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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/17 Bü 34 · File · 1891-1912
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Sales of trade articles in Cameroon; application of customs duties in Kiautschou; establishment of a permanent economic commission of the colonial administration; project of an agricultural bank for D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/11 Bü 1011 · File · Juli - Okt. 1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Speeches by princes and statesmen of the Four Confederation with press comments, especially on the peace issue: Prince Max von Baden, State Secretary Solf, Field Marshal von Hindenburg, Emperor Wilhelm II, Vice Chancellor von Payer, German Crown Prince, War Minister von Stein, Imperial Chancellor Graf von Hertling, Chief of General Staff von Freytag-Loringhoven, Bavarian War Minister von Hellingrath, King Wilhelm II von Württ., pp. 1 - 26

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 120 · File · 1915-1921
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Letter from R.C. Ade, Rotterdam, concerning food allowances for interned Germans, handschr., 25.11.1918 - Letter from Alfred Buddeberg concerning work at the military building authority, handschr.., 5.4.1918 - Correspondence with Dr. Baracs Deltour about the subscription of the work "Unsere Zeitgenossen", April/May 1917 - Letter of Haussmann to legal agent Deschler in the matter of Glöckler against Berger, mechanical, 11.4.1917 - Letter of Haussmann to the import and export office because of brewery machines, mechanical, 28.12.1920 - Correspondence because of overnight vacation for district superiors, mechanical, 11.

Haußmann, Conrad
Interparliamentary Union
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 3 · File · 1908-1921
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains: - Greetings of the Reich Chancellor Prince von Bülow (German and French) as well as the local group Berlin of the German Peace Society to the 15th Interparliamentary Conference in Berlin, Sept. 1908 - Telegraphic request of the lawyer Schücking from Sassenberg after a report about the conference of the Interparliamentary Union of 1909, o.D. - Exchange of letters, concerning Haußmann's cooperation in the Commission for Arms Limitation of the Interparliamentary Union, Nov. 1908 1910-Jan. 1911 - Draft application of the Commission of the Interparliamentary Union for the reduction of arms expenditure, drawn up by the President of the Commission d'Estournelles de Constant, accompanied by the request of the Secretary General of the Union, Christian L. Lange, to the members of the Commission for their opinion, as well as correspondence between Lange and Haußmann, concerning Haußmann's opinion, Jan.Febr. 1911 - Printed Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union on 8 March 1911, 9 March 1911 - Commission Decision of the Interparliamentary Union renewing and reaffirming the Union's earlier demands for a reduction in arms expenditure, accompanied by a letter from the Secretary-General of the Union, Chr. L. Lange, 11 April 1911 - Printed communications from the Italian and German Groups of the Interparliamentary Union concerning the Conference of the Union in Rome, Aug. 1911 - Printed report on the negotiations of the Interparliamentary Council in Paris on 4 Oct. 1911, 16 Oct. 1911 - Exchange of letters with Chr. L. Lange, Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the Commission Report d'Estournelles de Constants, which pleads for a reduction in arms expenditure, and the Commission Report d'Estournelles de Constants, which pleads for a reduction in arms expenditure, respectively its publication in Germany against the background of the political mood shortly after the 2nd Morocco crisis in 1911, together with the text of d'Etournelles de Constant's foreword to his report and an accompanying letter by Lange, Oct.Dec. 1911 - Newspaper article on the declaration of the President of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, Prof. Richard Eickhoff, to his French colleague, according to which the Morocco-Congo Treaty of 1911 represented a good basis for improving Franco-German relations, Nov. 22, 1911 - Correspondence with Chr. L. Lange, the Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, and the Chairman of the German Parliamentary Group of the Union, Prof. Richard Eickhoff, in which Haußmann regrets not being able to participate in the Geneva Conference of the Union, where Haußmann's presence is desired in particular because of the question of arms limitation, and in which Haußmann refers to the article "Obstacles on the way of German foreign policy" in Sept.The German Revue", which seems to have been initiated by the official side, June-Sept. 1912 - Newspaper article from "Der Tag" by Prof. Richard Eickhoff about the 17th Interparliamentary Conference, 10th and 11th Sept. 1912 - Printed messages for the members of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the invitation to the Geneva Conference of the Interparliamentary Union from 18th to 20th Sept. 1912, the request for early registration as well as the Yearbook 1912 of the Union, May-Sept. 1912 - Printed messages for the members of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the invitation to the Geneva Conference of the Interparliamentary Union from 18th to 20th Sept. 1912, the request for early registration as well as the Yearbook 1912 of the Union, May-Sept. 1912 - Newspaper article from "Der Tag" by Prof. Richard Eickhoff about the 17th Interparliamentary Conference, 10th and 11th Sept. 1912 Interparliamentary Conference in Geneva 1912, Feb. 24, 1913 - Requests by the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union to Members to appear for Assemblies, Nov. 1912 and Jan. 1913 - Letter from the Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, Christian L. Lange, an Haußmann with the request to ensure that as many deputies as possible, in particular from the bourgeois German parties, participate in the Franco-German Understanding Conference in Bern, April 1913 - Circular letter for the members of the Interparliamentary Union with the imprint of several letters concerning the withdrawal of the Italian group from the Union against the background of the war between Italy and the Ottoman Empire 1911-1912, Febr.April 1912 - Prospectus for the 2nd anniversary of the Interparliamentary Union 1912, ca. 1912 - Printed communication of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the (not attached) programme of the 18th Interparliamentary Conference in The Hague, June 1913 - Article "The Further Training of International Law. Ein Epilog zur 17. Interparlamentarischen Konferenz" by Prof. Richard Eickhoff for the newspaper "Der Tag", 13. bzw. 15. Okt. 1912 - Printed working report of the Commission, which commissioned the Interparlamentarische Konferenz 1912 to elaborate proposals, which are to be submitted to the International Committee for the preparation of the Third Peace Conference, approx. 1913 - Circular letter to the members of the Interparliamentary Union with the announcement of the 18th Interparliamentary Conference in The Hague, 26 April 1913 - Article from "Le Temps" about the German-French Interparliamentary Conferences in Berne 1913, translated into German on behalf of the Organizing Committee and printed for transmission to the press, [1913] - Letter from Christian L. Lange, Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, on Haußmann's activity at the Franco-German Understanding Conference in Bern and the formation of the German Committee of Deputies for Franco-German Understanding, 2 June 1913 - Circular of the Interparliamentary Union to the groups of countries represented at the Conference on the Law of the Sea in London concerning the still outstanding ratification of the London Declaration on the Law of the Sea and the Hague Agreement concerning the establishment of a Prisengericht, 18th ed. Dec. 1913 - Printed communication of the German Parliamentary Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the announcement of the 19th Interparliamentary Conference in Stockholm, as well as prospectus for the printed negotiations of the 18th Interparliamentary Conference, Jan.March 1914 - Exchange of letters with Christian L. Lange, Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning Long journey to and through Germany and the prospect of peace as well as a letter from Haußmann to the State Secretary in the Foreign Office Arthur Zimmermann asking him to allow Lange to enter Germany, February 1917 - Declaration of the British Group of the Interparliamentary Union of 22 November 1917 and draft of the reply of the German Group, with invitation to the corresponding meeting of the German Group on 25 April 1918 (printed matter in German, French and Italian). Language) - Exchange of letters with Chr. L. Lange, General Secretary of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the possibility of a conclusion of peace, 11 and 14 Sept. 1918 Also includes: - Article in the "Strasbourg New Newspaper" on the opening of the 1st Interparliamentary Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 11 and 14 Sept. 1918 German-French Understanding Conference in Bern, 13 May 1913 - Resolution of the French Parliamentary Arbitration Group, concerning its expectations of the German-French Understanding Conference in Bern in 1913 (German and French), [1913] - Prospectus for the journal 'La Vie Internationale. Revue mensuelle des idées, des faits et des organismes internationaux', o.D. - Question by Robert J. Thompson on the demands of the US senator Elihu Root, concerning the enforcement of international law after the end of the war, with Haußmann's brief response as a side note, Jan. 1917 Darin: - Estournelles de Constant, Baron Paul-Henri-Benjamin de: The Franco-German rapprochement as the basis of world peace. Lecture in the Kaisersaal of the Prussian Manor on 28. April 1909, Berlin 1909 - Borel, Eugène: Le Role international de la Suisse, Geneva 1910 - Deutsche parlamentarische Gruppe für Schiedsgericht und Frieden, Berlin 1911 (contents: statutes of the Interparlamentarische Union, list of members of the Interparlamentarische Rat and the Executive Committee, statutes of the Deutsche Gruppe der Union, lists of members of the Deutsche Gruppe and its executive committee), together with accompanying letters from the Deutsche Gruppe to its members, April 1911 - Estournelles de Constant, Baron Paul-Henri-Benjamin de: Excerpt from a speech at the opening of the Congress of the Association for International Understanding in Heidelberg, 5 October 1912, n.d. - Report of the Secretary General of the [Interparliamentary] Union to the Interparliamentary Council for 1914, accompanied by the Bureau's Programme for 1915, Kristiana 1915 - Yearbook of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, Berlin 1921 - Bulletin interparlementaire. Organe officiel du Bureau de l'Union Interparlementaire 1 (1921), Nr. 3 und 4 - Eickhoff, Richard: Die Interparlamentarische Union 1889-1914. Der Vorläufer des Völkerbundes, Berlin 1921 1908-1921, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Nachlass Dr. Conrad Haußmann, (Reichs-)State Secretary, DDP politician ( 1857, 1922)* Contains:<br />- Greetings of the Reich Chancellor Prince von Bülow (German and French) as well as of the local group Berlin of the German Peace Society to the 15th Interparlamentary Conference in Berlin, Sept. 1908<br />- Telegraphic inquiry of the lawyer Schücking from Sassenberg after a report about the conference of the Interparliamentary Union of 1909, o.D.<br />- Exchange of letters, concerning Haußmann's cooperation in the Commission for Arms Limitation of the Interparliamentary Union, Nov. 1910-Jan. 1911<br />- Draft proposal of the Commission of the Interparliamentary Union for the reduction of arms expenditure, written by the President of the Commission d'Estournelles de Constant, accompanied by the request of the Secretary General of the Union, Christian L. Lange, to the members of the Commission for their opinion, as well as correspondence between Lange and Haußmann, concerning Haußmann's opinion, Jan.Febr. 1911<br />- Printed Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union on 8 March 1911, 9 March 1911<br />- Commission Decision of the Interparliamentary Union renewing and reaffirming earlier demands of the Union for the reduction of arms expenditure, accompanied by a letter from the Secretary General of the Union, Chr. L. Lange, 11 April 1911<br />- Printed communications of the Italian and German Groups of the Interparliamentary Union concerning the Conference of the Union in Rome, Aug. 1911<br />- Printed report on the negotiations of the Interparliamentary Council in Paris on 4 Oct. 1911, 16 Oct. 1911<br />- Exchange of letters with Chr. L. Lange, Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the Commission Report d'Estournelles de Constants, which pleads for a reduction of arms expenditure, respectively its publication in Germany against the background of the political mood shortly after the 2nd Morocco crisis in 1911, together with the text of d'Etournelles de Constant's foreword to his report and an accompanying letter by Lange, Oct.Dec. 1911<br />- Newspaper article about the statement of the President of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, Prof. Richard Eickhoff, to his French colleague, according to which the Morocco-Congo Treaty of 1911 represented a good basis for the improvement of German-French relations, Nov. 22, 1911<br />- Correspondence with Chr. L. Lange, the Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, and the Chairman of the German Parliamentary Group of the Union, Prof. Richard Eickhoff, in which Haußmann regrets not being able to participate in the Geneva Conference of the Union, where Haußmann's presence is desired in particular because of the question of arms limitation, and in which Haußmann refers to the article "Obstacles on the way of German foreign policy" in Sept.The German Revue, which seems to have been initiated by the authorities, June-Sept. 1912<br />- newspaper article from "Der Tag" by Prof. Richard Eickhoff about the 17th Interparlamentary Conference, 10th and 11th Sept. 1912<br />- Printed messages for the members of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the invitation to the Geneva Conference of the Interparliamentary Union from 18-20 Sept. 1912, the request for early registration as well as the Yearbook 1912 of the Union, May-Sept. 1912. 1912<br />- Circular for the members of the Interparliamentary Union containing the date, place and programme of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference of the Union, 10 May 1912<br />- Printed reports on the negotiations of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference of the Union, 10 May 1912<br />- Circular for the members of the Interparliamentary Union containing the date, place and programme of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference of the Union, 10 May 1912<br />- Printed reports on the negotiations of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference of the Union, 10 May 1912<br />- Printed reports on the negotiations of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference of the Union, 10 May 1912<br />- Circular for the members of the Interparliamentary Union containing the date, place and programme of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference of the Union, 10 May 1912<br />- Printed reports on the negotiations of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference. Interparliamentary Conference in Geneva, together with a list of adopted resolutions, a list of members and a prospectus on the publication of the proceedings, 1912<br />- Printed communication of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union concerning the activities of the Organisation in recent months and the publication of the proceedings of the 17th Interparliamentary Conference in Geneva. Interparliamentary Conference in Geneva 1912, Feb. 24, 1913 - Requests of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union to appear at assemblies, Nov. 1912 and Jan. 1913<br />- Letter of the Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, Christian L. Lange, an Haußmann with the request to ensure that members of parliament, especially of the bourgeois German parties, participate as numerously as possible in the Franco-German Understanding Conference in Bern, April 1913<br />- Circular for the members of the Interparliamentary Union with the reprint of several letters concerning the withdrawal of the Italian group from the Union against the background of the war between Italy and the Ottoman Empire 1911-1912, Febr.April 1912<br />- Prospectus for the 2nd anniversary of the Interparliamentary Union 1912, ca. 1912<br />- Printed communication of the German Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the (not attached) programme of the 18th Interparliamentary Conference in The Hague, June 1913<br />- Article "Die Fortbildung des Völkerrechts. An Epilogue to the 17th Interparliamentary Conference" by Prof. Richard Eickhoff for the newspaper "Der Tag", 13. resp. 15. Oct. 1912<br />- Printed working report of the Commission, which commissioned the Interparliamentary Conference 1912 to work out proposals to be submitted to the International Committee for the preparation of the Third Peace Conference, approx. 1913<br />- Circular letter to the members of the Interparliamentary Union with the announcement of the 18th Interparliamentary Conference in The Hague, 26 April 1913<br />- Article from "Le Temps" about the Franco-German Interparliamentary Conferences in Bern 1913, translated into German on behalf of the Organizing Committee and printed for transmission to the press, [1913]<br />- Letter from Christian L. Lange, Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, on Haußmann's work at the Franco-German Understanding Conference in Bern and the formation of the German Committee of Deputies for Franco-German Understanding, 2 June 1913<br />- Circular of the Interparliamentary Union to the groups of countries represented at the Conference on the Law of the Sea in London concerning the still outstanding ratification of the London Declaration on the Law of the Sea and the Hague Agreement on the Establishment of a Prisengericht, 18. Dec. 1913<br />- Printed communication of the German Parliamentary Group of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the announcement of the 19th Interparliamentary Conference in Stockholm, as well as prospectus for the printed negotiations of the 18th Interparliamentary Conference, Jan.March 1914<br />- Exchange of letters with Christian L. Lange, Secretary General of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning Long journey to and through Germany and the prospect of peace as well as a letter from Haußmann to the State Secretary in the Foreign Office Arthur Zimmermann with the request to allow Lange to enter, Feb. 1917 - Declaration of the British Group of the Interparliamentary Union of 22 Nov. 1917 and draft of the reply of the German Group, with invitation to the corresponding meeting of the German Group on 25 April 1918 (Printed matter in German, German) Language)<br />- Exchange of letters with Chr. L. Lange, the General Secretary of the Interparliamentary Union, concerning the possibility of a peace agreement, 11th and 14th Sept. 1918<br />Also includes:<br />- Article of the "Strassburger Neue Zeitung" about the opening of the 1st Interparliamentary Conference in Strasbourg. German-French Understanding Conference in Bern, 13 May 1913<br />- Resolution of the French Parliamentary Arbitration Group, concerning its expectations of the German-French Understanding Conference in Bern in 1913 (German and French), [1913]<br />- Prospectus for the journal 'La Vie Internationale. Revue mensuelle des idées, des faits et des organismes internationaux', o.D.<br />- Question by Robert J. Thompson on the demands of the US senator Elihu Root, concerning the enforcement of international law after the end of the war, with Haußmann's brief response as a side note, Jan. 1917<br />Darin:<br />- Estournelles de Constant, Baron Paul-Henri-Benjamin de: The Franco-German rapprochement as the basis of world peace. Lecture in the Kaisersaal of the Prussian Manor on 28. April 1909, Berlin 1909<br />- Borel, Eugène: Le Role international de la Suisse, Geneva 1910<br />- German Parliamentary Group for Arbitration and Peace, Berlin 1911 (Content: Statutes of the Interparliamentary Union, list of members of the Interparliamentary Council and the Executive Committee, statutes of the German Group of the Union, lists of members of the German Group and its Executive Committee), together with accompanying letter from the German Group to its members, April 1911<br />- Estournelles de Constant, Baron Paul-Henri-Benjamin de: Excerpt from a speech at the opening of the Congress of the Association for International Understanding in Heidelberg, October 5, 1912, n/a />- Report of the Secretary General of the [Interparliamentary] Union to the Interparliamentary Council for the year 1914, accompanied by the program of the Bureau for 1915, Kristiana 1915<br />- Jahrbuch der deutschen Gruppe der Interparlamentarischen Union, Berlin 1921<br />- Bulletin interparlementaire. Organe officiel du Bureau de l'Union Interparlementaire 1 (1921), Nr. 3 und 4<br />- Eickhoff, Richard: Die Interparlamentarische Union 1889-1914. The forerunner of the League of Nations, Berlin 1921
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 27 · File · September 1904
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • September 1904, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser senior and Rudolf Gansser jun. Contains: Apartment inventory, (p.1-14); ornaments in the tin capsule which remained in Stuttgart (p.15-16); those items which were accepted on December 10 with the two tin cases (p.17-20) description: Contains: Apartment inventory, (p.1-14); ornaments in the tin capsule which remained in Stuttgart (p.15-16); those items which were accepted on December 10 with the two tin suitcases (p.17-20)
Gansser, Rudolf
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Bü 1152 · File · 1891-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Invitation cards from well-known personalities (e.g. Imperial Chancellor Prince von Bülow, State Secretary of the Imperial Colonial Office Bernhard Dernburg, Minister of State Georg Freiherr von Rheinbaben), menu sequences; honorary cards to exhibitions; invitations in the function of Württemberg envoy in Vienna, St. Petersburg and Berlin; the deputy of Imperial Chancellor Friedrich von Payer; invitation to Friedrichshafen from King Wilhelm II of Württemberg

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 12 · File · 1901
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1901, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun.

Jesuit law
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 243 · File · 1874-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Missionary work of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit in Cameroon; various applications regarding the law; unauthorized exercise of church offices; law concerning punished church servants; execution and repeal of the Jesuit laws Darin: "Allgemeine Zeitung" (Augsburg) vom 21. März 1874

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2531 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: French Ministry of War; Graphic: Lion Fauret; Print: Impressions Pierre Lafitte, Paris; Size: 119 x 79.5 cm; Quantity: 1; Colour graphic: Three soldiers of the colonial troops talk, in the background an Asian market and a Buddhist temple.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2536 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: French Ministry of War; Graphic: G. Dutriac; Print: Imprimerie d'art Pierre Lafitte, Paris; Size: 118.5 x 79.5 cm; Number: 1; Multicoloured graphic: A soldier sitting on the railing of a ship, next to him a marine pointing to the coast with palm trees.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2533 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: French Ministry of War; Graphic: Georges Scott; print: Imprimerie Henon, Paris; size: 119 x 79 cm; number: 1; multicoloured graphic: Two soldiers on a ship with blowing tricolour, in the background coast with palm trees (back of the poster described with counterpropaganda)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 Nr 2534 · File · 1931
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Publisher: French Ministry of War; Graphic: J.L. Beuron; print: Imprimerie nationale; size: 117 x 77 cm; number: 1; multicoloured graphic: Representation of a harbour scene in Asia, in the background a temple, in the foreground a soldier looking into the area.

Jud Süß
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, R 20/005 23 R130118/102 · File · 1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />"Jud Süß" is an anti-Semitic, National Socialist feature film by Veit Harlan from 1940. Commissioned by the National Socialist government and conceived as a propaganda film, the work is based on the historical figure of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), but does not correspond to the surviving sources, which suggest that Süß Oppenheimer was merely a scapegoat who had to atone for the Duke's transgressions.<br />Film data:<br />Original title: Jud Süß<br />Country of production: Germany<br />Original language: German<br />Shooting: 15.03.1940 to 29.06.1940<br />Length: 98 minutes<br />Locations: Ufa city of Babelsberg, Prague: Barrandow studio (replica of the interior of the Gothic old school synagogue in Prague), baroque castle Troja (exterior shots)<br />World premiere: 05.09.1940 in Venice<br />German premiere: 24.09.1940 (Berlin, Ufa-Palast am Zoo)<br />Book for the film: J. R. George (= Hans Hömberg): Jud Süß. Novel. Berlin 1941<br />Staff:<br />Director: Veit Harlan<br />Screenplay: Veit Harlan and Eberhard Wolfgang Möller after Ludwig Metzger<br />Production manager: Otto Lehmann<br />Production company: Terra Filmkunst GmbH, Herstellungsgruppe Otto Lehmann<br />Music: Wolfgang Zeller<br />Camera: Bruno Mondi<br />Processing and editing: Friedrich Karl von Puttkamer, Wolfgang Schleif<br />Constructions: Otto Hunte<br />Construction: Karl Vollbrecht<br />Assistant director: Alfred Braun, Wolfgang Schleif<br />Costumes/designs: Ludwig Hornsteiner<br />Costumes/execution: Kostümhaus Leopold Verch, Berlin. Theaterkunst GmbH, Berlin<br />Dances: Sabine Ress<br />Sound: Gustav Bellers<br />Stand photos: Erich Kilian<br />Technical: Karl Ewald<br />Recording Director: Conny Carstennsen, Herbert Sennewald, Kurt Moos<br />Cast:<br />Ferdinand Marian: Joseph Süß Oppenheimer<br />Werner Krauß: Secretary Levy, Rabbi Loew, Shächter Isaak, old man at the window, prayer leader in the synagogue, woman on the first floor with Oppenheimer<br />Heinrich George: Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg<br />Kristina Söderbaum: Dorothea, Sturm's daughter<br />Eugen Klöpfer: Landschaftskonsulent Sturm<br />Hilde von Stolz: Duchess Maria Augusta of Württemberg<br />Malte Jaeger: Actuary Karl Faber<br />Albert Florath: Obrist von Röder<br />Theodor Loos: Herr von Remchingen<br />Walter Werner: Mr. Fiebelkorn<br />Charlotte Schultz: Mrs. Fiebelkorn<br />Anny Seitz: Minchen Fiebelkorn<br />Ilse Buhl: Friederike Fiebelkorn<br />Jakob Tiedtke: Konsistorialrat<br />Erna Morena: Wife of the Konsistorialrat<br />Else Elster: Süß's mistress Luciana<br />Willy Kaiser-Heyl: Session participant<br />Wilhelm Egger-Sell: Meeting participant<br />Eduard Wenck: Landlord<br />Emil Heß: Blacksmith Hans Bogner<br />Käte Jöken-König: Mrs. Bogner<br />Ursula Deinert: Prima ballerina<br />Erich Dunskus: Master of the blacksmith's guild<br />Heinrich Schroth: Mr. von Neuffer<br />Horst Lommer: Officer who reports the arrival of the courier<br />Wolfgang Staudte: Interrogation officer, friend of Faber's<br />Otto F. Henning: Chairman of the court<br />Hannelore Benzinger: Maid at Sturm<br />Valy Arnheim: Girl at the Duke's arrival<br />Franz Arzdorf: Officer of the bodyguard<br />Fred Becker: Ballet master at the Duke's ball<br />Reinhold Bernt: Torturer<br />Walter Tarrach: Torturer<br />Lewis Brody: Black servant of the Duke<br />Hans Eysenhardt: Man of the Estates<br />Richard Ludwig: Man of the Estates<br />Oskar Höcker: Driver of the wrecked carriage<br />Carl Iban: Executioner<br />Paul Mederow: Judge Ratner<br />Hellmuth Passarge: Soldier at the trial against Süß<br />Hans Meyer-Hanno: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits<br />Josef Peterhans: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits<br />Friedrich Petermann: Representative of the Estates at the special session<br />Max Vierlinger: man who restrains Süß after the conversation with Faber Faber<br />Hans Waschatko: representative of the Estates in intercession with the Duke<br />Such as: Ingeborg Albert, Annette Bach, Franz Eschle, Bernhard Goetzke, Georg D. Gürtler, Franz Klebusch, Otto Klopsch, Erich Lange, Armin Münch, Edgar Nollet, Edmund Pouch, Arthur Reinhardt, Ernst Stimmel, Walther Suessenguth, Otz Tollen, Irmgard Völker, Otto Wollmann<br />(e.g. Wikipedia).
  • 1940, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, R 20/005 23 J 25 Knilli Collection: Sound and film documents
  • description: Contains: "Jud Süß" is an anti-Semitic, National Socialist feature film by Veit Harlan from 1940. The work, commissioned by the National Socialist government and conceived as a propaganda film, is based on the historical figure of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), but does not correspond to the surviving sources, which indicate that Süß Oppenheimer was merely a scapegoat who had to atone for the Duke's transgressions. Film data: Original title: Jud Süß Country of production: Germany Original language: German Shooting: 15.03.1940 to 29.06.1940 Length: 98 minutes Locations: Ufa city of Babelsberg, Prague: Barrandow studio (replica of the interior of the Gothic Old New School Synagogue in Prague), Baroque Troja Castle (exterior shots) World premiere: 05.09.1940 in Venice German premiere: 24.09.1940 (Berlin, Ufa-Palast am Zoo) Book for the film: J. R. George (= Hans Hömberg): Jud Süß. Novel. Berlin 1941 Staff: Director: Veit Harlan Screenplay: Veit Harlan and Eberhard Wolfgang Möller after Ludwig Metzger Production management: Otto Lehmann Production company: Terra Filmkunst GmbH, Herstellungsgruppe Otto Lehmann Music: Wolfgang Zeller Camera: Bruno Mondi Editing: Friedrich Karl von Puttkamer, Wolfgang Schleif Construction: Otto Hunte Construction: Karl Vollbrecht Assistant directors: Alfred Braun, Wolfgang Schleif Costumes/Designs: Ludwig Hornsteiner Costumes/Execution: Kostümhaus Leopold Verch, Berlin. Theaterkunst GmbH, Berlin Dances: Sabine Ress Sound: Gustav Bellers Stills: Erich Kilian Technical: Karl Ewald Production Management: Conny Carstennsen, Herbert Sennewald, Kurt Moos Cast: Ferdinand Marian: Joseph Süß Oppenheimer Werner Krauß: Secretary Levy, Rabbi Loew, Shepherd Isaak, Old Man at the Window, Prayer Leader in the Synagogue, Woman on the Ground Floor with Oppenheimer Heinrich George: Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg Kristina Söderbaum: Dorothea, Sturm's daughter Eugen Klöpfer: Landschaftskonsulent Sturm Hilde von Stolz: Duchess Maria Augusta of Württemberg Malte Jaeger: Actuary Karl Faber Albert Florath: Obrist von Röder Theodor Loos: Herr von Remchingen Walter Werner: Herr Fiebelkorn Charlotte Schultz: Frau Fiebelkorn Anny Seitz: Minchen Fiebelkorn Ilse Buhl: Friederike Fiebelkorn Jakob Tiedtke: Konsistorialrat Erna Morena: Frau des Konsistorialrats Else Elster: Süß' Mätresse Luciana Willy Kaiser-Heyl: Session participant Wilhelm Egger-Sell: Session participant Eduard Wenck: Landlord Emil Heß: Blacksmith Hans Bogner Käte Jöken-König: Mrs. Bogner Ursula Deinert: Prima ballerina Erich Dunskus: Master of the blacksmith's guild Heinrich Schroth: Mr. von Neuffer Horst Lommer: Officer who reports the arrival of the courier Wolfgang Staudte: Interrogation officer, friend of Faber's Otto F. Henning: Chairman of the court Hannelore Benzinger: Maid at Sturm Valy Arnheim: Girl at the Duke's arrival Franz Arzdorf: Officer of the bodyguard Fred Becker: Ballet master at the Duke's ball Reinhold Bernt: Torturer Walter Tarrach: Torturer Lewis Brody: Black servant of the Duke Hans Eysenhardt: Man of the estates Richard Ludwig: Man of the estates Oskar Höcker: Driver of the carriage involved in the accident Carl Iban: Executioner Paul Mederow: Judge Ratner Hellmuth Passarge: Soldier at the trial against Süß Hans Meyer-Hanno: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits Josef Peterhans: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits Friedrich Petermann: Representative of the estates at the special session Max Vierlinger: Man who holds Süß back after the conversation with Faber Faber Hans Waschatko: Representative of the estates in intercession with the Duke Sowie: Ingeborg Albert, Annette Bach, Franz Eschle, Bernhard Goetzke, Georg D. Gürtler, Franz Klebusch, Otto Klopsch, Erich Lange, Armin Münch, Edgar Nollet, Edmund Pouch, Arthur Reinhardt, Ernst Stimmel, Walther Suessenguth, Otz Tollen, Irmgard Völker, Otto Wollmann. (e.g. Wikipedia)
Jud Süß (Part 1)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, R 20/005 23 R130034/101 · File · 1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />0:00 - 0:38:30<br />"Jud Süß" is an anti-Semitic, National Socialist feature film by Veit Harlan from 1940. Commissioned by the National Socialist government and conceived as a propaganda film, the work is based on the historical figure of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), but does not correspond to the surviving sources, which suggest that Süß Oppenheimer was merely a scapegoat who had to atone for the Duke's transgressions.<br />Film data:<br />Original title: Jud Süß<br />Country of production: Germany<br />Original language: German<br />Shooting: 15.03.1940 to 29.06.1940<br />Length: 98 minutes<br />Locations: Ufa city of Babelsberg, Prague: Barrandow studio (replica of the interior of the Gothic old school synagogue in Prague), baroque castle Troja (exterior shots)<br />World premiere: 05.09.1940 in Venice<br />German premiere: 24.09.1940 (Berlin, Ufa-Palast am Zoo)<br />Book for the film: J. R. George (= Hans Hömberg): Jud Süß. Novel. Berlin 1941<br />Staff:<br />Director: Veit Harlan<br />Screenplay: Veit Harlan and Eberhard Wolfgang Möller after Ludwig Metzger<br />Production manager: Otto Lehmann<br />Production company: Terra Filmkunst GmbH, Herstellungsgruppe Otto Lehmann<br />Music: Wolfgang Zeller<br />Camera: Bruno Mondi<br />Processing and editing: Friedrich Karl von Puttkamer, Wolfgang Schleif<br />Constructions: Otto Hunte<br />Construction: Karl Vollbrecht<br />Assistant director: Alfred Braun, Wolfgang Schleif<br />Costumes/designs: Ludwig Hornsteiner<br />Costumes/execution: Kostümhaus Leopold Verch, Berlin. Theaterkunst GmbH, Berlin<br />Dances: Sabine Ress<br />Sound: Gustav Bellers<br />Stand photos: Erich Kilian<br />Technical: Karl Ewald<br />Recording Director: Conny Carstennsen, Herbert Sennewald, Kurt Moos<br />Cast:<br />Ferdinand Marian: Joseph Süß Oppenheimer<br />Werner Krauß: Secretary Levy, Rabbi Loew, Shächter Isaak, old man at the window, prayer leader in the synagogue, woman on the first floor with Oppenheimer<br />Heinrich George: Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg<br />Kristina Söderbaum: Dorothea, Sturm's daughter<br />Eugen Klöpfer: Landschaftskonsulent Sturm<br />Hilde von Stolz: Duchess Maria Augusta of Württemberg<br />Malte Jaeger: Actuary Karl Faber<br />Albert Florath: Obrist von Röder<br />Theodor Loos: Herr von Remchingen<br />Walter Werner: Mr. Fiebelkorn<br />Charlotte Schultz: Mrs. Fiebelkorn<br />Anny Seitz: Minchen Fiebelkorn<br />Ilse Buhl: Friederike Fiebelkorn<br />Jakob Tiedtke: Konsistorialrat<br />Erna Morena: Wife of the Konsistorialrat<br />Else Elster: Süß's mistress Luciana<br />Willy Kaiser-Heyl: Session participant<br />Wilhelm Egger-Sell: Meeting participant<br />Eduard Wenck: Landlord<br />Emil Heß: Blacksmith Hans Bogner<br />Käte Jöken-König: Mrs. Bogner<br />Ursula Deinert: Prima ballerina<br />Erich Dunskus: Master of the blacksmith's guild<br />Heinrich Schroth: Mr. von Neuffer<br />Horst Lommer: Officer who reports the arrival of the courier<br />Wolfgang Staudte: Interrogation officer, friend of Faber<br />Otto F. Henning: Chairman of the court<br />Hannelore Benzinger: Maid at Sturm<br />Valy Arnheim: Girl at the Duke's arrival<br />Franz Arzdorf: Officer of the bodyguard<br />Fred Becker: Ballet master at the Duke's ball<br />Reinhold Bernt: Torturer<br />Walter Tarrach: Torturer<br />Lewis Brody: Black servant of the Duke<br />Hans Eysenhardt: Man of the Estates<br />Richard Ludwig: Man of the Estates<br />Oskar Höcker: Driver of the wrecked carriage<br />Carl Iban: Executioner<br />Paul Mederow: Judge Ratner<br />Hellmuth Passarge: Soldier at the trial against Süß<br />Hans Meyer-Hanno: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits<br />Josef Peterhans: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits<br />Friedrich Petermann: Representative of the estates at the special session<br />Max Vierlinger: man who holds Süß back after the conversation with Faber Faber<br />Hans Waschatko: representative of the estates in intercession with the Duke<br />Such as: Ingeborg Albert, Annette Bach, Franz Eschle, Bernhard Goetzke, Georg D. Gürtler, Franz Klebusch, Otto Klopsch, Erich Lange, Armin Münch, Edgar Nollet, Edmund Pouch, Arthur Reinhardt, Ernst Stimmel, Walther Suessenguth, Otz Tollen, Irmgard Völker, Otto Wollmann<br />(et al. a. Wikipedia) 0:39:14 - 0:58:40<br />Excerpts from "Holocaust - The Story of the Weiss Family" by Marvin J. Chomsky (1978).
  • 1940, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, R 20/005 23 J 25 Knilli Collection: Sound and film documents
  • Description: Contains: 0:00 - 0:38:30 "Jud Süß" is an anti-Semitic, National Socialist feature film by Veit Harlan from 1940. Commissioned by the National Socialist government and conceived as a propaganda film, the work is based on the historical figure of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), but does not correspond to the surviving sources, which suggest that Süß Oppenheimer was merely a scapegoat who had to atone for the Duke's transgressions. Film data: Original title: Jud Süß Country of production: Germany Original language: German Shooting: 15.03.1940 to 29.06.1940 Length: 98 minutes Locations: Ufa city of Babelsberg, Prague: Barrandow studio (replica of the interior of the Gothic Old New School Synagogue in Prague), Baroque Troja Castle (exterior shots) World premiere: 05.09.1940 in Venice German premiere: 24.09.1940 (Berlin, Ufa-Palast am Zoo) Book for the film: J. R. George (= Hans Hömberg): Jud Süß. Novel. Berlin 1941 Staff: Director: Veit Harlan Screenplay: Veit Harlan and Eberhard Wolfgang Möller after Ludwig Metzger Production management: Otto Lehmann Production company: Terra Filmkunst GmbH, Herstellungsgruppe Otto Lehmann Music: Wolfgang Zeller Camera: Bruno Mondi Editing: Friedrich Karl von Puttkamer, Wolfgang Schleif Construction: Otto Hunte Construction: Karl Vollbrecht Assistant directors: Alfred Braun, Wolfgang Schleif Costumes/Designs: Ludwig Hornsteiner Costumes/Execution: Kostümhaus Leopold Verch, Berlin. Theaterkunst GmbH, Berlin Dances: Sabine Ress Sound: Gustav Bellers Stills: Erich Kilian Technical: Karl Ewald Production Management: Conny Carstennsen, Herbert Sennewald, Kurt Moos Cast: Ferdinand Marian: Joseph Süß Oppenheimer Werner Krauß: Secretary Levy, Rabbi Loew, Shepherd Isaak, Old Man at the Window, Prayer Leader in the Synagogue, Woman on the Ground Floor with Oppenheimer Heinrich George: Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg Kristina Söderbaum: Dorothea, Sturm's daughter Eugen Klöpfer: Landschaftskonsulent Sturm Hilde von Stolz: Duchess Maria Augusta of Württemberg Malte Jaeger: Actuary Karl Faber Albert Florath: Obrist von Röder Theodor Loos: Herr von Remchingen Walter Werner: Herr Fiebelkorn Charlotte Schultz: Frau Fiebelkorn Anny Seitz: Minchen Fiebelkorn Ilse Buhl: Friederike Fiebelkorn Jakob Tiedtke: Konsistorialrat Erna Morena: Frau des Konsistorialrats Else Elster: Süß' Mätresse Luciana Willy Kaiser-Heyl: Session participant Wilhelm Egger-Sell: Session participant Eduard Wenck: Landlord Emil Heß: Blacksmith Hans Bogner Käte Jöken-König: Mrs. Bogner Ursula Deinert: Prima ballerina Erich Dunskus: Master of the blacksmith's guild Heinrich Schroth: Mr. von Neuffer Horst Lommer: Officer who reports the arrival of the courier Wolfgang Staudte: Interrogation officer, friend of Faber Otto F. Henning: Chairman of the court Hannelore Benzinger: Maid at Sturm Valy Arnheim: Girl at the Duke's arrival Franz Arzdorf: Officer of the bodyguard Fred Becker: Ballet master at the Duke's ball Reinhold Bernt: Torturer Walter Tarrach: Torturer Lewis Brody: Black servant of the Duke Hans Eysenhardt: Man of the Estates Richard Ludwig: Man of the Estates Oskar Höcker: Driver of the carriage involved in the accident Carl Iban: Executioner Paul Mederow: Judge Ratner Hellmuth Passarge: Soldier at the trial against Süß Hans Meyer-Hanno: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits Josef Peterhans: Officer at the Stuttgart city limits Friedrich Petermann: Representative of the estates at the special session Max Vierlinger: Man who holds Süß back after the conversation with Faber Faber Hans Waschatko: Representative of the estates in intercession with the Duke Sowie: Ingeborg Albert, Annette Bach, Franz Eschle, Bernhard Goetzke, Georg D. Gürtler, Franz Klebusch, Otto Klopsch, Erich Lange, Armin Münch, Edgar Nollet, Edmund Pouch, Arthur Reinhardt, Ernst Stimmel, Walther Suessenguth, Otz Tollen, Irmgard Völker, Otto Wollmann (including Wikipedia) 0:39:14 - 0:58:40 Excerpts from "Holocaust - The Story of the Weiss Family" by Marvin J. Chomsky (1978).
Jud Süß (Part 2)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, R 20/005 23 R130034/102 · File · 1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1940, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, R 20/005 23 J 25 Knilli Collection: Sound and film documents
  • Contains:<br />"Jud Süß" is an anti-Semitic, National Socialist feature film by Veit Harlan from 1940. The work, commissioned by the National Socialist government and conceived as a propaganda film, is based on the historical figure of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), but does not correspond to the surviving sources, which suggest that Süß Oppenheimer was merely a scapegoat who had to atone for the Duke's transgressions.<br />Film data:<br />Original title: Jud Süß<br />Country of production: Germany<br />Original language: German<br />Shooting: 15.03.1940 to 29.06.1940<br />Length: 98 minutes<br />Locations: Ufa city of Babelsberg, Prague: Barrandow studio (replica of the interior of the Gothic old school synagogue in Prague), baroque castle Troja (exterior shots)<br />World premiere: 05.09.1940 in Venice<br />German premiere: 24.09.1940 (Berlin, Ufa-Palast am Zoo)<br />Book for the film: J. R. George (= Hans Hömberg): Jud Süß. Novel. Berlin 1941<br />Staff:<br />Director: Veit Harlan<br />Screenplay: Veit Harlan and Eberhard Wolfgang Möller after Ludwig Metzger<br />Production manager: Otto Lehmann<br />Production company: Terra Filmkunst GmbH, Herstellungsgruppe Otto Lehmann<br />Music: Wolfgang Zeller<br />Camera: Bruno Mondi<br />Processing and editing: Friedrich Karl von Puttkamer, Wolfgang Schleif<br />Constructions: Otto Hunte<br />Construction: Karl Vollbrecht<br />Assistant director: Alfred Braun, Wolfgang Schleif<br />Costumes/designs: Ludwig Hornsteiner<br />Costumes/execution: Kostümhaus Leopold Verch, Berlin. Theaterkunst GmbH, Berlin<br />Dances: Sabine Ress<br />Sound: Gustav Bellers<br />Stand photos: Erich Kilian<br />Technical: Karl Ewald<br />Recording Director: Conny Carstennsen, Herbert Sennewald, Kurt Moos<br />Cast:<br />Ferdinand Marian: Joseph Süß Oppenheimer<br />Werner Krauß: Secretary Levy, Rabbi Loew, Shächter Isaak, old man at the window, prayer leader in the synagogue, woman on the first floor with Oppenheimer<br />Heinrich George: Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg<br />Kristina Söderbaum: Dorothea, Sturm's daughter<br />Eugen Klöpfer: Landschaftskonsulent Sturm<br />Hilde von Stolz: Duchess Maria Augusta of Württemberg<br />Malte Jaeger: Actuary Karl Faber<br />Albert Florath: Obrist von Röder<br />Theodor Loos: Herr von Remchingen<br />Walter Werner: Mr. Fiebelkorn<br />Charlotte Schultz: Mrs. Fiebelkorn<br />Anny Seitz: Minchen Fiebelkorn<br />Ilse Buhl: Friederike Fiebelkorn<br />Jakob Tiedtke: Konsistorialrat<br />Erna Morena: Wife of the Konsistorialrat<br />Else Elster: Süß's mistress Luciana<br />Willy Kaiser-Heyl: Session participant<br />Wilhelm Egger-Sell: Meeting participant<br />Eduard Wenck: Landlord<br />Emil Heß: Blacksmith Hans Bogner<br />Käte Jöken-König: Mrs. Bogner<br />Ursula Deinert: Prima ballerina<br />Erich Dunskus: Master of the blacksmith's guild<br />Heinrich Schroth: Mr. von Neuffer<br />Horst Lommer: Officer who reports the arrival of the courier<br />Wolfgang Staudte: Interrogation officer, friend of Faber's<br />Otto F. Henning: Chairman of the court<br />Hannelore Benzinger: Maid at Sturm<br />Valy Arnheim: Girl at the Duke's arrival<br />Franz Arzdorf: Officer of the bodyguard<br />Fred Becker: Ballet master at the Duke's ball<br />Reinhold Bernt: Torturer<br />Walter Tarrach: Torturer<br />Lewis Brody: Black servant of the Duke<br />Hans Eysenhardt: Man of the Estates<br />Richard Ludwig: Man of the Estates<br />Oskar Höcker: Driver of the wrecked carriage<br />Carl Iban: Executioner<br />Paul Mederow: Judge Ratner<br />Hellmuth Passarge: Soldier at the trial against Süß<br />Hans Meyer-Hanno: Officer at Stuttgart's Stadtgrene<br />Josef Peterhans: Officer at Stuttgart's Stadtgrene<br />Friedrich Petermann: Representative of the estates at the special session<br />Max Vierlinger: man who restrains Süß after the conversation with Faber Faber<br />Hans Waschatko: representative of the estates in intercession with the Duke<br />Such as: Ingeborg Albert, Annette Bach, Franz Eschle, Bernhard Goetzke, Georg D. Gürtler, Franz Klebusch, Otto Klopsch, Erich Lange, Armin Münch, Edgar Nollet, Edmund Pouch, Arthur Reinhardt, Ernst Stimmel, Walther Suessenguth, Otz Tollen, Irmgard Völker, Otto Wollmann.<br />(a. o. Wikipedia)
  • description: Contains: "Jud Süß" is an anti-Semitic, National Socialist feature film by Veit Harlan from 1940. The work, commissioned by the National Socialist government and conceived as a propaganda film, is based on the historical figure of Joseph Süß Oppenheimer (1698-1738), but does not correspond to the surviving sources, which suggest that Süß Oppenheimer was merely a scapegoat who had to atone for the Duke's transgressions. Film data: Original title: Jud Süß Country of production: Germany Original language: German Shooting: 15.03.1940 to 29.06.1940 Length: 98 minutes Locations: Ufa city of Babelsberg, Prague: Barrandow studio (replica of the interior of the Gothic Old New School Synagogue in Prague), Baroque Troja Castle (exterior shots) World premiere: 05.09.1940 in Venice German premiere: 24.09.1940 (Berlin, Ufa-Palast am Zoo) Book for the film: J. R. George (= Hans Hömberg): Jud Süß. Novel. Berlin 1941 Staff: Director: Veit Harlan Screenplay: Veit Harlan and Eberhard Wolfgang Möller after Ludwig Metzger Production management: Otto Lehmann Production company: Terra Filmkunst GmbH, Herstellungsgruppe Otto Lehmann Music: Wolfgang Zeller Camera: Bruno Mondi Editing: Friedrich Karl von Puttkamer, Wolfgang Schleif Construction: Otto Hunte Construction: Karl Vollbrecht Assistant directors: Alfred Braun, Wolfgang Schleif Costumes/Designs: Ludwig Hornsteiner Costumes/Execution: Kostümhaus Leopold Verch, Berlin. Theaterkunst GmbH, Berlin Dances: Sabine Ress Sound: Gustav Bellers Stills: Erich Kilian Technical: Karl Ewald Production Management: Conny Carstennsen, Herbert Sennewald, Kurt Moos Cast: Ferdinand Marian: Joseph Süß Oppenheimer Werner Krauß: Secretary Levy, Rabbi Loew, Shepherd Isaak, Old Man at the Window, Prayer Leader in the Synagogue, Woman on the Ground Floor with Oppenheimer Heinrich George: Karl Alexander, Duke of Württemberg Kristina Söderbaum: Dorothea, Sturm's daughter Eugen Klöpfer: Landschaftskonsulent Sturm Hilde von Stolz: Duchess Maria Augusta of Württemberg Malte Jaeger: Actuary Karl Faber Albert Florath: Obrist von Röder Theodor Loos: Herr von Remchingen Walter Werner: Herr Fiebelkorn Charlotte Schultz: Frau Fiebelkorn Anny Seitz: Minchen Fiebelkorn Ilse Buhl: Friederike Fiebelkorn Jakob Tiedtke: Konsistorialrat Erna Morena: Frau des Konsistorialrats Else Elster: Süß' Mätresse Luciana Willy Kaiser-Heyl: Session participant Wilhelm Egger-Sell: Session participant Eduard Wenck: Landlord Emil Heß: Blacksmith Hans Bogner Käte Jöken-König: Mrs. Bogner Ursula Deinert: Prima ballerina Erich Dunskus: Master of the blacksmith's guild Heinrich Schroth: Mr. von Neuffer Horst Lommer: Officer who reports the arrival of the courier Wolfgang Staudte: Interrogation officer, friend of Faber's Otto F. Henning: Chairman of the court Hannelore Benzinger: Maid at Sturm Valy Arnheim: Girl at the Duke's arrival Franz Arzdorf: Officer of the bodyguard Fred Becker: Ballet master at the Duke's ball Reinhold Bernt: Torturer Walter Tarrach: Torturer Lewis Brody: Black servant of the Duke Hans Eysenhardt: Man of the Estates Richard Ludwig: Man of the Estates Oskar Höcker: Driver of the carriage involved in the accident Carl Iban: Executioner Paul Mederow: Judge Ratner Hellmuth Passarge: Soldier at the trial against Süß Hans Meyer-Hanno: Officer at Stuttgart's Stadtgrene Josef Peterhans: Officer at Stuttgart's Stadtgrene Friedrich Petermann: Representative of the estates at the special session Max Vierlinger: Man who holds Süß back after the conversation with Faber Faber Hans Waschatko: Representative of the estates in intercession with the Duke Sowie: Ingeborg Albert, Annette Bach, Franz Eschle, Bernhard Goetzke, Georg D. Gürtler, Franz Klebusch, Otto Klopsch, Erich Lange, Armin Münch, Edgar Nollet, Edmund Pouch, Arthur Reinhardt, Ernst Stimmel, Walther Suessenguth, Otz Tollen, Irmgard Völker, Otto Wollmann. (e.g. Wikipedia)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Bü 581 · File · 1845-1888
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains, among other things:<br />Order to Postrat Hofacker to compile documents on Varnbüler's activities in the years 1865 - 1870, 1884; documents annotated by Varnbüler with marginal notes, 1845 - 1879; concepts by Varnbüler on various problems; letters from various people (including G. Rümelin, von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, von Taubenheim, E. Adam, Prince Friedrich von Württemberg, von Linden, Professor W. Müller, Tübingen, Blankenburg, von Below-(Hohendorf), Prince Wilhelm Eugen von Württemberg, Roggenbach, von Thumb, Bullinger, Lazarus, Postrat Hofacker); Varnbüler's plan for an account of his activities as minister in the field of transportation. Probably instructions to Dr. Paul Kayser, 6 p., undated.
  • Description: Contains, among other things: Instruction to Postrat Hofacker to compile documents on Varnbüler's activities in the years 1865 - 1870, 1884; documents annotated by Varnbüler with marginal notes, 1845 - 1879; Varnbüler's concepts on various problems; letters from various persons (including G. Rümelin, von Hohenlohe-Langenburg, von Taubenheim, E. Adam, Prince Friedrich von Württemberg, von Linden, Professor W. Müller, Tübingen, Blankenburg, von Below-(Hohendorf), Prince Wilhelm Eugen von Württemberg, Roggenbach, von Thumb, Bullinger, Lazarus, Postrat Hofacker); Varnbüler's plan for an account of his activities as minister in the field of transportation. Probably instructions to Dr. Paul Kayser, 6 p., undated.
  • 1845-1888, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Archiv der Freiherren Varnbüler von und zu Hemmingen
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 19 · File · 1899-1901
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: Directory of addressees, A-Z, with reference to the pages Contains, among other things: List of addressees, A-Z, with reference to pages 1899-1901, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Nachlässe Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun.
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 17 · File · 1896-1899
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: List of addressees, A-Z, with reference to the pages; Letter from the Imperial Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Gansser dated 28.12.1897 (original) 1896-1899, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Nachlässe Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun. Contains, among other things: List of addressees, A-Z, with reference to the pages; Letter of 28.12.1897 from the Imperial Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Gansser (original)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 18 · File · 1899-1900
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1899-1900, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser senior and Rudolf Gansser jun. description: Contains and others: Directory of addressees, A-Z, with reference to the pages Contains, among other things: List of addressees, A-Z, with reference to pages
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 750 · File · 1915-1924
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Consultations on the law and drafts for implementing ordinances; correspondence between the Royal Württemberg Government or the State of Württemberg and the legation in Berlin; petitions to amend the law by various colonial interest groups