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Archival description
Albert Hoffmann (1865-1942)
RMG 476 · File · 1901-1953
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and station reports from Bogadjim, Sidney, Ragetta & von Heimreise, 1901-1905; letters during work in Meiderich, 1908-1911; certificate of appointment as local inspector, 1914; work report for the winter half-year, 1918/1919; acceptance as evangelist in d. Innere Mission, 1921; Negotiations for the release, 1924; Correspondence, mainly with Heinrich Jopp, Herborn, 1925-1935; death announcement and life data of wife Henriette, née Dielmann, 1937; Correspondence, 1937-1941; death announcement and life dates, 1942; Correspondence with family, 1942; Letter by H. Vedder/Okahandja with 3 poems by Hoffmann from 1890-1893, 1953

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.649 a · File · 1932-1954,1960-1966
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Half-yearly and annual reports, 1932-1951; Schülerlisten, 1936-1954; Bericht e. lnspektionsreise d. Rheinischen Missionsschulen in Südwestafrika, by Ernst Eßlinger, 1947; Schulrundschreiben, 1947-1951; Correspondence Gustav Menzel - Ernst Eßlinger, 1947; Memorandum on questions of the Rheinische Missionsschulen, established at "Onderwys Kommissie" by Praeses Hans Karl Diehl, 1950; Verzeichnis d. School and church building of the RMG with values, 1951; negotiations about the future of the Augustineum, 1951-1952; newspaper report "Der Schülerstriik im Augustineum", IN: "Allgemeine Zeitung", Windhoek, 1960; 2 sermons, held in the Augustineum, by Werner Andreas Wienecke u. N. N., 196-1966; travel report by E. H. Beukes about a visit to the Christlicher Studenten-Vereinigung d. Augustineums in Ovamboland (Afrikaans), 1966;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 725 · File · 1869-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missions-Kirchenordnungen, Dr., 1869, 1875 o.J.; Agreement on the transfer of the Hakka Mission (China) to Berlin, 1882; Negotiations on a joint teacher training institution and on the ordination of colored helpers in Africa, 1903; Negotiations on the coordination of the work at the Cape, 1904; Report on the death of Insp. Sauberzeig-Schmidt in Hong Kong, Dr., 1906; J. Neitz: Report of a journey to Samuel Maherero, 13 p., 1907; Foundation of church coffers in China, Vorschlag Glüer, 1907; Satzung d. Berliner Missionsgesellschaft, Dr., 1907; Die Aufsicht über die Missionsarbeit d. Berliner Mission, 18 p., ms., ca. 1908; Admission of Miss. Behrens/Hermannsburg, 1913; Reports of fights in Tsingtau, 1914; Vertraul. Report on obstruction of missionary work by World War I, 18 p., ms., 1915; conflict with P. Theo. Fliedner/Madrid, 1920; What still holds us to the pagan mission today, pamphlet, ca. 1920

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 726 · File · 1921-1930
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence about cooperation on mission fields and in the field. Heimat; Zur Gründung d. chinesisch-lutherischen Kirche, 1921; Handover f. Mission Lectures for the centenary celebration of the Berlin Mission, Dr., 1924; Negotiations for the joint operation of a secondary school in Canton, 1926; Negotiations for the assumption of homeland work in the church district of Ballenstedt, 1930; Contact to the Berlin Women's Mission Federation, 1930

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.173 · File · 1930-1963
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with Pilgrim Mission St. Chrischona about the takeover of W. Döge, 1930; curriculum vitae and medical certificate, also for bride Marianne Kästner, 1930; correspondence with Walter Döge and Marianne Kästner about engagement and departure matters, 1930-1933; travel letters, reports and circulars from New Guinea, 1930-1937; "Ein Besuch bei den Stämmen im oberen Ramu-Tal", 7 p.., ms., 1933; Negotiations with the American Board of Foreign Missions for taking overöges and sending out his bride, 1935; "Kamong, ein Martyrer", 2 p., ms., 1935; "Report on the baptism in Sarisawu (Laden) on 15.09.1935", 9 p., hs, 1935; Among the untouched tribes on the north coast of New Guinea (Bunabun-Inland), 10 p., ms., 1934; correspondence with Walter Doege on home leave, 1938-1939; correspondence with Walter Doege in Manila, 1940-1942; correspondence with Walter Doegein the USA, 1946-1963; photo of the couple Doege, 1956

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 491 · File · 1935-1960
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

From 1935 teacher at the seminar, seminar leader 1946-1960; negotiations with the confessional synod, 1935; instruction as teacher at the seminar, 1935; salary determination, 1937 1941; connection to the pension fund, 1945; certificate of appointment as seminar leader, 1946; Der Dienst der Frau in der Gemeinde, 2 p., ms., 1956; professorship at the Kirchliche Hochschule, 1960

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 456 · File · 1919-1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1927-1948 Missionary on Sumatra, then Sumatra-Dezernent, director 1958-1966; curriculum vitae, baptism certificate, apprenticeship certificate, school reports, 1919; medical examinations for fitness for the tropics, 1920, 1921 1926; Final report of the mission seminar Barmen, 1927; ordination certificate, 1927; engagement announcement with Elfriede Meyer zur Heide, 1927; correspondence Sumatra, 1927-1935; negotiations for adoption of a child, 1936; correspondence d. Management with him in Medan and Mrs de Kleine in Holland, 1937-1948; publishing contract, 1949; correspondence of management with him during his stay in America, Holland, Germany, 1948-1950

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.085 · File · 1933-1935
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Negotiations and correspondence concerning translation, printing and distribution of biblical writings; vote by Mr van Wijk. Head, at the World Mission Conference in Edinburgh concerning linguistic training of missionaries, 2 p., Dr., 1910; Negotiations on the position of the Mission Consul appointed in 1906, 1912; Memorandum of Mission Consul Schepper on Mission Consulates, 1921; Contract of Service for Mission Consul Graaf von Randwijck, 1928; Dr. Tätigkeitsberichte für 1920-1921 u. 1934-1935

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.645 a-b · File · 1906-1926
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Plans for e. Industrial School in Bethanien by Tobias Fenchel, 1906; School regulations for mission schools in the area of the Herero Conference; a) by Johannes Olpp, pag. 263, 1908; b) Manuscript by Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; c) Dr., 54 p.., 1910; Proposals for boy handicraft lessons in mission schools, by August Elger, 1910; Establishment and operation of a secondary school in Windhoek, by Kurt Nowack, 1911; Das Windhoeker Missionsschulwesen, Abtlg. Volksschulen, by Kurt Nowack, 1912; Verhandlungen wegen staatlicher Unterstützung d. Missionsschulen, 1913-1914; Schulgesetz betr. d. Schulen für Nicht-Europäer, 1921; "Das Schulwesen d. Südafrikanischen Union u. d. Missionsschulen in Südwestafrika", by Heinrich Vedder, 24 p.., ms. 1921; Schulgesetz für Südwestafrika (Dr. in Amtsblatt No. 207), 1926; 120 weekly sentences for use in schools (in Herero), by Heinrich Vedder?, issue, 30 p., ms., not published

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 205 · File · 1828-1829
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Proposals for the Celebration of e. Community Mission Festival, 1828; Minutes of the Barmer Missionsgesellschaft, 1828; Instruction for the Deputies of the Cologne Miss-Ges., 1828; Statutes of the Deputation of the Rhine. Miss... Draft, 1828; Lecture by the deputies of Cologne, Wesel, Elberfeld and Barmen, July 1828; Protocol on the unification negotiations of the Four Misses, July 1828; Draft of the Statutes and continuation of the constituent negotiations in Cologne, Sept. 1828; Extracts from the minutes of the constituent negotiations, Sept. 1828; Justification of the Wesel Misses.Ges. not to join the Association, Sept.1828; Dec. 1828; Dec. 1828; Proposals to the Statutes of the Cologne Miss. company, January 1829; Letter Pastor Klönne, Kalkar, concerning the union of Wesel, Febr. 1829; Letter Pastor Klönne, Kalkar, about election of deputy Davidis, August 1829

Rhenish Missionary Society
Hermann Berner (1888-1973)
RMG 454 · File · 1930-1949
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Director 1937-1958; Correspondence in missionary matters during his time as pastor in Minden, 1930-1936; Certificate of Appeal and Instruction, 1937; Negotiations on Connection to Pension Fund, 1937; Wishes to Take Office, 1937; Investigation on Tropical Fitness, 1939; Personnel Questionnaire on Political Past, 1945; Correspondence, 1937-1949

Rhenish Missionary Society
Johannes Warneck (1867-1944)
RMG 449 · File · 1906-1936
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

to mission leadership during home leave, 1906-1908; certificate of appointment as inspector, 1908; circular to all employees of the RMG, 1908; letters to Spiecker, 1908-1916; the situation of the Batak mission and the resulting tasks for position and work of Ephorus, Memorandum, hs, 1916; Negotiations about connection to state pension funds, 1930; document of appointment and instructions, 1932; correspondence, among others with sculptor Kuhn, Düsseldorf, due to Nommensen monument, 1932-1936; letter to P. Jäger/Bethel written in Pearadja, copy, 1920; values friends, printed circulars, Dec. 1922 Dec. 1929

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.163 · File · 1936-1941
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Involved: Rheinische, Neukirchener, Herrnhuter, Neuendettelsauer, China-Allianz u. Basler Mission; contracts, guidelines for design; editor's reports, publisher's reports; correspondence; negotiations with Miss. Oelschner, Neukirchen, 1939; Ms. Schmitz: Fundamental report on the youth work of the RMG, 5 p., ms., 1939; Tole, No. 10/11, 16 p., Dr., 1939

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.175 · File · 1930-1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Negotiations with the Diakonen-Anstalt Duisburg on the takeover of Lindner into missionary service, 1930; Curriculum Vitae, Testimonies and Health Certificate, 1930; Correspondence with Lindner e.g. on and during a stay in England, 1930-1931; Booking note on Lindner's pension scheme, 1931; Employment contract as a teacher at the assistant school in New Guinea, 1931; Lindner circulars, published by "Freundeskreis der Rheinischen u. Gesundheitszeugnis" (Friends of the Rhineland and Northern Germany). Der Neuguinea-Mission", partly printed, 1931-1932; letters and reports of Lindner from New Guinea, 1931-1933; curriculum vitae and testimonies for bride Martha Kurz, 1932; correspondence with Martha Kurz because of engagement and marriage ceremonies. Ausreiseangelegenheiten, 1932-1933; Korrespondenz mit ihm im Heimatdienst der RMG u. der Rheinischen Bekenntnissynode, 1933-1940; indictment of the public prosecutor against him for "violation of the V.O. zum Schutze von Volk u. Staat", 1934; vol. 2; Correspondence with Lindner in the field, 1941-1943; Versorgungsangelleheiten Lindner, i.a. correspondence with Praeses Held, 1944-1953; Letters from the time of the French POW, 1946-1949; Correspondence with Lindner as pastor of different communities, 1950-1963; Correspondence on supply matters, 1948-1950

Rhenish Missionary Society
Ludwig Henrichs (1871-1931)
RMG 478 · File · 1918-1950
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Inspector 1919-1931; certificate of appointment, 1918; evangelisation report, 1919; work report, 1923; Richtlinien für Abhaltung e. Gemeindevangelisation, Dr., ca. 1920; Beurlaubung u. Übernahme als Evangelist durch Provinzial-Ausschuss f. Evangelisation, 1920; Verhandlungen über Freig, 1923; Korrespondenz, 1921-1930; Todesanzeige u. Obruf, 1931; Korrespondenz mit Familie, 1932-1950; Todesanzeige für Elisabeth, geb. Schuch, 1950

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 470 · File · 1898-1957
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1891-1906 Housefather Johanneum in Gütersloh, 1906-1928 Inspector; New Year's greetings by J. Spiecker, 1898; negotiations with Consistorien in Münster and Coblenz due to employment in Barmen and calculation of years of service, 1906-1907; Report on the journey home from Indonesia at the beginning of World War I, 13 p., ms., 1915; Retirement formalities, 1928; correspondence with wife Charlotte and her death announcement, 1957

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.715 · File · 1926-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1935-1953 in Swakopmund, Warmbad, from 1954 parish office; correspondence with and for August Karl Friedrich Rethemeier, 1934-1967; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, 1926; medical examination results, 1926-1934; examination and ordination certificate, 1934, 1935; curriculum vitae and doctor's certificate, 1934, 1935 Testimonies of Helene Meyer (bride), 1934; Sermons in Afrikaans by August Karl Friedrich Rethemeier, Motto Psalm 117, 1951; Medical findings of the Rethemeier family, 1953; Negotiations concerning the takeover of August Karl Friedrich Rethemeier in church service, 1953-1954;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.695 a-c · File · 1910-1969
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1912-1954 in Keetmanshoop, Lüderitzbucht; Letters and reports, correspondence with individual personalities of the mission leadership, 1911-1969; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, 1910-1911; Protokoll d. Sprachexamens, 1913; "Gau-Sari-Aob", ed. Friedrich Hermann Rust, vol. 18, no. 3, 1931; Negotiations on connection with d. state pension funds, 1930-1932; death announcement and obituary for Mrs. Agnes Rust, née Sapel (mother) and photo from father's grave, 1934; death announcement and obituary for Mrs. Emma Rust, née Wandres, 1968;[correspondence especially with Fr. Siegfried Groth 1964-1978 and Gustav Menzel 1970-1974 s. VEM archive];

Rhenish Missionary Society
Spa Salzuflen
RMG 1.245 · File · 1913-1930
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence and negotiations regarding lease or acquisition of a house, broker offers, inspection results; 1 letter from the municipality of Suderwich b. Erkenschwick regarding house offer, 1913

Rhenish Missionary Society
Trey, Bernhard Alrich (
RMG 1.686 · File · 1902-1960
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1881-1960); 1909-1922 in Swakopmund, Outjo, 1929-1953 parish office in Wupperfeld; curriculum vitae, testimonies, application, 1902-1903; letters and reports, 1909-1928; visitation sheet for Outjo, filled in by Praeses Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1912; Briefe d. Evangelist Nikodemus Kido, Zesfontein, 1914 1921; Report about the journey of Heinrich Vedder and Bernhard Alrich Trey to Kaokofeld, 15 p., ms., 1914; travel report by the district administrator Dr. Schulze for the exploration of Kaokofeldes, former year; negotiations with the Protestant parish of Düsseldorf concerning the takeover of Bernhard Alrich Trey in church service, 1927-1928; negotiations with the parish of Barmen-Wupperfeld concerning salary payments and employment for Bernhard Alrich Trey, 1935-1947; death announcement and obituaries for Bernhard and Anna (Änne) Trey, born Jung, 1960;

Rhenish Missionary Society