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Archival description
ALMW_II._32_50 · File · 1911-1963
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 50 1 - o.J. "Voices on the Conference" (ed.; 4 p.) - o.J. Klamroth: "Theses" (concerning Islam; ed.; 1 p.) - o.J. Gleiss: "Summary of Proposals concerning Religious Literature" (ed.; 1 p.) - 1911. Protocol on the Fourth Negotiating Day (typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. Resolutions - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Agenda of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (ed.) - Mamba 1911 Room (Conference Report; handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Minutes of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod". (Agenda, minutes; typed; 2 copies; 7 and 9 p.) - 1936 "Tanganyika Missionary Council" (printed; 10 p.) - Marangu 1936. Rother an Direktor - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Memorandum on the mission situation in East Africa" (typed; 11 and 17 p.; 2 copies). FICHE NO. 50 2 - Continued - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - Marangu 1936 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission for the Preparation of the Lutheran Missionary Church Federation for East Africa" (2x) - Marangu 1936. Bethel-Mission (Scholten) to Ihmels - Marangu 1936. Rother to Director - Leipzig 1937. ? to the members of the East Africa Commission (2 letters) - Berlin 1937 "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Bethel 1937. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Augustana Synod - Mlalo 1937. Leistner to Küchler (2 letters) - Marangu 1937. Rother, Hosbach, Tscheuschner to the Lords of the Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day - Marangu 1937. Rother to Director (2 letters) - Leipzig 1937. ? (Küchler?) to Leistner (2 letters) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Lilje (duplicate) - Berlin 1937. Braun to Küchler - Krummenhennersdorf 1937. ? (Küchler?) an Braun - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the Missionary Church Federation (4x) - o.O., o.J. Statute of the Missionary Church Federation on Lutheran Basis for East Africa (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionary Church Federation (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Küchler an Kollegium der Leipziger Mission - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa. FICHE NR. 50 3 - Dar es Salaam 1937 Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionskirchenbund - Marangu, Berliner Missionsstation Pommern, Vudee 1937/38. Rother an Ihmels (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937 "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.". (German Evangelical Mission Days) - Leipzig 1937/38. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937. Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels - Bethel 1937. Ronicke to Ihmels - o.O. 1938. ? Rother "Kwa Wazee wa kuandaa Mkutano wa Kanisa" (Swahili) - Lwandai, Lushoto o.J. Lutheran Theological School: "A Study on the Topic: the training for the ministry in the Lutheran Church, Tanganyika, East Africa." (English; typewritten; 6 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Suggestions regarding the training of pastors for the Lutherian Churches in Tanganyika" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Lutheran Theological School. Curriculum" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Constitution. The Federation of Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika" - Lushoto 1952 "An Outline of the History of the Mission Church Federation" - Gonja 1938. Mdoe an Senior (Swahili) - Shigatini 1938. ? an Rother (Swahili) - Kidugala 1938 "Minutes of the 1st Kirchen-Bundestag" (typewritten; 6 p.) - Kidugala 1938 "Provisional Agenda of the Missionskirchenbundtag" - Neudietendorf 1938. "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (2-fold) - Bethel 1938. Ronicke to Ihmels - Marangu 1938. Rother: "Report of the Covenant Warden of the East African Missionary Church Federation on his visit to the stations of the Bena and Condesynods of the Berlin Mission and the Brethren Church". (Typewritten; 9 p.) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Underhill - Mlalo 1938. Leistner to Küchler - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - o.O. 1940. "Visits to the western stations of the mountain" (typewritten; 5 p.) - Marangu 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Kirchentag committee" (typewritten; 3 p.). FICHE NO. 50 4- - continued - Marangu 1940. "Mkutano wa Wazee wa Kuandaa Mkutano Mkuu" (Swahili) - Mamba 1930. "Kawaida za kanisa" (typed; 6 p.) - Leipzig 1929. "Draft of a Church Constitution for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Africa" - o.o. 1939 "The Negotiations on the Reorganization of the School System in its Significance for Us" (Maschinegeschrieben; 8 p.) - o.o., o.J., o. Author "Utaratibu wa Kuonya na Kuongoza Wakristo jinsi utakavyotumika katika Ungamano la Makanisa ya Misioni ya Afrika ya Mashariki" (Swahili; typewritten; 4 p.) -o.O., o.J., o.Verf. "Draft of a Church Breeding Code for the Churches of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.) - Berlin 1940 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation" - o.O. 1940. Gutmann (or without year and author): "Zur Fortentwicklung des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbund auf Lutherischer Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 11 or 15 p.) - o.o. 1940. Gutmann: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the covenant keeper of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.o. 1950. Schiotz an "Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies" (English) - Leipzig 1952. ? (Ihmels?) to Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. Ihmels: "The Missionskirchenbund auf lutherischer Grundlage für Ostafrika" (2fold) - o.O., o.J. Ihmels: "The East African Mission Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Statute of the East African Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - 1963. Copy from "In all the world".

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_194 · File · 1894-1909
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Three fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 194 1 BIS 3- - typewritten copy of a manuscript of Althaus (Wolfenbüttel 1935; 260 p.), made by Burmester (Hrsg), secretary of the Braunschweigische ev.-luth. main missionary association, Hedeper 1951, provided with an overview of the author's curriculum vitae and the report of an elder of the community Mamba (M. Ruben Muschi Nyange) on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Althaus on 24 April 1936 (presumably unpublished)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_13 · File · 1908-1954
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Nine fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 13 1 - Dresden 1932. rector of the Ev.-luth. deaconess institution (Ranft) to Körner (5 letters; concerning bell consecration) - 1933. ? - Leipzig 1933. Ihmels an Körner (3 letters) - Lauchhammer 1933. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Körner (8 letters) - Rostock 1933. Büchsel an Domprediger (4 letters) - 1933. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Büchsel (concerning E-Glocke for East Africa) - 1933. Declaration of accession to the "Sparer-Schutzkasse" for daughter of Körner - Oetzsch 1933. Körner an Ihmels - Oetzsch 1931. Körner an ? - Oetzsch 1926-1931. 11 letters to Körner from different senders - Lauchhammer 1931. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke to Körner (7 letters) - Leipziger Neueste Nachrichten 1931. (consecration of a mission bell in Gautzsch) - Gautzsch 1931. Ears of grain festival: song list, daily routine - excerpt from "Die Ährenleserin" No. 4, 1931 - Lauchhammer 1926. Left-Hofmann-Lauchhammer. Aktiengesellschaft an Körner (2 letters). FICHE NR. 13 2 - continued - Lauchhammer 1926. left-Hofmann-Lauchhammer an Körner (2 letters) - Bautzen 1927. Biehle an Körner (3 letters) - Lauchhammer 1927. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke an Körner (6 letters) - Bochumer Gusstahlglocken (printed) - Bochum 1927. Vereinigte Stahlwerke an Körner (2 letters) - "The new chiming of the castle church of Stettin." (printed) - Memmingerberg 1930. Hildmann on/for Körner - Lauchhammer 1930. Mitteldeutsche Stahlwerke on/for Körner (11 letters) - Bautzen 1930. Biehle on/for Körner - o.O., o.J. Shipping instruction for freight shipments to East Africa - Chemnitz-Altendorf 1930. Dittrich (2 letters) - Chemnitz-Altendorf. The messenger of Matthew. No. 5, 1930 ("OurHonour Reading Festival with the Consecration of the Missionary Bells") - Arusha 1954. Swahili with translation - draft of a letter to Arusha - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson - reprint of the Ev. Sonntagsblatt von Bayern (diary excerpts from Pätzig) - Leipzig 1939. Record-Motor GmbH. Ford sales office to Leipzig Mission (concerning trucks for East Africa; copy; 2 letters) - Leipzig 1939. Küchler to Hohenberger - Chama cha vijana wakristo. Founded 1938. Arusha - Annual report Arusha 1938. Pätzig - Annual report Arusha 1937. Pätzig - Marangu 1938. Rother - Pätzig to mission council and college (concerning church building in Arusha with hand-painted sketch) - Arusha 1936. ? (copy) - annual report Arusha 1936. Pätzig (with hand-painted map) - annual report Arusha 1935. Hohenberger - Arusha 1934. report of the shepherd Lasaros Laiser - annual report Arusha 1934. Pätzig - Arusha 1934. Pätzig (3 letters) - Leipzig 1934. An Pätzig - annual report Arusha 1933. Pätzig - 1933. Pätzig (report about the "home for oppressed catechumen women" of the station Arusha) - Arusha 1934. Pätzig (concerning "infant mortality among the natives") - Arusha 1932. Pätzig (report about the "home for oppressed catechumen women") - Arusha 1933. Overview and short report of the stepp missionary - annual report Arusha 1932. Pätzig. FICHE NO. 13 4 - Continued - Annual Report 1931 Arusha. Pätzig - Annual report 1930 Arusha. Pätzig - 1931 Ev. parish journal for the deaneries of Kitzingen, Rüdenhausen, Markteinersheim and others (article: "Ein Tag in der Stadtschule Arusha") - Arusha. Site plan of the station Arusha 1931 - Arusha 1930-1931. Pätzig (4 letters) - 1930 An Pätzig (2 letters) - Annual report Arusha 1929. Pätzig - 1929. An Blumer (3 letters) - Arusha 1929. Blumer - Annual report Arusha 1928. Blumer (2 times). FICHE NR. 13 5 - continued - Arusha 1928. Blumer an Ihmels - Leipzig 1927-1928. An Blumer (2 letters) - annual report Arusha 1927. Blumer (2fold) - 1927. An Rissmann - Arusha 1927. Blumer - annual report Arusha 1926. Blumer (2fold). FICHE NR. 13 6 - continued - Arusha 1926. Blumer (3 letters) - Arusha 1926. Reusch to Ihmels (with photo) - annual report Arusha 1925. Reusch - Arusha 1926. Rißmann - Arusha 1926. Blumer - annual report Arusha 1924. Blumer (2fold). FICHE NR. 13 7 - Continued - Leipzig 1924: Blumer (expenses by the Augustana Synod for the mission stations Arusha, Nkoaranga, Machame, Masama, Schena) - 1924: Blumer on his way to Europe - Arusha 1924: Blumer (report on the construction of a school and the start of work at the school) - Arusha 1924: Blumer (expenses by the school) - Plan of the school - Arusha 1924. Blumer (3 letters) - annual report Arusha and Nkoaranga 1.7.1922-30.6.1923. Blumer (transcript) - statistics of the mission stations Arusha and Nkoaranga 1923. Blumer - account of the sub-funds of the mission station Arusha 1922. Blumer - account of the sub-funds of the mission station Nkoaranga 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 1st quarter 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 2nd quarter 1922. Blumer - account of Arusha and Nkoaranga, 2nd quarter 1922. FICHE NR. 13 8 - List of correspondence between the Mission Society and Blumer 1921 - Small Mission Bell. No. 4, 1917 - Cost estimate for mission station Arusha 1922 (original and copy) - 1921. Paul an Blumer - Arusha 1921. Blumer (2 letters) - 4 photos: 1923 "our 'triad' with some local Christian children"; 1923 church in Leudorf-Legana. "In front of the church stand two Christian natives ... back - a pagan native"; 1923 photo taken in Ndurmaya by Mrs. Sander; 1920 family Blume with church. Recorded in the garden of the Arusha mission station. - 2 photos without title (copies hardly recognizable) - account Arusha and Nkoaranga, I. half-year 1921 - from the diary reports of Blumer 1921 - annual report Arusha 1915. Blumer. FICHE NR. 13 9- - Continuation of the diary notes 1921 - 1914. Blumer ("How the outbreak of war found the mission work in Arusha") - Construction plan for a mission house in Arusha 1908 by Schindler (Baumeister)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1896_2 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Letters from Miss. Hofmann and Pfitzinger. Scope: p. 43-47* 60-63. Contains, among other things: - 1. (SW: Miss. Hofmann from Mbungu to Jimba; many attacks by Maasai and Arab chiefs; description of the attack on the neighbouring station Kabai) - 2. (SW: description of the attack on Kabai; Wakamba warrior)
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_2B · File · 1892-1910
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NO. 2B 1 - Map: Justus Perthes' Africa Lake District Section (8.) Edited by Dr. R. Lüddecke. Printed November 1892 in Gotha. 3rd edition - o.O., o.J. ? (concerning present missionary situation in Tanganyika) - Leipzig 1893. College (concerning instructions for the leader of the East African mission expedition; copy) - map "Eastern Central Africa" C.M.S. Report, Pl.3 - hand-drawn map "Siralandschaften" - o.O. 1892. ? - 1893. German East Africa line (receipt for Paessler) - o.O., o.J. map East Africa - o.O., o.J. Map: The Kamerungebiet, Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft - "Karte der Missionstationen in Deutsch-Ostafrika" Zu: Deutsches Kolonialblatt 1892 - Travel calculations of the missionaries Paessler, Althaus, Fahrmann, Müller und Böhme - Mombas 1893. Travelogue (Experiences at Sea) Conclusion and signature missing (continuation probably on Fiche Nr. 2B 2 ) - Leipzig 1893(?). Letter to the members of the college - Berlin 1895. Meinerne - Berkau, Altmark 1893. Merensky (2 letters) - excerpts from the "Leipziger Zeitung" of 19.11.1894. Article: "The murder in Rombo" excerpt from the diary of the mission station Mamba, led by missionary Althaus (26.9.-3.10.). FICHE NO 2B 2 - "Second Supplement to No 600 of the National Newspaper." 1894 (excerpt) "Das Disciplinar-Urtheil gegen den Kanzler Leist" - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler (2 letters) - Schlieffenburg 1895. Karsten. (Copy and discussion of a report from the "Reichsboten" by Dr. Volkens, concerning the relationship of the Catholic and Protestant missions at Kilimanjaro; 2 letters) - Nuremberg 1895. Paessler - Groppendorf 1895. Müller (General Secretary of the Ev. Afrika-Verein) - Berlin 1895. Grundemann, Merensky (accompanying letter survey concerning the "legal habits of the African peoples") - Berlin 1896. International Association for Comparative Law and Economics (Research on the Legal and Economic Conditions of African Indigenous Peoples - Letter accompanying the sending of a questionnaire) - Mamba 1896. Althaus - Leipzig 1896. Schwartz to the missionaries of the Jagga Mission - Extract from the diary of the missionary Paessler (corrected). Headings (inserted later): 1. from Mombasa to Rabai; 2. from Rabai to Samburi (2 day trips); 3. from Samburu to Maungu (3 days) - o.O., o.J. (no beginning, probably continuation of Fiche No. 2B 1 ) Böhme - Mombasa 1893. Paessler - continuation of the above mentioned revised excerpts from the diary of Paessler (unsorted). FICHE No. 2B 3 - Continuation of the revised diary of Paessler, dated at the end: Machame 1893 - Machame 1893. Paessler - Leipzig 1893. ? - Mombas resp. Machame 1893-1894. Paessler (4 letters) - Machame 1893. Fassmann - Machame 1893. Paessler (diary beginning 30.9.1893; copy). FICHE NO. 2B 4 - Continued. Paessler - Lorenzkirch 1894. Paul (2 letters) - Mamba 1894. ? - Hamburg 1894. Hansing

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1896_6 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Postcard from Miss. Clean, Dec. 9, 1895. Scope: p. 106. Includes: - (SW: connection to the station partly cut off by floods; no cargo loads; Scottish mission station Kibwezi)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1898_30 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Hofmann and Säuberlich. Scope: pp. 397-405. Contains, among other things: - "First visit to the Kibwezi mission in Scotland." (SW: little missionary activity; garden; hunting) - "2. some of the domestic life of the missionaries." (SW: Birth of the son of the siblings Säuberlich; passage of Dr. Kolbe; lease) - "3. drought and famine in and around Ikutha". - "Four. The missionary work among the starving Wakamba." (SW: Problems due to famine; attendance at church service) - "5. The first catechumens in Ikutha." (SW: school attendance; baptism registration; presentation of the baptism candidates) Darin: illustration "Ndzau, Koloboi and Kawalo, three students in Ikutha."

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1900_34 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's monthly chronicle. Althaus and Krause. Scope: p. 531-534* 543-548. Contains, among other things: - "One. A new little church." (SW: completion and inauguration of the building) - "2nd new students of the boarding school." "3. An instructional course for more mature students." (SW: Course for baptized costume students) - "Fourth death of two former chieftains." (SW: Death of Mlawi and Mbararia's father) - "5. The Cabin Tax." (SW: introduction of metallurgical tax) - "6. extension of the boundaries of the station land." - "Seventh Continuation of Unrest on the Mountains." (SW: tensions caused by Waaruscha; missionary work disturbed; sewing art; stone stable) Darin: pictures "The new assembly house in Mamba", "worker of the missionary station Mamba sawing boards".
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Moschi
ALMW_II._MB_1900_23 · File
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Report by Miss. Cooper. Scope: p. 358-365. Contains, among other things: - "January." (SW: New Year's Day; lessons and board school; printing - reading and singing books) - "February." (SW: Baptism candidates and baptismal instruction; diseases; potatoes; attending church) - "March." (SW: defeat of the Aruscha people; arrest of Meli because of an attack; execution; role of the Maasai in the conflict; school activity; new workshop; purchase of livestock) Darin: Illustration "The mission station Moschi at Kilimanjaro".

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_33 · File · 1916-1918
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 33 1 - Nkoaranga o.J. Schachschneider to "son Hans" (private; copy) - o.O. 1917. "Berta" to Scharwächter in Leipzig (private; 2 copies) - "Der Adventbote in der Heidenwelt" No.2, 1917 (printed) - o.O., o.J. 2 printed pages - o.O., o.J. letter: "The war in German East Africa", internment of the Catholic missionaries at Kilimanjaro - Ahmednagar (India) 1917. Hedde from Usambara, currently prisoner of war (copy) - Ahmednagar (India) o.J. Fuchs (English; original and 2 copies) - Chemnitz 1917. soldier Thisch to mission director - Breklum 1917. mission inspector Braker with the request for publication, without addressee (printed) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs. Prisoners of War, Postcard to mission director (2 letters) - Ludwigslust 1917. Repsold to mission director (2 letters) - Altenburg 1917. von Bock to mission director (3 letters) - Wildberg (Zurich) 1917. Sulzberger to mission director - Marburg, Lahn 1917. Stiehler to "Professor" (without further information - possibly mission director Prof. Paul) - Berlin 1917. Reichs-Kolonialamt an von Bock (copy) - Schrubach 1916. Mauer an "Professor" - Ort unleserlich 1917. Missionsinspektor an Angehörige und Freunde der Missionsarbeiter in Usambara - Machame 1917. "Father" an "Tochter" J. Müller (private; copy with accompanying letter to Missionsdirektor) - Liegnitz 1917. Scheller ohne Empfängerangabe (2 letters) - Herrnhut 1917. Henning to mission director (postcard) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger (English; 2 copies typewritten; 1 handwritten) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to mission director - Hessen 1917. Rose to "Missionar" (no details; 2 letters) - Ohlau 1917. Beautiful to "Missionar" (no details) - Dresden 1917. Gress an Paul - Döben 1917. Lindmann an Bruder (no further details) - Nauternlitz 1917. Warnike an Missionsdirektor - Buschnitz 1917. Taube an "Professor" - Wittigwalde 1917. Thurleis as estate manager at Leipziger Mission - o.O. 1917. ? an Fuchs in Ahmednagar (2-fold) - East Africa 1917. Oldewage an Paul (original in English and 3 translations). FICHE NR. 33 2 - continued - Bethel 1917. mission inspector to relatives and friends of the mission brothers and sisters in Rwanda - Bethel 1917. ev. mission society for German East Africa to mission director - Charlottenburg 1917. bold to mission director - Marangu 1917. ev. -luth. mission Marangu an Würz (English) - Marangu 1917. room to mission director (original and copy) - Tengeru 1916. my to "son Peter" (private) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to mission director (3 letters) - Altmittweida 1917. Afert to Paul - Meseritz 1917. chess cutter to Ev.-luth. mission to Leipzig (2 letters) - Daressalaam 1916. "Gustl" to "Mühmchen" (private; copy) - Bethel 1917. ev. mission company to "Bruder" (no further details) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuch to his family (private; 2 letters) - Militsch 1917. Kegel to mission director (2 letters) - Nkoaranga 1917. Schachschneider to Sulzberger (English) - Schwabach 1917. Mauer to "Professor" - Bethel 1917. Mission inspector to relatives and friends of the missionaries - Wuga 1917. Gleiss to "Bruder Friedrich" (private; copy; English) - Großalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld to mission director - Allenstein 1917. Behrends to mission director - Eberswalde 1917. Bad to mission director - o.O. 1917. from Arnim to mission director - Iever 1917. Mein to mission director (2 letters) - Tengeru, Arusha 1916. My to "Mother" (2 letters) - Dresden 1917. Moesta to Mission Director - Eberswalde 1917. Rohde to Mission Director - Nkoaranga 1917. "Sister Friderike" to Mission Director (English, 2 copies) - Mbaga 1917. Dennholz to "Mother" (English) - Zoppot 1917. Rodenacher to ? - Toulouse 1917. Roehl an Trittelvitz in Bethel (printed) - Machame 1917. Müller an Missionsdirektor (original and copy) - Ahmednagar 1917. Zeyen an Missionsdirektor - Ahmednagar 1917. Rother an Missionsdirektor (English and German translation) - Leipnitz 1917. Alberti an Missionsdirektor. FICHE NR. 33 3 - Continued - Ahmednagar 1917. Kuyenbruds (?) to Paul (English, 2 letters) - Meseritz 1917. Chess tailor to Ev.-Mission to Leipzig, with copies of an English and a German letter from Schachschneider (2 letters and one copy) - Kamenz 1917. Horn to mission director, contains copy of a letter from Horn (3 letters) - 1917. Fox "Postkarte für Kriegsgefangene" to Paul (3 letters) - Tharandt 1917. Martin - Neukirchen 1917. Secretariat of the Orphan and Mission Institute, with letter to Kühnen von Hofmann - Hamburg 1917. Mission Society of the S. T. Adventists in Europe to Paul - Altenburg 1917. Bock to Paul - Mamba 1917. Michel to "Mother" - Dresden 1917. Moesta with letter to Moesta von Gumert from prison camp Tanga - Nkoaranga 1917. Steinacker to Paul (English) - Machame 1917. Mission Council of the Evangelical Church in Hamburg 1917.luth. mission in German East Africa to mission director - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Dean Prieser in Bamberg (transcript) Answer Pauls to Fuchs (English) - Neumünster 1917. Landesverein für Innere Mission in Schleswig-Holstein to Missionshaus Leipzig - Grohshasselohe near Munich 1917. Egger to mission director - Zoppot b. Danzig 1917. Rodenacher - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Mission Director - Ohlau 1917. Schöne to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. An Fuchs - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl to Mission Director, with copy of a letter from Wärthl (2 letters) - Burkhardtsdorf 1917. Rother an Paul - Bamberg 1917. ? an Missionsdirektor - Glauchau 1917. Pädagogium (betr. Rother) - 1917. Missionsdirektor an Horn - Masama 1917. Thiele (copy) - Maadi b. Cairo 1917. Thiele to Mission Director (original and copy) - Döbeln 1917. Everth (concerning Everth) - Cairo 1917. Horn to Mission Director - Leipzig 1917. Paul to members and friends of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Belgaum (India) 1917. Fuchs to Sulzberger - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Maadi 1917. Thiele an Mission Director - Schwabach 1917. Müller - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an "Familie" (2 letters) - o.O. 1917. Paul an Fuchs, Wärthl und Thiele (partly English) - Ahmednagar 1917. Fuchs an Hofmann (English) - Eschenbach 1917. Wärthl an Paul - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs an Prieser - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director (original and copy) - Tanga 1917. Schachschneider to Bureaux International de la Paix, Bern - Begaum 1917. Fuchs to mission director (original and copy) - Maadi 1917. Horn to mission director - Maadi 1917. Thiele to mission director - Hessen i. Braunschweig 1917. Grawinkel (with copy of a letter from "Gustl", Daressalaam 1916 to "Mother") - "The Christian occupation of Africa" Report about an African conference 1917 (translation) - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs to Paul - Dar es Salaam 1917. "Max" to Mother - "ON HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE Civil Verwaltung D. O. A. District Political Office Circular" - Marangu 1917. ? to Ev.-luth. Mission in Leipzig (English). FICHE NR. 33 4 - continued - Rochlitz 1917. Fritzsch - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs - Maadi 1917. Horn - Belgaum 1917. Fuchs (copy and original) - Grossalmerode 1917. Ascherfeld - Wilhelmstal 1917. Administrator's Office (English) - "The following injuries or complaints are such as to render a person incapable of military service." Moshi 1917 District Political Officer "Circular to all enemy subjects." (English) and "Circular male enemy subjects." (English) - o.O. 1917. to Mission Council "Basic outline for the continuation of the mission works and their management". (3fold) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl (copy) - no year 16 different short letters in copy - 1 photo (probably fox) - 1918. Everth - Kamenz 1918. Horn - Leipzig 1918. an Fuchs - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs an Sulzberger resp. Paul (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs to Fuchs and Prieser - 1918. to Schachschneider - 1918. to Thiele - 1918. to Fuchs - 2 calendar sheets February 1918. (Spemanns Alpen-Kalender) - Belgaum 1918. ? to "Family" - Cairo 1918. Wall - o.O.., o.J. to Horn in Maadi - Kamenz 1918. Nollau - 1918. to Michel - Ahmednagar 1918. Guth (original and copy) - Döbeln 1918. Everth with copy of a letter from Everth to "Mother" - Waldorf 1918. Adam - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Blantyre 1918. Wärthl to "Ruckdaeschel" (copy) - 1918. Paul an Everth, Thiele, Schachschneider, Mauer - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider - Maadi 1918. Rother an "Familie" (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (copy) - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. "Martin" an "Eltern". FICHE NR. 33 5 - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Everth, Horn, Wärthl, Thiele, Fuchs, Schachschneider, Guth (2 letters), Mauer, Rother - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (4 letters) - Langenreinsdorf 1918. Ahnert and Stelzner (with copy of a letter from Stelzner) - Tura b. Cairo 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel (2 letters) - London / Machame 1918. C.M.S. (English); letter from Müller (English) - Zinnritz 1918. Schachschneider (with copy of a letter from Schachschneider) - Tura 1918. Horn (2 letters) - Hospital Heliopolis b. Cairo 1918. chess cutter - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (2 letters) - Maadi 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Glauchau 1918. Pädagogium - Klotzsche 1918. Hüttig (concerning Horn) - Maadi 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Michel - Hospital Heliopolis 1918. Mauer (English) - Maadi 1918. Thiele. FICHE NR. 33 6 - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (5 letters) - Maadi 1918. Everth (6 letters) - Daressalaam 1917. Everth - Leipzig 1918. Paul an Fuchs, Everth, Guth, Wärthl, Michel, Schachschneider - Moshi 1918. District Political Officer an Ev. Mission Shingatini - o.O. 1918. Guth (4 letters) - Maadi 1918. Thiele - Kamenz 1918. Noltau - Maadi 1918. Thiele an Schanz - Steinigtwolmsdorf 1918. Schanz (concerning Thiele) - Belgaum 1918. Fox - Marangu 1918. Ev.-luth. mission to Ev. luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Seelingstädt 1918. Ahnert (concerning Stelzner; 2 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr (Egypt) 1918. Rother - Maadi 1918. Stelzner. FICHE NR 33 7 - Seelingstädt 1918. Schmidt (concerning Guth) - Maadi 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (original and copy) - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1918. Klöpfel - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Maadi 1918. Schachschneider (4 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (5 letters, one with photo) - Schwabach 1918. Mauer - Zeiskan 1918. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - o.O. 1918. Guth - Tura 1918. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall - Mwika 1918. Stamberg to "Eva" and "Grete" (copy) - Altorf 1918. KR Braun (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1918. "Martin" to Alberti ("Parents"; copy) - Machame 1918. mission station (Müller) to Paul (original in English and 2 translations) - o.J. 13 short letters of various senders and addressees (copies) - Bleckmar 1918. Missionsanstalt der Hannoverschen luth. Freikirche to Missionsdirektor (2 letters; copies) - o.O. 1918. Everth (concerning polygamy). FICHE NO 33 8- - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth - o.O. 1918. Everth - Maadi 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel - Maadi 1918. Wall - London 1918. C.M.S. an Ev.-luth. mission Leipzig (English) - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Tura 1918. horn (not complete) - Belgaum 1918. fox - Machame 1918. mission Council of the Ev.-luth. mission in G.E.A. (Müller) to Paul (account 1917).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_34 · File · 1918-1920
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Eight fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 34 1 - Maadi 1918. chess cutter - Maadi 1918. Guth an Meinner (copy) - 1918. Paul an Rother, Michel (3 letters), Guth, Horn, Schachschneider (2 letters), Everth, Wärthl, Thiele, Mauer - 1919. Paul an Guth - Sidi Bishr 1918. Thiele (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. wall (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. chess cutter (5 letters, one with photo) - Zendingsbureau-Oegstgeest 1918. Rauws an Spiecker (probably Dutch) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Everth (3 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1918. Rother (2 letters) - Treffurt 1918. Klöpfel (3 letters) - Eschenbach 1918. Wärthl - Tura 1918. Michel (2 letters) - Döbeln 1918. Everth - Schwabach 1918. Wall - Maadi 1918. Stelzner (2 letters) - 1918. list of the books sent to Schachschneider - Belgaum 1918. Fuchs (2 letters) - Meseritz 1918. Schachschneider - Leipzig 1918. ? an Raum (English) - Leipzig 1918. Paul an The Lay Secretary, C.M.S., London (English) - Machame 1918. Müller to "Children" - Machame 1918. Mission council in the Ev.-luth. Mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (account 1917; translation; 3 copies). - o.O. 1919 transcript of a report by Hauptmann about private life of Stelzner - 2nd part of the letter of Horn (see Fiche 33 8-) - Tura 1919. Michel. FICHE NR. 34 2 - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Guth, Fuchs (3 letters), Mauer, Schachschneider (German and English), Michel, Stelzner, Wärthl - Tura 1919. Schmidt (application for employment as teacher) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Michel - Seelingstädt 1919. Schmidt - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Thiele, Rother, Everth, Wall, Knepper, Wärthl, Guth, Stelzner, Michel, Horn, Klöpfel (finances) - Tura 1919. Horn an "Mutter" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - 1919. Kollegium "An die in Aegypten internierten Missionare" (concerning behaviour in case of release; 2-fold) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneier (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel (Pflanzer) to the Reichskolonialamt Berlin. "Report on my activities and experiences during the war in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and on my journey home..." (as attachment to a letter see Fiche no. 34 3 ; 2 copies) - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Guth - Tura 1919. Michel - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul (report of Müller about the work of Everth and Stelzner, with vote to suspend both from service) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (explanation of his mission method). FICHE NR 34 3 - Leipnitz 1919 Alberti - Maadi 1919 Wärthl (2 letters) - 1919 Paul an Michel - Leipzig 1919 Paul "To the relatives of our German East African missionaries" - Kamenz 1919 Horn - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Horn, Mauer, Everth, Wärthl, Schachschneider (2 letters), Stelzner, Michel, Fuchs - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Fuchs - Leipzig 1919 Paul an Ideler, Fokken, Steinacker (concerning the German East African missionaries) Missions- und Missionsschulwesen) - Tura 1919. Klöpfel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele an "Schwiegereltern" (copy) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Frankfurt 1919. Michel - Kamenz 1919. Nollau - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - o.J. Situationplan der Missionsstation Ruruma - Marangu 1919. Raum (translation; 3fold) - Eschenbach 1919. Wärthl - Tura 1919. Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (original and transcript) - Berlin 1918. Call of the Reichsbank directorate among other things "to limit the lifting of notes to the smallest measure" (printed) - Mwika 1919. Mother" and "father" to "Eva" - Mwika 1919. "Irmagard" to "sister" - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth's report on the monetary situation in Ruruma - Maadi 1919. Guth (copy) - Tahkaeranadas 1919. "P.E."(father) to Eisenschmidt (language Estonian?; with German translation) - Leipzig 1919. Weishaupt to Wärthl (concerning resumption of work in East Africa; copy) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs to Paul - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Leipzig 1919. Paul to von Schnehen. FICHE NR 34 4 - Glauchau 1919. Pedagogy to Paul - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (5 letters) - Tura 1919. Horn - Tura 1919. Michel (3 letters) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (transcript) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Leipnitz 1919. Alberti - Kamenz 1919. Horn - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider (3 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Rother (pedagogy), Schachschneider, Mauer (2 letters), Müller, Horn, Gutmann (2fold), Michel - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer (3 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth: "Report of a journey ...1915 with young Iramba Christians to the Kilimanjaro" - o.O. 1919. Guth (request to the censor to let a certain letter pass) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl (2 letters) - Kamenz 1919. Horn - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth: "Cooperation of the Dschagga at the mission work in Iramba" - Chemnitz 1919. Schlegel - o.O. 1919. Please to the censor - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth ("Continuation of the two previous letters about his activity in Ruruma") - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (3 letters): "Discussion with brothers in captivity about his baptism practice"; "Exposition of his baptism practice"; "About baptism to polygamists" - Sidi Bishr 1919. Rother - 1 photo (probably 5 missionaries) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele - Moshi 1919. District Political Office "To all European Residents in Moshi District" - Mwika 1919. "Mother and Father Fr. St." to "Grete" - Grosshesselohe 1919. ? FICHE NR. 34 5 - continued - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (3 letters; concerning: baptism practice; report about his mission work) - Leipzig 1919. Kollegium an Hauptmann - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider (2 letters), Michel, Mauer, Fuchs - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (5 letters) - Tura 1919. Michel - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (3 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to mission council (request for vacation) - Machame 1919. Mission council to Schulz (concerning dissolution of the children's home; 2 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to mission council in Leipzig - Grosshesselohe 1919. ? - Marangu 1919. Ev.-luth Mission (room) to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (German and English; several copies) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall - Tura 1919. Horn - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Glauchau 1919. Rother - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider. FICHE NR 34 6 - continued - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (2 letters) - Tura 1919. Michel (4 letters) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner (3 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council - Sidi Bishr 1919. Wall (2 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Rother, Thiele, Schachschneider, Stelzner, Horn (2 letters), Wärthl, Fuchs, Rother - Tura 1919. Horn (2 letters) - Leipzig 1919. Writing of a report by Thiele - Maadi 1919. Guth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth - Sidi Bishr 1919. Schachschneider - Transcript "Meeting of the Mission Council of the Evangelical Church of Germany".luth. mission, Machame, 30/31.July 1919." (signed Müller / Raum) (2fach) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council (copy) - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Schulz (2 letters) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council (copy) - Moshi 1919. Schulz to Mission Council - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul - Walddorf 1919. Michel - Meseritz 1919. Schachschneider. FICHE NR 34 7 - Tübingen 1919. Rother - Sidi Bishr 1919. Thiele (2 letters) - Belgaum 1919. Fuchs (2 letters) - Sidi Bishr 1919. Lany - Tura 1919. Michel (5 letters) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Mauer (2 letters) - Maadi 1919. Stelzner - Machame 1919. Mission Council to Paul (original and copy; concerning Knittel) - Marangu 1919. Knittel to Mission in Leipzig (original and copy) - Moshi 1919. Gutmann - Tura 1919. Klöpfel - Tura 1919. Horn - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Stamberg, Wärthl (2 letters), Fuchs (2 times) - Machame 1919. Missionsrat an Paul (3 letters) - Maadi 1919. Wärthl - Sidi Bishr 1919. Everth (2 letters) - Treffurt 1919. Klöpfel (2 letters) - "For war diary under the points of view: 1) Which role did the mission play in the wars of the protectorate 2) and how did it stand with the religious-kirchl. life of the troop". - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider and Michel (both times return to sender) - Mwika 1919. Stamberg an "Grete" - Kamenz 1919. Horn (2 letters) - Marangu 1919. Ev.-luth. mission (room) an Paul - Leipzig 1919. Paul an Schachschneider, Thiele, Wärthl. FICHE NO 34 8- - Continued by "War Diary..." - Machame 1920. Müller to Political Office (concerning an article by Vierhub) - Machame 1920. Müller to Mission Inspector Weishaupt (2 letters).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_59 · File · 1913-1967
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 59 1 - 1914-1919, 1922-1925, 1927-1930, 1932-1935, 1938-1939. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission stations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Leipziger Mission - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission in Leipzig - 1916, 1920, 1922, 1923, 1927.luth. mission in Arusha - map of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and South India - annual report of the Ev.-luth. mission in Leipzig about the year 1919. publisher of the Ev.-luth. mission (ed., 38 p.). FICHE NR. 59 2 - 1919-1921. mission council "Stand der Evang.-luth. (Leipziger) Mission in East Africa" (statistics) - 1927. statistics of the station Mwika - o.O., o.J. copy from letter of Fokken. FICHE NR. 59 3 - 1939, 1948, 1952, 1956 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Tanganyika Land - Information form for Luth. Churches and/or Missions for the year 1958 - 1960, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967 Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Northern Tanganyika (Swahili). FICHE NR. 59 4- - 1931: Excerpts from the official Gazette No. 1-4 - Machame 1931. Note by Schwär (concerning the selection from the official Gazette) - Berlin 1939. Foreign Office to Paessler - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to "Friends" (concerning the password question) - Bethel 1940. Bethel-Mission (Ronicke) an Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Knak) Ihmels - Berlin 1940. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft an Ihmels und Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels an Ronicke - Leipzig 1940. Küchler: "Memorandum on the situation in the field of work of the Evangelical Church - Berlin 1940.luth. mission to Leipzig in German East Africa" (typewritten; 4 p.) - ? 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to Knak (3 letters) - Berlin 1940. German Protestant Mission Council (Knak) to Auswärtiges Amt (draft) - Berlin 1940. Knak to? (copy from a letter from the Federal Foreign Office) - Schleusingen 1910. constituent announcement of the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bautzsch 1913. report from Kilimanjaro to the Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - Bremen 1929. Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits to Missionaries - statutes of the German Association for Combating the African Trade in Spirits - n.d. Report of the German Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade: "On the State of the Alcohol Trade in Africa and on the Measures to Combat it" (Maschinegeschreiben; 5 p.) - Berlin 1930. Association to Combat the African Spirits Trade to its Members - Berlin 1939. "Suggestions for measures to reduce alcohol consumption among the indigenous population of Africa" - Berlin 1931. Submission by the German Society for Native American Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Eingeborenen-Kunde) - Berlin 1938. Special print from the monthly newspaper of the North German Mission Society. German association to combat the African spirits trade. Article: "To combat alcohol shortage in Africa" (ed. 4 p.) - o.O., o.J. Draft questionnaire to determine alcohol shortage in Africa.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1895_3 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Excerpt from Miss's diary. Barrel man and miller. Scope: pp. 50-51. Contains, among other things: - (SW: school; agricultural cultivation; neighbourhood problems; theft of Jagga boys; Chief Shangali - participation in circumcision ceremonies)

Leipziger Missionswerk
The mission station Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1897_25 · File · 1897
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Diary of Miss. Althaus, May 1897. Scope: pp. 327-331. Includes among others: - (SW: Chief Mareale; teaching in Marangu; chiefs Bararia and Koimbere; worship participation) Darin: Figure "Chief Mareale of Marangu.

Leipziger Missionswerk
The mission station Mamba
ALMW_II._MB_1896_1 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's diary. Althaus in Mamba, Sept. 1895. Scope: S. 14-20. Includes among others: - "First, all sorts of work on the ward." (SW: school building; lessons; chieftains Bararia and Koimbere; sacrifice) - "2nd reception of the new missionaries". (SW: Arrival of Miss Segebrock and Ovir; Miss Ovir to Madchame)

Leipziger Missionswerk