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EZA 2001/1545 · Akt(e) · 1935
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Leaflet, 81st Annual General Meeting of the Gustav Adolf Association in Kassel 1936 - Numerous press reports; prints: Article, excerpt for the daily press, "The service of the Heimatkirche and the Gustav Adolf Association to their fellow citizens in the colonies". - Article: Schlubericht about the Kassler Reichstagung of the Gustav Adolf Association. - Article: At the 81st Annual General Meeting of the Protestant Association of the Gustav Adolf Foundation in Kassel.

EZA 2001/1561 · Akt(e) · 1938
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: German evangelical life in the former German East Africa. - Issue, monthly of the Gustav Adolf Association for the Province of Saxony, Zur Reichstagung des Gustav Adolf Associations in Halle, 20 - 24 August 1938 - Issue, Luther in Halle. - Prospectus, Lutherstadt Wittenberg; Prints: Newspaper: Our Sunday, The Protestant Hall.

EZA 2001/1584 · Akt(e) · 1868 - 1933
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Requests for assistance. - Lecture by Ministerialrat Mickel on German settlement work in the old colony of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a . - Statutes of the Evangelical Africa Association. - Africa, No. 1 and No. 2 1894.

EZA 2001/844 · Akt(e) · 1920
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: About the current situation of the German colonies in Russia and what are the prospects for future emigration to Russia? - Emigration to Southern Siberia and your preparation. - Religious principles for settlement. - Settlement cooperative " La Patagonia". - About the economic situation of the Germans in the South Slavic state. - About the situation of the Germans in Greater Romania with special consideration of the agricultural reform.

EZA 2001/841 · Akt(e) · 1922
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Association for German Settlement and Hiking. - Portugal's remaining possession of African colonies. - Annual report 1922 of the Vereinigung für Deutsche Siedlung und Wanderung. - Note about the settlement of Kendrew. - Major von Brandis, Current status of German settlements in the former German East Africa. - Lecture by Dr. Schwonder, Settlements in South West Africa and South Africa. - Prof. Dr. A. Timpe, settlements in Styria. - Message to former colonial planters of Geh. Government Councillor Dr. Mansfeld. - History of the settlement of South Africa.

Brazil, Volume 1
EZA 2001/2151 · Akt(e) · 1867 - 1890
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Receipt. - Suggestions for support. - Support statements. - Booklet, The Work among the Protestant Germans in Southern Brazil, Barmen 1869 - Booklet, First report on the construction of the Protestant school in the colony Brusque in Brazil. - Leaflet, The German Colonies in the Province Sao Petro do Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil. - Booklet, The Work among Protestant Germans in Brazil, Barmen 1876.

EZA 2001/1045 · Akt(e) · 1909 - 1929
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Bank transfers. - List of assets of the Hamburg Main Association of the Gustav Adolf Foundation in Hamburg 1925 - Questionnaire B for reporting to the Central Board in Leipzig of the Main Association Hamburg 1927 - Booklet, report on the activities of the Hamburg Main Association of the Gustav Adolf Foundation 1910 - Single sheet, list of the municipalities recommended to the Main Association in the support plan 1912 - Leaflet, Flying Sheet No. 98, article: The Gustav Adolf Club in our German colonies.

EZA 2001/1158 · Akt(e) · 1898 - 1925
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Postal money orders. - Delivery notes. - Bank transfers. - List of the members of the main club Reuß j. L. in the support plan recommended municipalities 1920 - leaflet, overview board over the number of votes entitled to each main association from 1901 to 1906. - Single sheet, list of the members of the main association Reuß j. L. in the support plan recommended municipalities 1907 - booklet, 47. annual report of the Geraischen women association to the Gustav Adolf donation 1907 - leaflet, flying sheet no. 98 of the Evangelischen association of the Gustav Adolf donation, the Gustav Adolf association in our German colonies, Leipzig 1913.

Outer Mission
EZA 2001/7 · Akt(e) · 1913 - 1939
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: National donation for the mission work in the colonies and protectorates (1913) of Hartung and Rendtorff; Prints: Deutsche Ev. Missionshilfe unter dem Protektorat H. M. des Kaiser 1913.

Writings, Volume 3
EZA 2001/769 · Akt(e) · 1928 - 1930
Teil von Evangelical Central Archive

Contains among other things: Minerva- Handbuch, Department Libraries: Volume 1 "The Libraries of the German Reich". - The Gustav Adolf Club. - The Privy Council D. Oskar Pank celebrates its 90th birthday on 2 May this year - short curriculum vitae and appreciation. - Listing of the employees at the Volksbücherkatalog. - V. D. A. - Stories in brief by Dr. Karl Bell. - Message of the outgoing mission senior J. Flierl to his collaborators, to the men of the leadership in the 3 continents and to the friends of the New Guinea mission in the old and the new world.
