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Olpp, Johannes (1837-1920)
RMG 1.363 · Akt(e) · 1902-1906
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Estate:; Various documents in photocopy from the family's possession:; Mission Trips on Sailing Ships, 16 S., hs., o. J.; Wo u. wie ich nächtigte, 17 S., hs., 1902; Die äußeren Schwierigkeiten d. Missionufens, Referat, o. J.; Brief Lebensabriß von d. Rheinischen Missionar Johann Georg Krönlein, 4 S., hs.., 1903; Chronicle of Nama-Hereroland, 1858-1905, 7 p., hs., design, 1905; Short Chronicle of the Witboic concerning mission work, 3 p., hs, ca. 1905; contribution to the history of the Kurasi tribe, 1897, as supplement to Olpps March Report, 4 p., hs., 1906; [All manuscripts listed here are available only in photocopy. The originals are in the possession of Mrs Lucie Olpp (granddaughter), who left photocopies of the archive in January 1985].

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Simon, Otto (1870-1956)
RMG 1.645 · Akt(e) · 1895-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1903 in Gibeon, Pfarramt Deutschland from 1903 in Bochum-Hamme and others, cf. RMG 3.542 Lebens-erinnerungen; Briefe u. Berichte, 1897-1902; Lebenslauf, Bewerbung, Zeugniskopien, 1897; Privatbriefe an Inspektoren d. RMG, 1897-1902; Which tasks, duties and difficulties result from living together with the white population for our mission work? Referat, 20 p., hs., 1900; Report on young people to be trained as school assistants, 8 p., 1901; Letter to Theod. Haarbeck about unbearable conditions in d. Nama-Mission, 1902; Statement by Fr. Olpp, Herford, on Otto Simon's letter to Theod. Haarbeck, 1902; Accusations by the District Governor of Burgsdorff against Otto Simon, 1902; Otto Simon's statement, 1902; Testimonies for Pastor Otto Simon, 1910; Obituary for Mrs. Elisabeth Simon, née Rappard, 1940; Obituary for Pastor Otto Simon, 1956

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft