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Archival description
Archivalie - Process

description: Contains:for purchase: I/44/1895: III C 5992-5998, Ethnogr. (Togo area), E. Baumann, Misahöhe [S.D.S. 69] -- Content/Includes: Indication of possibly high costs when purchasing a fetish drum. Made contact with priests. Reference to a small number of weapons from Togo in the MV, as the population is consistently engaged in agriculture. Hardly any hunting activities, therefore no pronounced variety of weapons. Indicates his state of health; does not come to ethnological research due to work. Lawsuit against demands of the Botanical and Natural History Museum. On behalf of the AA, it is to examine the forests for special woods and cultivated plants. Complaint about [H.] Klose, who had come to Misahöhe, could not do anything, but in December became assistant of Dörings in Kratshe [Kratschi].letters: 1

Federal Foreign Office
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0724 · File · 1900-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 950/1900; EndVNr: E 644/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Natural History Museum, (1901), p. 140, and the German Colonial Museum, Berlin, (1900), p. 10 - Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, p. 114 f., and the Natural History Museum, Cologne, (1901), p. 183 ff. Cooperation with the governors of DOA, (1900, 1901), pp. 13, 104, and Togo, (1901), pp. 220 - Cooperation with the Krupp Educational Association, Altendorf, pp. 128, 187 f., the Colonial Economic Committee, pp. 119, the Northwest Cameroon Society, Berlin, pp. 268, and the South Cameroon Society, Hamburg, (1901), pp. 226 ff. Cooperation with Herrnhuter Missionaren, p. 70, and the Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft, (1901), p. 100 - Müller: Acquisition of the Götzen Ekongolo unmöglich, (1900), p. 24 f. - Rigler: Remarks on the Distribution of His Collection to German Museums, (1900), p. 34 f. - Meinhof: Attitude of colonial officials towards the native population, (1901), p. 67 - von Luschan: Assessment of the Collection of Zech, p. 72, Assessment of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, p. 87 f., 95 f., 172 f., Bitte an von Götzen und Fülleborn sich nach Sinne des ethnographischen Sammelns einzubommen, p. 127, Exclusive acceptance of lawfully acquired objects for the MV, (1901), p. 170 - "Art, Science, and Literature" In: Dt. Reichs- und Preußischer Staatsanzeiger, (1900), Abschr., p. 89 - Ubisch: Sammelauftrag des Zeughaus, Berlin, (1901), p. 90 - Minist. der geistl. Affairs: Refusal to support the expedition of Heinemann and Schrader, (1901), p. 107 - Schrader: Lebenslauf, (1900), p. 109 - Dt. Kolonialschule Wilhelmshof: "Timetable for the winter semester 1900/1901", and "Schülererverzeichnis des Sommersemesters 1900.", printed version, p. 107 - Schrader: Lebenslauf, (1900), p. 109 - Dt, Bl. 123 f.- "Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Sonder-Ausstellung C.G. Schillings (2nd Journey 1899/1900)", (no year), printed by.., pp. 131 f. - Founding minutes of the Museum Association, Essen, (1901), pp. 187 f. - Mischlich: Bericht zur Zahnpflege, (1901), Abschr., pp. 221 ff. - Laasch: Bericht über einen Fetisch, (1901), pp. 252 f. - Maas: Bericht über einen arabischen Frauenschmuck, (1901), pp. 260 ff - Gruner: Sendung eines Skeletts, (1901), pp. 282.

Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0903 · File · 1916-01-01 - 1916-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:only: R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t: Behaviour of the English and French troops under English supreme command against the white population of the German protectorates of Cameroon and Togo. Berlin 1916. 258 p.