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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 737 · Akt(e) · (1911) 1918 - Mai 1921
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Assumption of civil servants, clergy and teachers from the Alsace-Lorraine Imperial and State Service, from the Imperial Colonial Service as well as from the Consular Service and the Foreign Service into the Württemberg State Service, 1919; Draft of a law concerning the the transfer of the powers of the Alsace-Lorraine Provincial Administration to the Reich Ministry of the Interior, 1919; announcement of the Ministry of Church and School Affairs of 6 October 1911 concerning the salary regulations for teachers at secondary schools, at trade and business schools and at women's work schools; law concerning the income situation of primary school teachers of 14 August 19191911; Resolution of the 7th extraordinary German Rectors' Conference in favour of the lecturers and students expelled from Strasbourg, June 1919; Draft of a law and principles on the accommodation of civil servants from the areas to be ceded and the administrations to be reduced in size, 1920; Proposal on the distribution of surplus civil servants among the Reich and the Länder, 1920; Guidelines for the Recruitment of Employees, 1920; Submission of the German East Mark Association e.V. concerning applications for reinstatement in the Reichsdienst by former Reich-German Reich civil servants in the Polish civil service, 4.1.1921. see also No. 726 and 727

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 738 · Akt(e) · Juni 1921-1929, 1933, 1939, 1940
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Drafts of Reich laws concerning the legal relations of the former Alsace-Lorraine civil servants and their salary regulations, 17.12.1921; participation of the Reich in the pensions of the former Alsace-Lorraine civil servants, 1919, 1923-1925; letter of the staff of Hitler's deputy of 22.12.1939 concerning the care of the civil servants from the areas cleared in 1939; treatment of the civil servants returned from the franking areas, 1940.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 1018 · Akt(e) · (1921) 1924-1932
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Naturalization of Foreign Nationals of the Eastern States, 1924; Guidelines of the Magistrate of Berlin for the Processing of Naturalization Applications, 1925; Polish Citizenship and Military Obligations, 1925/26; Citizenship of the Gdansk Armed Forces entering the Reichswehr, 1925/26; Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and of the Council of People's Commissars of 15. January 1925, 1925/26; Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and of the Council of People's Commissars of 15. January 1925, 1925, 1925/26; Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and of the Council of People's Commissars of 15. January 1925, 1925, 1925/26; Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of 15. December 1925, 1925, 1925, 1925/26.12.1921 on the loss of Russian citizenship; citizenship of the Germans in Southwest Africa, 1926-1930; decision of the Grand Senate of the Reich Economic Court of 6.3.1926 on the question of the loss of Reich citizenship and citizenship due to ten-year absence; submission of the Association of Damaged German Descendants in Königsberg of 15. March 1926 on the loss of German citizenship in Southwest Africa, 1926-1930; submission of the Association of Damaged German Descendants in Königsberg of 15. March 1921 on the loss of German citizenship in Southwest Africa, 1926-1930; decision of the Grand Senate of the Reich Economic Court of 6.3.1927 for the remission of the naturalization fee; list of the Württembergers naturalized in Canada from April 1923 to March 1927, Aug. 1927; naturalization of members of the Soviet Union and of former Russian prisoners of war, 1930; citizenship of civil servants coming from the ceded territories, 1931; circular of the Prussian Minister of the Interior of 22.5.1930 concerning certificates of German origin issued by the welfare association for German returnees; questions of naturalisation policy, 1931/32; registration of persons entitled to vote in the Saar and treatment of naturalisation applications, 1932.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Bü 108 · Akt(e) · 1915-1917
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1915-1917, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 Karl Fürst von Urach Graf von Württemberg (1865-1925) description: Contains above all..: - Letters from, among others, the German diplomatic missions and their collaborators in the Ottoman Empire, the government offices and the Chief Ceremonial Master of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Great Headquarters in Istanbul, the General Command of the First Reich, the General Command of the Second World War, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II, the General Command of the World War II. Expeditionskorps, the Württemberg War Ministry, the Head of Cabinet of the King of Württemberg, Julius Freiherr von Soden, as well as Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker; travel passport of Karl Fürst von Urach; pass for Karl Fürst von Urach, issued by Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1915; list of code names ("Private Code"), n. v.: "Militärpolitischer Bericht über Mesopotamien", Typoskript, 9 p., n/a; n/a: "Mesopotamia as a Land of the Future", Typoscript, 19 p., n/a; Structure of the I. Expeditionary Corps in the Ottoman Empire, n/a - Darin: - Telegrams of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach, inter alia on family matters; "Allgemeines Merkblatt für Reisen in den Orient", print, 8 p., no year; "Bestimmungen über den deutschen Heeres-Sanitätsdienst in der Türkei", print, 8 p., 1916; Request of the Catholic Church Building Committee in Istanbul to the German Episcopate for support for the construction of a Catholic Church for the German Catholics in Istanbul Contains above all:<br />Letter from, among others, the German diplomatic representations and their collaborators in the Ottoman Empire, the government offices and the chief ceremonial master of the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, the Great Headquarters in Istanbul, the General Command of the I. Expeditionskorps, the Württemberg War Ministry, the Head of Cabinet of the King of Württemberg, Julius Freiherr von Soden, as well as Prime Minister Karl Freiherr von Weizsäcker; travel passport of Karl Fürst von Urach; pass for Karl Fürst von Urach, issued by Kaiser Wilhelm II. 1915; list of code names ("Private Code"), n. v.: "Militärpolitischer Bericht über Mesopotamien", Typoskript, 9 p., o. J.; o. V.: "Mesopotamien als Zukunftsland", Typoskript, 19 p., o. J.; Structure of the I. Expeditionskorps im Osmanischen Reich , o. J.<br />Darin:<br />Telegrams of the Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach a. o. on family affairs; "Allgemeines Merkblatt für Reisen in den Orient", Druck, 8 p., o. J.; "Bestimmungen über den deutschen Heeres-Sanitätsdienst in der Türkei", print, 8 p., 1916; Request of the Catholic Church Building Committee in Istanbul to the German Episcopate for support for the construction of a Catholic Church for the German Catholics in Istanbul
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 f Bü 603 · Akt(e) · 1896-1918
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Lotteries for the benefit of the 2nd International Painting Exhibition, Stuttgart; Colonial Lottery; Münsterbau Ulm; Münsterbau Freiburg; Graf Zeppelin; Pensionsanstalt für deutsche bildende Künstler in Weimar; Restoration of the Marienkirche in Reutlingen; Münsterbau Überlingen; Great Art Exhibition Stuttgart; Restoration of the Alexanderkirche in Marbach; Lindenmuseum in Stuttgart; Kursaal in Bad Mergentheim; Red Cross in Stuttgart; Badisches Rotes Kreuz; Verband der Gewerbevereine in Stuttgart; Stuttgarter Säuglingsheim; Württembergische Invaliden

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 281 · Akt(e) · 1896-1917
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Agreement with the British government on the delimitation of the mutual spheres of interest in the hinterland of Cameroon; instructions to Varnbüler's representative of the Bundesrat; railway construction in Togo Darin: "Deutscher Reichsanzeiger und Königlich Preußischer Staatsanzeiger" of 20 November 1893; maps of the above-mentioned colonies; "Zur Trassierung der Togo-Eisenbahn Lomé - Palimé. Mit Karten, Längenprofil, Tafeln und Abbildungen" ("With Maps, Longitudinal Profile, Plates and Illustrations"), published by the Colonial Economic Committee, 1 issue, 50 p., Berlin 1904; Report on a study trip of the settlement commissioner Dr. Rohrbach to the Cape Colony and the adjoining British parts, print, 10 p.; "Die Kolonialdeutschen aus Kamerun und Togo in französischer Gefangenschaft" ("The Colonial Germans from Cameroon and Togo in French Captivity"), published by the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t, 178 p.., Berlin 1917; "Behaviour of the English and French troops under English supreme command against the white population of the German protectorates Cameroon and Togo", published by the Reichskolonialamt, 258 p., Berlin 1916

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 588 · Akt(e) · (1907, 1909) 1910, 1911
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

In it: Draft of a Colonial Civil Servants Act, 9.5.1910; Prussian Collection of Laws, No. 16 of May 1907; Baden sovereign ordinances of 10.7.1909 on the enforcement of the Civil Servants Act and the Salary Code.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 150 /316 Nr. 60 · Akt(e)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 150 Pamphlet collection until 1945 * Rights owner: Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft <Basel>
Articles, drafts, speeches and interviews
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 135 · Akt(e) · 1888-1912
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Programme speech before the voters' meeting Ebingen, printed, 4.2.1887 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Anniversary tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of the election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, printed., 5.4.1889 - Jungfernrede Haussmanns in der Abgeordnetenkammer, ed., 10.4.1889 - Speech in the election challenge debate, ed., 18.6.1889 - Speech on the reintroduction of the election envelope, ed., 19.6.1889 - Newspaper report on a speech by voters in Ebingen, ed., 10.11.1889 - Reichstag speech on the colonial bill, ed, 12.6.1890 (three reports) - lecture about the political situation, printed, 14.9.1891 - speech in the voters' meeting in Tuttlingen, printed, 2.10,1892 - "Der Wegweiser", poem Haussmanns, printed, o.D. - speech in Ebingen, printed, 30.6.1894 - report about party congress of the South German People's Party in Aschaffenburg and the speech Haussmanns in the Aschaffenburger Zeitung, printed, 24.9.1894 - Haussmann's toast to the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, handschr., January 1895 - "Die württembergische Landtagswahl", printed, 19.2.1895 - "Die politische Indolenz", printed, October 1895 - Reichstag speech on the BGB, printed, 12.12.1895 - "So kann es nicht weitergehen - Gedanken eines Steuerzahlers", printed ca. 1895 - Report of the People's Party to its voters on the Reichstag session 1895/1896, printed, o.D. - Toast to Haussmann on the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, printed, January 1896 - "Ein Minister über Bord" zur Entlassung Bronsarts, printed, 17.8.1895 - General Assembly of the Bezirksvolksverein in Balingen, printed, 17.1.1897 - "On the Threshold of Reform - Constitutional Revision, Proportional Election and the Attitude of the Parties", ed., 17.1.1897 - Haussmann's Article on "Electoral Victory of Democracy in Norway" in "Dagbladet Kristiania", 9.11.1897 - "From Tedious Governance", mach., September 1897 - "The People's Party in Parliament 1895-1900", ed, o.D. - Election program of the Volkspartei by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann, printed, 1900 - Speeches by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann in Heilbronn at the Volksparteitag, printed, 16.11.1902 - Speech on two years of service in the Reichtag, handschr., 1903 - Speech of the Landtag on the Betriebsmittelgemeinschaft, printed, 9.12.1904 - Speech as reporter in the Landtag on the administrative reform, mechanical and manual reform, German, English 1904 - Poem "Berlin Politics", handschr., New Year 1905 - Schiller speech, printed, 7.5.1905 - Draft of a constitutional law, printed by the Landtag, 17.6.1905 - Closing speech to the constitutional revision, handschr., 1905 - "Volksrecht oder Herrenrechte? Speech by Wilhelm Keil, printed, 27.6.1905 - "Zur Verfassungsrevision in Württemberg", printed, 9.7.1905 - "Ein Mahnwort aus der Deutschen Volkspartei", printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Verfassungsrevision in der Kommission", printed, 18.7.1905 - Notes on an Election Speech, hand printed, 1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die, 12.11.1906 - "An die Reichstagswähler", printed, New Year 1907 - "An die deutschen Wähler, handschr., o.D. - Rede zum Vereinsgesetz, printed, 1907 - Speech in Spaichingen, printed, 13.1.1907 - "Die Bedeutung der Neuwahlen", speech in Ebingen, printed, 19.1.1907 - "Die Reichstagsstichwahl" in Balingen, printed, 3.2.1907 - "Bülow", without author, printed.., o.D. - "Ultra-Montagnini", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11., February 1907 - "Parliamentarism", printed, o.D. - "Old Chinese Poetry", printed, December 1907 - "The New Problem", printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907, 21.1.1908 - "Anti-Prussian sausage-likeness", printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed.., 28.5.1908 - "Party Merger", printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 -, 2.10.1908 - " Congress?", printed, 16.10.1908 - "Alsatian", printed, November 1908 - Speech to the Daily Telgraph interview, printed, 12.11.1908 - "Before the end of the crisis", printed, 14.11.1908 - Speech in Tübingen "Zur innerpolitischen Lage", printed, 24.11.1908 - "Und nun?", printed, December 1908 - "Anno 1908", printed, 2.1.1909 - "König Eduard in Berlin", printed, 2.2.1909 - "The Renewal of Turkey and the Clumsiness of Europe", printed, 1909 - "The Conservative Leadership" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 2.3.1909 - "After the Morocco Agreement", mechanical.., Spring 1909 - Easter article for the Neue Freie Presse Vienna, mechanical, 1909 - "Der Kriegslärm", printed, 1.4.1909 - "Die Finanzmisere", printed, 16.4.1909 - "Bülow am Scheideweg", printed, 1909 - "Geheime Universitätsreserve und Universitätsagenten" by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 1.10.1909 - "In the Air", printed, 4.10.1909 - "Der Parteiitag der Deutschen Volkspartei", by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 15.10.1909 - "Reichstagsbrief", printed, 15.12.1909 - "Die Aufgaben des fünfundes Kanzlers", printed, 19.12.1909 - Open Letter to August Bebel, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/32 Bü 34 · Akt(e) · 1867-1919
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Technical literature, association publications and special editions, lectures and congress contributions by Paul Klunzinger, among others. Writings of the Donau-Verein (German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Communications on Inland Navigation Congresses; Association of Technicians in Upper Austria; Special editions of the Austrian Association of Engineers and Architects; Lectures on the project on the curvature of the Vienna River; Writings of the Zentralverein für Fluss und Kanalschifffahrt in Österreich (formerly Donau-Verein); Documents on Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation); Documents on the Waterway Days in Vienna (for the time being: German-Austrian-Hungarian Association for Inland Navigation). T. with annexes: The warehouse of the City of Vienna); tasks of hydraulic engineering and its economic connection by Rudolf Halter (with personal dedication of the author); Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London Contains also: Map of Upper Italy (left); map of the city of Vienna (right). o. Meran, left and Verona, right o. Millstätter See, right and Trieste); map of Bukowina; map of Belarus (Brest-Litowsk) Issue of the Weekly for German World and Colonial Politics 6 (1917)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 119 Bü 1172 · Akt(e) · 5. Juli 1907
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Remarks:<br />Heirloom of Therese Princess of Bavaria July 5, 1907, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 119 Wiltrud (1884-1975) Duchess of Urach, Countess of Württemberg description: Remarks: - Heritage of Therese Princess of Bavaria
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2525 · Akt(e) · 1908
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: French Ministry of War; Graphic: PV (or PK); print: Imprimerie national; size: 97 x 64 cm; number: 1; multi-coloured graphic: Above the text two crossed French flags and two cavalrymen, below the text three cavalrymen.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 54 Bü 25 · Akt(e) · 1868-1901
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1868-1901, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 54 Family archive Schmidt-Alberti Contains:<br />Bernhard von Alberti (1868 - 1915), son of Friedrich Ludwig Eduard von Alberti<br />1. Certificates<br />a) Approval for admission to the Protepéefähnrich examination, 1887<br />b) Maturity certificate for the Portepéefähnrich, 1888<br />c) Graduation certificate of the Engers School of War, 1889<br />d) Maturity certificate for the officer, 1889<br />e) Notification of the award of the iron cross<br /> <br />2. Youth letters to his parents, (mostly undated) about 1868, /_1-6<br /> <br />3. China expedition, 1900-1901 (Boxer uprising)<br />a) Newspaper clippings about his participation in the China expedition<br />b) Index of the teams of the 8. Company of the 6th East Asian Infantry Regiment. with ranking of the direct superiors (pp.1-6)); compilation of the armed forces of the United Nations assembled in the province of Petschili (B1.8 -10); military diary of the 6th Company about the events in the Chinese campaign from 17 Aug. 1900 - 11 June 1901 (pp. 13-23) with an insert: Sketch of the German camp in Tientsin, 23 pp, 1900-1901<br />c) Field letters to his parents with diary entries, area sketches (/_37-43, 122), postcards and lecture plan about the experiences, 1900/1901, /_1-198 description: Contains: - Bernhard von Alberti (1868 - 1915), son of Friedrich Ludwig Eduard von Alberti - 1. Certificates - a) Approval for admission to the Protepéefähnrich examination, 1887 - b) Matriculation certificate for the Portepéefähnrich, 1888 - c) Graduation certificate for the Engers School of War, 1889 - d) Matriculation certificate for the officer, 1889 - e) Notification of the award of the Iron Cross - 2. Youth letters to his parents, (mostly undated) about 1868, /_1-6 - - 3rd China expedition, 1900-1901 (Boxer uprising) - a) Newspaper cuttings about his participation in the China expedition - b) List of the teams of the 8th Company of the 6th East Asian Infantry Regiment. together with ranking of the direct superiors (pp. 1-6)); compilation of the armed forces of the United Nations assembled in the province of Petschili (B1.8 -10); military diary of the 6th Company about the events in the Chinese campaign from 17 Aug. 1900 - 11 June 1901 (pp. 13-23) with an insert: Sketch of the German camp in Tientsin, 23 pp, 1900-1901 - c) field post letters to his parents with diary entries, area sketches (/_37-43, 122), postcards and lecture plan about the experiences, 1900/1901, /_1-198
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 14 Bü 215 · Akt(e) · 1887-1888
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Adam, A. E., Stuttgart: "Joh. Jakob Moser as Württemberg Landscape Consultant", 9/10 June 1887 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct. 1888 - Adlersfeld, Euphemia von, Militsch: "Maria Stuart", 17/21 Aug. 1888 - Baensch, W. von, Kommerzienrat, Leipzig/Dresden: "History of the von Wrangel Family", 5/7 Oct, 24/26 Oct. 1887 - Berg, Oberst, Passau: "History of the 4th Bavarian Hunter Battalion", 27 Apr., 5 May, 1888 - Bertouch, Ernst von, Wiesbaden: "History of the Spiritual Cooperatives", 8/13 Feb. - Beßler, J. G., Reallehrer, Ludwigsburg: "Illustrated Textbook of Beekeeping", 27 Oct. 1887 - Beyer, Dr. Prof.., Stuttgart, "Das literarische Deutschland", Nov. 9, 1887 - Dithfurt, Max von, Freiherr, Hanover: "Die Schlacht von Borodino", Jan. 5, 1887 - Dorsch, Paul, Vikar, Oberurbach: "Schwäbische Bauern in Kriegszeiten", Sept. 19/21, 1887 - "Dürer's Painting" by Sigmund Soldan, Bookstore, Nuremberg, July 11-13, 1888 - Ebers, Georg Dr. Prof.., Leipzig/Munich: "Die Gred", Roman, Nov. 28, Dec. 2, 1888 - Fischer, Karl, Hauptmann a. D., Stuttgart: "History of the Stuttgart Stadtgarde on Horseback", March 10/15, 1887 - Friese, Eugen, Hauptmann a. D., Dresden: "Braucht Deutschland eine Kolonialarmee", Aug. 23-31, 1887 - Georgii-Georgenau, Emil von, Stuttgart: "Interesting Pieces of Files from the Years 1789-1795", Sept. 16-18, 1887 - "The German Army in Need of a Colonial Army", August 23-31, 1887 1887 - Gerik, Karl von, Court Preacher, Stuttgart: "Brosamen", 18/19 Nov. 1887 - Günthert, J. E. von, Colonel, Stuttgart: "Agnes", Novella, 12/16/24/25 Oct. 1887 - Hahn, Otto Dr.., Reutlingen: "Perpetua", Trauerspiel, 10th/14th Nov. 1887 - Hinrichsen, Adolf, Charlottenburg: "Literary Germany", "German Thinkers", 30th Jan. 1888 - Hölder, by Dr. med, Stuttgart: "On the construction of a new insane asylum in Weissenau", 12-17 May 1887; "The physical and mental peculiarities of criminals", 6-15 May 1888 - Keller, Otto Dr. Prof., Freiburg/Br./Prague: "Animals of classical antiquity", 25 Aug 1887 - Keppler, P. Dr. Prof., Tübingen: "Württemberg's Church Art Antiquities", 23-30 Nov. 1888 - Lachenmaier, G., Stuttgart: "Duke Eugen von Württemberg", 6th/12th Febr. 1888 - Lang, Paul, city priest, Ludwigsburg: "Maulbronner Geschichtenbuch", 21st/26th Sept. 1887 - Manskopf, Gustav, Frankfurt a. M.: "Der Justitia-Brunnen auf dem Römerberg in Frankfurt", 12th/20th May 1887 - Miller, Konrad. Dr. Prof, geography historian, Stuttgart: "Peutinger'sche Tafel", 28/31 Dec. 1887 - Paulus, Eduard Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Das Kloster Bebenhausen", 8/9 June 1887 - Perthes, Emil, bookstore, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug. 1887 - "The German Empire", Munich: "The German Emperors' Guide to the German Empire", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Pfleiderer, Eugen, Munich: "Handbuch der bayerischen und württembergischen Aktiengesellschaften", 29 Aug., 2 Sept. 1888 - Pochhammer, M. von Dr., Gernsbach, "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Preßel, Wilhelm, Pfarrer, Lustenau/Tübingen: "The People of Israel in Dispersion", 2 Dec. 1887 - Ranke, E. Dr. Prof., Marburg: "Festschrift der Universität Marburg", 13th/14th June 1888 - Reuß, Heinrich Fürst von, younger line: "Lebensbild der Fürstin Agnes Reuß, born Duchess of Württemberg", 29th Oct., 3rd Nov. 1887 - Riecke, by Dr.., Staatsrat, Stuttgart: "Constitution, Administration and State Budget of the Kingdom of Württemberg", 15-16 May 1887 - "Riemenschneider, Tilmann and his School", 30 Sept., 2 Oct., 1887, 6-8 July 1888 - Roß, Albert, Magdeburg: "Allgemeines deutsches Eisenbahn-Liederbuch", 24-27 Sept. 1887 - Sanden, A. von, Oberstleutnant, Berlin: "König Wilhelm und Kaiser Napoleon III. (1870)", June 17-20, 1887 - Schanzenbach, Otto Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof. Dr., Stuttgart: "Mömpelgards schöne Tage", May 8-11, 1887 - Schneider, Eugen Dr., Archive Secretary, Stuttgart: "Württembergische Reformationsgeschichte", June 4-5, 1887; "Codex Hirsaugiensis", February 2-8, 1888 - Schneider, Heinz Dr. Prof, Gotha: "Portraits of the German Emperors", 1/4 Sept. 1887 - Schott, Theodor Dr. Prof., Stuttgart: "Württemberg and the French in 1688", 25 Nov. 1887 - Soldan, Sigmund, bookshop, Nuremberg: "Dürer's Painting", 11/13 July 1888 - Stälin, by Dr.., Oberstudienrat, Archivrat, Stuttgart: "History of Württemberg", continued, January 13-18, 1887; "History of the City of Calw", Dec 18-25, 1887 - Stein, Sigismund Theodor Dr., Frankfurt: "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 27, Sept. 5, 1888 - Streeter, Edwin, London: "Precious Stones and Gems", Feb. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Aug. 5, 1888 - "The Light in the Service of Scientific Research", Sept. 8/14, 1887 - Streit, Carl, Bad Kissingen: "Tilmann Riemenschneider and his School", Sept. 30, 1888 2 Oct. 1887, 6 / 8 July 1888 - Trost, Ludwig Dr., Munich: "From the scientific and artistic life of Bavaria", "Jerusalem and the Crucifixion of Christ", 10 / 13 Nov. 1887 - Walcher, Karl, Stuttgart: "Sculptures of the Stuttgart pleasure house at Lichtenstein Castle", 28 July, 3 Aug. 1887

Boxer Rebellion in China
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Bü 1186 · Akt(e) · 1900
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: Letter to Axel Varnbüler by Nico von Below-Saleske, Walter (Wawitsch) by Below-Saleske, Elisabeth and Georg von Erffa zu Wernburg, Rüdiger von Below-Saleske; telegrams 1900, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Archive of the Freiherr Varnbüler von und zu Hemmingen Contains, among other things: Letter to Axel Varnbüler by Nico von Below-Saleske, Walter (Wawitsch) by Below-Saleske, Elisabeth and Georg von Erffa zu Wernburg, Rüdiger von Below-Saleske; Telegrams
Britons in Germany
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 77/1 Bü 860 · Akt(e) · November 1914 - Januar 1915
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Extensions of the provisions to the colonial English; determination of citizenship; admission of Englishmen to the Moabit cell prison; lists of names of arrested Englishmen; reports from all high offices on the number of Englishmen in their districts, with lists of names; exclusion of arrest in the case of serious illness; request from the Prussian War Ministry for the number of arrested Englishmen; internment

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2159 · Akt(e) · 1918
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Print: Carl Grüninger Nachfolger Ernst Klett, Poster Printing Department, Stuttgart; Size: 43 x 34 cm; Number: 1; Text border black-white-vertical hatched, title accompanied by 2 Iron Crosses

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/01 Bü 2931 · Akt(e) · 1834 - 1945
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Above all celebrations on the occasion of the affiliation of different parts of the state to Württemberg 1902 - 1904, 1910, U´Fasz. 2 - 4, 7, 12; Inauguration of the Stadttheater Heilbronn with short biographical data about the awarded persons 1913, U´Fasz. 5; Festschrift 40 Jahre deutsche Kolonialarbeit 1924, U´Fasz 6; Personal data on Schultheiß Friedrich Friedrich Siller in Kornwestheim 1903, U´Fasz. 7; 300 and 350 years Ulrich battle with Lauffen 1834 and 1884, U´Fasz. 8; 400 years Münsinger contract 1183, U´Fasz. 9; Münster Festival in Ulm 1890, U´Fasz. 10; National Socialist Memorial Days 1933 - 1945 with a poster "Reichspräsident von Hindenburg und Reichskanzler Adolf Hitler an das Deutsche Volk" about the use of the black-white-red and the swastika flag of March 12, 1933, U´Fasz. 11

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 124 Bü 3 · Akt(e) · 1902-1913 und o. J.
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Inside: On the back of three children's drawings printed and handwritten menu cards of three dinners in Schloss Possenhofen on 6, 9 and 14 August 1907; circular letter of Father Bonifacius Sauer, Prior of the Benedictine College in Dillingen/Donau, asking for financial support for the Benedictine College and for the training of the Benedictines deployed in the mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (Tanzania), 16 Dec 1908

Urach, Wilhelm (III.) von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 735 · Akt(e) · 1935-1944
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Decrees of Reich ministers concerning the transfer of municipal civil servants to the Reich Finance Administration, 13.6.1938, use of senior civil servants of the Viennese central authorities in the general and internal administration of the Länder, 9.12.1938, transfer of former civil servants of the Czechoslovak state to the Reich Service, 20.1.1939, remuneration of seconded civil servants and employees of savings banks and savings banks and giro associations, 14.3.1940, secondment and transfer of Polish civil servants and employees to the incorporated eastern territories, June, Nov. 1941, June 1943 and temporary transfer of personnel to cities afflicted by air raids, 28.6.1943; reports for the Colonial Service, 1940/41; letter of the Reich Governor in Württemberg concerning traffic of civil servants, employees and workers of the public service in the eastern territories and associated territories, Oct. 1941.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 2 Nr. 427 · Akt(e)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1) Report of Lieutenant Colonel F. v. Winkelmann to the Württemberg Minister of War; Samarang, 6 Aug. 1807, copy Maschinenschr. 16 Sheet 2) Correspondence of Lieutenant Fr. v. Winkelmann with the Dutch Governor of Java, Nikolaus Engelhard March-April 1808, copy Maschinenschrift 3) Letter of the former Karlsakademist, Captain Philipp Gaupp to his former classmate Fr. Carl von Adelsheim, Kgl. Lieutenant Oberleutnant a.D.; sd., copy machine 2 sheet with explanations for family history 4) Testament of Lieutenant Wilhelm Max Frhr. von Hügel, Samarang, 11 May 1821 with inventory of his property. Copy 5) The Württemberg Cape Regiment of Major General a.D. von Loeffler in special supplement of the State Gazette for Württemberg No. 15-18 1896 6) Franz August Trefz in Sunday supplement to the Swabian Mercury No. 587, from Dec. 1925 7) Fatherland History (of the Cape Regiment in East India) in Swabian Kronik No. 191, 14 Aug. 1887 8) The cave of Amboina by Helmut Gaupp, (2 newspaper clippings) 9) A Great Britain captain from the margraviate of O. E. Sutter in the pyramid weekly of the Karlsruher Tagblatt 23. Jg.Nr. 39, 30. Sept. 1934 10) Gaupp, life fate of my grandfather in the pyramid 23. Jg. Nr. 47-49, Nov.-Dec. 1934 11) Pedigree book of the field preacher M. Johannes Haas. Extracts print

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 703 R975N1 · Akt(e) · 1904
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Execution: 24 photographs in album People and institutions involved in the creation: Esselbrügge, Dr., Tientsin, Photographer, Tientsin Press, Tientsin, Bookbindery Image carrier: Photo papers glued on half cardboard in linen binding Image and sheet size: 17 x 12 cm; 25 x 19 cm Remarks: Album with dedication for Dr. Schlayer, pictures partly faded, spotted, album has stretching waves