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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 32 · Dossier
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Untersuchungsausschuss - Schreiben von Dr. Hermann Münch wegen Verteidigung unterliefernden Personen zulieferden bereit, masch., 24.9.1919 - Transit Camp Giessen sends extensive material from interrogations of former prisoners of war on Allied violations of international law and martial law (approx. 150 sheets of interrogation protocols, masch.), 8.11.1919 - Schreiben von Dr. Bühler mit Gutachten "Zur Auslieferungsfrage", masch, 15.2.1920 - "Strafrecht und Gerichtsbarkeit der Entente über deutsche Staatsangehörige" by Prof. Hafter from Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Strafrecht, ed., 1.4.1920 - "Die deutsche Gegenliste - Über 400 französische Kriegsverbrecher", ed, o.D. - Letter from Dernburg on the question of war guilt, mechanical, 4.4.1919 - Letter from the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry with manual draft answer, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - Letter from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquiry, mechanical, 4.4.1919 - Letter from the Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry with manual draft answer, mechanical, 12.1.1921 - L from Dr. Herz with previous results of the Committee of Inquir, 17.3.1921 Committee on Foreign Affairs - Numerous notes by Haussmann, handschr. - Letter from State Secretary v. Kühlmann with return Letter from Stegemann, masch., 5.1.1918 - Invitation to meeting of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, masch.., 21.8.1919 - List of members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, ed., 21.8.1919 - Letter from Dr. Fuchs with recommendation for J. A. Ford of the "Morning Post", masch., 22.8.1919 - Letter from F. Wetterhoff with reports on the situation in Finland (18., 23., p. 1).

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 1889 · Dossier · 1906, 1907
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Newspaper clippings; reports on the situation in the protectorate; SPD flyer "Allzeit treu bereit", Jan. 1907.

German League for League of Nations
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 5 · Dossier
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Article "Ueber die Völkerliga" from the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", Aug. 13, 1918 (mechanical copy) - Report on a survey on the establishment of a "Deutscher Völkerbund-Liga" (mechanical copy) together with a letter from Fritz Springer, [1918] and Oct. 2, respectively. 1918 - Proposal of the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations for the Realization of the League of Nations, Application for the Establishment of a "German League of Nations" as a Section of the "League of Nations for Freedom and Fatherland" and Invitation to Discuss these Applications, Oct. 7, 1918. 1918 - Proposal to the warring powers for the establishment of peace and for the establishment of the League of Nations, as well as draft of a declaration of Germany to its war opponents by the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations, with accompanying letter, Oct. 1918 - flyer draft for the "Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund" and league flyer "Der Völkerbund", [Oct. or Nov. 1918 resp. 1918-1919] - "Arbeitsplan für die Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund", [1918-1919] - essay "Erzbergers Grundgedanken", signed with "Fidelis", from: "Der Vortrupp" 7 (1918) Nr. 21, p. 401-411 - essay "Walther Schücking. A German Teacher of International Law" by Hans Wehberg, n.d. - Invitation and programme as well as principles for the programme of the International League of Nations Conference from 5-12 March 1919 in Bern together with accompanying letter, Febr. 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Count Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Graf Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 1919 - Essay "Die Entente - Deutschlands Wegweiser zum Bolschewismus oder zum Völkerbund?" by Bernhard Dernburg, from: "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 7, 1919 - Essay "Deutschlands sozialpolitisches Programm für den Völkerbund" by J. Giesberts in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 3, 1919 - Essay "Die deutschen Missionen und das Völkerrecht" by Prof. Dr. D. Baumgarten in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 24, 1919. April 1919 - Essay "Der 'gerechte Krieg'" by Prof. Dr. Gustav Radbruch in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", 28 April 1919 - Part of a draft law on labour law issues from the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", o.D. - "Deutscher Entwurf eines Verfassung des Völkerbundes" der Studienkommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht unter dem Vorsitz von Prof. Dr. Niemeyer, [1919] - "Proposals of the German Government for the Establishment of a League of Nations" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - Cross section of the press "Der Völkerbundgedanke in Italien" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Jan. 1919 - article "Der Smutssche Völkerbundplan" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - cross section "Zug um Zug der Entente-Propaganda" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", febr. 1919 - newspaper article "Der Völkerbund. Der Entwurf", 15 Febr. [1919] - Letter by Prof. Ruhlmann of the "League for League of Nations", concerning the discussion of cultural policy propaganda abroad in the Committee for Foreign Affairs, with drafts of Haußmann's reply and a letter to the Reich Foreign Minister Hermann Müller, Jan.Feb. 1920 - Invitation by the weekly "Die Menschheit" to comment on what would be the most effective decisions of the League of Nations Assembly, with draft reply, Oct. 1920 - "Article for the Volkswehr. The disarmament question at the League of Nations Conference in Bern" by Count Max Montgelas, [1919] Darin: - Die Tätigkeit des Völkerbundes im Monat August Nr. 5, 1. Sept. 1921

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2528 · Dossier · 1931
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: French Ministry of Aviation; graphic: M. Carrère; print: Imprimerie nationale; size: 84 x 52 cm; number: 1; multicoloured graphic: A pilot calling "engagez-vous", above him an airplane dropping leaflets, on which various professions in the Air Force are listed with typical objects.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 635/2 · Fonds · 1868-1944
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Since the end of the 19th century, military command and administrative authorities have increasingly issued general memos, training instructions, budget overviews, equipment descriptions, maneuver reports, combat experience, overviews of foreign armies, etc. to subordinate departments and units. These publications were intended to provide rapid and reliable information and were generally to be handled "only for official business", "confidential", "only in the hands of officers", "secret", "top secret" and others. Admittedly, such restrictions could change according to external political circumstances - e.g. rankings were only published in peace - so that it is not possible to clearly distinguish them from announcements in official journals or other publications. Even the regulations - Bestand M 635/1 - do not strictly differentiate these printed matters, as both their subject matter and the legal obligation were assessed differently. In general, it can be assumed that communications produced and distributed via private companies had less confidential content than those originating from the Reichsdruckerei; writings without an indication of the publisher were usually classified as secret. The documents were usually kept with the relevant files, some of them also under special lock and key, and arrived with them in the archive. The Reichsarchiv branch or the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart has removed the largely printed, at least duplicated material from the previous environment and kept it further when larger file excretions were pending, such as in the case of the fortress Ulm. In the same way, printed matter found in private estates, despite their official and mostly confidential character, was taken from there. Under changing aspects and changing editors - government inspector Alfons Beiermeister, Army Archives Council Captain of the Reserve Franz Knoch, Army Archives employee August Martin and others - the individual items thus produced were classified in the library, under the regulations, under the memorandums, later stock M 730, and under the pamphlets, later stock J 150, each of which also contained other written material. Small-format printed booklets were preferably sent to the pamphlets, while copies in folio format were sent to the memoirs or, if they were "historical" summaries, to the "Kriegsarchiv" (M 1/11) holdings. Double copies could be found in all the collections mentioned as well as in the library. Pieces assigned to the archive since about 1920 seem to have been set up as hand copies, if this proved to be useful. Foreign printed materials were only occasionally sent in via the representatives of the Chief of Army Archives, among others. As a result of the war, the indexing and classification faltered from about 1941 onwards, so that the corresponding repertories remained unfinished or were only completed after the Second World War - according to M 730 - with the insertion of individual addenda. as part of a job creation measure, the temporary employee Anneliese Fink compiled the regulations and other printed matter(1), which were only partially recorded in various lists and not signed, for the memorandums (M 730) this was done by the student temporary employee Anne Weber. With the temporary cooperation of the aspiring inspectors Elstner and Wüst as well as Häfele, Kronberger and Schön, library material was then sorted out, the regulations and the other printed matter were distributed among the new holdings M 635/1 and M 635/2, and the library and the pamphlets (J 150) in particular were checked for corresponding material on the basis of the catalogues and repertories: Now that 64 from the library, 275 from the original compilation of the regulations, among others, 275 from the memorandums (M 730), 363 from the pamphlets (J 150), 88 from the "Kriegsarchiv" (M 1/11), 21 and 52 pieces from other mostly collection holdings have been taken over and about 30 have been handed over to the military library or put back into the associated files according to their provenance, and 88 duplicates have been discarded, the holdings now comprise 863 volumes, booklets and individual sheets in 13 metres of shelving.Not included in the new holdings - already due to the necessarily different storage - were the maps and plans which were almost exclusively produced for official use and which make up the own holdings M 640 "Military Maps" and M 652 "Plan Collection". Furthermore, as already indicated, the general official gazettes and individual publications are missing here, for example the official general staff works on past acts of war, troop newspapers and war illustrations, "Tornisterschriften", training letters, etc. The same applies to wall attacks by military authorities, which form the basis of inventory J 151 "Collection of Wall Attacks", as well as pure film and pictorial material published by military authorities, a small part of which can be found in the inventories of the "Image Collections" (M 700 ff.). While writings originating from the military side were incorporated here regardless of their content, elaborations by civilian bodies - Foreign Office, Prussian Ministries of the Interior and Justice, R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , R e i c h s k o l o n i a m t , R e i c h s a l a m t a n i n e , etc. - are included if they address decidedly military or military-policy matters. It would not have been possible to rank them according to the publishers because, as mentioned above, they are often not given. Since the alphabetical order of the geographical and subject matters in the holdings of the memorandums (M 730) and the pamphlets (J 150) occasionally overlaps and thus seems less suitable, and since no comprehensive classification scheme has been preserved from the time of the Württemberg army administration, it made sense to base the new holdings on the "Einheitsaktenplan für den Bereich der Heeresleitung und des Ministeramts" of 1931(2). This was all the more true as it, or its predecessors, was formed in the interwar period and also contains documents from this epoch to a large extent. Further general elaborations are to be expected, mainly in the case of the file holdings of the War Ministry and the General Command; to record them and to insert them here in addition, however, would have required a disproportionately high effort, so that a corresponding quite desirable compilation of later time must remain reserved.The spelling applied in the find book is based on today's rules. Changing spelling for individual ... After more frequent use, positions were standardized, i.e. Generalgouvernement instead of General-Gouvernement, Army Department instead of Army Department, News Formation instead of News Formation.The individual title recordings are based on the following model, which was also used for the holdings M 635/1: Title of the typefacePlace and date of writing; possible place of print/publishing, printshop/publisher, year of printingEditors Supplements; handwritten notesEarlier archive and library signaturesRemarksStuttgart, June 1986 Dr. Cordes1) Accordingly, no earlier archive signatures are given for the title recordings of the pieces from this inventory2) issued as regulations and listed as no. 2 under the scheduled army printing regulations since 1938 (M 635/2 Bd.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 150 · Collection · 1813-1945 (-1947)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The holdings J 150 (pamphlets - collection) were mainly formed from estates and foundations of former officers, as well as from other private donations. A large number of brochures originate from the collection campaign for field libraries in the First World War. These writings have not been incorporated into the Army Archives Manual Library in order not to complicate the clarity of the holdings. For this reason alone, it seemed advisable to structure the material in a separate collection and thus make it accessible for research. Major General z. V. Sieglin had begun his sighting in February 1939. The collection was set up and indexed the following year by the archive employee Martin. Since in many cases an author or editor is not named, the classification of the pamphlets into keyword groups was justified. The list also includes keywords for which no writings are yet available, but in whose groups access can be expected. For this reason, there are also gaps in the consecutive sequence of numbers, the closure of which depends on the later use of new keywords. The alphabetical order could thus be maintained in the directory. The indexing took place in the Allegro library database. The holdings can be searched both with the library program and via the online find book. Contents and Evaluation The collection essentially contains state and military policy writings from the time of the First World War and the immediate post-war period; there is particularly abundant material on questions of war guilt and war causes, on questions of food and raw materials in war, and finally on the Versailles Peace Treaty and its effects and consequences. The collection also reflects the psychological and moral attitude of the German population in the war and post-war years. Also strongly represented is the disarmament problem up to the time of National Socialist freedom of the armed forces and the question of security in the victorious states. There is also a large amount of Allied writings from the time of the First World War. These are mostly leaflets that were dropped over the trenches. Among the foreign-language writings are those published on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin and written in Arabic or Turkish. The collection also contains material on the National Socialist state, propaganda writings and the events of the time. The collection consists mainly of brochures and sheets with mass circulation. However, there is no lack of general historical, military and cultural writings, as far as their external presentation made an integration into the pamphlet collection appear expedient. For the same reasons, individual journals and newspapers were included in the collection if they were incomplete. Among these most represented journals are the "Süddeutsche Monatshefte" (Süddeutsche Monatshefte) (often with marginal comments by the Württemberg general Gerold von Gleich) and the "Deutsche Flugschriften" published by the national-liberal journalist Ernst Jäckh in the First World War. The weekly publication "Am heiligen Quell Deutscher Kraft", published by General Ludendorff, was also accepted. The writings in question can be used as source material for research purposes in war and military science and for dealing with historical-political questions of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, especially about Germany's political situation and its struggle for equal rights. During the Second World War the stock was moved to Neuenstein Castle. After the pamphlets had been returned, it was discovered that the collection had been rummaged through by unknown parties and had become disordered. The reorganisation required as a result resulted in the loss of a number of pamphlets as well as certain deficiencies which made a change in the previous arrangement appear necessary. For the purpose of simplification and to achieve a better overview, individual sections, especially the pamphlets listed under "World War" such as "Nutrition, Finances etc.", were dissolved and included under the corresponding headings of the general collection for the sake of simplification and to achieve a better overview, all the more since the separation had not always been strictly carried out from the beginning and therefore numerous publications referring to the First World War were already listed in the general index. The holdings are also documented in the library catalogue of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 52 · Dossier
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Minutes of the meeting of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 21.3.1915 - Letter of Baron Puttlitz with consent to a memorandum, hand-written, 26.3.1915 - Circular letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 21.3.1915 - Letter of Baron Puttlitz with consent to a memorandum, hand-written, 26.3.1915 - Circular letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 26.3.1915 - Letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 26.3.1915 - Letter of the Federal Government New Fatherland, mechanical, 26.3.1915 - Letter of Baron Puttlitz with consent to a memorandum, hand-written, 26.3.1915, April 1915 - Peace Appeal of the Central Organization for a Permanent Peace Haag, printed, April 1915 - "Die Lage Ende April 1915", mechanical, o.D. - Three letters from F. v. Bodelschwingh to Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg about the aims of the war, printed, dated, April 1915 - "The situation at the end of April 1915", mechanical, o.D. - Three letters from F. v. Bodelschwingh to Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg about the aims of the war, printed, dated, April 1915 - "The situation at the end of April 1915", mechanical, o.D. - Three letters from F. v. Bodelschwingh to Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg about the aims of the war, printed, dated, April 1915, 6.-17.5.1915 - "Bemerkungen über die auswärtige Politik und die Kriegsziele", ed., 9.7.1915 - Declaration by Hans Delbrück, Dernburg et al. on the German war policy, ed., 9.7.1915 - "Das deutsche Volk und die gegenwärtige Kriegslage", Speech by Paul Fuhrmann, ed., 9.7.1915 - "The German People and the Present War Situation", Speech by Paul Fuhrmann, ed, 16.5.1915 - Letter from the New Fatherland Federal Government to the Reichstag Representative on Censorship Relations, ed., 17.5.1915 - Letter from the New Fatherland Federal Government with invitation to a meeting, mach.., 21.5.1915 - "Das große Umlernen" by Paul Fuhrmann, special print from "Der Tag", 2.6.1915 - Letter to the Bund Neues Deutschland about the prospects for peace after Italy's entry into the war, mechanical, 5.6.1915 - Letter from Kurt v. Tepper-Laski to the Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung about peace efforts, printed, 8.6.1915 - Confidential membership circular of the Bundes Neues Vaterland, printed, 8.6.1915 - Letter to the Bund Neues Deutschland about the prospects for peace after Italy's entry into the war, mechanical, 5.6.1915 - Letter from Kurt v. Tepper-Laski to the Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung about peace efforts, printed, 8.6.1915 - Confidential membership circular of the Bundes Neues Vaterland, printed, 8.6.1915 - Confidential membership circular of the Bundes Neues Vaterland, printed, 8.6.1915 - L, 20.6.1915 - Letter of L. Quidde to the Central Organization for a Permanent Peace, mechanical, 2.7.1915 - Memorandum of the Baltic Trust Council to Bethmann Hollweg on the Baltic Question, ed., 9.7.1915 - Letter of the Federal Republic of Germany New Fatherland on its memorandum, ed, 14.7.1915 - "Communication on the preparation of a paper 'Germany after the war, a programme for lasting peace'', masch., 6.8.1915 - Letter from L. Quidde on this paper, masch.

Haußmann, Conrad
Working Committee of German Associations
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2577 · Dossier · 1924-1928
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Flyers; Grants of aid; Invitations to various events; Overview of previous activities, July 1924; Der Weg zur Freiheit, No. 7/8 of 1924, No. 7/8 and 9 of 1925, No. 3 and 5 of 1926, No. 9 of 1927, No. 18/19 of 1928; Simplicissimus, No. 13 of 23.6.1924 (War Debtor); Brochure "Russia and France on the Road to the World War. From the diplomatic correspondence of a Russian statesman", 1925; annual report for the year 1925; protest rally on 2 March 1928 in Berlin against the incorporation of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a into the British colonial empire. see also no. 2573