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FO 383/21 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Cases for consideration for possible exchange or release of prisoners, including: Professor H S Macran, of Dublin University, held in Berlin: proposed exchange for two Germans interned in England. William Medwin Harris, interned in Germany: possible exchange with Fritz Heinsen, interned at Douglas, Isle of Man. Grant Watson, late HM Secretary of Legation in Brussels: reports of his arrest and detention in Berlin. Felix Jeffes, British Vice-Consul, Brussels: report of his arrest; possible exchange for German internees in England; also papers concerning his father, T E Jeffes, HM Consul at Brussels; enquiries from his wife, Jeanne Jeffes, c/o British Legation, The Hague. Mr C F Just, Canadian Trade Commissioner at Hamburg: detention in Hamburg; negotiations regarding possible release or exchange. Brigadier-General C E Bradley, interned in Germany: request from his wife, Alice Bradley of London, that he be considered for exchange or release on medical grounds. A J Nelson Hawkins, interned at Ruhleben following arrest at the outbreak of war when working for South African Government as an Inspecting Engineer in Hanover: request for possible exchange. Vice-Consul Walker of Lille: report of his arrest and internment at Ruhleben. Dr Werner Kieschme, German Consul, interned in England. Release of certain Germans on grounds of ill-health: request for names. Exchange of prisoners unfit for further service: case of Brevet-Major H C Johnson, King's Royal Rifle Corps. Carl Menke, German Honorary Consul: alleged detention. Detention in Egypt of four German consular clerks: Hermann Paulus, Franz Blasig, Wilhelm Schulz, and Ludwig Thomas. Proposed exchange of consuls (Grant Watson, Thomas E Jeffes, and James E Walker); also C F Just, Canadian Trade Commissioner. Proposed exchange of Dr A Haber, Governor of German New Guinea, and Colonel John H Stratton, retired, in Bad Nauheim, Germany. Mr Morrison-Cleator, HM late Vice-Consul at Mannheim: papers concerning his death in hospital at Ruhleben camp; also cases of German consular officers detained in England, Mr von Jena, Baron von Ow-Wachendorf, and Dr Guradze. Winthrop P Bell, of Halifaz, Nova Scotia, interned in Germany: enquiry from his father, A M Bell, regarding possible exchange with a German non-combatant in Dorchester camp. Exchange questions with German Government: memorandum on position up to end of 1914. Detention of Mr Rolfes, German Consul at Port Elizabeth and treatment of E F Ottens, German Vice-Consul at Salisbury. Colonel Paul F M Baddeley, British Pro-Consul at Bruges: reports of his arrest and his being held prisoner at Giessen, Germany; also his daughter, Mrs Vincent Smith. Exchange of medically unfit and invalid civilians: enquiry regarding possible intervention of the Pope. Lieutenant J B Butt, King's Own Light Infantry, wounded prisoner of war in Germany: request for exchange as an incapacitated military prisoner. Major Ponsonby-Shaw, retired British officer held in the officers prison at Celle: possible exchange for Major Ritter, German officer detained in England. Wounded British officers in hospital in Maine, and unfit for further military service: possible exchange; Captain Ian McDonald Henderson, London Scottish Regiment, and Captain Theodore Young Dobson, Royal Naval Division. Colonel Hemans, retired British officer held in Germany with his wife: request for their release or exchange. Invalids in Germany: lists of individuals. Herr Grimm, Secretary, German Consulate, Bombay: possible exchange. Private G Austin, incapacitated prisoner of war: request from his father, T H Austin of Swansea, that he be considered for exchange. Exchange of consuls: possible arrangement whereby repatriated Germans shall be prevented from serving with German forces. Exchange of medical personnel: detention of Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) officers and men, and sanitary service personnel. Lieutenant R S Moore, incapacitated prisoner of war in French hospital: request from his father, Lt Col R Moore of County Kildare, that he be considered for exchange. Proposed exchange of bankers: British subjects, S H Urry and L M Sharp, managers of the Hamburg branches of the Bank of British West Africa and Elder Dempster

FO 383/23 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Cases for consideration for possible exchange or release of prisoners, particularly Consular Officials, including: Exchange of British and German invalided civilians: Vatican agreement for arrangements to be carried out by US authorities; includes lists of names of individuals. John Audley, British invalided prisoner in Germany: proposed transfer for Richard Holzner, German prisoner detained in England. Parliamentary questions regarding exchange of prisoners, from Lord Robert Cecil and Commander Bellairs. Exchange of consuls: arrangements, and reports of present position. Hans Schuler, former German Consul at Calcutta, detained in India. Detention of Army Medical Corps: proposed exchange of prisoners. Vice-consul Eisenlohr, German consular official detained in Gibraltar: release. Exchange of consuls: twelve consular officials from UK and Mr Heym, German consul from Gibraltar. Thomas Whitehead, British Consul in Warsaw. Charles M Lawrence, secretary to the late Mr Cleator, detained in Germany: request from his mother, Mrs Annie Lawrence of Wokingham, that he might be exchanged as a consular official. Hans Josef Hein of Southend: release and return to Germany as a consular official; possible mistake for the real consul, Mr Heym, from Portsmouth. Mr Grimm, former Secretary to German Consulate, Bombay, detained in India: release and departure for Genoa; repatriation expenses. General Leman: proposed exchange for German admiral at Kiaochau. German Government proposal for exchange of Colonel Stratton and General O'Neill, for Dr Schultz, late Governor of Samoa, and Captain von Diederichs. Carl Fuchs, naturalised British subject of Manchester, and distinguished professor of music, detained in Germany: proposed exchange for Otto Brix, German subject residing at Wimbledon. Mr H Bullock, late British acting Consul, Bremen: return to Sheffield following detention in Germany. Colonel Stratton and Admiral Chilcott: possible release, and exchange for German consular officials. Dr Flockemann, late German consul at Bloemfentein: departure from Cape Town for Germany via the UK. Dr Kallhardt, German prisoner in England: proposal from his brother-in-law, Professor Gjelsvik of the University of Christiania, that he may be exchanged for Captain Viscount Dalrymple, Scots Guards. Mr A Harnack, employed in German Consulate General at Cape Town and assisting Consul General of America: request that his name be added to list of officials for exchange. Departure of German consular officials, Mr Goerbert, Mr Rolfes and Mr Bruchhaus, from South Africa for Germany. Carlo B Murphy, Canadian interned at Ruhleben: request that his name be added to list of officials for exchange. E F Ottens, former German Vice-Consul in Rhodesia, interned in Durban: request for release to reside on parole in South Africa. William G Haigh, British Pro-Consul at Ghent: death in Germany. Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd: request that their officials interned in Ruhleben may be released. John Henry Lorch, British subject interned at Ruhleben: request that he be released as claiming to be a former consular official. Major Ponsonby Shaw, retired officer in Germany: request for assistance to return to England. Admiral William W Chilcott, detained in Germany: notification of his death. Paul Reinbach, former German Vice-Consul at Singapore, interned at Wakefield. Mr von Frankenburg, former resident of German South West Africa, detained in South Africa: possible exchange as a consular official. Mr de Haas, former commercial attaché at the German Consulate General, Sydney. Albert Brill, formerly Consular Agent for Germany at Madras. Mr Listemann and Mr Freudenberg, German consular officials in India and Ceylon. Winfried R Freudenberg (Reinhart Freudenberg), formerly German Consul in Ceylon: proposed removal to Australia. Mr Meinecke, Mr Gloye and Mr Julius, German consular officials. Code 1218 File 85 (papers 26550-112036).

FO 383/24 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Cases for consideration for possible exchange or release of prisoners, particularly consular officials, including: Albert Brill, formerly Consular Agent for Germany at Madras. Detention of German and Austro-Hungarian consular officers in India: Foreign and Political Department report. H J Nelson Hawkins, civilian interned in Germany. German consular officials in Egypt, in particular case of Franz Blassig. German consular officers detained by British Government: Hans Schuler, former German consul at Calcutta; also Erich Ottens, Arthur Harnack, Johann Fette, and Emil Bucholski. Karl Veit (or Carl Veit), arrested in Aden and interned at Ahmednagar: request that he be permitted to leave for a neutral country, as he was formerly German Vice-Consul at Djibuti. F J Reinecke, late acting German Consul at Bassein, interned in India. Enemy subjects employed by US authorities in Egypt. Reinhart Freudenberg, late German Consul at Colombo, interned in Australia. Henry John Lorch, interned in Ruhleben. Arthur Harnack, formerly employed in German Consulate General at Capetown. Albert Mau, German subject, late Austro-Hungarian Consul at Zanzibar. Emil Bucholski and Ernst Koehler: no claim to repatriation under consular exchange as secretaries to German Consuls in provincial towns. F W Steege, manager of Standard Bank of South Africa, Hamburg, interned in Germany: proposed exchange for Erich Ottens, late German Deputy Vice-Consul at Salisbury, Rhodesia, interned at Pietermaritzburg. Exchange of German officials interned in Australia. Herr Listeman, late German Consul at Bushire, interned in India. E H L Mummenhoff, British consular official interned at Ruhleben. J Moresby-White, British civilian prisoner interned in Ruhleben: possible exchange for interned German consul official, Arthur Harnack. Alfred Suhl, German subject, former Austro-Hungarian Consul at Penang, held in UK: exchange for Richard Wolf Gordon, British subject residing at Wurzburg. Proposed exchange of Mr Lean and Mr Schill, invalided German consular officials. Stanley Lambert, proposed exchange for a German consular officer. Erich F Ottens, former German Vice-Consul in Rhodesia: proposed repatriation to Germany. Franz Blassig, former German consular official: exchange for Mr Ashley (or Asley). Exchange of German consular officials detained in HM Dominions. H J N Hawkins, released prisoner: enquiries concerning possible information regarding his date of arrival in UK. Code 1218 File 85 (papers 113833-112036).

FO 383/56 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Detention of medical personnel: general papers, with individual cases, including: Retention of medical service personnel in enemy's hands. Capt H E Priestley, military doctor, Royal Army Medical Corps, interned at Wittenburg: representations for his release on health grounds, from his brother-in-law, J P Blake, Hon. Secretary, National League of Young Liberals; later report from German authorities that he is to face a military court of enquiry and cannot be permitted to return. Capt Philip Davy, Royal Army Medical Corps, interned at Gardelegen: representations for his release on health grounds, from his sister, Miss Kathleen T Davy, of Taunton. Exchange of sanitary service personnel. German medical service personnel fallen into hands of the Russians. Detention of Capt Priestley, Capt Vidal, and Capt Lauder, Royal Army Medical Corps. Mrs Lotte Schneider, in Germany: request by Arthur J Speer, of London, for assistance to send remittances to Mrs Schneider, wife of his business partner, Arthur Schneider, interned with British civil prisoners at Ruhleben. Disposal of German prisoners at conclusion of war: enquiries from the Governor of Jamaica; also Canada. H H Gastrell, late HM Consul at Stuttgart: payments in connection with rent of his house and the consulate. German named Russell, reported as being shot at Lichtenburg, South Africa, as a German spy. W H Freran, of Tranmere, Cheshire: compensation claim for furniture and personal effects in Mannheim. Lieut Cecil H J Chichester-Constable, Royal Warwickshire Regiment: sentence to five months imprisonment in Germany; enquiry from his mother, Edith Chichester-Constable, of Hull; report of circumstances; question of publicity for case. Rev C F Mynhardt (or Mijnhardt), Dutch minister of religion, in German East Africa since beginning of war: return to South Africa; suggestion for interview to provide information regarding German resources; includes press article, with photograph of Rev Mynhardt, from the Johannesburg Sunday Times. Dr Diedrich Westermann, of General Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Church of the USA: return to Germany; request for safe-conduct. Transfer to Bermuda of 4,000 civilian prisoners interned in UK. Cecil von Hafen, civil prisoner of war at Ruhleben: request for money to be sent to him; enquiry from Josiah Wedgwood

FO 383/47 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Dr Schwabe, German officer killed in action on board the Emden : enquiry regarding his identity. Charles Lesimple, US Vice-Consul at Cologne: assistance given to British subjects in Cologne at outbreak of war. Dr Otto Luz, German reserve officer who left Panama at outbreak of war to join German Army, in detention camp on Isle of Man: German enquiry regarding alleged court martial for instigating revolt at Douglas camp; report that allegation was unfounded and Dr Luz had been sentenced for evasion of censorship regulations; request by Panama government for his release under guarantee of strict neutrality as his services were required in Panama; UK government's refusal to grant request. Mr Drummond-Hay, in Folkestone: house at Olive (or Oliva), Danzig; payment of rent; arrangements with US Embassy, Berlin, to continue payments until hostilities terminate. Messrs A Marx and Co, jewellers of Regent Street: payment of taxes to Germany; claim against company in respect of rent due on property in Germany; detention in Germany of owner, Ernest Marx, British subject; enquiry from his wife, Mrs M Marx of Maida Vale, regarding German authorities' insistence that on release from Ruhleben he be forced to reopen his business in Homburg, Germany, for them to take half the takings. Edward Page Gaston, American resident of London: activities in Germany regarding transmission of parcels and luggage to prisoners, including: US authorities in Berlin reports of unsatisfactory and inefficient way he was carrying out work. Proposed press letter by US Ambassador, Berlin, warning public against Mr Gaston. Statement from US Ambassador, Berlin, with enclosures of statements from individuals regarding activities, including from Mr Gaston himself (in docket no. 21747). Hon Lady Augusta Peek, of Honiton, Devon: report that her son, Lieut R G Peek, 9th Lancers, and fellow prisoners at Münster, had not received parcels via Mr Gaston. Private Stanley Warren, Royal Naval Division, RNVR, interned at Döberitz: complaint that he had not received parcels and money sent to him by his mother in South Hackney via Mr Gaston. Complaints against Mr Gaston: consultation with Director of Public Prosecutions. Complaints against Mr Gaston received at US Embassy, Berlin. New circular issued 1 May 1915 inviting further funds for relief of necessitous prisoners, and guaranteeing forwarding of parcels of food for prisoners. Transmission of parcels to prisoners in Germany. Parcels whose recipients could not be traced: includes names of individuals (in docket no. 62872). Captain P E Lowe, West Yorkshire Regiment, prisoner of war in Germany: information from Mrs Lowe regarding delivery of parcels to him. Major R A Gray, 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers, prisoner of war at Magdeburg: information from his wife, Mrs Gray of Camberley, regarding delivery of parcels to him. Press letter by James W Gerard, US Ambassador, Berlin, warning public against Mr Gaston: report that Morning Post was to be sued for libel; consultations regarding impending lawsuit, including communications with solicitors Messrs Lewis

FO 383/77 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Dr Walter Sulzbach, interned in Ahmednagar: possible transfer as prisoner of war from India to England. Visits to camps in UK by Mr C Damm, District Secretary, National Sailors and Fireman's Union, London, on behalf of Danish Labour Unions. Clarence Leonard Millar, aged 15 years, scholar in Saarbrucken: enquiries from his mother, Clara C Millar of Leicester, regarding his possible repatriation to UK. Escape of two German officers from Donington Hall: Otto Thelan (or Theilan), flying corps, and Hans Keilach (or Keilhack, or Keilack), naval officer; possibility of them having reached Rotterdam; possible arrival in Spain; report of their recapture and trial by military court. Sergeant D'Arcy A Latimer, wounded Canadian soldier, prisoner of war at Giessen: request for x-ray examination. Edward Abram Daniel Allchin, missing British subject in Belgium: enquiries to Belgian authorities regarding his possible whereabouts; reports of him being wounded, and his death and burial at Adinkerke; enquiry from his mother, Mrs B Allchin of Cape Town, requesting information regarding his precise identity and his personal effects. Mr G K Gude of the Malacological Society of London: request to send a paper pamphlet to Dr C Boettger, member of the Society in Frankfurt. Captain E R von der Osten, British-Canadian subject, prisoner in Germany, and his wife Mrs Lilian von der Osten: information from Private A W Maunders, former prisoner, now in 3rd London General Hospital, Wandsworth, regarding ill-treatment; referral of allegation to German authorities. Transport to Germany of property of German women from the Cameroons. Sergeant R W Barrett, Northants Yeomanry, deceased in Germany: recovery of his personal property. Philip Nutt, of the firm David Nutt, publishers of New Oxford Street, London: enquiries regarding his personal property in Hamburg. Fryer children: Walter Herman Fryer, aged 12 years, and Helene Frances Fryer, aged 10 years, in Rotterdam, children of interned German father with their mother living in London; enquiries regarding their possible return to UK. Escape from Germany of Sergeant Alfred Birley, 1st Gloucestershire Regiment, and Private Sidney Haworth, Coldstream Guards. Brig-General Bradley, prisoner in Germany: enquiries from his wife, Mrs Alice Bradley of Portman Square, London, regarding his possible internment in a neutral country. Parcel of cloth for suit to Ruhleben prisoner. Clothing for W P Goodale, British civilian prisoner of war interned in Ruhleben. Mrs F H Ward, of Catford, wife of British subject interned in Ruhleben: request for assistance following discontinuance of relief from National Relief Fund. Madame Mabel von Ferentheil (née Beresford), in Brunswick, Germany: request for relief; arrangements for payment of annuity. Letter for transmission to Lady MacDonald from Mr F Thiel, Consul General, German Foreign Office, Berlin, regarding a missing German officer, Baron von Ketelhodt. Mrs Berta Hiller and family in UK: request from husband, Robert Hiller, British civil prisoner of war interned in Ruhleben, for relief for his family destitute in Stepney; enquiries regarding nationality of Mr Hiller; report that he was over age when his father was naturalised and so was not a British subject. Mrs Elina Sara Smith, in St Thomas, Danish West Indies: information from her husband, James Smith, 'coloured' British subject interned in Ruhleben, regarding her destitute condition; request for relief. Mrs Elsa Johnston, German-born wife of British subject: application for assistance; reported that she was separated from her husband, Charles H Johnston of Highgate, London; arrangements for payments under terms of separation order. Treatment of British prisoners in Germany: report of booklet on sale in neutral countries. Original correspondence received at HM Consulate General, Lourenco Marques, from Tanga, German East Africa. Missionaries detained in German East Africa from The Universities' Mission to Central Africa. Army List for Geneva Bureau. German Consulate General at Singapore: alleged sale of building containing archives and personal effects of the Consul-General. Removal of prisoners: Togoland; includes printed copy of Gold Coast Colony ordinance no 13 of 1915, Removal of Prisoners (Togoland) Ordinance, 1915 (in docket no. 139718). Removal of prisoners from and to the Cameroons; includes printed copy of Gold Coast Colony ordinance no 26 of 1915, Removal of Prisoners (Cameroons) Ordinance, 1915 (in docket no. 183496). Fugitive offenders: Togoland; includes printed copy of Gold Coast Colony ordinance no 14 of 1915, Fugitive Offenders (Togoland) Ordinance, 1915 (in docket no. 139797). Otto Metzger, US declarant, actor playing in London before outbreak of war, now in Germany: request for shipment of two trunks to Berlin. Mr C Mendelson, British subject interned at Ruhleben: claim for damage to personal belongings. Mrs A M Griffin, of Kingstown, Ireland: enquiry regarding welfare of her daughter, Miss Griffin ('Soeur Dominique'), at the Convent de Ste. Chrétienne, Jorcy-Sedan, under German occupation. Mrs Elsa Schluckwerder, residing in Berlin; request for permission to return to her husband, Alfred Schluckwerder, and three young children in German South West Africa via Cape Town and England. Ferdinand Schott, former German Consul at Gibraltar: order for a waterproof coat; enquiries regarding his apparent liberty; report that he was a British-born subject. British civilians interned in Germany and Austria: transfer of lists from Prisoners of War Help Committee of English prisoners of war interned, other than those at Ruhleben; includes lists of individuals (in docket no. 140687). Helene Schmidt, aged 8 years, staying in Wilmslow, Cheshire: request for advice and assistance for her uncle, Emilio Colsmann, a pro-German Peruvian long resident in Germany, to come to UK to fetch the child home to Germany. Mrs Eichenberg, wife of a German subject interned at Pontmain (Mayenne): request for permission to come to UK to visit her mother, Mrs Moffat, in Glasgow. W Ziggelkow, German prisoner of war at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield: request for receipt for £2785 claimed to have been handed over to Captain Craven at Bouthe, Sierra Leone. Professor F Sefton Delmer, British subject residing in Berlin: proposed exchange for Herr Freytag, interned at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield. Mrs Margrieta Beer, residing in Rome, English-born widow of a German subject: request to return to UK. Mrs R Bacon of Great Yarmouth: enquiry how her husband, E B Bacon, in Ruhleben may send money to her. Rifleman John Mulley, consumptive prisoner at Döberitz: possibility of him being a suitable subject for exchange; request by W E Denison, Director of Halifax Courier Ltd, for assistance to secure a war service badge; includes printed list of recipients of parcels (in docket no. 142122); enquiries into Mulley's health. Paul Hirschfeld, late German Embassy, London: question of payment of taxes on building and inhabited house duty. Herman Dittmar, prisoner at Knockaloe, Isle of Man: enquiries regarding his claim to 23 years uninterrupted residence in US and intention to become a US citizen; HM Government agreement that he may be released on condition he proceeds immediately to the United States. Dr Seitz, late Governor of German South West Africa: proposed exchange for Brig-General C E Bradley or Mr W Butterworth; investigation into claim that Dr Seitz had retained diamonds belonging to the Protectorate Government. Code 1218 File 134067-142158.

FO 383/66 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Effects of German colonial prisoners now at Stratford and in UK. Treatment of English naval prisoners on sunken German torpedo boat A2. Journey to Batavia of two ladies of German nationality: Mrs L Jenne and Miss M Bartens. T Andreae, prisoner at Knockaloe, claiming to be an English subject: request for documents to establish his case. Names of prisoners of war: German Government practice. R Button, deceased at Wittenburg: notification to his wife, Mrs Button, in Belgium; arrangements for return to UK of Mrs Button and family. Forged postcards from Quedlinburg: allegations regarding postcards purported to have been written by Private W Wheeler, prisoner of war at Quedlinburg; investigations into allegations, including original postcards. Tobacco for German prisoners of war. Deportation of German prisoners from Straits Settlements to Australia. Money sent to prisoners of war: limits and intervals allowed by HM Government for German officers and soldiers to draw money. Henry Thomas Martin, late interned civilian at Ruhleben, gardener to HRH Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia: request from his wife, Mrs Emily Martin, for confirmation of her husband's death in Berlin hospital; transmission of death certificates and private papers; arrangements regarding Mrs Martin's intention to leave Germany. Mr Gutmann, British pro-Consul at Geneva: agency for finding missing officers in Germany; report and thanks for his work; includes printed table of portraits headed 'Queen Victoria Jubilee Fund Association for the relief of British subjects in distress at Geneva. Honorary Manager of Enquiry Branch: S Gutman', showing photographs and details of 28 missing British officers and French soldiers (in docket no. 69614). George Marcussen, civil prisoner in Germany: enquiry from his father, H Marcussen of Maida Vale regarding his whereabouts; report that he had been transferred from Ruhleben to Stadtvogtei following a detrimental remark about the German Emperor. Rev Paul Heyse, German military chaplain interned at Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: protests against capture and internment by military authorities, and request for release. British subjects in German East Africa: missionaries interned since outbreak of war; includes lists of names of members of The Universities' Mission to Central Africa (in docket no. 69886) and the Church Missionary Society (in docket no. 71933). Release of German missionaries in South Africa. A W Hill, British civilian at Ruhleben: enquiry from his father, Mr A Hill of Coventry, regarding possible exchange for German subject, Heinri Gruenwald, resident in Llandudno. Letters addressed to German prisoners from Cameroons: question of censorship. Alfonso De Blasio, First President of the Court of Cassation of Turin: letter regarding his daughter and son-in-law Edgar Fisher, German subjects in London. Erich Langen, member of German colony at Samoa: detention in Auckland following violation of military regulations. Treatment of prisoners of war in England: prohibition of receipt of German literature. Books for prisoners of war: question of censorship. Restriction on the receipt of books at Osnabrück, Gütersloh and Güstrow camps. Internment of German members of missionary societies. Leslie Spicer, British missionary employee interned at Ruhleben. Professor Marshall Montgomery, of County Down, Ireland: enquiries regarding rent of his flat at Giessen. Edward Petermuller, German civil prisoner at Lancaster: complaint from his sister, Bertha Petermuller of Upper Bavaria, regarding his treatment; request that he be medically examined. Students, including: Scheme proposed by Swiss universities in favour of students detained as prisoner of war. Treatment of student prisoners of war. Fourteen British students interned at Ruhleben: petition to resume their studies at German universities; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 151838). University students interned in Ruhleben: South African students; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 161555); individual case of Mr R J Kottich, government scholar. German university students in UK. University students detained as prisoners. Mr R W Wilcocks, South African student in Berlin University: request for certificate of diligence to continue his studies. Tobacco for British civilians in Ruhleben camp: arrangements for shipment and costs. British officers interned at Burg bei Magdeburg. Code 1218 File 67333-72738.

FO 383/193 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Erwin Alfred Klug, Austrian subject, former electrical engineer with Messrs Siemens Brothers, Madras, India: his internment at Ahmednagar Camp; his escapes; and his death in a railway tunnel in Goa, Portuguese India. Transfer of officer prisoners from one camp to another. Payment of salary to German colonial officials interned in Britain. Receipt of drugs and medicines by prisoners. Supply of boots to prisoners in Germany. Lieutenant J R Wilkinson, 3rd Lancashire Fusiliers, interned at Gnadenfrei-Schlesien: his sudden death, and his father's request for return of his personal effects. George Early, exchanged civilian prisoner: his efforts to cash a banknote for 1,000 German marks. Major Maitland Makgill Crichton, 10th Gordon Highlanders, killed during the Battle of Loos: his widow's request to erect an iron memorial cross on his grave; request regretfully refused. Repatriation of invalid civilians. James Zimmermann and Ernest Bucher, Swiss subjects in German East Africa: enquiries concerning them. Affairs in German East Africa, including: Arrest and release of missionaries. Cardinals de Belmonte and Bourne's interests on behalf of members of the Congrégation du Saint Esprit. Kamna Rubber Estate Ltd: safety of property and employees. Welfare of British subjects, including Archdeacon D J Rees, G H Prytz, James Scott-Brown and William Lock. Release by Belgian troops of British subjects from Tabora (with lists of surnames in dockets no. 233296 and 253891). Donation by Imperial Tobacco Company of shipment of tobacco for British prisoners in Germany. August Eckstein and Fräulein Gretchen Stahl: certificate of their marriage at Neustadt am Aisch, Bavaria. Richard Kuenzer, former German Consul in Macedonia, interned at Ras-el-Tin Camp, Alexandria, Egypt. Food and clothing for British prisoners in Germany; treatment of them. Allied soldiers and civilians interned in Germany, including French, Serbians, Belgians, Japanese, Portuguese and Russians. Replenishment of British Emergency Relief Fund in Berlin. Siegfried Schlomer, interned at Islington, London. Hermann Steinke, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Ernst Hans Davidsen, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: released on parole for one week in March 1916 to visit his dying wife in Glamorganshire; Home Office advise against his being paroled again. C Schneberger, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: his objection to his son being enlisted into the British Army. Martin Joachim: remittances to be made to account of his wife Mrs Sophie Joachim in Amsterdam. Alleged conditions of imprisonment of German subjects at Reading: HM Government maintain that Reading Gaol is not a camp for prisoners of war and contains many persons who are not enemy aliens; those who are, are guilty of grave acts of espionage and their identities cannot be disclosed; but US Embassy may investigate conditions under which German civilians are detained there. Sergeant John Bryce, Gordon Highlanders, imprisoned for refusing to take over command of squad from a superior non-commissioned officer on instructions of Camp Sergeant-Major: German Government uphold verdict of Court Martial. Jules Leon, of Cologne (Köln): recovery of money advanced to him from British Emergency Relief Fund. Code 1218 Files 103262-111245.

FO 383/67 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Exchange of British retired officers in Germany, including: Colonel Stratton, Lord de Ramsey and Colonel Hemans; enquiries, proposals and arrangements regarding possible exchange for German officers. Release of German officers, including Major Kremnitz and Erich Kurt Karbe from Wakefield, Hugo Lobst Falke (real name Hugo Lobst von Feilitzsch), and Kurt von Weller from Knockaloe. Brigadier-General Bradley. Major Ponsonby Shaw at Celle. Correspondence from infected camps in Germany. Douglas Rooke, Victoria Barracks, Windsor: enquiries regarding return of his property from Dresden. Canadian prisoners in Germany: includes list of individuals (in docket no. 73506); arrangements for distribution of 'comforts'. Insurance of property and buildings of Germans in London, including German Embassy buildings. Rent due respecting German Embassy buildings in London. John Kretzschmer, German subject of Zehlendorf Mitte: request for documents relative to his deceased son, Hermann Kretzschmer, late of Australia, and his son's marriage to Euphrosine Mary Grieve, resident in Sydney. George William Crossan, teacher of boxing at Hamburg, imprisoned in Germany: trial and sentence for charge of espionage; two years penal servitude for attempting to betray military secrets. Red Cross visits to prisoners' camps, including: Suggested reciprocal visits of belligerent representatives to prisoners' camps. Inspection of prisoners' camps by Red Cross ladies. Visits to prisoners' camps: view that if permission granted then Red Cross Prisoners of War Committee would prefer for men rather than women to make visits. Fraulein Rotten: proposed visits to prisoners' camps in UK; report that she is not a Swiss member of Red Cross but a German subject and a member of various committees in Berlin looking after foreigners in Germany. Visits to prisoners by members of Red Cross Societies: War Office opposition to proposal for exchange visits. Exchange of visits by Red Cross ladies to prisoners' camps. Walter Gorlitz, German subject residing in Charlbury, Oxfordshire: enquiries regarding his property in German South West Africa. Medical treatment of German prisoners in South Africa, in particular at Pietermaritzburg. Encashment of English cheques: includes list of individuals and amounts (in docket no. 74698). Repayment of advance made in Germany: enquiry from African Banking Corporation Ltd regarding a cheque made out to an 'alien enemy', Mr J Zweigenhaft. Fund established for the purpose of cashing drafts upon English letters of credit, etc. Code 1218 File 72744-74698.

FO 383/57 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Exchange of incapacitated prisoners and medical personnel, including: Exchange of incapacitated prisoners. Gefreite Albert Krueger, wounded German prisoner interned on Isle of Wight (docket no. 90201). Payment of sanitary personnel. Exchange of sanitary personnel in the colonies. Disabled officers still prisoners in Germany. Exchange of severely wounded (incapacitated) prisoners of war. Capt George Bellville, wounded prisoner of war in Germany: enquiry from his mother, Mrs Bellville of Bembridge, Isle of Wight (docket no. 103526). Ernst von Schweinichen, prisoner of war at Dorchester camp: possible exchange (docket no. 104722). Arrangements with Dutch Government for conveying British wounded. Repatriation of soldiers and officers incapable of further service. Exchange of sanitary service staff and incapacitated prisoners. Standard of incapacity for repatriation. Exchange of sanitary personnel: Australia. Repatriation of British wounded from Germany. Repatriation of German sanitary personnel. Repatriation of Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) prisoners from Germany. Exchange of sanitary personnel: South Africa. Canadian Army Medical Corps prisoners: Private G R Carr and Private A W Walsh, both 3rd Field Ambulance, 1st Canadian Division (docket nos. 126031 and 132629). Johann Wegener, member of Landwehr, German prisoner of war in Jersey, said to be unfit for military service: enquiry from his father, Hermann Wegener of Minden, regarding possible exchange (docket nos. 126357 and 136792). British medical personnel remaining in German hands. Dr Glantz, prisoner of war interned in New Zealand (docket no. 136030). Surgeon Ernest Charles Holtom, Royal Navy, detained in German East Africa: enquiry from his mother, of Reading. Dr E Strauss and Dr Pfeiffer, officers late of German hospital ship Ophelia (docket no 139798). Private A James Bailey, Royal West Kent Regiment, wounded prisoner at Friedrichsfeld (docket nos. 140652 and 152278). Exchange of medical personnel from South West Africa. Capt Malcolm Sandeman, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, wounded prisoner at Crefeld (docket no. 146462). Sanitary Sergeant Anton Meier, detained at Handforth (docket no. 146589). Lieut W A de C O'Grady, Canadian military prisoner of war in Germany: enquiry from his brother Lieut G W de C O'Grady (docket no. 150131). Corporal James Mulcahy, 1st Cheshire Regiment, prisoner at Limburg (docket no. 152278). Corporal Thomas Ernest Cooper, British Columbia Regiment, wounded prisoner at Giessen (docket no. 153178). Capt A C Vidal, Royal Army Medical Corps, in Wittenburg (docket no. 159107). Repatriation of German medical personnel from South West Africa. Capt J H C Coulston, 1st King's Own Regiment, prisoner at Beeskow (docket no. 162095). [ NOTE: several dockets include lists of prisoners, or make reference to individuals, including docket nos. 104514, 112035, 116894, 120801, 142156, 147298 (all German) and 118621, 128204, 152591 (all UK)]. Code 1218 File 35580 (papers 87882-162095).

FO 383/298 · Objekt · 1917
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: General Hindenburg: reported comments concerning German medical personnel. Mrs Mount: enquiries about various prisoners from the Royal Berkshire Regiment (names in docket no. 52683), with postcards from some of the prisoners. Mr and Mrs Britzel, transferred from Togoland to the UK: request by Mr Britzel for permission to resume his employment on the Togoland Railways. List (in docket no. 110810) of German officers and other ranks transferred to Switzerland between March and June 1917, with comments by the German authorities. British officers interned at Mainz Camp: problems encountered in cashing cheques and forwarding business letters. Jason Hagenbeck, a German subject: account of his escape from Colombo, Ceylon, to Aftonbladet, Sweden. Arrangements by the German authorities for the repayment of money owing to British prisoners who had been exchanged, transferred to a neutral country, or were deceased. Private A M Maclachlan, believed to be interned at Wahn Camp: enquiry from his sister, Miss Annie Maclachlan, about his welfare and whereabouts. Rudolf Albert Ebelt, a German prisoner: confirmation that he had been transferred from Australia to the UK, and would be repatriated to Germany when possible. Prisoners' Aid Society, Knockaloe Camp: request that the sons of certain German prisoners (names in docket no.56236) serving in the British Army should not be sent abroad on combat duties; confirmation that they would be performing non-combatant tasks. Enquiries into the seizure of funds at the German Consulate in Cape Town by the Government of South Africa. Dr Kastl of Windhuk (Windhoek), South Africa: permission for the transmission of letters from him to the German Government. Treatment of British and Canadian prisoners in occupied territory, including: Information provided by various British prisoners (names in docket no.56528) on the withdrawal of letter-writing facilities while interned in hospitals in Germany and other occupied territories. Memorandum to the German Government requesting details of prisoners employed in working parties in occupied territory, with a list of various prisoners (in docket no. 99371) showing their dates of capture. Army Council Instruction No. 1208 of 1917, German Prisoners of War - Notification of Capture. Lists (in dockets nos. 179905 and 202901) provided by the Canadian Red Cross of prisoners believed to be held at Limburg Camp from whom no communication had been received. Complaints about the non-delivery of letters and parcels to Limburg Camp, with a letter from Lance Corporal Charles Bourne interned at Limburg. Enquiries regarding the non-receipt of mail by various interned prisoners, with a memorandum from the Newfoundland War Contingent Association. Memorandum to the German Government on the provision of postal facilities for interned prisoners, and the need for accurate records of prisoners to be kept. Lance Corporal W Brown, interned at Soltau Camp: copy of a letter stating that he had not received letters or parcels in the camp. Sergeant P F Notley, interned in France: copy of a postcard about the non-receipt of parcels. Lance Corporal F Peachey and Private F Lee, formerly interned in Belgium: extracts from interviews regarding restrictions on postal facilities during their internment. Articles in the British Press regarding the delivery of parcels to prisoners in Germany, including: Articles from The Times of 14 March 1917 and The Daily Mail of 12 March 1917 regarding food shortages for prisoners. Paul Grand d'Hauteville, Director of the Berne Bread Bureau: copy of a letter to the Editor of The Daily Mail on the distribution of bread to prisoners. Information from Mr Gerard, former American Ambassador in Berlin, that the reports of starving British prisoners were unfounded. Arrangements for payments to former employees of Messr Behn, Meyer and Company of Batavia, now interned at Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia. Miscellaneous No. 9 (1917): Correspondence Respecting the Use of Police Dogs in Prisoners' Camps in Germany , Parliamentary Command Paper (Cd.8480), May 1917. German memorandum proposing that retired officers under the age of 45 years detained in the UK and Germany should be awarded officer status: rejection of the proposal by the British authorities. Cadet Akerman, interned at Neustrelitz Camp: request by his father, Mr F Akerman, for an application to be made for his release; German memorandum stating that he could be exchanged in return for six interned German cabin boys. Mr E Wachtel, a German subject employed at Cape Mount Monrovia, Liberia: transmission of a bank draft to Mr Fred H Wachtel, interned at Lofthouse Park Camp, Yorkshire. Treatment of German prisoners captured from airships or submarines, including: German memorandum requesting assurances that these prisoners would receive the same treatment as other combatant prisoners. Assurance by the British Government that these prisoners received the same treatment as other combatant prisoners, with the exception of an initial period of detention for the purposes of interrogation. Enquiries regarding the whereabouts of two German submarine officers, Ehrentraut and Kiel; information that they were not being held as prisoners in the UK. Mr N M Cohen of Montreux, Switzerland, including: Recommendation by the War Office for enquiries to be made into his activities relating to prisoner exchanges. Copies of correspondence between Mr Cohen and Herr Theodor Wanner, the Swedish Consul at Stuttgart. Various letters from Mr Cohen offering his services to the British Government in connection with prisoner exchanges: decision not to accept his offer due to the official policy of opposition to individual prisoner exchanges. Correspondence regulations for prisoners, including: German memorandum threatening reprisals against certain British military and civil prisoners in response to complaints about the postal facilities for German civil prisoners interned at Berrima, New South Wales, Australia, and in certain camps in South Africa. Frau Marie Scherer of Heidelberg, Germany: complaint by the German authorities about a letter addressed to her from Cape Town, South Africa, which had been destroyed by the censor. British memorandum on the modification of certain regulations regarding the censorship of letters sent from Australia and South Africa. German memorandum alleging that no books had been issued to the German prisoners at Berrima. Code 1218 Files 52085-61961.

FO 383/28 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: German prisoners interned and detained by British: enquiries regarding whereabouts and possible release, including: Mrs Schwechten, said to be detained in Mombasa or sent to India. Franz Prösch, said to be interned at Malta. Dr Simon Streicher: detained at Gibraltar; subsequently removed to England on SS Wiltshire. Anton Kettel, Austrian subject detained at Dorchester and released and returned to Austria; also case of Albert Ehrle. Dr Fernand Weber, German subject of Alsace-Lorraine, detained at Pondicherry, India: application for release to join French Army. Fritz Schulz, prisoner of war: War Office approval for release. Mr von Frankenburg, late German resident at Shuchmannsburg, held as prisoner of war at Durban. Dr Otto Gaupp, said to be held in England. Internment of German missionaries in India and South Africa. Hans Marx and Walter Eilers: possible release. Alfred Borst, German subject resident of Manchester, held as a prisoner of war at Lancaster. Karl Friedrich Wolff, German subject of Port Elizabeth, interned in Durban. Rudolf Schrimpff: approval for release and return to Germany. Agreement for mutual release of British and German missionaries. Wilhelm Timann and Baron E von Rechenberg: request for release as members of the German Corps Consulaire in America. Dr Hans Esser, detained in England. Detention at Newbury of four ships' captains and steward. Walter Steffens, detained on the Isle of Wight. Application for release of certain Germans said to be detained in violation of agreement. Hermann Siegfried Strohmeyer: application from his cousin, J H Strohmeyer of Brooklyn, for his release and return to New York. Paul Brugelman, Carl A Banck, and Friedrich Mantels, taken from the SS Potsdam : question of release and return to the US if classified as non-combatants. Miss Elizabeth Koppenburg, German governess of Captain Taylor, HM Consul at St Vincent: agreement for her to return to Germany. Treatment of German honorary consuls in Nigeria: Dr Fritsch, honorary consul at Warri, and Dr Gloye, honorary consul at Lagos. Mr Lerchen, formerly German consul at East London: departure from South Africa. Detention in Germany of seamen over 55 years and under 17 years: question of Germans carrying-out their obligations; includes lists of individual merchant seamen and fishermen, with names, ages and ships (in docket no.15148). Otto Baarsch, prisoner of war at Malta. Fritz Levi, detained at Dorchester. Hans Lenz, detained at Ibadan, South Nigeria; subsequent transfer to England. Alfred Buschoff, detained in Canada. Release of four Germans: Otto Beneking; Otto Juttner; Martin Dittmar; C C N Schonfeldt. Heinz Klinge, interned in Ceylon. C Bochringer, German prisoner in Ceylon. Henry Lepique, of Chibin-el-Kanatar near Cairo, deported and interned in Malta: application from A W Moesle of Zurich, Switzerland, for his release. Louis A Horst, interned in England. Repatriation of women, children and invalids from German African colonies. Kurd von Weller, detained in England. Paul Schulze, detained at Halifax. August C H Piepenbrink, alleged German reservist detained following seizure from neutral US vessel. Enquiry from Paul Windmuller of London regarding a friend, F Behrens, sent to HMS Royal Edward at Southend-on-Sea. Dr Erich Hupka and wife, university tutor of Berlin-Charlottenburg, interned in Ceylon. Detention of Germans in England in violation of agreement: Dr Hermann Reuchlin; Richard Heckman; Fritz Finckh; Herbert Hacke. E Koehler and W Uhlmann: request for permission to proceed to US. Bavarian scientific professors interned in Australia: proposed release. Dr Hans Ströhmer, prisoner of war originally detained at Gibraltar and then transferred to Southend. Joseph Ferdinand Garbrecht, clerk from Bremen, interned at Ragana camp. Ceylon. Departure of two German doctors from Delagoa Bay: Dr Schwartz and Dr Gurick. Alfred Kempf, of Alsacian origin, a colonist in German New Guinea: enquiry from his brother-in-law, Emile Orio of Groslée, France. F Loewenthal, of Hale, Cheshire, interned as a German prisoner of war at Handforth; subsequent repatriation to Germany. German and Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war removed from Belgian Congo for internment in South Africa. Rev Georg Wilhelm Wagener, detained at Pietermaritzburg: allegations of ill-treatment. Walter H Tormann and Heinrich Fraenkel, detained in UK. Dr E Eisenlohr, detained at Gibraltar. Curt Beyer, interned at Ahmednagar, India. Dr Werdin, German Army doctor detained at Holyport near Maidenhead. Detention of Germans in India. Robert Luttwig, interned at Singapore. Moriz Ritter von Bruckner, prisoner of war interned on HMT Canada at Ryde, Isle of Wight. Ernest Fritz Andreas Boettcher (or Böttcher), detained in England: request for release on grounds of his intention of becoming a US citizen. Hermann Borchardt, detained at Malta. Safe conduct back to Germany for German missionaries: Dr Wegner from Sumatra, and Mr Bernsmann from Santa Cruz. Rev Gottfried Wessel and family, interned in India. Georg Gurich and Karl Schwarze, members of scientific expeditions, interned at Pietermaritzburg. Code 1218 File 122 (to paper 21136).

FO 383/63 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Grant Duff, former British Minister in Dresden: transmission of package to Mr Duff from Count Edward Montegelas, Bavarian Minister in Dresden, via US authorities in Munich. Parcels for British prisoners in Germany: enquiry from Mrs J E B Thilby of Dulverton, Somerset, regarding suitability of sending parcels through British Vice-Consul at Montreux. Jacob Sarner, Russian citizen of Stepney: enquiry regarding possibility of sending money to his relatives in German-occupied Poland. Herr Listemann, German Consul at Bushire: enquiry from German Government regarding his whereabouts and whether he was captured and imprisoned by military forces; report he had been handed over to military authorities in India for detention as prisoner of war. Mrs Minnie Heimann, wife of British subject, Ernst Heimann, interned at Ruhleben: application for remittance of money from UK. Godfrey Thomas, Attaché of late British Embassy, Berlin: rent due for his apartment in Berlin; arrangements for payment. Treatment of British prisoners and wounded by the Bavarians: information from German deserter, Philip Koerner. German clerics serving with the German forces. William Buhrig, German-born naturalised American: detention in the Orkney Islands. Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) war building in Gottingen camp: reports of opening of first war prison YMCA at the camp. Uniforms of German prisoners interned in UK: alleged removal of cockades from helmets and caps. Treatment of British wounded: provision of artificial limbs and surgical appliances; question of reciprocity. Scottish Presbyterian Church in Dresden: requests from Marshall Field

FO 383/303 · Objekt · 1917
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Indian seamen (Lascars) interned at Parchim in Germany. Declaration of neutrality by German civilians interned in the UK. Forms of enquiry for relatives in Germany requesting information about German civilians interned in the British Empire. Transfer of the body of Prince Frederick Carl of Prussia for internment in Germany. Payments to German East African troops interned at Ahmednagar. Transmission of correspondence of persons in occupied territories to Germany. Request by the German Government for the release of Andreas Holst and Erich Helmich, arrested on neutral territory. Sentence passed on Kurt Thomas, prisoner at Ahmednagar. Secret letter from Lieutenant R R W Jackson interned at Crefeld prisoner of war camp, describing conditions. Conveyance of parcels etc. for German prisoners in UK. Supply of uniforms etc. to prisoners of war. Marking of graves of enemy soldiers dying in the area of operations and prisoners of war dying in the UK. Sum due to Avery Hancox and other repatriated British prisoners. Request by US Senator for numbers of German prisoners in UK and France and transfer of prisoners to USA. Transfer of prisoners of war to Canada to supply labour. Expenses of repatriation of German civilian prisoners. Payments to German prisoners held by the British in France. Rev. Karl Steck, interned in Australia. Request for transfer of Professor Dr. Schroeder and Dr. Becker, interned in Shiraz, Persia (Iran) to a better supplied camp due to ill-health. Request for the safe passage of German missionary Wilhelm Neuberg and his wife and two children, interned at Blantyre, British Nyasaland to the USA. Repatriation of five members of German Sanitary Personnel from East Africa. Formation of officer's camp at Freiburg. Proposals by the Red Cross for the exchange of prisoners. Treatment of Askaris by British in German East Africa. Treatment of German subjects arrested in West Africa and transported to UK, including sworn depositions by Felix Cohn, Hugo Ebeling, Anna Lucie Baehr, Else Haensel and Bertha Wilhelmina Therese Getrud Hein, née Lummert. Feeding of German prisoners in UK with bread and flour from Holland. Requests for repatriation of prisoners under 17 years of age: Cadet Donald F Macfadyen, born 29 October 1900, of the ship Brecknockshire interned at Brandenburg Alfred Broomfield Clulee, born 13 December 1900, of the ship Otaki Arrangement for despatch of food parcels to officers at Crefeld through an individual named Mr Van Vredenburch rather than from relatives. Code 1218 Files 87711-100563.

FO 383/147 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Interned medical personnel, including: Dr Carl Greiff, medical officer interned at Wakefield: request for repatriation and payment as an officer cannot be granted. Dr Alfred E Trautmann, staff surgeon, interned at Wakefield: request for repatriation and payment as an officer cannot be granted. Wearing of the brassard by members of sanitary personnel. Major Harold Richard Charley, wounded prisoner in Germany. Internment of German sanitary personnel: list of Germans (in docket no.54679). Dr Theodor Schweitzer (oberarzt: assistant medical director) of RAMC of Imperial Colonial Force of German South West Africa: taken prisoner July 1915; interned on British cruiser at Simonstown, South Africa, then at Holyport, Berkshire, England. Payment to prisoners involved in hospital work. Lieutenant Kieckhofer, interned in India. Exchange and transport of incapacitated prisoners, including those held in Colonies and Dominions; German incapacitated prisoners to be taken on British hospital ship from Tilbury, Essex, to Flushing (Vlissingen), Netherlands, on 23 May 1916, and British incapacitated prisoners to be brought to England on 24 May. Captain A C Vidal, RAMC: confiscation of his money by Germans in breach of Geneva Convention. Standard of incapacity for repatriation of wounded. Dr Ernst Strauss, marine head physician, interned at Holyport, Berkshire. Dr Casimir Casper, interned at Wakefield: his request for pay cannot be granted. Dr Adolf Rosenbaum, interned at Wakefield: his request for repatriation and pay cannot be granted. Curt Ludwig, interned at Knockaloe Camp: his request for repatriation cannot be granted. Josef Menzel, German wounded prisoner interned at Jersey. Dr Zieschank, interned at Apia, Western Samoa: his repatriation, and that of Dr Glantz, granted. Dr Karl Ludwig Stoll, interned at Wakefield: his request for repatriation and pay cannot be granted. Dr Merdas, interned at the War Hospital, Dartford, Kent. Dr Georg Richter, naval assistant surgeon, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, writes to Dr Hartmann of the Association of German Doctors at Leipzig, seeking to expedite his release. Lists of severely wounded German prisoners interned in England (in docket no.69663). Dr Falb, interned at Holyport, Berkshire. Code 1218 File 183 (papers 53473-94850).

FO 383/205 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Investigation of a report of a reciprocal exchange of twenty thousand French and German interned civilians. Question regarding the repatriation to Germany at his own expense of Geheimer Secretär Jean Koch. Capture of Capt James Blaikie of the SS Caledonia by the German Navy on 4 December 1916, including: Letter from the Mercantile Marine Service Association, including an article from the Daily Mail of 12 December 1916, describing Capt Blaikie's capture, and referring to the execution of Capt Fryatt for attacking a German submarine. Threat of reprisals by the British Government in the event of the execution of Capt Blaikie. Report on the circumstances of Capt Blaikie's capture, including the ramming of a German submarine by the SS Caledonia. Representations from various organisations to the Prisoners of War Department concerning Capt Blaikie's safety. Statement by Andrew Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer, saying that the German Foreign Office had given a personal assurance that Capt Blaikie's actions were justified, and that he was not under threat of execution. Subsequent article in the Cologne Gazette claiming that Mr Bonar Law's statement was unfounded, and that Capt Blaikie was culpable and would stand trial. Letter from Mr H Higgins protesting about British policy on the exchange of civilian prisoners with Germany. Summary of articles in the German press relating to the treatment of British prisoners in Germany. Lists from 29 July 1916 to 9 September 1916 showing discepancies in information provided by the German authorities and the International Red Cross in Geneva relating to deaths of prisoners. Enquiry regarding an order restricting the contents of letters from British prisoners in Germany. Request for permission for literature and lantern slides to be sent to German prisoners at Handforth camp. Enquiry into the deaths of five named British soldiers: request for permission from the German Government for certain British prisoners to provide information to the enquiry. Information provided by 2nd Lieut J S Poole of the Kings Royal Rifle Corps about the impending court martial of 2nd Lieut J G Robertson of the Royal Flying Corps on a charge of using explosive bullets, including: Information from the War Office that the 'Buckingham' bullets in question were standard tracer bullets. Proposed British reprisals against a German Flying Corps officer if charges were brought against Lieut Robertson. Proposed repatriation of fifty troops from the Cameroons, interned in South West Africa, and formerly serving in the German Army. Refusal to repatriate certain German citizens from Cape Town to Luderitzbucht, South West Africa (Namibia) unless they agreed to sign a parole form. Includes a list (in German) of the names of the citizens. Suggestion by the French Ambassador that prisoners captured by the British in Africa should be sent to work in Morocco. Decision not to allow Theodore Kroell, a prisoner interned at Knockaloe camp, to travel to the United States of America instead of being repatriated to Germany. Allegations by the German Government of the repatriation of unfit prisoners, and of the transfer to Britain from Europe of wounded German prisoners who were unfit to travel. Report of the alleged escape of Capt A D Stewart and three other British officers from Weilburg Camp in Germany, and of the advance of a sum of money to enable them to travel to Switzerland. Consideration of the question of compelling German civilian prisoners to work. Voyage to England of the Reverend E Filschke, a Moravian missionary formerly stationed at Killinek on the Labrador coast, including: Report from the Governor of Newfoundland on the activities of Reverend Filschke and his hostility to the British and Allied cause. Memorandum on Moravian missions on Labrador. Recommendation of the internment or repatriation of Reverend Filschke and his family. Enquiry about the place of internment of Major General C E Bradley and Colonel Mitchell, and the likelihood of their repatriation. Mrs Jahourden: enquiry about her son, Capt V R Jahourden, interned at Heidleberg, with a memorandum from Major Parris on the workings of the medical commissioners appointed to examine British prisoners in Germany for possible transfer to Switzerland. List provided by Hermann Hintze, a prisoner in Amherst Internment Camp in Nova Scotia, of German prisoners aged 45 years or older, and therefore eligible for exchange with British prisoners of a similar age. Request by the German military authorities for two brothers, Johannes and Otto Utz, to be interned in the same prisoner of war camp in Britain, with assurances that similar provision would be made for British prisoners. Proposal by the Central Prisoners of War Committee for the issue of postcards to newly captured British prisoners in German camps. Includes a specimen postcard. Medical report on Otto Veit, a prisoner at Knockaloe Camp on the Isle of Man, following an enquiry about Mr Veit from Mr Linthorst Homan. Admiral Eisendecker: letter to Mr Weigall, a former employee of the Red Cross, on conditions for British prisoners in German camps. Enquiry from the German Government concerning the proposed trial at a military tribunal of two German marine officers, Lieutenant of the Reserve Ilges of the Naval Artillery, and Aviation Master Brandt of the Marine Corps. Advertisements for missing soldiers from The Continental Times of 15 December 1916, and proposal by the Prisoners of War Department for the issue of a press notice warning British subjects not to place similar advertisements in the newspaper. Enquiries regarding the welfare of Capt D J Davies and Chief Engineer D M Evans, following the sinking of the SS Flimston by a German submarine on 18 December 1916. Capt Gwyneth Owen, following the sinking of the SS North Wales in October 1916. Mr A Goldschmidt: letter from Douglas prisoner of war camp in the Isle of Man, requesting permission to remain in Holland in preference to being repatriated to Germany. Request from the American Embassy for information on the existence of concentration camps in German East Africa. Johann Georg Furst and Ferdinand Kustner: request for repatriation from Malta to Germany, on the grounds of being German consular employees. Frau Pastor Frieda Wagener: request for approval of the transmission of a letter, written by her in Cape Town and addressed to the Royal Prussian Landes Konsistorium at Hanover. Alleged refusal by the British and French authorities to allow German officers and medical officers, captured in the Cameroons and German East Africa, to retain their arms. Complaint by Major Chillingworth, interned in the Feste Rosenberg Camp at Kronach, about the treatment of prisoners by members of the Swiss Medical Commission. Recommendation from the Vatican, in a letter from Monsieur le Comte de Salis, Cardinal Secretary of State, for the transfer on health grounds of Baron Ottmar von Gumppenberg from Douglas in the Isle of Man to Switzerland. Notification to the Foreign Office that parcels received by German prisoners in the care of the French authorities at Le Havre no longer contained food. Code 1218 Files 241927-264971.

FO 383/50 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Jewellery pawned at the 'Leihaustadt': enquiry from H L Waring Smyth of Londonderry regarding possible recovery. Estate of the late Sidney Wareham at Nuremburg: sale and disposal of effects; instructions from his widow, Mrs Gertrude Wareham of Bournemouth; arrangements with US authorities in Germany. James John Blackett De Veulle Le Couteur, English citizen, resident of Jersey: request for assistance regarding his affairs in Hamburg concerning the firm of Rettmeyer and Hessenmuller, and his flat. Miss Grace Foot of Wandsworth Common, London, an English refugee from Bremen where she and her sister Miss Eva Foot ran a school of languages: claim for losses incurred during the war. Greatcoats and clothes for British prisoners in Germany: Edward Page Gaston, American working in Germany regarding transmission of parcels and luggage to prisoners: German Government request that Baron von Lettelbladt, prisoner in England, be released to carry on similar work. German ex-officials of Samoa: payment of salaries; treatment of Dr Erich Schultz, former Governor of Samoa, now a prisoner of war on Motuihi Island; also case of Dr Glantz, former German official; legal opinions regarding payment of salaries; alleged confiscation of funds belonging to German officials in Samoa. English Church in Munich: debts; payments through US authorities in Germany; personal responsibilities of Rev D Cowling, chaplain; statement of accounts from US Consul, Munich, for information of Colonial and Continental Church Society, London; copies of eleven accounts (in German); cleaning contract for street and ground outside church; request to US authorities to safeguard property; question of fire insurance; claim for outstanding payment from Carlos A Miles of Munich. Miss Charlotte Wilkinson, of Harrogate, formerly principal of girls' school in Dresden: enquiry regarding payment of rent of flat in Dresden. Dr Ludwig Geiger, Swiss subject, at Apia, Samoa: enquiry regarding possible relaxation of Samoan currency regulations so that he may return to Switzerland; advance of money to Dr Geiger; also treatment of Swiss citizens in Samoa, with special reference to case of M Stehlin. Remittance of regular payments of money to individuals in Germany: request from Messrs Rothschild of London for Treasury sanction of quarterly payments to Mrs Elizabeth Lorent in Baden Baden, and monthly payments to Lord de Ramsey, in Liebenstein; notification of death of Mrs Lorent; additional payments to Lord de Ramsey from British Relief Fund; possible return to England of Lord de Ramsey in exchange for Captain van Weller. Mrs Karl Blasius (née Blanche Aird, daughter of Sir John Aird), in Germany, English-born wife of German, Karl Willie Blasius: request for permission to return to England. Payment of parochial rates: payments of Herr Carow, late of German Embassy, London; general subject of payment of rates on premises lately occupied by members of embassy staff of hostile powers. Adolph Ahlers, British subject, formerly German Consul at Sunderland: request for authorisation of payment of 1,000 marks in respect of solicitors' fees in connection with his trial for high treason. Effects of four British seamen detained in Germany: Charles Sivier, A Reilly, John Lewins, and E W Henderson, all formerly of ss Monitoria , now in Ruhleben: payment of balance of wages; arrangements for delivery of effects, and investigation into non-delivery; question of responsibility for losses and possible compensation. Distressed German subjects in South Africa: advances and relief; case of H F Weinlig, late acting Consul-General, now in Maritzburg camp. Relief of distressed families of interned enemy subjects in South Africa: question of arrangements and policy; includes list of families (in docket no. 106448). Code 1218 File 6065-9566.

FO 383/178 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Lieutenant A W M Robertson, interned in Germany: possible subject of reprisals for the 'Baralong' case. Dr Walter Kain, formerly naval surgeon on steamship Derfflinger : whereabouts of his luggage. Transfer of money from Deutsche Afrikabank Lüderitzbucht to Norddeutsche Bank Hamburg. Transmission of sums by wireless telegraphy from South West Africa to Germany. Exchange of household effects of British and German consular officials. Documents sent by solicitors in Pietermaritzburg, Natal, for execution by Mrs Ziegler in Germany. John Christian Carl Hohenberg: enquiries concerning him. Ophthalmic treatment for prisoners. Miss Veronica M Noble: enquiries from her sister concerning her welfare and finances. August Schmidt, wounded at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Franz Rintelen, interned at Donington Hall, Leicestershire; includes press cutting from New York Times of 10 January 1916. Carl Hanssen, manager of the Deutschen Handels und Plantagen Gesselschaft, Apia, Samoa: his trial and sentence. Lists of missing officers and men. Arthur Morbey, AB, RNVR [Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve], interned at Doberitz: enquiry from his father, G F Morbey, of Hornsey, London, whether because the prisoner's mother is dying of cancer he could be exchanged and allowed to see her; report that Foreign Office must regretfully refuse individual exchanges. Mrs Helene Highfield, German-born wife of British subject: her request for a passport. Miss Charlotte Lewine in Stettin: her parentage. Personal property of British forces given into the custody of the Mayor of Beauvois. Code 1218 Files 11497-13830.

FO 383/438 · Objekt · 1918
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Matters relating to the luggage and personal possessions of prisoners transferred to the Netherlands, including: Captain von Scheven: proposal for the transfer of prisoners' baggage via Rotterdam. Max Bruno Engel: request for his luggage to be transferred to him from Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. German memorandum protesting about the removal of personal possessions from prisoners prior to their transfer to the Netherlands. Oberleutnant der Reserve Victor Böttcher: request for the transfer of his luggage from the UK. Gefreiter (or Gefreider) Glöckner, interned in Switzerland: request for the return of his personal effects. Explanation of War Office policy on the seizure of illegal goods from prisoners. Paul Schmidt: list of possessions allegedly removed by the British authorities. A Johannigsmann: request for the return of missing hand luggage. F W Hanssler and Phillip Schule: copies of letters reporting the alleged theft of various possessions on board SS Koningin Regentes. Letter from the Markel Committee at Knockaloe Camp protesting about the removal of books and manuscripts from various prisoners prior to their removal to the Netherlands. List (in docket no.96898) of names of various German officers interned in Switzerland who had requested the return of their luggage. Correspondence regarding the retention by the British authorities of property belonging to members of the German Colonial Forces. Sergeant Thomas Miller, interned in the Netherlands: request for the return of a notebook from the German authorities. Letters and extracts from letters from various German prisoners concerning the alleged theft of their possessions, with a list (in docket nos.107628 and 107639) giving names and details of the missing items. Gerhard Krause: claim for compensation for the alleged theft of his stamp collection. Findings of a court of enquiry set up to investigate allegations of theft from the luggage of certain German prisoners while being conveyed to the Netherlands on SS Koningen Regentes. Carl Morlang, interned at Hattem Camp in the Netherlands: request for the return of a book held by the Home Office. Sergeant Gottfried Schumann and Otto Buttkereit: claims for the return of certain articles allegedly removed from them before their transfer to the Netherlands, with a list of the articles. Correspondence regarding the return of identity papers for British and German prisoners interned in the Netherlands. Graf Herbert von Lützow de Lobo, interned at Hattem Camp in the Netherlands: letter requesting the return of money and possessions allegedly removed from him while interned in the UK; subsequent confirmation that some of his possessions were in British custody. Captain A W Timmis, interned at Schevingen in the Netherlands: claim for compensation for loss of baggage while interned in Germany. German memorandum requesting financial compensation or the return of various articles allegedly removed from German prisoners at the frontier station of Goch, Germany, with a list of prisoners' names (in docket no.109915). Advice from the Army Council that luggage belonging to German prisoners transferred to Switzerland should remain in the UK for the duration of the war. Albert Läske, a repatriated German prisoner: memorandum requesting the return of various personal effects from the Cameroons and from Pattishall Camp, Towcester. Captain G Kretschmer, interned at Hattem Camp in the Netherlands: request for the return of books and papers confiscated at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Felix Köller, interned at Epe in the Netherlands: request for copies of medical certificates. Max Raabe, a repatriated German subject: report of the loss of a Gladstone bag while returning to Germany from the UK. Friedrich Wiesenhütter, formerly interned at Alexandra Palace: claim for lost luggage. Copies of letters from various members of the German Colonial Forces (names in docket no.110961) requesting the return of property. Dr Hans Schmidt, a repatriated German subject, formerly interned at the German Hospital, Dalston: request for the return of certain personal papers; agreement to the request by the British authorities. Leutnant der Reserve Graf von Spee, interned at The Hague in the Netherlands: request for the return of clothing allegedly taken from him while in British custody; subsequent confirmation that some of his possessions were in the hands of the British authorities. Feldwebel Fritz Pätzel of the German Cameroon Colonial Forces: request for the return of various items of property. Statement of British policy prohibiting repatriated German prisoners from taking new woollen or leather goods out of the UK. Friedrich Hupe, a repatriated German civilian prisoner: enquiries concerning a missing trunk; confirmation that it was being held by the British authorities. Max Nook, a repatriated German prisoner: confirmation that electrical equipment belonging to him had been sent to Germany. Max Kypke, a repatriated German civilian formerly interned at Alexandra Palace: request for the return of missing property. Max Redlich, a repatriated German civilian prisoner: enquiry about a missing leather trunk. Friedrich Vogel, a repatriated German civilian prisoner: request for the return of a trunk from the UK. Dr M Heepe, a repatriated German civilian prisoner in Hamburg: enquiries about missing luggage. G B Stehr, interned at Amsterdam in the Netherlands: request for the return of clothing from the UK. Code 1218 File 41761.

FO 383/194 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Mrs Prince, British subject by marriage, residing at Jena, Germany: her request that her husband in Santiago, Chile, remits money for maintenance of herself and children; he will do so if she leaves her relatives in Germany and joins him in Chile. Mrs Field, widow of Captain Field, Royal Army Medical Corps, who died of typhus at Wittenberg Camp: her claim for a full war pension; granted. Proposed repatriation of German doctors, missionaries and aged seamen interned at Alexandra Palace, London. A Lippert, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: his objection to his son being enlisted into the British Army for foreign service; son transferred to the Special Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment, to which all soldiers of enemy alien parentage were now sent. Edward Franz Marcus Stahl, of Altona, Hamburg: taken from St Lucia and interned in military camp, Trinidad. Alleged conditions of imprisonment of German subjects at Brixton: report that German allegations were baseless; three prisoners, including Franz Schlechter, sentenced for soliciting for purposes of sodomy; US Embassy staff welcome to inspect. Baron von Bissing, interned at Islington, London: his request to regularly visit a swimming bath; refused. Proposed transfer of wounded prisoners to neutral countries. Gustav Gebhardt, interned at Stobs, near Hawick, Roxburghshire: enquiry after him. Indian Soldiers' Fund Committee: request that US Embassy maintains a complete list of Indian prisoners. Proposed repatriation of invalid German civilian prisoners. Status and treatment of interned ships' officers and captains. Captain E M Douglas, the Welsh Regiment, interned at Burg bei Magdeburg: his request that German War Office be informed of his promotion to captain, for increase of his allowance. Major Lord Crichton, Royal Horse Guards, killed near Lille in 1914: re-interment of his body at cemetery of Werwich Nord. Ernest Maxse, HM Consul General, Rotterdam, to forward from German Consul musical instruments and band parts for German band in Isle of Wight prisoner camp. Remuneration of German clergymen in former German South West Africa. Judgment passed on the Lynn

FO 383/439 · Objekt · 1918
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Germany: Prisoners, including: P F Hauschild, a German subject interned in the Netherlands: complaint about the confiscation of two blankets prior to his transfer from the UK. T C Bierbaum, a German civilian prisoner interned at Hattem Camp in the Netherlands: request for the restoration to Mr C Fink of a sum of money deposited by him at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Inspection of internment camps in Africa, including: Request by the German Government for inspections to be carried out at Tanga Camp in German East Africa and at Aus Camp in German South West Africa. Agreement for inspections to be carried out by representatives of the Swiss Legation. Complaints by prisoners at Aus Camp about housing and clothing. Oberleutnant zur See Geerdes, interned at Trial Bay, New South Wales, Australia: letter concerning relief payments to combatant prisoners. German civilian prisoners transferred to the Netherlands, including: Need for the confirmation of German nationality of prisoners being transferred. Heinrich Prestfelder: questions relating to his nationality, with a copy of his deed of discharge as a Bavarian subject (in docket no.115666). Ernest Bahr, a German prisoner captured in Togoland, Africa, including: Enquiries regarding his status as a combatant or civilian prisoner. Mademoiselle Frida Eichel: request for various documents belonging to Mr Bahr to be transferred to her custody. Confirmation by the government of the Gold Coast that Mr Bahr held the military rank of sergeant when he was captured. Correspondence regarding application forms for the repatriation of various German prisoners, with lists of names (in docket nos.45874, 81852, 107829, 115579 and 116493). Investigation into the circumstances of the deaths of certain German soldiers at Messines, France, including: German memoranda requesting investigations into the deaths of Karl Hasselmann and Unteroffizier Friedrich Kristoffel, allegedly shot following their capture. Ernst Kreddig: statement that Karl Hasselmann was shot during fighting. Karl Kassel: statement concerning the death of Unteroffizier Friedrich Kristoffel. Musketeer Gustav Lauer, interned at Dartford War Hospital: extract from a statement concerning the deaths of certain German soldiers. Fritz and August Poppe, interned at Alexandra Palace: decision not to permit the transmission to Germany of their claim for business losses. Provision of wine and spirits for interned prisoners, including: German memorandum requesting a reciprocal agreement on the sending of half bottles of wine to interned prisoners. Advice from the War Office that wine should only be issued to interned German civilians and combatant prisoners of officer rank. Sir John Butcher MP: parliamentary question about British policy on the issue of wine and spirits to prisoners. Friedrich Curt Bac: transfer to a different compound in Knockaloe Camp. Remittances to German nationals in East Africa, including: Mr Otto Gruson: arrangements for payments to be made to him on behalf of the Lutheran Evangelical Mission at Moschi, German East Africa. Erich Wolff at Kilimanjaro, East Africa: approval for a payment to be made to him. Frau Anny Giese, at Tanga, East Africa: approval for a payment to be made to her. Hermann Kloefkorn, interned at Dar es Salaam, German East Africa: request for permission for a payment to be made to him. Mrs Casilie Grimmer at Dar es Salaam, German East Africa: request by Barclays Bank for permission to send her a remittance. Mrs Lotte Weichert at Dar es Salaam, German East Africa: permission for a remittance to be sent to her. Frau Treuge Pabst in German East Africa: permission for a remittance to be sent to her. Policy on the receipt of money from neutral countries by interned and uninterned enemy subjects; requirement for payments to be made through the administrator of an occupied territory. Charlotte Deppe, a German subject resident at Tanga, East Africa: permission for a remittance to be sent to her. Mrs Dorothy Stäber: arrangements for her repatriation to Germany. Mr H Nürnberger, a German subject resident in Brazil: request for permission to return to South West Africa. Dr Heinrich Lötz, a German subject resident in Brazil: request for permission to return to South West Africa. Investigation into reports that German women interned at Tempe Camp, Bloemfontein, South Africa, were being prevented from corresponding with their husbands, who were interned elsewhere. Enquiry from the German Government regarding the whereabouts and welfare of Georg and Julie Eberhardt and their three children, last known at Rehoboth, German South West Africa, including: Information from Mrs C Hermann that Mr and Mrs Eberhardt were dead, and that their children were being cared for by a guardian. Proposals for the repatriation of the children. Sentence of imprisonment on the German subjects Brügers and Schneider from Swakopmund, South West Africa, including: German memorandum requesting information regarding their sentences. Confirmation that they had been sentenced to imprisonment for aiding certain interned German officers at Swakopmund in an attempted escape. Report on the circumstances of their arrest and their subsequent trial. Dr Theodor Schneller, Director of the Syrian Orphanage at Jerusalem, including: Request by the German Government for his immediate release following reports of his internment. Confirmation that Dr Schneller was in good health and still in his post at Jerusalem. Dr Erich Schultz, former Governor of Samoa, interned at Motuihi Camp, New Zealand, including: Complaint by Dr Schultz regarding Mr W J Pugh, the Swiss Consul at Auckland, New Zealand. Request by Dr Schultz for repatriation. Confirmation that documents relating to civil law drawn up by German prisoners and attested by a Camp Commandant were not subject to stamp duty or other forms of taxation. Graf R von Vitzhum, a German civilian interned in Switzerland: request for information about the condition of his farm near Blantyre, Nyasaland; confirmation that the estate had been sold by the Custodian of Enemy Property. Hauptmann von Rauchhaupt: exhumation of his body and reburial in a separate grave in Streatham Park Cemetery. Welfare of certain German subjects interned in Palestine, including: Enquiry by the German Government about the alleged deportation of certain German ministers of religion (names in docket no.57348) from Jerusalem and Jaffa to Rafa, Palestine. Information that the ministers had now been transferred to Sidi Ashr Camp, Alexandria, Egypt, with the exception of three who were resident in Jerusalem. List of names (in docket no.98286) of German subjects who had been interned at Rafa, with the operational reasons for their internment. German memorandum requesting the repatriation of Johannes Wennage and Christian Baerle from Sidi Bishr Camp on health grounds. Pastor von Rabenau: request by the German authorities for his repatriation. Code 1218 Files 41794-57348.

FO 383/76 · Objekt · 1915
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Germany: Prisoners, including: Parcels of food for British and French prisoners in Germany. Attempted escapes from Ruhleben by British civilian prisoners, including: Wallace Ellison, British subject: attempted escape from Ruhleben with another British subject; previous imprisonment at Stadtvogtei for making a stand against attempted subsidising of British 'negro' prisoners at Ruhleben from German funds. Mr G Ettinger, British civil prisoner imprisoned in Stadtvogtei, Berlin: enquiry from his mother respecting his imprisonment for attempted escape from Ruhleben. Sentences passed on prisoners for attempted escape from Ruhleben. W Ellison and G Ettinger, imprisoned at Stadtvogtei. Arthur Richard Peters, prisoner of war at Ruhleben: enquiry from his mother, Ellen Peters of Attleborough, Norfolk, regarding recovery of his lost luggage. Miss Anna Maria Hubertina Saffenreuter, residing at Aix-La-Chapelle, previously employed in the Post Office at Manchester: question regarding the discontinuance of her pension on outbreak of war. F Willson Yeates, British subject interned at Ruhleben: request that six £10 circular notes belonging to him and left with the US Consul General at Frankfort, be sent to his wife, Mrs Mary Yeates of Leicester Gardens, London. Bill of charges from A Mohrin, decorator and upholsterer of Berlin, for charges incurred by Frank Rattigan, Secretary of the late British Embassy at Berlin. Rifleman Tom Watson, 1st King's Royal Rifles, interned in camp at Osterterp in Schleswig: request to be supplied with a new outfit and clothing. Articles found in luggage of British subjects leaving Germany and forwarded by frontier authorities to The Hague. Tax and property of interned civilians: John McKenzie and Frank Copping. Taxation of German subjects interned in UK. Giuseppe Cantù, Italian subject arrested in German South West Africa at outbreak of war: enquiries from Italian authorities regarding his fate. Miss Dreseden, British subject (Irish governess) residing in Dresden in 'straitened circumstances': enquiry from Miss McDougall of the Isle of Wight requesting permission to remit sum of £10 to her. Second Lieutenant J A Chrystie, Royal Scots Fusiliers, reported missing by his father James B Chrystie of Ardrossan, Scotland, and his identity disc as being in possession of German authorities; enquiries into his death and the circumstances of the case. German postal officials in South West Africa. Anton Schmidt, naturalised British subject of German birth, staying in Paddington: report of him being unable to obtain employment in UK; request for Foreign Office to issue him with a passport to enable him to join his brother in Chicago. Max Dauthenday, German poet in Java. Lieutenant Commander Robert Francis Crossman, RNVR {Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve], wounded prisoner in 'a helpless condition' detained at Augustabad, Mecklenburg: enquiries from his mother, Mrs Constance M Crossman of Paris regarding his possible release or exchange as an incapacitated prisoner; request for permission to send remittance to him. Ill-treatment of British prisoners at Scheidemuhle: report by Russian soldiers escaped from Germany regarding 'An English prisoner tortured to Death by Germans'; investigation into flogging of the late Private Harry Bolam, Coldstream Guards. Shipment of clothing of Miss Marguerite Nunige, Alsatian maid residing in Hampstead, to her new position in Geneva. Private A Harrison, Royal West Kent Regiment, prisoner at Quedlinburg: enquiry from his sister, Mrs Davis of Plumstead regarding his ill-health and possible exchange. Insubordination of two British prisoners interned at Hackpfuffel. Mr Hildebrandt, German-born resident of Rotterdam: request to reside in London. Mathilde Weidig, German-born wife of naturalised British subject Edward Weidig interned at Ruhleben, held at Rotterdam and wishing to proceed to UK to her German aunt, Mrs Wilhelmina Motter of Hackney Wick: consideration and refusal of application. Fictitious letters from German prisoners. Despatch of effects of Miss Gertrud Schmalzle, deceased German governess to the Aldworth family of Cork. Rev O Nussmann, German-American missionary, in India. Mrs S J Broomhead of Normanton Common, Yorkshire, wife of British subject interned at Ruhleben: request for increase in relief allowance for her and four children. German feldwebelleutnants: question of entitlement to officer rank and treatment. Angele Roland Baquet, Indian from Lahore, reported as prisoner of war in Germany: enquiries regarding his whereabouts and welfare. Frank Edward Hardcastle, alias Frank Edward Burghardt, residing in Hampstead, Norwegian Consul at Bombay: request to return to India; includes typed copy of birth registration entry and other biographical details (in docket no. 130330). Arthur Perlstein, interned as a civilian prisoner at Ruhleben: destruction of his property at Durban during anti-German riots; enquiries regarding nationality of his child and compensation for his losses. Germans condemned to death in court martial: German Government request for names and particulars. Transfer of British prisoners to 'Zug': enquiries regarding location. Casel camp: proposed erection of a memorial at camp in memory of British prisoners who had died there during internment. Claims by German prisoners for wages due. R J Hoehler, interned as prisoner of war at Pietermaritzburg: enquiries regarding his nationality. William Frederick Lee, deceased at Wittenburg: request for official certificate of death and despatch of personal belongings to his widow, Mrs Alice Lee, living in Arundel, Sussex, formerly of Zulte, Belgium. Franz Ludewig, German merchant in London: reported as under arrest at Brixton prison; after investigation, reported as being interned at his own request as not wishing to return to Germany. German sailors taken from neutral ships and made prisoners: question of rights to release or payment of wages at pre-arrest rate. Rate of exchange of foreign money in possession of prisoners of war, including German official funds. Health of German prisoners of war: request for information to be supplied to Hamburg Red Cross Association. Enemy subjects in Belgian Congo: treatment of enemy civilians within conventional basin of the Congo. Code 1218 File 123661-133977.

FO 383/53 · Objekt · 1915
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Germany: Prisoners, including: Patrick O'Brien Hendley: agent and broker of Liverpool: correspondence regarding return of his wife Agnes Hendley, and children Carolus Patricius Hendley and Kilian Maria Hendley, alleged to have been at Verden in Hanover and but understood to have returned to UK; enquiries from Liverpool Police. Private John J Bramble, Lancashire Fusiliers: trial in Germany for alleged assault and insubordination whilst at Spandau camp. Finnish missionaries in German South West Africa: requests for information from Finnish Missionary Society; arrangements for relief. Crews of ss Garesfield and ss Leversons , interned at Ruhleben: relief payments. Mr F Lucke, British subject of German parents, detained at Suez following removal from ss Egypt : enquiries regarding his nationality. Letters sent home through Italy by German prisoners. Daggers found in parcels sent from Germany to German civilians detained in France. Prof Hermann Waetjen, Professor of History at University of Heidelberg, detained in England: request for literary notes at Heidelberg required for a book. Crown leases in the Channel Islands: Herm and Guernsey. Godfrey Samuelson, interned in Ruhleben: arrangements for service of process on Mr Samuelson regarding money claims from members of London Stock Exchange. German prisoners in Australia: German Government enquiries regarding numbers and locations. Expenses of US Consul-General, Antwerp, in connection with British wounded. J Foster Kell, exporter and manufacturer of Streatham Park, London, interned at Ruhleben: letter outlining circumstances of arrest before outbreak of war, and notifying intention for claiming compensation. Crews of auxiliary cruiser Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse and coal steamer Bethania , interned as prisoners of war at Kingston, Jamaica: German request for names. Karl Albrecht (or C Albrecht), interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield: enquiries regarding recovery of money taken from him when arrested in the Cameroons. Danish firm of Edmund Troost, at Lüderitzbucht, German South West Africa: enquiries regarding interests, business premises and stock; also enquiries from the firm's owner, Countess Stéphanie Trampe (née Twilde; wife of Jørgen Theodor Count Trampe) of Raadegaard, Denmark, regarding her property there. Richard Heckman, German subject detained in UK: request by French military authorities that he be handed over to the French as a prisoner of war, accused of spying in Algiers; also case of Jacob Millhouse, detained as 'likely to become dangerous', as both individuals over military age limit; includes personal details of Millhouse (in docket no. 100128). Giorgio Nunes, supposed to be in German East Africa, acting as a courier for the Italian Consulate, Mombassa: request from his father, Leonino Nunes, that his son be permitted to proceed without interference to German territory. Mrs Margaret Hasset, of Wolverhampton: anonymous allegation of her being a German spy. Numbers of German prisoners of war detained in England, France and Russia. British prisoners at Ruhleben: intention by John Hatfield of Sutton, Surrey, to establish an information bureau for benefit of relatives and to assist prisoners; includes first two bulletins. Capt Archibald Montgomery-Campbell, retired British military officer interned in Germany: representations that he be transferred to an officers' camp; correspondence and remittances for Mrs J D Leather Culley, of Belford, Northumberland; reported transfer to Ruhleben; possible inclusion in exchange of incapacitated officers. Consulate General at Rotterdam: complaints of insufficient arrangements; also Consulate at Amsterdam. Monthly returns from Germany of British subjects: arrangements. Clothing and uniforms for British prisoners in Germany: general arrangements, and individual requests from British prisoners of war, including: Colonel S C F Jackson, Hampshire Regiment, at Burg bei Magdeburg: request from his wife, Lucy B Jackson, of Penzance. Private E Varley, King's Own Scottish Borderers, at Salzwedel. Private W F Smith, Worcestershire Regiment, at Ohrdruf in Thuringen. Capt Crooke, Royal Army Medical Corps, at Merseberg camp. Corporal A Booker, Royal Scots Fusiliers, at Sudezollhaus camp, Schleswig. Private J Burns, at Langensalza. Private A Galloway, at Langensalza. Irish Fusiliers at Rennbahn and Limburg. British and Indian officers at Osnabrück. Code 1218 File 15801-23992 (to paper 52365).

FO 383/35 · Objekt · 1915
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Germany: Prisoners, including: Pay of four German officers detained on HMT Canada : request for payment of salaries as captured officers, from Johannes Schlüter, Robert Karbiner, Robert von Schlieben, Friedrich Fuhr; includes signed letter from officers (in docket no. 269). Pay of officer prisoners of war: German government lists (in German) of German civilians interned in England who should be treated as officers. Officials from German protectorates: German government request that superior officials should be treated as officers rather than civilian prisoners. German officers of the reserve taken prisoner in UK. Treatment of captured Belgian official in Belgian Congo. German subjects to be treated as officers: case of Dr Jacobs, prisoner transferred from Ceylon to Australia; also Bodo Mertens and Peter von Boetticher, detained in HM overseas dominions. Treatment of Otto Froitzheim and Hans Kaiser, interned as civilian prisoners at Wakefield, and Lt Fritz Fuhrmann, interned in England. Hermann Eubell, retired officer at Ahmednagar, India. Paul Bauer and Markus Ried, lieutenants of the reserve. Wolf von Trotha, German subject interned at Wakefield. Interned British ships: funds and wages to be paid to dependents of seamen interned at Hamburg and German ports; includes lists of vessels, and names of masters. George Frederick Fischer, British subject interned in Germany at Ruhleben: execution of power of attorney in respect of trust property in England. German doctors in Spain: German representations regarding their possible return to Germany. Prince Salm Salm, a captain in the German regiment of the 'Gardes du Corps': arrangements for his transfer from South Africa to Gibraltar with his wife, Princess Salm Salm, (Marie Cristina, Archduchess of Austria), daughter of Archduke Frederick and a cousin of HM the King of Spain, and her maid; proposed exchange of Prince Salm Salm for two British officers; movements in Gibraltar of Princess Salm Salm. Lt Col H McMicking, 2nd Royal Scots, wounded prisoner in Germany: enquiry from Mrs Alice Graves of Norfolk regarding his possible exchange. Arrest of Germans at New Mecklenburg: allegations of their being whipped at Rabaul, New Britain [Papua New Guinea], in response to their whipping of a Methodist missionary (Reverend Mr Cox); enquiries with Governor General of Commonwealth of Australia; later report (in docket no. 32008). Officers and crew of captured enemy vessels Wega , Alberttine , Fehrbellin and Romulus : release reports, listing individual names and details (in docket no. 10509). Germans killed in Isle of Man detention camp riot in November 1914: German request for particulars of four individuals killed; enquiry whether one was Ludwig Bauer, a confectioner of Brixton, London; includes list of individuals and details (in docket no. 14764). Richard Kwilecki, German subject in Australia: enquiries regarding his whereabouts. Von Gudenburgs in South West Africa: enquiries regarding whereabouts of Frau Freifrau Freya Wolff von Gudenburg and Thilo Freiherr von Gudenburg and family. Code 1218 File 269-584.

FO 383/198 · Objekt · 1916
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Germany: Prisoners, including: Proposal by the Vatican that prisoners who had been held for more than 18 months and who were fathers of four children should be interned in Switzerland, and thus returned to their native countries. Opening of sealed tins of meat or other food sent to British prisoners. Ten German youths detained in Britain (named in docket no.144692). German subjects released from Australia who proceed via China to the USA, where they are given false passports before returning to Germany: investigations into practice. Remittance of allowances by the Norddeutscher Lloyd Company of Bremen to support their ships' officers who are interned in Australia. Carl Denker, German ship's officer interned at Wakefield, Yorkshire: medically unfit for work at sea; approval for his repatriation, and special exchange for an officer of the British Mercantile Marine interned in Germany. Heinrich Sippel and Jacob Schorr: their petition on behalf of the interned crew of the German steamship Prinz Adalbert ; Foreign Office will not allow their release; German crews not to be shown the same consideration as Austrian ones. Bureau International de la Paix, Berne, Switzerland. Baroness Marthe von Carnap: her enquiry about the welfare of her two sons by a previous marriage, the Egyptian princes Ibrahim Fazil and Said Fazil. Supply of alcoholic liquor to officer prisoners. Damage to German property in the Cameroons. Funds for assistance of British prisoners in Germany. James George Bachmann, an infant: his mother, Mrs McGonigal, desires his return from Germany to Britain. Lance Corporal C G G Dibble, 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment: enquiry as to his fate. Capture of the British steamship Eskimo by German authorities: enquiries for female passengers and crew. Captain Arnold H Bleckly, 2nd Battalion Wiltshire Regiment, sentenced by court martial to imprisonment for attempting to escape from Crefeld. Hans Krützfeld, Secretary of the late German Consulate at Lourenço Marques, Mozambique: his internment in Natal, Union of South Africa. Pastor Hasenkamp, of the German Evangelical Parish of Swakopmund, former German South West Africa: permission granted to proceed to Capetown, Union of South Africa, for medical treatment. Gifts sent to prisoners by 'godparents' in neutral countries. Code 1218 Files 144077-151469.

FO 383/294 · Objekt · 1917
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Germany: Prisoners, including: Provision of information on trial proceedings and sentencing of British and German prisoners, including: Captain Arnold Bleckley: request for information from the German Government on the sentence passed on him. Assurance by the British Government that information would be provided relating to cases involving German prisoners, and request for a reciprocal arrangement. Agreement by the German Government for a reciprocal exchange of information. Proposal for a reciprocal arrangement for the exchange of information on the dates of trials. British regulations on the employment of a defence counsel by an accused prisoner. Second Lieutenant Edward Bennington: report by Dr Hoekstra of the proceedings of his court martial at Hanover. Proposals for the transfer of British prisoners to Switzerland, including: Correspondence regarding forms received from the Spanish Embassy in London recommending the transfer of certain British prisoners. Interest of the King of Spain in certain cases. Opinion of the British Government that the transfer of prisoners should be their responsibility; expression of thanks to the King of Spain for his assistance. Explanation by the Spanish Embassy of the circumstances of the King of Spain's involvement. Provision of false teeth for British prisoners, including: Private S Thornley, interned at Dülmen Camp. Private A Records, interned at Stendal Camp. Repatriation of refugees from the Cameroons, including; Arrangements for the repatriation of Chalgo, alias Mateo, from Madrid, Spain, to Duala (Douala), Cameroon. Question of payment of the costs of his repatriation. Arrangements for the transfer of refugees from Cape Town, South Africa, to Sierra Leone. Allegations of crimes committed by certain German prisoners, including Leopold Kuntz, against Cameroon nationals. Arrangements for the despatch of parcels to prisoners, including: Proposal by the American Express Company for a request to be made to the German Government for the grant of safe passage to a ship carrying supplies for British prisoners. Proposal for the establishment of a reserve food depot at Rotterdam in the Netherlands; subsequent proposal to establish a food depot in Bergen, Norway. Arrangements for the transmission of letters and parcels to German prisoners in the UK. Supply of flour to the Prisoners' Bread Bureau in Copenhagen, Denmark. Request for permission for the British Red Cross Society to send flour and other supplies to Bergen, Norway. Effects of interruptions to sailings to the Netherlands on the delivery of letters and parcels to prisoners. Mr Henry Hadley, including: Account of the circumstances of his death while returning by train from Germany to the UK. Protest by the British Government about the sale of Mr Hadley's personal effects to pay for his medical treatment. Request by the German Government for the repatriation of certain German missionaries (names in docket no.32138) interned at Ras-el-Tin, Egypt. Prisoner exchanges, including: Petition, signed by various former prisoners of Ruhleben Camp, requesting the release of all British and German civilian prisoners. Mr MacCallum Scott and Sir Henry Craik: parliamentary questions on government policy relating to prisoner exchanges. Mr Frank Craston: letter recommending the release of German prisoners. Lord Gainford: parliamentary question regarding prisoner exchanges, with printed extracts from Hansard covering debates in the House of Lords on 20 March 1917. Minutes of a meeting of the Prisoners of War Sub-Committee of the War Cabinet on 16 March 1917. Mr Pennefather and Mr Joynson-Hicks: parliamentary questions regarding prisoner exchanges, and printed extracts from Hansard dated 4 April 1917. Petition from the Captains' Committee at Islington Camp requesting repatriation to Germany (names of petitioners in docket no.105786). Letters from the International Committee of Aid for Civilian Prisoners in Zurich and the Ruhleben Prisoners' Release Committee. Owald Kinscher, interned at Lofthouse Park Camp: letter requesting the release of civilian prisoners. Sergeant S Acheson: request for information from the German Government following reports that he had been killed in action. Welfare of British wounded prisoners in Hamburg Hospital, including: Request for food parcels for the prisoners. List of newly-arrived British prisoners (in docket no.35881). Letters from various relatives of the prisoners (names in docket no.42914) addressed to the American Consul General in Hamburg. Mr Frederick Brown: enquiry about the validity of a letter from the US Consulate in Hamburg concerning a visit to his son in hospital. List of names of British prisoners (in docket no.57085 and 100543)) known to have been in the Eppendorfer Hospital in Hamburg, but omitted from the official German list. List of names (in docket no.97489) of British prisoners interned in two hospitals in Hamburg. Payments to interned German subjects, including: Agreement for the Swiss Legation in London to continue to make payments in the UK, and arrangements for the transfer of funds from Switzerland. Payments to destitute German civilians in South Africa by the Swiss Legation in Cape Town. Arrangements for payments to prisoners in India by the Swiss Consul at Bombay. Mr C Auffinger, interned at Ahmednagar, India: request for the transmission of documents to him by the Anglo-Austrian Bank in London. Provision of financial aid to prisoners in German East Africa. Sanction for payments to various prisoners (names in docket no.244968) interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India Code 1218 Files 28046-35184.

FO 383/168 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Relief for Germans in the former German South West Africa, including: Administration of relief. Trial of Oberleutnant Venuleth: report that HM Government do not propose to continue a discussion of legal points which the acquittal of the officer concerned has now rendered academic; proposal to publish the proceedings of the trial. Treatment of prisoners by German authorities in South West Africa: printed Report of Commission of Enquiry into the Treatment of Prisoners of War by the German Protectorate Authorities during the late Hostilities : Union of South Africa Defence Department, 1916. Agricultural Bank at Windhuk (Windhoek). Payments to German military and civil officials. Pay of German officers on parole in South West Africa. Suggested trial of certain German authorities in South West Africa for treatment of British prisoners: Army Council advice against such a course at present. Internment camps in South West Africa. Officer prisoner camp at Okanjande. Remittance of money to Germany. Relief for destitute private individuals. German Relief Committee at Cape Town: request for permission to send letter to Relief Committee at Berlin for Germans in British South Africa; granted. Behaviour of British troops in South West Africa. Usage of Dr Kastl's relief funds as loans. Redemption of Protectorate banknotes in South West Africa. Conduct of British troops at Luderitzbucht. German prisoners interned at Aus in South West Africa. Reports on camps in South West Africa. Communication for Dr Kastl at Windhuk (Windhoek). Former employees of Wireless Telegraph Station at Windhuk (Windhoek). Printed Papers relating to certain trials in German South West Africa (Cd ?, 1916). Expenditure of German funds in South West Africa. Properties, including: Requisitioning of Villa Bayerle at Cairo, Egypt, by Red Cross. Sir Francis Oppenheimer's property at Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Prince Münster's property at Maresfield, Sussex. Proposed exchanges, including: Major Ponsonby Shaw, interned at Schloss Celle, and Baron Charles Herman von Leonhardi, late Captain 12th German Army Corps. Captain Ian Macdonald Henderson, wounded prisoner at Mainz. Elias Edward Bigwood. Dr Seitz, late Governor of German South West Africa, and Brigadier General Bruce. Prince Salm Salm, interned in Gibraltar, and Colonel W E Gordon, VC, Gordon Highlanders, interned in Germany, the latter critically ill: view that King of Spain should be discouraged from expecting Prince Salm Salm to return to Germany via Spain; he is to return via England and Holland. Major Ronald F Meiklejohn, interned at Mainz, and Lieutenant von Waldow: report that Army Council cannot accept the exchange, the German being fit and the Briton very incapacitated. Colonel Jackson, interned at Mainz. Honourable Doctor Henri S Béland, Canadian civilian prisoner interned in Germany: report that Army Council cannot agree to his exchange with combatant officers Baron G F A von Polenz or Rochus Baron von Luttwitz, interned in Canada. Walter Roman, British subject interned in Germany, and Alfred Hayn, German subject interned in the Isle of Man: partners in Hayn Roman

FO 383/166 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Relief granted to prisoners, including: Relief payments for Ruhleben prisoners. Allan Carruth Barr: his expenses. British Emergency Relief Fund in Germany. S Percy Reed, British subject at Hanover: payments made to him; his account of his imprisonment and interrogation by German police; increase of relief granted to him. Dearle children at Bremen: report that mother abandoned the family before the war; father interned at Ruhleben. German relief to German wives of British subjects interned in Germany. Daniel Jacob Goodman, interned at Ruhleben: born in Russia but naturalised as a British subject; HM Government policy not to pay relief to such persons if they resided outside HM Dominions for five years or more before outbreak of war. Frederick Wedekind: Army pension not to be paid during the war. Petition (with original signatures, in docket no.131470) of delegates of men in receipt of relief in Ruhleben camp, requesting that previous rate be restored. Mrs Caroline Wilhelmine Elliott at Stuttgart: question as to whether she should be paid from British Emergency Relief Fund and costs recovered from Colonial Office; established that she was the widow of Thomas Frederick Elliott, a British subject. Travelling expenses of British subjects in Germany visiting relatives at Ruhleben. Maximilian Links (alias John McLinks), imprisoned in the Stadtvogtei, Berlin: relief to be stopped because of false information given by him. Advances given to patients at Dr Weiler's Sanatorium, Berlin. Elliott Belle, interned at Havelberg: recommendation by Governor of Barbados for relief for him. Ferdinand Allen: question of his antecedents and whether relief should continue to be paid to him. Financial accounts of Ruhleben camp. British Emergency Relief Fund in Germany: 'Inquiry Forms' filled in by applicants (in docket no.192293). Charles Webster, interned at Ruhleben: report he was of enemy origin and naturalised in New Zealand; view that relief could be paid to him if New Zealand would take responsibility for repayment. Mrs Dorothea Carr (née Goerling), of Schrwenborn, near Heikendorf, Kiel, wife of Thomas Carr: possibility of her receiving relief. British Indians interned at Havelberg, Germany. Nathan Weinberg, interned at Ruhleben then repatriated to Britain: amount of relief money received by him. Harry Shaw, interned at Ruhleben then repatriated to Britain: amount of relief money received by him. John Donoghue, granted relief to pay for counsel at his trial. Applications from prisoners for their release, including: Walter Illingworth, interned at Ruhleben; permission obtained for him to leave Germany but he did not avail himself of it; Foreign Office not prepared to intervene further. Gordon Stewart Nicoll, interned at Ruhleben. Alexander Heymann: question as to his British naturalisation (naturalised in South Africa in 1908). George Peters Forrester: report of him not being entitled to claim release under existing agreement with German Government, as a pharmacist and not a medical practitioner; also being born at Geneva out of wedlock and so not being a British subject by birth, can have no claim on HM Government and probably has no nationality. Dr G Layton, English dentist in Brussels, interned at Ruhleben. James O'Hara Murray, interned at Ruhleben. H W A Hopf, a South African interned at Ruhleben: report of him refusing a medical operation despite all opportunity and advice. Reginald Thompson, engineer of Gorton, Manchester, interned at Ruhleben: report of his wife dying of cancer; Foreign Office request if he can be released in exchange, or for a few days on parole. George Dakin, interned at Ruhleben: enquiry from his wife, of Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire, why he had not been released when he was classed as unfit for military service. Stanley Grimm, interned at Ruhleben. James Weldon, of Rush, County Dublin, an invalid, interned at Ruhleben. Gordon Park, invalid civilian: German Government refusal to release him because he is a ship's engineer. Fred Norton, invalid civilian interned at Ruhleben. Harry Gold, interned at Ruhleben: appeal from his daughter, Miss Sadie Gold of Margate, Kent, for his release; report that Mr Gold resided abroad for several years after naturalisation, contrary to its conditions; Home Secretary refusal to grant him a passport. Suggestion by Louis Mallet of the British Red Cross and Order of St John that M S Prichard, interned at Ruhleben, be exchanged for Ernst Goetz, interned at Wakefield. Repatriation from Ruhleben of persons of unsound mind. Augustus Maggs, interned at Ruhleben: appeal from his wife, Mrs Charlotte Maggs of Glasgow, for his release; report that he cannot be included in the exchange of consular officials as he was merely in the private employment of a diplomatic or consular officer in a neutral country before the outbreak of war. Hubert Honnywill, British civilian detained in Dr Weiler's Sanatorium. F W Steege, Manager of the Standard Bank of South Africa Branch at Hamburg, interned at Ruhleben: report that an exchange was not possible. Code 1218 Files 611 (papers 57296-end)-612 (to paper 46622).

FO 383/38 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Relief of British subjects in Germany, including: Repatriation expenses of Canadians from Germany: question of responsibility. British Emergency Relief Fund: copies of individual inquiry forms (nos. 1776-1780) with personal details (for: Hermine Esders; Emma Turner; Elizabeth Dreyden; Dorothea Stephen; Leonard Dixon), together with corresponding lists of applicants (in docket no. 166870). Miss Etta A Burleigh of Worksop: repayment of advance. Relief for persons of dual nationality: case of Hans Nicolay of Cape Town; includes copy of individual inquiry form (no. 1160) with personal details (in docket no. 170410). Relief of destitute Australians from Germany. Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin: question of relief payments for British subjects receiving medical treatment. Relief given to Ruhleben prisoners. Payment for fatigue work done in Ruhleben. Remittances to South African students in Germany: cases of S F N Gie and Johannes Basson. Miss Agnes Montgomery, residing at Maria Martha Haus, Pomerania: request from Society of Sons of Ministers of the United Presbyterian Church, Glasgow, for forwarding of relief payments. Wages payable to released seamen from Germany. Sir Edward Goschen's Relief Fund: individual case of Adolf Esch (inquiry form no. 69). Relief given to George Adams in Ruhleben. Sir Edward Goschen's Relief Fund: copies of individual inquiry forms (nos. 88-93) with personal details for Mrs Paula Lisette Marie Maidment, Mrs Clara Liddle, Mrs Ida Hildebrand, Mrs Marie Kershaw, Mrs Bertha Oliver (née Thon), Francis Henry Badham) (in docket no. 199107). Relief payments: stoppage of payments to Mrs Poli Zaris, Mrs B Nwdufski, Mrs Winnie Kirkwood and Mrs Gunder Smith, and reduction of weekly allowance to Mrs Smith's child. Sir Edward Goschen's Relief Fund: original sub-account and vouchers for Erfurt consular district. British Emergency Relief Fund: copies of individual inquiry forms (nos. 3186-3190) with personal details (for: Erna Stone, a minor; Mrs Emma Weinberg; Margarete M Lange; William Kirkwood; George John Johnson), together with corresponding lists of applicants (in docket no. 199118). Advances made to patients in Dr Weiler's sanatorium, Berlin: includes lists of individuals and individual British Relief Fund medical treatment vouchers (in docket no. 200551). Private J Farrell, Royal Field Artillery, killed in action: arrangements for transmission of will. Presents to German prisoners in UK: arrangements with German Red Cross Society. Money for British soldiers at Doberitz: money orders, etc. collected from British soldiers for which German money given in exchange. British subjects in Bremen and Hanover: reports, including lists of names (in docket no. 1019). Forms for communication with seamen in Germany. British subjects in Germany: reports on welfare of British subjects; includes lists of individuals (in docket no. 5930). Whitby fishermen captured and reported among recent arrivals at Ruhleben. Mr and Mrs George Clements, British subjects reported as being taken prisoners of war in British East Africa: enquiries regarding whereabouts and welfare; includes postcard (Union Castle liner Llanstephan Castle ) sent to Mr Clements' brother, Mr F Clements in Braintree, Essex, from that liner (in docket no. 9600). British civilians in Germany: report that German Red Cross will answer individual enquiries if they are assured of reciprocal treatment by HM Government. Forms of enquiry regarding British subjects in German African colonies: copies of individual inquiry forms for Clarance Samson, Edwin B Watts, Henning Prytz, Mrs J H Briggs, Miss Frances E Foden, Robert Innes, and Miss Daisy Valerie Perrott (in docket no. 10591). Pearson children detained at Koblenz where being educated at outbreak of war: arrangements for their return to Australia to parents Mr and Mrs W M Pearson. Mrs Fly and children detained in Germany: request for assistance to leave. Arthur Oncken, British subject in Hanover: request for assistance in determining his nationality. Deaths of civilians in concentration camps. Notification of deaths of interned civilians. British prisoners in German East Africa. Mrs Curran, naturalised British subject from German American parents, and child in Germany: enquiry from husband, Mr H Curran of Southern Rhodesia, regarding their possible return. Crew of British trawler Glencarse taken prisoners in German port: enquires regarding their welfare and whereabouts. 'Indigent' sailors released from Ruhleben: list of names (in docket no. 57543). Property of J Hall, ss Winterton , interned at Ruhleben. Engineers and crew of British vessel ss Coralie Horlock interned at Hamburg: claim against owner, Frederick William Horlock of Mistley, Essex, for clothing supplied to crew; question of payment of outstanding wages to crew; action brought by wife of Tom Beal, second mate; judgment of case Beal v. Horlock. Major G S Clive, former military attaché at the late British Embassy, Berlin: payment of rent of his flat; bill of costs for Major Clive. Code 1218 File 1014 (papers 164870-end)-1037.

FO 383/46 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Repatriation of German and Austrian subjects: question of HM Government paying expenses. Luggage: arrangements for transportation and recovery and question of reciprocity for exchange arrangements, with specific individual enquiries from British subjects regarding recovery of their luggage left in Germany, and vice-versa from German subjects regarding luggage left in UK, including: Louis Levy, of Liverpool. Miss Newitt, of Harleseden, Middlesex. Thomas Cook

FO 383/437 · Objekt · 1918
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Request by the Technical Club at Douglas Detention Camp to receive certain technical periodicals; decision by the War Office to withhold permission. Oberleutnant der Reserve Wilhelm Brandt and Unteroffizier Werner Müller, including: Report by the British authorities that Oberleutnant Brandt had been acquitted at his trial before a military court. German memorandum requesting information on the whereabouts of Oberleutnant Brandt; confirmation that he was interned in Egypt. Unteroffizier Müller: sentence of three years penal servitude at Dar es Salaam military court. Geman memorandum protesting about the sentences passed on Unteroffizier Müller and Kapitänleutnant J Schutt. Transfer of German civilian prisoners from Pietermaritzburg to Kanus, South West Africa, including: Request by the German Government for a list of the prisoners; provision of the list (in docket no. 1099234) by the British authorities, and the reasons for their transfer. Mr Adolf Jelinek: copy of a letter complaining about the circumstances of the transfer and the conditions at Kanus. Report on conditions at Kanus Camp. Gustav Menk, a German prisoner interned in France: decision not to permit his transfer to British custody. Correspondence regarding lists of German prisoners repatriated from South Africa on SS Erna Woermann and SS Rufidgi. Allegations regarding the treatment of German prisoners in France after their capture, including: German memoranda alleging that officers had been robbed following their arrest, and threatening reprisals. Copy of a letter from German officers interned at Holyport Camp. British memorandum responding to the allegations, with comments from the War Office. Explanation of the reasons for the stoppage of correspondence rights for some German prisoners. Evidence from various German prisoners (names in docket no. 34583) of their alleged ill-treatment by British soldiers. Max Neukuchatz, a repatriated German subject: decision not to permit the transmission of certain forms to him from the UK. Oberleutnant Günther Voigt, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India, including: Request for his transfer on health grounds to a hill station; decision not to permit the transfer. Claim for a refund of the money taken from him when captured in Persia. Issues of dual nationality, including: Dr Fritz Noetling, former German Consul at Hobart, Tasmania: information that he was a naturalised British subject. Request by the German authorities for Dr Noetling's repatriation, with claims that he held dual British and German nationality. Proposal by the German authorities for a reciprocal agreement on the repatriation of women and children possessing dual nationality, with a list (in docket no. 109623) of German children currently detained in the UK. Demand by certain naturalised British subjects of German origin interned in Australia for repatriation. Walter Grunewaldt and Florian Rohner, interned at Liverpool Camp, New South Wales, Australia: confirmation of their German nationality. Costs of repatriating German civilians, including: Rejection by the German Government of British proposals for refunding the costs of repatriation, with a sample enquiry form for the provision of details regarding the repatriation of uninterned German civilians. British memorandum suggesting alternative arrangements. Kapitän Carl Diercks: request by the German Embassy at The Hague for a refund of the costs of his repatriation. Claims made by German prisoners for compensation from the British Government, including: German memorandum requesting compensation for the loss of personal effects of prisoners during transportation from Tilbury to Le Havre, France. Allegations that possessions were removed from the prisoners at Brocton Camp prior to their departure, with lists of the prisoners' names (in docket no. 76949) and the missing possessions. German memorandum protesting that German officers transferred to Switzerland were obliged to leave most of their luggage in England. Heinrich Ludwig Krüder, formerly interned at Ahmednagar, India: request by the German authorities for a copy of his death certificate. Personal effects of certain deceased German civilians, including: German memorandum requesting the return of personal effects, with particular reference to four cases (names in docket no. 41703) and a list of the personal effects of Mr Ernst Schirmer. Information that Mr Schirmer had removed his possessions when he was repatriated. Johannes Deistel: request by his widow for his possessions to be returned to Mülhausen, Germany. Code 1218 Files 26671-41703.

FO 383/189 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Ronald D Carty, formerly Chief Assistant City Analyst in the Public Health Department at Cairo, civilian interned at Ruhleben. Sums taken from female German subjects in the Cameroons. Packet containing solidified methylated spirits sent to Ruhleben Camp and returned by General Post Office as being no longer permitted. G H Engel, German subject interned at Knockaloe Camp: his objection to his son being enlisted into the British Forces under the Military Service Act. Adolph Glueu, a German subject: enquiries into his property in Britain. Richard Hein, German subject, shot by a sentry at Swallowfield Camp, near Kingston, Jamaica, for grave insubordination, and detained at Amherst, Canada. Captain Graham Watson, Royal Scots, interned at Blankenburg, Germany: his requirements for tennis balls, shoes and trousers. Relief for families of interned German subjects. Madame Marie von Hindenburg (née the Honourable Marie Hay): her application for remittances. 2nd Lieutenant Herbert Sanford Ward, and 2nd Lieutenant Hillary Francis Champion, both Royal Flying Corps: escape from Germany while being transported by railway from one camp to another. Payments to be made on behalf of the Royal Prussian Landeskonsistorium. Allegations in the New York World of 6 January 1916 of British and German outrages: investigations requested. Dr Alfred E Trautmann, German subject interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield: request for return of his Red Cross passport. Care of British interests in Germany in event of rupture between Germany and the United States of America. Various papers prepared in anticipation of Dutch authorities taking charge of British interests. Treatment and location of prisoners from Schleswig in Britain. Cyril Asher, destitute British subject released from Ruhleben and in Switzerland. 2nd Lieutenant S H Taylor, York

FO 383/59 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Settlement of expenses of seamen: case of Emanuel Cassar (or Emmanuele Cassar), Maltese seaman (fireman), now deceased, discharged from British ss Fishpool at Stettin on grounds of illness; correspondence with father, Marcello Cassar of Sliema, Malta, regarding claim to property; includes account forms with personal details (in docket no. 35764). Robert Dulchau, prisoner of war in the Cameroons: enquiries regarding money taken from him. Dr Arnold Kohlschutter, German subject, prisoner of war in Gibraltar: investigation into his claim of connection with Carnegie Institution of Washington as an astronomer. Julius Schwesinger, German subject in Samoa: request for permission to proceed to Germany via Suva and America. Henry Solomon, of Bedford Park, London: enquiries regarding possible return of his wife and child from Germany. Arthur Kemp, detained at Ruhleben: enquiries regarding nationality. Mrs Edgar Gillow, in Germany, of German-birth but British by marriage: enquiry from Miss J Gillow of Hove, whether she may be permitted to return to reside in UK. Mrs Peters, (née Karolina Wagner), German refugee in South Africa, wife of a German prisoner of war: enquiries from her sister, Mrs K Kaiser of Rotterdam, regarding possible return to Holland. Mrs Elizabeth Abeling, of Liverpool, widow of a German national: enquiries regarding insurance policy on husband's death. Return of German merchants to German East Africa. Sir Timothy Eden: proposed exchange for Mr Bischoff, incapacitated German subject; enquiries from his mother, Lady Eden, of Ferry Hill. Joseph Worsley, of Manchester: suggestion that British civilian prisoners in Germany be transferred to a neutral country. John Sanford Garrard, died at Ruhleben: enquiry from his brother, T W Garrard of Middlesbrough, regarding his estate. Gustav Mann, naturalised British subject now in Munich, Germany: enquiries and arrangements regarding pension received from HM Government in respect of employment as Head Forester in India. James Walsh, deceased, British subject formerly interned at Ruhleben: arrangements for disposal of his effects, to his brother G P Walsh, residing at Amsterdam. Heinrich Rühle, in Berlin, retired Chancery Servant at HM Embassy in Berlin: enquiries regarding payment of compassionate allowance. Treatment of pay of prisoners promoted after capture, and pay of enemy officer prisoners of war: proposals and views of German, French, US and UK governments and authorities; includes individual enquiries (e.g. from Lieut Hersmann and Capt Schlettwein, German prisoners of war, in docket no. 118782) and list of British officers (in docket no. 192083). Mrs Waldine Knutzler, German subject by marriage, born at Durban, residing in Hanover, with husband interned in UK: request for permission to return with their two children to their home in South Africa. Miss Anna Schmieder, prisoner at Colombo: protest against detention following seizure from Dutch steamer during voyage home to Germany from Kobe. British Consulate-General at Hamburg: question of termination of lease of offices, and storage of furniture during period of war. German prisoners of war captured from ships at Port Said: protests against detention and capture of ships as unlawful; includes copy of petition from captains, with names of individuals and ships (in docket no. 42479). Mr S Peiser, of London: request for permission to send parcels of clothing for his family in Germany. Lieut-Commander (or Captain-Lieutenant) Wiblitz (or Wieblitz), severely wounded officer from SMS Dresden , detained in Chile: approval from Chilean Government that he be permitted to return to Germany; UK Government consent provided that wounded officer of British naval forces interned in a neutral country, be released to return to UK; refusal for exchange. Cameroons: removal of white population from the Cameroons by British and French forces; German protests about resultant damage and loss to German plantations and property. Prof Debendra Mohan Bose, British Indian subject in Berlin: enquiries regarding remittance of money from his bankers in London. Rosie Solovitch, wife of Asher Solovitch of Cape Town, South Africa: request to obtain British passport; question of proof of British nationality. Alexander Marr, of Manchester: proposal for exchange with Godfrey B Samuelson, British subject interned at Ruhleben. Code 1218 File 35764-44380.

FO 383/201 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Shipment of apples to British prisoners at Döberitz. Report of a reciprocal agreement between France and Germany regarding the postponement of the punishment of prisoners, and consideration of a similar agreement between Germany and England. Repatriation of Reverend E Heider, a German missionary held as a prisoner in New Zealand. Dr Fritz Rohrer: request for information from the British Consulate at Zurich concerning the welfare and whereabouts of his daughter, Mrs Mary Veith. Subsequent information provided by the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief , East Africa, on the re-marriage of Mrs Mary Veith (now known as Mrs Osman) and her residency in Mrogoro, German East Africa. Captain Thomas Ormston: enquiry by his wife concerning the welfare and whereabouts of her husband and the crew of his ship, the SS Shipcote. Mr Emil Burmeister: request to be allowed to receive monthly remittances from his agent in South Africa, as a British colonial subject resident in Germany. Mr Emil Böhme: agreement by the British Government for the transmission to him of a medal and letter from the United States Congress, during his internment at Knockaloe Camp on the Isle of Man. Captain Otto Prejawa: written complaint regarding the circumstances of his internment in the German prisoner of war camp at Liverpool, New South Wales. Karl Marnitz: complaint from the German Government regarding the severity of the punishment for his attempted escape from the prisoner of war camp at Ahmednagar in East Bombay, India. Request by Mr Herman Wertheim, a naturalised South African subject resident in Wiesbaden, Germany, for the safeguarding by the British authorities of shares deposited by him in the Dresden Bank in London. Decision not to authorise the despatch of foodstuffs to Mr Herman Wertheim in Germany. Captain Grenville Peek of the 9th Lancers: enquiries regarding his transfer from the prison camp at Heidelberg to Switzerland for medical treatment. Terms of the special agreement between Britain and Germany regarding the release of consular officers. Mr J Hofman: refusal of a request by the German Government for the return of a cheque taken from him during his detention at Stratford Camp. Enquiries regarding a request from Mr Wolfgang Dreiss, a German subject interned at Malta, to make arrangements connected with the management of the 'Hotel du Nil' at Luxor. Daisy Toft (formerly Lüder): request for the German authorities to supply her with an official copy of the decree of divorce between herself and Karl Friedrich Lüder. Lieutenant Frederick Norton Grimwade: enquiries by his family concerning the decision of the German authorities to detain him him at the camp at Clausthal, despite his selection for transfer to Switzerland on medical grounds. Enquiries by the German Government regarding the whereabouts and welfare of Lieutenant Voigt, a German subject reported to have been captured by British forces in East Persia. Hirde Narain: enquiries concerning his son, Maharaj Narain Kaul, an Indian student detained in Germany at the outbreak of the war. Approval of the despatch of a consignment of wool to Bugler B J West, a prisoner interned at Döberitz, West Germany. Enquiries relating to Miss Louise Shaw, Miss Catherine Cleaverley, Miss Agnes Rourke and Mrs Black in the civilian internment camp at Holzminden in Germany. Confirmation that Mr W Hartnell, Chief Officer of the SS Brussels , and other crew members, were being held in Ruhleben Camp in Germany. Proposal for German prisoners of war held in France to be allowed to correspond with their compatriots interned in the United Kingdom. Enquiries regarding the welfare of Swiss citizens in the territory of German East Africa occupied by British forces. Increase in the rates of pay issued to British officers held as prisoners in Germany. Private C R Hutchinson: approval for the despatch of books to him at Hammelburg Camp in Germany. Allegations of the ill-treatment of British prisoners in certain German prison camps. Rudolf Ermrich and Paul Altenburg: enquiries about compensation from the British Government, following injuries allegedly sustained at the British prisoner of war camp at Rouen. Arrangements for the delivery of Red Cross parcels and Christmas presents to British prisoners in Germany during the Christmas season. Repatriation to South West Africa of the German nationals Heinrich Sindt, with his wife and child, and Hans Nurnberger, all formerly resident in Rio de Janeiro. Accidental shooting of Gustav Schulze, a German prisoner interned at Knockaloe camp on the Isle of Man. Code 1218 Files 172297-181006.

FO 383/509 · Objekt · 1919
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Transport of French prisoners of war from Germany: Memorandum in French requesting that priority be given to transport of French prisoners. Correspondence on shipping arrangements. Letter in French from the French Ambassador thanking the British Government for assistance in transporting prisoners of war. Arrangements for retention of stores on board the ship Sindoro on her last voyage from Boston, Massachusetts. Applications by German women to proceed to the Union of South Africa, containing: Frau Maria Winkelmann: request for permission to proceed to a hospital in South Africa. Mrs Henriette Papke: request to proceed to South Africa on health grounds. Mrs Margarethe Neubert: request for maintenance allowance. Mrs Hedwig Schulze, wife of prisoner of war, Dr Rudolf Schulze: request for maintenance allowance. Note from German Government concerning the case of Henriette Papke and willingness of German colonial authorities to pay advances to alleviate distress of women and children. Alleged transfer of Germans from German East Africa to German South West Africa. Arrangements for cost of transport between Germany and United Kingdom of effects of repatriated prisoners of war. Despatch from Government of Australia enclosing a communication from prisoners at Holdsworthy prisoner of war camp, for transmission to German Government. Francis Koerfer: repatriation expenses from German East Africa to England. Trials of British prisoners of war: Arthur Kersey and Ernest Mack, charged with poaching: note from German Government stating that case was dismissed. Walter James Wilson of Chemnitz prisoner of war camp: postponement of trial to secure further evidence. Lieutenant F P Mackenzie and Lieutenant William Sullivan of Mainz prisoner of war camp: acquitted of charge of damaging property and use of insulting language during attempted escape. Charles Thomas of Frankfurt prisoner of war camp: two weeks imprisonment for refusal to cease playing piano at appointed time. Timothy Breen and Archibald Sutcliffe of Hanover prisoner of war camp: six months imprisonment for escape attempt. Frank Daniel Clarke of Würsburg prisoner of war camp: acquitted of breaking a pane of glass and damage to baskets. Lieutenant William Green and Lieutenant Clifford Reece of Schweidnitz prisoner of war camp: two weeks imprisonment for misdemeanour. Frederick Hogarth, head of barracks at Magdeburg prisoner of war camp: arrested for three days due to his request to be punished alongside prisoners. John MacMillan, Samuel McConnel, Alexander Skene and Herbert Saunders of Freiburg prisoner of war camp: charged with damage to property during escape attempt. Thomas Watson of Wesel prisoner of war camp: charged with stealing trousers from a fellow prisoner. Lieutenant Andrew Clouston of Holzminden prisoner of war camp: two letters by Clouston regarding his arrest; comments on case by German Government. Peter Simpson and Edward Ross of Stralsund prisoner of war camp: note by Justizrat Langemak, defending counsel. Arthur Ratcliffe of Erfurt prisoner of war camp: report by Justizrat Schmeichel, defending counsel. Charles Mercer, Gilbert Brocklebank and Peter Howwitt of Langensalza prisoner of war camp: despatch from Berlin enclosing correspondence from defending counsel. Code 1218 Files 223-360 (to paper 1028).

FO 383/146 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: William Jackson, British civilian prisoner, interned at Ruhleben: his death in the Dr Weill Sanatorium, Schlachtensee, Berlin. Interned medical personnel, including: Members of German sanitary personnel interned in Britain. List of 12 names (in docket no.183). Johannes Heinrich Hagemann, interned German Medical Corps assistant captured in the Cameroons. Incapacitated German prisoners requesting release. Repatriation of British and German medical and sanitary personnel. Lieutenant (later Captain) D A Laird, Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC): his return to Britain from Germany. Doctor [Theodor] Schweitzer (oberarzt: assistant medical director). Governor of German East Africa Protectorate refuses to allow the exchange of Doctors E C Holtom, RN, (interned in German East Africa) and Schweitzer (interned in the Union of South Africa); so proposal made that Dr Schweitzer be sent to Britain to join the other German medical officers taken from the Protectorate. Captain Hasso Willy von Keller, wounded German prisoner. Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell Earle, Grenadier Guards, prisoner at Friedburg: unfit for service. If he is repatriated, British will allow 4 Germans to transfer from Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, back to Donington Hall, Castle Donington, Leicestershire. Lord Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, blocks sending of prisoners to Switzerland. British RAMC members released from Germany. Major Priestley and Captain Vidal, RAMC: their detention in Germany; report by Lieutenant Lauder. Their continued detention in Germany makes repatriation of German medical personnel impossible. Released: to cross to England on 23 February 1916. Exchange of British and German incapacitated prisoners and invalid civilians. Private James Bailey, West Kent Regiment, prisoner at Friedrichsfeld, and Corporal Jeremiah Mulcahy, 1st Cheshire Regiment, prisoner at Limburg: neither soldier is incapacitated, so release refused. Hermann Wilhelm Wartenberg, interned at Knockaloe Camp: asks for repatriation as German Red Cross Corporal; but was arrested in London, not while serving in the field, so request denied. German members of Tsingtau Medical Corps interned at Knockaloe Camp. Means of recognition under Geneva Convention of German prisoners claiming to be members of medical services of combatant units. Alfred Reitz, arrested in the Cameroons, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Curt Ludwig, interned at Knockaloe Camp. Carl Müller, interned at Edinburgh Castle. Adolf Lienemann, interned at Leigh, Lancashire. Dr Alfred E Trautmann, staff surgeon, interned at Edinburgh Castle, then at Wakefield. Dr Adolf Rosenbaum, interned at Edinburgh Castle, then at Wakefield. Dr Karl Ludwig Stoll, opthalmologist, German subject and resident of Cincinnati, United States of America, interned at Edinburgh Castle, then at Wakefield. Alleged to be dangerous; was active in United States. Repatriation of prisoners wearing Red Cross armband when captured. Dr Zieschank, naval surgeon, interned at Apia, Western Samoa. Anton Meier, interned at Alexandra Palace. Max Frohberg, interned at Knockaloe Camp. George Hoffmann, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. List of 27 British wounded prisoners in Germany, giving name, regiment, place of internment and wounds (in docket no.44678). Dr Carl Greiff, medical officer interned at Wakefield. Major Harold Richard Charley, 2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles, interned at Guadenfrei, Schlesien, Germany. Lance Corporal S G Sellers, 7th Battalion, Canadian Infantry, interned at Diakonen Anstalt, Duisburg, Germany; badly wounded. Dr Casimir Casper, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Code 1218 Files 168-183 (to paper 51942).