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"Buschkirche" in Ntsumuru, Akpafu-Bezirk

Bem. Müller: Ntsumuru, Kirche vor 1914

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 2. Einzelbilder, inhaltlich geordnet überliefert >> 2.27. Kirchen, Kapellen, Kirchbauten, Aussenstationen

Norddeutsche Mission

"Fette" knipst

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 3. In Alben oder anderen Konvoluten überlieferte Stücke >> 3.11. Fotos der Deutsch-Togo-Gesellschaft, Drittes Album (Signatur 127(...)

Norddeutsche Mission

"Holyseven" mit Principal

Bem.: Bildinhalt identisch mit 3288.

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 3. In Alben oder anderen Konvoluten überlieferte Stücke >> 3.15. Sammlung von Glas-Dias, bezeichnet als Lichtbilderkiste

Norddeutsche Mission

"Holyseven" mit Principal

Bem.: Bildinhalt identisch mit 2718.

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 4. Als Negative oder Dias überlieferte Fotos >> 4.4. Verschiedene Glas-Negative im Format 9 x 12 cm (aus Holzschachtel(...)

Norddeutsche Mission

"Howusu" mit Sprecher

Bem.: Bildinhalt identisch mit 2722.

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 4. Als Negative oder Dias überlieferte Fotos >> 4.4. Verschiedene Glas-Negative im Format 9 x 12 cm (aus Holzschachtel(...)

Norddeutsche Mission

"Legba" in Anyako. 4.2.1928

Bem.: Bildinhalt identisch mit 2239_3.

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 4. Als Negative oder Dias überlieferte Fotos >> 4.1. Dias zum Fotoalbum Stoevesandt

Norddeutsche Mission

"Peace" - 6p

"Peace" - 6p

In: London University: School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) >> Mackinnon, Sir William, 1st Baronet >> Emin Pasha Relief Expedition >> Correspondence and papers relating to the Emin Pasha Relief Expedition >> EMIN PASHA FILE 29


In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 3. In Alben oder anderen Konvoluten überlieferte Stücke >> 3.25. Fotoalbum der Nachkriegszeit (Signatur 127/10), Kapitel 9: Japan(...)

Norddeutsche Mission

"Prosit Neujahr 1914"

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 3. In Alben oder anderen Konvoluten überlieferte Stücke >> 3.11. Fotos der Deutsch-Togo-Gesellschaft, Drittes Album (Signatur 127(...)

Norddeutsche Mission

"Rufen" des Palmweins

Bem. Müller: Ho, "Rufen" des Palmweines vor 1914, enthält: Palmweingewinnung, Palmwein, Ho, Arbeit, Ölpalme, Nahrung, Ackerbau, Gerät. - Bem. Dublette: Die verstopfte Öffnung wird ausgebrannt mit einer Fackel - Bildinhalt identisch mit 3...

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 2. Einzelbilder, inhaltlich geordnet überliefert >> 2.06. Ackerbau, Palmwein, Dorfleben

Norddeutsche Mission

"Rufen" des Palmweins

Bem. Dublette: Die verstopfte Öffnung wird ausgebrannt mit einer Fackel - Bildinhalt identisch mit 0179 und 3311.

In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 3. In Alben oder anderen Konvoluten überlieferte Stücke >> 3.05. Fotoalbum für das Vorstandsmitglied Martin Wilkens (127/9)

Norddeutsche Mission


In: Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik) >> Nichtamtliches Schriftgut >> Schriftgut von Parteien, Verbänden und Vereinen >> Sonstige Vereinigungen >> 7,1025 Fotos Einzeln nachgewiesene Fotos der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft (Bestand) >> 5. Ungeordnet überlieferte Fotos >> 5.4. Stücke ohne Datierung >> 5.4.3. Verschiedenes, darunter Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Kultur und Religion

Norddeutsche Mission

&#34Photograph of Bishop C A Smythies, standing full face holding pastoral staff in right hand,...

"Photograph of Bishop C A Smythies, standing full face holding pastoral staff in right hand, and wearing cope and mitre." Copyright owner of work: Universities Mission to Central Africa, 14 Delahay St, Westminster, London. Copyright auth...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Bishop C A Smythies, standing three quarter face holding pastoral staff in right...

"Photograph of Bishop C A Smythies, standing three quarter face holding pastoral staff in right hand and wearing cope and mitre." Copyright owner of work: Universities Mission to Central Africa, 14 Delahay Street, Westminster, London. Co...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church (interior), (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa"....

"Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church (interior), (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church (side view), (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central...

"Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church (side view), (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. For...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church front view, (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central...

"Photograph of Blantyre Mission Church front view, (Established Church of Scotland Mission) Blantyre, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Livingstonia (late Kondowe) head quarters Free Church of Scotland Mission, Lake Nyasa, British...

"Photograph of Livingstonia (late Kondowe) head quarters Free Church of Scotland Mission, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa (showing main road)". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aber...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Livingstonia (late Kondowe) head quarters Free Church of Scotland Mission, Lake Nyasa, British...

"Photograph of Livingstonia (late Kondowe) head quarters Free Church of Scotland Mission, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa, (showing caves)". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdee...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of Livingstonia Mission Station (Free Church of Scotland Mission) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central...

"Photograph of Livingstonia Mission Station (Free Church of Scotland Mission) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form co...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of SS 'Charles Jansen', Universities mission to Central Africa (UMCA) steamer, Lake Nyasa, British...

"Photograph of SS Charles Jansen, Universities mission to Central Africa (UMCA) steamer, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form ...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of graves of pioneer missionaries (1877) Free Church of Scotland Mission, Livingstonia, Lake Nyasa,...

"Photograph of graves of pioneer missionaries (1877) Free Church of Scotland Mission, Livingstonia, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa, (medallion of Doctor Black on rock, left hand of photo)". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gi...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of mission school class (Free Church of Scotland Mission) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central...

"Photograph of mission school class (Free Church of Scotland Mission) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belhelvie, Whitecairns, by Aberdeen, Scotland. Form completed ...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

&#34Photograph of outdoor mission school classes (Free Church of Scotland Mission) (five figures in foreground...

"Photograph of outdoor mission school classes (Free Church of Scotland Mission) (five figures in foreground are blind scholars) Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, British Central Africa". Copyright owner and author of work: John Gillespie Watson, Belh...

In: The National Archives >> Records of the Copyright Office, Stationers' Company >> Copyright Office: Entry Forms, etc. >> Photographs registered at the Stationer's Company. Bundle of forms applying for registration for copyright. Each form provides a description of the photograph(s), together with the names and addresses of authors and copyright owners

'(Old) Calabar Railway Survey..'. 4 sheets of maps and plans. (5) Map of Southern Nigeria,...

(Old) Calabar Railway Survey... 4 sheets of maps and plans. (5) Map of Southern Nigeria, and parts of Lagos Colony, Northern Nigeria, Cameroon and Dahomey (now Benin), showing rivers, major towns, the Lagos railway, and a proposed new railway line...

In: The National Archives >> Maps and plans extracted to extra large flat storage from records of the Colonial Office >> Public Record Office: Maps and plans extracted to extra large flat storage from various series of records of the Colonial Office >> 8 items extracted from CO 520/32. Detailed descriptions are given at item level.

'A Map of Central Africa South of the Equator Showing the established routes of trade...

A Map of Central Africa South of the Equator Showing the established routes of trade across the continent. Drawn in 1867 & presented to The Rt. Honble. Lord Stanley, Her Majestys Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by His Lordships humble S...

In: The National Archives >> Maps and plans extracted to flat storage from records of the Foreign Office >> Public Record Office: Maps and plans extracted to flat storage from various series of records of the Foreign Office >> 3 items (enclosures in William Desborough Cooley's despatch of 20 July 1867) extracted from FO 63/1115. Detailed descriptions are given at item level.

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