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Universitätsarchiv der Humboldt-Universität Berlin Englisch

Expert opinion on the dismantling of the corpus of civil servants after the First World War

Contains: Three handwritten manuscripts, subsequently dated in pencil: among others "Die Annehmbarkeit des §24 des Reichsbeamtengesetzes auf diejenigen Beamten, die infolge dembaus des Beamtenkorpus von Heer, Marine und Kolonien abgewflüssig ...

In: University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin >> N Estate Deposit collections >> N 01 Discounts - natural persons >> N 01.01 A - L >> NL Bornhak - Bornhak, Conrad >> 3. war and its consequences

Miscellanea, Bd. 2

Darin: Darin: - Bl. 20: Stark, W.: Tätigkeitsbericht über das vierte Arbeitsjahr 1914 des Evangelischen Preßverbandes für Deutschland (E. V.). - 19 S. - Berlin : E. Meyer, 1915 - Bl. 21: The Martyrdom of the Protestant Missionaries in Cameroon 191...

In: University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin >> B (Royal) Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin (1810-1945) >> B 02 Faculties >> B 02.01 Faculty of Protestant Theology >> Theol.Fak.01 - Faculty of Theology, Dean's Office 1810-1945 >> 01. faculty affairs >> 01.13. Miscellanea

NL Bornhak - Bornhak, Conrad

Administrative history/biographical information: Conrad Bornhak (* 21 March 1861 in Nordhausen; † 9 February 1944 in Berlin) was a German legal and constitutional historian. After obtaining his doctorate in law in Göttingen in 1885, Bornhak habili...

In: University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin >> N Estate Deposit collections >> N 01 Discounts - natural persons >> N 01.01 A - L

The admission of the non-commissioned officers and lower military officers ill with the African protection troops

Contains: among others:

In: University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin >> A Prussian institutions before their integration into the university >> A 01 Charity 1710-1945 >> ChVD.01 - Charité Administrative Directorate >> 03. hospitalization and institutions, admission and discharge of patients

Training courses for civil servant veterinarians and Schutztruppe veterinarians

Contains: Decrees of the Ministry concerning the participation of veterinarians in the courses. - Curriculum programs. - Correspondence with the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t for training tropical veterinarians.

In: University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin >> A Prussian institutions before their integration into the university >> A 02 (Royal) Veterinary College 1790 -1945 >> TiH.01 - University of Veterinary Medicine >> 08th Section IX, Teaching and Teaching Matters, Habilitations

UR.01 - University Judge 1810-1945

Administrative history/biographical information: University Judge 1810 - 1945 1810-1819 Syndicate from 1819 University Judge from 1923 University Council from 1935 University Legal Council from 1943 University Council Foreword: According to the st...

In: University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin >> B (Royal) Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin (1810-1945) >> B 01 University management and administration >> B 01.03 University Council