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Kiautschou fortifications: Vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/6909 · Akt(e) · 1901-1903
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Fortification Kiautschous and the development of the protectorate installation of guns in Tsingtau construction of the armored battery Hui Aschuen Huk B.

Kiautschou fortifications: vol. 3
BArch, RM 3/6910 · Akt(e) · 1903-1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Invoices for delivered spare parts and assembly work for Kiautschou Overview of coastal fortifications in Kiautschou Bay Fortification of Tsingtau (with pictures), map of the battery Tsingtau Manoeuvre of the cruiser squadron in Oct. 1903

Kiautschou fortifications: vol. 4
BArch, RM 3/6911 · Akt(e) · 1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Delivery of equipment, materials and accounting for the fortification of Kiautschou Reports on the fortification of the port and on the design of the fortifications of Kiautschou Report on squadron manoeuvres Oct. 1903

Kiautschou fortifications: Vol. 9
BArch, RM 3/6916 · Akt(e) · 1910-1911
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Design of the crew budget of Tsingtau Lighting system for Tsingtau Construction designs for right connection position of the infantry factory 5 Fortification of the land side of Tsingtau Monthly reports of the fortification Tsingtau for Sept. 1910 to May 1911

Kiautschou Mining: vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/6921 · Akt(e) · 1899-1914
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Fortification of the port of Kiautschou Project for a mine depot in Tsingtau Procurement of cutters for mine purposes, mine detection equipment Reports on the blocking exercises of the sailor artillery department of Kiautschou

Kiautschou Port Facilities: Vol. 7
BArch, RM 3/6955 · Akt(e) · 1903-1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Execution of port construction works by Vering Investigation of various types of wood and paints for borer resistance Offers for delivery of a slewing crane Explanatory report on the project for fastening friction piles to the quay wall

Reichsmarineamt (inventory)
BArch, RM 3 · Bestand · 1889-1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Reichsmarineamt (Reichsmarineamt) was created as the successor authority to the Imperial Admiralty with effect from April 1, 1889, in the form of a cabinet order (in addition to the Navy Cabinet and the Navy High Command). As the supreme Reich authority, the Reichsmarineamt was responsible for the organisation, administration, technology, armament and fortification of the navy. At the same time, it exercised Reich competence vis-à-vis the merchant navy and in the fields of maritime transport, nautical science and fisheries protection. The RMA was in charge of the Imperial Shipyards, the Shipbuilding Inspection Commission, the Naval Depot Inspectorate, Coastal District Offices, Station Headquarters, Naval Military Sacrets, the Naval Observatory, the Naval Commissioner of the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal and the Kiautschou Government. The RMA was divided into the following organizational units: Central Department, General Navy Department, Shipyard Department/Submarine Office, Construction Department, Administrative Department, Weapons Department, Nautical Department, Kiautschou Protectorate Central Department, Medical Department, Justice Department, News Office. On 15 July 1919 the powers of the Reichsmarineamt were transferred to the Admiralty by decree of the Reich President. Characterisation of content: With the exception of the Arms Department, the Medical Department, the Legal Department and the Central Bureau of the Navy, all other organisational units in this inventory have files. Of particular importance from the Central Department are the State Secretary's files on the development of the Navy and the preparatory work for the Fleet Acts. An important part of the former hand files is also in the estate of State Secretary Tirpitz. The files handed down from the central department contain documents on protocol questions, launching, awarding of orders and central organisational matters as well as Reichstag material and a complete series of the "Allerhöchsten Kabinettsordres" for the navy from 1889 to 1918. The activities of the General Maritime Department on matters of organisation and service operation of ships and naval parts, personnel and replacement matters, questions of training in weapons service, uniforms, organisation of education, administration of justice, supply matters, military questions of ship construction and maritime law are well documented. The files of the Construction Department provide a source of considerable importance for the history of the navy and technology. This includes construction files for all heavy and medium-sized combat ships completed by 1914, as well as approx. 10,000 construction plans and other technical drawings for ships and boats. In addition, scientific research results on strength issues, material development, drag tests and general building regulations have also been handed down. The files of the budget department fully document the development of the naval budget, in particular the financing of the fleet building programmes. Here you will also find budget and administrative files on the establishment of the German protectorate Kiautschou as well as on pension and retirement matters of officers, teams and civil servants. Also well preserved are the files of the administrative department, which mainly document catering, clothing and accommodation matters of the navy. Of particular note are the files on numerous foundations for which the Reichsmarineamt was in charge. In connection with the responsibility for food and clothing, extensive series of files on the care of the German population during the war were produced. The traditional files of the news agency contain documents on the economic situation in Germany, the development of shipping, maritime traffic and fleet interests, censorship measures, the collection and distribution of war news and foreign propaganda. An extensive collection of newspaper clippings is also included. Also worth mentioning are the correspondence series on association matters, especially the German Fleet Association. The Nautical Department has files on sea mark and coastal signal matters, cutlery excerpts, travel reports and expeditions. From the shipyard department responsible for the equipment and maintenance of ships, shipyards and vehicles, only a small remainder of files on submarine matters, occasionally also torpedo matters, has been preserved. The departments and departments of the shipyard department responsible for the processing of the submarine system were made independent in 1917 to the submarine office. The documents produced during the short period of its existence reflect the measures taken to promote submarine construction, in particular the material provision during the final phase of the First World War. Worth mentioning here is still material about the planned technical evaluation of war diaries of the submarines. Scope, explanation: Holdings without growth593 lfm24181 AE, approx. 10000 ship drawings/plans (RM 3/12,000-22,600) Citation method: BArch, RM 3/...
