Affichage de 7 résultats

Description archivistique
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0722 · Dossier · 1898-01-01 - 1901-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 814/1899; EndVNr: E 237/1900; and others: Collaboration with the Botanical Museum, pp. 20 ff., and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1899), pp. 4 ff., 20 ff. - Handing over doublets to the museums in Braunschweig, Darmstadt, Detmold, Frankfurt a.M., Freiburg, Hanover, Hildesheim, Karlsruhe, Kiel, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart, (1900), pp. 138 ff.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1899), pp. 17, and Togo, (1898, 1899), pp. 218 f.- Cooperation with the editors of the Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, Berlin, pp. 59, and the Gesellschaft Süd-Kamerun, Brussels, (1899), pp. 56 f.- Cooperation with the Basel Mission, (1899), pp. 167 f.- Consignments of the border regulation expedition Lucas, p. 166, and the pendulum expedition, (1899), p. 176 - "Compilation of the payments made by the main treasury [!] of the Imperial Government of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a for the Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin until the end of March 1899."Bl. 3 Fülleborn: "Die Stadt Utengule (December 1898)", sketch, Bl. 10, itinerary, (no year), sketch, Bl. 82, explanations of skulls and skeletons, (1899), Bl. 123 ff. Conrau: Acquisition of fetishes, pp. 48 et seq., report on fetishes and slaves, (1899), pp. 50 et seq. "Namen der Salomoni-Speere" (N.O.J.), p. 107 - by Luschan: Request to von Ramsay for influence on Basel missionaries in the sense of the MV, (1899), p. 170, Request to send the columned house from Fontem, (1900), p. 203 - Bessar: Report on the punitive expedition against the village of Fontem, (1900), Abschr.., Bl. 205 - Kersting: Report on cave burial and buildings in Tamberma, consignment of skulls, (1899), Bl. 174 f.- "Liste des photographies de Madagascar et de la Réunion de F. Sikora naturaliste ...", (no year), Druckschr., Bl. 182 ff. - Esch: Donation of skulls, (1900), Bl. 298.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0720 · Dossier · 1895-01-01 - 1903-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 732/1898; EndVNr: E 221/1899; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, (1899), p. 289, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1898), pp. 140, 150, 160 - Exchange of doublets with private persons, (1898), pp. 242 f.- Cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 119, 147, 219, Cameroon, pp. 1, 273, and Togo, (1898), pp. 231 - Basler Mission: Notwendigkeit der öffentlichen Vernichtung von Götzen, Sammelverbot für Missionare, (1899), pp. 326 f.- Jacobi: Proposals for Cooperation with Mission Societies, (1899), pp. 327 - Plehn: Sanga-Ngoko-Expedition, (1899), pp. 269 - Ollwig: Mission of Skulls, (1898), pp. 10 - von Stein: Report on Pygmies and the Food of Earth, (1898), pp. 21 f. - Fülleborn: Mission of Skeletons, pp. 28 ff., Report on the Station and Cooperation with Missionaries, pp. 120 ff.., Fever treatment, (1898), pp. 253 f.- Staudinger: Report on an iron apron, (1898), pp. 49 - Rigler: Shipment of skulls, pp. 84 f., Report about von Massow and his misunderstanding regarding von Luschans, (1899), p. 264 - Dominik: Report about a punitive expedition because of cannibalism', attack on a raging city, slave and man hunts, (1898), p. 91 ff. Kersting: Report on stone tools, fetish service and metalworking, (1898), pp. 234 ff., "Orientation sketch of Kabure", (o.D.), pp. 104 - by Luschan: Comment on Benin bronzes, pp. 149, Occurrence of composite sheets in Central Africa, (1898), pp. 205 - Habenicht: Offer of Bushman skeletons, (1898), pp. 161 f. - Perbandt: Skull Shipment, (1899), p. 211 - Rautanen: "Erläuterungen zu dem 'Grundriss einer grossen ondonga Werft'", (1895), p. 217 - Shipment of Captured Weapons, (1898), p. 226 - Glauning: Report on wire drawing, description of a loom and request for doublet delivery to Dresden, (1898), p. 244 - Rautanen: "Explanations for the 'ground plan of a large ondonga shipyard'", (1895), p. 217 - Shipment of captured weapons, (1898), p. 226 - Glauning: Report on wire drawing, description of a loom and request for doublet delivery to Dresden, (1898), p. 244 - Rautanen: "Explanations for the 'ground plan of a large ondonga shipyard'. Doublets from the collection of Stein for the Museum für Völkerkunde Stuttgart, (1899), pp. 294 ff. - Wegner: Sendung von Skeletten, (1899), pp. 333.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0734 · Dossier · 1905-01-01 - 1922-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1672/1905; EndVNr: E 2263/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, pp. 95, the Egyptian Museum, pp. 60 et seq., 118 et seq., and the Numismatic Collection, Berlin, (1905), pp. 60 et seq. - Donation to the Museum of Prehistory and Early History, Berlin, (1922), pp. 271 - Exchange of doublets with the Landesmuseum, Darmstadt, (1905, 1906), pp. 243 et seq. Cooperation with the Albany Museum, Grahamstown, (1905), pp. 56 et seq. - Cooperation with the High Command of the Schutztruppe, (1906), pp. 251 et seq., and the Psychological Institute of the University, Berlin, (1905), pp. 334 et seq. Collaboration with the universities, Chicago, pp. 72, 304, Vienna, pp. 137 f., the Liederkranz-Club, Johannesburg, pp. 53 f., and the British South-Africa Company, Cape Town, (1905), pp. 229 ff - Collaboration with missionaries, pp. 43 f., 80 ff., 163, 235, 322 ff., and the Basler Mission, (1905), p. 47 - by Luschan: Report on the purchase of a bark boat, Abschr., p. 143, Report on the purchase of the comp. Andrews and denture deformations with the Barotse and Batonga, (1905), p. 154 ff - Busch: Donation of stones with Bushman drawings, (1905), pp. 67 ff. - Deetjen: Report on upper lip jewellery of Makalanga women, pp. 128 ff., Report on the change of utensils, the disappearance of snuffboxes and grass fabrics, (1906), pp. 169 ff. - Peters: "The Exploration of Ruins in Zambesia.", (o.D.), Ztg.-Article, p. 132 - Andrews: "The Webster Ruin.", (1906), p. 183 ff - Government of Rhodesia: Rejection of the exhumation of skeletons, (1905), p. 190 - Schweinfurth: Offer of "Palaeolithic siliceous manufacts" from Upper Egypt, p. 259, "Type series of the Eolithic manufacts of Thebes.", p. 260 ff, "Type Series of the Palaeolithic Manufacts of Thebes", pp. 265 et seq., "List of the localities exploited by me in the surroundings of Thebes for the collection of pebble manufacts", (1905), Druckschr.., Bl. 269 f.- Ankermann: Report on the Collection Schauer, (1905), Bl. 286 f.- Hochapfel: Erklärung von Buschmann-Motiven, (1905), Bl. 307 f.- Donation of the Collection Mittelbachert to a Society, (1905), Ztg.-Artikel, Bl. 339.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0745 · Dossier · 1908-01-01 - 1910-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1843/1908; EndVNr: E 2775/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 2 f., the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, pp. 1, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1908), pp. 58 - Delivery of duplicates to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, pp. 175 f., the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 93, 95, 235 ff., 253 ff., and the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, (1908, 1909), pp. 12 ff., 151 ff.- Cooperation with the Städtisches Museum für Natur- und Heimatkunde, Magdeburg, pp. 243 f., and the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, (1908), pp. 324 f.- Cooperation with the Royal Institute for Infectious Diseases, Berlin, pp. 130, the Commission for the Study of the Protectorates, Leipzig, (1908), pp. 40, 53, 72 ff., 89, 91 f., 251, and the African Society, London, (1908, 1909), pp. 180 ff. - submission of duplicates to the Colonial Economic Committee, Berlin, pp. 58, and the Handelsschule, Cologne, (1908), pp. 58.- cooperation with the Governor of Togo, (1908), pp. 174.- cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 231, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. - cooperation with the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 631, and the Gesellschaft Nordwest-Kamerun, Duala, (1908), pp. 6 ff. Cooperation with missionaries, pp. 15, 141, the Basler Mission, pp. 267 ff., 275, and the White Fathers, (1908), pp. 293 ff.- Kamerun-Expedition, Thorbecke, (1908), pp. 59 ff.- Zimmermann: Report on the Exploitation of Weapons, (1908), p. 16 - Rehse: Suggestions for a Research Trip, p. 23 f., together with Map, (1908), Sketch, p. 25 - "The Origin of the Bushmen, Hottentot and Bantu Negro". In: Windhoek News : 1909-07-10, p. 149 - "Bushman paintings." In: Cape Times : 1908-10-07, p. 173. - Thomas, Struck and others: Creation of a linguistic questionnaire for the colonies, (1908, 1909), pp. 177 ff. - offer of the Grundmann company, [1908], pamphlet, pp. 262 f. - Vöhringer: Description of the programme, (1908), pp. 271 f. - Karasek: Request for support for his research on the Waschambae, (1908), pp. 282 f. - Proposals for honouring Weule and Meyer, (1908), pp. 286 ff. - Scheunemann: Offer of the scepter of Diba von Bertua, (1908), pp. 300 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0743 · Dossier · 1907-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 3/1908; EndVNr: E 899/1908; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, page 135, the Botanical Central Office for the Colonies at the Royal Botanical Garden and Museum, page 85 f., and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, page 257 f., 271.- Sale of doublets to the Hzgl. collections of the Veste Coburg, page 87 ff.., the Upper Silesian Museum, Gleiwitz, pp. 193 ff., the Wachsenburg Committee, Gotha, pp. 208 ff., the Museums of Ethnology, Frankfurt a.M., pp. 130, 204, 206 ff., Cologne, pp. 203, 279 ff., and Leipzig, (1908), pp. 145 ff. - Cooperation with the Imperial and Royal Court of Germany (k.k.) Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna, (1908), pp. 116 ff. - Sale of duplicates to private individuals, (1908), pp. 18 - Cooperation with the governors of DOA, pp. 185 ff., Cameroon, pp. 252, and Togo, (1908), among others on the whereabouts of the ethnographica from the colonial exhibition in Friedenau, pp. 67, 200 f., 205, 276 - Cooperation with the Society Northwest Cameroon, Duala, (1907, 1908), p. 1 - Cooperation with missionaries, p. 68, 188 f., 259 ff, and the Basler Mission, (1908), p. 78 - Beunat: "Catalogue d' armes et objets divers prosenant du Congo ...", (1908), Abzug, p. 6 ff - "Litteratur zur Völkerkunde der Watussi, Wasimsa, Wassuttuma, Waschaschi, Wayaia etc. Nach Mittheilung von B. Struck.", (1908), pp. 22 ff. - Catalogue of offers Just, Görlitz, (1908), Printed by Druckschr., pp. 26 f. - Rohrbach: Donation of an autograph by Njoya von Bamum, (1908), pp. 28 f. - "... Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology and Prehistory ..." In: Vossische Ztg. : 1908-01-22, pp. 44 - Adametz: Report on the Use of Juju Heads, (1907), pp. 74 ff., and on Collecting in Connection with Military Actions, (1908), pp. 80 f.- "Lepidopten-List der Naturhistorischen Anstalt von Arnold Voelschow in Schwerin in Mecklenburg", (1907), Druckschr., pp. 95 ff.- Fromms departure for a DOA expedition, In: Geraisches Tagebl. : 1908-03-11, p. 183 - "Report on the activities of the Wachsenburg Committee and the Wachsenburg Association in 1907", p. 211 f., "Report of the 'Verein Wachsenburg' zu Gotha on the year 1907", (1908), print print, page 213 - Dempwolff: Sendung eines Schädels, (1908), page 248 - Struck: "Schutzgebiet Kamerun. Questionnaire for the first recording of the languages of the Adamaua tribes, compiled on behalf of the Royal Museum of Ethnology ...", (1908), Druckschr., pp. 253 ff.- Schmitz: Bericht aus Rhodesien, (1908), pp. 260 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0732 · Dossier · 1904-01-01 - 1907-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1937/1904; EndVNr: E 855/1905; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1905), p. 58 - Cooperation with the Museums of Ethnology, Hamburg, p. 280, Dresden, p. 281, Cologne, (1907), p. 279, Stuttgart, (1904), p. 29, 176 f., the Reichsmuseum, Leiden, p. 146, the Institute of Anthropology, London, p. 174, and the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, (1905), p. 183 ff - Transfer of duplicates to the antiquity society Prussia, Königsberg, (1905), p. 153 - Transfer of duplicates to private individuals, (1905), p. 196, p. 309 - Cooperation with the governors of DSW, p. 175, Togo, (1905), p. 334, and Cameroon, (1904), p. 64 - Cooperation with Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, pp. 41, the German Mediterranean Society, Berlin, pp. 167, the Société d' Études coloniales, Brussels, pp. 223, the American Geographical Society, New York, and the University Library, Vienna, (1905), pp. 159 - Cooperation with missionaries, (1904, 1905), pp. 77 f., 151, 222, of the Congregation of Missionaries Oblates of the Immaculate Virgin Mary (1904), pp. 5 ff., of the Mission of hh. Heart of Jesus, (1905), pp. 179 f., and the Basel Mission, (1905, 1906), pp. 288 ff.- Merker: Location of drilled stones, (1905), Abschr., pp. 42 f.- Hofmarschallamt: Loan of a chair by Njoya von Bamum, (1905), p. 67 - Armbandsammlung Döring, (1905), p. 75 f. - Judgment on the outstanding sum insured for ECR Rigler, (1905), p. 81 ff - Rehse: Supplements to his manuscript "Kiziba", p. 93 ff., "Foreword to Chapter 11", p. 96, Request for Command to Bukoba and Biographical Notes, (1905), p. 122 - Laufer: Report on the Sanatorium Alhayat in Egypt, (1905), p. 137 ff. - "The Work of the Diafe by Leo Frobenius.", (1905), Abschr., p. 148 f. - Schweinfurth: Bericht über Bogen aus Ägypten, (1905), p. 154 - by Stefenelli: Bericht über den Gebrauch von Masken beim Fetischdienst, (1905), p. 202 ff - Schloifer: "Einladung zur Beteiligung an der Central-Afrikanischen Bergwerks-Gesellschaft m.b.H.", p. 213, "Entwurf. Gesellschaftsvertrag ...", pp. 215 et seq., "Report to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", pp. 218 et seq., "Special report on the goldfields belonging to the Central African Lake Society m.b.H.", Printed by Druckschr., (1905), pp. 219 et seq. - "List of African ethnographic objects brought by Mr Paul Bieger from Lagos", (1905), pp. 239 et seq. "Name and meaning of the stamps (s. 3447) of missionaries Merkel and Sitzler, (1905), pp. 306 ff. - "Verzeichnis der Sammlung Rosen", (1905), pp. 316 ff. - Rosen: Publikationspläne und Abrechnung über seine Gesandtschaftsreise nach Abessinien, (1906), pp. 327 f.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0798 · Dossier · 1907-01-01 - 1913-12-31
Fait partie de Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 332/1907; EndVNr: E 561/1909; and others: Cooperation with the Governor of Cameroon, p. 76, the Society of Northwest Cameroon, p. 48 ff. (1908), and the Basel Mission, p. 114, p. 118, p. 142, p. 189; Ankermann: Reiseplan, p. 2 f. (1907), Report on Glauning's Death, p. 100, "... Report about my previous activities in Cameroon ...", pp. 108 ff., Report about the estate Glauning, (1908), pp. 133 f.- "Ethnographische Forschungsreise.", (1907), Ztg.-Artikel, pp. 17.- "Abrechnung ...", (1907), pp. 31 f.

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