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G2 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1911 - 31 Dec 1914
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This series is in German only. No English translation is available. The files in this series cover a wide variety of topics relating to the German administration of the Island Territory (Inselgebiet). This covered the Caroline, Mariana and Marshall Islands. Material relating to the mainland appears to have been left in New Guinea and destroyed during the Japanese invasion.

Behörden des Schutzgebiets Deutsch-Neuguinea
G250 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1893 - 31 Dec 1897
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This series contains a bound volume, with printed columns, recording letters received under headings. These headings include Number, Date of Document, Date of Receipt, Document sent by, Contents, How dealt with and Location of Document. The word Gerichts has been added to the title, probably c.1895, to distinguish this volume from CRS G30 the Ver Waltungs Journal (Administration Daily Register). The original has been sent to Papua New Guinea

Kaiserliches Gericht für das Schutzgebiet der Neu-Guinea-Kompagnie
A1781 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1921 - 31 Dec 1937
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This series was created by top-numbering from CRS A1780 and was intended to contain records of the Custodian of Expropriated Property as opposed to the records relating to the Public Trustee (CRS A1782). In fact this series now contains at least one file which is purely a record of the Public Trustee while CRS A1782 now consists mainly of the Custodians records. No reason can yet be discerned for this change in policy and no indication can be given for the basis for the distinction between the two series. This seriescontains records relating to the management of properties in New Guinea, to the disposal of Expropriated assets, various administrative transactions and some policy and routine of the Central Office of the Custodian. Some top numbering has occurred from GRS A1345. Related series unregistered Subject index cards for correspondence files, single number series with A prefix, 1931-1937 Register of files and associated files, record of sales, 1926-1957 Subject index cards for correspondence files, A, S and T series, 1931- Nominal (purchases) index cards for correspondence files, A, S and T series, 1931- Plantation index cards for correspondence files, A, S and T series, 1931- Register of original contracts of sale in action, 1951- Record of sales, 1926-1957 Original contracts for sale of expropriated property, 1926- (Less)

Custodian of Expropriated Property, Australila
New Guinea campaign records, 1914-18 War
AWM33 · Bestand · 18 Jul 1903 - 19 Jun 1926
Teil von National Archives of Australia

AWM33 is an artificial series of records relating to the military occupation of German New Guinea by the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force during 1914-1921 and to the writing of The Official History of Australian during the War of 1914-18: Volume X, The Australians at Rabaul: the capture and administration of German possessions in the southern Pacific by Seaforth Simpson McKenzie (published 1927). While it is a composite of private donations and officially transferred records accessioned by the Memorial between 1928 and 1965, the bulk of the series consists of Department of Defence records transferred through the Official Historian between 1928 and 1940. The series date range 1914-1926 reflects the administrative context in which the records were created, rather than the subsequent composite accumulation of the records themselves. The records were initially housed together as "New Guinea campaign records" (also known as the "Holmes Collection") in a filing cabinet, and were arranged into sub-groups based on type of record and the provenance of the accessions. Divider cards separated records under the following headings: HOLMES COLLECTION (Items [1]-[8]) This group seems to have been so named because of the important acquisition of Colonel Holmes diary from the Department of Defence in 1928, and the later donation of records from Holmes family in 1963. REPORTS AND DESPATCHES - HOLMES AND PETHEBRIDGE (Items [9]-[12/19]) As with "Reports miscellaneous 1914-1918" and "Reports miscellaneous 1919-1922" below, this group contains reports and memoranda from the various Administrators of German New Guinea to the Department of Defence. All three groups of records were transferred through the Official Historian, and the separation of the Holmes and Pethebridge material is probably a reflection of S S Mackenzies distinction between the earlier and later stages of the Administration in the Official History. REPORTS ETC. MISCELLANEOUS (Items [13]-[40]) Most of the items in this group are "miscellaneous" in nature, and were donated between 1956 and 1964 by individuals who served in the AN&MEF. The title of the divider card places prominence on the small proportion of material which was transferred through the Official Historian, probably because it was accessioned at a much earlier date. TELEGRAMS 1914-1916 (Items [41]-[44]) TELEGRAMS 1917-1919 (Items [45/1]-[46/6]) TELEGRAMS 1919-1923 (Items [47/1]-[52]) REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS 1914-1918 (Items [53]-[55/6]) REPORTS MISCELLANEOUS 1919-1922 (Items [56/1]-[59]) ARMY ARCHIVAL COLLECTION (Items [60/A1]-[60/G2]) Captured official German mail from SMS PLANET was accessioned from Army Archival Section in 1965 and remained unprocessed until 1991. It is unclear how and when these items came into the custody of the AN&MEF, although it would appear that German neutrals or temporarily retained officials were employed by the occupying Force soon after its arrival to identify items of captured mail and to provide a brief description in English. The items are accompanied by slips of paper, annotated with a brief, typed abstract of contents and the signature of the translator. One of the translators annotated his slips with the date, "21.8.14". The items have been restored to their "original" order, according to an alpha-numeric appendix number system written on each translation slip, and this numbering system is retained after the imposed number [60]. Gaps in the numbering system probably indicate the earlier presence of items now missing from the collection. A second numbering system was annotated in red ink onto envelopes as well as slips when the records passed into the custody of the Department of Defence (date unknown). This system employed a running number from 2548 to 2658, which has been listed after each item of captured mail in the inventory to AWM33. The translators abstracts, although varying in reliability, have been used as item titles in the inventory. SOURCE RECORDS, VOL X OFFICIAL HISTORY (Items [61]-[66/10]) This title is misleading, as Mackenzie used all of the records transferred through the Official Historian and the Department of Defence as source records for Volume X, "The Australians at Rabaul". Items within [62/1]-[65/12] arrived in different accessions between 1928 and 1940, and were arranged according to the chapter headings of the Official History by staff at the War Memorial Library. Items [66/1]-[66/10] arrived as a coherent group from Mackenzie in 1940. The divider card arrangement was retained during access examination in 1973-75, when sub-groups were broken down into discrete items and listed by title. An artificial single numbering system ([1]-[66/10]) was imposed at item level during access review in 1981. The series underwent final arrangement and description work in early 1991, and approximately 50 per cent of items were split into smaller physical parts to reduce their size and enhance their accessibility. The series now consists of 234 physical items ([1]-[66/10]).

G255 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1885 - 31 Dec 1991
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This series consists of material created by the Imperial Government of German New Guinea. The material was seized by the Australian Government when the Territory was captured during the First World War. The records of this series were among a large collection of material relating to the former territory of German New Guinea which came into the custody of the then Commonwealth Archives Office in 1963. This material is believed to have been shipped to Australia from Rabaul in 1937 for safekeeping following the volcanic eruption in May of that year. The collection comprised all the extant material from the four periods of colonial administration: (1) the New Guinea Company 1885-1899, (2) German Imperial administration 1899-1914, (3) British Military Administration 1914-1921, and (4) Australian Civil Administration of the mandated territory. There is record of the material having been examined in Canberra in August 1937 by Miss M Jacobs of the Department of History, University of Sydney. The collection was then in the custody of the National Library but was subsequently stored in large wooden crates at the premises of the Government Printer at Kingston. It remained there, more-or-less forgotten, until rediscovered in 1963 during a re-location of the Government Printing Office. It was transferred to the custody of the Commonwealth Archives Office on 20 August 1963 and accessioned as AA1963/83. A handwritten inventory was prepared (in English.) Various conversion to G series were effected and, in 1991, the remaining records created by the Imperial German administration 1899-1914 were separated and arranged to constitute this series by a visitng archivist from the German State Archives (Bundesarkiv), Dr. Jurgen Real. Note that Dr. Reals arrangement is in accordance with the practice of the Bundesarkiv, and not with the precepts of the Australian CRS system. The original order is not maintained - the items are not attributed to a particular agency recording and the original item number control is ignored in favour of an imposed simple numerical sequence. The inventory received from Dr. Real in December 1992 displays a number of discrepancies in the numerical sequence. In particular numbers 48, 293, 498, 547, 548 and 934 have not been used. Also several numbers were used twice; these have been differentiated by use of A and B suffixes. Dr Reals inventory is entirely in German. An English translation was arranged by Australian Archives in 1993 and this version has been entered in the ANGAM2 database. The records were subsequently microfilmed and, in 1994 and after a sojourn of 57 years in Australia, the original records were returned to Papua New Guinea. They are now held by the National Archives of Papua New Guinea in Port Moresby. Microflilm copies are available for use in this office. The reference copy is G255/4. This series consists of records covering all matters relating to the administration of the German settlements on the mainland of New Guinea (that is, on the North-East Coast), on New Britain and New Ireland. It complements series G1 (1899-1911) and G2 (1911-1914) which consist of records of the Imperial Government of German New Guinea relating to the external Island Territories (Carolines, Marianas and Marshall Islands) - that is, those territories which were not subsequently administered by the occupying power which succeeded the German government at Rabaul after 1914. In 2018, the microfilm was digitised and uploaded to National Archives RecordSearch database.

Behörden des Schutzgebiets Deutsch-Neuguinea
Verwaltungsakten von Deutsch-Neuguinea ¹
G254 · Bestand · 01 Jan 1889 - 31 Dec 1921
Teil von National Archives of Australia

This artificial series has been registered to bring together an accumulation of records which was created by several agencies responsible for the administration of German New Guinea. The records are all written in German, are difficult to translate and it is therefore difficult to identify exact recording agencies. As a result, the records have all been registered conditionally as one series and a single number system of arrangement and control has been imposed until further research is carried out. The series consists of files created by the various agencies dealing with the administration of German New Guinea. The file covers are mainly buff and blue. Some covers are printed with the file number, agency title, date range and file title. Other file covers are all handwritten. Much of the material deals with matters of various "Imperial Courts" of the different districts. These matters include smuggling, larceny, contravention of the Bird of Paradise Hunting Ordinance, legal matters (wills, mining leases) and accounting matters of the "Principal Treasury". The files date from 1889 to 1914. One file, [No 33], entitled "Documents and Miscellaneous Papers prior to British Occupation" actually contains files from 1911 to 1921 dealing with legal matters during the British Occupation.

Behörden des Schutzgebiets Deutsch-Neuguinea