya, to Dar es Salaam, German East Africa. Father Liborias Leutenegger: report that he was resident at Namupa, Lindi, German East Africa. Dr Kastl: letter for transmission to the German Government requesting funds to be sent to him at Windhoek, German South West Africa. Code 1218 Files 40483 (papers 141364-end)-43001.
Germany: Prisoners, including: Captain Alfred Hoffman, German Commercial Attaché at Athens, including: Arrest of Captain Hoffman on charges of espionage, and internment at Verdala Camp, Malta. Internment at Ruhleben Camp of John Platt and Harry Faulkner as a reprisal. German memorandum requesting the release of Captain Hoffman in exchange for Mr Platt and Mr Faulkner. Punishment of interned prisoners for attempted escape, including: German memorandum requesting that lighter sentences should be imposed, and threatening reprisals. British response to the German memorandum. Ensign Ernst von Schweinichen: information regarding his trial and imprisonment for attempting to escape from Dorchester Camp. Julius Zorn, confined at Rouen for attempting to escape: claim by the German authorities that he was not allowed to receive mail. British response that Mr Zorn had been released from confinement, and that no restrictions had been placed on his correspondence. Emil Schmidt: enquiry by the German authorities about his arrest and sentence, following his escape from internment at Alexandra Palace. Leutnant zur See Emil Lehmann and Georg von Streng: request by the German authorities for information on their attempted escape and subsequent punishment. Lieutenant G Greene, imprisoned at Crefeld Camp: letters regarding his sentence for attempted escape. Recommendation by the War Office for a review of sentences passed on certain German prisoners in Australia for attempting to escape (names in docket no.104451); subsequent remission of sentences. Second Lieutenant A C Collier: letter from his mother Mrs A H Collier about his sentence of imprisonment for allegedly attempting to escape from Hannover-Münden Camp. Lieutenant G S M Insall VC, imprisoned at Crefeld Camp: letter from his father, Mr Gilbert Insall, about his son's sentence of solitary confinement; information that Lieutenant Insall had been transferred to Ströhen. Lieutenant S E Buckley: opinions on British policy regarding the punishment of German prisoners for attempted escape. Mr Joynson-Hicks MP: parliamentary questions about the solitary confinement of certain British officers in Germany. Government of India: policy on the sentences imposed on prisoners for attempting to escape, and on their rights to send and receive correspondence. Captain G B Somerville, formerly interned at Crefeld Camp: enquiries about his whereabouts and welfare; information from his mother that he was interned at Ströhen Camp. Leutnant Otto Thelen and Leutnant Lehmann: enquiry regarding the sentences passed on them for attempting to escape from Chelmsford Barracks; confirmation that no proceedings had been taken against them. Army Council Instruction No 1209 of 1917: Prisoners of War - Instructions to Military Courts Assembled for the Trial of Prisoners of War. Despatch from the Australian Government on the sentencing of escaped German prisoners, with a list of names (in docket no.166294). German memorandum proposing the extension of paragraph 16 of the draft Hague Agreement on the punishment of escaped prisoners to include civilians; views of various government departments and of the Dominion governments. M J Murphy RN interned at Brandenburg, and Captain R May interned at Clausthal: discrepancies in the sentences which they received for attempting to escape. Rifleman Charles Reynolds, interned at Friedrichsfeld: enquiry into a report that he had been prevented from sending letters. Enquiry by the German authorities about the sentences passed on certain German officers who attempted to escape from Kegworth Camp. Michael Murphy and Joseph Appleby, naval prisoners interned at Brandenburg: enquiries regarding the reported death of Murphy and the trial of Appleby. Provision of money to German prisoners held in France, including: Request by the Red Cross Society in Frankfurt for an increase in the sums allocated to prisoners. Response by the War Office that the restrictions were related to the private means of individual prisoners. Dr Seitz, former Governor General of South West Africa, including: Proposal for his exchange with Brigadier General Clarence Bruce. Rejection by the German Government of the proposal: suggestion for Captain Tomlinson or Lieutenant Colonel McMicking to be exchanged in his place. Rejection by the British Government of these proposals. Frau Klara Muche and her daughter Frau Elizabeth Gothein, including: Protest by the German authorities about the internment in separate camps of Frau Muche and Frau Gothein in Nyasaland. Information from the Government of Nyasaland that Frau Muche had been transferred from Blantyre, Nyasaland, to South Africa pending repatriation. Internment of prisoners in German East Africa, including: Mr Theodor Meyer: complaint about the deportation of German ministers and missionaries from Nyasaland, and the conditions of their internment at Mombasa, Kenya. Information on the location of concentration camps holding German prisoners in German East Africa. Lists of British prisoners interned in German East Africa, together with the names of some British Indian troops (in docket no.50409). German memoranda requesting a list of camps where German prisoners were interned, the names of the prisoners and details of arrangements for the repatriation of civilian prisoners. Request by the German authorities for information on conditions at the camp at Ahmednagar, India, and for the evacuation of German prisoners from the camp. British policy on the repatriation of women and children from German East Africa. German memorandum requesting information on proposals to transfer German women and children from German East Africa to Pretoria, South Africa. Arrangements for the transfer of money by the German Government for the relief of German women and children detained in German East Africa. British memorandum on the problems of repatriating civilian prisoners due to German submarine activity. Request for the repatriation of the wife of Lieutenant von Gynz-Rekowsky, Fraulein von Steinaecker and the three children of the late Lieutenant Vogel from Nairobi, Kenya. Staff Surgeon Philipps: request for medical supplies to be sent to Wilhelmstal District. British memorandum denying the establishment of a new internment camp near Bombay, India. Question of the status of German currency in German East Africa. List of German civilian residents, organised by district (in docket no.145082). Request by the German authorities for the repatriation of German civilians transferred from German East Africa to Ahmednagar, India. Code 1218 Files 7192-7520 (to paper 145512).
Contains: Kaiser Wilhelm I: Appointment as Major under promotion, as Flügeladj.; Ministry of the Royal House: Letter of thanks for transfer of the work "Durch Kamerun von Süd nach Nord"; GenOberst Graf Waldersee: Letter of thanks; Kaiser Wilhelm II: Command as Gr. GenSt. under removal as Mil.Att. at the Embassy in Constantinople and at the Embassy in Belgrade; Emperor Wilhelm II: Silver award of his name; Austro-Hungarian Embassy in Constantinople (correspondence); v. Liebert, Brandenburg (correspondence) Count Schlieffen (Chef d. GenSt. of the Army): Letter of thanks; German-Asian Society: elected to the Board; Royal Office of Herold: Diploma of Nobility and Family Coat of Arms; Lauenstein, Lüneburg (correspondence); Georg Maria Schaumburg Lippe: Telegram of Condolence; Margarethe v. Krepp, née Freiin v. Ende; Krupp v. Bohlen u. Halbach: Telegram of Condolence
Morgen, Curt vonContains among other things: Agricultural Academy Bonn-Poppelsdorf Agricultural University Berlin Gärtnerlehranstalt Berlin-Dahlem Chamber of Agriculture of the Province Brandenburg University Halle
Contains: Protocol extracts concerning, among others, the warehouse for the consumer cooperative "Eintracht" in the port of Niehl, Kölner Renn-Verein concerning the reduction of the property tax surcharge, repair of the restaurants in the Volksgarten and Südpark, leasing of the airport restaurant, naming of the Beethovenpark, sports shops concerning the "Eintracht" consumer cooperative in the port of Niehl. Trade of tennis court administrators, French tropical fruit wholesalers in Cologne, visit of representatives of the city of Birmingham, bronze plaque in the Gürzenich for the 100th anniversary of the concert company, sports hall in Cologne-Sülz, hall in the knife extension area, evacuation of the Mülheimer Freiheit 24-30 houses, protocol questions concerning song songs at the U.C.J.-Congress, naming of a rowing boat of the youth department of the Marine-Verein after the Kreuzer Cologne, accommodation of the standard of the hunter regiment on foot no. 7, sports event in the stadium to the 80th birthday of the Reich President, transfer of the Gürzenich to a lecture of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld concerning "The sexual crisis", purchase of the house Brandenburger Str. 14 for the purpose of the establishment of a youth home, transfer of the Gürzenich to the proletarian culture committee concerning the "Gürzenich". Reichsschulgesetz, redesign of the Gürzenich and reduction of street noise, racecourse for motor vehicles in Cologne, administration of the youth hostel, visitor accommodation at the German Gymnastics Festival, construction of a trotter racecourse, construction of riding paths in the city forest, permanent gardens on the Merheimer Heide, provision of municipal plants to decorate the casino hall for the Frauenbund of the German Colonial Society, Department Cologne, pollution of the streets, accidents in the street cleaning service, reduction of road construction costs for new residential buildings, advertising on the cycle track in the stadium, provision of the large exhibition hall for companies, wishes of the Bürgerverein Köln-Merheim, expropriation law for the Mülheimer bridge construction, Kölner Renn-Verein concerning the construction of the Mülheimer bridge. The race day coincides with sporting events, fees for the use of the stadium by schools, the erection of a monument, a riding path on Junkersdorfer Weg, the use of the Gürzenich for a lecture by Magnus Hirschfeld on "Die Geschlechtsnot der Jugend" ("The Gender Distress of Youth"), the purchase of the Schlösser'schen Gärten in Cologne-Subbelrath, the application of the Zeltlagerwerk europäischer Jugend ("Tent Camp Factory of European Youth") concerning the purchase of the Schlösser'schen Gärten in Cologne-Subbelrath. Tent camp in Cologne, reduction of the tax rate for events in the sports hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, leasing of the sports hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, participation in the exhibition "Young Germany" in Dortmund, construction of cycle paths along the arterial roads, Hänneschen theatre on the Pressa, Negotiations concerning the purchase of the Mauserhof in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, takeover of the German Sängerbund Festival in Cologne, use of the youth hostel, construction of a new Grossmarkthalle, admission of the school youth and youth clubs to the dress rehearsals of the Gürzenich concerts. Conversion of the church in Weiler into a youth home, illuminated advertising on the Stollwerck house, construction of playgrounds and sports fields below the Mülheimer Bridge, Reichsbund der Wohnungslosen (Reich Association of the Homeless) concerning the construction of cheap wooden houses, swastika windows on the Hohenzollernring 81 house, ugly advertising signs on the Neumarkt 27/29 house, affairs of the housing department, replacement of apartments for the east-west road breakthrough. Spielvereinigung 07 Sülz concerning timber-framed building on the Zwischenwerk VIb, tennis court on the area between Volksgarten and railway, complaint of Josef Büser, city councillor, concerning too narrow development of the Riehl housing estate by the GAG, subsidy for the Institute for Retail Research at the University of Cologne, ball festival in the Opera House, IG Farbenindustrie AG concerning the construction of the new building. Complaint about hesitant concession of a steam boiler, housing construction program 1929, housing construction in the district of Cologne, removal of the cathedral terrace, union Mannebach II regarding guarantee assumption for housing construction projects at the corner of Zülpicher Straße and Kanalstraße, wages for workers regarding ornamentation of the city on the 14th anniversary of the foundation of the city. German gymnastics festival, transfer of the Gürzenichsaal to an event with Erich Ludendorff, police cost issue, milk control, tax reduction in the Rheinlandhalle, takeover of the Tattersaal area on Venloer Straße, new construction at the stadium, new sports hall on Junkersdorfer Weg, cessation of operations at Halpaus, telephone system in the Ehape-Haus, incorporation negotiations with the Schlebusch office, New construction of a secondary school on Neusser Strasse, advantages for the city of Frankfurt due to the concentration of the paint industry, advice centre for sports medicine in the stadium, danger of ice and flooding in 1929, installation of a public swimming pool in the new school buildings in Kalkerfeld, invitation of an English football club, membership of the departments in honorary committees, relocation of the van der Zypen factory.
Annual Reports of the German East Africa Society
3 vol.; correspondence of the mission leadership with him
Rheinische MissionsgesellschaftContains above all: Lists, mostly with details of the applicant, the debtor and the amount Contains also: Overview of the classified compilations of applications of German property in the British sphere of influence
Contains: West Africa: Gambia, Gold Coast, Cameroon, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Togo
Contains: Alphabetically sorted lists of names of affected persons Contains, among other things: Names of the 'Gruppe Deutscher Kolonialwirtschaftlicher Unternehmungen' (Group of German Colonial Economic Enterprises)
Contains among other things: Statutes and Organization of the Academic Colonial League, 1933