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269 / 367 · Teil · ohne Datum
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Copy of the agreement between the brother congregation and Nicolai Andersen about his ministry as a construction missionary in Nyamwezi, German East Africa.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
7 / 294 · Teil · 25.03.05
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The General Assembly cordially asks the Further Board to occupy a further area in (East) Africa, in addition to our Indian mission areas, to which our love should constantly belong, (as soon as this is possible without damaging our older work).

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
3 / 212 · Teil · 5. August 1911
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

That is why Pastor Bracker's former confirmand of the building technician Andersen, who works in the service of the Brethren Church mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a , has now made himself available. See Annex 3

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
141 / 336 · Teil · 13. Januar 1919
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Schreiber (Deutsche Evangelische Missionshilfe, Berlin) about the British propaganda script 'Deutsche Kolonisatoren in Afrika, die Kolonisierung mit der Peitsche' and the German answer 'Die deutsche Kolonialpolitik vor dem Gerichtshof der Welt'.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
From East Africa
226 / 51 · Teil · Mai 1911
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[Excerpt from 'Der Missions- und Heidenbote'] Travel description of the Nenkirchner missionaries Wiebe and Pfeifer, among other things report about the transit through Uha-Land.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
Minutes of the General Meeting of 17 July 1926
9 / 324 · Teil · 17. Juli 1926
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Minutes] Item 6) 'The decision of the Further Board to cede our mission areas in East Africa to the Neukirchner Mission will be submitted to the General Assembly for approval. The General Assembly regrets this decision with the further and narrower Board, but because our forces are not sufficient for three mission fields and Africa was our youngest area and Neukirchen is doing good work, Neukirchen is also a German mission, it joins with a good conscience, except one voice (Kahlke, Hamburg).'.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
11 / 330 · Teil · 5. August 1920
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Point 4) Pastor Felix Paulsen, who was actually trained for East Africa, makes himself available for the China Mission (after it became clear at the Leipzig Conference that East Africa will probably no longer be open for the Breklumers). By the end of the year, the Executive Board wants to inform him in which region (Africa or China) he will be deployed.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
6 / 261 · Teil · 19. Dezember 1911
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

5) The plans for East Africa are postponed until Pastor Bracker gets to know the conditions there. 6) The Board asks Pastor Bracker to return home from his trip to India and not to travel on to Africa.7) The Basel Mission's question as to whether the Breklumers might not want to become active in Cameroon is answered in the negative because the Breklumers' plans for East Africa are already too far advanced. 8) The grant to the committee of the Continental Mission is increased from 20 to 40 Marks. 9) If at all possible, 5000 Marks should be made available in the course of the next accounting year for the East Africa Mission.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
6 / 263 · Teil · 2. Juli 1912
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Protocols] 1000 Marks sent to Nicolai Andersen in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft in Udjidji, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft in Udjidji, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a S c h e l s c h a f i n g e s e m e n t a n e s e l l s c h a f t a f t h e e s e s e s e n , planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h e S c h a f e s c h a n g e s e s e s e s in Tübingen; the brides of the African missionaries are sent to a midwife course in Tübingen. Two years later, they're to follow their fiancé.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
Mission in East Africa
226 / 626 · Teil · 1. April 1911
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[Excerpt from 'Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgisches Kirchen- und Schulblatt'] Giese (Bordesholm, father of the Bethel missionary W. Giese) with an attempt to clear up the misunderstandings concerning a new Breklum field of work. He pleads for the inclusion of the Africa mission.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
226 / 624 · Teil · 18. Februar 1911
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Excerpt from 'Schleswig-Holstein-Lauenburgisches Kirchen- und Schulblatt'] Article by Hasselmann (Sieseby) with criticism of Breklum's approach. First question cards are sent out asking whether one should include a new field of work in DOA, then Bracker publishes only eight days later in the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Missionsblatt the critical article 'Ein neues Arbeitsfeld?', in which he doubts the sense of the Africa mission for Breklum. Hasselmann is of the opinion that Breklum should also enter the 'holy war' and urgently become active in DOA.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
7 / 295 · Teil · 9. August 1911
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Bracker (Edinburgh) to Schacht with the request to be allowed to follow his trip to India with a short trip to East Africa. Communication that North Cameroon could possibly also be considered as a new area.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
141 / 345 · Teil · 20. Januar 1927
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Baumgart (Berlin) to 'Herr Doktor' about the foundation of a mission film cooperative and the production of a film about East Africa.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
226 / 63 · Teil · 15. Februar 1911
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[Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] Hamberg (Münsterdorf) to the Breklumer Mission about his advertising campaign for an engagement of the Breklummers in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . The result of his collection for the Africa Mission was communicated to the Commission.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
277 / 539 · Teil · 1. September 1915
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Letters from Africa] Andersen (Shunga) to Pastor Gleis about his 'Guide through the Protestant Missions in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a' and his report in it about the Breklum Mission. Andersen complains that he's called a carpenter. Gleis certainly does not want to be subtitled.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
46 / 204 · Teil · 14. November 1914
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] Royal Consistory, Kiel, to the Breklum Mission Society. Report on the fact that unnamed women from Hamburg, who call themselves 'patriots', demand in a petition that the missionary work of the Breklumers in India (and East Africa) must be stopped. This mission activity would play into the hands of the English. The commanding general had decided to approve the position of the 'patriots': 'He considered himself obliged to use all means at his disposal to preserve German money for the German people alone in this serious time when the German people stood up for themselves with their best blood'. For this reason, Breklum must be asked 'during the state of war to give only those means to the missionaries and sisters in enemy foreign countries which are necessary for their maintenance, and to restrict their collections accordingly'.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
173 / 359 · Teil · 22. April 1915
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[Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] Kaiserliche Ober-Postdirektion an Lucht about unauthorized remittances to Deutsch-Ostafrika.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
226 / 62 · Teil · 8. Mai 1911
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] Axenfeld (Berliner Mission) to Bracker(?) with confidential information on how the Breklum Mission could best establish itself in East Africa, WITHOUT informing the Colonial Office beforehand.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
226 / 8 · Teil · 10. Oktober 1910
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[letters of other mission houses and mission friends] Fr. Simonsen to 'dear brother' concerning planned mission activities in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a .

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
5 / 264 · Teil · 6. Juni 1911
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[Letters from other Mission Houses and Friends of Mission] Wallroth to the General Assembly in Breklum on the attack on a mission area in East Africa

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
3 / 220 · Teil · 21. März 1912
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[Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] C. Vietor (Auerbach/Hessen) to 'Herr Pastor' with the offer to possibly procure a farm in Iringa (German East Africa).

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
3 / 222 · Teil · 21. Februar 1912
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Finances] Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika (Bethel) about the mode of money transfer to the African missionaries.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
141 / 337 · Teil · 15. April 1919
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Actions] Schreiber (Deutsche Evangelische Missionshilfe, Berlin) about the British intention not to allow the German missions to enter their territories in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . Call for telegram actions to the Federal Foreign Office with the text 'We demand the return of all German missions to their old fields of work in German and foreign colonies after the conclusion of peace and their full freedom of movement throughout the world in accordance with the supranational character of the mission'.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
141 / 350 · Teil · 9. Juni 1915
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Briefe anderer Missionshäuser und Missionsfreunde] Herrnhuter Mission with the request for information on how letters can reach the war zone D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a safely.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
173 / 356 · Teil · 1915?
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] General der Artillerie von Roehl to Bracker with reference to his requests. Point 3) I can approve the application 4 Deutsch-Ostafrika to provide the necessary funds.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
227 / 196 · Teil · 18. März 1933
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Nitsch (Neukirchen) to the Directorate of the Breklum Mission with the request for a formal declaration that the Breklumers transfer their mission property in Uha and Udjidji to the Neukirchner. Please send us documents about the acquisition of the mission property in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a .

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
141 / 351 · Teil · 14. Juni 1915
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Herrnhuter Mission with the promise to treat the information confidentially via the secure mail route to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and to not forward it to any other missionary society.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
226 / 37 · Teil · 25. März 1911
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Letters from other mission houses and mission friends] Nissen (Bramdrup) to Bracker about the mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a .

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum