Bestand MSS. Afr. s. 2000 and Afr. t. 37 - Photographs and paintings by Olive and Charles L. Temple

Bereich "Identifikation"


MSS. Afr. s. 2000 and Afr. t. 37


Photographs and paintings by Olive and Charles L. Temple


  • [c1910-1918] (Anlage)



Umfang und Medium

9 volumes, 9 files

Bereich "Kontext"


Olive MacLeod was the younger daughter of Sir Reginald MacLeod of MacLeod and his wife Lady Agnes Northcote. Between August 1910 and May 1911 she undertook a journey through Central Africa in the company of Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Talbot which she later described in her bookChiefs and cities of Central Africa: across Lake Chad by way of British, French and German Territories(Edinburgh, London; W. Blackwood and sons; 1912), illustrated with many of the photographs found in this collection. Percy Talbot was a district commissioner in southern Nigeria and a fellow of the Zoological and Anthropological Societies. Mrs. Talbot was a keen and experienced botanist. In 1912 Olive MacLeod married Charles Lindsay Temple CMG. He was the youngest son of Sir Richard Temple 1st Bt., and his second wife Mary Lindsay. He spent his early career in Brazil before becoming Resident of Northern Nigeria in 1901. He was appointed Chief Secretary of Northern Nigeria in 1910 and Lieutenant-Governor in 1914. He retired in 1917 due to ill-health. Some of the sketches in this collection were used to illustrate his bookNative Races and their Rulers: Sketches and Studies of Official Life and Administrative Problems in Nigeria(London, Cape Town; Argus Printing & Publishing Co. ltd., Way & Co., ltd.; 1918). He died in 1929 and his wife in 1936.

Abgebende Stelle

Bereich "Inhalt und innere Ordnung"

Eingrenzung und Inhalt

MSS. Afr. s. 2000 Photographs taken in Chad, Cameroon, French Equatorial Africa, northern Nigeria and Tenerife, [c1910-1913], including of the journey made by Olive MacLeod and Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Talbot, Nov. 1910-Jan. 1911, through theTerritoire Militaire du Tchad; sketches and paintings of northern Nigeria, by Charles Temple, [c1913-1918]. MSS. Afr. t. 37 Sketches and oil paintings of northern Nigeria, by Temple, [c1913-1918].

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Bodleian Library, University of Oxford

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Bodleian readers ticket required.


Rights to access and re-use digital objects: Unknown Rights to access and re-use archival descriptive information: Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, ShareAlike No reproduction or publication of personal papers without permission. Contact the library in the first instance.

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Physische Beschaffenheit und technische Anforderungen

Findmittel Listed as no. 1230 inManuscript Collections in Rhodes House Library Oxford, Accessions 1978-1994(Oxford, Bodleian Library, 1996) 1996. A handlist is also available in the library reading room.

Bereich Sachverwandte Unterlagen

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Verwandte Beschreibungen

Bereich "Anmerkungen"


{{Data source}} Archive Portal Europe Listed as no. 1230 inManuscript Collections in Rhodes House Library Oxford, Accessions 1978-1994(Oxford, Bodleian Library, 1996) 1996. A handlist is also available in the library reading room.

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