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Archival description
ALMW_II._MB_1894_6 · File · 1894
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Report by Miss. Clean in Ikutha. Scope: pp. 154-158. Contains, among other things: - (SW: travel description - Nthambani, Maimu Mountains, Ngwani Hills, Ntheu River; death of an ivory merchant; landscape around Kitwi; problems with the Wakamba - robberies, circumcision ceremonies, witch trials)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1898_27 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Report by Miss. Müller in Madchame, June 1898. Scope: pp. 365-371. Includes among others: - (SW: search for new mission areas; lending a tent from Schangali; chief of Kiboscho - Mlelya; meeting with chief Ngalami; gifts; visit to chief Membi; securing land; agreement of the chiefs; Wandorobbo at the Kware river; dialect of the Sira people) Darin: Illustration "Membi and Ngalami, chiefs of the Sira landscapes with their entourage in the camp of Miss. Müller."

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1900_2 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Clean in Mulango in Kitwi. Scope: p. 20-22* 42-43. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Miss.'s journey from Ikutha to Kitwi; description of the move; arrival at Simba Chief) - (SW: nutrition of the missionaries; beginnings of the station; agriculture)
Leipziger Missionswerk
A trip to Kitwi
ALMW_II._MB_1897_7 · File · 1897
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Miss's report. Hofmann in Ikutha, Oct. 8, 1896. Scope: pp. 69-72* 96-99. Includes among others: - (SW: Miss. Hofmann searching for a station; description of the northwestern area of Ikutha; Kitwi district) - (SW: attack on Miss Hofmann after Kidimui ascent; quick return)
Leipziger Missionswerk
A walk to Unter-Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1896_30 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Ovir in Nkarungo. Scope: p. 421-425* 443-447. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Travelogue by Miss. Ovir; description of the landscape; meeting with a magician; classification of the Madchame area - 30 districts under the leadership of the district elders) - (SW: break and overnight stay with the district eldest Kirewe; campfire; translation of a song and riddles) Darin: Illustration "The new mission house of our station Madschame.
Leipziger Missionswerk
Arrival in Jimba
ALMW_II._MB_1896_29 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's letters. Wenderlein in Jimba, July 1896. Scope: pp. 402-405. Contains among others: - (SW: Miss's journey. Wenderlein; briefing by Br. Unger in Mombasa; warm welcome on return by the natives)

Leipziger Missionswerk
Arusha. Station Diary I.
ALMW_II._32_145 · File · 1904
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Three fiches. Also includes: - Report on the first week in Arusha (19.-26.6.)1904) - Monthly reports July 1904, August - September 1904 - Quarterly reports 4/1904, 1/1905, 2/1905, 3/1905, 4/1905, 2/1906, 3/1906, 4/1906, 1/1907, 2/1907, 3/1907, 4/1907, 1/1908, 2/1908, 3/1908 - Annual reports 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 - Report about the trip to Kilimandjaro and Meru around Christmas time - Report Blumers about his first Christmas party in Africa

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1899_20 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From letters from Miss. Clean in Kitwi. Scope: p. 364-370. Includes, among other things: - (SW: accommodation first with the village elder Simba; journey to Kitwi; English official Russel; search for a building site; about the inhabitants; arrangement of the farmsteads; first service on Mulango; house construction) Darin: map "The stations Ikutha and Kitwi in Ukamba.

Leipziger Missionswerk
From Mombasa to Jimba
ALMW_II._MB_1899_28 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: By Miss. Mendner in Jimba. Scope: p. 467-470. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Marriage of Miss. Pfitzinger in Mombasa; journey until arrival in Jimba; wedding of the couple in the church of Jimba; language study) Darin: Illustration "Arrival of a mission caravan at Kilimanjaro". (S. 475)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1899_23 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Travelogue by Miss. Fox. Scope: pp. 391-394. Includes, among other things: - (SW: Train line Mombasa - Kilimanjaro; prices; Wataita as carrier; station Taweta near Miss. Mc. Gregor; wide street; arriving in Mamba) Darin: Illustration "Native women at Kilimanjaro".

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1894_17 · File · 1894
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Miss's report. Althaus in Mamba, 26. July 1894. Scope: S. 440-443* 449-453. Includes among others: - (SW: Miss. Althaus and Faßmann travel to the North Pare Mountains; meeting with chief chief Makoko) - (SW: negotiations; selection of a station place; description of the surrounding area; language speculations; return to Mamba)
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1897_2 · File · 1897
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Miss's report. Hofmann in Ikutha, Sept. 1896. Scope: p. 20-23* 31-33. Includes among others: - "First, our caravan." (SW: equipment of the caravan) - "2. The direction and order of the journey." (SW: travel description) - "3rd excerpt from the travel diary." (SW: trip; scenic description) - (SW: trip and scenery; arrival in Ikutha at Miss. Säuberlich)
Leipziger Missionswerk
Latest news from Kilimanjaro
ALMW_II._MB_1894_3 · File · 1894
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's letters. Päsler and Fassman in Madchame. Scope: p. 21-27* 37-38. Includes, among others: - (SW: travel report of the missionaries from Mombasa to Madchame; first building activities and agricultural work; visit of the chief Schangali with gifts; Kidschagga) - (SW: illness of Miss. Böhme; construction of temporary houses for schools, stables etc.)
Leipziger Missionswerk
Latest news from Mombasa
ALMW_II._MB_1893_11 · File · 1893
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: Anonymous. Scope: p. 365-367* 381-383. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Missionaries Päsler, Faßmann, Müller and Althaus wait in Mombasa for the results of the fighting at Moshi; conflict between the German governor and Chief Meli; Miss. Böhme - description of a sea voyage) - (SW: defeat Melis; missionaries practice Swahili in the meantime; planned departure in Madchame area east of Moshi)
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1895_30 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: After messages from Miss. Room in Jimba. Scope: p. 436-440. Contains, among other things: - (SW: due to the Arab uprising there are uncertainties in Jimba and Mbungu - journey of Miss. von Lany and the brides of Miss. Althaus und Müller moved; chiefs Mbaruku and Aziz; description of the station; school; residents) Darin: Illustration "The mission school in Jimba. (Miss. Fight)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1894_16 · File · 1894
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From a letter from Miss. Hofmann, Aug. 30, 1894. Scope: pp. 425-427. Includes among others: - (SW: problems with missionary work; Wakamba travel to trade; mediocre harvest; interest in Sunday sermons)

Leipziger Missionswerk
My journey to Northern Pare
ALMW_II._MB_1900_25 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Althaus in Mamba. Scope: p. 430-435* 454-459. Contains, among other things: - (SW: travel in the interest of the expansion of the mission area; travel and landscape description, property search, Shigatini hill as station place; chieftains Ndoiles and Kita; friendly reception) - (SW: property negotiations; acquisition and surveying of the property; description of the surroundings; meeting of relatives of two Kostschüler; return journey)
Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1896_22 · File · 1896
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to Miss's letters. Clean and Tremel in Ikutha. Scope: pp. 321-323. Includes, among other things: - (SW: Miss. Clean - trip to surrounding area; problems of mission; more resonance in teaching; language studies)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Moschi
ALMW_II._MB_1898_25 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: By Miss. Cooper. Scope: p. 344-348. Contains, among other things: - "First trip to the mountains, new catechumens, etc." (SW: saddle plateau between Kibo and Mawensi; baptismal request and plague of locusts; visit of Liebert) - "2. The station pupils and their achievements." - "The schoolhouse." - "The school." Darin: Picture "Melis Boma in Moschi."

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1893_9 · File · 1893
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: By Miss. Päsler in Jimba, July 17, 1893. Scope: pp. 325-330. Contains among others: - (SW: Journey to Jimba; Miss. Wenderlein, miss. Fighting; worship; contemplation of the station environment - farmsteads and "shambas")

Leipziger Missionswerk
The journey of our Africans
ALMW_II._MB_1895_23 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Anonymous. Scope: p. 340-343. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Journey and arrival of the new missionaries - Pfitzinger, Raum, Segebrock, Ovir in Tanga)

Leipziger Missionswerk
Trip from Mombasa to Mulango
ALMW_II._MB_1900_35 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From Miss's travelogue. Gerhold in Mulango. Scope: p. 548-553* 571-573. Contains, among other things: - "First, from Mombasa to Jimba." - "Second from Jimba to Ikutha." - "Three. Four days in Ikutha." "4th From Ikutha to Mulango." Darin: Picture "Miss. Gerhold's caravan on its way to Mulango."
Leipziger Missionswerk