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Archival description
A day in Jimba
ALMW_II._MB_1895_4 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From a letter from Miss. A little turner in Jimba. Scope: p. 67-72. Includes, among other things: - (SW: demographic information about the station; school and lessons - baptismal students and catechumens; church services; Martin - native Christian; translation of the catechism; Ngoma - entertainments; nightly drumming)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_NachlassMergner_2 · Item · 1929-1979
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Contains: - Moshi 1939. Certificate of Registration. Tanganyika Territory. Mrs. Mergner - Moshi 1937. Tanganyika Territory Driving Licence. Mr. Mergner - Erlangen 1947. Erlanger Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Mission Confirmation" for Mr. Mergner) - Erlangen 1948. Erlanger Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Official Certificate" for Mr. Mergner) - Munich 1948. Ev.-Landeskirchenrat ("Dauer-Dienstreisebescheinigung" for Mr. Mergner) - Erlangen 1948. Erlangen Central Office of the Leipzig Mission ("Arbeits-Ausweis" for Mr. Mergner) - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938. Contract between the College of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission and Mrs. Mergner - Leipzig 1938.luth. mission and Mr. Mergner - Würzburg 1929: "Certificate of the examination board in Würzburg about the dental preliminary examination of the student of dentistry" for Zill - Lippstadt 1931. Ev. hospital (certificate for Mr. Mergner; 2-fold) - Ludwigslust 1931. Diakonissenkrankenhaus Stift Bethlehem (certificate for Mr. Mergner) - Leipzig 1932. Ev.luth. mission (service certificate for Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1938. Ev.-luth. mission (service certificate for Mrs and Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ev.-luth. mission (certificate for Mr Mergner; 4fold) - Hamburg 1948. social security authority. Flüchtlingsfürsorge (Bescheinigung für Herrn Mergner) - Würzburg o.J. Lebenslauf Mr Mergner (3fach) - Braunschweig 1947. Mr Mergner to the Spruchkammer der Ärzte des Staates Braunschweig - Braunschweig 1948. Denazification Committee for Doctors to the Erlanger Zentralstelle der Leipziger Mission - Würzburg 1948. The public plaintiff of Spruchkammer IV to Mr Mergner - Würzburg 1948. The public plaintiff of Spruchkammer IV ("Order"; 2-fold) - Würzburg 1948. Spruchkammer IV (Administrative fee) - Braunschweig 1948. Mr Mergner ("Affidavit" for Günther) - Darmstadt 1947. ? "('Affidavit' for Mr Mergner) - o.O. 1947. Ground staff to the Denazification Commission of the Government (concerning 'request for denazification' by Mr Mergner; with accompanying letter to Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ihmels (certificate for Mr Mergner) - Leipzig 1947. Ihmels (certificate for Mr Mergner; 4 copies) - Fischbeck 1947. Kremz (certificate for Mr Mergner; 2 copies; transcripts) - Göttingen 1947 Weber (certificate for Mr Mergner; 2 copies; transcripts) - Löhne 1948 Winkelmann (declaration for Mr Mergner; 3 copies; transcripts) - Handschriftliche Zeugnisse für Mergner (transcripts?) - Baviaanspoort 1943 Mergner / Hoffmann (certificate for medical instruction for course "B") - o.O., o.J. "Supplement to the Application for Immediate Aid from Dr. Friedrich Mergner" (handwritten and typewritten) - Nürnberg-Katzwang 1979. Mergner: "Wie es zur Minderversicherung meines Alters kam" (How the Underinsurance of my Age came about) (typewritten; 6 p.)

Bacmeister, Walter
ALMW_II._MB_1900_13 · File · 1900
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From reports by Miss. von Hopffgarten and Miss. von Lany. Scope: p. 200-202. Contains, among other things: - Arrival in Shira; accommodation with Chief Nkalami; construction of a mud house; Miss. Space - pneumonia; agriculture; Captain Johannes; purchase contracts and understanding with chieftains Nkalami and Sinare)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1895_11 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: Excerpt from Miss's diary. Althaus. Scope: pp. 147-149. Contains, among other things: - (SW: Completion of the house; many wildcats; locusts; theft; final conclusion of the purchase contract between Miss. Althaus and Chief Koimbere about the station property)

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1895_30 · File · 1895
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: After messages from Miss. Room in Jimba. Scope: p. 436-440. Contains, among other things: - (SW: due to the Arab uprising there are uncertainties in Jimba and Mbungu - journey of Miss. von Lany and the brides of Miss. Althaus und Müller moved; chiefs Mbaruku and Aziz; description of the station; school; residents) Darin: Illustration "The mission school in Jimba. (Miss. Fight)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1893_13 · File · 1893
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From a letter from Miss. Neuberlich, 23. May 1893. Scope: S. 430-435. Contains et al: - (SW: intended sermon journey to Mutha; worship meetings; school - no reading books; wages claimed from pupils; Maimu spirits; "fairy tales" of the arrival of the Son of God in Tzomba; superstition; history of origin of the Wakamba, Wagalla and Waguasi; Wakamba - 15 clans; description of political conditions; mythology; geography - mapping of areas between Athi and Tana) Darin: Illustration "School in Jimba (East Africa), (Swahili and Wakamba children)".

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Ikutha
ALMW_II._MB_1898_30 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: From Miss's diary. Hofmann and Säuberlich. Scope: pp. 397-405. Contains, among other things: - "First visit to the Kibwezi mission in Scotland." (SW: little missionary activity; garden; hunting) - "2. some of the domestic life of the missionaries." (SW: Birth of the son of the siblings Säuberlich; passage of Dr. Kolbe; lease) - "3. drought and famine in and around Ikutha". - "Four. The missionary work among the starving Wakamba." (SW: Problems due to famine; attendance at church service) - "5. The first catechumens in Ikutha." (SW: school attendance; baptism registration; presentation of the baptism candidates) Darin: illustration "Ndzau, Koloboi and Kawalo, three students in Ikutha."

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Jimba
ALMW_II._MB_1898_32 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Author: According to the diaries of the missionaries Fühler and Fuchs. Scope: p. 447-450. Contains, among other things: - "First parish and school." (SW: counting the inhabitants of Jimba; attending church service; saying goodbye to Wenderlein; appointing 4 elders; drought; boarding students) - "2. All kinds of work." (SW: daily routine; medical treatment) - "3rd Blessing of European Civilization." (SW: Visit by former students)

Leipziger Missionswerk
News from Madschame
ALMW_II._MB_1899_17 · File · 1899
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: By Miss. Muller. Scope: p. 325-329* 347-351. Includes, but is not limited to: - "First Circumcision of Some Costume Students." (SW: meeting with Schangali and Nasuwa) - "2nd arrival of siblings room." (SW: worship visit; worker for the House of Spaces; equipment) - "3rd Naruma." (SW: Catholic priest in Naruma; Chief Makunga - with him teaching) - "4th heathen sermon and school work." (SW: UnerMadchame; building a hut; market at Mula and market Kalali - sermon places; Wimbi harvest; chieftain's mother Nuya; boarding school; everyday school life) - "5. A dispute." (SW: between chieftains Schangali and Kiboso; legal case; arming of the warriors; meeting at Schangali; mediation of the German government) - "6th second visit of the Meru people". (SW: visit from Kiwoso; chief of the Meru people) - "7th heathen sermon in Untermadschame." (SW: treatment of wounds) - "8th New Contestants, School, etc." (SW: applicant; school; thunderstorm - damage of the school building; fashion - plait; Kimadare - chief of Aruscha) Darin: Illustration "Huts in the design of Madschame. (Dancing Jagga Negroes.)"
Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._32_60 · File · 1904-1945
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 60 1 - Sketch of one to the Ev.-luth. mission leased piece of crown land in the landscape Moshi - sketch "Mwika" - "sketch of the mission Shira" - "sketch of the mission station Arusha" September 1912 - "pastureland mission Meru" - "plan of the station Nkoaranga" signed. by Everth after a drawing by Küster - "Land bei Madschame" No. 1 and 2 - Machame 1912. "Situation plan of the mission station Shira" - Arusha 1904. Purchase contract (copy): State treasury of Deutschostafrika to Ev.-.luth. Mission to Leipzig / Fassmann (2-fold) - Arusha 1908. transcript purchase contract: Mulia an Mission (Fokken) (2-fold) - "site plan over a property in Nkyani" - Arusha 1906. no. 46 transcript purchase contract: Landesfiskus von Deutsch-Ostafrika sold to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (Fassmann) (2-fold) with a sketch - "transcript of the 2nd copy. Farm No. 17": State Treasury of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Mission Meru (Krause) (2-fold) - Arusha 1908. Purchase contract: Mangi Saroni to Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig (Fokken) (2-fold) - Moshi 1898. Copy of a copy. Protocol "Chief Matunta of Meru" 1896 Property handed over to Imperial Governor to Leipzig Mission. - Sango 1899, copy of the purchase contract: "Between the chief of the landscape Kibonata Ngalami" and the Leipzig Mission ("Old Mission property in Shira") (2-fold) - "Contract about purchase lease of crown land" ("New Mission land in Shira"): State Treasury to Mission (Fassmann) - "Property of the Mission Nkarungo (Madschame)" Sketch - Moshi. "Lease No 28": State Treasury and Mission (Fassmann) (2-fold). FICHE NR. 60 2 - Sketch ? Made after the original by Alberti - note by Paul - Tanga 1902. Execution of purchase contract: Paesler, Machame and "Chief of Madschame" Schangali (2-fold) - Moshi 1904. Purchase contract: Landesfiskus an Leipziger Mission (Fassmann) (2-fold) - Reference to 2 other documents in the archive of the Obermadschame mission station - Moshi 1904. Purchase contract: Landesfiskus an Leipziger Mission (Fassmann) - Mamba 1903. Execution. Lecture. Purchase contract: State Treasury to Leipzig Mission (Fassmann - Mwika) (2-fold) - Moshi 1900. Copy. Purchase contract: State Treasury to Leipzig Mission (Althaus - Mamba) (2-fold) - Reference to 2 further purchase and donation documents in the archive of Mamba - Marangu 1895. Copy. Purchase contract: Leipzig Mission (Althaus) and "Chief of Mamba Koimbere" (2-fold) - Moshi 1906. Copy. Landschenkung: from "Msami Mrema, mangi ya Pokomo" to Leipzig Mission (Swahili?) (2-fold) - copy. Sketch "School property Natiro in the landscape Pokoma" - Moshi 1908. transcript. Landschenkung: "Salema Moshi, mangi ya Moshi" to Leipziger Mission (Swahili?) (2-fold) - Moshi 1913. land surveyor Erdmann (concerning cost calculation for the Ev.-luth. Mission to Leipzig) - Moshi 1913. receipt - 1920. Weishaupt to Everth, Fokken, Vierhub, Thiele "questionnaire. Station: ..." New-Moshi; Moshi; Mamba; Machame (filled out) ("...Preparation work ... in the event that a claim for compensation is submitted.") - various handwritten notes - one printed page - form of an accompanying letter for the transmission of the statutes of the newly founded Missionsärztliche Verein Leipzig (printed 5 times). FICHE No 60 3 - "Annex to the principles for the valuation of planting enterprises. "Samples of damage claims." (printed) - "Instructions for filing a claim for damage to movable property." (printed) - Advertising of the Alfred Kientopf Verlag, Berlin - o.O., o.J. Maschinegeschrieben (concerning question of compensation). FICHE NR. 60 4 - Continuation of the "Musterbeispiele für Schadenanmeldungen" (printed) - "Reichs-Gesetzblatt Jahrgang 1920 Nr. 11" (printed) - 1920th Fokken an Missionsinspektor - 1920th Weishaupt an Mauer, Thiele, Hohlfeld, Fokken, Fuchs, Hauptmann, Michel, Itta-meier "Fragebogen. Station..." Shira; Masama; Mwika; Arusha; Shigatini; Usangi; Mbaga; Wudee; Ruruma u.a. (altogether 10) - Leipzig 1920. Stamberg "Index of the inventory of the station Mwika" - Schachschneider (list concerning Nkoaranga) - Rother (list concerning Gonja) - List "Questionnaire sent to: .... have completed: ..." - Grundsätze für die Wertberechnung von Pflanzungsunternehmungen in den deutschen Schutzgebieten Aufgestellt im Reichsministerium für Wiederaufbau Kolonialzentralverwaltung im Dezember 1920" (printed). FICHE No. 60 5 - Continued "Principles ..." - "Supplement to the Principles for the Valuation of Plantation Enterprises." 1921 (printed) - "Der Kolonialdeutsche" magazine, 1st volume, No. 9, September 1921 - Oberschlema 1921. Excerpt from a letter from Müller to Weishaupt - 1921. Weishaupt to Knak - Berlin 1921. Knak to Weishaupt (2 letters) - "Pressekorrespondenz des Deutschen Ausland-Instituts Stuttgart" volume III, No. 45, Stuttgart 1921 - 1921. Weishaupt to Müller - Oberschlema 1921. Müller to Mission Inspector (Weishaupt) (2 letters) - Leipzig 1921. Weishaupt to Governor Dr. Hahl (transcript) - Berlin 1921. New Guinea Compagnie to Ev.luth Mission zu Leipzig - Cover sheet "Board of Trustees or return of our property." - Linden 1922. Excerpt from a letter room to mission director - "Plots of our mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a." (typewritten) - Arpka 1924. Beautiful to Ihmels (property of the station Mamba) - 1924. Oldewage to Leipziger Mission (property of the stations Shigatini and Usangi) - Gleisberg 1924. Everth to mission director (property of the station Neumoshi) - Sachsgrün 1924. Stamberg (property of the station Mwika) - Moshi 1916. receipt - Unterleinleiter 1924. Wall at Ihmels (concerning property of the station Shira) - Jessen at Leipziger Mission (concerning Shira) - Bayreuth 1924. Fox at Leipziger Mission (concerning the station Shira) - Bayreuth 1924. Shigatini) - List "Estimated value of East African stations" (typewritten) - Schwepnitz 1924. Michel to director of missions (concerning Wudee) - "Station Ruruma (Iramba)" "Station Gonja" - Eichigt 1924. Thiele to director of missions (concerning Masama). FICHE NR. 60 6 - continued - 1924 Wärthl an Missionsdirektor - Königsfeld 1924. Müller (concerning Missionsgrundstück Machame; August 1920) - "Missionseigentum in Masama" - translation "Letter of the Board of Trustees of German Missions to the Augustana Synod d. d. 5. Novbr. 1923" (German) - London 1923. International Missionary Council an Missionsdirektor Paul (English) - London 1923. Tanganyika Trust an Paul (English) - London 1923 / 1928 Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland an Ihmels (4 letters; English) - 1925 An Board of Trustees at H. Maclennan (4 letters) - London 1925 Tanganyika Trust an Ihmels bzw. Weishaupt (4 letters; English) - handwritten notes - Dar esalaam 1928 Copy "Official Gazette Vol.IX,No.16. ... Mission Property in Tanganyika Territory." (English; typed) - 1928. An Gibson (2 letters) - London 1928. International Missionary Council an Ihmels (English) - London 1930. Bernstorff (German Embassy) an Weichert (2 letters; transcript) - Berlin 1930. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft (Weichert) an Ihmels (3 letters) - London o.J. Conference of Missionary Societies in Great Britain and Ireland an Weichert (English) - Excerpt from a letter to Bernstorff, German Embassy, London by ? - Daressalaam 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission (copy) - Shigatini 1932. No. 26. Fuchs an Kollegium - Shigatini 1932. Fuchs an Weishaupt - Bethel 1932. Bethel-Mission an Weishaupt (betr. "Return of the mission estates; copy) - Neuendettelsau 1933. Missionsanstalt Neuendettelsau (Eppelein) to the directorate of the Leipzig Missionsgesellschaft z.H. Weishaupt - 1933. Weishaupt to Eppelein - Daressalaam 1933. Roehl to Mission Director - Mosau 1934. Roehl to Doctor - Usa River 1935. German Federation for East Africa to Ihmels - Dar es Salaam 1936. Clark to Rother (English) - Marangu 1936. Rother to Mission Inspector - Leipzig 1936. An Clark - Dar es Salaam 1938. Barclays Bank Chambers / Clarke to Leipzig Mission - 1937. "Tanganyika Territory. the Land (Perpetual Succession) Ordinance ... Certificate of Registration." - Dar esalaam 1949. "Notes of a Meeting in the Secretariat on ... 1949, to Consider the Disposal of Ex-German Mission Property." (typewritten; English) - Daressalaam 1949. transcript "German Mission Property (Disposal)" (English) - "Memorandum of Meeting between the Member for Lands and Mines and Doctor Anderson of the National Lutheran Council held on the ... 1949, to decide valuations of properties of the Former German Missions which it is proposed that Government should not revest in the National Lutheran Council" - Leipzig 1949. "An die Christen der Lutheran Church of Northern Tanganyika." - Leipzig 1949. An Schiotz - Leipzig 1949. "Kwa Wakristo wa Kanisa la Upande wa Kaskazini, Tanganyika Territory" - Leipzig 1949. "To the Christians of the Lutheran Church, Northern Area, Tanganyika Territory." (English) - Königswalde 1950. Stamberg to Mission Director - 1950. To Stamberg. FICHE NR. 60 7- - Continued - Leipzig 1950. An Anderson (English) - Arusha 1953. Custodian of Enemy Property an Anderson (English) - 1953. Anderson an Schiotz, National Lutheran Council (English) - "Excerpts from CYCOM March 31, 1954, Agenda" (English) - Commission on Younger Churches and Orphaned Missions (CYCOM) Agenda March 1954 (English; 13 pages) - Dar esalaam 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission - 1932. Roehl an Bethel-Mission - 1932. Custodian of Enemy Property an Anderson (English) - 1953. Weishaupt to Rorarius - Bethel 1932. Rorarius to Weishaupt (concerning "restitution of the mission lands") - 1932. College of the Leipzig Mission (concerning power of attorney for Fuchs) - Leipzig 1932. College (concerning "Power of Attorney" for Roehl; English) - 1932. College (power of attorney for Roehl) - 1932. An Fuchs - 1932-1933. Weishaupt to Roehl (3 letters) - 1932. Weishaupt to Rorarius (2 letters).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_II/72 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Built by the government. Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,9 X 11,6. Description: rectangular hut, clay walls, roof of plant fibers, small canopy, under canopy various tools and boxes, right. further hut of the same style.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._MB_1894_15 · File · 1894
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: From letters of the missionaries Päsler and Althaus. Scope: p. 381-384 398-401 422-425. Contains, among other things: - 1st (SW: Division of the Dschagga area between Catholics and the Leipzig Mission; investigation trip of Miss. Althaus und Faßmann; contract with Chief Makoko; station development in the Mamba area; Chief Koimbere; Tamulen for support) - 2. Althaus supervises the construction work; Miss. Päsler and Müller from Madchame; slow progress of house building and horticulture; exchange and trade) - (SW: Start of construction of a stone house; Miss. Päsler - Return to Madchame; divine service with Tamulen and Swahili)
Leipziger Missionswerk
The station Mbungu
ALMW_II._MB_1898_22 · File · 1898
Part of Francke's Foundations in Halle
  • Author: According to Miss's diary. Pfitzinger. Scope: p. 297-298* 325-328. Contains, among other things: - "First Miss. Clean departure." (SW: departure of Miss; escort to Samburu railway station) - "2nd plague of locusts." (SW: Description of the catastrophe; consumption of locusts) - "3. Intervention of an English official." (SW: conflicts; new laws; mission work - school and worship; Miss. Fuchs) - "4. Finally a school in Mbungu." (SW: Ndzéngela - most respected of the village; agreement on school attendance; number of pupils; food pupils; slave trade)
Leipziger Missionswerk