Affichage de 5 résultats

Description archivistique
ALMW_II._32_50 · Dossier · 1911-1963
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 50 1 - o.J. "Voices on the Conference" (ed.; 4 p.) - o.J. Klamroth: "Theses" (concerning Islam; ed.; 1 p.) - o.J. Gleiss: "Summary of Proposals concerning Religious Literature" (ed.; 1 p.) - 1911. Protocol on the Fourth Negotiating Day (typed; 5 p.) - o.O., o.J. Resolutions - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Agenda of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (ed.) - Mamba 1911 Room (Conference Report; handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1911 "Minutes of the First German East African Missionary Conference" (handwritten; 15 p.) - Dar es Salaam 1936 "General German Evangelical Lutheran Missionary Conference including Augustana Synod". (Agenda, minutes; typed; 2 copies; 7 and 9 p.) - 1936 "Tanganyika Missionary Council" (printed; 10 p.) - Marangu 1936. Rother an Direktor - Bukoba o.J. Scholten: "Memorandum on the mission situation in East Africa" (typed; 11 and 17 p.; 2 copies). FICHE NO. 50 2 - Continued - Leipzig 1936. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother - Marangu 1936 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Commission for the Preparation of the Lutheran Missionary Church Federation for East Africa" (2x) - Marangu 1936. Bethel-Mission (Scholten) to Ihmels - Marangu 1936. Rother to Director - Leipzig 1937. ? to the members of the East Africa Commission (2 letters) - Berlin 1937 "Minutes of the meeting of the East Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day" - Bethel 1937. Bethel Mission (Ronicke) to Ihmels - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Augustana Synod - Mlalo 1937. Leistner to Küchler (2 letters) - Marangu 1937. Rother, Hosbach, Tscheuschner to the Lords of the Africa Commission of the German Evangelical Mission Day - Marangu 1937. Rother to Director (2 letters) - Leipzig 1937. ? (Küchler?) to Leistner (2 letters) - o.O. 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to Lilje (duplicate) - Berlin 1937. Braun to Küchler - Krummenhennersdorf 1937. ? (Küchler?) an Braun - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the Preparatory Commission of the Missionary Church Federation (4x) - o.O., o.J. Statute of the Missionary Church Federation on Lutheran Basis for East Africa (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionary Church Federation (3x) - Dar es Salaam 1937. Küchler an Kollegium der Leipziger Mission - Leipzig 1937. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa. FICHE NR. 50 3 - Dar es Salaam 1937 Minutes of the meeting of the African Council of the Missionskirchenbund - Marangu, Berliner Missionsstation Pommern, Vudee 1937/38. Rother an Ihmels (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937 "Minutes of the negotiations of the East Africa Commission of the D.E.M.". (German Evangelical Mission Days) - Leipzig 1937/38. ? (Ihmels?) to Rother (9 letters) - Herrnhut 1937. Herrnhuter Missions-Direktion (Baudert) to Ihmels - Bethel 1937. Ronicke to Ihmels - o.O. 1938. ? Rother "Kwa Wazee wa kuandaa Mkutano wa Kanisa" (Swahili) - Lwandai, Lushoto o.J. Lutheran Theological School: "A Study on the Topic: the training for the ministry in the Lutheran Church, Tanganyika, East Africa." (English; typewritten; 6 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Suggestions regarding the training of pastors for the Lutherian Churches in Tanganyika" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Lutheran Theological School. Curriculum" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Constitution. The Federation of Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika" - Lushoto 1952 "An Outline of the History of the Mission Church Federation" - Gonja 1938. Mdoe an Senior (Swahili) - Shigatini 1938. ? an Rother (Swahili) - Kidugala 1938 "Minutes of the 1st Kirchen-Bundestag" (typewritten; 6 p.) - Kidugala 1938 "Provisional Agenda of the Missionskirchenbundtag" - Neudietendorf 1938. "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (2-fold) - Bethel 1938. Ronicke to Ihmels - Marangu 1938. Rother: "Report of the Covenant Warden of the East African Missionary Church Federation on his visit to the stations of the Bena and Condesynods of the Berlin Mission and the Brethren Church". (Typewritten; 9 p.) - o.O. 1938. ? (Ihmels?) to Underhill - Mlalo 1938. Leistner to Küchler - Leipzig 1940. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa - o.O. 1940. "Visits to the western stations of the mountain" (typewritten; 5 p.) - Marangu 1940. "Minutes of the meeting of the Kirchentag committee" (typewritten; 3 p.). FICHE NO. 50 4- - continued - Marangu 1940. "Mkutano wa Wazee wa Kuandaa Mkutano Mkuu" (Swahili) - Mamba 1930. "Kawaida za kanisa" (typed; 6 p.) - Leipzig 1929. "Draft of a Church Constitution for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Africa" - o.o. 1939 "The Negotiations on the Reorganization of the School System in its Significance for Us" (Maschinegeschrieben; 8 p.) - o.o., o.J., o. Author "Utaratibu wa Kuonya na Kuongoza Wakristo jinsi utakavyotumika katika Ungamano la Makanisa ya Misioni ya Afrika ya Mashariki" (Swahili; typewritten; 4 p.) -o.O., o.J., o.Verf. "Draft of a Church Breeding Code for the Churches of the East African Missionary Church Federation on a Lutheran Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 4 p.) - Berlin 1940 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Home Council of the East African Missionary Church Federation" - o.O. 1940. Gutmann (or without year and author): "Zur Fortentwicklung des Ostafrikanischen Kirchenbund auf Lutherischer Basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 11 or 15 p.) - o.o. 1940. Gutmann: "Points of view on a draft of an instruction for the covenant keeper of the East African Federation of Churches on a Lutheran basis" (Maschinegeschrieben; 3 p.) - o.o. 1950. Schiotz an "Lutheran Churches in Tanganyika that formerly were served by the Berlin, Bethel and Leipzig Mission Societies" (English) - Leipzig 1952. ? (Ihmels?) to Schiotz - Leipzig 1952. Ihmels: "The Missionskirchenbund auf lutherischer Grundlage für Ostafrika" (2fold) - o.O., o.J. Ihmels: "The East African Mission Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - o.O., o.J. "Statute of the East African Church Federation on Lutheran Basis" (English) - 1963. Copy from "In all the world".

Sans titre
ALMW_II._32_54 · Dossier · 1934-1941
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 54 1 - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Foreign Office - Machame 1934. Room to German Consulate (2 letters) - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Leipzig Mission (Ihmels, Gutmann, Room) (3 letters, partly 2-fold) - Nairobi 1934. Certificate of the German Consulate (2-fold) - Same 1935. District Office an Leipziger Mission (English; 3 letters) - Machame 1935. Chairman of the conference of the Lutheran Missions in Tanganyika Territory (room) an Director of Education (English; 2 letters) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Gonja 1935. Guth "Gonja-Schulen, die nicht auf Miss. Land is standing" - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler "List of schools of the station Mbaga not standing on land belonging to the mission" - Vudee 1935. Suppes "List of schools of the station Vudee not standing on land belonging to the mission" - n.d. "List of village schools in Pare" - Machame 1934. Room to Augustana Lutheran Mission - Kinyangiri 1935. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) to room (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Barclays Bank to room (English) - Machame 1935. Room to Governor of Tanganyika Territory (English) - Masai 1935. District Office to Pätzig (English) - Leipzig 1931. Copy of a statement by Ihmel or the College (English) - Dar es Salaam 1935. Secretariat to Leipzig Mission (English; 2-fold)) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed properties of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Pare District" - Gonja 1935. Guth (list of mission properties) - Marangu 1935. Rother an Senior - Moshi 1935. Gutmann an Senior - Mbaga 1935. Nüssler an Senior - Shigatini 1935. Schomerus an Senior - Shira 1935. Becker (list of buildings on mission property) - Machame 1935. room to District Officer (English) - Lwandai 1935. Rosarius to room - Mwika 1935. Eisenschmidt to Senior - Mamba 1935. Fritze to room - Moshi 1935. District Officer to Leipzig Mission (English) - Machame 1935/36. room to District Officer (English; 3 letters) - o.O., o.J. "List of the landed property of the Leipzig Lutheran Mission in the Moshi District" - Dar es Salaam 1935. Education Department an Raum (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Department of Lands and Mines an Augustana Synode (English; copy) - Kinyangiri 1936. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Magney) an Raum (English; 2 letters) - Machame 1936. Room to Magney (English) - Dar es Salaam 1936. Barclays Bank to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Inspector - Leipzig 1936. Ihmels to Gutmann (3 letters) - 1936. Ihmels: "General Power of Attorney" for Gutmann, Schwär, Rother, Fritze (English; 2 times) - Moshi 1936. ? to Haywood (English) - Moshi 1936. Haywood

Sans titre
Documents from Paul Rother
ALMW_II._32__NachlassJaeschke_P.Rother · Pièce · 1942-1947
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

1 Briefumschlag A4. Enthält: 1. SCHREIBEN VON ROTHER (KOPIEN): - o.O., o.J. an Secretariat Dar es Salaam (Englisch) - o.O., o.J. an Lutheran World Federation (Englisch) - o.O., o.J. an Anderson (Englisch) - o.O., o.J. an The Right Reverend Bishop of Chichester (Englisch) - o.O., o.J. an Your Excellency (Englisch) - Andalusia 1942. an The Chairman of the Tanganyika Missionary Council (Englisch) - Norton 1946. an The President of the Missionary Council of Tanganyika Territory (Englisch) - Norton 1946. an His Excellency the Governor of Tanganyika Territory (Englisch) - Sandhorst 1947. an Kommandant - Norton 1946. an alle Missionsarbeiter und -arbeiterinnen im Lager - Norton 1946. an The President of the Lutheran World Action (Englisch) - Norton 1946-1947. an Secretary of the International Missionary Council (4 Schreiben; Englisch) - Norton 1946. an the President and Conference of the Augustana Lutheran Mission in Tanganyika Territory (Englisch) - Norton 1946-1947. an Anderson (2 Schreiben; Englisch) - Norton 1946. Memorandum to the Bishop of Salisbury (Maschinegeschreiben; 4 S.) - Norton 1946. an The Right Reverend Bishop of Southern Rhodesia (4 Schreiben; Englisch; mit einer Liste "Members of the Missionary Staff from Tanganyika Territory in the Internment Camp Norton) - Norton 1946. an Ihmels (4 Schreiben; mit Kopie des Schreibens Norton 1946 an "His Excellency the Governor of Tanganyika Territory") - Norton 1946. 2. SCHREIBEN AN ROTHER (KOPIEN): - o.O. 1946. Schw. Elisabeth - Salisbury 1946. Jackson (Englisch) - Marangu 1946. Alden (Englisch) - New York / London 1946-1947. International Missionary Council (Albright / Gibson) (6 Schreiben; Englisch) - Singida 1946. Augustana Lutheran Mission (Anderson) (Englisch) - New York 1946. Lutheran World Convention (Long) (Englisch) - Leipzig / Triebes 1946. Ihmels (3 Schreiben) 3. VERSCHIEDENES (KOPIEN) - o.O., o.J. "Additional Names of Missionaries who are prepared to join the Anglican Mission temporarily." (Englisch) - Daramombe o.J. Bailey an "friends in England" (Englisch) - Dar es Salaam 1945. The Chief Secretary to the Government an Personn (Englisch) - Salisbury 1945. Personn an Governor of Tanganyika Territory (Englisch) - Hackenstedt 1947. Gäbler an Schwaer - Hackenstedt 1947. Zentralstelle Nordwestdeutschland der Leipziger Mission (Witte) an Schwaer - Leipzig 1946. Ihmels an "unsere internierten Mitarbeiter" - Norton 1946. Tscheuschner u.a. an The Governor of Tanganyika Territory - 1946. Bishop of Southern Rhodesia an "Brothers" (2 Schreiben; Englisch) - o.O., o.J., o. Verf. "The two `Rheinfelden´-meetings." (Englisch; Maschinegeschrieben; 6 S.) - Abschrift "Aus einem Artikel des Rhodesian Herald vom 14. März 1947" (Englisch und Deutsch) - o.O., o.J. "Auf den Abhaengen des Kilimandscharo. Auszug aus H. von Sicards Reise durch Tanganyika" (Maschinegeschrieben; 5 S.) - Norton 1947. Brahdis, Goppel, Muth "Exposé on the situation of German Nationals from Mandated Tanganyika Territory." (Maschinegeschrieben; Englisch; 5 S.)

Jäschke, Ernst
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_5 · Pièce · 1923-1963
Fait partie de Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Leipzig 1963. Ihmels (letter of thanks) - Andalusia Camp 1940. Hentschel to Ihmels (copy) - Leeuwkop Camp 1940. Tscheuschner to Lörtscher (2 copies) - o.O. 1943. Lawton, Brandt, Schmidt to friends (newsletter) - Hamburg, Dresden 1941. Freytag, Lehmann to the mission workers in the homeland (newsletter) - Munich 1953. Ev.-luth. Landeskirchenrat an Erlanger Zentralstelle der Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (impression) - Moshi o.J. Riedel an ? (telegram) - Baviaanspoort 1944. Carstens to Memmen - Marangu 1956. Njau to Gutmann (transcript) - Berlin 1937. Reich and Prussian Ministers of the Interior to Chief Presidents of the Province of Westphalia (concerning "Collection Law of 5 November 1934 ... Circular of 9 June 1937 ... unlawful church collections") - Würzburg 1942. "Wolfgang" to "father" (private) - Schwabach 1955. Private letter to parents or grandparents - o.O., o.J. ? to ? (Part of a letter?) - "Our medical mission" annual report presented at the general meeting of the Missionsärztlichen Verein zu Leipzig ... 1941 by Küchler (typewritten, 4 p.) - 122nd Annual Report of the Leipzig Mission. 16 S. (ed.) - Ev.-luth. Mission zu Leipzig (ed.): Vom Dienst der Leipziger Mission. n.d. 8 p. (dr.) - From the service of the Leipzig Mission. 124th Annual Report 1942/43 and 125th Annual Report 1943/44 (8 pages each, printed) - Annual Report 1940/41 of the Hotschuan-Mission e.V. 16 pages. The plough of God. Annual report 1944/45 of the Hotschuan-Mission e. V. 16 p. (dr.) - "Mission people we want to think about" 2 p. (dr.) - Freytag, W. "Look over the borders. On the state of world mission." Hamburg 1946. (printed 32 p.; copy of machine 15 p.) - Machame 1959. Schmiedel to College of the Leipzig Mission (annual report 1958; typed; 15 p.; copy) - Moshi, St.: Welcome address to the leaders of the Church in Africa and Europe who were guests in Tanganyika. 1960. 4 p. - Roever, H.: Letter from Rev. H. Roever. Perambalur, Tiruchy Dt. (S. India) o.J. 4 S. (printed) - 2 newspaper clippings (Nürnberger Stadtspiegel 1955 "Pfarrer Jaeschke nahm Abschied von Nürnberg"; "Landesmissionsfest: Aufruf zur Nächstenliebe" ohne Quellenangabe, o.J.) - "Mitteilungsblatt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Sonderaufgaben 2. Jg., No. 5/6, Munich 1947, p. 20/21 (machine copy) - Kaul, R.: Lehrbuch der Gabelsbergerschen Stenographie für Kaufleute. Dresden 1923. 74 p. (printed) - "Vorträge von Dr. Mergner aus Würzburg" 1948 - "Reiseplan" o.J. - Castell 1948 1948 - "Reiseplan für die Ärztliche Mission 1948" - "Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für Ärzte in Übersee" (typewritten; 2 p.) - o.O., o.J. "Abrechnung" - Sausenhofen 1948 - Pfarramt an Herrn Mergner (13 pupils in grades 5-8 write about a lecture by Mergner)

Bacmeister, Walter