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1 · Akt(e) · 1920-1944
Teil von Institute for Contemporary History

1) Carl Wölfel's lecture of 25 May 1934: Where do we stand? Strategic upper sentences on the German economic battle; pp. 9398-9429; HC 763:2) Memorandum Otto Kurz, Head of the Office of Technology, NSDAP, Gau Schwaben, November 1936: A German Canal Cross as the Core of a Central European Waterway; pp. 9430-9445;HC 767:3) Report by Erich Obst, Professor of Geography at TH-Hannover (1934-1935), compiled at the request of Goebbels: The Germanism in Southwest and South Africa; Thoughts on the Care of the Germanism and the Propaganda Activities in this Country Area; Bl. 9446-9581;HC 783:4) Index of Karl Haushofer's book reviews in the Zeitschrift für Geopolitik, 1936-1939; pp. 9573-9581;5) Diary, literary works by Max Haushofer [father of Karl Haushofer]; Chronological index of Max Haushofer's literary works that probably appeared between 1856-1906; pp. 9582-9612;HC 815:6) Mitteilungen des China-Institut, Jahrgang 1941, Nr. 1-6: Würdigung von Hermann Kriebel (former German consul in Shanghai); Bl. 9613-9626;HC 829:7) Manuscript Karl Haushofer "Geopolitica", without date: Geopolitische Kernräume, Zellen, Schwellen und Übergang; Bl. 9627-9683:a) Geopolitical foundations of today's military system; The concept of geographic military science; military geography empiricism; classification; definition of terms and technical language; 4 S;b) From sins of omission; geography and German spatial policy before the upswing to the space-expanding act; Essence from the memory of a German soldier on 25. July 1935 to the German Erzieher-Akademie in Munich; 46 p.; Contains geopolitical considerations about Poland, Norway and France campaign; HC 831: [= F 94, see also there]8) Memorandum "Southeast", May 1934 [Von Albrecht Haushofer?]; photocopies, pp. 9708-9802; 93 sheets:Table of contents: I. Czechoslovakia; Fundamental Information on the Political Situation, the Catastrophe of the DNSAP (German National Socialist Workers' Party); Henlein and the Homeland Front; Political Tasks and Possibilities of the Germans in Czechoslovakia; The Sudeten German Emigrants; Sudeten German Homeland Association; The Case of Cancer; The Positive Remains of the DNSAP; The Causes of the DNSAP Catastrophe; Disappointed Supporters and Dangers of Disturbance; Cancer and People's German Leadership Positions in the Reich; The Concept of Kreissl, Again Sudeten German Homeland League; The Foreign German Leadership Position; The Reich and Czechoslovakia; Passive Foreign Policy of the Reich and Czechoslovak Domestic Policy;II. The Curia and Roman Catholicism;III. The People's German Work and Organization Area; Its Natural Reason; The People's German Work Area and Foreign Policy; The People's German Crisis; The Genuine People's German; The People's German Starting Point of the Leader; The People's Germans and the NSDAP; Hans Steinacher; The Party-Free Sector; VDA (Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland)-Work, Abroad and Foreign Office; The Forms of VDA Work; Unresolved Problems and Dangers; The People's German Council as a Point of Attraction; IV. Practical conclusions and suggestions;HC 832:9) Correspondence Heinz Haushofer, Heinrichsbauer, Southeast Europe Society, June 1940: Lecture date for N. D. Cornatenu, former Minister of Agriculture; pp. 9803ff;10) Hanns Johst to A. Haushofer of 10 February 1936: Thanks for the transmission of Haushofer's drama "Scipio"; p. 9819; 11) Hans-Fr. Blunck to Haushofer of 8 January 1934: Return of the Scipio manuscript; p. 9821; 12) Albrecht Haushofer to Karl Haushofer of 03 January 1936. June 1935: Preparations for a speech by Karl Haushofer in Königsberg; pp. 9826;13) Albrecht Haushofer to Ernst von Weizsäcker of April 2, 1938: Congratulations on his appointment as State Secretary; pp. 9829;14) Albrecht Haushofer to Karl Haushofer of April 16, 1938; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 16; pp. 17; pp. 17. March 1937: Reception of the Japanese politician and university lecturer Kawakami; pp. 9835-9836;15) Roland Freisler to Albrecht Haushofer of 22 May 1937: Lecture by Karl Haushofer in Jüterbog; pp. 9853;16) Memorandum of [27 January 1939, without author, with handwritten comment A. Haushofer]: Der Nachwuchs der Wissenschaft; pp. 9859-9862; 17) Distribution of seats for the evening table on 26 March 1935 on the occasion of the visit of the British Foreign Minister Sir John Simon and the Lord Seal Keeper Sir A. Eden to Berlin; pp. 9865;18) Albrecht Haushofer to Hanns Johst of 28 January 1936: Transmission of A. Haushofer's historical-political drama [probably Scipio]; p. 0869;19) Memorandum (without author, without date): Die deutsch-jugoslawische Grenze; p. 9873-9874;29) Strictly confidential memorandum: Border problems in the Swiss Alpine region (in the event that the Swiss problems become acute); sheet no. 9875-9878: a) Graubünden and the Rhaeto-Romans; b) Italian areas; c) Irregularities of the state border between Gotthard and Stilfser Joch; d) Gotthardpass; e) Wallis and Lake Geneva area; f) Savoy zones; g) Special features of the border between Gotthard and Mont Blanc; 21) Memorandum (without author, without date): Die deutsch-ungarische Grenze; Bl. 9881;22) Draft Albrecht Haushofer (without date, partly handwritten): Thoughts on peace order; Memorandum to be presented to the Reich Marshal and the State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office with the request to examine at a convenient time whether it can be presented to Hitler; Prerequisites for future world peace; the federal peace order of continental Europe; Europe's relationship to the British-American naval power; German goals in peace order; German supremacy in continental Europe; p. 1; p. 1; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law of the sea; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law; German law of the land; German law; German law of the land; German law of the land; German law; German law of the land; German law; German law; Bl. 9883-9897;HC 833:23) The same, from November 1941; sheets 9902-9920;24) Strictly secret transcript Albrecht Haushofer of 8 September 1940 after a conversation with Rudolf Heß: Are there still possibilities for a German-English peace?; possibilities for a transmission of Hitler's wish for peace to leading personalities in England; attitude of the English to Hitler and Ribbentrop; English personalities suitable for establishing contact; pp. 9922-9925;25) Note of 7 October 1945 on the arrest of Hans Hinkel in Mittenwald on 8 May 1945 [marked Fritz Karge]; pp. 7922-9925; pp. 7 October 1945 on the arrest of Hans Hinkel in Mittenwald on 8 May 1945 [marked Fritz Karge]; pp. 7 October 1945 on the arrest of Hans Hinkel in Mittenwald [marked Fritz Karge]; pp. 9922-9925. 9926;26) Hinkel to Bormann of 15 April 1943: Criticism of the National Socialist regime and so-called leading men in party and state; pp. 9927-9933;27) Hinkel to SS-Obersturmführer Julius Schaub of 10 April 1943; Hinkel to SS-Obersturmführer Julius Schaub of 10 April 1943; pp. 9927-9933;10) Hinkel to SS-Obersturmführer Julius Schaub of 10 April 1943. January 1945: Hinkel's lecture on "The state of our art" in 1937 in front of the Postsportgemeinschaft Berlin-Zeesen, and the confrontation with Göring in this context; pp. 9934-9937;28) Hitler's Adjutant's Office of May 12, 1941: Passport for a Flight A. Haushofer on 12 May 1941 with courier to the Führer's headquarters; pp. 9939;29) Memorandum Denkschrift [A. Haushofer] für das Auswärtige Amt [Rahn] from April 1937: Germany and the Colonies; Criticism of the Current Distribution of Colonial Property; The Colonization Capacity of the Colonial Powers; The Raw Materials Situation in the Former German Colonies; pp. 9940-9957;30) Report Albrecht Haushofer of May 12, 1941 for Hitler: English relations and the possibilities of their deployment; Haushofer personal relations with English conservative circles; contacting the Duke of Hamilton through Rudolf Heß and Carl Burckhardt; debate Burckhardt, Haushofer on May 28, 1941. April 1941 in Geneva; wish of conservative English circles to examine the possibilities of peace with Germany; English interest in Eastern and Southeastern European states; restoration of Western European states; colonial problems; attitude of the English people to war against Hitler's Germany; peace efforts of the English upper class; Bl. 9959-9970;31) Minutes Albrecht Haushofer for Rudolf Heß of Spring 1934: Thoughts on a Differentiated Solution of the Non-Aryan Question; pp. 9972-9974;32) [Albrecht Haushofer] to Rudolf Heß of 19. September 1940: Technical difficulties in the transmission of a letter to England for the purpose of taking up equalisation efforts; pp. 9976-9979;33) Report Franz Springer of 04 May 1940 on his journey to Budapest and the observations made in the process on the political developments in Hungary which were favourable for Germany (with cover letter of 06 May 1940). May 1940); pp. 9981-9988;34) Note Hasselblatt (without date) on Finland's attitude to the German Reich (with cover letter A. Haushofer to Rudolf Heß of 16 October 1939); pp. 1500003-1500005;35) Albrecht Haushofer to Karl Haushofer of 10 February 1938: Statement on the Blomberg-Fritsch crisis and the associated changes in the Foreign Office; pp. 500006-500011;36) Secret lecture by Karl Goerdeler given to the Krupp Board of Directors around 1937: Limits of economic activity and the dangers of the state economy from 1933-1936; building and road construction, army and armament, beginnings of the substitute materials economy; shortage of raw materials; import and export; consolidation of German foreign debt (with handwritten remarks A. Haushofer); pp. 500013-500021;37) [see no. 16)] with handwritten remarks Albrecht Haushofer; pp. 500023-500026;38) Proposal [A. Haushofer] of November, December 1941 for the new division of the Reichsländer: A Reichsländer - B Reichsstädte; pp. 500028-500054;39) Memorandum A. Haushofer of 25 January 1938: The Personnel Policy of the Foreign Office under the Influence of the Foreign Organization of the NSDAP; p. 500056-500057; 40) Memorandum, strictly confidential, only at the personal disposal of the Reich Minister of 2 March 1938 (with a letter from Haushofer to Rudolf Heß): Staffing levels of the Foreign Office; Brief Characteristics of the Senior Staff of the Internal and External Services; p. 500056-500057; 40). 500059-500064;41) History miniatures, anecdotes about the former French ambassador in Berlin, Francois-Poncet; pp. 500069-500074;42) Proposals of March 02, 1938 for the Revirement (with handwritten remarks by A. Haushofer); pp. 500076;43) A. Haushofer to Herbert von Dirksen of 02 April 1938: Congratulations on taking over the German Embassy in London; pp. 500078;44) A. Haushofer to Rudolf Heß of 24 August 1933: Report on a conversation Haushofer had with the US Ambassador Dodd, especially on his non-participation in the Reich Party Congress; request for Heß' participation in the conference of the ethnic groups; pp. 500086;45) Albrecht Haushofer to Rudolf Heß of 07. August 1933; Report on a conversation Haushofer had with the US Ambassador Dodd, especially on his non-participation in the Reich Party Congress; pp. 500086;45). September 1933: Participation of foreign diplomats in the Reich Party Congress; pp. 500087-500088;46) Notes [A. Haushofer] to the lecture by R. H. [Rudolf Heß] on 12 and 16 May 1938: VoMi (Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle), Anglo-Czech Report, South Tyrol, Austria, Holiday Work of Older Semesters; pp. 500090;47) A. Haushofer to Rudolf Heß from September 7, 1935: Thanks for the support in the effort for a lectureship at the Hochschule für Politik Berlin and for the protection which the Haushofer brothers experienced as "quarter Jews" through Heß; Bl. 500092;48) Rudolf Heß to A. Haushofer from October 18, 1930: Instructions for Haushofer on the occasion of his trip to England; pp. 500094-500095;49) Information about A. Haushofer and the ancestry of his family (it appears that Haushofer's mother was a "half-Jew"); pp. 500097;50) Albrecht Haushofer to Goebbels of 9 August 1933: Request for approval of his application for the chairmanship of the Department of Geopolitics at the Hochschule für Politik; pp. 500098;51) The Head of the German Information Office I [Berber] to A. Haushofer of 28 May 1941 (with cover letter): Order of the Reich Foreign Ministry of 28 May 1941 to terminate A. Haushofer's collaboration with the German Information Office; pp. 500100-500101;52) Draft [Society for Geography] to Reich Minister [R. Heß], without date: Membership of nonarians in the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde; pp. 500106-500107;53) Correspondence Ministerialdirektor Hans Wagner with Ley and Bormann of January 1944: Task and Organization of Housing; pp. 500109-500124;54) File No. 3 of September 18, 1940: Ehrenangelegenheit Minke (Volksdeutsche Mittelstelle, VoMi); pp. 500129-500130;55) Albrecht Haushofer to Karl Haushofer of September 03, 1944; pp. 500106-500107; pp. 500109-500130; pp. 500109-500124. February 1938: Personnel problems in the VoMi; Mesalliance Blomberg; pp. 500132-500135;56) Karl Haushofer to Ribbentrop from 09 October 1936: Sending a letter to Rudolf Heß with the request for thorough treatment (no attachment); pp. 500139;57) (Albrecht Haushofer to the board of the ) Ortsverein München der DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei): Withdrawal from the DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei) of 21 October 1936; pp. 500139;57) (Albrecht Haushofer to the board of the ) Ortsverein München der DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei): Withdrawal from the DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei). March 1922 for Karl and Martha Haushofer; pp. 500141;58) [Albrecht Haushofer] to the executive committee of the Landesjugendausschuss (der DVP) of 20 March 1923: resignation of the chairmanship of the Landesjugendausschuss; pp. 500142-500143;59) Correspondence between Haushofer and Stresemann of May-July 1922: mediation of a meeting between Lord Robert Cecil and Stresemann to discuss questions of the League of Nations; pp. 500141;58) [Albrecht Haushofer] to the executive committee of the Landesjugendausschuss (der DVP) of 20 March 1923: resignation of the chairmanship of the Landesjugendausschuss; pp. 500142-500143;59) Correspondence between Haushofer and Stresemann of May-July 1922: mediation of a meeting between Lord Robert Cecil and Stresemann to discuss questions of the League of Nations; pp. 500145-500150;60) General Dufour to A. Haushofer of 27 April 1922: Dank Dufour für die Vermittlung einer Unterredung mit Stresemann; Bl. 500146;61) [Albrecht] Haushofer to Brüser, DVP, of 01 June 1922: Status of the youth and student group of the DVP in the Munich constituencies 27 and 28; Statement on the holding of a Reichsjugendtag; Bl. 500149-500152;62) Mac Cown an [Albrecht] Haushofer vom 29. Mai 1922: Contact Lord Robert Cecil - Stresemann; Bl. 500153;63) Handwritten note Albrecht Haushofer, respectively draft of a letter (to Rudolf Heß): Membership in the NS-Dozentenbund und Lozentur an der Hochschule für Politik; Bl. 500156;64) Correspondence A. Haushofer with Hans-Fr. Blunck vom 15.16 December 1933: Records in the Reichsschrifttumskammer and transmission of three manuscripts, including "Richtfeuer" and "Scipio"; pp. 500160-500161; HC 834:65) Folder "Geopolitics", 1924-1929: Correspondence, Reviews, Manuscripts and Manuscripts of Radio Lectures Karl Haushofer; pp. 500163-500173, 500177-500198:a) What is Geopolitics? Rundfunk II/31; b) How to apply geopolitical principles in practice? Rundfunk II/31; c) What is geopolitics? Handwritten for "Deutsche Welle", 28 May 1929;66) Copy of Rudolf Heß's expert opinion of 14 November 1938: Aryan descent of Karl and Martha Haushofer; p. 500171;67) Lists of helpful personalities in Germany, abroad and NSDAP (without date); p. 500172-500176;68) Brochure: Links from the chain of truth of the Servant of Light, Booklet 1; Content: The Search for Christ; The Black Cross Teaching and the White Cross Light; Prayer Life; God's Will and our Free Will; Spiritual and Church; Images from Lucifer's World; Christ's Redemption Value[k?Religious and ideological treatises [author probably Karl Haushofer, without date]: Preface; Open letter; Charity; Knight's honour; Clear look; For the Lord will not leave unpunished those who misuse His name; Bl. 500217-500237;69) Correspondence publisher Kurt Vowickel, Obst, Karl Haushofer, Lautensach of August-September 1927: Difficulties with the planned publication of the journal "Bausteine der Geopolitik"; Bl. 500245-500262;70) Correspondence Karl Haushofer with publishers and authors; correspondence with Erich Obst; reviews; contributions by authors of the Zeitschrift für Geopolitik 1924-1929; pp. 500126-500695. Further provenance data:National Archives Washington DC, Guide 9, p. 11 ff.., T 253, roll 46