Two fiches. Contains: - Personal details, letters and reports 1898-1900.
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1925-1938.
Leipziger MissionswerkSix fiches. Contains: - Personal Data, Letters and Reports 1927-1988 - Hanger: Business 1941-1947.
Leipziger MissionswerkFour fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports, works for the 2nd exam in Kiswahili 1929-1974 - Included: Business 1937-1947.
Leipziger MissionswerkEight fiches. Contains: - Personal Data, Letters and Reports 1909-1983 - Inserts: Letters and Reports for the "Grain Harvest" 1928-1934.
Leipziger Missionswerk11 fiches. Contains: - Personal Data, Letters and Reports 1888-1963 - Hanger: Business 1941-1944.
Leipziger MissionswerkTen fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1920-1975 - Hanger: Business 1923-1931.
Leipziger MissionswerkTwo fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1905-1961.
Leipziger MissionswerkFour fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1929-1975 - Hanger: business 1930-1939.
Leipziger MissionswerkEight fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports, testimonials 1927-1981 - Hanger: business 1930-1944.
Leipziger MissionswerkSeven fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1938-1965.
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1925-1984.
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches. Contains: - Personal Data, Letters and Reports 1889-1963 - Hanger: Business 1918-1925.
Leipziger MissionswerkTwo fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1894-1902.
Leipziger MissionswerkTwo fiches. Contains: - Personal details, certificates, letters 1893-1922.
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1936-1965.
Leipziger Missionswerk1 fiche. Contains: - Personal data and letters 1926-1958.
Leipziger MissionswerkFive fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1905-1957.
Leipziger MissionswerkTwo fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1911-1967.
Leipziger MissionswerkSeven fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1909-1964.
Leipziger MissionswerkFour fiches. Contains: - Personal data, letters and reports 1935-1966.
Leipziger MissionswerkContains: - a photo of Althaus in copy; a photo of Minja (1880-1944) in copy - Marangu 1932. Minja "Ya mlisi Oke Missionar Althaus" (language?) - Leipzig 1991. Saria, Njau, Jaeschke (translation of the letter of Minja) - Althaus-Pulke, D.: Bericht über Spurensuche II in Tanzania (report about a 5-week journey) 1991. (typed; 8 p.) - Althaus, G.: Mamba. The story of a Lutheran mission station at Kilimanjaro in former D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a from its foundation in 1894 until the end of 1909. Personal memories from my mission work. Provided with a foreword of the editor (Burmester) 1951, the course of life of the author (from the editor), a report of the elders of the municipality Mamba (Nyange) and a foreword of the author Wolfenbüttel 1935. (Maschinegeschrieben; 2 copies; 260 respectively 206 p.)
Jäschke, ErnstFour fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 6A 1 - Moshi 1896. Lany (5 letters) - Moshi 1896. Segebrock (2 letters) - Moshi 1896-1897. Fassmann (8 letters) - construction plan of a window frame (hand-drawn) - Moshi 1896. plan of the ev. luth. mission station in Moshi (hand-drawn) - plan of the property of the ev. luth. mission in Moshi (hand-drawn) - Moshi o.J. list of different objects (possibly goods order). FICHE NR. 6A 2 - Moshi 1897. Fassmann (8 letters) - Moshi 1897. Lany - Moshi 1898. Fassmann (8 letters) - Plauen 1898. Men's club - Moshi 1898. Situation plan of the station Moshi (hand-drawn) - Moshi 1898. Johannes to a missionary (transcript; concerning land purchase) - SHIMBO SHA IRUMISHA RUA. Taveta 1896 (printed). FICHE NR. 6A 3 - continued - Moshi 1898-1900. Fassmann (12 letters) - Moshi 1898. room - list (school supplies) - Moshi 1900. room - Dresden 1899. walk
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches.
Leipziger MissionswerkNine fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 15 1 - Tracking - "The Foundation..." - "The foundation..." FICHE NR. 15 2 - Continued - "A Chagga Contribution in the Iraq Mission" Results of an Investigation in Northern Tanzania. Gertrud Heyn. Results of a trip from 1988 - "Tables on the exploration trip of the missionaries Müller and Fokken from Kilimanjaro to the southwest in June and July 1909" (printed) - Erlangen 1971. Extract from a letter from Hiller - List: 1971 and 1972 given for photocopying - Card "The Lutheran Church in Tanganyika" - "Abstract of a phonetics and grammar of Kinilamba (Iramba language)" by Ittameier (cover page only) - "Historical about her mission station Ruruma in the landscape Irumba. Evidence in the Ev.-luth. Mission sheet ... and from the files at the Ev.-luth. Mission..." (2-fold) - Bayreuth 1956. Wärthl ("On the foundation of the Leipzig mission station Ruruma in Iramba 45 years ago") - 1988. "On the history of the Iramba mission" - Lichtenfelde 1907. Meinhof - Berthelsdorf 1909. Mission Directorate of the Brethren-Unity. Chairman Hennig (2 letters) - 1909. To Berner Higher Administrative Court - 1909. Müller. FICHE NO 15 3 - Continued - "Tables on the..." (see above Fiche 15 2 ) (5-fold) - o.O., o.J. Müller - Ost-Machame. Report about the SW journey of the missionaries Müller and Fokken 1909 (in stenography) - sketch of the mission area Iramba - transmission of the stenogram (2fold) with sketch. FICHE NR. 15 4 - continued - "Mitteilungen über die auf der S.W. Expedition berührtten Sprachen" (formerly attached table missing) - sketch by Ittameier ("Iramba Plateau") - Friedenau 1909. Uhlig - Berlin 1909. Mitteilungen vom Staatssekretär - Kilrora 1909. House director to mission director - 12 photos (in copy almost nothing to recognize) - Breslau 1910. Oberkirchenkollegium to college - Leipzig 1911. Oberkirchenkollegium - Neuendettelsau 1911. Bavarian mission conference - Lorenzkirch 1911. Paul - 1911. Wärthl to accounting office of the mission to Moshi - Breslau 1911. Oberkirchenkollegium to college. FICHE NR. 15 5 - continued - Leipzig 1911. an Oberkirchenkollegium (2 letters, several times) - Leipzig 1911. an Nagel - Breslau 1911. oberkirchenkollegium - Mecklenburg 1912. Schliemann - 1912. An Schliemann (2 letters) - telegram - travel statement Mamba 1911. Ittameier - Machame 1911. Ittameier - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Ittameier (2 letters) - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Wärthl an Finanzabteilung des Kaiserlichen Gouvernements (transcript) - Iramba. Building plan of a house - Sketch of the mission area in Iramba - List of population - Sketch: Property of the ev.-luth. mission station Ruruma - Ruruma 1912. Wärthl - Leipzig 1912. Sektetariat an Wärthl (copy) - excerpt from a letter of Schwartz 1912 - Leipzig 1912. Power of attorney of Paul an Ittameier in Ruruma / Iramba or Wärthl in Ruruma - 1913. to Ruruma an ? - "Journey to the New Mission Area"; "Beginnings" by Ittameier in Ruruma 1912 (for Missionsblatt) - Annual Report Iramba 1912 (revised for print). FICHE NR. 15 6 - continued - Ruruma 1913. Ittameier "The latest news" (revised for printing) - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium (accounting report) - estimate for 1912 for Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Wärthl (list of the customs amounts; copy) - 1913 "Landschaftliches aus Iramba" Ittameier (for mission sheet) - Ruruma 1912. Ittameier an Kollegium (2 letters in copy) - Iramba 1912. Wärthl (cash report and invoice; 2 letters in copy) - Leipzig 1912. an? - Leipzig 1912. An? - Leipzig 1912. an Wärthl - Leipzig 1912. an Iramba missionaries (2 letters) - Leipzig 1912. secretariat an Ittameier - Leipzig 1913. after Ruruma (same content as in Fiche 15 5 ) - estimate for 1913 for Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Leipzig 1913. An Missionare in Iramba - Leipzig 1913. An Schwiegervater von Everth - Ruruma o.J. Wärthl "Von den Anilamba" (revised for print) - Ruruma 1913. Wärthl an Missionsinspektor. FICHE NR. 15 7 - Annual report Iramba 1913 Ittameier - Ruruma 1914 Ittameier - 1914 An Missionare in Iramba (2 letters) - Estimate for 1914 Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Shigatini 1914. mission council to missionaries in Ruruma / Iramba - 1914. telegram from Ittameier - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl to curator of Lieblinger's estate (transcript) - Ruruma 1914. to station Moshi (transcript) - Ruruma 1914. Ittameier to Kollegium - Mkalama 1914. Imperial district extension to Wärthl in Ruruma (concerning guardianship matter) - Moshi 1914. Imperial district judge / guardianship fortification to Ittameier - Leipzig 1914. To missionaries in Iramba - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl an Kollegium (copy) - Singida 1914. Imperial military post on Wärthl - Mkalama 1914. Imperial district branch (concerning school matters) - Morogoro 1914. Stage management / Singida military post on Wärthl (concerning school matters) - Mkalama 1914. Entry into the Schutztruppe) - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl at the command of the Kaiserliche Schutztruppe (concerning registration as war volunteer) - Delivery list 1914. - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl at the Kaiserliche Bezirksnebenstelle - Mkalama 1914. Imperial District Branch (Depository Receipt) - Mkalama 1914 Imperial District Branch to Missionaries in Ruruma - Ruruma / Makalama 1915. Everth - Moshi 1915. Imperial District Court to Everth (concerning appointment as guardian) - Ruruma 1915. Everth to Imperial District Branch Mkalama (with copy) - Ruruma 1915. Everth to Imperial District Court Moshi (report about guardianship) - Mkalama 1915. Imperial District Branch to Missionaries in Ruruma (report about guardianship) - Mkalama 1915. Land questions) - Shigatini 1915. fox to Everth - Makalama / Ruruma 1915. contract between Everth and Schreiber (concerning pigs) - annual report Ruruma April 1914-March 1915 - Ruruma 1915. Everth at district branch Umbulu - Mkalama 1915. Imperial district extension to missionaries in Ruruma - Morogoro 1915. Stage management to Everth - Ruruma o.J. Everth to district extension in Mkalama - Umbulu 1915. Imperial district extension to Everth - Ruruma 1915. Everth to Hermanns. FICHE NR. 15 8 - Continued - Ruruma 1915. Everth at stage command of the Schutztruppe - Kondoa-Jrangi 1915. Imperial district office to missionaries in Ruruma (concerning the Accusation, in the government school in Mkalama the natives were forced to Islam under blows) - Morogoro 1915. Stage management at Everth (concerning convocation) - Ruruma 1915. Everth at stage management - Mkalama 1915. Imperial district extension at Everth - o.O.., o.J. Everth an Gouverneur Schnee - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Everth (2 letters) - Neu-Moshi 1916. Eisenschmidt an Everth - Shigatini 1916. Missionsrat (Fuchs) an Everth - Umbulu 1916. Imperial district extension (concerning rejection of a new branch of the Leipzig Mission in Dongobesch) - Ruruma 1916. ? to Mission Council - Telegram - Mkalama 1916. letter in Swahili(?) - Mkalama 1916. Imperial District Officer to Everth - Mkalama "Political" to Everth (English) - 1917. Everth to "Political" (English) - Arusha 1918. Blumer to Müller (English) - Arusha 1918. Blumer to Müller (2 letters) - Machame 1918. Müller to Blumer (concerning the Lieblinger) - Mamba 1918. mission council (concerning Lieblinger) - Machame 1918. Müller with additions of Gutmann and space - Machame 1918. mission council to Blumer (concerning the "Iramba hybrid Friedrich" Lieblinger; German and English) - Machame 1918. Müller with an addition of Gutmann - excerpt from a letter of Blumer 1918 - Ruruma (headwords to various topics) - Leipzig 1919. "Discussion about the cash situation in Iramba" - Leipzig 1920. Weishaupt to District Commissioner Mkalama (copy; English) - Berlin 1920. Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Bank an Wärthl - Eschenbach 1920. Wärthl an Weishaupt - Machame 1924. Hult. "("Copy of a report presented to the Conference of the Missionaries of The Tanganyika Lutheran Mission") - 1931. Board of Foreign Missions of the Augustana Synod. (Johnson) to Ittameier (English; transcript; concerning questions of ownership in East Africa) - 1931. Board of Foreign... (MacLennan) to Johnson, Minnesota, U.S.A. - Nkoaranga 1931. Ittameier to Mission Director (on property issues) - Leipzig 1931. An Everth (on property issues) - 1931. An Johnson (on property issues in East Africa and Lpz. declaration) - Nkoaranga 1931. Mission concerning Iramba) - Iramba 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium - Estimate Ruruma / Iramba 1912. Ittameier - 1912. Kollegium an Missionare der Iramba-Mission - Ruruma 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium (concerning the report of the Iramba mission) - o.O., o.J. College to Wärthl. FICHE NR. 15 9- - continued - Ruruma 1912. Wärthl an Kollegium - 1912. Kollegium an Missionare der Iramba-Mission - Estimate 1913 Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - 1913. college to missionaries of the Iramba mission (5 letters) - 1913. college to Wärthl - 1913. secretariat to Ittameier - Ruruma - 1913. Ittameier to college - Ruruma - 1913. Wärthl to college with 2 letters to the financial department of the Imperial Governor in Daressalaam (copies) - estimate 1914 Ruruma / Iramba. Ittameier - Accounting reports Iramba 1912-1914. Wärthl - 1914. College to missionaries in Ruruma (5 letters) - Ruruma 1914. Wärthl (2 letters) - Telegram to Wärthl (not given up).
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches.
Leipziger Missionswerk6 Cards.
Leipziger MissionswerkSeven fiches.
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches.
Leipziger MissionswerkThree fiches. Contains: - Gouvernement Dar es Salaam (Correspondence between Imperial Governor, Mission Stations, Director and College) - Report on Translation Work - Newspaper Clippings (1911)
Leipziger MissionswerkFour fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 52 1 - Marangu 1928. "Resolutions passed by the Conference of Evangelical Missions" - Leipzig 1930. Ihmels to "Friends" - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (3 letters) - Machame 1930. Room to the German Protestant missions in Tanganyika Territory - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) to Ihmels - o.O. 1930 and 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Oldham (2 letters) Bethel 1930. Bethel mission (Trittelvitz) to Ihmels (2 letters) - o.O. 1930/31. ? (Ihmels?) to Trittelvitz (3 letters) - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Steglitz 1930. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to Richter, Baudert, Trittelvitz, Johanssen - London 1931. Gibson to Weichert (English) - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) to Gabriel (2 letters) - Halle 1931. Mission conference in the province Saxony (Gabriel) to Ihmels - Berlin 1931. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) to Ihmels, Trittelvitz - o.O. 1931. ? (Ihmels?) an Knak - Leipzig 1931. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missions-Gesellschaften (3fach) - Leipzig 1932. Ihmels an die in Ostafrika arbeitenden Missionsgesellschaften (4 letters; partly 2fach) - London 1931/32. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) an Ihmels (English; 6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels) to Gibson (2 letters) - o.k. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Handmann - Neukirchen 1932. Orphanage and Mission (Nitsch) to Ihmels - Leipzig 1932. ? Dougall - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Freytag - o.O. 1932. ? Nitsch - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) an Schlunk - Dresden 1932 "Minutes of the meeting of the missionary societies working in East Africa" (Maschinegeschrieben; 9 p.; 2-fold) - Dresden 1932. Personn: "Die Central-Schule für Eingeborene in Tanganyika Territory (Ostafrika)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.J. "Gedanken über die Schulen der Mandats-Regierung im Tanganyika Territory zur Erziehung von Häuptlingssöhnen, sogen. Tribal Schools´" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J., o.J., o.R., "High National Education" (typewritten; 8 p.) - o.J., room: "Securing missionary interests against government school legislation" (10 p.). FICHE NR. 52 2 - Continued - Dresden 1932 Personn: "The Central School for Natives in Tanganyika Territory (East Africa)" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - n.a. Room: "The Safeguarding of Missionary Interests against the School Legislation of the Government" (17 p.) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "The Training of Teachers in Tanganyika in the next Future" (English) - Dresden 1932 Rother: "Revision of the Education Ordinance and Regulations for Tanganyika Territory" (English) - o.O. 1932, 1934/34. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (6 letters) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Nitsch - o.O. 1932. Invoice for reproduction - London 1932. International Missionary Council (Gibson, Oldham) to Ihmels (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. o. Publisher "The Remaking of Man in Africa" (English; typewritten; 12 p.) - o.O. 1932. ? (Ihmels?) to Gibson (2 letters) - London 1932. Gibson to Ihmels (attached: "Draft Memorandum on Missionary Education in Tanganyika Territory"; English; typewritten; 7 p.) - Weimar 1932. Rother to Director - o.O., 1032. ? (Ihmels?) to room, Rother, person - o.O. 1938. "Christian Educational Policy in Tanganyika Territory. (Memorandum based on discussion and memoranda at a Conference of the Lutheran missionary societies)" (English; typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Notes of points which might receive further consideration in any revision of the ordinance" - 1932. "Tanganyika Territory Native Education: Note of discussion in African Education Group" - Bethel 1934. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - o.O. 1934. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Berlin 1934 "Minutes of the Meeting of the East Africa Commission" - Dar es Salaam 1936 "Extract from the Minutes of the German Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar es Salaam 1936" (transcript) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod. Agenda" (transcript). FICHE NR. 52 3 - Leipzig 1936 Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa - Herrnhut 1936/37 Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Bethel 1936/37 Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels (3 letters) - Neukirchen 1936/37 Orphanage and Missions Institute (Nitsch) to Ihmels (2 letters) - Leipzig 1936. ? to "brothers" (concerning invitation to the meeting of the mission societies working in East Africa; in appendix: Room: "Expert opinion on the question whether the translation of the Old Testament Roehl´sche should be printed at the expense of the German Evangelical Missions", 2-fold) - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa (2-fold) - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Denkschrift zur Missionslage in Ostafrika" (copy; typewritten; 11 p.) - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to "Freunde" (presumably members of the East Africa commission) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Ronicke - Leipzig 1937. Ihmels to the members of the East Africa Commission (3 letters) - Berlin 1937. "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the literature commission in East Africa - Berlin 1937. Judge to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Judge - Leipzig 1937-1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (9 letters) - Berlin 1937. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) to Ihmels - Herrnhut 1937. "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.R." - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Baudert - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Meyer - Marangu 1938. Rother to Director (copy) - Leipzig 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to the members of the Home Council of the East African Federation of Churches - Leipzig 1939. ? (Ihmels?) to the Lutheran Mission Societies (2 letters) - Kigoma 1940. Tanganyika Missionary Council (Bekewell) to Warnshuis (English) - Berlin 1941. Berlin Missionary Society (Knak) to the German Protestant Missions working in East Africa (2 letters) - Berlin 1941. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Braun) an Ihmels, Nitsch, Ronicke, Vogt - Programme "Working discussion of the East African missionaries" - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an die Ostafrika-Missionare in der Heimat - Leipzig 1941. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the relatives of our missionaries and sisters - o.O. 1941. National Lutheran Council (Long) to Ihmels (English) - Leipzig 1941. Ihmels to the mission societies working in East Africa as well as the Lutheran missions working in India - Leipzig 1944. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - Leipzig 1947. ? to the mission societies working in East Africa (2fold) - Kinampanda 1950. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) an Ihmels (English) - o.O. 1950. Schiotz an Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies (English). FICHE NR. 52 4- - Leipzig 1950/51st ? (Ihmels?) to Brennecke (4 letters, partly 2fold) - Ladismith, Moshi 1951. Brennecke to Ihmels (2 letters) - Pretoria 1951. Brennecke to Freytag, Ihmels, Ronicke - 1951. Brennecke: "Report about the visit of the former German mission fields in Tanganyika" (typewritten; 23 p.) - Dresden 1952. "Reproduction of the lecture by Mission Director Brennecke:
Der Mensch in Afrika unter dem Kreuz´"". Geneva, 1958. Lutheran World Federation. Department of World Mission (Sovik) an "All boards and societies with interest in Tanganyika" - Bethel 1959. Bethel-Mission (Albrecht) an die Geschäftsführer der in Tanganyika arbeitenden deutschen Gesellschaften (Abschrift) - Berlin 1960. "Minutes of a Meeting of Tanganyika Decernts of German Evangelical Mission Societies" - Bethel 1959. Kühhirt an von Stackelberg - New York 1960. National Lutheran Council Division of LWF Affairs Dept. of World Mission Cooperation (Rolander) an All European Societies working with DWMC in Tanganyika.
Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 59 1 - 1914-1919, 1922-1925, 1927-1930, 1932-1935, 1938-1939. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission stations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Leipziger Mission - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission in Leipzig - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927.luth. mission in Arusha - map of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and South India - annual report of the Ev.-luth. mission in Leipzig about the year 1919. publisher of the Ev.-luth. mission (ed., 38 p.). FICHE NR. 59 2 - 1919-1921. mission council "Stand der Evang.-luth. (Leipziger) Mission in East Africa" (statistics) - 1927. statistics of the station Mwika - o.O., o.J. copy from letter of Fokken. FICHE NR. 59 3 - 1939, 1948, 1952, 1956 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Tanganyika Land - Information form for Luth. Churches and/or Missions for the year 1958 - 1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Northern Tanganyika (Swahili). FICHE NR. 59 4- - 1931: Excerpts from the official Gazette No. 1-4 - Machame 1931. Note by Schwär (concerning the selection from the official Gazette) - Berlin 1939. Foreign Office to Paessler - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to "Friends" (concerning the password question) - Bethel 1940. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft an Ihmels und Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Küchler: "Memorandum on the situation in the field of work of the Evangelical Church - Berlin 1940.luth. mission to Leipzig in German East Africa" (typewritten; 4 p.) - ? 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. German Protestant Mission Council (Knak) to Auswärtiges Amt (draft) - Berlin 1940. Knak to? (copy from a letter from the Federal Foreign Office) - Schleusingen 1910. constituent announcement of the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bautzsch 1913. report from Kilimanjaro to the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bremen 1929. Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits to Missionaries - statutes of the German Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - n.d. Report of the German Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade: "On the State of the Alcohol Trade in Africa and on the Measures to Combat it" (Maschinegeschreiben; 5 p.) - Berlin 1930. Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade to its Members - Berlin 1939. "Suggestions for measures to reduce alcohol consumption among the indigenous population of Africa" - Berlin 1931. Submission by the German Society for Native American Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eingeborenen-Kunde) - Berlin 1938. Special print from the monthly newspaper of the North German Mission Society. German association to combat the African spirits trade. Article: "To combat alcohol shortage in Africa" (ed. 4 p.) - o.O., o.J. Draft questionnaire to determine alcohol shortage in Africa.
Leipziger MissionswerkSeven fiches. Contains also: - "Umoja" is a monthly published in Swahili by the Lutheran Church in the north of Tanganyika; furthermore there are several issues of the East African church newspaper "Bendera ya Kikristo" on the fiches (see fiche no. 68 3 to 6 ); translations from "Umoja" and "Bendera ya Kikristo" are on fiche no. 68 6 to 7-
Leipziger MissionswerkTwo fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 70 1 - Tanga 1910. Usambara Mail. Independent organ for the economic interests of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and "coastal messenger from the north" Publication office for announcements of the imperial authorities. No. 18. Volume 9. Including article: "Islamic Missionaries!" (printed) - Berlin 1912. German Society for Islamic Studies (concerning announcement of the foundation; printed); "List of the gentlemen who are asked to join the committee". (typewritten) with accompanying letter of the German Society for Islamic Studies (typewritten) - London 1912. The Moslem World to Secretariat of the Leipzig Mission (English) - Dar es Salaam 1912. (handwritten; 4 p.) - Marangu 1912. Knittel to College - Mamba 1912. Beautiful "On Islam in Mamba and Marangu" (handwritten; 2 p.) - Nkoaranga 1912. Chess tailor to college - Masama 1912. Thiele "Report of the station Masama on Islam and its propaganda in the station area" (handwritten; 3 p.) - Shigatini 1912. Oldewage "On Islam in Northpare. Answering the questions." - Mwika 1912. Hollow Field to College - o.O. o.J. "The Propagation of Islam." (Newspaper clipping from the "Deutsch. Ostafrikanischen Zeitung Nr. 63 vom 6. Aug. 1913.") - Jena 1913. Schoenfeld to director - 1915. Notes by Weishaupt and Gehring - Leipzig 1915. Paul to ? - Exzerpte (handwritten; 14 p.) - Schiele, F.M. und Ischarnack, L. (ed.): Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Handwörterbuch in a common presentation. Separate print of the article "Islam" by Becker, C.H. (printed; 35 p.). FICHE NR. 70 2- - continued (pages 27-35).
Leipziger Missionswerk1 fiche. Contains: - Missionary advice on circumcision, negotiated at the General Assembly in 1897
Leipziger MissionswerkFour fiches. Contains: - correspondence
Leipziger Missionswerk1 fiche. Contains: - correspondence
Leipziger Missionswerk11 fiches.
Leipziger MissionswerkEight fiches.
Leipziger Missionswerk1 fiche. Contains: - Compilation of all presentations of the Dschagga conferences
Leipziger Missionswerk