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Description archivistique
Best. 608, A 116 · Dossier
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Length: 207 sheets.Reference number:HI XIII 3c 3IIA11 I 7 347-52,245.Damage: cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Contains: Gift from various groups of fish, including migratory fish of the Rhine from E. vom Rath, wildlife in the Gulf of Naples from Louis Hagen, wildlife of East Africa from the Africa traveller B. Kreuser by the board of the Verein zur Förderung des Museums für Naturkunde (Eduard Lent), approval of funds for the establishment of the animal groups (1907, with cost estimate of the taxidermist Heinrich Sander, Cologne, and plan for the establishment of the East African animal groups, provision of funds by the association); willingness of the Museum für Handel und Industrie, Wiedenfeld, to provide limited rooms in the Severinstorburg for the preparation (July 1907); contract between the city, Laué, and Sander regarding the preparation of the East African animals (31. July 1907); reports of the director Janson about the progress of the preparation work, inspection with Lent (1907/1908); acceptance of the work, listing of the animal groups, payment of the installments to Sander by the association (1908/1909); collection of association contributions for the museum promotion (1910/1923); donation of a collection of bird skins and other animals by the district judge Dr. Steinkopf, now Mülheim, which he captured in Cameroon, granted funds for preparation (1910); donation of a gorilla by the association, Lent (1910); correspondence with Hansen concerning payment of the tax on a donation by Franz Clouth for purchase of the Jakob Scheiner collection, Torburgen and street pictures (March 1911); complaint by Janson concerning donation of a butterfly collection by Miss F. Voelkers, Rodenkirchen, suggestion for the donation for drawing lessons in schools and sale of surplus pieces (February-March 1910, with statement of the heads of the secondary schools); report of Willi Foy concerning the use of the granted funds for the acquisition of objects of South East European gypsies, arrows from southwest New Guinea, cult figures of the Pueblo Indians, a collection of the Caroline Islands (September 1911); donation of animals by the physician Dr. Bermbach (November 1911); purchase from the Zoological Station in Naples (1911); application Jason for the processing of the butterfly collection of Eduard Lent by the head teacher Dr. Rupp (1912); purchase of a collection of Dr. Steimann, Bonn, concerning petrefacts from the Eifel from the Middle Devonian with the support of the association, especially from Theodor von Guilleaume and Richard Grüneberg (1912); determination of the invoice for von B. Wiemeyer, Warburg, sold rocks (August 1912); donation of a bust of Lent by the heirs, installation in the museum, procurement of a granite plinth (1911-1912); cost estimate of the carpenter C. Stratmann concerning two exhibition tables (1912); transfer of funds from the association, Heidmann, Louis Hagen, concerning an elephant group (1912); reorganization of the beetle collection of Lamers, Düsseldorf, by the rector W. Geilenkeuser, Elberfeld, grant of funds (1910-1911, with claim of Geilenkeuser); sale of duplicates from collections, permission, booking of income; regulation concerning the purchase of objects from collections of foreign mission stations by the Museum für Volkshygiene, the Natural History Museum and the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (1912); consultation of the constitutional commission concerning the acquisition of collections, butterfly collection of Philipps (1913); Acceptance of Becker's donation to the Museum of Natural History (1913); submission by Major Scheunemann concerning the purchase of two monkeys from Cameroon belonging to him and exhibited in the museum, a gorilla and a great ape (1913); offer by the carpenter Caspar Stratmann concerning three viewing tables (1913); offer by the taxidermist concerning a bison bull received at the zoo (July 1914); letter by Dr. Wildschrey concerning a rock loop in the Devonian slate of the Siebengebirge, work on the geology of the Siebengebirge, acquisition of the rock collection of the main teacher Schonauer in Cuxenberg near Oberdollendorf concerning the Siebengebirge (1913); order of a collection of the deceased taxidermist Jehn in Rheinbreitbach donated by the association by Prof. Dr. Dr. Wildschrey, a professor of geology of the Siebengebirge and a professor of geology of the Siebengebirge. Rupp, remuneration (1914); Janson's submission concerning the takeover of the colour show from the Werkbund exhibition, considerations on the construction of a sample show concerning natural colours (July 1914); Heinrich Sander (July 1914) rejects the offer of a collection by the taxidermist; correspondence with Jason and Czaplewski concerning the selection, purchase of objects from collections of foreign mission stations (1914); Verein zur Förderung des Museums für Naturkunde, Gustav v. Mallinckrodt concerning Dr. Janson from his activity as a senior teacher at the Gymnasium in the Kreuzgasse, rejection because of the wartime ((1915); remarks by Heinrich Sander "Die Tierwelt in moderne volkstümlichen Museum für Naturkunde (1914, machine writing, 6 pages, written for the Kölner Zeitung); offer Sander concerning his exhibition in the Werkbund exhibition "Farbenquellen aus der Tierwelt, Verkaufsangebot, abgelehnt (1915); Inheritance Carl Bodewig, correspondence with the executor Alfred Schmidt, inheritance tax (1915, excerpt from will); donation of a collection of small butterflies by consul Hans Leiden (1917); inheritance of a butterfly collection of the pensioner Gustav Stroemer, correspondence with the executor Ludwig van Rossum (1918/1919); order of butterflies from collections of different mission stations by Prof. Dr. Peter H. H. Schmidt; order of butterflies from collections of different mission stations by Prof. Dr. H. H. H. H. H. Rupp (February 1916); donation of a collection by Minister-Resident Max Freiherr von Oppenheim, consisting of minerals, bird eggs and nests, conchylias and corals (May/June 1919); cash affairs, double payment of an invoice amount to the company A. Zausmer, Gdansk (1914); donation of a collection of fossils by Prof. F. Winterfeld, Mülheim, by the association (April 1920); proposal of the consul Heinrich Maus concerning the exchange between the Cologne Museum and the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural in Mexico (1920); donation of a sum of money by Paul Franke for the purpose of preserving the collection objects by the taxidermist Sander (July 1920); correspondence with Dr. Walter Voigt on the collections and library of the Naturhistorischen Verein der prussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens und Übernahmeangebot von Köln und Düsseldorf (1912-1920); donation of a group of kingfishers by Max Kunkel, Cologne, gift tax (1922); gift tax on the donation of the physician Dr. Frey, Wesdorf, bird group Haubentaucher am Nest (1921/1922); Please W. Voigt concerning meeting date because of emergency of the association by the money devaluation (1922, with report Janson about the inspection and the collections of the natural historical association, 14. November 1922, with the note Adenauer concerning advice in the administrative conference, investigation of storage rooms, withdrawal of an offer of surrender by the association due to support from the University of Bonn (1922-1923); circular letter of the association for the promotion of the Museum für Naturkunde (Richard v. Schnitzler and Gustav v. Mallinckrodt, concerning increase of the membership fee due to the devaluation of money) (1923); donation of the Karl Grube over 4 billion Marks (1923).

science funding
Best. 1070, A 181 · Dossier · 1914-1931
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:1914 Jan. 1 - Berlin: Die Dt. Omitholog. Gesel1schaft asks the RT to prohibit the ruthless shooting of birds of paradise in the German protectorate of New Guinea because of the danger of extinction. Signatures: Heinroth, Reichenow, GS.1 p., print.1916 Febr. 5 - Düsseldorf: submission by Alwine Clason, chairman of the Stadtverband für Frauenbestrebungen, and Maria Bewerunge, deputy chairman of the Vereinigung Düsseldorfer Künstlerinnen und Kunstfreundinnen, to the Abg.Haus wegen Errichtung einer Kunstakademie für Frauen in Düsseldorf.3 S., Drucke1920 Nov. 1 - Cologne: Memorandum for the establishment of a school for physical education in Cologne.21/% S., masch.-schriftl. Absrchrift.o. D. (after 1921 June 29): Memorandum on the founding and establishment of the Catholic Institute of Philosophy planned for Cologne, which is to be named the "Albertus Magnus Academy" in honour of the great Cologne teacher Albertus Magnus. Written by Prof. Dr. Switalski from Braunsberg, currently Köln.4 S., Druck.192(4) Mai 27 - Berlin: Schreiber reminds Marx of the promise to write to Cardinal Bertram about Prof. Steinmann. He urges you to take his rather careful wording literally. Prelate Steinmann - Rome has the same request. Eh. Signature.1 S., Eigenhädig Ausf., Kopfbogen 'RT'.1924 June 2 - Berlin: Cardinal Bertram rejects the promotion of an appointment of Prof. Altons Steinmann - Braunsberg to Breslau vis-à-vis Marx, not for reasons based on his teaching, but in a personal manner. The Archbishop of Cologne would probably also resist the appointment of Professors Wittig and v. Tessen to Bonn. Eh. Signature.21/2 p., masrch.-schriftl. Ausf., Kopfbogen.1925 March 12 - Freiburg: Dr. Sacher, ed. of the Staatslexikon der Görresgesellschaft, writes Marx that he could only start the great work because the employee fees are covered by subsidies a fonds perdu. Contributions were made by the Pope, individual Americans and a German leather factory with a total of 10,000 marks. This amount has been devalued by inflation, while most of the aid promised has been withdrawn. When assigning the keywords he can hardly accommodate the art. if he cannot increase the fee to 8-10 RM per printed page. This lacks about 10,000 RM. Sacher asks Marx to win patrons for the Staatslexikon or to open up support funds. Eh. Signature.2 S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf., Kopfbogen des Staatslexikons.1926 June 26 - Berlin: Following a discussion, Hermann Muckermann sends Marx copies of a memorandum of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science concerning the establishment of an Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics. Marx may for the sake of private business!.. Securing the building of the institute. Eh. Signature.1/2 p., mach.-typewritten copy, personal headband. In the appendix the memorandum,1 p., print.o. D.: Speeches by A. v. Harnack and Marx on a mainslog of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft.5 and 4 p., mach.-schriftl. In Marx' speech improvements by the hand of the Prelate Schreiber. 1928 July 24 - Berlin: Pünder notifies Marx that his own and the Reich Ministry of the Interior's investigations into the composition of the German National Committee for Spiritual Cooperation have been delayed. The two v. Harnack chairmen and the 2nd Planck chairmen; the two v. Harnack chairmen and the other 5 members of the Presidium have not yet been appointed. Min.-Dir. Pellengahr announced that the list of members, which until now had only included university professors, would be extended. Prelate Schreiber is a member of the Commission. Eh.Unterschrift.P/4 S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf., Kopfbogen 'Der StS in der Reichskanzlei'.[1928 act. 31 - Salzburg: Prince Archbishop Ignatius Rieder and Archabbot P. Klotz OSB, President and Vice-President of the University Association, respectively, invite Marx to the Salzburg University Day, which is held on the occasion of the celebration! Opening of the Pope. philos. Institute takes place. The Cardinal Archbishops Pfiffl-Wien and Faulhaber-München as well as the Pope Nuntius Sibilia, Seipel, Min.President Held, the Austrian Min.-Presidents (retired) Hussarek, P. Gemelli, Rector of the Sacred Heart Jesu University Milan, and the Rector of the University of Nymwegen, also representatives of the Görres Society, the Leo Society and the Association of Academics have announced their participation. Ew. Excellency will understand that we attach very special and extraordinary importance to your participation in the planned great festival. The entire German Catholic people should gain the impression from the powerful festive rally that their leaders are convinced of the necessity of a German Catholic university and also believe in the possibility of the re-establishment of such a university. Eh. Signatures.31/. S., masch.-schriftl. Ausf.1928 Nov. 12: Marx answers Rieder that he wishes best success to the excellent and far-sighted plans, ... whose execution are of extraordinary advantage for the Catholic teaching and the reputation of the Catholic science. The coming weeks will be of special importance for the fate of the German people. The possibility of serious conflicts is not excluded. Under these circumstances I must not dare to leave here.P/4 p., copy of Masch.-Schreiben, without authentication.1928 Nov. 21 - Salzburg: Prince Archbishop Rieder thanks Marx for his good wishes and regrets his absence. He's asking for a welcome telegram. Eh. Signature.1 5th, machine-written version, on it draft of the welcoming telegram, by Marx himself.1929 June 27 - Berlin: The German College of Politics invites Marx to a meeting of the Board of Trustees, Eh. Signature: Dr. Simons.1 5th, machine-written copy, head bow. On the back, notes by Marx from the meeting.1931 June 5 - Freiburg: Sacher reports to the staff of the State Dictionary about a longer private audience with Pope Pius XI and a reception at Cardinal-StS Pacelli. Eh. Signature.2 5th, copy. Ausf., head bow of the State Dictionary.