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Archival description
6058 · Fonds · 1879 - 1914
Part of Archives New Zealand

At some time after the transfer of the archives to New Zealand in 1955, some records were abstracted into English and arranged in transcript form. Most of the records dealt with in this way were Series 6051 'New Series' files.

6069 · Fonds · 1903 - 1914
Part of Archives New Zealand

It is probable that these files, as well as containing correspondence of a general nature to the Commission, were used to file papers relating to land cases which were not proceeded with or which did not merit a separate file. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

6056 · Fonds · 1906 – 1911
Part of Archives New Zealand

The first census in Samoa was undertaken in 1900-01 but no returns are known to have survived. Only one volume survives for the 1906 census and three volumes for the 1911 census. Details given include name, gender, adults, children and religion. One census return in Fristoe's list (for Savaii-Fagamalo ma Palauli 30 September 1911) was not found at the time of arrangement and description.

6066 · Fonds · 1900 - 1907
Part of Archives New Zealand

These papers were maintained by Judge Suatele, one of the Samoan judges. They include correspondence with Samoans, the Imperial Court Judge and the Governor. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

Correspondence Files
6059 · Fonds · 1913 – 1914
Part of Archives New Zealand

Some files were obviously part of a former series (6082) for which no list is existent. Files seem to have been top numbered into series 6059 at some later date. There are no annotations to indicate that any papers were added after the top numbering. Papers relate to the dealings between the district administrator and villages and organisations in his area. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

Correspondence Files
6062 · Fonds · 1900 – 1919
Part of Archives New Zealand

These files have been grouped into an artificial series of District Administrator, Savaii, correspondence

File Registers/Lists
6068 · Fonds · 1909 - 1914
Part of Archives New Zealand

Item AGCA 0598 also contains a list of "old system" files and is indexed. Item AGCA 0599 appears to be lists of files which were in existence at the time of compilation. These items formed the basis for the lists of files in series 6050, 6051 and 6073. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

6060 · Fonds · 1914
Part of Archives New Zealand

It is assumed that papers in this series would normally have been filed in series 6051 except for the interruption of the invasion by New Zealand troops on 29 August 1914. The papers deal with the Governor's correspondence with Samoan residents after the outbreak of war in 1914 until the takeover by New Zealand troops.

18976 · Fonds · 1889 - 1920
Part of Archives New Zealand

This series is comprised of High Court case files and administration records. Most of these records date from the German colonial period. The British Military Occupation force did not attempt to re-organise the records systems of the Imperial High Court offices, and was content to use the previous system to complete outstanding litigation and subsequent business. They are composed of three parts: cases brought for trial; general administrative records; and miscellaneous unnumbered records. Note: C-Private Complaints and Property Disputes: Box 7 Files C15/00 to Box 9 C127/04 have been listed individually. Further individual listing of the records in this series is planned.

6081 · Fonds · 1900 - 1914
Part of Archives New Zealand

This index has only partially survived. Entries from A-O are missing. The index relates to the ordinances found in BMO 2/22,23 and also those ordinances published in the Government Gazette (series 6054). In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and series as if 'they' had transferred the records in 1914 -which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

leaf collection
6061 · Fonds · 1906 - 1912
Part of Archives New Zealand

This is the only individual case file which survives in the collection of material held in New Zealand. It is not related to those files controlled by the registers for the Land and Titles Commission (series 6070, 6071). A register existed for this series but it is not extant in our holdings. The file relates to the will of Saipaia and to the passing of his title down in the family.

Outwards Letter book
6053 · Fonds · 1901 – 1907
Part of Archives New Zealand

This volume contains handwritten copies of outgoing correspondence of a 'local and general' nature. At the outset letters are written out in full, but later a precis of the subject matter is all that appears. Evidently other outward letter books did exist but are not known to have survived. Fristoe notes "appear to have been compiled by Taylor, the Government translator..".

6055 · Fonds · 1906 - 1907
Part of Archives New Zealand

Papers consist of forms filled in by plantations detailing what was grown and how much they yielded. Details are also given of the animals kept, staff employed, and acreage of plantation. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

6051 · Fonds · 1895 - 1920
Part of Archives New Zealand

This series is the main set of administrative files generated by the Imperial German Samoan Government. This series, 'Registered Files (New System)' is the main set of administrative files generated by the Imperial German Samoan Government, covering all areas of German governance of Samoa between 1900 and 1914. The files are mainly in German, though there are many documents in Samoan and English. The early documents tend to be handwritten, while official documents dated after 1903 are usually typed. The records cover all aspects of Government administration, however, large numbers of records were removed soon after the outbreak of WWI to establish Government departmental records under an Allied administration. As a result, there are very few records in this series concerning Land and Titles, Public Works, Health, Births, Deaths and Marriages and Education. It is believed that these files may still be held by various Government Departments in Samoa. The ‘Old’ Series, started in 1900, was replaced by the ‘New’ Series in about 1903 - 1904; however many of the files were carried forward and top-numbered into the new series. Following the British Military Occupation of Samoa in 1914, the records listed in this series were divided and are now held in two separate collections, one at Archives New Zealand’s Head Office in Wellington, and at the Samoan Archives, housed in the O.F. Nelson Library in Apia, Samoa.

6063 · Fonds · 1900 - 1907
Part of Archives New Zealand

This file is untitled but from examination it would not appear to form part of the same sequence as series 6078 despite the similarity in the form of numbering.

6050 · Fonds · 1900 - 1909 range held: 1899 - 1903
Part of Archives New Zealand

This series was in use from 1900 with the establishment of the Colonial Administration until May 1909 when the new system was brought into use. A large proportion of files was carried directly to the new system and top numbered without any further papers being added. It would also appear that, when new file subjects were created, bindings of these old files were split and papers removed to form the basis for new files. This could explain why all the files remaining in this old system have split bindings and why there are so few of them. They may be what was left of files which were dismembered. Files listed in this series are those which physically remained as part of the series, of which portions were top numbered into the new system. File titles have been given in German and translated into English only when the item is actually held. A partial index to the file titles forms part of series 6068. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

6070 · Fonds · 1903 – 1921
Part of Archives New Zealand

Items in this series are arranged by the case number although the layouts differ slightly. Item 0871 gives details of the names and locations of the litigants, area under dispute, decision made in full, and references to L K (land files) and B S (Blattsammlung) files (all notes written in Samoan). Item 0872 gives details of names and locations of the litigants, area under dispute, number of case, and other references ( L K (land files), ES., EF., etc.). Both registers deal with the same cases. Item 0872 goes from 1-289 only.

Reports (Reports)
6067 · Fonds · 1900 - 1900
Part of Archives New Zealand

An artificial series was created to contain these two reports which do not appear to fit anywhere. The report on Samoa may have been prepared for Berlin after the annexation. It gives details of the island, its climate, history, population, agriculture etc. In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.

6054 · Fonds · 1900 - 1912
Part of Archives New Zealand

From examination it would appear that these papers may precede the land files (series 6083) (no items held) and administrative files (series 6069). In 1955 the German Consul's archives were discovered in Apia with the records of the German Colonial Administration. These were removed and transferred to the National Archives of New Zealand for extensive conservation work and microfilming. The decision was made to document the German-Samoan agencies and record series as if they had transferred the records in 1914 - which is why the Executive Council of Western Samoa, although the 'true' transferring agency, is not fully documented.
