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B 1 (inventory)
Kreisarchiv Höxter, B 1 · Bestand
Teil von District Archive Höxter (Archive Tectonics)

Introduction : The holdings at hand comprise files of the Höxter district administration from the years 1824 to 1972, including the Brakel district, which was affiliated to the Höxter district in 1832. It is a remnant, to which other older files disparately found in the Kreishaus Höxter were also assigned. The focus of the collection is on files from the late 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Since the Prussian district administrator was a state official and the district administration was a state administration until its communalisation on 1 April 1946, the state archives claim the files of the district administrations. For this reason, in a total of ten deliveries from 1939 to 1951, the files of the rural administration - including numerous files of the municipal administration (district committee) that had already existed since 1884 - were handed over to the Münster State Archives. After the establishment of the Detmold State Archive with the administrative district of Detmold as the archive sprinkler, the files initially handed over to Münster came to Detmold. Therefore the majority of the files from the Prussian district time today form the holdings M 2 Höxter in the state archives North Rhine-Westphalia - department East Westphalia-Lippe - in Detmold (before the state archives Detmold). In the main, the archives recorded in this finding aid book are files from the wide area of public safety and order. However, files from the areas of social affairs, construction, trade and industry, housing, agriculture and forestry are also assigned. Höxter, signed in October 2010. Horst-D. Krus Nachtrag:In June 2015/March 2016, for the publication of the online finding aid, the individual units of registration were provided with protection period notes in accordance with the Landesarchivgesetz NRW (State Archives Act of North Rhine-Westphalia). Kreie, Höxter, 14 March 2016Kreisarchiv Höxter B 1 Nr.