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Archivalie - Process
E 950/1894 · Akt(e)
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:for purchase: I/44/1895: III C 5992-5998, Ethnogr. (Togo area), E. Baumann, Misahöhe [S.D.S. 69] -- Content/Includes: Indication of possibly high costs when purchasing a fetish drum. Made contact with priests. Reference to a small number of weapons from Togo in the MV, as the population is consistently engaged in agriculture. Hardly any hunting activities, therefore no pronounced variety of weapons. Indicates his state of health; does not come to ethnological research due to work. Lawsuit against demands of the Botanical and Natural History Museum. On behalf of the AA, it is to examine the forests for special woods and cultivated plants. Complaint about [H.] Klose, who had come to Misahöhe, could not do anything, but in December became assistant of Dörings in Kratshe [Kratschi].letters: 1

Auswärtiges Amt
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0715 · Akt(e) · 1895-01-01 - 1902-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1239/1895; EndVNr: E 675/1896; and others: Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, page 22, the Postal Museum, (1895), page 124, the Botanical Museum, page 256, and the Museum of Decorative Arts, Berlin, (1896), pages 126 et seq., 242 et seq. Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, Braunschweig, 143 et seq., and the Miner's Collection, Erfurt, (1896), page 173 - Exchange with private person, (1896), page 257 et seq. Cooperation with the German Colonial Society, (1895), pp. 74, 89, and the Ethnological Assistance Committee, Berlin, (1895, 1896), pp. 41, 219 ff.- Donde-Expedition, (1895), pp. 1 ff.- Dt. Togo Expedition, (1896), pp. 134 - S.D.S. 88, 93 - Neuhaus: Presentation of a Yao boy, (1895), pp. 86 f - Klingholz: Sketches of a grave near Daresalaam, (1896), pp. 107 - Partial estate of Emin Pasha, (1895), pp. 113 ff - Bernardien: Production of a Dinka figure in plaster, (1896), pp. 149 et seq. Arabic lettering, pp. 169 - Kollmann: Report on his activities as a collector, (1895), pp. 193 et seq. Zenker: Report on riots in Yaoundé, (1896), pp. 205 et seq. - Application of a magic instrument of Isala, (1896), pp. 228 - Grünwedel: Evaluation of a work by Janssen on Islam, (1896), pp. 231 et seq. "Eugen Wolf 's Afrikanische Sammlungen für den Fürsten Bismarck, (1896), Ztg.-Artikel, p. 235 - Hagen: Report on the Intended Melting of Ashanti-Gold in Hamburg, (1896), p. 237 ff - Stuhlmann: Bericht über "Penishütchen" bei den Mafiti, (1896), p. 256.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0750 · Akt(e) · 1910-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2210/1910; EndVNr: E 1670/1911; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 387, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1911), pp. 110, 387 ff. - Sale of doublets to the Anthropological Institute of the University, Wroclaw, (1910), pp. 33 ff., the Museums für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, pp. 78 ff, Hamburg, pp. 280, Munich, (1911), pp. 383, and Stuttgart, (1910, 1913), pp. 14 ff., 148 on loan from the Saalburgmuseum, Homburg v.d.H., (1911, 1959), pp. 360 - Cooperation with the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, (1911), pp. 62 f. - Distribution of duplicates to private individuals, (1911), pp. 154 ff, 199, 238, 249, 372 - Cooperation with the editors of the Globus, (1910), p. 56, the Kolonialkriegerdank Association, p. 87, 129, 233, the Command of the Schutztruppen, p. 133, the Ethnological Assistance Committee, p. 220 ff, the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 240 ff., the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Oldenburg, pp. 50, and the Command of the Schutztruppe, Windhoek, (1911), pp. 130 - Cooperation with the White Fathers, (1910, 1911), pp. 58 ff, 251 ff. - Fechtner: Skull Shipment, (1911), p. 75 - Siegmann: Origin of the Skeletons Sent in by Maercker, (1910), p. 121 - von Sick: Corrections and Negotiations for His Work on the Wanyaturu, (1911), p. 138 ff - Lunkenbein: Offer of Skeletons, (1911), p. 160 - "General Adjustment pr. Steamship 'Oron' ...", (1911), duplication, pp. 170 ff.- [Peters:] "Ophir of the ancients. Dr. Carl Peters' theories..." [1911], Ztg.-Article, pp. 202 f.- Braunschweig: Report on planned colonial activities in the southeast of DOA, (1911), pp. 228 f.- His: "Description of the ... Poison arrows and daggers of the Herero..." (1911), Bl. 247.- Minist. the Spiritual Affairs: Report on awards, (1911), p. 283 - van Gennep: Report on his collecting activities and contacts among Mediterranean cultures, (1911), p. 293 ff - "From Grootfontein. In: Südwest-Afrikanische Ztg. : 1911-06-13, p. 326 - Staudinger: Request for support for Crompton, (1911), p. 342 ff.