Showing 6 results

Archival description
Archivalie - Process

description: Contains:Content: Ober-Kommando der Schutztruppen, Berlin: Sending a request from the chief physician of the Schutztruppe for DOA, Brünn, whether he could send his collected ethnographica to the Völkerkundemuseum in Stuttgart - Luschans replies, who wishes to see the collection presented with a quotation due to the possible purchase of the Berlin museum.letters: 1

Archivalie - Process
E 1043/1908 · File · 1908-01-01 - 1908-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Acquisition: III/28/1911: VIII A 5811-5853, Photos (West Africa, S.Cameroon, S.Nigeria, Gold Coast), Donation Max v. Stefenelli -- [New acquisition under III/16/1950: VIII 3492-3526 as gift v. Stephenelli] -- Contains: Letter of 14 May 1908 from Stefenelli to Luschan [?], Bad Liebenstein (Thuringia), Hotel Guisisana (Qui-si-sana). Sends 154 photos in Couvert I II (Note: 153 80 73) - 108 Cameroon - 34 South Nigeria - 6 Togo - 5 Benin - 1 Accra. Stefenelli would like to come to Berlin at the end of the month to receive a list of Benin antiquities in person. signed Stefenelli -- Reply letter by Luschan, Berlin 12.6.1908 to Max von Stefenelli in Calabar, Southern Nigeria: concerning the letter by Stefenelli of 2.5.Luschan sends attached list with questions for king, preparation of a panel work on Benin antiquities, copy for king would be possible (reverse 2 drafts by Luschan concerning acquisition of the photographs, acknowledgement) Inv. note III/28/1911 VIII A 5811-5853, G. Kilz, pp. 7.6.1911) three-page questionnaire of the MV

Luschan, Felix von
Archivalie - Process
E 91/1900 · File · 1900-01-01 - 1900-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:Acquisition: I/35/1900: III C 10646, war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, captured in the battle of Bombalaga (Togo), donation Oberltnt. von Mahsow [deceased], transferred from the K.A. of the Foreign Office - contents/contains: Transfer of the so-called war standard of the Sultan of Yendi, which was captured during the battle of Bombalaga on 4 December 1896, by the AA note of Luschan against claims of the Zeughausverwaltung Berlin. -

Archivalie - Process

description: Contains:Content: Missionary C[arl] Spiess, Grambke b. Bremen requests that the "Instructions" be sent and that it be pointed out that he has been working for the North German Mission in Togo for 13 years - Luschan's reply.letters: 1

Luschan, Felix von
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0777 · File · 1892-01-01 - 1905-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 950/1896; EndVNr: E 1169/1901; and others: Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Stuttgart, (1896, 1900), pp. 2 et seq., 164 - Cooperation with the Governor of DOA, (1896-1898), pp. 18, 104 et seq., 117, 120 et seq. - Cooperation with the Commission for the Scientific S.D.S., Berlin, (1896-1898), pp. 49, 64, 123 - "From our Colonial Exhibition ..." (in German) In: Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger : 1896-08-18, pp. 10.- "... Establishment of a Colonial Museum..." In: Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger : 1896-10-13, In: Berliner Börsen-Ztg. and Germania : 1896-10-14, "... Colonial Exhibition..." In: Diary page : 1896-10-15, page 30.- "... Colonial Exhibition..." In: Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger : 1896-10-17, pp. 31 - Seidel: title page of the "Instruktion für ethnographische Beobachtungen und Sammlungen in Togo. In: Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten : 10 (1897) 1, Sonderdr., p. 43 - Kayser: "Circular ..." In: Neue Preußische (Kreuz-) Ztg. : 1896-11-01, p. 45 - "Deutsches Kolonial-Museum." In: Berliner Neueste Nachrichten : 1897-01-29, p. 63 - "The German Colonial Museum..." In: Berliner Tagebl. : 1897-07-30, p. 77 - "Deutsches Kolonial-Museum.", (1897), printed paper, p. 78 ff - "Anmeldungs-Schein.", [1897], flyer, Bl. 82.- by Liebert: "Gouvernements-Befehl No. 13.", (1897), duplication, Bl. 105.- by Luschan: Protest against the burning of ethnographica by missionaries in Cameroon, (1899); Bl. 124.- Keller: "Ein unblutiger Sieg in Kamerun", (1899), Abschr., pp. 125 f.- Bastian: Proposals for the Treatment of Ethnographica by Missionaries, pp. 132 ff., Explanations on the Position and Collection Mission of the MV, (1899), pp. 167 ff.- "... Colonial Museum..." In: Norddt. Allgemeine Ztg. : 1899-07-21, p. 162 - "Collection Thierry (Togo.)", [1899], p. 163 ff - "Grants for the German Colonial Museum. In: Citizen Ztg. : 1899-08-09, pp. 165 - Colloretto: Skeleton shipment, (1899), pp. 187 f.

Colonial Museum Germany
Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0778 · File · 1902-01-01 - 1909-12-31
Part of Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 1451/1902; EndVNr: E 828/1909; and others: Cooperation with the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1905, 1908), pp. 115 ff., 169 ff.- Cooperation with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, (1904), pp. 65 ff.- by Luschan: priority for the Berlin collections at the entrance of S.D.S., pp. 8 ff., report on a discussion with Hans Meyer on the mode of distribution for doublets, (1904), pp. 38, report on a business trip to various places of interest, pp. 169 ff. Museen für Völkerkunde, (1905), pp. 96 ff., Report on the Landeskundliche Kommission, pp. 146 ff., Report on the Museum für Völkerkunde, Stuttgart, (1907), pp. 151 ff., [Foreword to the Instructions], (o.D.), Druckschr., pp. 156 f.- Negotiations with the Museum für Völkerkunde, Stuttgart, on the Hirtler Collection, (1904, 1905), pp. 21 ff., 61 ff.- Minist. Affairs: Determination for doublet distribution, (1904), pp. 35 ff - "The Stuttgart Museum of Ethnology". In: Schwäbische Tagwacht : 1904-03-17, pp. 91 - "List of the collection of Lieutenant Strümpell, which was handed over to the Städtisches Museum in Braunschweig for safekeeping [!]", [1905], pp. 121 ff - "Memorandum of the Landeskundliche Kommission des Kolonialrates über eine einheit einheit landeskundliche Erforschung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete.", (1905), Druckschr., pp. 137 ff - "Die Erforschung der Schutzgebiete.". In: Berliner Tagebl. : 1907-06-28, pp. 148.- [Junker:] "Issues in the interest of the German protectorates in the years 1891/92 to 1906", (1907), pp. 163 ff.- "... Repeal of the Colonial Council ...", (1908), Ztg.-Artikel, p. 172 - Reichsmarineamt: Retention of the designations Neu-Pommern and Neu-Mecklenburg, (1908), p. 175 - R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t: "... Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der hygienischen Verhältnisse der Eingeborenen von Deutsch-Ostafrika" (1908), p. 178 - "Ueber die Expedition des Professors Dr. Sapper nach dem Bismarck-Archipel. 1908-08-02, p. 179.

Leipzig Museum of Ethnography