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Archival description
Bachem, Charles
Best. 1006 · Fonds · 1557-1933, (1938-1944)
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Description: Bachem, Karl (1858 Sept. 22 -1945 Dec. 11), lawyer in Cologne, political-historical writer, member of the Reichstag 1889-1906, member of the Prussian Landtag (center) 1889-1905, partner of the publishing company J. P. Bachem. on June 9, 1926, Secretary General Thomann of the Stadtbibliothek on behalf of Mr. Geheimen Justizrat Dr. jur. Carl Bachem, Cologne, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Ring 13, the Historical Archive as a deposit in addition to several copy books and bundled files, seven small cupboards filled with archival documents, which were previously put together with other (undelivered) cupboards to form a cupboard. The only condition attached to the use of this deposit was that the files lying after 1870 may not be made accessible before 1940.numbers 40-50 have not been assigned.the photos (cartes de visite) in order 7356 [old: ZSB 6], originally from order 1006 (estate of Dr. Carl Bachem), were taken out of the estate in the seventies and placed in the Bild Contemporary History Collection (ZSB). At that time the processing was limited to the allocation of signatures and the laborious (and not always successful) deciphering of the autographs on the front or back sides of the photos. 1993 duplicate negatives and photo reproductions were made in order to secure the valuable originals within the scope of a job creation measure. Now that the photographs have been distorted, the originals have been blocked for general use for conservation reasons and will be stored separately together with the duplicate negatives. Users are presented only with the reproductions classified in order 7356, i.e. the signatures order 7356, Fo 2402, Fo 2403 and Fo 2405 - Fo 2410/34. Contains among other things: material collection: Zentrumspartei, Zentrumsfraktionen im Reichstag und Preußischen Abgeordnetenhaus, Christian trade unions, church and cultural policy, Zentrumpolitik im Raum KrefeldLiteraturangaben: Kiefer, Rolf, Karl Bachem (1858-1945). Politicians and historians of the Centre (publications of the Commission for Contemporary History Series B Vol. 49), Mainz 1989Soderini, Edoardo, Leo XIII and the German Cultural War. German adaptation by Richard Bauersfeld, Innsbruck 1935Weber, Christoph, Kirchliche Politik zwifschen Rom, Berlin und Trier. Die Beilegung des prußischen Kulturkampfes (Publications of the Commission for Contemporary History Series B Vol. 7), Mainz 1970Schubert, Werner, Materialien zur Entstehungsgeschichte des BGB. Introduction, Biographies, Materials, Berlin, New York 1978Neubach, Helmut, Zum deutsch-polnischen Nationitätenverhältnis in Oberschlesien um das Jahrbuch der Schlesischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Breslau 25 (1984), pp. 235-247, Letter pp. 240-246Rivinius, Karl Josef. Mission and Politics. An unpublished correspondence between members of the "Steyler Missionsgesellschaft" and the center politician Carl Bachem, St. Augustin in 1977 (publications of the missionary seminary St. Augustin near Bonn 28)Wolters, Michael, Die Zentrumspartei und die Entstehung des BGB (Fundamenta Juridica Bd. 39), Baden-Baden 2001Czitrich-Stahl, Arthur Stadthagen - advocate of the poor and legal teacher of the labour movement. Political biography of an almost forgotten social democratic jurist and member of the Reichstag, Diss. phil. FernUniversität Hagen, 2014 [] (Bachem's statements on Stadthagen in No. A 7 are not included in the paper)Bendix, Ludwig, Die deutsche Rechtseinheit und das zukünftige bürgerliche Gesetzbuch für das Deutsche Reich, Mainz 1896Hollweck, Joseph, Das Civileherecht des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches. Shown in the Light of Canon Marriage Law, Mainz 1900Lowry, John S., Big Swords, Jesuits, and Bondelswarts. Wilhelmine Imperialism, Overseas Resistance, Germann Political Catholicism, 1897-1906 (Studies in Central European Histories), Leiden 2015Rossi, Robert, Léo Taxil [1854-1907]. Du journalisme anticlérical à al mystification transcendante, Marseille 2014Hacks, Charles, Le Geste. Illustration de Henri Lanos, Paris 1892Hübner, Christoph, Die Rechtskatholiken, die Zentrumspartei und die katholische Kirche in Deutschland bis zum Reichskonkordat von 1933 A contribution to the history of the failure of the Weimar Republic (contributions to theology, church and society in the 20th century). Jahrhundert vol. 24), Berlin 2014Arning, Holger/ Wolf, Hubert, Hundred Catholic Days from Mainz 1848 to Leipzig 2016, Darmstadt 2016Kim, Phil-young, A German Empire on Catholic Foundation. Attitudes to the German Nation in the Strict Catholic Press 1848-1850 (European University Publications. Series III: History and its Auxiliary Sciences Vol. 1079), Frankfurt am Main 2010Requate, Jörg, Journalism as a Profession. Origin and Development of the Journalistic Profession in the 19th Century.Germany in International Comparison (Critical Studies on Historical Science 109), Göttingen 1995Vobbe, Joachim, Theodor Stumpf from Koblenz - a Cusanus admirer at the Cradle of the Old Catholic Synodal and Parish Order, in: Internationale kirchliche Zeitschrift. New episode of the Revue internationale de théologie 93 (2003), 65-82

Billstein, Henry
Best. 903 · Fonds · 1908-1933
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Description: Heinrich Billstein, former deputy, last resident at Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 101. 2.5 hundredweight books, 3 albums and 19 files from the daughter Mariette Becker and her husband were handed over to the Historical Archive on 13.03.1974. IntroductionWith this publication, a collection is made accessible which, due to its poor state of development, had previously only been available to a limited number of users. The documents possess only to a limited extent the characteristics of a genuine hand-file collection; rather, their structure also makes them closely related to collections and documentations. BiographischesHeinrich Billstein was born on 23 January 1883 in Cologne. His father Michael Billstein was a brewer and innkeeper; he belonged to the Centre Party and was a member of the City Council from 1894 to 1905. Shortly after his re-election in November 1905, he died on 21 December. He represented the interests of the commercial middle class in the centre faction and was a not unimportant member for the Catholic party, through which it gained access to the important clientele of brewers and innkeepers, a social group belonging to the 2nd electoral class. Heinrich Billstein completed his legal studies in Freiburg, Münster and Bonn in 1902 after obtaining his Abitur at the Städtisches Gymnasium Kreuzgasse, passed the 1st state examination in 1905 and the 2nd in 1911, both with the grade "good" by the way. In the meantime he had received his doctorate in Leipzig in 1908. After temporary employment as a court assessor and assistant judge at the criminal and civil chambers of the Regional Court of Cologne, he joined the administrative service of the City of Cologne as a city assessor on 12 June 1912: He was appointed to the tax department to relieve the First Deputy Konrad Adenauer. In this function Billstein succeeded Paul Berndorff, who was elected deputy a few days later. Both belonged to the Centre Party, which since its stable majority in 1908 had sought to replenish the higher administrative apparatus with its party supporters and to eliminate the disadvantage created by decades of liberal supremacy. On 12 June 1914 Billstein was elected as a deputy; but before the election confirmation from Berlin arrived on 13 August and the planned inauguration could take place on 3 September, he had already been drafted for military service. After being discharged from military service on 4 November 1918 - Billstein was last captain of the reserve and battery leader in an artillery battalion - he took up his administrative duties three days later, on 7 November 1918; in the following period he managed various departments. He was re-elected on 20 May 1926 at the end of his twelve-year term of office. On 18 June 1933, the National Socialists removed him from office. After the end of the Second World War, the 62-year-old Billstein refused, for health reasons, to comply with the request to return to the administrative service. Persecutions and harassment by the local NSDAP local group, especially in the last days of March 1945, had so physically afflicted him that he was not in a position to participate in the community's new beginning and reconstruction. He died on 28 June 1956 in Cologne. Billstein had been married to Frieda nee Eigel since March 6, 1909; two children resulted from this marriage.administrative activities and scope of businessAccording to the business distribution plan of 1914, Billstein was to assume responsibility for all taxes (departments 5, 6 and 7 at that time) with the commencement of his assistant activities, continue to supervise the Cologne Association for Further Education in Law and Political Science, control the compensation of school, poor and police costs with the neighbouring communities, and supervise the management of the City School Register Office. With his return from the war he was given a large part of the war economy, i.e. the deficiency management that was organised during the First World War and took on an ever larger business volume in order to be gradually dismantled after the war and in accordance with the requirements of the Reich. While Heinrich Schäfer (SPD) organized the food management and supply, Billstein's activities extended to the clothing department, the coal office, the price inspection office, the brand headquarters, the economic department, the substitute means office and the police inspectorates set up for monitoring purposes. Finally, with the supervision of the city committee and the registry office, he was given responsibility for two classic administrative fields. These areas of responsibility were completely changed as early as 1921: Billstein now has powers over Office 12 - Police (Building, Road and Construction Police), Office 2 (Vehicle Fleet, Street Cleaning, Waste Collection and Fire Extinguishing), Department 14 (Trade, Commerce, Chamber of Commerce, Crafts and Guilds, Commercial Court, Commercial Court, Local Sewing Committee) and Office 26 (Commercial and Commercial Training Schools, Commercial Schools, Vocational Private Schools). Two years later his business circle changed again completely. Instead of the previous tasks in the area of promoting trade and commerce, Billstein was now entrusted with the supervision of social administration, such as welfare administration, especially welfare institutions and institutions, orphan and youth welfare. In addition, there was the supervision of youth care and the promotion of physical exercises, the supervision of sports clubs and the organisation of sports events. Billstein was to keep this area as a department until the end of his service; so he was also remembered for this decade from 1923 to 1933 as the city's sports department head. Furthermore, he again took over the supervision of the City Committee and the responsibility for the Cologne Association for Further Education in Law and Political Science, which had already been assigned to him in 1914. While he lost the City Committee again in 1926, the training facility for civil servants remained in place until he was dismissed. 1926 was another year in which a deep cut was made. Billstein lost the competence for the welfare and youth care, received again for some years (until 1931) the police supervision, then the competence for the management of the city halls and economies, here particularly the Gürzenich, and the allotment garden administration. Five years later, in 1931, Billstein undertook the last far-reaching reorganization of his business. He relinquished his authority over the police, the management of the city halls and the allotment gardens, and in return was supervised by the economic department, i.e. the tasks he had already temporarily performed in 1921 to promote trade and industry. In addition, responsibility was assumed for the ports and shipyards, the hydraulic engineering department and aviation matters with Butzweiler Hof Airport. With these fields of activity, he inherited the deputy August Haas (SPD), who had taken up his new post in Kassel in 1930 as chief president of Hessen-Nassau. With these responsibilities, Billstein was given the position of Head of Economic Affairs for the remaining two years. The constant changes in business organisation and distribution, as was typical for Adenauer's time as Lord Mayor, and the unstable responsibilities are reflected in the structure and content of the papers and documentary documents left by Billstein. They are sporadically enriched with documents that arose during the representation for absent co-ordinates. However, since the system of representation was not rigid, but constantly changed, documents from almost all administrative areas were preserved, such as the administration of health care and hospitals (deputies Peter Krautwig and Karl Coerper, both centres), culture (deputies Johann Meerfeld, SPD), the department business of economy, traffic and broadcasting (deputies August Haas, SPD) and the social administration, gardens and baths as well as the slaughterhouse (deputies Johannes Bergmann, centre).Structure of the documentsThe content of the inventory comprises approx. 30
us administrative processes, including extracts from the minutes of the meetings of the Administrative Conference, from internal processes of the offices and services subordinated to Billstein; financial matters in particular, including the questions of the structure of income and expenditure of these administrative bodies, the budget and the constraints on savings, then processes relating to personal data such as promotions, documents relating to the meetings of the City Assembly, so many reprints, often with attachments to the agendas, and to the various committees. Most of the present material is not original in nature, but consists to a large extent of copies and reprints, some of which Billstein used as memorial and memorial aids; occasionally, discussion notes are also preserved. To a limited extent, the collection also includes letters and reports by Billstein, also in typewritten form after dictation, as well as invitation and thank-you letters. The scope of Billstein's elaborations and concepts for speeches at receptions, conferences and club anniversaries is not insignificant, and newspaper articles make up a considerable part of the documents. Billstein had an anteroom officer in his department office cut out articles from newspapers he had previously marked with a cross. This collection of articles only considers the Kölner Zeitungen, namely the Kölnische Zeitung with its local edition, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, the Kölnische Volkszeitung with the Kölner Lokal-Anzeiger, the Rheinischer Beobachter as temporary successor of the Lokal Anzeiger, the Kölner Tageblatt, the Rheinische Zeitung and the Socialist Republic. According to a report dated 24 May 1929 (see No. A 678. BI. 227), the Rheinische Zeitung, the Kölner Stadtanzeiger and the Sozialistische Republik became official, while the Kölnische Volkszeitung and the Lokalanzeiger were purchased privately by Billstein. The other editions are not reported. Then the material filled at that time "3 medium-sized cabinets". It covered all areas of local government and dates back to the war and pre-war period. Only with regard to the war economy and food supply were articles, mostly in hektographed form, from economic services, so-called economic daily reports, consulted in addition to newspapers, and the content of the newspaper articles was predominantly based on local Cologne topics. Only in the great issues of the time, such as the reparations negotiations, the elections, the resignations and new formations of Reich Cabinets, then especially the economic crisis and the financial and budget crisis of the Reich, the Länder and the municipalities, did one go beyond local references and collect articles with supralocal, partly regional, partly national themes; but here, too, almost exclusively articles from newspapers of Cologne provenance were taken into account. The reference to the offices and agencies administered by Billstein is sometimes quite far-reaching. On the other hand, issues such as weather and climate, which appear to be remote, are more closely intertwined with Billstein's tasks, for example with regard to his responsibility for measures against the Rhine flooding and for the settlement of flood damage. Billstein apparently took over some of these documents from his predecessor in this administrative area, the deputy Hermann Best (liberal). In the context of the administrative reorganisation of 31 January 1928, which summarised the entire public relations work in a press and advertising department at the newly established Transport and Economic Office, and in connection with the press and the increased interest of the administration, especially Konrad Adenauer, in press and newspaper issues, a press and newspaper archive was set up. An exact date is not known; the archive seems to have fully developed its activity in a gradual process in 1930/1931. (See organisational decree of 31 January 1928. in: Administrative Gazette of the City of Cologne. Vol. 5 (1928). No. 5; Administrative Report of the City of Cologne 1929/30 (Cologne 1930). P. 56: cf. 1930/31 (Cologne 1931). S.39 f, pp. 1931/32 (Cologne 1932). p. 39f.) In this context of the reorganization of the administration and the efforts to simplify business, the office director August Lentzen of the Departmental Office Billstein in the above-mentioned report of May 1929 recommended the submission of the documents to the new archive. In his report, he also referred to the newspaper archive of the Fair and Exhibition Office, which would have to be combined with the new press archive. (According to the administrative report 1930/31 (Cologne 1931), p. 39, this newspaper archive was here called "Literarische Abteilung-genannt, aufgelös und deren Aufgaben von der Presse- und Werbeabteilung übernommen) He also mentions the excerpts already "collected before the war in an exemplary way by the University and City Library". By bringing together the various collections of articles, Lentzen explained, the material could be used by the entire administration. In order to deliver the documents of the Billstein department office, an antechamber officer has now drawn up a list of about 380 files by topic and duration. By the end of 1929 these files had not yet been handed over. (See No. A 678: The negotiations end with the note (BI. 228 v) of 30 October 1929 that Miss Volk would probably "take over the collection for the archives of the Lord Mayor"; she wanted to discuss the matter further with Billstein, but did not know about the tent where the archives should be accommodated. Accordingly, the press archive had not yet been set up at that time.) They were, however, handed over in any case; for many of the files existing in the Billstein holdings are preceded by a form on which the delivery to "the newspaper archive to be newly established at A 1" was noted with the name of the corresponding predecessor file as well as the subject and the duration. (E.g. file concerning coal supply 21.12. 1920 --21.8.1922: No. A 521; affairs of A 2 19.6.1920 - 5.3.1925: No. A 536; dismantling of war economy enterprises and forced economy 8.7.1920 - 11.7.1921: No. A 531; identity card affairs, welfare office for expellees 20.3.1923 - 27.3.1925: No. A 491; war-affected persons welfare, war survivors welfare 12.3.1923 - 12.3.1925: No. A 492; Verein für Volkswohl, Volksküche 18.5.1923 - 14.12.1923: No. A 524. Afterwards the files were probably handed over via A 1 (Organisation- und Personalamt. Department Dr. Berndorff) to the newspaper and press archive which was in the process of being founded.) These files, which can be clearly determined from the list attached to the report, coincide with the documents of the present collection with regard to the subject matter and extend from 1919 to approx. 1922 - 1923 in individual cases, such as series up to 1929. Such series were present above all in the area of war economy and food management (coal supply, fight against traffickers and usury, food supply such as fruit and vegetables), can also be proven in files of classical administrative action (city council with eleven volumes, police inspection, municipal railways, statistics, civil servant pay, welfare, housing affairs). However, they were also created for processes that do not directly affect local self-government, but are nevertheless not insignificant for the municipality, such as individual parties such as the Centre, the KPD and the SPD, or negotiations concerning reparations. In addition to the series, the list also included individual files on all questions of the Cologne city administration, including trade unions, associations, trade and commerce, the economy and transport. All files handed over to the administrative archive at that time are no longer available and must be regarded as a loss during the war. With today's lack of municipal administrative files and documentation from these years of the Weimar Republic, the loss of tradition is very much to be lamented. The surviving holdings, catalogued in this publication, were transferred to the archive in 1938 by the Assistant Heringhaus, as he informed his colleague, the Head of the Department of Culture, Ludwig, on 7 July (cf. Best. 8900 (Alte Repertorien), A 164). He instructed Billstein to keep the "approximately 500 hand-files" he had collected there until they could be used in the preparation of a planned chronicle of the city of Cologne and until a suitable office had been appointed to manage the chronicle of the city of Cologne. a few files and documents for professional training as well as a larger batch of books and magazines were handed over to the archive in 1974 by Billstein's daughter, Marietta Becker. The scarcely 20 files were integrated into the existence. until into the eighties the existence was registered only to the half and also only by a keyword-like file subject without running times according to list. As part of the investigation of sources on the history of National Socialism in Cologne, Friedrich Kröhnke and Werner Jung, as staff members of the former NS Documentation Centre, the NS Documentation Centre of the City of Cologne, which had become independent a few years ago, sifted through all files on Nazi issues, including those not yet recorded in the titles. The previously unrecorded files with the short meetings and durations noted on the file covers were recorded in the form of a card. In the following years, attempts were made to make the files more accessible by student assistants, to specify the subjects by more extensive titles and to make them accessible by more detailed notes on content, and also to structure the result of the indexing for the first time. A finding aid book planned at that time had to be postponed after first attempts, since the result was completely unsatisfactory. Finally nothing helped more than to undertake the entire inventory again and to sight sheet by sheet. Since the files are usually organized after commercial filing, the listing follows this order and names the file contents after the chronological sequence, thus depending upon case beginning with the last sheet of the file. With regard to the indexing of the contents of the individual file units, first the actual file processes are named, then the newspaper articles are listed, and finally the official and other printed matters are mentioned. In order to make the character of the individual files easier for the user to recognize, they were marked with the abbreviations A (mainly file processes), Z (mainly newspaper articles), M (mixed form). (This identifier was transferred to the comments field during the retroconversion of the holdings.)Source value of the reference files Due to the high war losses, the once existing serial character of the holdings has not been preserved. Thus the traditional picture now gives a fragmentary, somewhat incoherent impression. Thus, the hand file collection is of very limited informative value for in-depth structural investigations of Cologne's urban and administrative history. Its value lies rather in the multitude of persons, events, associations, events and administrative processes mentioned, which are often only occasionally documented and can hardly be followed in their genesis and further development. In view of the great loss that the City of Cologne suffered in its administrative documents, collections and documentations as a result of the war destruction, the collection has a certain significance for the history of the city and its citizens during the Weimar Republic. Whether the object was worthy of this intensive treatment, that can ultimately only decide the user. The finding aid was created by Dr. Everhard Kleinertz.references: Kleinertz, Everhard: Handakten Heinrich Billsteins (Mitteilungen aus dem Stadtarchiv von Köln, vol. 90), Cologne 2000.

Best. 1067 · Fonds · 1899 - 1924, 1845-1932
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Description:1. history of the associationsIn Prussia there was no municipal or state school for girls until 1909, which led to the higher education entrance qualification. The daughter schools had both different curricula and different goals from the boys' grammar schools. Although all universities had admitted women as listeners since 1899, Prussia could hardly decide to give the girls the same school education as the boys. Helene Lange was the first to set up courses leading to university entrance qualifications. They were attended by women who had completed the daughter's school or private lessons. The pupils had to make up for the lack of knowledge in 3 - 4 years, i.e. the school-leavers were often older than 20 years. The Cologne association Mädchengymnasium had set itself the goal of establishing a complete, nine-class girls' grammar school in order to give the girls the opportunity to obtain the university entrance qualification at the same time as the boys. The model was the Mädchengymnasium in Karlsruhe, founded by the women's association Reform. After preliminary discussions, the association members began their activities in 1899 to found a girls' grammar school: they collected money, won friends and sponsors and contacted the responsible authorities. After several unsuccessful submissions, the Prussian Minister of Education finally allowed the Cologne Association to establish a six-class grammar school in 1903, which could accommodate girls from the age of 12. The Cologne school was thus the first girls' grammar school in Prussia. The associations in other Prussian cities had been satisfied with the establishment of "courses", because they had considered the resistance of the state insurmountable. 1905 the first pupils of the Mädchengymnasium were able to graduate from the school as the Kölner Verein had prepared some girls in a family school. Mathilde von Mevissen was the driving force behind the Madchengymnasium association, and one could say that without her and her colleague, archive director Joseph Hansen, the Gymnasium would not have come into being. Mathilde von Mevissen also donated considerable sums to the school and rented the first school building at the Apostles' Monastery.After consultation with the other members of the association, Josef Hansen not only wrote the submissions to the ministry, but also, like Mathilde von Mevissen, held personal talks with the responsible authorities in Koblenz and Berlin.1908 after the school reform of 1908, the city of Cologne took over the school after fierce debates in the city council.1909, after the association had reached its goal, it changed into the association Frauenstudium (formerly Mädchengymnasium) and devoted itself to new tasks. Thought up the promotion of women's studies to the program and awarded scholarships. He benefited from an inheritance from Pauline Christmann, but other patrons also financed study grants. However, inflation later destroyed the association's assets. It is not clear from the files available when exactly the association ceased its activities. Both the Mädchengymnasium association and the Frauenstudium association that emerged from it have always had very good relations with the city archives; in fact, they were founded in the archive building at the Gereonskloster 12. Archive Director Joseph Hansen was a member of the Executive Board. His wife, Johanna Hansen, was chairman of the association Frauenstudium for many years. City archivist Hermann Keussen was co-founder of the association Frauenstudium, archive secretary Philipp Nottbrock produced the fair copies of the submissions to the ministry (the editor knows his handwriting).2. Registry and order procedureMost of the files were stored as stock 1067, Cologne association Frauenstudium (formerly Mädchengymnasium) in 8 overfilled boxes in the magazine.When exactly they reached the archive can no longer be determined. Possibly some files of the association Madchengymnasium were stored here from the beginning - no wonder with the good relations. However, a finding list only shows 14 files of the association Frauenstudium, 8 files of the Pauline-Christmann-Stiftung as well as 1 file "Feierliche Begebenheiten 1924/25 ". Except for this list, there was no directory. Only issue 47 of the Mitteilungen aus dem Stadtarchiv von Köln (1963) contains a brief overview of the holdings: some files were already neatly bound (thread-stitching), but most of them were found in the most varied formations: they lay in folders or envelopes, loosely in a large subfolder or tied with silk ribbons. Sometimes bound files were enriched with loose documents. Often files had to be created first. The first review revealed that the collection contained not only the files of the associations Mädchengymnasium and Frauenstudium, respectively, but was also enriched with correspondence from Mathilde von Mevissens on various women's issues as well as with documents from other association members, who were often active in several associations at the same time. Therefore, the files were first roughly presorted and divided into 3 groups (girls' grammar school, women's studies, other associations etc.). It was recommended not to divide the files into several smaller holdings, as some of them were kept continuously (the members of the associations Mädchengymnasium and Frauenstudium were for the most part the same). Some of the files were only added to the collection in 1989 and 1990. 3 larger boxes of files were stored as an estate of Mathilde von Mevissen in the university library. Further files were later found by Dr. Quarg during clearing work and were also handed over to the archive (acc. 1792 and 1877). I had looked through the then still disordered appendix of the estate of Gustav von Mevissen and added those files to the holdings of 1067 which belong to the association files. Two further files were handed over in December 1990 by Dr. Groten, the processor of the Mevissen estate. The list shows the former storage location of the files in question and the form of recording varies. In most cases, analysis has been chosen, particularly because of the numerous letters in the collection. The bundles were occasionally labelled, but the description did not always correspond to the actual content. The old file title - marked by quotation marks - has only been retained if it makes a statement about the actual content. Apart from content and date, the scope of the file is indicated. Most documents are handwritten, written in ink on good paper, duplicates and prints are the exception. The paper formats, especially the numerous private letters, are of great diversity - usually smaller than A4 - and do not correspond to today's standards. The archives date mainly from the period between 1899 and about 1924, when the associations Mädchengymnasium and Frauenstudium were active. Only a few earlier or later documents can be found in the files. The collection comprises 343 files in 14 boxes as well as 1 folder with four pictures. In this folder (black with silver overprint "Erinnerungen an meinen Theuern Vater, geboren 20. Mai 1815, died 13. Aug. 1899") the archives no. 315-320 were found, which were taken out for reasons of storage technology. not preserved are pupils' lists or school report lists of the girls' high school. these files were possibly handed over after the takeover of the school by the city and must, like the files of the school, be counted as war losses. The names of the schoolgirls who paid school fees in the period 1903-1908 are preserved in the "Kassenbuch" (1067/91). Johannes Kreutzer has listed the names of the high school graduates in his school history, and the indexing work begun in 1986 took several years. An initial interruption of several months took place to await the progress of the clean-up work in the university library and possible access to files. In 1988 the production of the finding aid book had to be stopped completely because of another work. In 1989 Monika Voigt was able to write most of the finding aid book. The amendments and corrections were not completed until 1993. The final work (introduction, register, concordance) could finally be done with PC and software of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. Cologne, May 10, 1994, M. Fäuster3. Sources on the history of the associations and the schoolThe files of the Studienanstalt, the Merlo-Schule and also those of the Kaiserin-Augusta-Schule before 1945 were - as far as they had not already been lost before - almost completely destroyed in the World War.a) Historical archive of the city of Cologne:Chronicles and representations 511 and 511aBestand 551 (some few, very thin files)b) Hauptstaatsarchiv Düsseldorf: Regierung Köln, Nr. 7404c) Landeshauptarchiv Koblenz: fonds 405. under the designation "Merlo-Mevissenschule" also the files about the girls' high school before 1924 are filed there.d) It has not yet been checked whether files of the responsible Prussian ministry have been preserved.references:Apel, Hans-Jürgen, Sonderwege der Mädchen zum Abitur im Deutschen Kaiserreich, in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 34. Jg., 1988, No. 2, p. 171-189.Braun, Lily, The Women's Question, its Historical Development and its Economic Side. With an introduction by Beatrix W. Bouvier. Reprint of the first edition published in 1901 by Verlag Hirzel, Leipzig, Berlin, Bonn 1979.Centralblatt für die gesamte Unterrichtsverwaltung in Preußen, 1899, pp. 371-404.Dertinger, Antje, Die bessere Hälfte fights for her right. The women's claim to employment and other self-evidences, Cologne 1980 - The article about Hildegard Wegscheider shows, among other things, very nicely how difficult it was for girls to obtain a grammar school education and the right to study.Eckert, Li, Mathilde von Mevissen. Memorial speech held in the Gürzenich on 12 October 1924, edited by the Association of Cologne Women's Associations (Stadtverband). Festschrift zum 25 jährenten Bestehen der gymnasialen Studienanstalt 1903-1928, Köln 1928.Greven-Aschoff, Die bürgerliche Frauenbewegung in Deutschland 1894-1933, Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft 46, Göttingen, 1981.Gymnasialklassen für Mädchen in Köln, in: Praktische Sozialpolitiker aus allen Ständen vom Throne bis zur Werkstätte, Cöln (1909).Hundred Jahre Hildegard-von-Bingen-Schule, Köln (1988).Hundred Jahre Mädchen-Gymnasium in Deutschland. Published by: City of Karlsruhe, G. Braun. (Karlsruhe 1993)Annual reports of the municipal Merlo-Mevissen-Schule, Lyzeum with a secondary school in Cologne on the Rhine, school years, 1926/27,- 1929/30, presented by the director of the institution, headmaster Carola Barth, Cologne 1927 ff.Kailer, Gerhard, girls' education and women's studies. The founding of the first German girls' grammar school in Karlsruhe and the beginnings of women's studies at Baden universities (1890-1910), in: Zeitschrift für die Geschichte des Oberrheins, edited by the Commission for Historical Regional Studies in Baden-Württemberg, 140th volume, Stuttgart 1992, pp. 361 - 375.Kettler, Johanna, "Die Wettbewerb der Frau", 1890, "Gleiche Bildung für Mann und Frau", 1891, in : Die Frau ist freigeboren, Texte zur Frauenemanzipation, hg and commented by Hannelore Schröder, vol. 2, 1870 - 1918. Beck'sehe Schwarze Reihe, vol. 231, Munich 1981. The introduction to this text reads as follows: "In 1893 the association Frauenbildungsreform, which was led by her, founded the first German girls' high school in Karlsruhe. Despite bitter counter-reactions and slander, girls' high schools were founded in Berlin, Cologne, Wroclaw, Hanover, Leipzig and Bremen until 1900. This representation is not correct. There was no girls' grammar school in Cologne, only grammar courses in Berlin and other places in Prussia. Kindheit in Köln, Die Bestände des Kölnischen Stadtmuseums, bearbeitet von Helmut Hane, Köln, 1989.Kleinertz, Everhard, Joseph Hansen, in: Joseph Hansen, Preußen und Rheinland von 1815-1915, Dokumente und Darstellungen zur Geschichte der Rheinischen Provinzialverwaltung und des Landschaftsverbandes Rheinland, 4, Köln, 1990.Kleinertz, Everhard, Joseph Hansen (1862-1943), in: Rheinische Lebensbilder, Bd. 13, Köln 1993.Schenk, Herrad, Die feministische Herausforderung. 150 Years of the Women's Movement in Germany: Beck's Black Row 213, Munich 1983, Negotiations of the City Assembly of Cologne, 1902 and 1908, Vogt, Helmut, Zur Geschichte des Höheren Schulwesens m Köln-Kalk von 1896-1938, in: Rechtsrheinisches Köln. Vol. 15. 1989. S. 101-128.Voss, Ludwig, History of the Higher Girls' School. General school development in Germany and history of the higher schools for girls in Cologne, Opladen, 1952.Wagner, Rita, Cöln. The Social Conditions around 1900, Cologne 1989.Weber-Kellermann, Ingeborg, Die deutsche Familie, Versuch einer Sozialgeschichte. Frankfurt 1974 Weiland, Daniela, History of Women's Emancipation in Germany and Austria. Hermes Handlexikon, Düsseldorf, 1983.

Leaflets, pamphlets, invitations, programmes, commemorative publications, newspapers, articles, disputes, memoranda, speeches, occasional poems - each unique - about Cologne, its past and history. I. Imperial city; Icewalk from 1784, funeral service for Emperor Leopold II, Imperial Post Office in Cologne, pamphlet of the evangelicals against mayor and council in Cologne (Wetzlar 1715), municipal lottery, occasional poems for weddings, individual personalities (Jan von Werth, Frhr. Theodor Steffan von Neuhoff); II. Time of the French occupation 1794-1815: opening of the Protestant church (1802), educational affairs (Collége de Cologne, Université), Heshuisian inheritance, secularization, Peace of Tilsit, election of the department 1804; assignates, dentists, liberation wars; successor society of the society at Wirz, Neumarkt (1813); III. Prussian period (1815-1945): Visit of members of the Prussian royal house, imperial birthday celebrations, cathedral, cathedral building, cathedral completion celebration 1880, cathedral building association; Hohenzollern bridge, southern bridge, monument to Friedrich Wilhelm III, Laying of the foundation stone of the Rhine. Appellhofs (1824), building festival for the town hall (1913), town hall, provost's house at St. Maria ad Gradus; suburbs (terrain in Marienburg, parish St. Marien, Kalk: Fabriken, Arbeiter, 1903); travel brochures, city maps, articles on Cologne for tourism; commemorative and public holidays; revolution 1848; parties, elections (centre, liberal parties, social democratic party); Reichstag elections, city elections; city announcements/publications, decrees concerning the city of Cologne. Debt management (1824), rules of procedure of the city council, census, distribution of business in the administration; announcements of the news office; general comptoir or table calendar 1814-1829 (incomplete); programmes of the Konzertgesellschaft Köln and the Gürzenich concerts (1849-1933); programmes of the chamber music concerts (1897-1914); programmes of the Musikalische Gesellschaft (1900-1916), music festivals, etc. Lower Rhine Music Festivals (1844-1910); Cologne Theater Almanach (1904-1908), City Theater, Schauspielhaus, including program booklets and leaflets; Theater Millowitsch; musical performances at celebrations and festivals, concert programs; Cologne Arts and Crafts Association (Annual Report 1912); Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv: Statutes, Rules of Procedure 1907; Exhibitions, etc. Art in Cologne private possession (1916), Carstan's Panoptikum (1888), German Art Exhibition, Cologne 1906, Deutsche Werkbund-Ausstellung 1914, Exhibition for War Welfare Cologne 1916; Handelshochschule Köln; university courses in Brussels (1918); Women's university studies for social professions (1916/17); music conservatory (1913); grammar schools, further education schools, elementary schools, weaving school in Mülheim, Waldschulhof Brück (1917), elementary school teachers' seminar; scientific conferences: 43. Meeting of German Philologists and Schoolmen 1895, IX. Annual meeting of the Association of Bathing Professionals 1910, 12th Association Day of the Association of German Professional Fire Brigades 1912; occasional poems for family celebrations, weddings; associations; programmes, membership cards, diplomas, statutes of health insurance funds and death funds; Catholic Church: associations, parishes, saints and patrons; Protestant Church: religious service order or Death ceremonies for the chief president Count Solms-Laubach (1822), for Moritz Bölling (1824); inauguration of the new synagogue, Glockengasse (1861); military: regimental celebrations, forbidden streets and restaurants (before 1914); memorandums about the garrison Cologne (1818); food supply in the First World War: food stamps, bread and commodity books, ration coupons and forms, etc.a. for coal purchasing; Einkaufs-Gesellschaft Rhein-Mosel m. b. H.Economy: Stadtsparkasse, cattle market in Cologne, stock exchange, beer price increase 1911; individual commercial enterprises, commercial and business buildings, hotels: brochures, letterheads, advertising cards and leaflets, price lists, statutes; shipping: Rhine shipping regulations, timetables, price lists, memorandums; main post office building, inauguration 1893; Rheinische Eisenbahn, Köln-Gießener Eisenbahn; German-French War 1870/71; First World War, etc.a. Leaflets, war loans, field letters, war poems; cruisers "Cologne"; natural disasters: Rhine floods, railway accident in Mülheim in 1910, hurricanes; social affairs: charity fair, asylum for male homeless people, possibly home for working young girls, invalidity and old-age insurance; St. Marien-Hospital; Sports: clubs, sports facilities, gymnastics festivals; Carnival: programs, carnival newspapers, - songs, - poems; celebrations, ceremonies for imperial birthdays, enthronements of archbishops, celebrations of other personalities; IV. Weimar Republic and National Socialism: floods; churches, treasure chambers; cathedral; individual buildings, monuments, including the old town, town hall, Gürzenich, Haus zum großen Rosendal, Mühlengasse; Revolution 1918: workers' and soldiers' council; gifts, honorary citizenship to NS greats; hanged forced laborers; bank robber Gebrüder Heidger (1928); municipal and other official publications concerning the Weimar Republic and National Socialism. Luftschutz, NSRechtsbetreuungsstelle; Newsletter of the Welfare Office 1937, 1938; Kameradschaftsdienst der Verwaltung für Wirtschaftsfürsorge, Jugendpflege und Sport 1940, 1943, 1944; Müllabfuhr und Müllverwertungsanstalt, Wirtschaftspolitik, Industrieansiedlung, Eingemeindung von Worringen, Erweiterung des Stadtgebiets; political parties: Advertising flyers for elections, pins, badges of DNVP, NSDAP, SPD, centre; camouflage letters of the KPD; appeals, rallies of various political groups, including the Reich Committee for the German Referendum (against the Young Plan, 1929), Reich Presidential Election, referendum in the Saar region, Working Committee of German Associations (against the Treaty of Versailles); Municipal Stages: Periodical "Die Tribüne", 1929-1940, annual reports 1939-1944, programme and cast sheets for performances in the opera house and the Schauspielhaus, also in the Kammerspiele; Lower Rhine music festivals; galleries (Dr. Becker, Goyert), Kölnischer Kunstverein: Invitations to exhibitions (1934-1938), circulars to members; art auctions at Fa. Math. Lempertz (1925-1931); music performances, concerts: Kölner Männer-Gesang-Verein, municipal orchestra, concerts of young artists, Concert Society Cologne; Millennium Exhibition 1925; museums: Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, Kunstgewerbemuseum (among others monuments of old Russian painting, 1929), Schnütgen-Museum, art exhibitions, among others. Arno Breker (NSDAP-Gaupropaganda-Amt Gau Köln-Aachen), exhibition of works by West German artists (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), Richard Seewald, Deutscher Künstlerbund, Ausstellungsgemeinschaft Kölner Maler; universities, including the University of Cologne (lecture timetables, new building, anniversary 1938), Hochschule für Musik bzw. Conservatory of Music in Cologne; Reich activity reports of the foreign office of the lecturers of the German universities and colleges (1939-1942); Lower Rhine music festivals; scientific and cultural institutions and events and events in the region.a. Petrarca-Haus, German-Italian Cultural Institute, Volksbildungsstätte Köln, German-Dutch Institute, Cologne Meisterschule, Vereinigung für rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Fortbildung in Köln, Austrian Weeks, Kampfbund für deutsche Kultur e.V.Conferences (Westdeutscher Archivtag 1939, Deutsche Anthropologische Gesellschaft 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for Monument Conservation and Cultural Heritage Protection, Grenzland-Kundgebung der Beamten der Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter- Kongress (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, Internationaler Brieftauben-Züchter-Kongreß (IBRA) 1939; Schools: Invitations, Testimonials Concerning the German Anthropological Society 1927, Rheinische Siedlungstagestage 1925, Conference for the Preservation of Monuments and Cultural Heritage, Borderland Demonstration of the Officials of the Westmark, Cologne 1933, International Brieftauben Congress (IBRA) 1939) Elementary schools, vocational schools, grammar schools; Sports: Vaterländische Festspiele 1924, Zweckverband für Leibesübungen Groß-Köln, 14th German Gymnastics Festival 1928, II German Fighting Games 1926, Leichtathletik-Welt- und Länderkämpfe, Westdeutscher Spielverband, Hockey-Damen-Länderspiel Deutschland- Australien 1930, Excelsior-Club Köln e.V., XII. Bannerspiele der weiblichen Jugend der Rheinprovinz 1926; Catholic Church (official announcements and publications, e.g. Kirchlicher Anzeiger für die Erzdiözese Köln; pamphlets; programme, prayer slips); British occupation, French colonial troops in the Rhineland, identity cards, passports; British World War I pamphlets; Liberation celebration in Cologne 1926; Second World War: appeals, leaflets concerning the Second World War; information leaflets concerning the Second World War: "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution", "The German Revolution". Air raids, defence, low-flying combat, darkening, etc.; newspaper articles about air raids on Cologne; advertising: leaflets, leaflets of the advertising office, the Cologne Week publishing house and the Cologne Tourist Association for Cologne, including the surrounding area and the Rhine Valley; invitations, menus to receptions and meals of the Lord Mayor Adenauer (1927-1929); pay slips, work certificates, work books of Cologne companies; Cologne Trade Fair: Programmes, brochures, adhesive stamps, catalogues for trade fairs and exhibitions (1924-1933); food stamps and cards for World War I; announcements; clothing cards, basic cards for normal consumers for World War II; vouchers for the city of Cologne (emergency money) from 1920-1923, anniversary vouchers for Gewerbebank eGmbH Köln-Mülheim, also for Dellbrücker Volksbank eGmbH; savings banks: Annual reports of the Sparkasse der Hansestadt Köln; documents, savings books of the Spar- und Darlehnskasse Köln-Dünnwald, the Kreissparkasse des Landkreises Köln, Bergheim und Mülheim, also the branch Köln-Worringen, the Bank des Rheinischen Bankverein/Rheinischen Bauernbank; Köln-Bonner-Eisenbahnen: Annual reports, balance sheets (1939-1941); trams: Annual Report, Annual Report (1939, 1940), Ticket; Köln-Frechen-Benzelrather Eisenbahn: Tariffs; Shipping: Preussisch-Rheinische Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft zu Köln, Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft für den Nieder- und Mittelrhein zu Düsseldorf (Annual Reports 1938-1940), Köln- Düsseldorfer Rheindampfschiffahrt, Weber-Schiff (Timetables); Kraftverkehr Wupper-Sieg AG, Wipperfürth (Annual Reports 1939, 1940, Advertising Brochure 1937); Advertising brochure of the Airport Administration Cologne (1929); Individual Companies: House announcements, advertising leaflets, cards, brochures, adhesive stamps, receipts from industrial companies (Ford Motor Company AG, Glanzstoff- Courtaulds GmbH, Herbig-Haarhaus, department stores). Department store Carl Peters, insurance companies, newspapers, publishing houses, bookstores, craft businesses, shops (tobacco shops); Cologne bridges (Mülheimer bridge), post office, restaurants, hotels; invitations to festivals, events, anniversaries of associations, programmes; professional associations; cooperatives (Cologne-Lindenthal cooperative savings and building association (1930-1938); social affairs: Cologne emergency aid, housing assistance, sending of children (mostly official printed matter); collecting cards from Cologne and other companies, above all from the food and luxury food industries, such as coffee and tobacco companies, etc.a. the companies Haus Neuerburg, Himmelreich Kaffee, Stollwerk AG, König

Fastenrath, John

Fastenrath, Johannes, 1839-1908, cultural-historical and aesthetic writer and translator (Spanish and French) in Cologne.I. Takeover, order, use1. TakeoverThe Rhenish writer, co-founder and 1st chairman of the "Literarische Gesellschaft in Köln" and founder of the "Blumenspiele", Hofrat Dr. jur. Johannes Fastenrath (1839-1908) had regulated the whereabouts of his library in his last will and testament, but had not made any further dispositions regarding his correspondence. After his death, his wife, the Austrian writer Louise Fastenrath, née Goldmann (1858-1914), had partially sifted through his literary correspondence and divided it into three groups according to the provenance principle: the Spanish letters were to be sent to the King of Spain in Madrid, the Catalan, Provençal, French and Spanish letters, as far as they were from Barcelona, to this city (see appendix) and the German letters to the cities of Cologne and Remscheid in equal parts. After the death of Louisen and in accordance with the testamentary provisions, all letters of private content "as far as they concerned family matters" were segregated and the remaining documents were superficially sighted. Fritz Lejeune, who was working on a dissertation on "Die deutsch-spanische Freundschaftsbestrebungen von Johannes Fastenrath" (The German-Spanish Friendship Efforts of Johannes Fastenrath) and had already contacted Louise, first received a file envelope with the inscription "Für das Buch" (For the Book), which she had compiled for her to inspect, and then was able to take a look at the entire correspondence, a task which could not be brought to a satisfactory conclusion due to the abundance of material and the short time available.On 16 June 1914, Louisen's nephew and executor Dr. Louisen wrote a letter to the editor, Dr. Fastenrath, in which he was asked to write a letter to the editor of the German-Spanish book. Otto Forstenheim in a letter to the Lord Mayor of Cologne: "The letters bequeathed to the City of Cologne and Remscheid will - provided that the Lord Mayor also agrees - be handed over to the local municipal library, since it also took over the books of the Hofrat Fastenrath at that time and the correspondence is partly connected with these works".Professor Adolph Kayser, the then director of the municipal library, was able, after negotiations with the city of Remscheid, to ensure that German correspondence remained undivided in Cologne. In the following decades, the Cologne City Archives repeatedly acquired individual letters from Fastenrath and his wife, which were initially incorporated into the autograph collection, but then incorporated into the holdings in 1032 and 1032 a (acc. to the German Archives of the City of Cologne). 52 of 17.06.1929; acc. 478 of 20.05.1953; acc. 480 of 12.06.1953; acc. 544 of 6.03.1961; acc. 546 of 18.06.1961 and acc. 898 of 15.12.1976). In the spring of 1988 a box with letters to Johannes Fastenrath, probably accidentally left in the city library, was brought into the city archive (acc. 1650/88) and incorporated into the fundus. Letters from Fastenrath himself can also be found in other estates, such as those of Ferdinand von Hiller (Order 1057), Wolfgang Müller von Königswinter (Order 1141), and Joseph von Lauff (Order 1170).2. order In 1962, Dr. Werner Kienitz began to order and distort the estate. He divided it according to the recipient principle into the two holdings 1032 (Johannes Fastenrath) and 1032 a (Louise Fastenrath). The first part of the two lists comprises the various alphabetically ordered correspondence partners (over 3 000 for Fastenrath, about 900 for his wife), with details of the number and timing of the respective letters, but without a breakdown of content, the second part contains newspapers, newspaper cuttings and other documents arranged according to subject areas, such as invitations, programmes and business cards. This distortion could not do justice to the inner order of the estate in everything. Although the original order seems to have been of a purely chronological nature, as can still be seen from the contents of the box that remained in the municipal library, which was mainly used as a library. Although the recording of all correspondence partners provides an overview of the Hofrat's very wide-ranging relations with literary circles throughout Germany, it also complicates the separation between letters concerning the poet, writer and translator Fastenrath and documents which he received only in his capacity as chairman of the "Literarische Gesellschaft" founded in 1893 and the "Blumenspiele" founded in 1899.Among the letters of more private content there is correspondence with the individual publishers who published his translations, correspondence with theatres of German-speaking countries and abroad, the performance of the plays he translated, especially of "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla, requests for contributions from magazines and anthologies, begging letters from writers in need, requests for material support as well as an album from his student days with entries of well-known poets and actors. In vain, in accordance with the provisions of the will, one seeks correspondence with those relatives and friends who did not belong to the literary circles, and all the letters of his wife; the letters which he received in his capacity as chairman of the Literary Society can also be divided into three categories: Letters requesting admission to the Society and tickets to individual events, correspondence with the Treasurer and the Secretary of the Society concerning organisational matters and, as probably the most interesting group, letters concerning the organisation of individual lecture evenings, with corresponding requests from individual poets, writers and lecturers.The most extensive is the correspondence that was created in the vicinity of the flower games: on the one hand, there are purely organisational questions which deal with the course of the festival and the drafting of the yearbooks, and on the other hand, there are mostly insignificant enquiries regarding the conditions and requests for tickets to the individual games, and on the other hand, there are the telegrams and congratulations arriving each year for the festival, which were mostly published in the yearbooks, and last but not least, there is correspondence with the winners and prize judges of the flower games, which occasionally allow an interesting look behind the scenes and show the importance that this poetic competition had in the eyes of the participants.Since a multitude of names of contemporary poets of the Rhineland appear in the estate of Fastenrath, the collection gives an impression of the literary scene in Cologne during the Wilhelminian period. 17 archive boxes are available after the completion of the indexing work. The necessary conservation measures (packing the letters in archive boxes) were carried out in the course of the order and recording.3. Use There are no restrictions on use. Citation style: Best. 1032 and current no. of the finding aid book II. Curriculum vitae and genealogy of Johannes Fastenraths1. Curriculum vitae 1839, May 3: In Alleestraße 83 in Remscheid, the merchant Johannes Fastenrath is born by his wife Rosalie, née Hürxthal, a son who is christened Johannes Karl Ferdinand.1847 The family moves to Cologne at Mohrenstraße 10, the house of his maternal grandfather, Karl Hürxthal1847-1849 After attending elementary school in Remscheid, Johannes now receives lessons from teacher Heinrich Kühne in the Protestant boys' school at Gereonsdriesch1849-1856 Attends the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium and takes his school-leaving examination1856/1857 Law studies in Bonn. Encounter with the Romanist Friedrich Diez (1794-1876)1857/1858 Studies in Heidelberg and Munich, followed by a trip to Vienna and BudapestWS 1858/1859 Studies in Paris at the College de France1860, March 20: After two semesters of law study in Berlin, Fastenrath receives his doctorate with the topic "De reinvindicatione utili" to Dr. iur. utr.1860-1862 Auskultator at the Cologne Regional Court under the chair Heinrich Gisbert Heimsoeth (1811-1887). After differences of opinion with him, Fastenrath left the civil service at his own request in order to devote himself entirely to his literary interests and the study of Romance languages.1861 The family moved to Christophgasse (later Christophstraße) in 121862, April: trip to Italy: Florence, Venice, Sicily1864 1st trip to Spain: Córdoba, Granada, Sevilla, Málaga, Gibraltar, Toledo, Madrid, Barcelona1865 With the translation of Manuel Juan Diana's "La receta contre las suegras" (Recipe against mothers-in-law) from Sapnish, Fastenrath made a breakthrough on the German stages, to which he had offered three translations from French two years earlier in vain: "A Kingdom for a Mistake", "The Düpierten" and "The Last Capitel".At the same time J. Schulze-Weida publishes: "Deutsche Volksmärchen für Pianoforte" with poems by Johannes Fastenrath.1866-1869 As a result of the first trip to Spain, the publisher Eduard Heinrich Mayer in Leipzig, with whom Fastenrath was to have a lifelong friendship, published five volumes of poetry with free translations of Spanish romances and historical and art-historical explanations in rapid succession, which were to make Fastenrath's names known in Spain thanks to the reviews of the Spanish writers Juan Valera (1824-1905) and Juan Eugenio Hartzgenbusch (1806-1880): "A Spanish Bouquet of Romances", "Sounds from Andalusia", "The Wonders of Seville", "Hesperian Flowers" and "Immortelle from Toldeo".1867, Jan.13Death of the father of John Fastenrath1869, February to July: 2nd trip of Fastenrath to Spain: Madrid, Salamanca, Seville, Granada, Córdoba, July Zaragoza; Fastenrath is introduced into the Madrid Society by Valera and Hartzgenbusch, receives his first Spanish Order, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Charles III, and becomes corresponding member of various Spanish academies. This trip is the foundation of Fastenrath's reputation in Spain. In 1870, Fastenrath published his travel impressions in the two-volume work "Das Buch meiner spanischen Freunde" ("The Book of my Spanish Friends"), which also contained translations and poems of Spanish romances and poems. Under the impression of the Franco-German war, war and victory songs appeared: "Den deutschen Helden von 1870" ("The German Hero of 1870") in five editions that were quickly sold out.1871 The Spanish city of Seville appointed Fastenrath its honorary citizen. Prince Anton of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen awards him the Grand Gold Medal of Merit.1872 At the suggestion of Spanish writers, Fastenrath begins to write articles in Spanish for the Madrid newspaper "Argos". In the same year, his first work in Spanish appeared: "Pasionarias de un aleman-español", which gave his impressions on the occasion of a visit to the Passion Plays in Oberammergau.1874 In February of that year, Fastenrath's mother died. He now regularly writes articles for Spanish feuilleton style magazines. Impressed by a visit to the Walhalla near Kehlheim, he decides to have these articles published in book form in order to give the Spaniards an impression of the greatness of German culture. During his lifetime, 6 volumes of the monumental work "La Walhalla y las glorias de Alemania" were published. After his death, his wife published a substantially expanded new edition in 15 volumes.1879 In February, Fastenrath and the Cologne writer Lina Schneider (1831-1909) took part in a poetry meeting in Amsterdam as representatives of the city of Cologne to celebrate the writer Jost Van den Vondel. In April he leaves for his third trip to Spain. In Madrid he gives a poetry reading in front of the famous 'Ateneo literario', the Madrid Literary Society, which appoints him as its official representative at the Literary Congress in London in June. In Lisbon, he is received in audience by King Ferdinand and receives the Commander's Cross of the Order of Christ, and on the news of a catastrophic flooding in Murcia, Fastenrath founds an aid committee in Cologne which collects and transfers money for the needy.1880 Fastenrath's lyrical translations "Stimmen der Weihnacht, aus dem Spanischen des Ruiz Ventura de Aquilera (1820-1881)" ("Voices of Christmas, from the Spanish of Ruiz Ventura de Aquilera (1820-1881)") are published by the "Magazins für die Literatur des Auslandes", and in the spring he travels to Italy and Switzerland, in the summer to literary events in Holland and Belgium.OctoberFastenrath rides in the Historical Festive Train to celebrate the completion of the cathedral in Cologne.1881 Participated in writer's congresses in Amsterdam, Madrid and Vienna, where he met his future wife Louise Goldmann. On the occasion of the Madrid 2nd Centenary in honour of Calderón de la Barca, at which he acted as representative of the "German Writers' Association", he wrote a commemorative volume: "Calderón de la Barca" on the one hand, and a description of the festivities on the other: "Calderón in Spain with an appendix: The relations between Calderón's "Wunderthätigem Magus" and Goethe's Faust", which appeared in 1882.1882 For the first time, Fastenrath is going to translate a novel: "Pepita Jiménez" by Juan Valera. At the same time he worked on the translation of plays by the contemporary Spanish poet José Echegaray, "Im Schooße des Todes" appeared in the same year, the drama "Die Frau des Rächers" in 1883, and in late summer he travelled to Vienna and Hungary, as well as to the court of Charles I of Romania and his poetic wife Elisabeth (pseudonym: Carmen Silvia). 1883, March 27: Marries Fastenrath in Vienna the young Austrian pianist and writer Louise Goldmann. In the same year, the volume of poems dedicated to her, "From Wedding to Wedding, Songs from Sunny Days", was published, beginning with the publication of a series of articles in French magazines, which he later published in book form in Paris under the title: "Figures de l'Allemagne contemporaine".1885-1887 Fastenrath publishes the transmission of three other romance collections: "Granadine Elegies", "Sounds from Andalusia" and the cycle "The Twelve Alfonso's of Castile", dedicated to "the manes of D. Alfonso's XII, King of Spain", during which time he and his wife took part in various literary days and poetry celebrations: in September 1884 at the VI German Writers' Day in Schandau, in October 1886 at the VIII German Writers' Day in Schandau, and in October 1886 at the "Tales of the Twelve of the Twelfth Alfonso's of Castile". German Writers' Day in Eisenach, 1887 at a celebration of Uhlands 100th birthday in Stuttgart, in September of the same year at the 20th Nederlandschen Taal- en Letterkundig Congress in Amsterdam.1887, Nov. 17: Grand gala dinner at the Fastenrath House in honour of the Cologne-born poet Jost Van den Vondel with guests from many parts of Holland and Germany.1888 4th trip to Spain, during which Fastenrath introduces his wife to Spanish poets, and in the autumn of the same year he takes part in the Writers' Day in Munich.1890 Grand Duke Karl Alexander of Saxony Weimar awards Fastenrath the title of Grand Duke of Saxony Court Councillor, King Karl of Württemberg awards him the Knight's Cross I. Kl. of the Order of Frederick the Great, and in spring Fastenrath travels via Avignon to Barcelona, where Louise is to preside over the "Jochs florals" as flower queen. In the same year Reissner published a volume of poetry in Leipzig: "Catalan Troubadours of the Present", translated into German and introduced with an overview of Catalan literature", which received great attention in Germany. Victor Balaguer (1824 - 1901), who revived Catalan literature, asked Fastenrath to translate his gigantic verse epic "The Pyrenees" into German. Fastenrath visited the Balearic Islands from Barcelona and established contacts with the local writers. After returning from his trip to Spain, Fastenrath drew up his will in which he made available 300,000 Marks for German writers in need of help and 50,000 Marks for Spanish writers. For the Flower Games in Barcelona, he offered a sum of 10,000 Marks.1891, September: 21st German Lawyers' Day in Cologne. Fastenrath writes the opening prologue.1892, October: Madrid. The couple Fastenrath takes part in the celebrations on the occasion of the 4th Centenary of the discovery of America by Columbus. A round trip on the traces of Columbus to Las Huelvas and Hendaya follows. Barcelona is the end of the journey. In 1895 Fastenrath published a description of the celebrations in his two-volume work "ColumbusStudien zur spanischen Zentenarfeier der Entdeckung Amerikas" ("Columbus Studies for the Spanish Centenary Celebration of the Discovery of America"). 1893, May: Cologne. Foundation of the "Literary Society", initiated by Messrs Julius Bennert, Ferdinand Sohn, Joseph Lauff and Georg Barthel Roth. Johannes Fastenrath is elected first chairman of the society, an office he holds until his death.1893, December: Appointment as honorary president of the "Westdeutscher Literaturverband" (West German Literature Association) founded in Hoberg a. Rhein.1894-1895 Fastenrath takes part in the General Journalists' and Writers' Days in Hamburg and Heidelberg. In autumn 1895 he is present at the Scheffelfeier in Mürzzuschlag. In the summer months he travels to Switzerland and Karlsbad.1896 Reissner in Leipzig published the translations of 4 comedies after the Spanish of Manuel Bretón de los Herreros (1796-1873): "Stirb und Du wirst sehn!", "Ein weiblicher Don Juan", "Sie ist Er" and "Der Friedliebende".1897, April to August: Italy trip to Palermo, Rome, Venice, return journey via Vöslau near Vienna with a longer stay in San Martino di Castrozza in South Tyrol and Karlovy Vary. The widely acclaimed translation of "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla y Moral, the most frequently played piece of Fastenrath's pen besides the "recipe against mothers-in-law", is also published by Reissner.1898, May: Impressed by the experience of the Barcelona Flower Games and at the suggestion of Victor Balaguer, Fastenrath decides to hold annual flower games in Cologne as part of the Literary Society. In order to secure it financially, he donated a sum of 10,000 Marks, from whose interest the prizes to be suspended are to be financed.1898, June: Participation in the General Meeting of the Board of Directors of the German Schiller Foundation in Weimar. In the same year, after the death of Robert Heuser, he took over the chairmanship of the Cologne Branch Foundation, which he held until his death in 1908.1898, October: On the steamer "Bohemia", Fastenrath travelled via Constantinople to the Holy Land, where he took part in the consecration of the Evangelical Church of the Redeemer by the German Emperor in Jerusalem.1899, January: The Literary Society organises a "Gustav-Freytag" celebration. 1899, May: The 1st Cologne Flower Festival is celebrated in the Gürzenich, greetings arrive from all parts of the world, especially from Provence and Catalonia, the home of the Flower Festival. 1899, October: "Goethe-Feier" in the "Literarische Gesellschaft".1899, November: Zurich: World premiere of "Don Juan Tenorio" by José Zorrilla in the translation by Johannes Fastenrath.1900, May: Celebration of the 2nd Cologne Flower Festival, which is no longer open only to participants from the Rhineland and Westphalia, but also to poets from all parts of Germany and German-speaking countries.1900, June: Mainz, participation in the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Johannes Gutenberg and the subsequent German General Journalists' and Writers' Day.1900, September: Flower games of Zaragoza. Impressed by the arrangement of the Flower Games in Cologne, the Council of the City of Zaragoza decided to have Flower Games held in this city. At the same time, Louise Fastenrath was elected Flower Queen of the 1st Games. The city suspended a prize for the best German poem submitted. The relations between Cologne and Zaragoza were not to break off during Fastenrath's lifetime.1901 The move of his mother-in-law, Rosine Goldmann, to Cologne prompted Johannes Fastenrath to move to a larger house at Neumarkt 3 (today Kunsthaus Lempertz), which he had built entirely according to his ideas. In the courtyard he set up a replica of the lion fountain of the Alhambra in Granada. Here he found space for a large library, a Moorish room and the collection of paintings he had acquired over the years. The house at Neumarkt 3 was to become a meeting place for his numerous friends from all Romanesque countries and in the same year his "Zaragozan dialect purrs" appeared. Partially reproduced in Cologne dialect". In connection with this, Fastenrath gave a lecture to the Literary Society: "Der Humor in der spanischen Literatur", which he was to give in the following years in Aachen (1902), Wiesbaden (1905) and Düsseldorf (1906).1902 At the suggestion of the Bavarian Crown Princess Doña Paz, Fastenrath translated the drama "Yorik" by the Spanish poet Manuel Tamayo y Baus (1829-1898). Due to disagreements with the leading actor, however, the planned performance will not take place at the Munich Hoftheater. The play was not given until 1918 at the Schauspielhaus in Frankfurt. The holding of the flower games, combined with the evaluation of the ever-increasing number of entries, as well as the publication of the yearbooks, took Fastenrath a long time from then on. As usual, he spent the summer months travelling in Bad Godesberg, Baden-Baden, Karlovy Vary and Vienna and was co-opted on the committee for the preparation of the 1904 "Great International Art Exhibition in Düsseldorf" and was responsible for the design of the Spanish pavilion. His commitment led to his appointment as German representative at the V. International Art Exhibition in Barcelona in 1906.1904 Following the example of the "Cologne Flower Games", the association "Germania" in Baltimore decides to organise its own flower games.1905-1906 For health reasons, Fastenraths spend the summer in a health resort in Eisenach, Thuringia.1907 The 9th Cologne Flower Games, organised in honour of the 700th birthday of Saint Elisabeth, are held with special splendour. Representatives of the Hungarian city of Poszony (Bratislava), Elisabeth's birthplace, will take part. In the following year, flower games are also to be held in Poszony, following the example of the people of Cologne.1908 While preparations are underway for the silver wedding celebration on 27 March, Fastenrath unexpectedly falls ill with pneumonia and dies after only three days of illness on 16 March 1908.19 March he is buried on Melaten with the sympathy of large sections of the Cologne population. The funeral speech will be delivered by the Protestant pastor Carl Jatho. The Spanish consul lays down a wreath on behalf of the royal house. After the will is opened, Louise Fastenrath hands over the library of her husband to the city of Cologne and establishes the foundation for suffering German writers, which is to bear the name of the deceased.1908-1911 Publication of an extended edition of 15 volumes of the work "La Walhalla y las glorias de Alemania", which now contains all of Fastenrath's newspaper articles published in Spanish as well as his autobiography.1911 Publication of Fastenraths: "Aus spanischen Landen. Seals from Maxiko and Uruguay. Legacy poems from Spanish".III. Literature- KL 488,- KL3 4, 795 f.,- Brü 2, 187,- BJ 13, 1910, 20 - 26,- Neue Deutsche Biographie 5, 28 f.,- GEC 7, 313/4, - EUI 23, 356;- Jb Kölner Blumenspiele, esp. vol. X and XI (1908/1909);- Schütz J. H. (ed.), Hofrat Dr. jur. Johannes Fastenrath in Cöln, in: Praktische Sozialpolitiker aus allen Ständen, Cöln (1906), 46 - 48;- Zilcken, Fritz, Erinnerungen an Johann und Luise Fastenrath in: Jb Blumenspiele 16, 1914, 120 ff.;- Lejeune, Fritz, Die deutsch-spanische Freundschaftsbestrebungen von Johannes Fastenrath (= Romansiches Museum XI), DissertationGreifswald 1817;- Ohrem, Hermann-Joseph, Die deutsch-spanische Freundschaftsbestrebungen Johannes Fastenraths, in: Mitteilungen aus Spanien 2, 1918, H. 1, 46 - 48;- Ohrem, Hermann-Joseph, Johannes Fastenrath and his Spanish friends, in: Spain, Zeitschrift für Auslandskunde 1, 1919, 212 ff.;- J. J. Bertrand, Johannes Fastenrath et l'Espagne, in: Bulletin hispanique 29, 1927, 211 - 213;- Pfandl.., Ludwig, How Johannes Fastenrath translated the Don Juan Tenorio, in: Amigos de Zorrilla, Valladolid 1933;- Becker, J., Johannes Fastenrath and Hoffmann v. Fallersleben, in: Zeitschrift für Deutsche Geisteswissenschaften 2, 1939/40, 459 - 566;- Valera, Juan, El Doctor Fastenrath, in: obras Completas II, Madrid 1949, 399 - 413;- Schmökel, Hildegard, Die iberoromanische Bibliothek des Kölner Hispanophilen Johannes Fastenrath in der Kölner Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek, Hausarbeit des Bibliothekar-Lehrinstituts NRW, masch.., Cologne 1967;- Schmökel, Hildegard, Johannes Fastenrath, a friend of Spain from Cologne, 1839 - 1908, in: Jahrbuch des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins 42, 1968, 189 -198;- Kienitz, Werner, Der Nachlaß Fastenrath im Kölner Stadtarchiv, in: Festgabe für Arnold Güttsches (= Publications of the Kölnischer Geschichtsverein 29), Cologne 1969, 295 - 334;- Schumacher, Karl, Hofrat Dr. iur. utr. Johannes Fastenrath. On the 65th anniversary of his death on 16 March 1973, in: Romerike Berge. Zeitschrift für Heimatpflege im Bergischen Land 23, 1973, 20 - 27;- Schumacher, Karl, "Ein Kavalier ohne Tadel" (A cavalier without blame), a portrait of the life and work of Hofrat Dr. Johannes Fastenrath on the occasion of his 150th birthday on 3 May 1989 in: Home speaks to you. Monthly supplement of the Remscheider Generalanzeiger No. 4, 5, 6 and 7, Remscheid 1989IV. AbbreviationsADB - Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie, 1 - 55, Leipzig 1875 - 1910Bay - Genealogische Sammlung von Dr. Joseph Bayer im Historischen Archiv der Stadt Köln = HAStK Bayer-KatalogBJ - Biographisches Jahrbuch und Deutscher Nekrolog, 1 - 18, Berlin 1897 - 1917Brü - Franz Brümmer, Lexikon der deutschen Dichter und Prosaisten vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Gegenwart, 6th edition 1 - 8, Leipzig 1913DBE - Diccionario Biográfico Español e Hispanoamericano, Part I A - F, Palma de Mallorca 1950 ff.DBJ - German Biographical Yearbook, I - V, X and XI, Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig 1925 ff.DEI - Dizíeonario Enciclopedico della Letteratura Italiana, 1 - 5, Bari and Rome 1966 ff.DU - Dizíonario Universale della Letteratura contemporanea, 1 - 5, 1959 ff.EUI - Enciclopedia Universal Ilustrada Europeo - americana, 1 - 70 and Append. 1 - 10, Barcelona 1908 - 1935EUS - Enciclopedia Universal Sopena, 1 - 9, Barcelona 1964 ff.GEP - Grande Enciclopédia Portuguesa e Brasilerra, 1 - 40, Lisbon and Rio de Janeiro 1935 ff.GGH - Gothaischer Genealogischer Hofkalender, GothaGGGT - Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch, GothaGHdA - Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Glücksburg 1951 ff.KL - Wilhelm Kosch, Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon, 2 editions, 1 - 4 (with numbered pages), Bern 1949 - 1958KL3 - as before, 3rd edition (A.- Bremeneck), Bern and Munich 1968KLK 15 - Katholischer Literaturkalender, 15th volume, edited by Dr. Julius Dorneich, Freiburg i. Br. 1926KTh - Wilhelm Kosch, Deutsches Theater-Lexikon (A. -Rostock) (with numbered pages), Klagenfurt and Vienna 1953 ff.Kü - Kürschners Deutscher Literatur - Kalender, Leipzig, later Berlin 1879 ff.KüGK - Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender, Berlin and Leipzig 1925 ff.LdW - Wilpert, Gero von (editor), Lexikon der Weltliteratur, Stuttgart 1963L - R - Lectuur - Repertorium, 2nd ed, 1 - 3 (with numbered pages), Antwerp - Tilburg 1952 - 1954M - Johann Jacob Merlo, Cologne artists in old and new times (publications of the Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde IX), Düsseldorf 1895NDB - Neue Deutsche Biographie, 1 - 7 (Aachen - Hartmann), Berlin 1953 ff.NF - Nordisk Familjebok, 3rd ed, 1 - 23, Stockholm 1923 - 1937NNBW - Nieuw Nederlandsch Biografisch Woordenboek, 1 - 10, Leiden 1911 - 1937NÖB - Neue Österreichische Biographie, 1 - 17, Vienna 1923 - 1968ÖBL - Leo Santifaller, Österreichisches Biographisches Lexikon 1815 - 1950, 1 - 3 (A - Knoll), Graz und Köln 1957 ff.R - Hugo Riemann, Musiklexikon, 12th ed, 1 - 2, Mainz 1959 - 1961SL - Schweizer Lexikon, 1 - 7, Zurich 1948 ff.St - Robert Steimel, Kölner Köpfe, Cologne 1958Th - B - Ulrich Thieme und Felix Becker (editor), Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler, 1 - 37, Leipzig 1907 - 1950V - Hans Vollmer (editor), Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Künstler des XX. Jahrhunderts, 1 - 6, Leipzig 1953 - 1962W - Hugo Weidenhaupt, Kleine Geschichte der Stadt Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf 1962The repertory was written by Ms. Voigt.Köln, den 25. Oktober 1989Contains among others:Literary works;Letters

Mevissen, Gustav of
Best. 1073 · Fonds · 1881-1909
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Description:This publication opens up a legacy that has been in the Historical Archive for almost one hundred years now. Until a few years ago, the documents were only accessible via a handwritten find book, the oldest part of which had been laid out by the former head of the city archives, Joseph Hansen. The numerous supplements and additions, the various signature layers and signature changes did not make the handling of the finding aid easy, and probably also deterred from using the estate. This is perhaps one of the reasons why, since Hansen's extensive biography of 1906, no newer, comparably broad investigation of Mevissens' life and work has been presented. Such a biography, however, is all the more urgently desired, as Hansen's biography, despite all its merits, is outdated as an object of research solely because of the author's closeness, not only to the temporal one, and yet continues to shape the judgement of the Rhenish entrepreneur Mevissen to this day. Recent research on individual aspects has revealed shortcomings and contradictions in the biography, and a renewed, comprehensive scientific examination of what was perhaps the most important 19th-century Rhenish entrepreneur is therefore desirable, and certainly fruitful, not least because of the richness of the estate. The extensive correspondence with contemporaries from business, politics, society and culture, which deserves intensive examination and evaluation, is worthy of special mention. If the present publication would set such a discourse on Mevissens' person and work in motion, this would be very welcome beyond the immediate occasion of the publication, namely the return of the 100th anniversary of his death on 13 August 1899. Mevissen was first and foremost an entrepreneur, a dynamic founder and highly competent organiser of banking, insurance, transport and industrial companies, the latter primarily in the textile, mining and mechanical engineering sectors. But his personality was more complex, more versatile. Mevissen was a politically thinking and acting person, on the national level as a member of parliament and undersecretary of state of the Frankfurt Reich government, on the local political level, among other things, as an alderman. He had ambitious concepts and goals for the interests of the community of Cologne as an economic, traffic and educational centre, and his efforts to reform school education led to the foundation of a commercial college, the predecessor of today's Cologne University. The Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde owes its origins in 1881 to his love of science, especially the historical sciences. In connection with its task of editing historical sources, Mevissen financially enabled the Historical Archives to begin organising, cataloguing and publishing the holdings of documents and records. Mevissen supported research into the history of the Rhineland and the city of Cologne. He has supported work projects, some of which have not yet created scientifically outdated foundations. For this promotion, which was continued after his death also by his daughters, first of all by Mathilde von Mevissen, he was able to win over and engage many Cologne and Rhineland entrepreneurs. The present publication is to be understood as a gesture of gratitude with which the archive of the initiator and founder of the Gesellschaft für Rheinische Geschichtskunde would like to commemorate and honour the friend and patron of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne. to publish the indexing of the Mevissen estate in print was only possible because the arranger Manfred Groten had arranged the estate in the years 1991 - 1992, registered it and indexed it in a finding aid with personal register. He, whom the Historical Archive lost as a result of a call to the University of Cologne in 1998, deserves first and foremost thanks. Mechthild Willmes went to a lot of trouble in order to get it to print quickly and smoothed out the discrepancies that had arisen in the meantime due to extensive file restoration, checked the estate once again for its completeness and determined the size of the file units. The undersigned made some changes to the text necessary for printing and created the company, local and subject index. Special thanks go to the Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce and its President Alfred Freiherr von Oppenheim. It, the Chamber, financially supported the publication of the estate of its President from 1856-1860, thus placing the Historical Archive in the fortunate position of commemorating its patron. Volume 86 of the series of announcements presents a publication which is committed to the archival work of Mevissen, both ideally and financially supported, namely the organisation, indexing and publication of archive holdings. Cologne, August 1999Everhard KleinertzDaten zu Person und WerkGustav von Mevissen (1815-1899) played an important role in the economic, political and cultural life of his time. As President of the Rheinische Eisenbahngesellschaft, he played a leading role in the development of the German transport network. He was involved in the textile and mining industry, banking, insurance and shipping. As a liberal politician, he belonged to the united Prussian state parliament of 1847, the Frankfurt National Assembly, the Volkshaus in Erfurt, and later the Herrenhaus. He held various political offices. In Cologne, he acted as deputy. Mevissen promoted and supported a large number of cultural institutions and projects The following list is intended to provide an overview of the economic undertakings initiated and promoted by Mevissen, some of which were significantly shaped, and of his political activities and cultural endeavours:1815 May 20: Birth of Gustav Mevissen in Dülken.1828 Attendance of the Karmelitergymnasium, the later Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Cologne, admission to the Quinta; move to the Quarta of the Marzellengymnasium in Cologne in autumn 1828.1829 In 1830 he joined his father's company in Dülken: yarn production and yarn wholesale business, agricultural property with land product business and oil mill. 1836-1838 Extensive travel activity for the company to the Rhineland and Westphalia, also to Belgium; 1838 travel to the English textile regions, at the suggestion of the Prussian Ministry of Finance. In Holbeck near Leeds he visits Marshall's large flax spinning mill.


I. Introduction1) On the history of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-MuseumWilhelm Joest was born in Cologne on 15 March 1852 as the son of the merchant Eduard Joest. After studying natural sciences in Bonn, Heidelberg and Berlin, he travelled to Africa, America and the South Seas. When he died on 25.11.1897 on the island of Ureparapara in the South Seas, he left behind an ethnographic collection comprising about 3,400 list numbers. This collection, which formed the basis of the museum, was accepted by the City Council on 16 February 1899 as a gift from the married couple Eugen Rautenstrauch and Adele Rautenstrauch at Joest, - she was Wilhelm Joest's sister - for the Natural History Museum. After the death of Eugen Rautenstrauch on 18.5.1900, Adele Rautenstrauch donated 250,000 Marks to the City of Cologne for the construction of a museum and another 25,000 Marks for the appointment of a museum director. The city council adopted these foundations on 9.8.1900. After the death of Adele Rautenstrauch on 30.12.1903, her heirs increased the building capital for the museum by 180,000 Marks. This donation was subject to the condition that the respective head of the Rautenstrauch family or, in his absence, another member of the Rautenstrauch family to be presented to the city by the family should have a seat and vote in the municipal commission of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. The city council assembly accepted this foundation on 13.5.1904. Joest's collections found their first accommodation in the Bayenturm in 1901. The office was located in a neighbouring harbour building. Later, parts of the collections, which had increased considerably in the meantime due to other donations, as well as the office had to be moved to the old Quatermarktschule. The collections, however, gained such a size in the following years through further donations that the space was soon no longer sufficient here either. This is why the completion of the museum building in 1906, which was begun according to the designs of architect Edwin Crones in the spring of 1904, came just in time. The ceremonial inauguration took place on November 12 of the same year, 1918, when the English occupying forces settled in the building of the State United Mechanical Engineering School Cologne, Ubierring 48. As a result, the mechanical engineering school was relocated to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for a short time in 1919. A "quartering", which should last longer, took place by the opening of the Kammerspiele on 24.10.1948. The Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum survived the bombing raids during the Second World War quite lightly, because only the north wing and the rear wing had been destroyed by bomb hits. After provisional repairs after the end of the war (Kammerspiele), the final reconstruction of the destroyed parts began in the spring of 1963. The completion of the shell of the north wing took place in 1964. From 1965 onwards, the museum was closed due to the construction work both in the old building and on the new part until its ceremonial opening on the 7th of July.Since the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum was more dependent on private than public aid at the time of its foundation, the Verein zur Förderung des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums was founded on 17.5.1904 on the initiative of Adele Rautenstrauch's heirs. On 28.2.1951 the association was renamed "Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde" (Society for Ethnology). 1909 saw the first publication of its own series, the "Ethnologica", on behalf of the Society for the Promotion of the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum. The respective director of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum acts as editor on behalf of the Association or the Society for Ethnology.2List of museum directors with terms of office - Willi Foy ( 27.11.1873, † 01.03.1929)01.10.1901 - 1925- Fritz Graebner ( 04.04.1877, † 13.07.1934)1925 - 1928- Julius Lips ( 08.09.1895, † 21.01.)1950)1928 - April 1933- Andreas Scheller 1933 - June 1940 ( 08.05.1894, † 25.3.1977 in Schwalmstadt-Ziegenhain)(provisional director (dismissed from the service of the City of Cologne on 31.12.1940)- Martin Heydrich ( 29.12.1889, † 08.02.1969)1. July 1940 - 1945- Friedrich Wilhelm Funke ( 21.06.1921)(director) 1945 - 1948- Martin Heydrich1948 - 31.12.1960- Willy Fröhlich ( 30.10.1906, † 04.09.1971)01.01.1961 - 04.09.1971- Axel Freiherr von Gagern01.12.1971 - 31.12.1978- Gisela Völger ( 28.04.1937)01.10.1979 - 27.04.20003 Sources and LiteratureContent 505, Museum Administration, No. 43Content 47 - 51, Art and Popular Education, No. 5, 53, 54, 56, 248, 250, 251, 252, 285, 286Willy Foy. Guide to the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum. (Museum für Völkerkunde der Stadt Cöln.) Köln, 1908.Verwaltungsberichte der Stadt Köln.4. Aktenübernahme und OrdnungverfahrenThe files of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum reached the archive under Accession 404 on 05.04.1976 with a three-page delivery list The delivery list describes only summarily the subject of the files packed in 11 cartons. After completion of the indexing work and the structuring in January 1984, 108 volumes of files were still found in the heating cellar of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. This delivery came on 22.02.1984 in the Archivon it received no own Accessionsnummer, but was immediately registered and into the structure already provided worked in. The files date back to the period between 1901 and 1971, with the bulk of the archival material originating between 1950 and 1970. Martin Heydrich's hand-files had been mixed with the "General Correspondence". In July 1940 Heydrich was appointed full professor for the newly established chair of ethnology at the University of Cologne. He also took over the management of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. These Handakten essentially refer to his activities as Ordinarius for Ethnology and as editor of the journal "Ethnologischer Anzeiger". The reference files were extracted from the "General Correspondence" and placed as a separate group at the end of the index under the number L.Under the "General Correspondence, Series" there is also correspondence relating to the purchase, exchange and donation of ethnographics and literature, as well as vice versa correspondence of general content in the purchase and exchange files. After the removal from the Leitz files and the removal of metal parts, the files were listed according to numerus currens. The filing within the correspondent series with museums, institutes and scientific societies was quite arbitrary. Within a volume, correspondence is filed under the location of the institute or society as well as under the name of the institute. 614 boxes comprise 37 boxes. 13 m; 655 files.